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L95o L9so L95o Gheorghe and Eugenia Popescu-Judetz collection (AFC 1990/022) American Folklife Center, Library of Congress http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.afc/eadafc.af015006 201 SHEET 1. Melodies noitated by Grigore Suchicii,n., 1q5b. Botosanca fiddle Nicolae Gorduneanu Pipiiig-Neamt, Moldavi a l95o I .._/ s1rba pi comanda de la Poteci/Coasa fiddle Nicolae Gorduneanu Pipirig-Neamt, Moldavi a l9So / Ruseasca fiddle Nicolae Gorduneanu Borca-Neamt, Moldavi a l95o ( Leseasca de la Bor ca 195!) Borca-}Îeamt, Moldavi a fiddle Nicolae Gorduneanu I Hupca fiddle Nicolae Gorduneanu Neam;larea, Moldavi a 1950 Boul din Bor ca fiddle Vasile Ciobotaru Borca-Neamt, Moldavi a 1950 I ~rugi ul eamt area, Moldavi a ../ Batrineasca fiddle Nicolae Gorduneanu Pipirig-Neamt, Moldavi a 1950 I Zdrelea fiddle Nicolae Gorduneanu Pipirig-Neamt, Moldavi a 1950 I Ungureneasca fiddle Nicolae Gorduneanu Pipirig-Neamt, Moldavi a 1951) / Ruseasca fiddle Nicolae Gorduneanu Pipirig-Neamt, Moldavi a 195 :o / Prundi sorul fiddle Nicolae Gorduneanu Pipiri6-Neamt, Moldavi a 1950 / SHEET 2. Melodies notated by Grigore Suchici in 1950. Ciocfrlanul ~it is a Polka) Hangu-Bicaz, 'Moldavia 27 May 1950 Arideleneste Hangu-Bicaz, Moldavia 27 May 1950 CiobAf(aJul ( slrba like) title no music Hangu-Bicaz, Moldavia 27 May 1950 Melody (no title) fragment Moldavia region, Hangu 27 May 1950 Gheorghe and Eugenia Popescu-Judetz collection (AFC 1990/022) American Folklife Center, Library of Congress http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.afc/eadafc.af015006 202 Melody (no title) Piatra Neamt, Moldavia 27 May 1950 t/ I Corabeasca Piatra Neamt, Moldavi a 1950 I Leşea~a de la Ceahlc.&u Celahlau-Neamt, Moldavia 1950 I Fata mamii Neamt area, MOldavia 1950 I Botoseneanca /Borca Nearlt area, Moldavia 1950 I ck'ra:'selul Ne~ area, Mold a 1950 I R~~a Moldavia region 1950 Trei floricele ~amt area, Moldavia 1950 Moldoveanca/Ardeleanca Moldavia region 1950 SHEET 3. Melodies notated by Constantin Arvinmte. Balta de la Tufani Suhaia-Tufani, Muntenia 1960 Tiitura DE LA Suhaia /Suhaia, Muntenia 1960 Dr~aica 1. dance-song with words Zimnicea area, Muntenia 1960 Dr~aica 2 Zimnicea area , Muntenia 1960 Dragaiv . ca 3 Zimnicea area, Muntenia with words 1960 SHEET 4. Melodies notated by Constantin Arvinte. c.,) Sirba ofY.:ereasca Dorohoi, Moldavia 1956 Gheorghe and Eugenia Popescu-Judetz collection (AFC 1990/022) American Folklife Center, Library of Congress http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.afc/eadafc.af015006 v 203 La Capra /De zestre Dorohoi, Moldavia 1956 SHEET 5. Melodies nitated by Iacob Ciortea. Rarul Transylvania region 1961 13'.ă'rbuncul Transylvania region 1961 SHEET 6. Melodies notated by Constantin Arvinte. Brhil pe opt Muntenia region 1951 BrTul pe. „sase . Muntenia reg1on 1950 Melody withiout title Muntenia region 1950 SHEET 7. Melody transcribed by Constantin Arvinte. Aoleanul Muntenia region 1951 SHEET 8. Melodies notated by Constantin Arvinte. Collected by Gh. Popescu-Judetz on 9 March 1967. C1oi;:_;caneasca• •V saxophone Dorin Cuibaru Rudaria-Bozovici, Banat 9 Mar eh 1967 c./ • Briul rudaren1lor saxophone Dorin Cuibaru Rud~ia-Bozovici, Banat 9 March 1967 Briul vfn;:(torilor saxophone Dorin Cuibaru Rudaria-Bozovici, Banat 9 March 1967 Gheorghe and Eugenia Popescu-Judetz collection (AFC 1990/022) American Folklife Center, Library of Congress http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.afc/eadafc.af015006 204 Br!u1 v1rYatorilor saxophone Dorin Cuibaru Rud.tl:-ia-Bozovici, Banat 9·March 1967 Frunza bradului saxophone Dorin Cuibaru Rud~ria-Bozovici, Banat 9 March 1967 Gli~u /Ghimpu saxophone Dorin Cuibaru Rud tia-Bozovici, Banat 9 March 1967 / Papusele saxophone Dorin Cuibaru Rud1<ria-Bozovici, Banat 9 March 1967 ..,/ Soce.s:ele saxophone Dorin Cuibaru ~udaria-Bozovici, Banat 9 March 1967 A de ~apte saxophone Dorin Cuibaru Rud<crria-Bo ci, Banat 9 March 1967 Opaca flu te Stefan Aramuz Rud'ă'ria-Bozovici, Banat l'g March 196 7 .../ Cat~a flute Stef an ARamuz Rud ria-Bozovici, Banat /g March 1967 Bistreana saxophone Aurel Uibaru Ruct:a"ria-Bozovici, Banat 9 March 1967 ctrligul/Posovoaica pe-amindoua saxophone Aurel Uibaru Rudaria-Bozovici, Banat 9 March 1967 Posovoaica saxophone Dorin Cuibaru Ru/'dv. ar1a-Bozov1c1, . ' B anat 9 March 1967 Ciocanele dirlit (drawling) - voice Dumitru Popovici Rudaria-Bozovici, Banat 9 March 1967 Deasa saxophone Aurel Uibaru Rud<cfria-Bozovici, Banat 9 March 1967 Ardeleana pe doi de la Beregsau saxophone Aurel Uibaru Rucf;{ria-Bozovici, Banat 9 March 1967 Ardeleana pe trei pasi de la beregsau saxophone Aurel Uibaru Rud<ă'ria-Bozovici, Banat 9 March 1967 Sch~~bul saxophone Aurel Uibaru Rud~ria-Bozovici, Banat 9 March 1967 SHEET 9. Notated and harmonized by Constantin Arvinte. Prundi7orul Moldavia region 1955 / Corabeasca DE LA Bogat~ Bogata-])orohoi, Molda~va 1955 Gheorghe and Eugenia Popescu-Judetz collection (AFC 1990/022) American Folklife Center, Library of Congress http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.afc/eadafc.af015006 205 Ungureasca de la Largu Largu-Neamt, Moldavia 1955 / Trilisesti Neamt/afea, Mo1davia 1955 / (/ Le7ea~a de la Ceahlau Ceahlau-Neamt, Moldavi 1955 v( / Bat.r"tneasca de la Buhalnita Buhalnita-Neamt, Moldavi/ 1955 / I Surugiul Neamt area, MOldavia 1955 I Zdrelea Neamt area, MOld a 1955 / Co~beasca de la Potoci Potoci-N,eamt, MOldavia 1955 / Trei floricele Neamt area, MOldavia 1955 I Cor~easca-e-- horb~ele Deleni-H1r1au-Ias1, Moldavia 1955 / Schi oa pa/Hodoroaga "'Moldavia region 1955 Fata mamii Moldavia region 1955 SHEET 10. Melodies noitated by Constantin Arv~nte. <.../. c.- . Stra1naAs ca s1-un cuc song +words voi ce Xenia Raia Dorna-C1ndren1, Vatra Dornei, Moldavia 1955 Afcanul flute Gheorghe Ichim Crmpulung-Suceava, Moldavia 1955 F~cioreasca/CreţiJ-orul f lute Gheorghe Ichim C"i'mpulung-Suceava, Moldavia 1955 T;iliseJ.ti f lute Gheorghe Ichim Pî-rte1'tii de Jos-Suceava, Moldavia 1955 / ~uta de la Vicov/~ury:.ica R'â"a'ăliţi-Suceava, Mold-Bukovina 1955 Ilenuţa de la Sucevita flute Atanase Galimbiovski sucevita-R~dauti, Bfikovina 1955 / / Gheorghe and Eugenia Popescu-Judetz collection (AFC 1990/022) American Folklife Center, Library of Congress http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.afc/eadafc.af015006 206 Ruseasca de la Sucevita flute Atanase Golimbiovski c.,../.........- / • d . sucevita-Radauti, BUkov1na, Mol av1a 1955 / y Solz de peste de la Sucevita flute Atanase Golimbiovski sucevita-Rfda;:;_ti, Bukovin~ 1955 I' { Atanase Galimbiovski coasa de la Sucevita flute 1955 sucevi ta-R'cictcrut i ;Bc.A~oU"l 'U.i::t.... r / I Golimbiovski s1rba de la Sucevita flu te Atanase sucevita-Radauti,/Bukovina Moldavi a 1955 /' r Golimbiovski Cio€â'nasul de la Sucevita flu te Atanase sucevit~-Radauti, Buko~ina, Moldavia 1955 /" /' Batrineasca din sucevita flute Atanase Golimbiovski ta-Radauti Mol a 1955 Hora mare/Taraneasca din Sucevita flu te Atanase Golimbiovski Sucevita Radauti, Bukovina 1955 Ciobanul cind si-a pierdut oile doina & joc -ballad with dance tunes flute Atanase Golimbiovski Sucevita-Radauti, Bukovina 1955 Trandafirul flu te Ion Rotaru Radauti-Suceava, Bukovina 1955 Arcanul Aurel Scarlat Radauti-Suceava, Bukovina 1955 Hora/Briuletul Aurel Scarlat Radauti-Suceava, Bukovina 1955 Fragment Moldavia region 1955 Ruseasca de la Dorna Cindrni fiddle Petre Capra Dorna Cindreni-Suceava, Bukovina 1955 Doina -instrumental song fiddle Petre Capra Dorna Cindreni-Suceava, Bukovina 1955 Ruseasca fiddle Petre Capra Dorna Cindreni-Suceava, Moldavia 1955 Ardeleanca de la Fundul Moldovei fiddle Petre Capra Doirna Cindreni-Suceava, Moldavia 1955 Ci ofu f iddle Petre Capra Dorna-Cindreni-Suceava, Bukovina 1955 Plesnita fiddle Petre Capra Doirna Cindreni-Suceava, Bukovina 1955 Gheorghe and Eugenia Popescu-Judetz collection (AFC 1990/022) American Folklife Center, Library of Congress http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.afc/eadafc.af015006 207 SHEET 11. Melodies notated and harmonized by Constantin Arvinte. Botoşanca.)le la Hangu Hangb-Bacau, Moldavia 1955 Jocul peste botăJLeseasca peste bca-t Moldavia region / / 1955 .._. c.....- Br iul pe batai Hangu-Neamt area, Moldavia 1955 I" Ciob~asul de la Buhalnita Buhalni€a-Ne , Moldavfa 1955 / SHEET 12. Melodies notated and harmonized by Constantin Arvinte. Sapte P<;foi /Neamt area, Moldavia 19 Nov 1961 / Cernita Neamt area, Moldavia 19 Nov 1961 / c-- Coraghe? te de la C1rnu c1rnu-Neamt, Moldavia 19 Nov 1961 / Floricica de la Hangu Hangu-NeaMT, Moldavia 19 Nov 1961 /' Fasolea de l~ Schi tu Schitu-Ceahlau-Neamt, Moldavia 19 Nov 1961 / Hora pe bata1" ..--: de la c1rnu-Potoci Potoci-Neamt, Moldavia 19 Nov 1961 / <../ (..../' Frunza lata Mol~avia region 1961 SHEET 13. Melodies notated by Grigore Suchici. efa{uta de la Voinesti Moldavia region / 1957 Gheorghe and Eugenia Popescu-Judetz collection (AFC 1990/022) American Folklife Center, Library of Congress http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.afc/eadafc.af015006 208 Ruseasca Moldavi a region 1957 Bă'1<cfceanca Moldavi a region 1957 Batr1neascac/  Moldavi a region 1957 Hora de la Bale Moldavi a region 1957 Untitled melody general 1957 SHEET 14. Melodies noytated by Constantin Arvinte. on 6 April 1967 and transcribed on 20 April 1970 in Agas-Moinesti, Bacau, Moldavia. papte pasi Rogojesfi-c't-ndesti-Dorohoi-Suceava, MOldavia 6 April 1967 ( / Rog0Jest1-CknIleana . ~ d est1-Doro. h 01-Suceava,. Moldavi a 6 April 1967 ./ I / Batuta Rogojesti-c'indesti-Dorohoi-Suceava, Moldavi a 6 April 1967 / / Sheet 15. Melodies transcribed by Constantin Arvinte. Nunta ca la Bilca wedding song+words voices Bilca-Radauti, Bukovina 1967 Nevestele de la mireasa wedding song + words vocal . .... .._./ B1lca-Radauti, Bukovina 1967 / V' J Ma Vasale song -voice +words Bilca-Ră'd~ti, Bukovina 1967 I Rusasca ..,; fiddle Gheorghe Ungureanu Bilca-RkClauti, Bukovina 1967 / Gheorghe and Eugenia Popescu-Judetz collection (AFC 1990/022) American Folklife Center, Library of Congress http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.afc/eadafc.af015006 209 Joc de B>?~ fiddle Gheorghe Ungureanu Bilca-Radauti, Bukovina 1967 I c1nd s-o dat noroacele song - voice + words Bilca-R~d~uti, Bukovina 1967 I Foaie verde pipirig song - vboice +words Elisabeta Teisan Holda-Brosteni, Vatra Dornei, Bukovina 23 April 1967 B~rfneasca de la wedding song voice+words Maria Cazac _, Frat2i'utii Noi Maria Nicoara ~ _.,-„ .
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