Archive of Cornell University e-library; arXiv:0809.3214v1[cs.SD][stat.AP]. A Statistical Approach to Modeling Indian Classical Music Performance 1Soubhik Chakraborty*, 2Sandeep Singh Solanki, 3Sayan Roy, 4Shivee Chauhan, 5Sanjaya Shankar Tripathy and 6Kartik Mahto 1Department of Applied Mathematics, BIT Mesra, Ranchi-835215, India 2, 3, 4, 5,6Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, BIT Mesra, Ranchi-835215, India Email:
[email protected](S.Chakraborty)
[email protected] (S.S. Solanki)
[email protected](S. Roy)
[email protected](S. Chauhan)
[email protected] (S.S.Tripathy)
[email protected] *S. Chakraborty is the corresponding author (phone: +919835471223) Words make you think a thought. Music makes you feel a feeling. A song makes you feel a thought. -------- E. Y. Harburg (1898-1981) Abstract A raga is a melodic structure with fixed notes and a set of rules characterizing a certain mood endorsed through performance. By a vadi swar is meant that note which plays the most significant role in expressing the raga. A samvadi swar similarly is the second most significant note. However, the determination of their significance has an element of subjectivity and hence we are motivated to find some truths through an objective analysis. The paper proposes a probabilistic method of note detection and demonstrates how the relative frequency (relative number of occurrences of the pitch) of the more important notes stabilize far more quickly than that of others. In addition, a count for distinct transitory and similar looking non-transitory (fundamental) frequency movements (but possibly embedding distinct emotions!) between the notes is also taken depicting the varnalankars or musical ornaments decorating the notes and note sequences as rendered by the artist.