Citations of Literary Texts
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03822-6 - State Pilgrims and Sacred Observers in Ancient Greece: A Study of Theōriā and Theōroi Ian Rutherford Index More information Index Citations of literary texts 4 26, 162 Achaeus of Eretria 29, 159, 163 , 208 TGF1.20F3–5, 53n , 342 Androtion, FGrH324 Achilles Tatius F24, 181n 2.15, 350 F36, 215 , 307n 7.12, 174n , 178n , 350 Antikleidas, FGrH140 7.14, 350 F14, 232 8.17, 350 Apollodorus, FGrH244 8.18, 350 F353, 121n A e l i a n A p p i a n NA11.4, 57n 2 (Ital.) fr.8.1, 116 VH 3.1, 173 , 183 9 (Mac.), fr.11.3, 253 Aelius Aristides Aristophanes Eleusinian Oration Birds 7, 54n 188–93, 185 Isthmian Oration regarding Poseidon Lysistrata 31, 110n , 201n 1128–34, 68n , 266 Panathenaicus Peace, 343–5 363, 184 714, 110n 372, 252n 827, 54n , 64 Sacred Tales 871–80, 190n , 304 , 343 3.38, 98n 873–6, 305n To the Th ebans concerning the Alliance 879, 343n 1.37, 98 886–9, 344 Aeschines 905–8, 344 2.12, 186n Ploutos 648–770, 191 2.134, 92 Wasps 3.116, 119 1005, 52 , 152 3.124, 68n , 260n 1186–7, 190 3.255, 260 1187, 162 Aeschylus 1187–8, 215 Eum. 1188, 53 12–4, 183 1188–9, 157 31–3, 274n 1382, 53 fr.289R, 145n Fragments Septem , 857, 348 Amphiaraus, 343 Th eoroi 342 , 143 fr.1 (Aiolosikon), 132 Anaxagoras fr.177 (Gerutades), 132 DK59A1, A29–30, 324 frr.487, 494 (Skenas Katalambanousai ), Anaxandrides of Delphi, FGrH404, F1, 112 343 Andocides Aristotle 1 Ath.Pol.
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