Conon and Rhodes: the Troubled Aftermath of Synoecism , Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, 24:4 (1983:Winter) P.333
WESTLAKE, H. D., Conon and Rhodes: The Troubled Aftermath of Synoecism , Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, 24:4 (1983:Winter) p.333 Conon and Rhodes: The Troubled Aftermath of Synoecism H D. Westlake HODES was a late developer. It was not until the beginning of R the Hellenistic age that the Rhodians extracted the full benefit of the environmental advantages with which their island was richly endowed and transformed it from a backwaterl into one of the most prosperous and powerful states in the Greek world.2 The turning point was undoubtedly the synoecism of the three hitherto indepen dent cities, which was implemented soon after the revolt from Athens in 412, and the foundation of the new capital, Rhodes, on a well chosen site at the northern extremity of the island. For many years, however, progress towards stability and power was slow. The Spartans must have given their blessing to the two new projects and have supported the oligarchical regime which evidently assumed control after the revolt, but their interest in the island was largely confined to its value to them as a naval base. Soon after the revolt a rising against Sparta, presumably by Rhodians faithful to Athens, was threatened (Diod. 13.38.5), and although it was suppressed (I 3.45. 1), rivalry be tween opposing factions doubtless continued. Lindus had had a demo cratic government not long before the synoecism,3 though not neces sarily Ialysus or Camirus, and, as will be shown below, democratic feeling was strong in the first decade of the fourth century.
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