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Shivendra Verma1, Abhishek Gupta2, Shalini singh3

1,2,3Department of Microbiology, SRK University, Bhopal (MP), India

Shivendra Verma1, Abhishek Gupta2, Shalini Singh3 A Review On Food-Borne Pathogen In Foods– Palarch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 17(7) ISSN 1567-214X

Keywords: Listeria spp., Listeriosis, Raw Vegetable, Food-borne, Listeria Monocytogenes


Pesticide residues (PR) found in food is potentially toxic components for humans and can, depending on the means and quantities of individual exposure, cause serious health problems. The most likely exposure is through the direct intake of fresh foods, among the numerous pesticide exposure routes. While the consumption of fresh and minimally processed vegetables is considered safe, there are multiple reports of outbreaks related to these products' contamination. Listeria monocytogenes, a ubiquitous organism that exhibits the capacity to live and replicate at refrigerated temperatures, is among the food-borne pathogens that contaminate vegetables. In recent decades, various pesticide removal methods have studied to eliminate PR from fresh agricultural products and improve consumers' food safety. Many cleaning methods have applied to minimise pesticides, such as surfactants, ozone (O3), ionic solvent, and chlorine treatment. However, none of these strategies has confirmed to effectively eliminate PR without any physical or chemical side effects on the food itself. Therefore a critical need for more efficient, safe and environmentally friendly pest and pesticide removal practices to investigate. Ultrasound-assisted cleaning (UAC) is considered a process of removing pesticides that are environmentally safe and productive and special in eliminating pollutants compared to traditional methods. It is also a time and energy-saving cleaning tool. The most important work on the UAC techniques of organic or inorganic pesticides applied during the growth of fresh vegetables, which are often consumed raw or after limited processing. The review works focuses on Listeria monocytogenes, a multi-pronged approach to managing Listeria monocytogenes in Raw Vegetable and ready-to-eat foods is needed.

INTRODUCTION Gram-positive, facultatively anaerobic, non-sporulating that shape normal, small rods of about 0.4-0.5 x 1-2 μm in size are Listeria. Along with the closely associated genera Bacillus, Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, Streptococcus and Clostridium, a vast community of Gram-positive bacteria


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distinguished by low GC content, the genus Listeria refers to the division of (36-42 percent). There are presently 17 characterised Listeria species (spp.), classified into two different clades, Listeria sensu stricto and Listeria sensu lato [1]. Listeria monocytogenes, which triggers the disease listeriosis in humans and animals, is the most prominent Listeria group member. It first extracted from contaminated experimental animals in the 1920s. For several years, before identifying Listeria grayi in 1966, a part of the Listeria sensu lato group, Listeria monocytogenes was considered the only bacterium in the genus Listeria. Four more species, , Listeria seeligeri, Listeria Welshimeri and , which closely linked to Listeria monocytogenes, were described by scientists during the 70s and 80s [2]. It took more than 25 years before Listeria marthii, the next genus, was found. Together, they form the so-called Listeria sensu stricto category, Latin for Listeria in the narrow context of the term, instead of Listeria sensu lato, i.e. Listeria in the broader sense of the word, which contains a reasonably large number of Listeria spp. The ones that have identified in recent years [3]. The sensu stricto spp. in Listeria, Ubiquitously in nature, can be found. They have been segregated worldwide from several diverse ecological niches such as land, seawater, waste, food-processing environments and plants. Many reports recorded a substantial prevalence of these species in a large-scale analysis of soil and water samples from urban and rural areas, varying from 22.3 percent to up to 72 percent, with several samples harbouring more than one species. Also, there are several records of exclusion from the waste or gastrointestinal tracts of often symptom-free animals and food of animal origin of not only Listeria monocytogenes, but indeed all other Listeria sensu stricto representatives [4-8]. Listeria sensu stricto spp. Listeria monocytogenes and Listeria ivanovii, which seldom affects humans but primarily induces Listeriosis in ruminants, are regularly associated with pathogenicity in animals and humans. To encode essential virulence genes in these organisms, three genomic loci described, First, Listeria Pathogenicity Island 1 consists of six genes responsible for intracellular and intercellular motility and intracellular survival. Second, the inlAB locus codes the two InlA and InlB internal components. These surface proteins regulate the invasion of host cells. Third, for cell-to-cell distribution, the internal locus inlC is necessary [9]. The most recent shared ancestor of the Listeria sensu stricto community- acquired these genes through horizontal gene transfer around 40 to 60 million years ago. The pathogenicity loci were missing in several different cases, which correlated with several Listeria spp's developmental transformations. From a pathogenic facultative lifestyle to a compulsory saprophytic lifestyle. Non- pathogenic bacteria whose genomes skip LIPI-1, inlAB, and inlC are Listeria welshimeri and Listeria marthii. Consequently, the hemolysis and phosphatidyl-inositol-phospholipase C behaviour analyses, which used to determine the existence of hly and plcA, produce negative performance. Listeria seeligeri isolates are usually hemolytic, as they have LIPI-1, but inlAB and inlC are absent. While they are typically deemed non-pathogenic, Listeria seeligeri has several possible human listeriosis cases. In a few nonhemolytic strains, which lack LIPI-1, recent secondary losses have occurred. In general, Listeria innocua is considered non-pathogenic; however, a limited number of hemolytic strains possessing LIPI-1 but lacking inlAB and inlC are present. One confirmed fatal case of human Listeriosis induced by Listeria innocua suggests that at least certain strains can trigger invasive disease. Interestingly, in several Listeria monocytogenes isolates which exhibit attenuated virulence after mutations in prfA or inlA, related evolutionary pathways of transformation to compulsory saprophytism can also be observed [10].


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In the everyday lives of consumers, food safety is an increasingly important issue. Consumption of fresh and ready-to-eat (RTE) vegetables has favoured by the quest for a healthier diet and, at the same time, faster preparation. These essential foods are potential vehicles for transmitting pathogenic microorganisms because they not exposed to treatments that significantly reduce microbiological hazards [11, 25]. In susceptible populations, such as immunocompromised individuals, pregnant women, newborns, and older adults, Listeria monocytogenes is a gram-positive food-borne pathogen that can cause severe Listeriosis. This bacterium is the third leading cause of food-borne disease-related death in the United States. Listeria monocytogenes is estimated to cause approximately 1,600 cases annually by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), including 260 deaths. In animals, Listeria monocytogenes also cause disease and can be isolated both from natural and food-processing environments [12, 26-29]. Listeriosis is an infection caused by Listeria monocytogenes that is rare, but potentially severe and damaging. The ingestion of tainted food is the primary route of transmission (Food-borne). In general, it affects the elderly, pregnant women and immunosuppressed hosts. However, cases also seen in adults and children who are immunocompetent. Listeria monocytogenes is a gram-positive bacillus that is short, non-spore-forming. One of the most serious and severe food-borne illnesses in developing countries is food-borne Listeriosis. Infection with Listeria monocytogenes, a Gram-positive rod in the Listeria ceae family, mostly results from Listeriosis. Listeria monocytogenes is a significant food- borne pathogen associated with elevated hospitalisation and case-fatality rates. Outbreaks due to food infected with this pathogen occur worldwide. In terms of risk reduction, major food trade associations have worked together in a non- competitive fashion to create outstanding advice publications on this pathogen's control. To better regulate Listeria monocytogenes, regulatory agencies have since made substantial strides in the field of food safety [13-15, 30]. Several countries across the world have developed microbiological recommendations for Listeria monocytogenes of 100 cfu/g for low-risk foods that do not promote the organism's growth. For comparison, the US has a zero- tolerance policy on all RTE items [16, 30]. Food protection is an exceedingly critical topic in the daily lives of customers. Consumption of fresh and RTE vegetables has preferred by the desire for a balanced diet and, at the same time, faster preparation. These essential foods are possible vehicles for transmitting pathogenic microorganisms since they not exposed to treatments that substantially minimise microbiological hazards. Certain vegetables are processed and transported at cool temperatures to prevent microbial replication and ensure sufficient conservation. However, these conditions promote the growth of specific microbial pathogens, such as the psychotropic microorganism Listeria monocytogenes, which is highly important to public health. Listeria monocytogenes is a ubiquitous bacterium that can be found in water, soil and fertiliser for irrigation used in farms and decaying plant matter, making it an ongoing risk for the presence of this bacterium in vegetables [17, 25]. Fresh fruits and vegetables are essential components of a healthy and balanced diet; their consumption is encouraged to protect against a range of diseases by various organisations (e.g. WHO, FAO, USDA, EFSA) and nutrition specialists; World Health Organization (WHO), 2003; FSA (Food Standards Agency), 2006; FAO/WHO (United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization/World Health Organization), 2006; Berry fruits are widely recognised for their nutritional value and are highly sought after by consumers, in particular, because of their remarkably high levels of phytonutrient antioxidants, polyphenol content and general health benefits [11, 18, 31].


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In milk processing environments, Listeria monocytogenes contamination is a concern based on its ability to grow at a wide range of temperatures (0 to 450C), pH (4.4 to 9.4) and 13-14 percent wt/vol at high salt concentrations. Listeria monocytogenes' ability to quickly adapt to changing environmental conditions makes it possible to withstand harsh environments during food processing. Since 2006, the number of cheese-related listeriosis outbreaks in the United States, two-thirds of which were Hispanic-style cheeses, has increased, raising concerns about fresh cheese contamination with Listeria monocytogenes and increasing the need for precise intervention strategies. In the United States, soft-ripened or unripened cheese made from raw or poorly pasteurised milk is most often related to disease outbreaks in cheese. Specifically, most food-borne outbreaks associated with dairy in the United States are associated with the Hispanic form's fresh cheese fresco. Hispanic- style fresh cheese is characterised by high water (aw) activity, low salt content and near-neutral pH, creating an ideal environment for several food-borne pathogens, specifically Listeria monocytogenes survive and grow [19-20, 27]. The potential for a wide range of these products to become contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms demonstrated by epidemiological surveys of fresh produce and occasional outbreaks [21-22, 31]. Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Bacillus cereus, Listeria monocytogenes and Pseudomonas spp. are bacterial pathogens such as due to the environmental occurrence of these bacteria; they are mainly of considerable concern. As a vector for food-borne diseases, i.e., fresh and frozen berries, are increasingly involved. BIOHAZ Panel EFSA (EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards). While viral (Norovirus and Hepatitis A) and parasitic (Cyclospora cayetanensis) pathogens commonly linked to these outbreaks, outbreaks of bacterial origin also reported [23, 31]. Listeria monocytogenes, including raw vegetables, is widely distributed in plant vegetation. Its presence in plant materials is likely to be attributable to pollution from rotting plants, animal wastes, soil, surface, river and canal waters, or wastewater treatment operations. For 10 to 12 years, the organism is known to live in plant materials. Listeria monocytogenes have been demonstrated in many raw and minimally processed vegetables intended for human consumption in many countries. Still, the role of these vegetables as vehicles for human infection not established [24, 32]. The ingestion of infected vegetables has linked with many food-borne outbreaks of some pathogens, such as Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella or Listeria. Probable vehicles for the pathogens are tainted manure and polluted irrigation water. The authors aimed in this research work to identify the possible transfer of Listeria spp. from soil fertilised with polluted manure or irrigated with contaminated water, to edible sections of lettuce cultivated on these soils, along with lettuce and soil survival under field conditions [33-34]. Using a quantitative risk assessment model based on microbiological risk assessment concepts and recommendations given by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the risk of Listeriosis due to the ingestion of lettuce infected by Listeria monocytogenes, a food-borne pathogen with a high fatality rate estimated. From farm to table, the entire lettuce food chain, including initial contamination on the farm, development and cross-contamination during transport [35].


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Figure 1: Contaminated Listeria Food Cycle Effects In Human Body

LISTERIA AND HUMAN LISTERIOSIS There are six species in the genus Listeria, including Listeria monocytogenes, Listeria innocua, Listeria welshimeri, Listeria seeligeri, Listeria ivanovii and Listeria grayi. Listeriosis is a disorder induced by the genus Listeria bacteria. In both animals and humans, Listeria monocytogenes is the primary pathogenic parasite. Two cases of human infections triggered by Listeria ivanovii have recorded in the United Kingdom [36]. All other isolates classified as Listeria monocytogenes from more than 3000 cases of human Listeriosis in the United Kingdom obtained by the PHLS between 1965 and 2002. A single case recorded in Switzerland of human Listeriosis due to Listeria seeligeri. Infections with Listeria ivanovii can account for a substantial proportion of listeriosis cases in domestic animals in the UK, especially in sheep, and there is some proof of very unusual infections in domestic animals induced by Listeria innocua [36]. There are no recorded disease-causing species of Listeria welshimeri and Listeria grayi. Both Listeria group members are commonly spread in nature and excluded from dirt, plants, manure, water and animal feed, from fresh and frozen meat, including poultry, from slaughterhouse waste and the feces of healthy livestock, including humans [37]. In food production conditions, these species may become endemic. The adverse health consequences in the UK of human infections with Listeria monocytogenes are well known. In that this bacterium primarily triggers intra-uterine cancer, meningitis and septicaemia, evidence from the UK is close to that worldwide [36]. In pregnancy, Listeriosis manifests as a severe systemic infection in the newborn or recently conceived child and the pregnant woman as a moderate influenza-like bacteremic condition. At any stage of pregnancy, the disease can


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occur. Listeriosis is very uncommon in children older than one month, except for those with the underlying condition. The key presentations include central nervous system inflammation and septicaemia in adults and adolescents [38]. Most cases arise in the immunosuppressed, i.e. people undergoing steroid or cytotoxic treatment or malignant neoplasms, in adults and juveniles [36]. Patients with AIDS, people with diabetes, prosthetic heart valves or replacement joints and people with alcoholism or alcoholic liver disorder are other individuals at risk [37]. About one-third of Listerial meningitis cases and approximately 10% of the primary bacteraemia are immune knowledgeable. Meningoencephalitis and encephalitis, along with diseases with recognisable focuses, i.e. endocarditis, influenza, peritonitis, and development of deep- seated abscesses, are more uncommon manifestations in this patient community [36]. There can be cutaneous and ocular Listeriosis (especially after interaction with contaminated animals or animal material), and severe systemic infections occur. There is subclinical Listeriosis, and it may be widely underdiagnosed. Gastroenteritis with fever has recently been documented in the USA, and Italy, in addition to moderate influenzas such as disease and ocular and cutaneous listeriosis [36]. Diarrhoeal disease, though, is not a characteristic in all outbreaks and can be unique to some strains of Listeria monocytogenes. In systemic Listeriosis, the mortality rate has been reported to be between 20 percent and 40 percent, and survivors can experience significant long-term sequelae, particularly those where the organism has penetrated the central nervous system. An occurrence of 1.7 to 2.4 cases per million was estimated in England and Wales between 1995 and 1999, relative to 5.4 and 9.4 cases per million in France and the USA. Some cases may not be identified because the correct microbiological tests have not been conducted, e.g. some cases are only diagnosed by necropsy that is not performed on all patients, and fetal death is seldom microbiologically studied early in gestation because there are typically no products of pregnancy accessible [36]. In comparison, reports of diarrhoeal fever illness rarely investigated for Listeriosis and media are not regularly used to investigate certain forms of diseases for the separation of Listeria from feces and the usage of blood cultures. Also, diagnosed cases may be known that not disclosed to the Health Protection Department [36]. Estimates of the number of diagnosed Listeriosis cases not documented for national monitoring, while they reported about a decade earlier when the disease's prevalence was greater, show that this is only likely to reflect a slight rise in the actual number of cases. New research on food-borne illness in England and Wales in 2000 concluded that 3,473 hospital bed days and 68 fatalities related to the disease, assuming that double the number of Listeriosis cases arise according to the figures calculated by laboratory reports. This research further established Listeriosis as the third most common cause of death in Campylobacter and Salmonella infections as an indigenous food-borne infectious agent that leads to the number of days spent in the hospital bed and the fourth most common cause of death [26]. Ten to twenty percent of cases attributed to pregnancy and neonatal illness of both, 15 to 25 percent of infections contribute to miscarriage and stillbirth. In comparison, neonatal infections account for around 70 percent. Maternal infection (bacteraemia) happens in approximately 5 percent of cases, and the foetus is not infected. The prevalence of diseases rises with age, such that the mean age of infections among adults is above 55 years [36]. Men more frequently infected than women over the age of 40. The average sex ratio is more or less similar because of women infected in the childbearing years. Listeria Immunosuppression is a significant risk factor for both outbreak and intermittent types of Listeriosis. It is likely to account for the growing prevalence with age. Differences in an occurrence may arise from factors other


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than differential vulnerability, such as weak food storage practices in older age groups [36].

ISOLATION AND DETECTION OF LISTERIA MONOCYTOGENES To promote clinical and epidemiological trials, proficient and practical techniques for isolating and detecting Listeria monocytogenes in food samples are very important. Many individuals also relied on the traditional method of community. The conventional culture process includes enrichment of one or more broths for listeria enrichment, accompanied by plating on one or more selective agars for listeria and adequate biochemical confirmation. Listeria enrichment broth and updated Fraser broth provide enrichment broths used to separate Listeria monocytogenes. PALCAM, ALOA, Listeria monocytogenes blood agar, Chromogenic agar, Oxford agar, and Lithium chloride- phenylethanol-moxalactam agar used for plating. To identify and enumerate Listeria monocytogenes in foods and feeds, authors have validated different listeria research work [26]. On Trypticase soy agar, presumptive Listeria monocytogenes purified with 0.6 percent yeast extract before validation studies. Gram staining, glucose utilisation, motility, and haemolysis measures, and perhaps the application of Listeria monocytogenes antisera, have been used for clarification tests. Incubation of both enrichment and plating is carried out under aerobic conditions at 30 to 350C for 24 to 48 hours. Standard culture techniques have established feasible isolates of Listeria monocytogenes and yields that can be further analysed and characterised. The authors have identified more comprehensive methods for isolating and detecting Listeria monocytogenes in their research [39]. Rapid methods focused on Listeria monocytogenes' antibodies. DNA has also established to classify this pathogen at the strain stage. These methods are narrowly divided into immunological methods, such as latex agglutination examination, ELISA, nucleic acid, i.e. polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and growth-based methods [40]. For example, for direct enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes in pure milk artificially infected with the food-borne pathogen, the authors used a fast competitive polymerase chain reaction (cPCR). Also, to evaluate discrimination between isolates to classify Listeria monocytogenes, the authors used a multiplex-PCR for serotyped Listeria monocytogenes and RAPD for RAPD profiles. They concluded that both methods allow rapid discrimination of Listeria monocytogenes strains and could be relied on for typing Listeria monocytogenes strains [40].

SUSCEPTIBLE CONSUMERS Listeria monocytogenes is a causative Listeriosis agent, a severe food-borne disease with a high associated case-fatality incidence. The disadvantaged group of customers is increasing and can account for up to 30% of the general population. Due to tumours, kidney dysfunction, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, and older age (>65 years), nursing mothers, neonates, and those with weakened immune systems are at risk for Listeriosis [30]. Refinements of population identification, such as considering the elderly in two groups (60-75 years of age and >75 years of age), can disclose fresh awareness of person populations at risk. The median age of sick patients in the US cantaloupe outbreak was 78 years; the median age of those who died was 81 years. There were 52 million individuals aged 65 or older in 2018 [30]. The US Census Bureau estimates that this group's proportion has grown to 16% of the population as a whole. The Bureau also suggests that all US baby boomers will be 65 or older by 2030. According to the Census Bureau's Vintage Population Figures, fifty-two million


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people aged 65 years and older in 2018. Their population share had raised from 12.4 per cent in 2000 to 16.0 percent in 2018 [30]. Recently, the role of demographic changes in the US population regarding disease burden and Listeriosis incidence has studied. The authors used FoodNet data from 2004 to 2009 to approximate Listeriosis concentrations by subpopulation [30]. The estimated number of cases and incidence rates of Listeriosis also calculated in the overall US population. The demographic profile of pregnant women differed over time regarding race, parental status and age distribution. Keeping the incidence rate per subpopulation unchanged and estimating that the overall incidence rate of Listeriosis would rise from 0.25 per 100,000 in 2010 to 0.32 per 100,000 in 2030 owing to changes in group structure alone [30]. In contrast, pregnancy-related prevalence rates projected to grow from 4.0 per 100,000 for pregnant women to 4.4 in 2030 as the number of pregnant Hispanic women grows. The authors predicted that a 12% decrease in the US population's vulnerability to Listeria monocytogenes would be necessary from 2010 to 2020 to sustain a stable incidence rate (current trend), suggesting that the infectivity (distribution of strain virulence and human susceptibility) will stay unchanged [30]. Reducing the average US population incidence rate of Listeriosis by one-third would result in a 48 percent reduction in sensitivity (or infectivity) of Listeria monocytogenes during the same period to reach the 2020 Successful People goal. The decrease in exposure needed would be even more significant if older age ranges were omitted (67% for >60 years and 89% for >70 years). There could be an uptick in the prevalence of Listeriosis to demographic changes, even if there are advances in public health [30].

LISTERIOSIS - DISEASE INCIDENCE Infection-related clinical illness with Listeria monocytogenes varies from self- limited gastroenteritis with fever to invasive infections that lead to hospitalisation and potential death. Severe invasive infections typically occur in people with disorders that impair the normal functioning of the immune system. This affects nursing mothers and neonates, aged people and people with other immunocompromising conditions [30]. Surveillance for listriosis focused on experimental reports of invasive pathogens. Cases with bacterial Listeriosis characterised by the isolation of Listeria monocytogenes or maternity materials (e.g. diary Pre-proof placenta or fetal tissue) from a usually sterile environment (e.g. blood or cerebrospinal fluid) at the time of miscarriage or death. Partly, febrile gastroenteritis seldom diagnosed, so stool specimens not regularly screened for Listeria. Although this results in underestimating the potential public health danger of Listeriosis, the more significant pressure is reduced by invasive infections under surveillance [30]. In the 2001-2008 population-based listriosis case study in France, the probability of contracting listriosis among persons with underlying conditions associated with acquiring listeriosis was less than 65 years of age without underlying diseases [30]. To understand the number of risks, individuals with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia had a > 1000-fold rise in Listeriosis, individuals with non-Hodgkins lymphoma had a 325-fold increase in prevalence, breastfeeding was correlated with a 116-fold increase in the risk of infection, a 45-fold increase in HIV infection, a 34-fold increase in type 1 diabetes, and a 20-fold increase in the risk of infection [41]. Although people accounted for just 1% of France's populace in the highest risk groups, they accounted for 43% of diseases and 55% of deaths. With no intrinsic risk factors, 75% of the population wmade up of people under 65. It also accounted for just 10% of injuries and 2% of casualties. This study from France


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demonstrates the risk patterns for Listeriosis and disease strain borne by a comparatively small group at the maximum risk [30]. FoodNET, the Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network, has been performing population-based active surveillance of Listeriosis in the United States since 1996. FoodNET examined invasive Listeriosis incident rates by age, sex, race/ethnicity and maternity status in the United States from 2008 to 2016. Listeriosis incidence rose 25-fold for persons between 70 and 79 years of age, 36-fold for persons between 80 and 89 years of age and 45-fold for persons over 85 years of age compared with persons between 15 and 44 years of age. Compared to non-Hispanic whites, Hispanics, non-Hispanic blacks, and Asians all had about double the risk of infection. Race changes, representing the frequency of outbreaks in 698, tend primarily due to cultural food preferences. Pregnant patients had an improved risk of infection 91-fold, 699-fold, including women of childbearing age. The Foodborne Diseases Epidemiology Reference Group of the World Health Organisation (WHO) has estimated the global burden of Listeriosis cases and deaths for 2010 [30]. Based on a meta-analysis and modelling of recorded event outcomes, a global amount of 23,150 cases (95 per cent credible interval, 6,061-91,247 cases) and 5,463 (95 per cent credible interval, 1,401-21,497 deaths) were estimated to have occurred. These incidents conclude in an average occurrence of 0.34 instances and 0.08 mortality per 100,000 population. The prevalence rates in Eastern Europe varied from fewer than 0.1 cases per 100,000 to 0.47 cases per 100,000 across most of Central and South America. There was a lack of event data for 85 nations, covering major areas of the earth. Stretched through Africa, the Middle East, and South-East Asia, they have added over half the world's population. These countries' imprisonment rates have been extrapolated from established sources and applied to urban populations, suggesting possibly important risk variations. The imputed proportions of 0.43 cases per 100,000 in several nations are very likely to underestimate the true incidence, with 95% credible intervals varying from 0 to 2.47,713 cases per 100,000. The methods used to calculate the global burden of Listeriosis prohibit differences from being studied over time. Data trends are readily available in high-income countries with well-developed links to primary services and public health networks. Current patterns illustrated in the 2007-2018 events of Australia, the United States, Canada, the EU, the United Kingdom and France. Across this geographically scattered community of countries, prevalence rates ranged from 0.2 to 0.5 per 100,000 in 2007 to 0.25 to 0.55 per 100,000 in 2018 [30]. Trends in the number of individuals' research, In particular, 33 cases of Listeriosis have been found in the EU and France. While the EU legislative approach to Listeria shared, concentrations in the United Kingdom were similar to those in the United States and remained stagnant or decreasing (ADH, 2019; ECDC, 2018; CDC, 2019a; PHAC, 2019). In the US, as recorded by FoodNET, the rates from 1996 to 2018 over a longer time display a pronounced decrease from 0.53 cases per 100,000 in 1998 to 0.25 cases per 100,000 in 2001. This sharp decrease was due to a reduction in Listeria monocytogenes from RTE- derived meat and poultry products. Collaborative efforts by USDA FSIS and industry have also improved environmental regulations in manufacturing facilities and the reformulation of goods to reduce their ability to promote Listeria monocytogenes. Since listeriosis surveillance is focused mainly on identifying significant infections, typically requiring hospitalisation, surveillance of Listeriosis is not as susceptible to problems such as access to health care or emerging laboratory diagnostic testing methods as is the identification of more prevalent enteric food-borne pathogens. Therefore, longitudinal monitoring results provide for a fair assessment of the priorities of public health defined. In the US, the national public health aim for Listeriosis


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was 0.5 cases per 100,000 population when the FoodNET established. The Safe People 2010 goal has been decreased to 0.24 per 100,000 cases, demonstrating that this target has met. While this target has never entirely accomplished, Listeriosis incidence in the US has remained low since 2000 (< 0.4 cases/100,000). The effectiveness of the food protection program calculated using national monitoring statistics. The increased number of cases detected through routine surveillance differs between specific outbreaks. It is essential to investigate outbreaks to detect potential food safety threats or defects to monitor known risks [30]. In the absence of effective routine surveillance, outbreaks such as those in South Africa in 2017-2018 could evolve quite extensively before being detected [30]. The identification of outbreaks of confirmed cases by public health labs has improved the use of molecular subtypes. It also enhanced the capacity of public health officials to determine the source of the outbreaks. Expected increases in elevated case occurrence may reflect risk adjustments correlated with specific market goods or divisions or may depict shifts in community operation behaviours or demographics. For example, consuming soft Mexican-style cheeses has been linked to an increased risk of Listeriosis in the United States' Hispanic population. Also, ageing demographics in high- income countries mean that more individuals are at higher risk of contracting Listeriosis. This may raise the rate of disease, even though the intrinsic danger of food waste stays unchanged. Aging populations can contribute to an increase in the occurrence of illness reported in Europe. Aging populations mean that to retain a low incidence of Listeriosis over time, the risk of contamination through the food chain must continuously minimised. Therefore, it is essential to integrate epidemiological data with data from food and environmental monitoring programs conducted by regulatory agencies and industry to recognise the drivers of change in the observed population listriosis rates [30]. The author of spiked soft cheeses has observed the largest (100 percent) incidence of Listeria monocytogenes [42]. The separation of Listeria monocytogens from frozen and pasteurised samples confirms the pathogen's potential to thrive under freezing conditions and probable food re- contamination under inadequate packaging and handling conditions, rendering the manufacture of listeria-free foods more difficult. It also demonstrates that the bulk of the literature on Listeria monocytogenes focuses on milk and milk products, beef and meat products, and ready-to-eat foods [42]. Few researches have taken environmental and processing equipment into consideration, but they are both critical transmission vehicles for Listeria monocytogenes and should not neglected [42]. The author demonstrated that, despite rigorous sanitary regimes, Listeria monocytogenes survives in food processing environments (such as meat and dairy), especially in cool, damp areas, conveyors, floors and drains. In addition to being isolated from fruit, Listeria monocytogenes has often triggered a variety of illnesses due to the ingestion of infected goods [42]. Authors in England and Wales have recorded 48 cases of Listeriosis arising from the ingestion of butter and hospital sandwiches [43]. Due to the intake of pork rillettes and jellied pork tongue, the authors recorded Listeriosis in 42 patients in France. In the USA, 13 cases recorded from the consumption of Mexican style soft cheese, 93 from the consumption of cooked turkey, 16 from the consumption of cooked turkey and 108 from the consumption of cooked turkey from Frankfurt. In Japan, the author recorded a total of 38 instances of cheese consumption [43]. The authors present an analysis of 4185 food samples and 958 environmental samples obtained and checked for the prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes in Italy during the period 1990-1999 [44]. The strains extracted characterised


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biochemically and serologically. The investigators observed a reasonably large percentage of exposure to Listeria monocytogenes in food (12.8%). In contrast, the amount of contamination in the atmosphere (environment and working surfaces in food processing plants) was smaller (6.1 percent ). Serotyping indicated a prevalence of a few serotypes, similar to those observed in clinical samples obtained during outbreaks and isolated cases of Listeriosis identified during the time considered in Italy. The spatial spread of the strains extracted from food samples of Listeria monocytogenes is quite close to those of the clinical strains [44].

PREVENTION OF LISTERIOSIS Staying away from foods that may cause Listeriosis is the safest way to protect yourself. The most common source of infection is consuming food contaminated with Listeria. In the third trimester, as your immunity is lowest, you are more likely to contract Listeria, so it is best to take care of food right up to the end of your pregnancy [45]. The foods most likely to have been caught by listeria bugs include [46]:  Fruit and vegetables unwashed  Milk, butter and cheese that are unpasteurised  Pâté of every kind, including pâté vegetables pâté  Chilled ready meals, uncooked or under-cooked  Soft cheeses and blue-veined cheeses are mould-ripened

Any pasteurised milk and yoghurt, including probiotic yoghurt, is safe to have. Strong and soft pasteurised cheeses are also useful to eat, such as cheddar, cottage cheese or refined cheese. Take particular caution, too, when preparing food at home. To decrease the risk of contracting listeria bacteria, here are a few things you can do [47]:  Before and after cooking meals, wash your hands with soap  After cutting and cooking food, thoroughly wash the cooking utensils, chopping boards and surfaces  It is consuming food only within its expiry date  Before eating them, wash raw vegetables, fruit, or salads thoroughly  Whether you have leftovers or ready-made meals, heat the food thoroughly

We can't usually see Listeria in food, unlike mould. As a slime-like layer, it clings to surfaces. Listeria can tolerate freezing and can continue to grow very slowly at low temperatures, such as in our fridge, unlike other bacteria. In RTE foods which have stored for too long, Listeria is normal. It's best to not keep some food in the fridge for too long, even the dishes you make at home, to be on the safe side. Listeriosis from sheep, cows, and goats may also caught around the time they give birth. Keep away from sheep, cows, and goats if you work on a farm or visit farms with your kids, and avoid touching clothes or equipment used when handling farm animals.

CONCLUSIONS The omnipresent, opportunistic, and critical food-borne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes raise issues to the food industry and health authorities. Their infection is severe in persons at high risk. The ingestion of infected food is the primary cause of contamination. The primary cause of outbreaks is RTE foods, meat and meat goods, milk and milk products, and most studies have centered on this field. Their capacity to live under refrigeration and large environmental environments in food raises the challenge of achieving nil or limited tolerance for Listeria monocytogens. In the surveillance of Listeria monocytogenes and


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Listeriosis, useful and accurate isolation and detection techniques are critical. Standard and hygienic methods of service of food manufacturing, distribution and marketing are the way ahead for growing Listeriosis. It should be remembered that with all of the global risk-based policies adopted or considered, none guarantees the prevention of Listeriosis. Regulatory measures can focus mostly on RTE foods that facilitate the production of Listeria monocytogenes. Recommendations can also not provided for regulatory compliance actions such as product recall where low amounts (<100 cfu/g) of the organism found in foods that do not encourage the development of Listeria monocytogenes NRTE foods unless the GMP status of the plant is in question. The plant has a prior history of violations, recalls, etc. Using government tools from a public health point of view to test and recall low-risk RTE or NRTE goods that do not promote the development of species, such as sunflower seeds, there is nothing to be gained; frozen NRTE items with validated on-package cooking directions that guarantee safe consumption. As demonstrated by many years of research, Listeria monocytogenes, a multi-pronged approach to managing Listeria monocytogenes in RTE foods is needed. Recommendations for best practices in controlling Listeria monocytogenes in RTE foods. Awareness of the microbiological quality of the raw materials used in the food industry is one of the most important tasks for evaluating the effect on the quality of the finished product of all stages of the manufacturing process and, in particular, for defining the time/temperature binomials of pasteurisation processes. In this context, the microbiological characterisation of the raw materials and fruit products should be investigated in future research.

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