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By Charles H. Greene, Barbara A. Block, David Welch, , Volume 1, a quarterly 22, Number The O journal of George Jackson, Gareth L. Lawson, and Erin L. Rechisky Advances in

Conservation Oceanography ceanography S

New Tagging and Tracking Technologies and Their Potential for ociety. © Transforming the Science Underlying Fisheries Management 2009 by The O ceanography S ceanography S ociety. All rights reserved. P ociety. Allreserved. rights ociety. S Abstract. Overexploitation of living resources and climate change are Introduction

During the past half century, overfishing end all correspondence to: [email protected] Th e O or among the most obvious global-scale impacts of human society on marine in many parts of the global ocean has ermission is granted to in teaching copy this and research. for use article R ecosystems. In an age of such large-scale anthropogenic impacts, marine had a substantial impact on predators at or near the top of the marine food scientists, resource managers, and policymakers must rethink their approaches chain (Myers and Worm, 2003; Sibert to protecting and managing marine populations and ecosystems. Conservation et al., 2006). In some regions, fisheries have responded by shifting their efforts oceanography is an emerging field of science that incorporates the latest advances to species further down the food chain

(Pauly et al., 1998; Essington et al., 2006). ceanography S in ocean science and technology to provide resource managers and policymakers In addition, overfishing has blurred what with the information they need to ensure the sustainability of the marine the baseline conditions for many coastal ociety, B PO ecosystems were like prior to human environment and its living resources. Here, we discuss the historical context of exploitation (Pauly, 1995; Jackson et al., ox 1931, R

conservation oceanography as it applies to marine fisheries management. We 2001; Lotze et al., 2006), further com- epublication, systemmatic reproduction,

plicating the setting of stock recovery M D 20849-1931, US ockville, then describe two projects, one focused on Atlantic bluefin tuna and the other goals. Recognition of these past impacts of overfishing, combined with the cur- on Pacific salmon, that illustrate the potential of new tagging and tracking rent overexploited status of many fish technologies for transforming the science underlying fisheries management. stocks, has encouraged a shift in fisheries A.

210 Oceanography Vol.22, No.1 management from a single-species Historical Context single-species stock-recruitment models approach, focused on maximizing yield, The roots of fisheries-associated conser- that largely ignored environmental vari- to an ecosystem-based approach, focused vation oceanography can be traced back ability (Schaefer, 1954; Ricker, 1954). on rebuilding depleted fish stocks while to the first half of the twentieth century, This approach to fisheries management protecting and restoring impacted when one of the principal goals of ocean avoided the problem of quantifying the ecosystems (Pauly et al., 2002; US scientists was to enhance the yield of ocean’s environmental variability by Commission on Ocean Policy, 2004). In commercially exploited fish stocks by assuming that it could be averaged out a global ocean responding to both fishing improving our understanding of the when determining the stock-recruitment pressures from the top down and climate ocean environment and its natural vari- relationship. The El Niño-related col- forcing from the bottom up (Frank et al., ability. To promote this agenda, scientific lapse of the Peruvian anchovy fishery 2006; Cury et al., 2007; Greene and organizations, such as the International during the early 1970s was the first of Pershing, 2007; Greene et al., 2008), such Council for the Exploration of the Sea many failures in single-species fisheries an ecosystem-based approach to fisher- (Rozwadowski, 2002), were founded, management that suggested the fallacy of ies management cannot continue to rely and ocean monitoring programs, such this assumption (Larkin, 1977). primarily on the same catch and survey as the Continuous Plankton Recorder As many fish stocks around the world data traditionally collected to support Survey (Reid et al., 2003), were initi- continued to fluctuate wildly throughout the single-species approach. Instead, a ated. Unfortunately, the ocean proved to the 1970s and 1980s, with poor recruit- more dynamic framework for the sci- vary greatly in both space and time, and ment years generally outnumbering ence is needed, one that builds upon our the resources and technologies neces- good ones, a renewed effort was made to technological capacity to monitor marine sary to adequately sample and model incorporate studies of ocean processes living resources in their natural environ- such a highly variable environment into fisheries research. The field of ment. Conservation oceanography can were not available. fisheries oceanography emerged at this provide the new concepts and tools for After the two world wars, it became time, and many field, laboratory, and such a framework, enabling scientists clear that commercial harvesting was modeling studies have been conducted to quantify and forecast the behavioral, having an impact on fish population since then to investigate the physical and physiological, and ecological responses of dynamics that was at least comparable biological processes affecting survivor- fish populations to changes in their ocean environment. The technological bases for this transformation can be found in Conservation oceanography is an emerging recent advances in miniaturized physi- ological and environmental sensors, ani- field of science that incorporates the latest mal tracking techniques, ocean-observ- advances in ocean science and technology to ing systems, and computer models that provide resource managers and policymakers assimilate biological and environmental “ with the information they need to ensure the data rapidly after collection (Sibert and Nielson, 2001; Block et al., 2003; sustainability of the marine environment and its Special Issue on Ocean Observations, living resources. Oceanography 16(4), 2003; Welch et al., 2003; Block, 2005; Block et al., 2005; Cooke et al., 2008). All of these technolo- to the effects of the ocean environment’s ship during the early life history stages of gies are in relatively early stages of devel- natural variability. During the 1950s, fish (Kendall and Duker, 1998; Govoni, opment; hence, there is considerable fisheries management entered” a period 2005). Since the 1980s, advances in scope for growth as the field of conserva- in which catch limits were set to maxi- computational methods have enabled tion oceanography matures. mize sustainable yields on the basis of scientists to develop individual-based

Oceanography March 2009 211 models that can be used to study the sensing their physiological and local drifters, and gliders (Perry and Rudnick, of larval and juvenile fishes in environmental conditions (Block et al., 2003). Models that can assimilate the their advective environment (Miller, 2005; Biuw et al., 2007), can provide four-dimensional data derived from 2007; Werner et al., 2007). Although insights into animal behavioral and satellites and ocean-observing systems such individual-based models are capa- physiological ecology that can transform will enable scientists to characterize ble of simulating and exploring the range the conservation science of both pro- the ocean’s environmental variability of theoretical possibilities arising from tected and exploited populations. in a manner few could have imagined different scenarios of interacting physi- Equally critical to the success of only a decade ago. Although the ocean cal and biological processes, the limited conservation oceanography is the will continue to be undersampled in ability of scientists to track the move- rapidly improving capability of scien- both space and time for many years to ments as well as behavioral and physi- tists to monitor and model the ocean come, data-assimilation methods are ological responses of individual animals environment, thereby providing a allowing scientists to steadily bridge in situ has constrained the conclusions context within which to interpret the the gap between actual environmen- that can be drawn from these studies observed behavioral and physiological tal conditions in the real world and (Gawarkiewicz et al., 2007). responses of animal populations. In those simulated in models of marine situ ocean-observing systems are being ecosystems (Rothstein et al., 2006). Recent Technological deployed worldwide that will extend the Developing more sophisticated models Advances global reach of sensor coverage into the that incorporate the movements of Recent advances in animal tagging ocean’s interior (Special Issue on Ocean individual animals in their time-varying, and tracking, using electronic tags and Observations, Oceanography 16(4), three-dimensional environments will be miniaturized sensor technologies, have 2003). The animals themselves will play vital to addressing many of the needs in introduced new capabilities for study- an increasingly important role in this ecosystem-based management. ing the ecological dynamics of marine global ocean-observing effort as the animals in the wild. These technological amount of environmental data collected Fish Tales from advances, which have enabled scien- by tagged animals (Costa, 1993; Boehlert Two Oceans tists to track individual animals over et al., 2001; Block et al., 2003; Biuw To illustrate some of the recent advances vast areas of the ocean (Kitigawa et al., et al., 2007; Laidre and Heide-Jorgensen, in conservation oceanography, we 2000; Gunn and Block, 2001; Sibert and 2007; Costa et al., 2008) begins to rival describe two ongoing projects, Tag-A- Nielson, 2001; Wilson et al., 2001; Block that collected by manmade, autono- Giant (TAG) in the North Atlantic and et al., 2003; Welch, 2003; Block, 2005; mous and Lagrangian platforms, such Pacific Ocean Shelf Tracking (POST) Weng et al., 2005) while simultaneously as autonomous underwater vehicles, in the North Pacific. The TAG project focuses on tagging and tracking north- Charles H. Greene ([email protected]) is Director, Ocean Resources and Ecosystems ern bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), Program, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA. Barbara A. Block is the Charles and Elizabeth while the POST project focuses primar- Protho Professor in Marine Sciences, Department of Biology, Hopkins Marine Station, ily, but not exclusively, on tagging and , Pacific Grove, CA, USA.David Welch is CEO, Kintama Research tracking a variety of Pacific salmonid Corporation, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. George Jackson is Senior Lecturer, species (Oncorhynchus spp.). Institute of Antarctic and Southern Ocean Studies, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, and Project Leader, Pacific Ocean Shelf Tracking Project, Vancouver Tag-A-Giant Project Aquarium, Vancouver, British Columbia. Gareth L. Lawson was Postdoctoral Research Atlantic bluefin tuna are very valuable, Associate, Department of Biology, Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University, Pacific with sushi-grade giant tuna typically Grove, CA, USA and currently is Assistant Scientist, Biology Department, Woods Hole fetching $15,000 or more per fish at the Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, USA. Erin L. Rechisky is PhD Candidate, Tsukiji Wholesale Seafood Market in Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Tokyo. Considered overexploited since

212 Oceanography Vol.22, No.1 Figure 1. (a) Implantable archival tag. (b) Pop-up satellite archi- 1982, this species continues to be har- val tag (PAT) used in the study of wide-ranging pelagic ver- vested at high rates throughout the North tebrates. (c) Surgical implantation of archival tag in a bluefin tuna. (d) Bluefin tuna swimming in situ with PAT tag attached. Atlantic despite dramatic declines in the adult breeding populations on both sides of the basin. The Atlantic bluefin tuna fishery is regulated by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). ICCAT manages bluefin tuna as two separate b management units, one in the western Atlantic with a breeding area in the Gulf of Mexico, and the other in the eastern a Atlantic with a breeding area in the d Mediterranean Sea. The western Atlantic c Gulf of Mexico breeding population has declined by over 80%, which led to a reduction in fishing quotas off North America beginning in 1981 and the implementation of a fishery recovery plan in 1998. To date, the population has not recovered, and calls have arisen for listing the Atlantic bluefin tuna as an endan- gered species and placing a moratorium on its harvest (Safina and Klinger, 2008). Quotas in the eastern Atlantic have been considerably higher, with actual catches far exceeding allocated quotas. No cred- ible recovery plan has been implemented in the eastern Atlantic to assure the long- term survival of this species. The TAG project uses a combination of surgically implanted archival tags can collect data for multiple years, but embedded in the fish. Once released, the and externally attached pop-up satellite must be recovered from fish recaptured PAT floats to the surface where it trans- archival tags (PATs) to study the move- by the tuna fishery in order to obtain mits a summary of its archived data set ments, behavior, population structure, the archived data. A generous reward to to the ARGOS satellite system. and physiological ecology of Atlantic fisherman for returning tags has resulted The ambient light and external tem- bluefin tuna (Figure 1a–d). Both types in over 20% of them being recovered to perature data from both types of archival of tags sense and archive the pressure, date (Block et al., 2005; Kurota et al., in tags are used to estimate geolocations, external temperature, and ambient light press). In contrast to the implanted tags, which in turn are used to reconstruct experienced by individual bluefin tuna; PATs can collect data for one year, but daily movement patterns (Teo et al., the implanted tags also record internal do not require that fish be recaptured. 2004; Nielsen et al., 2006). Longitudes temperatures measured inside the tuna’s Instead, each PAT is programmed to and latitudes are estimated by using peritoneal cavity (Block et al., 1998, release at a set time via electrolysis of the light data, collected to reconstruct 2001; Teo et al., 2007b). Implanted tags a metal wire attaching the tag to a dart daily sunrise and sunset curves, in

Oceanography March 2009 213 a


Figure 2. (a) Positions of bluefin tuna classified as western breeders tagged at three western Atlantic locations during 1996–2008. Orange circles represent locations based on deployment positions, light- and SST-based geolocation estimates, and PAT tag satellite endpoint positions. Yellow triangles represent recapture locations of western Atlantic-tagged fish. (b) Positions of bluefin tuna classified as eastern breeders tagged at three western Atlantic locations during 1996–2008. White circles represent locations, determined as before, with green triangles representing recapture locations.

combination with accurate on-board two populations in the North Atlantic models used in setting management clock measurements of the times of local sharing common foraging areas but unit quotas (Block et al., 2001, 2005; noon and midnight. Standard astronomi- utilizing distinct breeding areas in the Kurota et al., in press). The tracking data cal equations are then used to calculate Gulf of Mexico and Mediterranean Sea. thus suggest that fisherman operating position. Subsequently, latitude estimates The tracking data show that adolescent under the higher quotas in the eastern are improved by comparing tag-based fish from both management units mix Atlantic have been undermining the measurements of sea surface temperature extensively in the foraging areas on both quotas and fishery recovery plan in the (SST) with satellite-derived measure- sides of the Atlantic but upon matura- western Atlantic. These data also suggest ments of SST as a function of longitude. tion return to their respective breeding that ICCAT assessments in the western By using these geolocation estimates areas to spawn (Figure 2a, b) (Block et al., Atlantic have been conducted on a mixed to track the migrations of hundreds 2005). The level of mixing estimated from population with many Mediterranean- of bluefin tuna, the TAG project has the tracking studies is higher than that spawned, eastern Atlantic fish counted demonstrated that there are at least assumed by the ICCAT stock assessment among the catch. Current TAG efforts

214 Oceanography Vol.22, No.1 are underway to combine the tracking a results with recent findings from genetic (Carlsson et al., 2007; Boustany et al., 2008) and otolith (Rooker et al., 2008) studies to develop spatially and tempo- rally explicit models for better assessing the numerical abundances, residence patterns, and mixing of the two stocks in each management unit (Kurota et al., in press). This line of research provides a clear example of how the results from fish tracking studies can have direct implica- tions for managing international fisheries for highly migratory species and setting policy on an ocean-basin scale. In addition to providing ambient light data for establishing migratory movements, electronic tags also archive b internal and environmental data that are useful for inferring other aspects of tuna behavioral and physiological ecology (Block, 2005; Teo et al., 2007a, 2007b). By observing the ocean environment from an individual’s perspective, new insights can be gained about the chal- lenges animals experience on spatial and temporal scales relevant to their daily ambits. The value of such a perspective is especially apparent in bluefin tuna, which employ remarkable physiological and behavioral adaptations to expand their thermal niche. To illustrate this point, recent TAG results show that adolescent bluefin tuna undertake spring migrations between Figure 3. (a) Track for an Atlantic bluefin tuna fitted with an archival tag during January 2003 their winter foraging areas in the coastal and recaptured during December 2004. (b) Ambient water temperatures experienced by the fish during the January–August 2003 period as a function of depth and calendar day. Vertical waters of the Carolinas and their sum- bars show daily tag-collected temperature-depth profiles, with the bottom of each bar indi- mer foraging areas at higher latitudes by cating the maximum depth reached that day. During the early portion of the deployment, transiting the slope waters between the the fish occupied warm and well-mixed waters near the North Carolina tagging grounds and farther south. During late March, the fish moved northward and spent late April–June in the Gulf Stream’s north wall and the conti- vicinity of the north wall of the Gulf Stream, in association with the 15–20°C SST isotherms. nental shelf. Largely confined between During this period, the temperature-depth record also shows evidence of the fish making the 15°–20°C sea surface temperature excursions of one or more days into cold waters beyond the 15°C SST isotherm (examples of such excursions are indicated by arrows), before returning to warmer waters. During late (SST) isotherms (Figure 3a), these June, the fish moved south into the warmer waters of the Gulf Stream, and then it moved up migrating tuna commonly exploit prey- into the highly stratified waters of the Gulf of Maine during July.

Oceanography March 2009 215 rich fronts along the edges of their ther- climate-change scenarios, the separation and frontal regions of mesoscale eddies mal niche. However, once richer foraging point and trajectory of the Gulf Stream’s spun off the Loop Current (Teo et al., areas are reached, the tuna often make north wall are predicted to shift to the 2007a,b). When these large, endothermic short-term excursions into colder waters, south of their climatological mean posi- fish, which can weigh over 600 kg, enter beyond the 15° isotherm, presumably to tions. Under other scenarios, changes in the Gulf, they face thermoregulatory exploit the more abundant prey found Arctic climate are expected to alter circu- challenges much greater than those there (Figure 3b). The unique cardio- lation patterns in the Northwest Atlantic, experienced in the North Atlantic. vascular system of bluefin tuna enables leading to a cooling and freshening of Recent physiological studies show that them to exploit foraging opportunities shelf and slope waters from the tail of the cardiac demands on bluefin tuna that would otherwise be thermally off the Grand Banks to the Gulf of Maine can lead to thermal stress at the higher limits to most subtropical predators (Greene et al., 2008). Such changes temperatures typical of their breeding (Blank et al., 2004). could alter prey distributions or place areas (Castilho et al., 2007; Teo et al., Although physiological specializations foraging grounds currently exploited 2007a). The tuna exhibit deep-diving may permit exploitation of a broader by bluefin tuna outside of their thermal behavior in the Gulf, presumably for thermal niche, thereby providing blue- tolerance range. With climate-associated thermoregulatory cooling, prior to and fin tuna with obvious advantages for constraints on their ecology, bluefin after spawning. However, tagging data foraging, such enhancements may not tuna might be expected to alter their reveal that this behavior is altered dur- be sufficient to buffer them from future migration patterns and use of important ing the spawning phase, with shallower climate-associated changes in oceano- foraging areas. Stock assessment meth- dives occurring throughout the day and graphic conditions. It has been reported ods that rely on repeated sampling year actual spawning thought to occur in the that natural modes of climate variability, after year at specific locations would be warm surface waters at night (Teo et al., such as the North Atlantic Oscillation compromised by such changes in bluefin 2007a, 2007b). Although there are clearly (NAO), are associated with shifts in the tuna distributions. adaptive advantages to spawning at the location where the Gulf Stream separates In addition to foraging excursions surface, the potential for thermal stress may constrain the length of the spawn- ing period as well as overall residence times in the Gulf. Throughout the history of human civiliza- Recent analyses of TAG tracking and tion, society has never posed as great a threat satellite data sets demonstrate that cer- tain remote-sensing data products, espe- as it does now to the sustainability of living cially SST and sea surface height, can be “resources in the sea. used to predict bluefin breeding areas (Teo et al., 2007b). The combination of TAG and remote-sensing data are being used to develop models for forecasting from the continental shelf and becomes into colder environments that test the the locations of breeding areas, spawn- a freely meandering jet (Gangopadhay” lower limits of their thermal niche, blue- ing-period lengths under different envi- et al., 1992). Furthermore, changes in fin tuna also enter warmer environments ronmental conditions, and overall resi- the trajectory of the Gulf Stream’s north to spawn that test their upper thermal dence times in the Gulf (recent work of wall and in the hydrographic proper- limits. During their spring breeding author Block and Steven Teo, University ties of the slope water sea and Gulf of season in the Gulf of Mexico, spawn- of , Davis). Such forecasting Maine are also associated with modal ing adult tuna seek out relatively warm models have the potential to contrib- shifts in the NAO (Taylor and Stephens, breeding areas (SST ≥ 24° C), which ute to both operational and impact- 1998; MERCINA, 2001). Under certain are typically found in the slope waters assessment conservation oceanography.

216 Oceanography Vol.22, No.1 a Figure 4. (a) Relative sizes of acoustic tags and a juvenile salmon. (b) Surgical implantation of acoustic tag.

Operationally, by assimilating real-time satellite data into these models, near- real-time management decisions could be made to restrict fishing efforts in sen- sitive bluefin breeding areas. Although there has been an international fishing moratorium on bluefin tuna in the Gulf b for over two decades, their bycatch in long-line gear set for other species remains one of the greatest conservation threats to the western Atlantic stock. In terms of impact assessment, the forecast- to fishing mortality later in life and few in California, Oregon, and Washington ing models could be used to assess the other anthropogenic threats earlier on, have been blamed on everything potential effects of climate warming on salmon run a gauntlet of anthropogenic from climate-associated regime shifts the spatial and temporal distributions challenges throughout their lifetimes. (Mantua et al., 1996) to anthropogenic of suitable bluefin breeding areas in the Threats to salmon survival in freshwater impacts ranging from dams to logging Gulf. They may also enable us to predict involve primarily habitat alteration and to pollution to overfishing (NRC, 1996; shifts in the arrival and departure times destruction, including the damming of Ruckelshaus et al., 2002). of the spawning population depending rivers for hydroelectric power genera- Salmonid studies in the POST proj- upon the environmental conditions tion. Hydroelectric dams can impede the ect rely on surgically implanted tags of a given year. downstream migration of juveniles to (Figure 4a, b), which transmit uniquely the coastal ocean as well as the upstream encoded acoustic signals that are sensed POST Project return of mature fish to their spawning and archived by autonomous, passive Salmonid species provide the basis for grounds. The ecology of salmon in the listening receivers on the seafloor (Welch some of the most valuable commercial ocean is poorly understood (Brodeur et al., 2003, 2004; Melnychuk et al., 2007). and recreational fisheries along the et al., 2000), and there is considerable By 2010, POST plans to deploy a perma- west coast of North America. Being controversy about which is more impor- nent array of cross-shelf receiver lines anadromous fishes (fish that migrate tant to recruitment variability, mortality at strategic locations along the North from the ocean to freshwater to spawn), in freshwater or mortality in the marine American west coast from California to salmon face challenges to their survival environment. Finding the answer to this the Aleutian Islands. The pilot array has in both freshwater and marine environ- question has critical policy implications been deployed each year since 2004 and ments. Unlike tuna, which are exposed as two decades of declining salmon runs extends over 2,500 km along the coasts

Oceanography March 2009 217 Figure 5. The current POST (Pacific Ocean Shelf Tracking) acoustic array extending over 2,500 km along the coasts of south- east Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon.

of southeast Alaska, British Columbia, freshwater and marine migration and the POST pilot studies indicate that, Washington, and Oregon (Figure 5). survival patterns of both juvenile and although there were some differences Although the initial focus of the POST adult salmon. Results from these pilot among species and stocks and between project has been on salmonid species, studies provided the first opportunity to years, survival estimates for tagged juve- the pilot array is equally capable of compare relative freshwater and marine niles in freshwater were typically higher tracking the along-shelf migrations of survival rates of juveniles and returning than those observed in the marine numerous other marine species. For adults from a number of different Pacific environment. This surprising finding, example, the array has already revealed salmon species and stocks (Crossin which runs counter to the conventional the previously unknown and extensive et al., 2007, 2008; Melnychuk et al., 2007; wisdom, suggests that some of our most trans-border movements of white and Cooke et al., 2008; Welch et al., 2008). basic assumptions about the ecology of green sturgeon (tagged by other investi- One fundamental, but currently salmon may need to be reconsidered. gators not originally associated with the unresolved, question is whether juvenile If the conventional wisdom about POST project) from central California salmon mortality is of greater impor- juvenile survival in freshwater is called to British Columbia (Welch et al., 2006; tance in freshwater or in the marine into question, then what other surprises Lindley et al., 2008). environment. The conventional wisdom might the POST telemetry system reveal? Prior to implementation of the per- among most salmon biologists and man- Welch et al. (2008) recently reported manent, year-round array, the POST agers has been that juvenile survival is results from a study comparing juvenile project conducted studies with the pilot greater in the marine environment than survival of chinook and steelhead out array from 2004 to 2006 to establish both in freshwater, and therefore conservation of the Snake-Columbia River system, the technical performance of a large- efforts ignoring the role of the ocean which has eight dams, with juvenile scale telemetry system and to document can be successful. However, results from survival of these same species out of the

218 Oceanography Vol.22, No.1 C H I N O O K S T E E L H E A D 100 100 a a

S 50 50 NS NS Survival

0 0 100 100 b b 100/ L

S 50 50

Distance−Scaled Survival 0 0 100 100 c c 1/ T S 50 d 50 d d d Time−Scaled Survival Impounde Un−impounde Entire Rive r Impounde Un−impounde Entire Rive r 0 0 Thompson−Fraser Snake−Columbia Thompson−Fraser Snake−Columbia

Figure 6. Survival estimates for Thompson and Snake River spring chinook and steelhead. (a) Estimated survival. (b) Survival scaled by100 km traveled (100/L). (c) Survival scaled by migration day (1/T). For each species, the left panel shows the survival of dif- ferent Thompson River stocks released to migrate down to the Fraser River mouth; the right panel shows the survival of Snake River stocks migrating down three sections of the Columbia River hydropower system: impounded (upper river; eight dams), unimpounded (lower river; undammed), and entire river. The vertical bar to the right of each group of individual survival estimates (circles) shows the mean survival and 95% confidence interval for the group, averaged across all available data. The blue band and dashed red line shows the mean and 95% confidence interval for the Fraser River survival in comparison to the Columbia. In all survival comparisons, Snake-Columbia River estimates were significantly different from Thompson-Fraser estimates at the 95% confidence level unless indicated by SN . For further details, see the original Figure 3 from Welch et al. (2008), from which this figure was modified. Because the POST array was deployed only in the lower Fraser River, it is not possible to break out survival by river section, as can be done for the Columbia River data.

Fraser River, which has no dams. The Snake-Columbia River system. Perhaps Snake-Columbia River stocks have such results demonstrated that overall sur- even more surprising, scaled survival poor returns from the ocean despite rea- vival out of the Snake-Columbia River estimates were actually higher for both sonable juvenile survival when migrating system, despite its dams, was comparable species in the dammed stretch of the out to sea. Prior to the POST project, it (Figure 6). Furthermore, when the sur- Snake-Columbia River system than in had been assumed that the poor returns vival estimates were scaled by distance the Fraser River. These findings should in these stocks were a consequence of traveled or time spent in each environ- raise important questions among fisher- dam-associated mortality during the ment, survival was actually higher in the ies managers about why endangered juvenile downstream migration (Welch

Oceanography March 2009 219 et al., 2008). These findings, as well as potential benefits derived by avoiding the possible to determine how climate and those described previously, suggest that dams (Congleton et al. 2000). However, various anthropogenic impacts affect fisheries managers and policymakers another interpretation is equally, if not these migration pathways and their may want to turn their attentions out to more, plausible. By comparing juvenile associated survivorship estimates. In sea in order to more fully understand the survival estimates to data from the vari- addition, the POST project is well suited ecological processes regulating salmon ous POST subarrays and scaling them by for experimental hypothesis testing in population dynamics. time (Figure 7), one can make quantita- the wild. For example, the question of The consequences of basing manage- tive arguments why barging smolts past whether hatchery-reared salmon are ment and policy decisions on faulty the dams may not yield higher numbers as fit as wild ones is controversial, with assumptions or inadequate scientific of returning adults (recent work of author many implications for management knowledge can be costly. Some prelimi- Rechisky and colleagues). Although barg- decisions ranging from stock-rebuilding nary POST results from the Columbia ing reduces time spent by smolts in the efforts to endangered species designation River highlight another potential mis- dammed upper portion of the Columbia (Myers et al., 2004). With simultane- match between the actual ecological River, it does so by increasing the time ous, controlled, and replicated releases dynamics of salmon and those typically spent in the lower river and in the coastal of hatchery-reared and wild juveniles, assumed by fisheries managers. In the ocean. Survival estimates are highest in it will be possible to determine experi- past, it was assumed that juvenile salmon the lower river, intermediate in the upper mentally their relative survivorship in survival was higher during migration river, and lowest in the coastal ocean both freshwater and marine environ- through the undammed lower portion (Figure 7a). However, when survivorship ments. Similar experimental studies can of the Columbia River and coastal ocean is scaled by the mean time spent to reach be envisioned for studying the impacts than during migration through the each subarray (Figure 7b), the surprising of hatchery-associated sea lice on wild dammed upper portion of the river. To result is obtained that survival rates may stocks of Pacific salmon (Krkošek et al., mitigate for losses at the dams, a major be highest in the dammed upper por- 2007). It will be a major advance when management program was developed tion of the river! Because barging would properly controlled and replicated to physically transport smolts around only be beneficial when juveniles are field experiments constitute the best the dams using barges specifically con- moved from a high- to a low-mortality available science to inform fisheries structed for the task. The managers, environment, the ineffectiveness of this management decisions. however, had no knowledge of juvenile management approach can be readily salmon survival in the ocean, and thus explained using actual field data. This Concluding Remarks it was assumed that salmon were better example illustrates the potential cost Throughout the history of human off once they were deposited below the effectiveness of using the POST telemetry civilization, society has never posed dams nearer to the estuary and ocean. system to test scientific assumptions prior as great a threat as it does now to the Although barging has reduced the time to embarking on expensive experiments sustainability of living resources in the spent by smolts migrating down the in fisheries management. sea. In the United States, this threat river from three weeks to roughly two Similar to the TAG project, the POST has been recognized, and two commis- days, thus avoiding the roughly 50% in- project will enable scientists to tackle sions have released reports since the river mortality incurred by the time the many issues important to fisheries man- turn of the millennium that offer many juvenile salmon reached the last dam, agement that could not be addressed policy recommendations (PEW Oceans the anticipated doubling of adult returns previously. For the first time, scientists Commission, 2003; US Commission on has not been realized (Muir et al., 2006). will be able to document the extensive Ocean Policy, 2004). When these recom- This finding was used to argue that barg- migration pathways for different sal- mendations transition into new policies ing was not effective possibly because it monid stocks and estimate survivor- and laws, it will be the responsibility of increases the stress experienced by juve- ship along various segments of these local, state, and federal resource manag- niles after release, thereby negating any pathways. Over time, it should become ers to implement them. To be successful,

220 Oceanography Vol.22, No.1 management decisions are supposed to 100 a be made only after managers have evalu- ated a wide range of scientific and socio- 80 economic factors before deciding upon an appropriate course of action. Because science is only one factor contributing to 60 the decision-making process, scientific advances by themselves are not sufficient Survival, S 40 for solving the many problems faced in fisheries management. Nevertheless, it is 20 safe to assert that management decisions will be more successful when fisher- ies managers are informed by the best 0 available science. 100 b In this paper, we suggest that the stage is set for a transformational change

in the science underlying fisheries 1/ T management. The new technologies 95 emerging within the ocean science community offer a perspective for study- ing the behavioral, physiological, and population ecology of fish that is truly 90 unprecedented. However, to be of practi- Time-Scaled Survival, S cal use to fisheries managers, the eco- logical insights gained by the scientific community must be transitioned into 85 operational data products and models Min Mean Max Upper River Lower River Coastal Shelf that are readily accessible. Local, state, and federal agencies charged with the Figure 7. (a) 2006 survival probability estimates in the dammed upper por- responsibility of managing fisheries must tion of the Columbia River, the undammed lower portion of the river, and the coastal shelf. (b) Survival estimates as above but scaled by migration work with and help support the scien- day (1/T). Survival probabilities in the upper and lower river were estimated tists pushing the limits of conservation with the Cormack Jolly Seber mark-recapture model, which jointly estimates survival and detection probabilities. This model could not be used to oceanography. The goal of sustainable estimate coastal shelf survival probability directly due to limited detections fisheries is an elusive one; a concerted in Alaska. Therefore, we estimated the long-shelf survival probability using effort by scientists and managers will the following three assumptions: (1) that the detection probability of the Lippy Point subarray was equal to the mean detection probability (MEAN) be critical to overcoming the daunting observed at Willapa Bay (where detection efficiency could be estimated challenges ahead. accurately), (2) that the detection probability of the Lippy Point subarray was equal to the lower 95% confidence limit on detection probability (MIN) observed at Willapa Bay, and (3) that the detection probability of the Lippy Acknowledgments Point subarray was equal to the upper 95% confidence limit on detection The concept of conservation ocean- probability (MAX) observed at Willapa Bay. Irrespective of the detection ography was inspired by the challenge probability assumed, the conventional wisdom that survival per day is bet- ter in the coastal ocean than in freshwater is not supported. Figure 5 shows laid down by Nancy Knowlton in her the locations of the Lippy Point and Willapa Bay subarrays. (See recent work plenary talk at the 2006 AGU/ASLO/ of author Rechisky and colleagues for further details.) TOS Ocean Sciences Meeting in

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