USAID’S Growth with Equity in Mindanao Program GEM 3 Quarterly Report July 1, 2012 - September 30, 2012 Submitted to: United States Agency for International Development/Philippines Prepared by: Office of the Economic Development and Governance Manila, Philippines Daniel T. Bichanich Michael G. Langsdorf Submitted by: Emma G. Salmani THE Louis Berger Group, INC. Carlos C. Tan Engineers l Scientists l Economists l Planners Unit 3, 12/F, Export Bank Plaza, Sen. Gil Puyat cor. Pasong Tamo Makati City 1200 Philippines Tel; (63-02) 812-1647 Fax: (63-02) 818-8990 October 2012 The Growth with Equity in Mindanao Program is financed by the U.S. Agency for International Development and implemented in partnership with the Mindanao Development Authority (MinDA) The General Contractor is The Louis Berger Group, Inc. This publication was made possible through support provided by USAID under the terms of Contract No. AID 492-C-00-08-00001-00 . Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID rHELouis Berger Group, tNc. Unit 3, l2lF fuportBonkPlozo, Sen. Gil Puyoicomer Don Chino RocesAvenus, Mokoli Giy, I200 Philippines rrL: {6fl } 812-1647 . r -uen:
[email protected] rnx:(632) I I 2-5665 . wEesttE: EructttEERS. PLANNEBS o SctTNTISTS r Ecot',toMtsts October10,2012 DR.MA. TERESA ROBIELOS DevelopmentAssistance Specialist Officeof the EconomicDevelopment and Governance USAIDPhilippines 8/FPNB FinancialCenter Bldg. PresidentDiosdado Macapagal Blvd. PasayCity Subject: USAIDContract No. 492-C-00-08-{r0001 -00 Growthwith Equityin Mindanao3 (GEM3) Program QuarterlyPerformance Report (July 1, 2012' September30,20121 DearDr. Robielos: In accordancewith Section F.6 of ourcontract, Reports and Deliverablesor Outputs,and the requirementsset forth in AIDARclause 752.242-70, Periodic Progress Reports (Oct.