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Journeying Tibet 22th of April to the 11th of May 2019 Back to Source Journeying Tibet 22th of April to the 11th of May 2019

Yamdrok Lake

This is an invitation to a rare and fantastic journey, into one of the most important and deep spirituel cultures, in the world – the ancient .

Monastory of Ganden

Journeying Tibet 22th of April to the 11th of May 2019 The Invitation

The culture on the top of the Everything experienced in a world – is a culture that for human life, is experienced many years have lived an through one self and witnessed isolated life – it is going deep from the consciousness through into the very core of human and awareness – that’s the individual beyond human experiences. journey.

It is also an invitation into Together, we travel on our own spirituality - exploring the only individual journey. This spirituality there is – your own. togetherness gives everyone support and courage to accept This journey will day by day all the gifts, that Tibetan culture lead you deeper and deeper into has to offer. the unknown By doing this things starts to By accepting this invitation you build up and our common will be a part of a group that journey becomes the vehicle for will be traveling together, on this deeper and higher experiences, 21 days journey and possible transformations.

- a journey that might be,

the journey of your life

Monastory of Sera

Journeying Tibet 22th of April to the 11th of May 2019 The journey

This is fantastic ! Fantastic because of the beauty By connecting with this of the culture – fantastic environment and such a deep because of the energy ruling on tradition for energy work, as the the different places. tibetan, you can benefit tremendously, by being in this In some of the places that we group of spiritual travelers. will visit and explore, meditation has been going on for over 1300 years. Here there are of significant presence.

You will have the opportunity to meditate in some of the oldest meditation caves.

You will find places in nature that is so rare and innocent that it will soften everything – also the deepest core of your heart.

As we move along we will And meeting the original people nurture this proces with different of Tibet is like walking into approaches that is opening and temples of the heart which enriches the journey - – you will feel it immediately. like meditating, chanting, sharing, walking koras (prayerpaths) and work with Tibetan pulsing.

Journeying Tibet 22th of April to the 11th of May 2019 The 5 steps of this Journey

These steps are like anker stones for the pilgrimage we are taking together, and to prepare you for the journey ahead.

The First - Opening to Heartland We will stay, visit and explore Katmandu – opening up by exploring the area, the height, meditate and going deep in tibetan pulsing. We will stay at the Osho Tapovan Meditation center that embraces everyone with beauty and silence.

April 22th Arriving in Katmandu

April 23th Morning meditation – Tibetan Pulsing – Lunch – Exploring Katmandu Night at: Osho Center Katmandu

April 24th Morning meditation – Tibetan Pulsing – Lunch – Exploring Katmandu Night at: Osho Center Katmandu

April 25th Morning meditation – Tibetan Pulsing – Lunch – Exploring Katmandu Night at: Osho Center Katmandu

April 26th Morning meditation – Driving to Gyirong/Border between and Tibet Night at: River View Resort

Osho Tapoban, Katmandu

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Journeying Tibet 22th of April to the 11th of May 2019 The 5 steps of this Journey

The Second - Merging with the energies will be a beautiful and adventures drive from Katmandu, heart opening to the energy og the mountain Chomolungma (Mt. Everest)., visiting different important monasteries on our way to Lhasa.

April 27th From Gyiong border to old Night at: Snow Land Inn

April 28th From old Tingri to Rongbuk and Mt. Everest basecamp and further to Shegar Night at: Shegar Everest Hotel

April 29th From Shegar to further to visiting Tashilunpo Monastery Night at: Monasarovar hotel

April 30th To Gyantse visiting Pelkhor Chode temple complex further to Lhasa, via Yamdrok Lake Night at: Kyichu Garden hotel

Lake Yamdrok

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Journeying Tibet 22th of April to the 11th of May 2019 The 5 steps of this Journey

The Third - Feeling the hidden layers is exploring the holy places and monasteries in and around Lhasa - places filled with the mystic from the .

Mai 1th temple, Barkhor market, Night at: Kyichu Garden hotel

May 2th Potala Palace, Tibetan medicine institute – introduction class to Tibetan medicin Night at: Kyichu Garden hotel

May 3th Daytrip to Drak meditation temples and caves – meditation day here Night at: Kyichu Garden hotel

Potala Palace

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Journeying Tibet 22th of April to the 11th of May 2019 The 5 steps of this Journey

The Fourth - In between heaven and earth is coming close to holy mountains, beautiful lakes, walking holy Koras (prayerpaths) and the energies of the landscapes

May 4th Lhasa to , Drigung Valley and Dedrum hot springs Night at: Camping

May 5th Dringung Valley to Reten Monastery – meditation Night at: Camping

May 6th Mt. Chomokangar – hiking around the valley below the mountain Night at: Camping

Ganden Monastery

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Journeying Tibet 22th of April to the 11th of May 2019 The 5 steps of this Journey

The Fifth - The non-dual melting pot is settling down visiting Monastery and beeing in deep meditation contemplating the whole journey.

May 7th Chomkangar to Lhasa via Tsurpu Monastery – walking the Kora Night at: Kyichu Garden hotel

May 8th Chomokangar to Gangtok Monastery – meditation – drive to Tsedang Night at: Tsedang hotel May 9th Samye Monastery, Chimpu meditation heritage site – contemplating proces Night at: Tsedang hotel May 10th Contemplating - Meditation – Sharing - Integration Night at: Tsedang hotel

May 11th Airport transfer to Lhasa Airport

Samye Monastery

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Journeying Tibet 22th of April to the 11th of May 2019 The Costs for the whole journey Katmandu - Tibet - Lhasa - Kathmandu

Including Food (except 2. Maj in Lhasa), Accommodation in double rooms Tibet travel permits Transportations including road tax Entrance tickets on the sites mentioned Personal knowledgeable English-speaking Tibetan local tour guide Personal comfortable, clean and safe vehicle with reliable Tibetan local driver; vehicle ranging from 4WD land cruiser to minibus. Tibet travel permits Drinking water provided -ændringer af planerne vil forekomme

Excluding The flights Insurance Visa

Journeying Tibet 22th of April to the 11th of May 2019 Back to the Source

The Costs for the whole journey Katmandu - Tibet - Lhasa

Cost 3490 euros Signing up and payed before 5. april For single rooms 460 euros extra

If you need special arrangement for paying, please contact.

Early bird 3325 euros - Signing up and payed before 20th. March For single rooms 460 euros extra

Koordinator Johnny Vasant

Johnny Vasant has been guiding spiritual journeys for many years, and have worked with mind, no-mind and energy on many levels. Dive Deeper - Click here Working with spiritual transformations, bodywork and meditations since 1990. Tibetan Pulsing Healer Body-therapist Cognitive Mind Coach Meditation-trainer

Registration: Email: [email protected] Phone: +45 40 76 57 47

Journeying Tibet 22th of April to the 11th of May 2019 Back to Source


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Journeying Tibet 22th of April to the 11th of May 2019