Faculty and Administrators
Faculty and Administrators BOLTON, KAREN J COHEN, MIRELLE Faculty and Organizational Leadership and Resource Human Services, Chemical Dependency & Management. B.S., Southern Illinois Univer- Sociology. B.S., University of Surrey; M.S., Administrators sity; M.A., Chapman University; M.A., Ed.D., Oxford University; Ph.D., University of British Brandman University. Columbia. ABEL, KIM E Public Records Manager and Policy Develop- BRACKEBUSCH, ANN L COOK, SUZANNE E ment Coordinator. B.A. University of Wash- Mathematics. B.A., M.A., Portland State Nursing. B.S.N., College of Mt. St. Joseph; ington; J.D. Lewis and Clark College. University. M.N., University of Washington. ABEL, ROBERT W BRIGGS, ELISABETH A CURRY, JACQUIE Applied Physics/Mathematics. B.A., B.S., M.S., Mathematics. A.A.S., Wenatchee Valley Col- Deputy Director of Human Resource Services. University of Washington; M.S., Ph.D., Univer- lege; B.S., Central Washington University; B.A., The Ohio State University; M.Ed., Univer- sity of California, Los Angeles. M.S., Western Washington University. sity of Puget Sound. ADAMS, BONNIE L BRIGHT, KATHLEEN R DEVINE, SHAWN M Organizational Leadership & Resource Man- eLearning Support. A.A., Olympic College; Director, Communications & Web Services. agement. B.S., University of Washington; M.B.A., Uni- A.A.S., Olympic College; B.A., University of versity of Phoenix. Washington. ADAMS-NOWLIN, SARAH C English. B.A., M.A., University of Wisconsin. BROWNGOETZ, SARAH D’HAENENS-LUKER, DENISE L Director, College Grant Development. Mathematics. A.A. (2), Fullerton College; ARELLANO, PIERRE B.S., California State Polytechnic University, BUSS, ROSA M English. B.A. (2), M.A., Washington State Pomona; M.S., California State University, Administrator, Facilities Service.
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