Faculty and Administrators BERMEA, NANCY M COHEN, MIRELLE Faculty and Business Technology. Vocational Education Human Services, Chemical Dependency & Certificate; Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Sociology. B.S., University of Surrey; M.S., Administrators Certification; B.A.Ed., B.S.Ed., B.S., Peru State Oxford University; Ph.D., University of British College. Columbia. OC employs a diverse group of faculty and administrators who are highly qualified and BLACKMAN, JANE G COOK BRANDAN M committed to the success of our students. Director, WorkFirst & Special Projects. A.A.S., Chemistry. B.S., University of Washington; Olympic College; B.A., University of Washing- M.S., Washington State University; Ph.D., ABBAY, MARA L ton, Tacoma. Washington State University. Information Technology Operations Manager. A.T.A, Olympic College. BLACKWELL, KEVIN A COOK, SUZANNE E Computer Information Systems. A.S., Olympic Nursing. B.S.N., College of Mt. St. Joseph; ABEL, KIM E College; CEH, CISSP, CCNA, CCNA Security, M.N., University of Washington. Public Records Manager and Policy Develop- CNA, CNE, A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+, CURRY, JACQUIE ment Coordinator. B.A. University of Wash- MCP, MCP +I, MCSE, MCT, B.I.T., M.I.T., Ameri- Deputy Director of Human Resource Services. ington; J.D. Lewis and Clark College. can InterContinental University (AIU). B.A., Ohio State University; M.Ed., University ABEL, ROBERT W BOLTON, KAREN J of Puget Sound. Applied Physics/Mathematics. B.A., B.S., M.S., Organizational Leadership and Resource DADIA, ERNEST J University of Washington; M.S., Ph.D., Univer- Management. B.S., Southern Illinois Univer- Junior Analyst. B.A., Washington State Uni- sity of California, Los Angeles. sity; M.A., Chapman University; M.A., Ed.D., versity. ADAMS, BONNIE L Brandman University. DEVINE, SHAWN M Organizational Leadership & Resource Man- BRACKEBUSCH, ANN L Director, Communications & Web Services. agement. D.B.A., Argosy University. Mathematics. B.A., M.A., Portland State A.A.S., Olympic College; B.A., University of ADAMS-NOWLIN, SARAH C University. Washington. English. B.A., M.A., University of Wisconsin. BRIGGS, ELISABETH A D’HAENENS-LUKER, DENISE L ARELLANO, PIERRE Mathematics. A.A.S., Wenatchee Valley Col- Mathematics. A.A. (2), Fullerton College; lege; B.S., Central Washington University; English. B.A. (2), M.A., Washington State B.S., California State Polytechnic University, M.S., Western Washington University. University. Pomona; M.S., California State University, ASH, KYOUNG H BRIGHT, KATHLEEN R Long Beach. Vice President, Administrative Services. Ph.D., eLearning Support. A.A., Olympic College; DILLING, GAYLE J B.S., University of Washington; M.B.A., Uni- Colorado State University. Early Childhood Education. B.S., University of versity of Phoenix. BABBO, GERIANNE M Wyoming; M.A., San Francisco State Univer- Associate Dean, Nursing. Diploma in Nursing, CAREY, DIANNE I sity. St. Vincent’s College of Nursing; B.S.N., M.N., Library. B.A., Western Washington Univer- DODGE, MATTHEW A sity; Master of Librarianship, University of Ed.D., University of Washington. Biology. A.A.S., Shoreline Community College; Washington. BABBO, JOHN M B.S., University of Washington; Ph.D., Harvard Counseling. B.A., M.Ed., Long Beach State CARLTON, PAULINE J University. University. Transitions Coordinator. A.A., Olympic Col- DOHERTY, COLLEEN C lege; B.S., Southern Illinois University. BALDWIN, THEODORE C ADN/RN-BSN. B.S.N., Pacific Lutheran Univer- Chemistry. B.S., George Fox University; M.S., CARSON, ANTHONY R sity; M.S.N., University of Washington; Ph.D., University of Arizona. Counseling. B.A., The Evergreen State Col- Washington State University. lege; M.Ed., City University. BARTLETT, LYNDON R DORSEY, ANGELA Physical Therapist Assistant (Faculty/Program CAUDLE, SEAN L Academic Advisor. A.A., Olympic College; Director). B.S.P.T., M.P.T., University of Wash- Applied Physics. B.S., Oregon State University; B.A., M.A., Chapman University College. ington. M.S., Arizona State University. DOUGLAS, ERIN J BATES, AKIKO K CAVALLUZZI, MARTIN R English. M.A., Ph.D., Miami University. Assistant Director, International Student Ser- President of Olympic College. A.A., Orange DRANE, AARON R Coast College; B.S., Humboldt State Univer- vices. B.A., Oregon State University. Dramatic Arts. B.A., Washington State Univer- sity; M.A., Ph.D., The College of William and BECK, DOUGLAS S sity; M.A. University of California Las Angeles; Mary. Precision Machining. B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Mas- M.A. Clinical Psychology. CHRISTEAN, TRISH sachusetts Institute of Technology. ELAURIA, ANGELA D.C. Counseling/Early Alert Program. B.A., Univer- BECKER, RICHARD R Biology. B.S., M.S., University of the Philip- sity of Washington; M.A., The Chicago School pines; Ph.D., University of Idaho. Information Systems. B.S., M.S., University of of Professional Psychology. Phoenix. ELIASON, TERESA L CLAWSON, KIRSTEN BELL, DAMON A Choral/Vocal Music. B.A., Eastern Washing- Academic Advisor. B.A., B.S.W., Brigham ton University; M.M., University of Northern Vice President, Student Services & Achieve- Young University Hawaii; M.Ed., West Texas Colorado. ment. A.A., Harbor College; B.A., University of A&M University. California; M.Ed., University of Georgia; Ed.D., ELLIOTT, MARIL H COCKROFT, MARTIN B California State University. American Sign Language. B.S., California Director, Applied Baccalaureate/Center for BERG, ROSEANN L State University at Northridge. Teaching & Learning. B.A., Wheaton College; Director, Mathematics, Engineering, Science M.F.A., University of Montana. EMBREE RUSSELL, ANDREA Achievement (MESA) Program. A.S., Edmonds COE, ERICA L Lab Resource Nurse. A.T.A., B.S.N, Olympic Community College; B.S., University of Wash- College. ington. D.C., Palmer College of Chiropractic. Dean, Library, Learning Resources, & eLearn- ing. B.A., M.A., Ball State University; M.L.S., Indiana University. Olympic.edu | 360-792-6050 or 1-800-259-6718 145 Faculty and Administrators EMMONS, DAVID J HAINES, MARTIN F HOFMANN-GACIOCH, DOMINIQUE A Executive Director, Olympic College Founda- Mathematics. B.A., M.A., University of New Clinical Placement Liaison. B.A., University of tion. B.S., M.S., Missouri State University. Mexico. Washington. ESPASANDIN, CARRIE HALL, BRUCE M HOLK, MINERVA R Biology. A.A., Clatsop Community College; Geography. B.A., M.A., University of Kansas; Nursing. B.S.N., Murray State University; B.S., University of Hawaii. Ph.D., Southern Illinois University. M.S.N., Indiana University. Ed.D., University of ESTOQUE, ELEONOR HANSON, BARBARA Washington. Nursing. B.S., De La Salle Health Sciences Insti- Executive Assistant to the Vice President for HOOVER, CARMEN G tute; M.A., University of La Sallette, Inc. Instruction. A.A., Tacoma Community College; English. B.A., M.F.A., University of Montana. ESTRELLA, JAMES M B.A., University of Washington. HOWELL, JAMES Multicultural & Diversity Studies. Ph.D., Stan- HANSON, DONDI R Mathematics. B.S., University of Puget Sound; ford University. Computer Information Systems. A.A.S., M.S., Ph.D., Florida Institute of Technology. FARR, BARBARA D Olympic College; B.S., American College of HUDSON, TIA M Computer & Information Sciences. Mathematics. A.A., Tallahassee Community English. B.A. (2), Portland State University; College; B.S., M.S., Queen’s University. HARMON, LAURIE M.F.A., Pacific Lutheran University. FERGUSON, DEANNA Executive Assistant to the Vice President of HULSEBOSCH, KAREN L Administrative Services/Chief Information Biology. B.A., M.S., Oakland University. Mathematics. B.S., M.S., University of Wyo- Officer. B.A., Central Washington University. FERRI, ROSE M ming. HARRISON, LOWELL MARK Transitions Coordinator. B.A., Seattle Univer- JANUSCH, BARRY R Dean, Mathematics, Engineering, Science and sity; M.P.A., The Evergreen State College. Director, Bremer Student Center & Athletics. Health (MESH). B.S., Luther College; Ph.D., B.S., Western Oregon University; M.A., Idaho FLOWERS, BILLY H Texas A&M University. State University. Chemistry. B.S., Columbus University; Ph.D., HARTSE, CAROLINE M University of Georgia. JOHNSON, HELLA ILONA Anthropology/Social Sciences. B.S., Montana Business Management. B.A., M.B.A., Univer- FUNARO, JAMES M State University; M.A., Ph.D., University of sity of Washington. Director, Tech Prep; Transitions Coordinator. New Mexico. JOKHI, DINSHAW A.A., Cabrillo College; B.A., San Jose State HATFIELD, AMY C University; M.P.A., University of New Mexico. Philosophy & Political Studies. B.A., Western Dean, Workforce Development & Basic Washington University; M.A. (2), Claremont FUSCO, KAREN A Studies. B.A., Mount Holyoke College; M.A., Graduate School; M.P.A., University of Wash- Director, Access Services. B.S., Ohio University. M.B.A., Boston University. ington. GARGUILE, MARY J HAYS, NAYDENE R JONES, TERESA C Vice President, Instruction. B.S., M.A., Wash- Director, Tutoring. M.S., University of Arizona. Counseling. B.A., Occidental College; M.S.W., ington State University; Ed.D., University of HEINZE, JASON P Ph.D., University of Washington. Washington, Tacoma. Mathematics. B.S., George Fox University; JOSE, JUDIE R GARRIPOLI, AMELIA-ANN R M.A., University of California, Santa Barbara. Executive Assistant to the Vice President Information Systems. B.S., University of Colo- HERING, SEVILLE A for Student Services & Achievement. A.T.A., rado; M.S., Stanford University. Communication Studies. B.A., M.S., Eastern Olympic College. GEBHARDT-FUENTES, AMANDA L Washington University; Ph.D., Gonzaga KEELING, RONALD H Manager, Institutional Research and Effective- University. Welding. ness. B.S., Andrews University; M.S., Chapman HERMAN, AMY L University. KELSO, MARY ANN Library. B.A., Pacific Lutheran University; Mathematics. B.S., M.S., Idaho State Univer- GEYER, CAMEON S.A. M.L.I.S., San Jose State University. sity. Chemistry. B.S. (2), M.S., University of Wash- HERNANDEZ, EVELYN P ington. KITCHENS, ALFRED P Chief Information Officer. A.A.S., Olympic Col- Welding Technology. Welding Certificate, GILL, ELIZABETH A lege; B.S., Chapman University; M.C.L., Uni- Clover Park Technical College; AWS Certified Director, Nursing Assistant Program.
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