University of Bishop's College Lennoxville, Que
The M itre University of Bishop's College Lennoxville, Que. Volume XXIX, No. 2. Trinity & Convocation 1922 University of Bishop's College LENNOXVILLE, QUE. THE COLLEGE OFFICERS Principal, Rev. A. H. McGreer, M.A., M.C., O .B .E ,............... Dean of the Faculty of Arts Dean of the Faculty of Divinity, Vice Principal, Harold Professor of Divinity Rev. R. Rocksborougih Smith, M.A., Selwyn College, Cambridge. Professor of History, and English Literature, E. E. Boothroyd, Esq., M. A. (Cantab) M.A. (Bishop’s). J. J. S. Mountain Professor of Pastoral Theology . Rev. F. G. Vial, M.A., B.D. (Bishop’s). Professor of Philosophy and Economics, and Lecturer in Church History Rev. H. C. Burt, M.A. (Trinity, Toronto). Professor of Modern Languages...................................... F. O. Call, Esq., M.A. (Bishop’s). Professor of Mathematics.................................. A. V. Richardson, Esq, M.A, (Cantab.). Professor of C lassics.....................................................W. A. Rae, Esq, M.A. (Chicago). Lecturer in Natural S cience.......................................J. W. Morgan, Esq, B.A. (Toronto). Honorary Lecturer in Surgery . E. A. Robertson, Esq, M.A. (Bishop’s), M.D. (McGill). O rgan ist............................................................. ... ..................................... L. F. Jenne, Esq. Bursar and Registrar................................................................... J. C. Stewart, Esq, M.C. Michaelmas Term, from Sept. 16 to Dee. 16, 1922. Lent Term, from Jan. 8 to March 31, 1923. Trinity Term, from April 1 to June 21, 1923. For Calendars and further information apply to the PRINCIPAL or the REGISTRAR. J. W lPPELL & Co., Ltd., ESTABLISHED 127 YEARS. Clerical Tailors, Robe Makers, etc. CHEVIOT LOUNGE SUITS, "A LL WOOL." from $ 2 6 .2 5 PRIESTS CASSOCKS, ready-to-wear - - $ 1 1 .2 5 GATHERED SURPLICES - - - from $5 75 STOLES, GOWNS.
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