EAST MIDLANDS OFFICE Ms Nicola Howarth Direct Dial: 01604 735460 Peak District National Park Aldern House Our Ref: P00515586 Ba
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EAST MIDLANDS OFFICE Ms Nicola Howarth Direct Dial: 01604 735460 Peak District National Park Aldern House Our ref: P00515586 Baslow Road Bakewell Derbyshire DE45 1AE 7 July 2016 Dear Ms Howarth Arrangements for Handling Heritage Applications Direction 2015 & T&CP (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 BALLIDON QUARRY, BALLIDON, DE6 1QX Application No NP/DDD/0616/0542 Thank you for your letter of 17 June 2016 notifying Historic England of the above application. Historic England Advice The medieval settlement and associated field system immediately south of Ballidon village is a scheduled monument designated on the basis of its national archaeological importance. The proposed works would follow the excluded highway through the centre of the monument before emerging to follow the parish / township boundary to the south. The proposed archaeological mitigation strategy of a 'watching brief' as set out by Wessex Archaeology is inadequate to effectively manage risk of harm to the significance of the scheduled monument through impacts upon its archaeological setting (or the potential for nationally important undesignated archaeological remains) and would thus leave the scheme harmful in terms of NPPF paragraph 132 and 134 and poorly mitigated in terms of paragraphs 139 and 141. We recommend that a review of the 2009 desk based study is followed by target pre-commencement investigations in order to inform a more sophisticated mitigation strategy (with the advice of the National Park's Senior Conservation Archaeologist). In particular we note that the Wessex document states "2.2.6 There is no evidence for Saxon activity within the Study Area." We find this unhelpful in the light for instance of the well documented 7th century burial evidence in the immediate vicinity (e.g. Wigber Low), the scheduled early medieval cross at Bradbourne and the 10th century charter for the Ballidon estate. See list entry for Ballidon Medieval Settlement at https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1021244 2nd Floor, WINDSOR HOUSE, CLIFTONVILLE, NORTHAMPTON, NN1 5BE Telephone 01604 735460 HistoricEngland.org.uk Historic England is subject to the Freedom of Information Act. 2000 (FOIA) and Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR). All information held by the organisation will be accessible in response to an information request, unless one of the exemptions in the FOIA or EIR applies. EAST MIDLANDS OFFICE Recommendation We recommend that your authority should in line with the NPPF ensure that harm to the significance of Balldon scheduled monument in its archaeological landscape setting is minimised and appropriately assessed and mittigated, in which respect we refer you to the advice of the PDNPA archaeologist. In particular work should focus on the interaction of the proposed pipe with the landscape described in the 10th century estate charter. The mittigation strategy proposed is in our view inadiquate. We would welcome the opportunity of advising further. Please consult us again if any additional information or amendments are submitted. If, notwithstanding our advice, you propose to approve the scheme in its present form, please advise us of the date of the committee and send us a copy of your report at the earliest opportunity. Yours sincerely Tim Allen Inspector of Ancient Monuments [email protected] CC Ms Natalie Ward - Senior Conservation Archaeologist PDNPA 2nd Floor, WINDSOR HOUSE, CLIFTONVILLE, NORTHAMPTON, NN1 5BE Telephone 01604 735460 HistoricEngland.org.uk Historic England is subject to the Freedom of Information Act. 2000 (FOIA) and Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR). All information held by the organisation will be accessible in response to an information request, unless one of the exemptions in the FOIA or EIR applies. .