From: Grahame Fyles <
[email protected]> Sent: 21 May 2015 16:12 To: Barton Andrew Subject: Re: FW: Ballidon - S106 Variation I confirm our agreement to the extension of time to determine the above application. Regards On 21 May 2015 at 16:03, Barton Andrew <
[email protected]> wrote: Grahame, Further to my quick update email below, I would like to seek your further agreement to an extension of time to the determination of planning application NP/DDD/0214/0210 � at this point in time, I anticipate that we can get the decision out next week, so if I could request an extension to the end of this month (31st May 2015) please, that should now suffice. Regards, Andy From: Barton Andrew Sent: 21 May 2015 09:38 To:
[email protected] Subject: FW: Ballidon - S106 Variation Grahame, Good to see you yesterday, hope you got back home safely. Just for your information, and following on from our discussion yesterday, looks like your legal team have now returned the Deed of Variation for the powders application, so we� ll proceed to issue that decision notice as soon as we can (subject to Louckia� s availability below). Regards Andy From: Taylor Louckia Sent: 20 May 2015 10:04 To: Barton Andrew Subject: FW: Ballidon - S106 Variation Andy, For your information. Unfortunately, I won� t be able to pick this up until Tuesday when I� m next in the office. I� ll then get the deed sealed and let you know when the decision notice can be issued.