BRINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Notes of The Annual Village Meeting which took place On Wednesday 15th May 2019 at in the Reading Room, .

Fifteen people joined parish councillors for refreshments before the meeting . Apologies were received from Cllrs. James Milne, John Bateson, Jo Gardner, Laura iles and Keith White as well as District Cllr. Richard Micklewright and County Cllr. Steve Osborne. A number of parishioners also sent their apologies.

1. Welcome by the Chairman Cllr. Stuart Norey, welcomed everyone and began by recounting the work undertaken by the Council during the previous year including: • Securing a low cost loan to complete the programme of fitting new street lights • Input into the DDC Settlements & Countryside Local Plan • Completion and adoption by DDC of the Village Design Statement • Implementing various improvements in both Bringtons villages • Signing a new lease for Playing Field • Organising meetings with Gigaclear and the local MP Chris Heaton-Harris • Dealing with numerous planning applications as well as issues at Grange Farm • Planting the Memorial Oak Tree in partnership with the Estate • Securing the grant for Kimbells Field with the help of residents • Applying. for a Speed Reduction on the C5, a matter which is ongoing • Creating policies and procedures to be GDPR compliant

Cllr. Norey also thanked all those people who give their time to assist with community matters, especially Bill Lake the Highways Volunteer, Malcolm Uttley who painted and stained his way around the parish recently and the three young people who help to look after the playing fields.

2 An update from Althorp Nigel Shields, the Estates Director at Althorp, began by telling listeners about the various activities on the Estate and reported that the deer herds are flourishing and the hedgehog protection work is doing well. However, Nigel was pessimistic about the state of the Ash trees in the whole area because of Ash Die-back, which has meant a great deal of roadside surgery for the Estate as this is the main location of most of the Ash trees.

Turning to development Nigel reported that the work of putting together a planning application for Grange Farm is still underway; the Estate is still considering the future of the plot of land at the side of the Althorp Coaching Inn and he explained that work on the Old Shop, Bakers Cottage, is very slow because the Trust managing the refurbishment is low on funds. The prospect is that the work will not be complete


for another two years. Nigel took a few questions and then Cllr. Norey thanked him for attending the meeting .

3. Brief reports from Representatives of Parish Groups Reports were read from – Brington & Pre-School Tricia Dominici The Chauntry Trust – Sian Gardner The Reading Room – Ian Dexter The History Society – Ian Dexter The Tree Warden – Ian Dexter The Gardeners Assn. – Sue Smith Parish Path Warden – Sue Smith Reports from The Evergreens, Brington & Nobottle News and Neighbourhood Watch were read by Councillors.

All written reports submitted to the Clerk, will be uploaded to the PC website in due course.

4. Closing Comments Cllr. Norey closed the meeting again thanking everyone for attending and offering their support. The meeting closed at 7.45 pm.