COLD HIGHAM PARISH COUNCIL Postal Address: 8 Compton Way, Earls Barton, NN6 0PL Email:
[email protected] Website: All Councillors are summoned to attend the Meeting of Cold Higham Parish Council to be held virtually (joining instructions below) on Thursday 21 January 2021 at 11.00 am. AGENDA 1. Apologies to be accepted. 2. Declarations of Interest. 3. Reports from District and County Councillors. 4. Public Session. 5. Approval and Signature of the minutes of the Ordinary meeting of the 19 November 2020 and Extraordinary Meeting of the 10 December 2020. 6. Matters Arising: a. Precept demand update. 7. Correspondence to note or agree action where needed. 8. Open Spaces: a. Rights of Way – paths and styles. b. Street furniture, telephone boxes and signage update. c. Litter pick. 9. Churchyard: a. Council responsibilities for maintaining the churchyard. b. Review of policies and rules - update. c. Maintenance update and approve action or budget requirements. Cllrs Forster & Hurford to report. d. Cemetery Hedge – request from resident for additional maintenance. 10. Planning Matters. a. Planning consultation/Information. 11. Renew Internet Security Software (McAfee Subscription expires 28 March 2021) – approve renewal and budget. 12. NCC Urban Highway Grass Mowing Grant 2021. Council to decide to apply for grant. 13. Finance & Admin. a. Approve bank reconciliation as of 30 December 2020 – separate paper. b. To receive receipts: i. NatWest Bank Interest: 29 November 2020 £0.17p ii. NCC: Urban Highway Grass Mowing Grant 23 December 2020 £149.72 c. To approve payments: Chq Payee Purpose VAT Amount Powers 1030 G Greaves Clerks Salary January 21 £239.98 Local Government (Financial Provisions) Act 1963 s5 1031 HMRC Clerks PAYE January £59.80 Local Government 2021 (Financial Provisions) Act 1963 s5 1032 E-ON Streetlight works £191.98 £1,151.88 Highways 1980 Act.