AGENDA for the 69 SEAC MEETING on 09 & 10 March, 2017
AGENDA FOR THE 69th SEAC MEETING On 09th & 10th March, 2017 Time : 10 am Venue: Harithasree Hall, Pallimukku Agenda Name of the project items DAY - 1 (09/03/2017) 69.00 Approval of minutes of 68th SEAC meeting 69.01 Follow up action of minutes of the meetings of SEIAA Power point presentations Application for Approval of Terms of Reference for EIA study for Outer Area Growth Corridor (55 km) highway project proposed through the villages Mangalapuram, Andorrkonam, Pothencode, Karakulam, Aruvikkara', Poovachal', Vilappil, Kattakada, 69.02 ToR Online Maranallur, Malayinkeezhu, Pallichal, 'Kalliyur', 'Venganur', (PPP) application Vembayam, Vellanad, Vilavoorkal, Thiruvananthapuram district By T.Balakrishnan, Convenor, Capitol Region Development Programme (File No. 1076/EC1/SEIAA/2016). Environmental Clearance for the Proposed Residential Project B/Apt (“Noel Ecoden”) in Re-survey nos. 468/9, 469/2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, (PPP) 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 484/1, 2, 7 & 8, Vazhakkala Village, 69.03 Green Online Thrikkakara Municipality, Kanayannur Taluk, Ernakulam District, Certification application Kerala State by Mr. John Thomas, Managing Partner, M/s Noel – Out of Villas & Apartments (File No. 1101/EC/SEIAA/KL/2017) Turn Environmental clearance for the expansion of quarry project in Sy. No. 153/2‐2, 152/1‐3, 151/4‐2, 151/2‐3, 151/2‐4, 151/4‐3, 152/1‐2, 163/1‐1 & 163/1‐2 of Block – 26 at Valakom Village, Quarry 69.04 Offline Kottarakkara Taluk, Kollam District, Kerala by Sri. M. Abraham, (PPP) Ayoor, Kollam for the Proposed Expansion of Building Stone Quarry (File No. 739/SEIAA/KL/6074/2014) Environmental clearance for the proposed building stone quarry project in Re-survey No.
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