Miomir Korać – Kasnoantička I Ranovizantijska

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Miomir Korać – Kasnoantička I Ranovizantijska ARHEOLO[KI INSTITUT, BEOGRAD \erdapske sveske posebna izdawa 8 INSTITUT ARCHÉOLOGIQUE, BELGRADE Cahiers des Portes de Fer monographies 8 MIOMIR KORA] LATE ROMAN AND EARLY BYZANTINE FORTIFICATIONS LJUBI^EVAC AND U[]E SLATINSKE REKE BELGRADE 2018 MIOMIR KORA] KASNOANTI^KA I RANOVIZANTIJSKA UTVR\EWA QUBI^EVAC I U[]E SLATINSKE REKE BEOGRAD 2018. Published by Izdava~ INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY ARHEOLO[KI INSTITUT Kneza Mihaila 35/IV, Belgrade Kneza Mihaila 35/IV, Beograd www.ai.ac.rs www.ai.ac.rs Editor-in-chief Glavni i odgovorni urednik Miomir Kora} Miomir Kora} Editorial Board Redakcioni odbor Slavi{a Peri}, Josip [ari}, Vesna Biki}, Slavi{a Peri}, Josip [ari}, Vesna Biki}, Sne`ana Golubovi} Sne`ana Golubovi} Reviewed by Recenzenti Ljubica Zotovi}, Bojan \uri}, Verena Perko, Qubica Zotovi}, Bojan \uri}, Verena Perko, Ivana Popovi} Ivana Popovi} Drawings Crte`i Aleksandra Suboti} Aleksandra Suboti} Photographs Fotografije Miomir Kora} Miomir Kora} Translated by Prevod Mirjana Vukmanovi} Mirjana Vukmanovi} Language editor Lektura Dave Calcutt Dejv Kalkat Graphic design by Dizajn i tehni~ko ure|ewe D_Sign, Belgrade D_Sign, Beograd Printed by [tampa Digital Art Company, Belgrade Digital Art Company, Beograd Printed in Tira` 500 copies 500 primeraka ISBN 978-86-6439-031-6 This book has been published with financial help from Kwiga je {tampana uz finansijsku pomo} the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnolo{kog razvoja Development of the Republic of Serbia (project 47018) Republike Srbije (projekat 47018) CONTENTS I INTRODUCTION … 11 II DACIA RIPENSIS – LATE ROMAN MODEL OF A PROVINCE … 15 III SOME BASIC PRINCIPLES OF STRATEGY AND TACTICS APPLIED TO THE FORTIFICATIONS OF THE LJUBI^EVAC AND U[]E SLATINSKE REKE TYPE … 23 IV LJUBI^EVAC–GLAMIJA II … 33 IV 1. Site location, history of investigations and basic periodisation of the site … 33 IV 2. Fortifications at Ljubi~evac–Glamija II … 39 IV 2.1. Earlier fortification from the 4th century at Ljubi~evac … 41 IV 2.2. Later fortification from the 6th century at Ljubi~evac … 55 V CREMATION BURIAL FROM LJUBI^EVAC AS A POSSIBLE CHRONOLOGICAL DISTINCTION OF THE INNER AND OUTER FORTIFICATION … 59 VI FINDS FROM LJUBI^EVAC … 69 VI 1. Pottery vessels … 69 VI 1.1. Bowls … 69 VI 1.2. Pots … 78 VI 1.3. Plates … 91 VI 1.4. Amphoras … 95 VI 1.5. Pithoi – dolia … 101 VI 1.6. Jugs … 104 VI 1.7. Lids … 110 VI 2. Pottery lamps … 116 VI 3. Glass vessels and glass objects … 118 VI 4. Metal objects … 120 VI 4.1. Silver spoon from Ljubi~evac … 120 VI 4.2. Fibulas … 125 SADR@AJ I UVOD … 11 II DACIA RIPENSIS – KASNOANTI^KI MODEL PROVINCIJE … 15 III NEKI OSNOVNI PRINCIPI STRATEGIJE I TAKTIKE PRIMEWENI NA UTVR\EWIMA TIPA QUBI^EVAC I U[]E SLATINSKE REKE … 23 IV QUBI^EVAC–GLAMIJA II … 33 IV 1. Polo`aj lokaliteta, istorijat istra`ivawa i osnovna periodizacija nalazi{ta … 33 IV 2. Utvr|ewa u Qubi~evcu–Glamiji II … 39 IV 2.1. Starije utvr|ewe (IV vek) u Qubi~evcu … 41 IV 2.2. Mla|e utvr|ewe iz VI veka u Qubi~evcu … 55 V GROB SA KREMACIJOM IZ QUBI^EVCA KAO MOGU]NOST HRONOLO[KOG RAZGRANI^EWA ODNOSA UNUTRA[WEG I SPOQA[WEG UTVR\EWA … 59 VI POKRETNI NALAZI IZ QUBI^EVCA … 69 VI 1. Kerami~ke posude … 69 VI 1.1. Zdele … 69 VI 1.2. Lonci … 78 VI 1.3. Tawiri … 91 VI 1.4. Amfore … 95 VI 1.5. Pitosi – dolia … 101 VI 1.6. Kr~azi … 104 VI 1.7. Poklopci … 110 VI 2. Kerami~ke lampe … 116 VI 3. Staklene posude i predmeti od stakla … 117 VI 4. Metalni predmeti … 120 VI 4.1. Srebrna ka{ika iz Qubi~evca … 120 VI 4.2. Fibule … 125 VI 4.3. Buckles … 130 VI 4.4. Weaponry … 132 VI 4.5. Tools and equipment … 135 VI 4.6. Coins … 142 VII U[]E SLATINSKE REKE … 147 VII 1. Site location, history of investigations and basic periodisation … 147 VII 2. Fortifications at U{}e Slatinske reke … 151 VII 2.1. Earlier fortification with 4th century settlement at U{}e Slatinske reke … 151 VII 2.2. Later fortification at U{}e Slatinske reke from the 6th century … 153 VIII FINDS FROM U[]E SLATINSKE REKE … 161 VIII 1. Pottery vessels … 161 VIII 1.1. Bowls … 161 VIII 1.2. Pots … 161 VIII 1.3. Amphoras … 165 VIII 1.4. Pithoi – dolia … 167 VIII 1.5. Jugs … 168 VIII 1.6. Lids … 169 VIII 2. Metal objects … 170 VIII 2.1. Buckles … 170 VIII 2.2. Coins … 171 IX CONCLUSION … 173 X ABBREVIATIONS … 177 XI BIBLIOGRAPHY … 181 VI 4.3. Kop~e … 130 VI 4.4. Naoru`awe … 132 VI 4.5. Alat i pribor … 136 VI 4.6. Nalazi novca … 142 VII U[]E SLATINSKE REKE … 147 VII 1. Polo`aj lokaliteta, istorijat istra`ivawa i osnovna periodizacija nalazi{ta … 147 VII 2. Utvr|ewa u U{}u Slatinske reke … 151 VII 2.1. Starije utvr|ewe sa naseqem iz IV veka u U{}u Slatinske reke … 151 VII 2.2. Mla|e utvr|ewe VI veka u U{}u Slatinske reke … 153 VIII POKRETNI NALAZI IZ U[]A SLATINSKE REKE … 161 VIII 1. Kerami~ke posude … 161 VIII 1.1. Zdele … 161 VIII 1.2. Lonci … 162 VIII 1.3. Amfore … 165 VIII 1.4. Pitosi – dolia … 167 VIII 1.5. Kr~azi … 168 VIII 1.6. Poklopci … 169 VIII 2. Metalni predmeti … 170 VIII 2.1. Kop~e … 170 VIII 2.2. Nalazi novca … 171 IX ZAKQU^AK … 173 X SKRA]ENICE … 177 XI BIBLIOGRAFIJA … 181 UVOD INTRODUCTION I ROBLEMATICI kasnoanti~kog i ranovizan- HE PROBLEMS of the Late Antiquity and Early Ptijskog perioda nije u nau~noj literaturi T Byzantine period have not been given sufficient posve}ena dovoqna pa`wa, kako po pitawu vojnih attention in the academic literature, with regard to ure|ewa, tako i po pitawu prostora provincije military organisation as well as the territory of the Dakije Ripenzis (Dacia Ripensis). Momzenova fak- Dacia Ripensis province. Mommsen’s factographic tografska opaska, od pre vi{e od jednog veka, ~ini remark from more than hundreds years ago seems se, na `alost, aktuelnom i danas. On na jednom me- regrettably relevant, even today. He says in one pas- stu ka`e: „…te{ko da postoji i jedan predmet rim- sage: “…there is hardly any topic concerning the Ro- skog doba koji je tako zanemaren, kao rimsko vojno man age that is so much neglected as the Roman mil- ure|ewe IV, V i VI veka…” (Mommsen 1889, 195). itary organization of the 4th, 5th and 6th centuries…” Postoje, naravno, brojna i izuzetno zna~ajna dela (Mommsen 1889, 195). There are, of course, numer- posve}ena problematici kasnoanti~kog perioda ous and exceptionally important works devoted to the (Seeck 1966²; Stein 1919; Alföldi 1939; Bury 1973²; problems of the Late Antique period (Seeck 1966²; Jones 1964; CAH XII, 2005, XIV, 2001; NCMH I, Stein 1919; Alföldi 1939; Bury 1973²; Jones 1964; CAH 1999; Demandt 2007), ali ona se bave uglavnom do- XII, 2005, XIV, 2001; NCMH I, 1999; Demandt 2007), ga|ajima na Balkanu u III, IV i V veku, s obzirom but they generally deal with the events in the Balkans na zna~aj koji su imali za sudbinu rimske dr`ave in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th centuries, regarding their signif- (Mirkovi} 1981, 45). Pojedini autori se u mono- icance for the fate of the Roman state (Mirkovi} 1981, grafskim delima samo doti~u ovog geografskog 45). Some authors just mention the geographic area in prostora (Wilkes 1969), ili pa`wu usmeravaju na their monographs (Wilkes 1969) or they pay attention dru{tvene odnose (Mócsy 1974) ili se u okviru to the social relationships (Mócsy 1974), or are intere- studija o podunavskim i isto~nim provincijama sted in the urban organisation within the studies about uglavnom bave gradskom organizacijom (Jones 1937). the Danubian and eastern provinces (Jones 1937). In U novije vreme, pojavio se niz kolektivnih dela recent times there has appeared a series of collective (tematski zbornici radova, akta simpozijuma i works (collections of text on distinct topics, symposia konferencija) i pojedina~nih radova, koji u raz- and conferences proceedings) and individual works, matrawe uzimaju probleme kasnoanti~kog limesa, which take into consideration the problems of the Late wegovog ustrojstva, pitawa vojne, ekonomske, ci- Roman limes, its organisation, questions of military, vilne organizacije, me|usobne odnose du` sredwe- economic and civil organisation, and mutual relation- dunavskog i dowedunavskog limesa u kasnoj antici ships along the middle and lower Danube limes in the 11 LATE ROMAN AND EARLY BYZANTINE FORTIFICATIONS LJUBI^EVAC AND U[]E SLATINSKE REKE (Studia Danubiana 1999; Archäologie und Geschichte Late Antiquity (Studia Danubiana 1999; Archäologie der Region des Eisernen Tores zwischen 275–602 n. und Geschichte der Region des Eisernen Tores zwischen Chr., 2003; Constantine the Great and the Edict of 275–602 n. Chr., 2003; Constantine the Great and the Milan 313, 2013). Edict of Milan 313, 2013). Provincija Dakija Ripenzis, monografski je The Dacia Ripensis province had been studied in obra|ena u delu H. Vetersa (Vetters 1951), ali je de- the monograph of H. Vetters (Vetters 1951), but it has limi~no korigovana novijim arheolo{kim i isto- been corrected to some extent on the basis of more re- rijskim istra`ivawima. Izuzetno zna~ajno, za ovaj cent archaeological and historical investigations. Ex- deo dunavskog prostora je i delo M. Mirkovi} ceptionally important for this section of the Danube (Mirkovi} 1968), ali se ono mawe bavi kasnoanti~- region is the work of M.
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