1968.10.16.Pdf (8.470Mb)
_ Flt h ? - The Salis bur1 Stat'e ... occer ~(' - R cord _ ow .. Outten's 3-1-2 A nswers" Png 3! foJ:xXXVIII - NO. 2 OCTOBER 16, 196 FAI .Y '' TO y PL 0 s C. l\lr. \Vilson haron Leo nard, a senior, as Eliza Doolittle; John O'Ma y, also a sen io r, as Henry Higgins; Ike F eath er, a sophomore, as Colonel Pick in g is a n 1 I rly eli ng ; Frank Parks, a junior, as man who a ·ls Ml ll1 <' h ::u·acl t ' F'reddy Eynsford-Hill ; and Tom I al11. n c I lwC'r n J·~liza :mcl Hig Davis, a freshman, as Alfred P . g in s. Hr is the •pi Lom of lhc old Doolittle. gng ll sh grnllc•ma n." Fl"anlc Parks, who plays Fr ddy Eynsfor l-Hill, has b n in lh SSC proclu lions of arni v:tl and Com Alexander .Scourby Presents Program (• lly of J~rron; and in lh student produ lion Phoenix Too F r - A noted actor of stage, scr een, <1111·111. He a lso di!" • lr cl L ('t 'l'hrrl' radio and television came to lk 1"::trc·(• las l y 111·. cscl"ibin g I hr alisbury State College on Thurs r; hara :ler of l•' n ·clcl y, h<' said , day, October 3, 1968, in H olloway "F1·rclcl y iH an a1" islocn1li ·. s liff Hall Auditorium when Alexander 'CJli a 1· young 111 :1_11 wilh a l finilc courby presented " Walt Whit cl a mpne>ss b hincl llw cars.
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