Name Lund, Calvin Wilbert Lodge No. 208 Northeast Harbor s1/ Initiated Dimitted Official Record J ... J-1981 Passed 5-19-1981 } Ol\15 )1 0 Deprived Raised 6- 8-1981 N. P. D. } Affiliated t~~~d6~ } Reinstated Expelled

Restored Died

Born 6-J0-19 54 Remarks Official Record

Suspended} N.P. D. Deprived} N. P. D. Suspended} U . M.C. Reins tated Expelled

Restored Died

RemarJc/ . . ; / /- ) 1 J- / f G B I'Jfl'U/l/ ., -3 o ~1 ~ o o Name Lund , Forrest C Lod~e No. 12 Cumbe rland Dlmitted Official Record

Suspended} N. P. D. Deprived} N.P. D. Suspended} U . M . C. Reinstated Expelled

Restored Died Nome Lund, George Irving Lodi e No. 155 Ancient York / In l tJ~ J --( if '1 Dlmitt ed 3 S Passed/ / Suspended} 5 -'JI { - / Cf Y!) N.P. D . Raise&.- ? S -'/ 1 '( ~~;~~~d} Affiliated Suapended} U.M. C . Reinstated Expelled

Restored ~d / - :J..- I t:; q 3 ~ .J2 / ?i~- ???~ Remor-;~7 -f ?'- / 1/ Y Name Lund, Gordon Willis ~~~0 Lodge No. 155 Ancient York I?' Initiated Dimilled Official Record !J,-12-1265 Ldl- ,2/- /99-.3 Sus'}>endcd } Passe'5-2!4, - 1265 N . . D. Raised _ Deprived } 6 7- 1965 N. P. D . Affiliated Sus'Mndedu .. c. } Reinstated Expelled

Restored Died Born 7- 20- 1938 Remarks

- - - l SD777 N~ Lund, Harold A.

I..odse No.40 Penobscot

Initiated Dimitted Official Record

SuSf>Cnded­ Passed N. P. D. RaiJed- Deprived­ N. P. D. Affiliated --1--::Suspended U. M . C. "l-14..=..1 9 9 2- Espelled- _..______l{einstated Name tund, Harry Fred

Lod~e No. 180 K:tram 17 Tnltlate~ Official Record 2-25-1947 Dimltted Passed Suspended} N. P . D. Raised 11-19 -194'/ Deprived} N.P. D. Afflllatj2 -30-194'/ Suspended} U . M.C. Reinstated Expelled llarry J·. LumJ ban'-·'-,.u.h cu , hxl i~ n , n 1~.uu~ t YAit.\tOIJrll - llany F' Lund. IH, the ~onCWne k~ oi lhe v.au1t. at the lonner "'•CJOn&l lbnk and Ofpn&Slat two~ dted wce..~1•ta kx:al n~ hon~ lit fortn«1y lrved 11 $6 Pleasant Sl and Qcean\1eW Eu&tes. Falmouth Mr. Lund retired in 1m after r1"'Cft INn~ ye&n; u superintendent or the 12\\jirl£ :'!'"o~~~~~·: a lways II the same E.a ur"""'""'"P" - · saidhbson,· wkru one obmw y """l.und.""""""'the and t«

time:t=~J:= 8a:der came 1ft. Lund p.111 a peony dowa beside him and aaidthai.Vr"aShispay. Bute:rl&ld not • word but pocketed lht pe:My,• Mr. Lu.ncl wu known .. the alUillln mlft at the benk. becM.e • couple o1 limes a week he: would bnnc m a batch o1 bb ~. liany laDd balled murrlfts.. " People came IJhm .. c:omen ol the bank to his ..-va... aad li ·-1! hil- j ~;:~ A Rll-O


Passed Suspended l N. P . O. I Raised Deprived l N. P.D. I Suspended l U.M.C. I Expe lled Name Lund . James Nelson Sr . Lodge No. 113 Messalonske.e

Initiated _ 4- 8 Dimittcd Official Record 2 197 Suspended } Passed 5 - . 6 -1 9 7 8 N. P. D. Raised Deprived · } 6 -17-1978 N. P. D. Affi!i:.'ted Suspended } U. M. C. .lteirutat~d Expelled

Restored Died 3/a8/ol I • lllorn 8 -27- 1929 l.ltema,·ks Lund , John Fra n k l in--- 180

Inltltjd- -y& -/1 Y '/ Suspended} Pa7 0 -1 7 --/ i Y '/ N.P.D. Deprived} Ratsr/ - Y 1--11 'f 'i N. P . D. Affiliated Suspended} U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled

Restored Nov. S. Jo~~ LUND -d Inot Portl162Ge. n~roadwu . souat 2 FPortlan Lunld. Tuesda9y Conrreafternoon.. Bf{!t. lnLer-eten. Funera f om 74 Pftlnt Uo.ns o'clock 1 r Bl!r.~• til eon PA&Iilc menr~oro~rb ."'Me~ til~ O~d. 335

:=:,.1 ~ M~~g f!~ROlli~a te..:~ r,id · • t v..:fn3t n f;lendl_ Conr!:f~ome: - an w died · J,~ln a ;portland hoald~ a lone illness l He wu bom ~ ln ·Wtabrook AprU 13, 1903, son of Fred ~ and Mabel Lund He was graduated from Scar !~l'G\lih High School~ '• ; He entered the dair)'E-ess :wJth his father and r was ropr1etor of Lund's . . He ad been associated w,ith Old avern Farms for seven.years. ~ He attended the :w,;tbocllst Church and was a member of Hiram Lodge, AF and AI( of i!S out h Portland; -NOnesuch Lodge, K of.. P, and a former member of the Grana-e. SurVivors include his wl!e, the f~F .l(&rton Lombard; a 1son, . 'f.-.. Lund of South r Po~~ · lt'andchlldren; Harold Bonnell niece and a Restored Died Nam e

Lodge No.

Dlmltted f (J ' l ssed / f'_ Suspended l 1 - 7 -,roT N. P.D. f Rulsed Deprived t 11 - lo -ttto 1 N. P. D. f Suspended t ~~ ''"N/'­ ' ~ J-q-o U.M.C. f • Rf ristateo Expelled


Remarks Nam• Lund, Lars \lilhe1m

LodlleNo. 180 Hiram Jnltlared Dlmltted Official Record 6- 6 - 1950 Passed Suspended} 10- 3-1950 N.P.D. (jJf~f r) Ralaed Deprived} 11-28-1950 N.P.D. Affiliated Suspended} U. M.C. R•lnltated E•pelled

Restored Died / ,:2 -.2.. 7- 1<;9.;) Re~7-/$- j f'1 r Name Lund , Lars Wi l helm, Jr. ...26 ~17 LodgeNo. H i ram # 180 1 7 Initiated J _ O_ Dlmltted Official Record 2 19 56 Paaaed 4-14 - l L 6 Su8pended} 9 ./ N.P. D. Raleed 4 _2 8- 195 6 Deprived} N. P. D. AffUiated Su8pended} U. M . C. Reinstated Ezpelled

Remark• Name

Lod~e N o.

I nitiat ed Dlmitted Official Record //i/o-;._ Passed I (I 6 / t:J -;._ Suspended } N .P. D. I Raised / ,_/t-t-/o -v Deprived} N.P.D. I Affiliated Suspended} U.M.C. Reins t ated Expelled

I Res tored Died J -3 -!qJ.....f Remark• -- l Name Lund . Pete r Charle s Lodge No. 113 Me ssalonskee Initiated Dimitted Official Record 1-20-1987 Ty-ler ' 88 Pa ..e d 2-17-1987 Raised 3 - 3 ~-1987 Affiliated SU5pended U . M . C. Reinstated Espelled

Restored Died

Born 7-3-1959 Remarks Nam

Official Record

Suspended} N.P. O. Deprived} N.P.D. Suspended} U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled

Rcatored Died 117 I 1-1-1973 Remarks { ~ j 6-7 -/ 9/6 Malcolm E. Lundberg BATH - Malcolm E. Lundberg, 57, of Bedford, Mass., a fonner Bath resident, died Jan. 1 at his home in Bedford. /11.11 s; £ He was born in Sweden, Oct. 7, 1915 and came to the United States with his family at the ate or two. • Mr. Lundberg was employed as an electrician at Bath Iron Works before enlisting in the U.S. Navy. After completing his military service, he went to Massachusetts where he worked at the Raytheon Corporation as an electrician, for the last 20 years. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge, Bath. Surviving are his wife, Helen Keay Lundberg; an aunt, Mrs. Erin Anderson of Arlington, Mass. and a cousin, Herbert Lindau or Bath. Funeral services were held at the Berglund Funeral Home Wednesday in Arlington, Mass. Alf 11artenus r--=:: No. tun~ ~~L 152 Crooked River lnlt~d Dlmltted Passed7 ')' / - / ; Lf ~ 1 Suspended} 6 N . P.D. RaiL - / ]' ~1 f YY Deprived} i )- i -I 7 LJ '-1 N.P.D. Affiliated 1 f Suspended} U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled

Restored Name

Lodge No.

I nitiat eJ// r;,/; () Passed ~//~/I O :~;:.ded }~/~/If R aised

Remarks Suspended } I' -'?- S -1 '1 ,g 1 N. P.D. I Deprived } N. P.D. Suspended } U . M . C. Expelled Reinspt~17 -j'f'f3 /;) II Restored.!;) Died _;:;I. ~ ~-7-lr7C:., · Lunder, Bruce Alan LodjleNo. Bro the.;dlo o d lnldbt!.'5 _ Dlmltted Official Record 1951 3-J' ,1173 Suspended} PaaaEl - 11-1958 N.P.D. Deorlved} Ra'-r-29-1959 N. P.D. Afflllated Suspended} U.M. C. Relnatated Expelled

Restored Died

Remarks Name Lundgren, Carl J'ohn

Lod~e No. 35 Bethlehem lnttl,;t--t 1 -1 1 t m?:d7 ~I 1 Sf Suspended} Passe6 _ J -'/ '1 Lj t N . P. D . Deprived} Ralset _ / 'f -f 'j '/ N . P. D. Affllio~ ~ • gPndcd} ~ -.::> ""/ 1 ~ I . fl. C. Reinstated Expelled r-Initiated

Suspended l · N. P . D. f?-- 1', -/ ?V Y Deprived l N. P. D. f S uspended l U . M . C . f Relna%ed E:rpelled 7- &- 1 '7 v Restored

Remarks G. Edwood Lundgren mail carrier, Mason, active in church NEW SWEDEN - G. Edwood Lundgren, 91, died Saturday at Sl Cloud, F1a. He was born in Woodland, a son of Gustaf and Carolina Sundstrom Lundgren. Mr. Lundgren was employed by the United States Postal Service as a rural mail carrier in the local area He was a membei- of the New Sweden Baptist Church where he was superintendent of Sunday school classes and also held several offices in the church. He was a member of the Caribou Masonic Lodge 170 A.F. & AM., the Elizabeth Chapter O.E.S. and a member of the Grange. · He was also a 4-H leader and a Boy Scout leader in .New Sweden for several years. · His wife, Pauline Nelson Lundgren, died previously. Surviving are a son, Wayne F. of Sinking Spring, Penn., a brother, Clifton of Phoenix, Ariz.; a sister, Marion Kelley of North Berwick; two grandsons and three . great·grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the chapel of the Mockler Funerlll Home, with the Rev. Robert Torosian officiating. Burial will be in New Sweden Cemetelj'. ·

Name Lundin, Arvid R

Lodi1e No. 51 St. John' s lolr;e:.; 1 -( ( 'f r Dlmltted Official Record S uspend ed} Passct .-? f 9 f j>' N.P. D. Deprived} Rau.~ -YI -1 1 '-1 f N.P. D. Affiliated Su• pendcd} U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled Name i_,undstrom, Charles !{elmer

Lodce No. 130 Trinity

Dlmltted Official Record lnlt~~\ 9-195 J Passed Suspended} 6-2- 1953 N. P. D. Raised Deorlved} 6-16-1953 N. P. D. Affiliated Suspended} U . M.C. Reinstated Expelled FORT FA IRFIELD· Charles II. Lundstrom. 89, pus>ed away peacefully May 23,2005. at his Fort Fairfield residence. l-Ie was bom June 7. 1915. in Boone. lowu. nne of six children of Chm les A. and Rclinda (Anderson) Lundstrom. C..:hurh:s attended schools in Boone. gradualing in 19)4. lie was employed as a dry cleaner in Boone until joinin1:: Lhe Am1y Air Corps in 1942. After attending Air Fo rce school in Missouri and Mississippi. he was transfemd to Presque Is le Ann) Air Base "·ith the alr transpon command us a night engineer on C-54 uirplanes. Charlie flew to the Arctic. Greenland. Iceland. Europe. Nonh Africa. Asia and Palestine. He was tmns ferrcd to California and flew to lndiu. tht Philippines and Jnpun many tunes. Along with the Kwojnlcin lslunds. thc South Pacific and G uam. Charlie married Gladys Reid ofFon Fuirfidd on May 15. 1945. He was employed with Maine Public s~rvicc Company for 37 )Cars. retiring in I'HfO. C harlie served in many urgmli7...ations: lhc: Presque Isle Lions Club. Trinity Lodge. No. 130 AF & AM. Presque Isle. as a Master Muson, receiving his 50-year pin in 2003. He wus ulso a 32nd DeGree Masu~r Mason. and was a member of the Scottish Ril e. C ha rlie became a member oft he A1wh Temple Shrine ofBnngor allht age of80. lie also served as Chainnan of the Mars Ifill School Rnard. was a member of the Mars Hill K.oto•ry Club. the Drop Out Committee :tt the Presque Isle lligh School. was ;•lifetime member of the VFW ~uul Lock han Post No. 6187. Fon Fairfield. and wa.s a lifetime member of1hc American Legion. He was olso nn ho nornry member of the Presidents Cluh nfthe DAV. In addition to his parents. Charlie was predeceased hy his beloved wife o f 58 ycnrs. Oludys. nn Jan. 2. 2004: two br01hcrs. Hill and Clarence: and a sister. Thelma He is survived by two sons. Jay Lundstrom and friend. Jcnn. of Kennebunk, Jim Lundstrom and his wife. Sue. of Medway~ two special grandsons. Christopher and Justin Lundstrum of Medway: nieces. Peggy Uctchcll of Flnrida. Martha McKenney of Mussachusetts: nephew. Frnnklin orsey Funeral Home. 144 Main St.. Fort Foirfidd. " h

LodlteNo, 152...,_ GrQQked Rj Ye Initiated Dlmltted ~~/ord 5- 12-1960 ~ ;pr; 2_.. S uspended} Paitl- 20 - 1960 N . P. D . Raised Deprived} 2- 9-1961 N . P.D. Affiliated Suopended} U. M.C. Relnstotcd E•pelled


Bor~ - 1 5 - 1 917 Remarks Lawrence H. I,;undstrom WATERFORD- Lawrence H. Lundstrom, 69, died Tuesday at a Togus hospital after a brief Illness. He was bom In Timmins, Ontario, a IOD of Henry and Anna Tervo Lundstrom. Mr. Lundstrom was a veteran of World War D. He was a member of Veterans of Foreign Wanln Harrison, the Masons and the Finnish-American Heritage Society. He was a sawyer in area lumber mills. He was more recently a self-employed woodsman. Surviving are three sisters, Marianna Preble of East Bridgewater, Mass., Ruth Mattson of North Norway and Eva Bean of Raymond. There will be no funeral. Arrangements are by Hall Funeral Home, Casco. Initiated Dlmltted .,... s- -;7-/f"2-- 1.-- 6: 1/1-IQ :J., J.j 11 Passed Suspended } /i -JO J--!ui-/q?.. N.P.D. Jf ]' Raised _..., Deprived} 6 - 7- /'lv N.P.D. Affiliated /r Suspended } """ !i~ Q_ J. I2J...J.f. . M.C. Rcinsbte

Restored Died Name

Lodlfe No.

I nrtiotca ~i mltted Official Record l d 7-'J/tJ Passed Suspend d} 11/.r; ;J / N.P.D. Raised D eprived} 1 1 j,o j tJ N.P.D. Affili at ed Suspended} U.M. C. Reinstated Expelled

Restored Died 'Y- 7-; 7 J 3 Remarks Nume

· Record

Suopended} N.P. D. Deprived } N. P.O. Suspended } U . M . C. Reinstoted ExpcJJed

Restored Dlmltted Offlclnl R ecord

Suspended} N. P . D. Deprived} N. P .D. Suspended} U . M.C. Reinstated

Restored Died .1-/'-1 0 - ;q 9 fi"' e_.. ~ /-;-.v e.~ . ··~ , Name Lunn, Donald MPrfY N

Lodge No. 96 Monument lnltlated12-17- 194 Dlmltted Official Record Passed Suspended} 1-7-1948 N. P. D. I Raised Deprived} ~-1-f;-1948 N. P . D . Affiliated Suspended} U.M. C. Reinstated Expelled

Restored Died d 7 · :t '1- lr?tJ, Remarks ~ll - ll -/qtro Name Lunn , Harold Fulton Lodge No. 217 Ralph J . Pollard Initiated Dimitted Official llecord

Suspended .} Passed N. P. D.

Raised Deprived t N. P. D. J Affiliated Suspended j_ L0-6 -:.1983 u. M . c. Reinstated E:~pelled

llcstored Lf; FIF-199 t, !1~ / Yl;e. - 5-6-1923_ llemarks ( I ~

"'HAROLD FULTON LUNN #63-19 Noble Harold Fulton Lunn of Eddington was born on May 6, 1923 in Summerfield, N.B. Canada anddiedathis home on November 18, 1996. He attended public schools in Summerfield and in 1941 joined the RCAF and served overseas in Europe during WW II. He was discharged with the rand of Flying Officer. He then served two years in the Reserve Army as a first lieutenant and taught aeronautical enginee ring. He was employed by tbe Canadian Govern­ ment in tbe Agricultural Department and in Cus1oms. He entered the insur­ KniglttsofPythiasand tbe Elks. While ance business in 1952 and moved to living in Brewer he was chairman of Brewer in 1957 where he was em­ the March of Dimes and the United ployed by Sears until 1%1 when he Way. After moving to Eddington he estab lished his own insurance and real was a selectman for six years and was estate business. In J9 76 he expanded on the board of tax assessors. He also to the mobile home business and es­ worked on several fund drives for the tablished Imperial Mobile Homes · YMCA. where he served as president and co­ His Masonic affiliations included: owner from 1980 until 1995. He was Carleton Lodge F & AM of always active in community affairs. Florencville, N.B. and the Scottish He was a member ofthe United Church and York Rite Bodies. He repeated of Canada and more recently became all his Masonic degrees when he came an associate member of the East to the U.S. He was a tire member of Orrington Congregational Church. He The Sunshine Club. In Anah Temple was a past president of the Royal he had been a member of the Arab Canadian Legion,_ memb~r of t~~ Palrol, Iron Camels and the Greeters Unit where be was Chief Greeter for three years. Most recenrly he has been a members of the Directors Staff and served as temple housing direc­ tor. His enrollment in Anah Temple was recorded as Ju ne 20, 1970.v Name Lunn, Paul Allen Lodge No. 12 Cumberland

Initiated Dimitted Official Record 6- .5 -1971 Suspended l._ Passed 6- 19- 1971 N. P. D. fJ..:? '/ 1Cf7 $' Raised Deprived } 7-3- 1971 N. P. D. Affiliated Suspended } U. M. C. Reinstated Expelled j-, - !91~ Restored

Born 1- 9 -1924 Remarks u-nK - .PIU A. , •· , aJt(J unexpectedly Saturday at a Portland hospital. He was born In Montville, the son of Allen and Muriel Lunn, and graduated from Edward Little High School in Lewiston. He Uved most of his Ufe here and in New Gloucester. He had worked for Grant's Gulf Station here, the First National Warehouse, Eastern Builders Supply mpany, and in Poland Spring as a greenskeeper. Mr. Lunn was a member of Gray Post American gion, New Gloucester Cumberland Lodge of Ma· sons and was a life-member of the New Gloucester Am vets. He served in the Army durin1 World War II. Survivors include his wife Catherine Lunn of Gray; our sons, Michael of Lewiston, Timothy of Old rchard Beach, Ronald and Jeffrey, both of New loucester; and a stepson, Robert J. Robichaud of Gray; two daughters, Pamela Barney of Somers, Conn., and Susan Burrows of New Gloucester; and two stepdaughters, Janet Brennan of Gray, and Joann Maxwell of Hockessin, Del.; a sister, Abby Clark of St. Petersburg, Fla.; 21 grandchildren and eight great· hildre ------Lunn, Sheldon P d;.v

1-LodQeNo. 4b St . Cr o i x _Qc1)- Dlmltted Orrlclol Record

Suspended} N. P.D. Deprived} N.P.D. Suspended} U.M.C. E1rpelled ,/ Relnatated / ~ -;lt1 -(;l.% T Restored Uea.-VQ / t/"/ ~ · Rem~/6 - f "/ 9 / 3 SHELD(fN F. lUNN CAlAIS - Sheldon F. l unn, 8 . died Nov. 20, 1994, ot o Calais ho: ~ p ital. He was ba rn in Cc ~lo is , growing up on h; family farm, which b• come o port of the M oosehor n Nc tiona! Wildlife Refuge, Oct. 4, 19 1: the son of Oscar W. a nd Helen Lt one (Hall) lunn. He was employe by the Maine Central Railroad as foreman until retirement at age 6C He was an Army veteran of Worl War II, serving in the 99th Regimer and fought in the Battle of th Bulge . Returning to the states, h was o guard at the German Prison• • of War Camps at Prince ton, Me. Ho cha rity works involved the Co la i , Thrift Shop. He and his wife, Eve owned and operated lunn's Grocer Store on Union Street. He was member of the Sherman Brother Post No. 3 Amer ican l e gion of Cc lois, Brotherhood of Maintenance c Way, St. Croix Masonic lodge No.4· AF & AM, Fellowship lodge No. ~ of Calais. He was also o member < ' the Happy Gang Senior Citizen>. H is survived by his wife, Eva (Pc meroy) lunn of Calai>; two brother Robert Lunn of lexington, Mass. a n Howard l unn of Manchester, Conn two sisters, Hazel Townsend of Me• iden, Conn. and Florence McKeow of Calais; several nieces and n ep~ ews. Friends may call at the Scot Wil>on Funeral Home, 7-9 p.rr Tuesday. Funeral services will b held I p.m. Wednesday a t the fune ol home, with the Rev. laurel Youn officiating. Burial will be in Colao Cemetery. Those wh ~ wish mo Name Lunney , Ear l T o( £o19/ Lodge No. 130 ':Prinity <+ I -- -- Initiated Official Record 2 - 16 - 1971 DI~Tf4 lo5 Susl'ended } Passed J - 2- 1971 N. P. D. /J..J..{,~I~ Deprived } Raised 4 - 6 - 1 9 71 N. P. D . Affiliated ~f' Suspended } /Q. ~..3l> .J_(XX) U. M . C. Reinstated Expelled

Restored Died

Born 5- 13-1940 R~ ------· Name bmney, J ame s E Lodge No. 216 Corner Stone

InitiatedS _ _ Dimitted Official Record 1 5 1970 IJ ...t - r-trrK Passe\0 -23-1970 fl.:< -13 /7 7 'f Deprived Raise'J.1 - 27 -1970 N. P. 0 . } Affiliae<:d Swpcnded U. M. C. } Reinstated 'A Expelled ,<-? - 19~(/ Restored Died


Remarks Name Lunney, R1chard• P Lodge No. 144 Seaside

Initiated Dimitted

Passed . ~~ ·~~nt~d }

Raised Deprived } N. P. D. Affiliated Suspended } 11-2 - 1973 U. M. C. Reirulated Expelled

Restored Died C:., /..3- /J? 7C <;;;;: -:::r •.L 7~1-/_, 2 Born 11- 1- 1916 ~.L- I Remark> Rai sed 10- 10 - 1966 - Lu ci ~ s H. Scott #352 Chester , Penn . Suspended} N.P.D. Deprived } N.P.D. Suspended} U.M. C. Reinstated Expelled


Remarks Lod~~:e No. • () U vAl ~ Official Rceor ~ Tnit1atea' -Jf -J? IJ /t!:.te; 7 - l'llflf Passed Suspen ded} f -;;. 7-lq 17 N.P.D. Raised f ~ Deprived} Affiliatrl- - ;L.j N.P.D. -/f/ Suspended } U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled

Restored Died

Remarks fnitiat Dlmltt.,.r- Offlclnl Record

Passed Suspended } N. J>. D. Raised Deprived } N. P. D. Affiliated Suspended} U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled


Remarks lrfU ~-~(/IN~ ~~- Suspended}~ D .:Lf.,-L _ N. P.D. -/..r..jrz-/I!Jff Deprived } 'I N. P.D. Suspended } U.M.C. Reinstated E:~pelled

Rc•tored Died Lodge No.

Suspended } N. P.D. Deprived l N.P.D. f Suspended l U. M.C. f Expelled


Rem a rk• Sus pended } N.P. D. Deprived } N. P . D. Sus pended } U . M.C. Reinstated ExpeUed

Restored Died '1 - Y-113 ? Name

LodgeNo. L~

Initiated Dlmitted

Passed Suspended} N.P.D. Raised Deprived ( N. P. D. f Affiliated Suspended t U . M.C. ! Reinstated Expelled

Restored Died Name


Remarh ftt..L · ~~ "r ' N ame

Lode-e No.

Initiate d-· D imltted Official Record

Suspended} N . P .D . Deprived} N. P.D. Suspended} U.M. C. R einstated Expelled

Res tored Die~ -/3 -/ 9 j 6 Remarks Tiiltlntec:l OfflciafRecor

Passed Suspended } j/, ~ N. P.D. f/0 7q Raised Deprived} / N.P.D. Affllinted Suspended } U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled Name , Arnold Watson

Lod~eNo. 140 Mount Desert

Dimitted Official Record lnitla4~19 - 1954 Passed Suspended} N.P.D. Raised Deprived} N.P.D. Afflllated Suspended} U.M. C. Rein•tated Expelled

Restored Died

Remarks Born 6 - 1~ - 1 9 04 Na


Offklal Record lnltl7' - 7-/ 1 '-/3-~-- mitted Passed / _ /3-/ q '-.} J Suspended} Raised f f / N. P. D. y / b o.J Deprived} Affllfnt.;:; - / 'J '/ f N.P.D. Suspended} Relnstated U. M. C . Expelled

Restored Died R emnrks V/ _ y -/.3-/9'%'"~ ~- I Yo-YW f'-1 Y- / il y years. He was later employed for more than 20 years by Hay and Pea­ body Funeral Home, Portland: He re­ tired two Y'ears ago. He served in the Army during World War l.1.. and he was a member Arthur V. Lunt of the Odd· l':eUows Lodge and the ' Masons. He was a volunteer. fireman FALMOUTH - Arthur V. Lunt, here for many years. . · . 91, of 28 Lunt Road, died yesterday Survivln~ are his wife, the former at his home after a long illness. Usette M. 'Sadie" Jensen; a daugh­ He was born here, a son of Daniel ter, · Mrs. Bernard L. (Beverly) W. and Minnie Dunn Lunt, and at­ Sawyer of North Yarmouth; a grand­ tended local schools. He graduated daughter, and two great·grandchil· from North Yarmouth Academy, and dren. attended Gray's Business School, A funeral will be held at 2 p.m. to­ Portland. morrow at 749 Congress St., Port· Mr., Lunt was superintendent of land. Burial will be in Pine Grove Pine Grove Cemetery for many Cem~te1'Y,. Suspended} N .P.D. Deprived } N.P. D Suspen.ded } U.M.C. Expelled

Restored Died f -/0 - /9 J Remarks Nnn1c

Lodge No.

Initiated Offlcini Record

Passed Suspended} N.P.D. Raised Deprived l N. P . D. I Affiliated Suspended } U. M.C. Reinstated Expelled Name Lunt, Bertie Guy Lodge No. 140 Mt. Desert Initiated Dimltted Official Record 5114127 Passed Suspended} 5/28/27 N.P.D. Raised ' Deprived t 6/11/27 N . P . D. ( Affiliated Suspended } U . M.C. Reinstated Expelled

Restored Died 3-1'-1-11'-1 Remarks Age 49 Name


Passed Suspended} Raised ~·=·:"'} l-¥-.


Remarks --- '-Noo_"~ --·~~UM£~~-~--~~~· -~------_[LodAe No. j 2--

lnitiutcd q~2- Uimitted OHiciul necord

Pass eel Suspended } ~~l; /72- N. P. ll. Uevrived } <'i/?/72- N. P. O. Affilintcd Suspended } U. M.C. ncinsfnff'Jd Exuelled

Remnrks Name

Lod~re No.

Initiated ~/'J.- oj/ 4 Dimitted Passed S, b 7 19JJ.,. 'l/1'1'/14 Suspended} N.P.D. vv: J:.J-18-- R aised .r: '1 /d / ! .rj/r; Deprived} N . P.D. Affiliated Suspended} U.M.C. R einst a ted Expelled


Remarks Name

Lod~re N o.

Initiated - 17(/Jk "' Dimitted Official Record P assed Suspended} I J.- o ;, o '2-/ N. P.D. Raised Deprived } '/lbj II N. P.D. Affiliated Suspended} U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled


Remarks I assed (1(c}al Record . r _t7 .,, a u Suspended} l;//'f '-f 5 1 Rmsed'J -S-J ~ ~ , :::~~~} lf) /? "( -1 Affiliated f - f N. P. D. f Suspended} Reinstated U. M . Expelledc.

Restored Died R emarkl/? I //-/?-/~.ii?.c;;] I ~t -11--1 CJ d 7 ~a.-a:?.~~ Official Record I n/7~'17 -/93 Suspended} I Pass~~ p -~~.) r N. P. 0. /-/.2_-/7-5'? Deprived} i~:z:,'l na N. P.D. Suspended} 1 U. M.C. Reinstated I rive el } / 1 N.P.D. Affiliated · Suaponded ! U. >\I. C. Reinietnted lll


Remarks Name

LodQeNo. ; (/~ Initiated Dimitted Official Record

Passed Suspended} J J..P, 111 N . P.D. Raised Deprived l N.P.D. f Affiliated Suspended} I- ~ - 7 c r- U.M.C. R ein s tated ~ J Expelled

Restored Died

•· Name -l Lunt, Donald Frederick Lodge No. 180 Hiram

Initiated 11- 4-1980 Dimitted Official Record Suslj.cnded Passed N . • D. 12-16-1980 }ID-11 ·t<;f . Raised Deprived 1-20- 1981 N. P. D. } Affiliated uSwti:nded . . c. } Reinstated Expelled

Restored Died

Born 7-2-1945 R emark• Name Lunt, Durlin Elmer

Lodl!e No. 208 Northeas t Harbor

Initiated Dlmltted S -I I - I 1 .$' 1 Suspended} PnssedS'- rS--1 ~~ 1 N . P.D. /J,.·fo-!

Lodge No, ?3

Initiated D!mitted Official Record ~/:J-tf/7 I Passed Suspended} 3/:u!/7 I N.P.D. Raised Deprived} sf/! Jf/11 N .P.D. Affiliated Suspended} U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled

Res tored Died

Remarks Nnm~ LUnt , Elliot t reldon LodQeNo. 180 Hiram lnl tlat~d Dlmltted Offklal Record J --/ -/1''1 tj Passe!I, Suspended} .s--ry ~J ; '-I 'I N.P. D. De prived} Ralt!~ - / f'- / ~ '/ 1 N.P.D. Affillated Suspended} U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled

Restored Died .D _.1/) 5 -I 'i - I 9 7 7 /~...... """i'-~~/ -?'hu . Remar"/ ~j / -YY-j Cf (J 7 Na•nc


;n~lj:.] -I iJ I 7 "t>assed Suspended } N. P.O. Raised:J.-k -ICf/7 Deprived } 'J._-;l -19 N. P.O. AffUlate Suspended l U. M.C. f Reinstated Expelled

Restored Died '1 - )'t --1 ' r Y Remarks q

Suspended} N. P. O. Deprived} N.P.D. Suspended} U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled •ottrsoRestored CK-:- Everett M. Lunt, 86, of 17 McKeen St. died Monday at his residence. L He was born in Dover, a son of John M. and Edith ralmer Lunt, and graduated form Foxcroft Academy and the University of Maine in 1926. He did further study at Bates College, Lewiston, the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Maine, receiving a m~er's degree in 1950. After graduating, he was employed by Westing­ house Electric and Manufacturing Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. In 1927, he married the former Marguerite Starbird :>f Oxford and she died in 1989. Mr. Lunt taught high school in Abbot Village, Frankfort, North Yarmouth Academf. Quoddy Village in Eastport and at South Portland Shipyard School. He taught at Brunswick High School from 1944 until his retirement in 1973. He was an h~norary member- of tl\e Masons of Dover-Foxcroft. Surviving are l!l brother, William T. of Boynton Beach, Fla. A graveside service will be held at 11 a.m. F~day at Riverside Cemetery, ~ord . Arrangem~nts a(e by Stetson Funer H me, 12 F.ederai~Stlu.· -----~------Name Lunt , Everett s . Lodg,eNo. Rockland 79 Initiated~ /S/2-;! Dlmltted Official Record Passed 2/12/24 ~~;~~ed }cl-j-_/ qY(f Raised / Deprived } 2126 24 N.P.O. Affiliated Suspended U.M. C. Reinstated Expelled

Restored Died

Remarks Age 39 Name Lunt, Frank E . Lodge No. Narraguagus 8~8-===------====~~ Initiated Dlmltted Official Record 6}25L23 Passed Suspended t 6/26/23 N. P. 0. )y-Y..--J 13 7 Raised j /: Deprived t 7 3 23 N.P.O. ! Affiliated Suspended U.M.C. Reins tated Expelled

Restored Died

Remarks Age 48 Name

Lode;e No.

Initia ted Pa.:::- 3 - I 'd' 7:U susp~;.'tc~ 1 Yg -Ji:7 b--10- I C/Qill N . P. D . ~ - t(. - j 0 (} J..f. a 1sed (I / .i.A,J R D epriv ed} /' T Affi~:"d I 7- / ~ r/U N . P.D. Suspended } I • 5"-'-f -11 <.ij -tt:/ U . M. C . Re ins tated .a;:I'J/rrf Expelled Restored

Remarks 1jYJ~j b ~ J13 7 Dlmlt~ \::esaue ISLE - Frederick B. p d s } Lvnt Sr., 69, died Nov. 18, 1980, 7" - 1' Cf --1 ?3 N~~e;~ed ot. o locoI hospital following .a R ~ d Deprived} bnef illness. He was born m J? ~J ? -1 CJ.J N.P.D. W~terville Aug. 24, 1911 , son of AJf{.ia ted Suspended } W1lbur C. and Mary (Bradlee) u. M . c. lunt. He attended Waterville Reins tated Expelled public schools; Higgins Classical Institute of Charleston; the Restored University of Maine, Orono, and Rutgers University · of New Brunswick, N.J. Mr. lunt WO$ a retired railroad executive star­ ting his railroad career with the Moine Central Railroad Co. , two years later transferring to the Bangor and Aroostook Railroad 01 o locomotive fireman. During cient free and Accepted , his 39 years with the Bangor and Masons; Mount Moriah Royal · Aroostook Railroad, he wos the Arch Chapter No. 6, both of pioneer of bus service Into Bangor; St. John's Com~ Aroostook County, commissary No. 3, Knights Templor, of steward on the dining cars and Bangor; Scottish Rite Bodies later was superintendent of 32nd Degree; Bangor Court No. highway serdce, and at the 150, Roval Order of Jesters; same time, superintendent of Aroostook County, Woshi~on the dining cor service. He wos County, Tri-County and Bangor­ mode assiatont passenger traffic Brewer Shrine clubs. He wos manager, manooer of sales pro­ potentate of Anah Temple motions and assistant to vice Shrine in 1977. He was married president, soles (traffic). In to the former Phyllis Ubby of 1955, he wos transferred to the Bangor, now of Prnque Isle. . Presque Isle soles office as They hove two children, I regional vice pres~ent, soles; Frederick B. lunt Jr. of Clinton, in 1972 he was made vice presi­ Mn.. Lorry (libby L.) Hersom of dent of staff and he held this Presque Isle. He Is also survived position until his retirement. · by one sister, Mrs. Geraldine " ~-ArShlpa incrud lunt Farquhar of Millinocket; ~;, · uo,~WI Lodge No. 83, lt.,. two grandsons, F. Brodlee Lunt Name { (/ Lodge No.

InltlatCil dR o 1- Dlmitte d Official Record 1 Passed t,/l't'/ t11- Suspended} I N.P.D. I Raised 'f(Pf / 11 ;J.-- Deprived} N.P.D. Affiliated Suspended } U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled

Restored Died

Remarks Name


Suspended N. P. D. Deprived t N.P.D. ! Suspended U. M.C. ExpeUed

Restored Died

Remarks Name·

In itiated q::J,;~Record J Y- 6 -I quA1 'J>assed -I " Suspended} 7""'~ 1"1 '{ ~ N.P.D. - Raise~ J -/ 1 '-/ / Deprived} N . P.D. Afflt :cd 7 -!1 tf I Suspended} U.M. C. Reinstated Expelled Nnmc

Suspended t ./ N . P. D. f/-!) ~;? 3 !J Deprl"fed} N.P.D. Suspended t U. M .C. ! Reinstated Expelled S' - I. -1

Remarks ().~ ~ \. GEORGE LEWIS LUNT TRENTON and WILTON MANOR, FLA.- George Lewis Lunt, 85, died Friday, Moren 1, 1991 , ot Wilton Man­ or, Flo. He was a resident of Wilton Manor, Fla . since 1987 moving from Trenton. He was predeceased by his wife, Sadie Lunt. George and Sadie owned and operated lunt's Lobster Pound in Trenton for ..U years. He was a life member of the Masonic Lodge No. n in Southwest Harbor and o member of St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church of Ellsworth. He is survived by his daughter, Joan Ravognani and her husband, George of Wilton Manor, Fla.; two sisters, Phyllis Bryant of Brewer and Annabelle Murphy of Ber­ nard; four grandchildren, Stephen Seavey of Royal Palm Beach, Fla., Mi­ chael Seavey of Miami, Fla., Tomaro Barlow of Trenton and Cheryl William­ son of Austin, Texas; four great­ grandchildren, Samantha and Vincent Seavey of Royal Palm Beach, Flo., and Sadie and Katie Seavey of Trenton. The family suggests that if friends de­ sire they may make donations to the Trenton Volunteer Fire Deportment in George's memory. Services will be announced at a later date by the Jor- ' dan Funeral Home, 113 Franklin St., Ellsworth. l ::: l!~~Jlr

Dimltted ~~~O~ff~lc~lru~R-~-o-rd~~~~====-=--~ Initia ted ~PO/I: I Passed v. ~ S uspended } /~ N. P. O. Raised ~ iVt Deprived } 0 N. P . O. Affiliated7'/ / G Suspended t U. M . C. f Reinsta ted El

Res tored Died

Re rn arks PJsed ~ -1 q~ Official Record - I () -;;} ..-J q- / ~uspended } Ralii~ 1b ,.. 'Q 1 D~:~:~} /'1 f ~j J.}s Affiliated -, N. P. D. Suspended} Reinstated U. M . C. / / /§ Expelled R esto;;d -/11 Died

Remarks ) ~- ~1-'3 Nam e

Lod ~re N o. ~3 Dimitted Official Record S. S. /10:J.J .. Suspend ed } N . P.D . D ep rive d} N .P . D. S uspen ded } U.M. C. R einst ated Expelle d

Res tored Died Y-3 Remar ks 9-~ -11 nitlated Dlmltted Official Record .3 -17-lf l'assedl/ _ _ f Suspended} 1 N. P . D. .3 ~ ).- /tj L J.f Raised /.7 Deprived l IJ--~ -; r N. P.O. f Mflllated Suspended l U.M.C. ) R einstated ExpeUed

Res tored Died ilriila/![- J 'f I 0 fc;s;[t~/ 'J f 1

Restored Died Remarks Official Record Dlmltted 7/3/ /l ( Passed Suspended} N. P . D. Raised Deprived } N. P . D. Affiliated Sus pended } U. M . C. Reinsta ted Expelled Name t unt , Irving Benjamin _j T, odgeNo. Ancient Land-Mark 17 Initiat ed D imitted -=:;:::O:=:f=::fl=cl:=a::=l ::=Rec"'"o-rd-:--__;;======514123 Passed 5; 16; 23 Suspend ed } N. P. D . //- S -/ 'j' J 7 Raised ; ; Deprived l 5 2 8 23 N.P.D. ! Affiliated Suspended U.M.C. Reins tated Expelled

Restored Died

Remarks Age 21

IuiUalcd R';"ord • • • :,n-/1{, Dl ed fldal /k/1-jO--oj-d{ -, ~o.J .]- t2() -1/ Suspended } ~ /; fhJ OJ/ Passed N. P. D. ~ J- .2-J- IfJ Deprived l Raised ~ N P . D. f J.j- ,;uf - ' s~spended t AHlllutcd U. M. C. f R einstated Expelled Neme

LooJte No.

SusJonded l N. P.D. DeJrind l N.P.D. Suoponded l U . M.G. Hxpolled

Restore•! Died 1 oj ) II 9 I Remarks ~ - 73


L-J.-70 Suspended } Passca' _ Jt.j _ q(] N. P. D. 3-j-01 Raise~ Deprived l b -J. 3 -yo N.P.D. ( Affiliated Suspended l U.M.C. ( Reiostajed Expelled ~;-'1--17 Restored Died I o - y ---1

Passed ~~';c~~ed }J-J-'6 / 9 J6 Raised Deprived l N . P. D. ( Mfillated Suspended } 2 124./28 U.M.C. Relnsfared Expelled

Restored Oled Remarks Aee 56 ; Physician; ~ade a tason in St . mdrew ' s Lodge, no. 56 , Por smouth, N.H. Suspended } N. P . D. Deprived l N. P . D. f Suspended } U.M. C. Reinstated Expelled

Restored Name :Lunt, John Herbert

Lod~eNo. 23 Freep ort

Dlmitted Official Record

Suspended} N.P.D. -3· /{ · /1~1../ Deprived} N.P.D. Suspended} U. M . C. Reinstated Expelled

ltes t~v.; . J Dl ~ ~~ Remf")/1J1'7U J / -/ 0 - / ~ y' j Tnltlat OffiCial Record

Passed Suspended } N.P.D. Raised Deprived} N. P.D. Affiliated Suspended} U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled Name

Lodfle No.

Dimitted Official Record

Suspended} N.P.D. Deprived} N.P . D. Suspended} U.M.C. Reinstoted Expelled

Rest ored

Remarks Name

Lodge No.

Initiated I Officia l Record

Passed Suspen ded } J -/- I I! N. P . D. /(7' 0 Raised Deprived ( N . P . D . f Affiliated / 111 Suspended ( j - 'JA; - a ~ :3 U. M . C. f Reinstated Exp e lled

Restored Died

Remarks Restored Name L un t , Kenneth Francis Jr. Lodge No. 180 Hiram 17 Initiated Dimitted 9-20-1977 l'aued Suspc.nded } 10-18-1977 N. P. D. Raised Deprived } 11-22-1977 N. P. D. Alliliated Suspended } U. M. C. Reinstated Expelled


Born 6- 25-1 931 Remarks KENNETH F. LUNT JR. Kenneth F. Lunt Jr. SOUTH PORTLAND ~· Ken neth F. Lunt Jr. passed ~way peacefully on Thursday, Sept. 20, 2007, at his residence with his family by his side. He was bom In Port.ldnd, on June 2~. 1931, to Margaret E. and Kenneth F. Lunt Sr. At the age of 17, he joined the U.S. Navy and served on several atrcrart carriers. He served In t he Korean war and was honorably discharged In 1958. He continued his Navy career serving the Navy Reserves, retiring as Chief Petty Officer. He beoan a COJreer with the Postal Service In 1959. He delivered throughout the Portland, South Portland, and Cape Elizabeth area, retiring after 26 years. When his sons were young, he coached Farm League Baseball for a total of three years. He remained a n avid sports ran throughout his life, with his favorite teams being the New York Giants and the New York Yankees. He was i'l 30 year member or the Mason's Hiram Lodge and a two·time Past Master. He enjoyed a long and hdppy 1 et.irement with hrs wif~ Elizabeth or 54 y~drS . He leaves behind his wire Elizabeth; daughter Toby and son-In-law Fred Simpson; son Russell K. Sr. and Sherrc Maynard, all or South Portland, son Thomas Lunt or Cumberland, and son James l unt and wire Michelle of Hollis. He also leaves behind t wo sisters, Eileen MacArthur and sandra lunt, both of South Portland; and four grandchildren, Russell Lunt Jr., Katie Simpson, and Baylee and Kaela Lunt. Friends and ramlly are Invited to attend visiting hours rrom S p.m. to 8 p.m. with a 7:30 p.m. Masonic Service at Hobbs Funeral Home In South Portland on Monday, 5ept . 24, 2007. A funer~l service will be held .Jt 10 a.m. on Sept. 25, 2007, at Hobbs Funeral Home. A military burial will follow at Mouut Pleasant Cemetery in South Portland. tn lieu or nowers, don~tlons may be made to the Maine Heart Association or the Maine Lung Association. Kenneth F. lunt Jr. l'assed Official Record

···~')I'·~~ ., Y7~- ~~-1 ~i S" {> Suspended.~~~~} I (/ !i ltais'tf---J __ , r r-o ~::;,~~} y .--<} /J ,j 7 Affiliated I -.;, N. P. D . Suspended} Relnstnted U. M. C. Ezpelled

Restored .J/.2 ' Died '1-8"-11)/1 Remr~ f'. r -'~/ ~ FREEPORT - Lawrence L. "Culfy" Lunl, 62, of 12 Mast Landing Road, died Monday at a Portland hospital alter a brief illness. He was born in Freeport, a son ol Chester and Rosamolld Rowe Lunt,. and aUended local 5Chools. He graduated from Freeport Higb School in 1947 and graduated (rom Gorilam Stale Teachers College in 1951. Mr. Lunt aened as cblef ol police in Freeport during the 1950s.·He was employed as an automobile salesman for 36 years by Classic Oldsmobile Cadillac GMC,lnc.

Loclce No. 23 Freeport

Initiated Dimit~d <;?ftjfial .Record l- 4...-.l-9 9...3------S uspendedl- - - 44--=- L - to-~Q) ~ Reinstated---· --Ez~llecf - ·------

- - +-- ·-~--- - Restored Died

Bona 7 ~2_? - l ~2JL_ -- .Rem&Tks ------

------·------~----· ------Nome

Suspended} N.P.D. 7---S-/ 135 Deprived } N.P.D. Suspended} U.M.C. Reins tated Expelled

Restored Died Suspended t N. P.D. f/0- 7- /9. Deprived l N.P.D. ( Suspended l U.M.C. ( Reinstated Expelled

Restored Died N•me ;;{;~- Loclte No. 17 luitlated 17-1.. Dimitted 0 ffjoial Record I hj~l P ..sed Suspeud.,d ~ ~ ¥/f'( N.P.D. Raised Depri...,d l 1/!3/ ?( N.P.D. J Affiliated Suapended l U.M.G. Hflin.istated Expelled .. Restored Di<>d f -7 • 0 b Remarks Name Lunt, Me lvin Otis Lodge No. 32 Hermon

Initiated Dimittcd Official Record 9 - 14- 1976 Susp~cndcd l':used 10- 12-1976 N. P. D. } ,a l1l ~ Deprived Raised 11 - 16 -19 7 6 N. P. D. } Affiliated Suspended U. M. C. } Reinstated Expelled


Born 5- J -1 946 Rcmar@'v~~


Lodge No.

Suspended l N.P.D. f Deprived l N . P. 0. f Suspended } U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled

Restored Died

Remarks lnitit! ,2.J-//1, b Dimitted Official He ~ord l'med .Jj j~ Suopended } ~'-a/1~ 7 0 N.I'. U. Df"priv~d } Raised 3 /;v / t 1., N. P. U. Alfiliatf'd Sus pended U.M. C. Reinstatf'ld Espallaol

Rf'll'i1ored Died Pasjd 3 /9 l.ff Official Record - I 5' JJ Q t r/ Suspended} Rals.e!} I f 4' N. P. D. 7 -' ~ 1 'f' 'f f N0e.pPr.lDve.d} Affiliated Suspended} Reinstated U.M.C. Expelled

Restored Died ~ alkl ,, . q., a / 1~-.:

Initiated Dlmitted Official Record -""""===,...---- /l:se~ J.,?,., - j ( {l Sus7en;~ t/. N . P.D. I Ra~e;- ~ - j//6 Deprived l N . P. D. I Af~l~-:ei7 -/!Jb Suspended l U.M. C. I Reinstated Expelled

Restored Died

Retnurks Name

Lodii!e No. 17 Initiated ,1/llj!J Passed Suspended} t-tj-,...jt3 N . P.D. R aised Deprived } 1-1/v fj'; J N.P. D. Affiliated Suspended} U . M. C. Reinstated Expelled

Restored Died 1 -~, -1171; Remark a ~ - 11- Name tunt, Ralph Bernard Lodl!,eNo. Ancient Land-Mark 17 --:--:-:----:--1==--=-----:::::--:----:-Initiated Dlmltted Official Record 5/4/23 Passed Suspended 5/7/23 N. P. D. Raised Deprived } 5/15/23 N.P.D. Affiliated SuspendC

Restored Died l -2t·J9t.J Remarks Age 33 SOUTH PORTLAND-Ralph Bernard Lunt, '75, of 11 Kent Roact retired treasqrer and tax consultant for the Maine Cen­ tral Ratlroad, died yesterday at hi8 home following a lonr 111- ness. Mr. Lunt was born June 25, 1cJ811 ln Kennebunk, aon of Benjamin P. and Etta Ooodlng Lu.nt. He attended town schools and was rraduated from Shaw's Buainesa College and Pace In- stltute of Accounting. He Joined the Maine Central lRailroad's accounting depart­ ment in 1907. In 1939 be was named assistant treasurer, and later became treasurer and tax consultant. He retired in 1957 after a half century. Mr. Lunt served with the Army at Camp Upton, N.Y., In World War I. He was a mem­ ber of Ancient Land Mark Lodge of Masons, trustee o the Malne Charitable Mechan­ ic Association and a eommu­ nteant of State Street Congre­ gational Church. For his many years service as an u.ber and 23 years as treasurer ot the , SUnday School, Mr. Lunt had been named an honorary ilea­ con. Name tunt , Reginald D Lodge No. 124 Olive Branch lnitil)olfd Dlmltted Official Record j- 6 -t 1 '1 ..5 Passed Suspended} '1 -IY-11 '{ .5 N.P.D. RalsejiJ. Deprived} 7 --u -1 r'-/ N . P.D. Affiliated Suspended} U . M.C. Reinstated Espelled

Restored Died l -2-lc3-/77o Remarks I OCflclal R ecord Suspended l N.P.D. I Deprived l N. P. 0. f Suspended l U . M.C. I R elnsta ted Expelled Name Lunt~ Robert Alton Lodge No. 212 McKinley - ~'41 - 77 ..._.Z 0 ""' ~ Dimitted Official Record lniti'!d-22- 1 9 6 3 Passed Susl}."ndcd } N .• D. a - f.rJ. -t 9. ee. rt.. 2- 5-1963 ; Raisc1- Deprived } 5-196) N. P. D. Affiliated Sus'l.{ndu.. c.ed } Reinstated Expelled

Restored Died

Born 12-31-1938 Remarks

'-- -- Name Lunt, Robert Arthur 0 l.SD2 6 Lodge No. 219 Gov . William King I 7 j! Initiate.!! .L- 23-1 969 Passed 3 - 6- 1969 Raised 5 - 22 - 1969 Affiliated


Restored Died

Born I o .3 I -19 f I Remarks Initiated PasscdJj-/ q lf / b- / Suspended} N.P.D. Raised5 , } / - / 9 '1 , Deprived} N. P . D. Affilla2 - / ' -/ 9 tf f Suspended} U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled

Restored Died t;L/

Remarkv.J , 3 -!/-/9r.21 / ~f !~ !J~3 6 - /'1 6 7 CAPE ELIZABETH - Robert B. Upon his retirement on June 4, Lunt, former superintendent of Cape 1969, lt was proclaimed the Robert Elizabeth and Scarborough schools, B. LaJat DQ bJ a.o&b tbe town of Cape died yesterday ill a l()CIJl hospital EJhiebetb 8nd tbe State of Maine. He after a brief illneaa. was also named Citizen of the Year Mr." Lunt, who lhed at 37 Broad in 1969 by the South PortlaDd Kiwa­ Cove Road, was74. nis Club. He was a former president of the He was born in Old Town, son of New England Sehool Development Walter and Gertrude Pollard Lunt. He attended Old Town acbools and Council. He was a Mason and a received a bachelor's degree from member of the Shrine in Lewiston, Colby College in 1930. He received a the Portland Ro~ Club, tbe Maine master's degree from the University Retired Teacher's Association, the of Maine in 1933, and continued Colby "C" Club, the National Edl,lca· studies at the University of North tion Association and ~s a tnJstee of Carolina, Harvard aDd Boston Uni­ the Thomas Memorial Library. versity. He is survived by bls wife, Elna A. Mr. Lunt bepn his career in edu­ Lunt, a daughter, Mrs. l.esle (Har­ cation, teaching in Northeast Harbor riet) I>Qer of Montreal, C.S~; " in 1933 and later taugbt In Bangor. SOD, Robert B. Jr. of New York City; He was superintendent of IIChools in ancJ a grandda"'ghter. Island Falls from 1940 ~f!tll 1944, Name Lunt , Robert Gal en LodJleNo. 217 Ralph J . Pollard

Initiated Dimitted Official Record o/'-lo-19"57 Paseed S uspended} N. P. D. /tJ -/-1907 Raised Deprived} r:R-;;...d-/9-s-:? N P. O. Affillated Suspended} U M . C . Reinatated Expelled

Restored Died

Born //-/5' -/f',2_3 Remarks j-)' _f -/ ? <.-1 lmltted Official Record

P assed I Suspended} ')' --7/"·•'/ 9 'I N. P. D. Raise j Deprived} I - I 1 -11 '1 3 N.P.D. Affi lla ted S u spended }

Reinstated U. M. C. Expelled

Restored l)lcd

Remarks1J.:? 0-11-19' 77 1 ;~s~; s- -1 f" ~ Name

Lod~~:e No. 77 I nit iated D imitt ed O fficial Record 7 , Su&pen ded } N .P.D . D eprived} N.P.D. Affiliated Suspended} U . M . C. Reinst ated Expelled

Res t ored Died


,.,.. I./


Lod~~: e No.

Tnitiatecl Dimitted Officiul Reco cd ////&,//1 ..r P assed Suspended} //k / a C N . P . D. R aised Deprived } ~lrjt'lc N.P. D . Affiliated Suspended} U .M.C. Reinstated Expelled


Remark I J 1 r y. Lodte No. Ill Initiated Diwiu.,d Ollicial HMord

Passed Susptmdttd } N.P. U. Raised D e prived } N. P.U. Affilialed b/l.f /f? Su s p t~ n•1~d } U. ~J.C. Reinstated Hxpelled

Restored n.,uwrks Lodge No.

lnld~ !>--13-lf?o Passed Suspended } ;) -s--I a d 6 s--;)...0 - It 9 6 N.P. D. 7 RaJ sed Deprived l b - ;)_ - Jaq o N . P . D. f Affiliated Suspended } U. M.C. Reinstated Expelled / Jo ~ ?J - 11 d.. I c R estored DledCJ- f -/9 3 7 Rmnarks / ~