
Name Lund, Calvin Wilbert Lodge No. 208 Northeast Harbor s1/ Initiated Dimitted Official Record J ... J-1981 Passed 5-19-1981 } Ol\15 )1 0 Deprived Raised 6- 8-1981 N. P. D. } Affiliated t~~~d6~ } Reinstated Expelled Restored Died Born 6-J0-19 54 Remarks Official Record Suspended} N.P. D. Deprived} N. P. D. Suspended} U . M.C. Reins tated Expelled Restored Died RemarJc/ . ; / /- ) 1 J- / f G B I'Jfl'U/l/ ., -3 o ~1 ~ o o Name Lund , Forrest C Lod~e No. 12 Cumbe rland Dlmitted Official Record Suspended} N. P. D. Deprived} N.P. D. Suspended} U . M . C. Reinstated Expelled Restored Died Nome Lund, George Irving Lodi e No. 155 Ancient York / In l tJ~ J --( if '1 Dlmitt ed 3 S Passed/ / Suspended} 5 -'JI { - / Cf Y!) N.P. D . Raise&.- ? S -'/ 1 '( ~~;~~~d} Affiliated Suapended} U.M. C . Reinstated Expelled Restored ~d / - :J..- I t:; q 3 ~ .J2 / ?i~- ???~ Remor-;~7 -f ?'- / 1/ Y Name Lund, Gordon Willis ~~~0 Lodge No. 155 Ancient York I?' Initiated Dimilled Official Record !J,-12-1265 Ldl- ,2/- /99-.3 Sus'}>endcd } Passe'5-2!4, - 1265 N . D. Raised _ Deprived } 6 7- 1965 N. P. D . Affiliated Sus'Mndedu .. c. } Reinstated Expelled Restored Died Born 7- 20- 1938 Remarks - - - l SD777 N~ Lund, Harold A. I..odse No.40 Penobscot Initiated Dimitted Official Record SuSf>Cnded­ Passed N. P. D. RaiJed- Deprived­ N. P. D. Affiliated --1--::Suspended U. M . C. "l-14..=..1 9 9 2- Espelled- _.._____ _ l{einstated Name tund, Harry Fred Lod~e No. 180 K:tram 17 Tnltlate~ Official Record 2-25-1947 Dimltted Passed Suspended} N. P . D. Raised 11-19 -194'/ Deprived} N.P. D. Afflllatj2 -30-194'/ Suspended} U . M.C. Reinstated Expelled llarry J·. LumJ ban'-·'-,.u.h cu , hxl i~ n , church n 1~.uu~ t YAit.\tOIJrll - llany F' Lund. IH, the ~onCWne k~ oi lhe v.au1t. at the lonner M.a.ne "'•CJOn&l lbnk and Ofpn&Slat two~ dted wce..~1•ta kx:al n~ hon~ lit fortn«1y lrved 11 $6 Pleasant Sl and Qcean\1eW Eu&tes. Falmouth Mr. Lund retired in 1m after r1"'Cft INn~ ye&n; u superintendent or the 12\\jirl£ :'!'"o~~~~~·: a lways II the same E.a ur"""'""'"P" - · saidhbson,ll.lr· wkru one obmw y """l.und.""""""'the and t«<u tO '""' ~ d\anf:td IWnel • mort. --lht Ide: ol • pmoowt.oJ.as •...t ==:~ ; c..nm.....ln U..Com and worked "' Ma:nc.. ~BuildincatMan· Wcloolr.5of~pc-r\OII WT1M1 Square. By the who tw -..dt a nurt. endo(hisctl'eerhl:had on Uw:commun.ry • mo¥ed dovm the atreec. dx penon"• lomdy ond to nm the vault In the d rdr olbnds vt fanner lUine National snullbwlasdoc....,. buildlo.J on Congrus St reet at Exchance Street. -one ot his rqulal'l ln the past wu the lite ~ P. Baxter. a boner poemor and phlanUwpist.'" ~ 10 • 11'7S Preu Htr'llld story aboul Mr. Lund. ·Entnnce w lht vaun baoawu ..qeet "'"~'::.;!~c:"!; time:t=~J:= 8a:der came 1ft. Lund p.111 a peony dowa beside him and aaidthai.Vr"aShispay. Bute:rl&ld not • word but pocketed lht pe:My,• Mr. Lu.ncl wu known .. the alUillln mlft at the benk. becM.e • couple o1 limes a week he: would bnnc m a batch o1 bb ~. liany laDd balled murrlfts.. " People came IJhm .. c:omen ol the bank to um.pk his ..-va... aad li ·-1! hil- j ~;:~ A Rll-O<pniol. Wr Lund played the ..... lor 25 yun I t f"aamouth'J f'oraade ~ QUf'dl MJd ..... ,.... • Sou1h "-'Conunuoily a.un:... ,1fn~ "llol"'atolipleflllnlllc:-JOIII&hmone . ~!· cbwch to anocher on SUnda)'S. • uid his -. Dwinc V.'orid W• D Mt. Lund served In lht AmrJ at ~~I f"ort WIW&ms tn Cape FJa.c.abeth. AI tbe camp orpnlst., l • he helped eM In pafonnance lha& lnc:ludod M Corney. a- Mr. Lund ~ •rllinc ........ and had ,.... 1HH ponded "ith COW)Uep peoptt O¥tr the )UI'1. "tie wrote IO~and~. -lnvoat-·aaWhls ~~r;H l IOO. A<OII«<Ioo olbislootle<len iObii..;Je,Zilpllla 1111oon Lund, ... ~-"' the ~ol I Maine. "1 t"e8d in one -.t1.en: br was ~ about lht. ii1Hli price ci lt:n'be:n1es at 5 ctnts • pint.. Mid hiiJOn. · Bani In Hashllo. N.H.. a ..,. ol!Wvy F. and Helen Wells Luod. be pdualod m 1120 ..... N- HiCh SdlooL Jfilf~ llo ................. o( lhe Hammond Orpo Soddy• ...., "-' Communi~y a.m.. ~ nme l<~~~ Adivilia c,.., Portland. and lhe Hlnm Lode< ol M.uons. He did vokml• wort at Bttnrwood Manor and "-'1.5 • prdeoer who etQoyec:l growing roses. Nome Initiated Passed Suspended l N. P . O. I Raised Deprived l N. P.D. I Suspended l U.M.C. I Expe lled Name Lund . James Nelson Sr . Lodge No. 113 Messalonske.e Initiated _ 4- 8 Dimittcd Official Record 2 197 Suspended } Passed 5 - . 6 -1 9 7 8 N. P. D. Raised Deprived · } 6 -17-1978 N. P. D. Affi!i:.'ted Suspended } U. M. C. .lteirutat~d Expelled Restored Died 3/a8/ol I • lllorn 8 -27- 1929 l.ltema,·ks Lund , John Fra n k l in--- 180 Inltltjd- -y& -/1 Y '/ Suspended} Pa7 0 -1 7 --/ i Y '/ N.P.D. Deprived} Ratsr/ - Y 1--11 'f 'i N. P . D. Affiliated Suspended} U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled Restored Nov. S. Jo~~ LUND -d Inot Portl162Ge. n~roadwu . souat 2 FPortlan Lunld. Tuesda9y Conrreafternoon.. Bf{!t. lnLer-eten. Funera f om 74 Pftlnt Uo.ns o'clock 1 r Bl!r.~• til eon PA&Iilc menr~oro~rb ."'Me~ til~ O~d. 335 :=:,.1 ~ ro~:ln.er~QUU M~~g f!~ROlli~a te..:~ r,id · • t v..:fn3t n f;lendl_ Conr!:f~ome: - an w died · J,~ln a ;portland hoald~ a lone illness l He wu bom ~ ln ·Wtabrook AprU 13, 1903, son of Fred ~ and Mabel <Greenlaw> Lund He was graduated from Scar !~l'G\lih High School~ '• ; He entered the dair)'E-ess :wJth his father and r was ropr1etor of Lund's . He ad been associated w,ith Old avern Farms for seven.years. ~ He attended the :w,;tbocllst Church and was a member of Hiram Lodge, AF and AI( of i!S out h Portland; -NOnesuch Lodge, K of.. P, and a former member of the Grana-e. SurVivors include his wl!e, the f~F .l(&rton Lombard; a 1son, . 'f.-.. Lund of South r Po~~ · lt'andchlldren; Harold Bonnell niece and a Restored Died Nam e Lodge No. Dlmltted Inl~a.id-/ f (J ' l ssed / f'_ Suspended l 1 - 7 -,roT N. P.D. f Rulsed Deprived t 11 - lo -ttto 1 N. P. D. f Suspended t ~~ ''"N/'­ ' ~ J-q-o U.M.C. f • Rf ristateo Expelled Restored Remarks Nam• Lund, Lars \lilhe1m LodlleNo. 180 Hiram Jnltlared Dlmltted Official Record 6- 6 - 1950 Passed Suspended} 10- 3-1950 N.P.D. (jJf~f r) Ralaed Deprived} 11-28-1950 N.P.D. Affiliated Suspended} U. M.C. R•lnltated E•pelled Restored Died / ,:2 -.2.. 7- 1<;9.;) Re~7-/$- j f'1 r Name Lund , Lars Wi l helm, Jr. ...26 ~17 LodgeNo. H i ram # 180 1 7 Initiated J _ O_ Dlmltted Official Record 2 19 56 Paaaed 4-14 - l L 6 Su8pended} 9 ./ N.P. D. Raleed 4 _2 8- 195 6 Deprived} N. P. D. AffUiated Su8pended} U. M . C. Reinstated Ezpelled Remark• Name Lod~e N o. I nitiat ed Dlmitted Official Record //i/o-;._ Passed I (I 6 / t:J -;._ Suspended } N .P. D. I Raised / ,_/t-t-/o -v Deprived} N.P.D. I Affiliated Suspended} U.M.C. Reins t ated Expelled I Res tored Died J -3 -!qJ.....f Remark• -- l Name Lund . Pete r Charle s Lodge No. 113 Me ssalonskee Initiated Dimitted Official Record 1-20-1987 Ty-ler ' 88 Pa ..e d 2-17-1987 Raised 3 - 3 ~-1987 Affiliated SU5pended U . M . C. Reinstated Espelled Restored Died Born 7-3-1959 Remarks Nam Official Record Suspended} N.P. O. Deprived} N.P.D. Suspended} U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled Rcatored Died 117 I 1-1-1973 Remarks { ~ j 6-7 -/ 9/6 Malcolm E. Lundberg BATH - Malcolm E. Lundberg, 57, of Bedford, Mass., a fonner Bath resident, died Jan. 1 at his home in Bedford. /11.11 s; £ He was born in Sweden, Oct. 7, 1915 and came to the United States with his family at the ate or two. • Mr. Lundberg was employed as an electrician at Bath Iron Works before enlisting in the U.S. Navy. After completing his military service, he went to Massachusetts where he worked at the Raytheon Corporation as an electrician, for the last 20 years. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge, Bath. Surviving are his wife, Helen Keay Lundberg; an aunt, Mrs. Erin Anderson of Arlington, Mass. and a cousin, Herbert Lindau or Bath. Funeral services were held at the Berglund Funeral Home Wednesday in Arlington, Mass. Alf 11artenus r--=:: No. tun~ ~~L 152 Crooked River lnlt~d Dlmltted Passed7 ')' / - / ; Lf ~ 1 Suspended} 6 N . P.D. RaiL - / ]' ~1 f YY Deprived} i )- i -I 7 LJ '-1 N.P.D. Affiliated 1 f Suspended} U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled Restored Name Lodge No. I nitiat eJ// r;,/; () Passed ~//~/I O :~;:.ded }~/~/If R aised </ 0 Deprived } Affi!i ate///;)..'/ /O N.P.D.
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