Public Document Pack


Date: Thursday 9th March, 2017 Time: 6.30 pm Venue: Professional Development Centre, 225 Road, Formby, Liverpool, L37 6EW


Blundelsands Ward Ward Councillor Dan T. Lewis (Vice-Chair), The Councillor Cummins, The Labour Party Labour Party Councillor Veidman, The Labour Party Councillor Dams, The Labour Party Councillor Webster, The Labour Party Councillor Roscoe, The Labour Party Manor Ward Ward Councillor Carragher (Chair), The Labour Party Councillor Dutton, Conservative Party Councillor John Joseph Kelly, The Labour Party Councillor Jamieson, Conservative Party Councillor McGinnity, The Labour Party Councillor Pitt, Conservative Party Park Ward Ward Councillor Burns, The Labour Party Councillor Atkinson, The Labour Party Councillor Pat O'Hanlon, Independents Group Councillor Carr, The Labour Party Councillor Sayers, The Labour Party Councillor Murphy, The Labour Party Ward Ward Councillor Gannon, Independents Group Councillor Maria Bennett, Independents Councillor McKinley, The Labour Party Group Councillor Owens, The Labour Party Councillor McCann, Independents Group Councillor Page, The Labour Party

Victoria Ward Councillor Byrom, The Labour Party Councillor Grace, The Labour Party Councillor Roche, The Labour Party

Parish Council Representatives Parish Councillor Karl Brennan Hightown Parish Council Parish Councillor Mike Carter Village Parish Council Parish Councillor Bob McCann Formby Parish Council Parish Councillor Kevin Sharpe 1 Parish Council Parish Councillor Anne Ibbs Parish Council Parish Councillor John Christopher Bailey Parish Council Parish Councillor Ron Baker Melling Parish Council Parish Councillor Marie Duffy Sefton Parish Council Parish Councillor Ken Hounsell Thornton Parish Council Parish Councillor Gerry Lee Sefton Area Partnership of Local Councils

Advisory Group Members Mr. P. G. Thornton

COMMITTEE OFFICER: Olaf Hansen Democratic Services Officer Telephone: 0151 934 2067 Fax: 0151 934 2034 E-mail: [email protected]

If you have any special needs that may require arrangements to facilitate your attendance at this meeting, please contact the Committee Officer named above, who will endeavour to assist. We endeavour to provide a reasonable number of full agendas, including reports at the meeting. If you wish to ensure that you have a copy to refer to at the meeting, please can you print off your own copy of the agenda pack prior to the meeting.

2 This page is intentionally left blank.

3 A G E N D A

1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest Members are requested to give notice of any disclosable pecuniary interest, which is not already included in their Register of Members' Interests and the nature of that interest, relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the Members Code of Conduct, before leaving the meeting room during the discussion on that particular item.

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting (Pages 7 - 14) Minutes of the meeting held on 5 January, 2017

Part A

These items are for general discussion. Anybody attending the meeting is welcome to speak (subject to the Chair’s discretion)

4. Public Forum A period of 20 minutes (or longer at the discretion of the Chair) will be set aside for a Public Forum.

Members of the public can ask questions, raise matters, or present petitions on issues that are relevant to . The person asking a question will be allowed one supplementary question.

A question form indicating the person’s name and address must be completed and submitted to the Democratic Services Officer as soon as possible and by no later than 12:00(noon) the day before the meeting.

(If the questioner does not attend the meeting or nominate a representative to attend (at the discretion of the Chair), the question will not be read out, but a written response will be forwarded to the questioner).

If a response to a question cannot be provided at the meeting, the Neighbourhoods Division will contact the relevant department for a formal response and the resident will be contacted directly in writing.

5. Police Issues Report of the Neighbourhood Inspector

4 Update on crime statistics and area interventions since the last meeting

6. Parish Council Updates Verbal update from Parish Council representative(s)

Part B

These items are for consultation or information of interest to the local community. Anybody attending the meeting is welcome to speak (subject to the Chair’s discretion)

There are no Items in Part B

Part C

These are formal decisions to be taken by the Members of the Council. Only in exceptional cases will the Chair allow contributions from the public (Advisory Group Members may speak but not vote)

7. A565 Seaforth Roundabout Improvements (Pages 15 - Report of the Head of Locality Services - Commissioned 20)

8. Area Management Update (Pages 21 - Report of the Head of Communities 26)

Update on area management issues resolved since the last meeting

9. Budget Monitoring (Pages 27 - Report of the Director of Corporate Services 42)

Update on Area Committee budget resources available

10. Date of Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on Thursday, 15 June 2017, commencing at 18:30, location to be confirmed.

5 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 3 THE “CALL IN” PERIOD FOR THIS SET OF MINUTES ENDS AT 12 NOON ON MONDAY 15 JANUARY, 2017. MINUTE NOS.33-36 ARE NOT SUBJECT TO “CALL IN”.



PRESENT: Councillor Carragher (in the Chair) Councillors Dan T. Lewis, Atkinson, Bennett, Burns, Byrom, Carr, Cummins, Dams, Dutton, Gannon, Grace, John Joseph Kelly, McGinnity, McKinley, Page, Pitt, Roche, Roscoe, Sayers, Veidman and Webster

ALSO PRESENT: Parish Councillors Bailey, Baker, Brennan, Carter and Lee 2 officers from Police 6 members of the puiblic


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Jamieson, McCann, Murphy and O’Hanlon and Parish Councillor Ibbs.


No declarations of any disclosable pecuniary interest were received.



That the Minutes of the meeting held on 14 September, 2016 be confirmed as a correct record.


During the Public Forum the following matters were raised:-


a) Mr. John Wilkinson submitted a petition to address the Committee on behalf of Frack Free Formby, a voluntary group opposed to fracking for shale gas and oil in the Formby and wider Sefton area. Mr.Wilkinson sought the Committee’s support in fracking due to its harmful impact on communities and the environment.

The Chair thanked Mr.Wilkinson for his presentation and commented that Minute No.32 of the meeting of Council held 14 July, 2016 clearly stated the Council’s position regarding fracking. The Minute stated “This Council agrees to confirm its opposition to unconventional gas extraction”.


That the petition be noted.


The Committee considered the reports of Inspectors Fish, Jones and Hatton.

Inspectors Fish and Jones were present at the meeting and answered queries from the Committee.


(1) the Police be thanked for their presentation; and

(2) the sincere appreciation and thanks be formally recorded for out- going Inspectors Atherton and Hatton for all their hard work and dedication to duty whilst serving in the central Sefton area.


Parish Councillor Gerry Lee, Chair of the Sefton Area Partnership of Local Councils (SAPLC) gave a brief verbal update from the Parish Councils.


That Mr. Lee be thanked for his presentation



The Committee considered the report of the Head of Locality Services – Commissioned which sought authority to modify the Definitive Map and Statement of public rights of way to show the effect of The Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council (Thornton To Switch Island Link Road) A5758 Broom’s Cross Road (Side Roads) Order 2012 and the section 116 Highways Act 1980 – Stopping Up of Highways Order 2015 of Part of Longdale Lane and Part of Back Lane, Sefton, on the rights of way network.

RESOLVED: That the Head of Regulation and Compliance be authorised to:

(1) make a Definitive Map Legal Event Modification Order under Section 53 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to show the effect of the Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council (Thornton To Switch Island Link Road) A5758 Broom’s Cross Road (Side Roads) Order 2012 to Sefton Footpath No.5 shown as the line A-C on drawing no.DC1537 on the Definitive Rights Of Way Map and Statement;

(2) make a Definitive Map Legal Event Modification Order under Section 53 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to show the effect of the Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council (Thornton To Switch Island Link Road) A5758 Broom’s Cross Road (Side Roads) Order 2012 to Sefton Footpath No.4 shown as the line A-G on drawing no.DC1538 on the Definitive Rights Of Way Map and Statement;

(3) make a Definitive Map Legal Event Modification Order under Section 53 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to show the effect of the Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council (Thornton To Switch Island Link Road) A5758 Broom’s Cross Road (Side Roads) Order 2012 to Sefton Byway No.13 shown as the line A-F on drawing no. DC1512 on the Definitive Rights Of Way Map and Statement;

(4) make a Definitive Map Legal Event Modification Order under Section 53 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to show the effect of the Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council (Thornton To Switch Island Link Road) A5758 Broom’s Cross Road (Side Roads) Order 2012 to Thornton Footpath No.2 shown as the line A-D on drawing no. DC1511 on the Definitive Rights Of Way Map and



(5) make a Definitive Map Legal Event Modification Order under Section 53 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to show the effect of the Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council (Thornton To Switch Island Link Road) A5758 Broom’s Cross Road (Side Roads) Order 2012 to add Sefton Bridleway No. 18, Chapel Lane shown as the line A-C on drawing no. DC1517 on the Definitive Rights Of Way Map and Statement;

(6) make a Definitive Map Legal Event Modification Order under Section 53 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to show the effect of the Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council (Thornton To Switch Island Link Road) A5758 Broom’s Cross Road (Side Roads) Order 2012 to add Thornton Footpath No. 10 Holgate shown as the line A-B on drawing no. DC1516 on the Definitive Rights Of Way Map and Statement;

(7) make a Definitive Map Legal Event Modification Order under Section 53 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to show the effect of the Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council (Thornton To Switch Island Link Road) A5758 Broom’s Cross Road (Side Roads) Order 2012 to add Thornton Bridleway No. 11, Back Lane shown as the line B-G on drawing no. DC1515 on the Definitive Rights Of Way Map and Statement;

(8) make a Definitive Map Legal Event Modification Order under Section 53 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to show the effect of the Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council section 116 Highways Act 1980 – Stopping Up of Highways Order 2015 of Part of Longdale Lane and Part of Back Lane, Sefton on the rights of way network to add Thornton Bridleway No. 11, Back Lane shown as the line A-B on drawing no. DC1515 on the Definitive Rights Of Way Map and Statement;

(9) make a Definitive Map Legal Event Modification Order under Section 53 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to show the effect of the Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council section 116 Highways Act 1980 – Stopping Up of Highways Order 2015 of Part of Longdale Lane and Part of Back Lane, Sefton, on the rights of way network to add Sefton Bridleway No. 19, Longdale Lane shown as the line A-C on drawing no. DC1513 on the Definitive Rights Of Way Map and Statement; and

(10) in accordance with Rule 93 of the Council and Committee Procedure Rules of the Constitution, the abstention of Councillor Dutton, from the decision set out above, be recorded.



The Committee considered the report of the Head of Locality Services – Commissioned which advised of the results of the recent consultation with businesses and residents affected by the proposed installation of a signal controlled pedestrian crossing, between Lancing Drive and Stowe Avenue.


(1) the results of the consultation exercise be noted;

(2) the installation of a signal controlled pedestrian crossing, between Lancing Drive and Stowe Avenue, as detailed within the report and at Annex A be authorised; and

(3) in accordance with Rule 93 of the Council and Committee Procedure Rules of the Constitution, the abstention of Councillor Dutton from the decision set out above, be recorded.


The Committee considered the report of the Head of Locality Services – Commissioned which advised of the receipt of a petition signed by residents and businesses of Musker Street and Wembley Road requesting the introduction of a Residents Privileged parking scheme in Musker Street, Crosby. The report also recommended a way forward.


(1) the receipt of the petition signed by residents and businesses be noted;

(2) based upon the results of the on-street parking surveys, no further action be taken at the current time; and

(3) in accordance with Rule 93 of the Council and Committee Procedure Rules of the Constitution, the abstention of Councillor Dutton, from the decision set out above, be recorded.



The Committee considered the report of the Head of Locality Services – Commissioned which advised of two objections received to the proposed traffic regulation orders on Hall Lane and Southport Road, Lydiate.


(1) the objections be noted;

(2) the traffic regulation orders be progressed in a reduced form of ten metres junction protection at the junction of Hall Lane and Southport Road;

(3) the objectors be advised accordingly; and

(4) in accordance with Rule 93 of the Council and Committee Procedure Rules of the Constitution, the abstention of Councillor Dutton, from the decision set out above, be recorded.


The Committee considered the report of the Head of Communities on area management activities that had taken place in Harington, Ravenmeols, , Church, Manor, , Molyneux, Park and Sudell Wards.


That the report be noted.


The Committee considered the report of the Head of Communities that provided information on available resources for the Committee and progress on those items approved at previous meetings.

The Chair commented that Page 74 of the agenda should read “The Crescent, Formby” and not Thornton Crescent as stated in the report.



That the report be noted.


In accordance with the scheduled programme of meetings, the next meeting will be held on Thursday 9 March, 2017 at Formby Professional Development Centre, 225 Park Road, Formby, L37 6EW commencing at 18:30.

Page21 13 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 7

Report to: Central Sefton Area Committee Date of Meeting: 9 March 2017

Subject: A565 Seaforth Roundabout Improvements

Report of: Head of Locality Services – Commissioned Wards Affected: Church

Is this a Key Decision? No Is it included in the Forward Plan? No

Exempt/Confidential No


To seek approval to widen sections of the Seaforth roundabout junction to improve safety and traffic management.


It is recommended that Central Sefton Area Committee:

(i) approve the widening of sections of the A565 Seaforth roundabout junction between the entrance/ exit to the Port of Liverpool and the junction with the A5036, subject to 2017/18 capital funding being approved by Cabinet & Council.

How does the decision contribute to the Council’s Corporate Objectives?

Corporate Objective Positive Neutral Negative Impact Impact Impact 1 Creating a Learning Community √ 2 Jobs and Prosperity √ 3 Environmental Sustainability √ 4 Health and Well-Being √ 5 Children and Young People √ 6 Creating Safe Communities √ 7 Creating Inclusive Communities √ 8 Improving the Quality of Council √ Services and Strengthening Local Democracy

Reasons for the Recommendation: Area Committees have delegated powers to consider the outcome of consultation and the resultant proposals in respect of the making of traffic regulation orders, details of improvements to highways and cycle routes and can approve the scheme as proposed or with minor amendments but otherwise must refer the scheme to the Cabinet Member Page 15 Agenda Item 7

Transportation indicating the Area Committee’s view on how the scheme should be progressed.

What will it cost and how will it be financed? (A) Revenue Costs Nil (B) Capital Costs The cost of the proposals will be met from the £368k allocation within the proposed 2017/18 Capital Programme (£334k STEP allocation, £34k LTP allocation), subject to approval of Council & Cabinet Member Locality Services. Implications: The following implications of this proposal have been considered and where there are specific implications, these are set out below:

Legal None

Human Resources None

Equality 1. No Equality Implication  2. Equality Implications identified and mitigated

3. Equality Implication identified and risk remains

Impact on Service Delivery: Nil What consultations have taken place on the proposals and when?

The Head of Corporate Resources has been consulted and can confirm that the costs can be contained within the capital funding allocations of £368k as identified. (FD 4519/17)

The Head of Regulation & Compliance has been consulted and comments have been incorporate into the report (LD 3802/17)

Are there any other options available for consideration? No Implementation Date for the Decision : Following approval of the Transportation Capital Programme by Cabinet Member Locality Services.

Contact Officer: Peter Hillsdon Tel: 0151 934 4808 Email: [email protected]

Background Papers:

Page 16 Agenda Item 7


1.1 In July 2014 the Government published the Liverpool City Region Growth Plan. The Growth Plan included an allocation of £41.4m for a package of sustainable transport improvements across the LEP area, subject to DfT scrutiny of business cases prior to delivery. This funding for these schemes has formed part of the DfT contribution towards the Regional Growth Fund. This has formed an allocation of £6.9m per annum for six years for a Sustainable Transport Enhancements Package (STEP) designed to support economic growth in the City Region. The STEP investments form a critical part of the Liverpool City Region Growth Plan and Strategic Economic Plan and are shaped around four interrelated packages of works, ‘Invest for Growth’, Sustainable Access to Employment’, ‘Low Carbon’ and ‘Visitor Economy’.

1.2 The six year STEP package of transport improvements was split into two tranches for the purpose of assessment and allocation by the Combined Authority. The first two year tranche will be completed at the end of March 2017. The second tranche of funding for the four year period from 2017/18-2020/21 was approved by the Combined Authority on 15th December 2016. Sefton Council has had three schemes included in this second package of works. These schemes are A565 Improvements (3 phases - Seaforth/ Thornton/ Waterloo), East West Cycle Improvements, Southport and Kirkby to Maghull Cycle Route.

1.3 On 15th February 2017 the Council received formal confirmation from the Combined Authority of the funding allocation for the STEP schemes in Sefton (letter dated 13th February 2017).

1.4 One of the elements of the second STEP programme is the allocation of £334k for highway/ safety improvements on the A565 at the Seaforth roundabout, as part of a series of improvements to the A565 through Waterloo and Thornton. This is to be matched by a 10% contribution from the Integrated Transport Block (£34k).

1.5 Over the last approximately 10 years, the Council has been implementing a route management strategy (RMS) for the A565, involving safety and traffic management improvements at several key junctions along the A565. The most recent of these is the improvement at the South Road/Haigh Road junction. The three phases included in the 2017/18 – 2020/21 STEP programme form the next stages of the A565 RMS, starting with the improvements at the Seaforth roundabout. The Seaforth roundabout improvement also follows on directly from the A565 cycle route scheme that was funded through the 2015/16-2016/17 STEP programme, including the traffic signals and TOUCAN crossing at the entrance/exit of the Port of Liverpool.

1.6 During 2016, a series of workshops were held with a working group of Cabinet Members to discuss the transport investment priorities for the Borough. A list of priority schemes was agreed with the Member working group and presented to informal Cabinet. The A565 corridor improvements in Seaforth, including the roundabout improvement scheme was included on the list of priorities.

Page 17 Agenda Item 7

1.7 The Seaforth roundabout forms the junction between the A565 and the A5036 trunk road. The A5036 is part of the national strategic highway network and is the responsibility of Highways England. The trunk road ends at the junction, so the roundabout and all the associated slip roads are part of the local highway network, which is the responsibility of Sefton Council. The works proposed as part of this scheme are located on the junction and are therefore within Sefton’s area of responsibility.


2.1 The A565 is a strategic route running through the borough providing an important commuter route for both private vehicle and public transport for residents of Sefton into Liverpool, At its junction with the A5036, the main north south flows use a flyover of the roundabout junction, with slip roads from the A565 merging/ diverging to a roundabout junction with the A5036. The main entrance to the Port of Liverpool is offset to the north west of this junction and is accessed via a one way loop from the roundabout, serving the recently installed signal controlled junction at the entrance to the Port. The signals have recently been installed as part of the STEP funded A565 Port of Liverpool Greenway Enhancements project to create a shared use cycle path alongside the A565 and the new signal controlled junction has allowed the installation of a Toucan crossing across the Port entrance/exit to reduce the conflict between pedestrians/ cyclists and traffic at this point.

2.2 Prior to the installation of the signals there was conflict and delay at the junction due to the high volumes of commuter traffic travelling towards Crosby and the traffic (mostly HGVs) exiting the Port. Whilst the installation of the traffic signals has mostly relieved this congestion in the first instance, the predicted growth in HGV movements with the growth in Port traffic is expected to generate similar problems in future years.

2.3 This scheme is proposed to overcome safety, maintenance and traffic management issues on the sections of the junction between the Port entrance and the roundabout junction with the A5036. The existing section of carriageway between the Port exit and the roundabout junction with the A5036 is too narrow to safely accommodate 2 lanes of HGVs due to the swept paths as they negotiate the loop linking to the roundabout. The new signal controlled junction at the Port has three lanes at the stop line, one for left turning traffic to Crosby and two straight ahead lanes leading to the A5036. This causes HGVs to have to merge as they leave the Port leading to potential conflict. This section of carriageway has previously been widened to accommodate abnormal loads leaving the Port, and there is currently hatching on the inside of the bend. The previous widening left a row of drainage gullies in the carriageway alongside the edge of the hatched area. This leads to ongoing maintenance issues, with merging HGV’s overrunning the hatched area and damaging the gullies. As part of the proposals to widen the carriageway these gullies will be moved to the edge of the road and the carriageway profiled to reduce the potential to damage the gullies and thereby minimise the ongoing maintenance costs.

2.4 In addition, it is also proposed to widen the approach to the Port in order to provide 3 x 4m wide lanes to safely facilitate two lanes of HGVs on the approach

Page 18 Agenda Item 7

to the Port and a free flow straight ahead lane to Crosby in the outside lane. The existing arrangement is too narrow to safely accommodate three lanes of traffic due to high proportion of HGVs using this section of carriageway, so the scheme will reduce the risk of conflict between HGVs and between HGVs and other traffic. The extent of the proposals are shown in the Plan in ANNEX A

2.5 As part of the works it is also proposed to resurface the whole of the carriageway between the junction with the Port entrance and the junction with A5036, as shown on Annex A.


3.1 No residential properties are directly affected by the proposals, therefore, it is not proposed to undertake a formal public consultation exercise. The Port of Liverpool has been consulted on the proposals as part of the design process and comments incorporated.


4.1 The existing configuration of the Seaforth roundabout leads to potential conflict between HGVs and between HGVs and other motorists due to the narrow lanes and turning movements of HGVs. 4.2 The proposed widening of the carriageway on the approaches/exit to the Port and re-surfacing of the carriageway will provide the following improvements :  Improved traffic management for all traffic using those sections of the junction;  Reduced risk of accidents between HGVs and between HGVs and other traffic;  Reduced future drainage maintenance liabilities;  Improved carriageway condition and reduced requirement for short term maintenance.

Page 19 Agenda Item 7 Annex A

Page 20 Agenda Item 8

Report to: Central Sefton Area Committee Date of Meeting: 9th March 2017

Subject: Area Management Update

Report of: Director of Communities

Wards Affected: Blundellsands Church Harington Manor Molyneux Park Ravenmeols Sudell Victoria

Is this a Key Decision? No Is it included in the Forward Plan? No Exempt/Confidential No


To update Central Sefton Area Committee Members on area management activities occurring within the area.


That the Area Committee:

(i) notes the contents of this report; (ii) refers area management issues from Members, residents or community groups to the Area Coordinator for Central Sefton.

How does the decision contribute to the Council’s Corporate Objectives?

Corporate Objective Positive Neutral Negative Impact Impact Impact 1 Creating a Learning Community  2 Jobs and Prosperity  3 Environmental Sustainability  4 Health and Well-Being  5 Children and Young People  6 Creating Safe Communities  7 Creating Inclusive Communities  8 Improving the Quality of Council  Services and Strengthening Local Democracy

1 Page 21 Agenda Item 8

Reasons for the Recommendation:

This report informs Members of progress of area management activities in their areas.

What will it cost and how will it be financed?

(A) Revenue Costs Any actions requiring Council resources are agreed within existing budgets such as Area Committee Budgets (details contained within the budget monitoring report). Actions requiring resources from partners are agreed in advance of works being carried out.

(B) Capital Costs N/A


The following implications of this proposal have been considered and where there are specific implications, these are set out below:

Legal There are no legal implications arising from this report.

Human Resources There are no implications

Equality 1. No Equality Implication None

2. Equality Implications identified and mitigated

3. Equality Implication identified and risk remains

Impact on Service Delivery: All actions detailed within this update have come from issues raised by residents, elected members or officers. These actions are specifically aimed at improving the delivery of services within the local area.

What consultations have taken place on the proposals and when?

The Head of Corporate Finance & ICT has been consulted and has no comments (FD 4528/17)

The Head of Regulation and Compliance has been consulted and has no comments (LD 3811/17)

2 Page 22 Agenda Item 8

Are there any other options available for consideration?

No. The approach of area coordination via Corporate Commissioning and Neighbourhood Coordination is aimed at improving local services, and thereby improving customer satisfaction with how services are delivered. If these actions were not dealt with, this would not happen. In terms of specific items, each issue is considered fully in conjunction with all relevant partners before action is taken.

Implementation Date for the Decision

Immediately at the conclusion of the Area Committee.

Contact Officer: Graham Parry/Sue Ashe, Area Coordinator Central Sefton Tel: 0151 934 3446 Email: [email protected] [email protected]

Background Papers:

Central Sefton Area Committee Minutes, 16th June 2016

1. Introduction/Background

Corporate Commissioning and Neighbourhood Coordination provides a coordination function for both strategic and operational work within the community.

This report has been produced to update ward councillors and residents of progress against key activities within the Central Sefton Area Committee area.


 Waterloo and Seaforth Cares (Church Ward Older People Pilot)

Members of Waterloo and Seaforth Carers continue to meet to address loneliness and social isolation within Church Ward.

Following the successful launch of Waterloo and Seaforth Cares, the steering group has agreed to roll learning across all four wards of Crosby to establish a Crosby Hub.

The group will work closely the Community Asset Development Officers from Sefton CVS, who are currently working within to establish a web of connectivity between organisations, service and key protagonists within the community, who can help connect people who may otherwise be lonely or socially isolated.

3 Page 23 Agenda Item 8

Waterloo and Seaforth Cares l continue to work closely with key council groups such as the Early Intervention and Prevention Working Group, and the Dementia Action Alliance for Sefton.

 Thornton Crescent

Following recent discussions and meetings around The Crescent in Thornton a scheme has now been developed. This has been shared with the Local Elected Members and Thornton Parish Council. This will incorporate a One Way System, Kerb Build Outs and a New Street Lighting Column.

The funding for the scheme is being sought and secured. It is hoped works will start in April 2017 subject to contractor availability and works.

 Lincoln Drive

A meeting recently took place around some ASB problems in this area. Work is ongoing with local residents, council officers. Police and Elected Members.

 Maghull and Melling in Bloom

The groups involved in both Maghull and Melling continue to be supported in their areas It is hoped that the success from last year’s awards will continue this year.

Maghull in Bloom won Gold in the Large Town category and Melling in Bloom won Silver Gilt in the Large Village category.


 Formby Hub – Loneliness and Social Isolation Project

Members of Formby Hub continue to meet on a monthly basis in order to plan and implement events within Formby to tackle loneliness and social isolation.

An emergency meeting with HUB partners has been held given the recent resignation of the key worker from the post..


That the Area Committee:

(i) notes the contents of this report;

4 Page 24 Agenda Item 8

(ii) refers area management issues from Members, residents or community groups to the Area Coordinator for Central Sefton.

5 Page 25 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 9

Report to: Central Sefton Area Committee Date of Meeting: 9th March 2017

Subject: Budget Monitoring Report

Report of: Head of Corporate Resources

Wards Affected: Blundellsands Church Harington Manor Molyneux Park Ravenmeols Sudell Victoria

Is this a Key Decision? No Is it included in the Forward Plan? No Exempt/Confidential No


To update Central Sefton Area Committee Members on available budgets for the 2016/17 Municipal Year.

To provide an update on items / works agreed during the 2016/17 Municipal Year.


That the Area Committee:-

(i) Considers and notes budget allocations for the 2016/17 municipal year. (ii) Considers and notes brought forward amounts from the 2015/16 municipal year. (iii) Considers and notes items/works agreed during the 2016/17 municipal year

How does the decision contribute to the Council’s Corporate Objectives?

Corporate Objective Positive Neutral Negative Impact Impact Impact 1 Creating a Learning Community  2 Jobs and Prosperity  3 Environmental Sustainability  4 Health and Well-Being  5 Children and Young People  6 Creating Safe Communities 

7 Creating Inclusive Communities  8 Improving the Quality of Council Services  and Strengthening Local Democracy

1 Page 27 Agenda Item 9

Reasons for the Recommendation:

This report is to inform members of how Area Committee funding has been used.

What will it cost and how will it be financed?

The 2016/17 allocation for Central Sefton Area Committee is £40,698.00.

Inclusive of brought forward amounts from 2015/16, Central Sefton Area Committee has a budget of £100,907.70 available for this municipal year.

(A) Revenue Costs

All commitments referred to in this report are funded from the 2016/17 area committee budget.

(B) Capital Costs N/A


The following implications of this report have been considered and where there are specific implications, these are set out below:

Legal Human Resources There are no implications Equality 1. No Equality Implications

2. Equality Implications identified and mitigated

3. Equality Implication identified and risk remains

Impact on Service Delivery:

Area Committee budget allocations must be spent on additional services that benefit the wider the community.

What consultations have taken place on the proposals and when?

The Head of Corporate Resources (FD 4529/17) has been consulted, and comments have been incorporated into the report.

The Head of Regulation and Compliance (LD 3812/17 ) has been consulted, and has no comments

Are there any other options available for consideration?

No alternative options available

Implementation Date for the Decision

Immediately following the Committee. Contact Officer: Chris White, Strategic Area Manager 2 Page 28 Agenda Item 9

Tel: 0151 934 4904 Email: [email protected]

Background Papers:

Central Sefton Area Committee Minutes 14th September 2016.

1.0 Introduction/Background

1.1 On 18th April 2013, Council agreed to reduce the number of area committees from seven to three. As a result of this resolution, three committees now cover the northern, central and southern parts of the borough.

1.2 Central Sefton Area Committee is formed by bringing together the wards of Blundellsands, Church, Harington, Manor, Molyneux, Park, Ravenmeols, Sudell and Victoria.

1.3 Although Central Sefton Area Committee represents the interests of these wards, individual ward budgets still exist. Ward councillors retain responsibility for determining how best to use funding allocated to their individual ward.

2.0 2016/17 Area Committee Budget

2.1 The following table sets out the 2016/17 budget allocations available to each ward as per current Area Committee arrangements.

2016/17 2016/17 2016/17 2015/16 2016/17 Ward Available Balance 2016/17 Municipal Balance b/f Commitments Year Allocation Budget Available £ £ £ £ £

WARD Blundellsands 15,819.59 4,509.00 20,328.59 13,126.50 7,202.09 Church 2,978.04 4,509.00 7,487.04 3,859.50 3,627.54 Harington 1,568.37 4,432.00 6,000.37 5,023.29 977.08 Manor 4,161.38 4,509.00 8,670.38 6,526.31 2,144.07 Molyneux 6,785.89 4,542.00 11,327.89 9,214.00 2,113.89 Park 4,186.37 4,797.00 8,983.37 1,491.16 7,492.21 Ravenmeols 13,962.14 4,432.00 18,394.14 16,808.00 1,586.14 Sudell 3,640.58 4,459.00 8,099.58 1,169.38 6,930.20 Victoria 7,107.34 4,509.00 11,616.34 4,132.96 7,483.38 Total 60,209.70 40,698.00 100,907.70 61,351.10 39,556.60

3 Page 29 Agenda Item 9

Date Amount Amount Payment Payment 2016/17 Commitments Ward Comments Approved Committed Spent Type Status

Committed Street Name Plate – Victoria Awaiting completion of works with Blundellsands 13/06/16 97.00 0.00 Journal Spend Road highways Only

Replacement Bin Hall Road Blundellsands 15/09/16 380.00 380.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer Sent East

Relocation of Bin Blundellsands Blundellsands 15/09/16 50.00 50.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer Sent Station

Page 30 Page Replacement Bin Merrilocks Blundellsands 15/09/16 380.00 380.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer Sent Park

Replacement Bin Warren Blundellsands 15/09/16 550.00 550.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer Sent Road/Serpentine Road

Replacement Bins Cooks Road Blundellsands 19/09/16 760.00 760.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer Sent

Contribution towards Crosby Blundellsands 31/08/16 200.00 200.00 Invoice PAID Payment made and cleared Village De-Fibs

Reserve Forces Reception Blundellsands 11/10/16 100.00 100.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer Sent Contribution

Contribution to Crosby Village Blundellsands 10/11/16 500.00 500.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer Sent Christmas Lights

4 Date Amount Amount Payment Payment 2016/17 Commitments Ward Comments Approved Committed Spent Type Status

Committed Street Name Plate – Pinehurst Blundellsands 10/11/16 55.00 Spend Awaiting completion of works Avenue Only

Committed Street Name Plate – Seathwaite Blundellsands 10/11/16 97.00 Spend Awaiting completion of works Close Only

Committed Street Name Plate – Manor Blundellsands 10/11/16 130.00 Spend Awaiting completion of works Road Only

Replacement Bin – Cooks Road Blundellsands 10/11/16 380.00 380.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer Sent Page 31 Page Replacement Bin – Mariners Blundellsands 20/12/16 280.00 380.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer Sent Road

Contribution to equipment for Blundellsands 15/12/16 218.50 218.50 Journal PAID Journal Transfer Sent Beach Clean Up Groups

No Fly Tipping Sign – Riverslea Blundellsands 8/12/16 79.00 79.00 Invoice PAID Payment made and cleared Road Agenda Item 9 Committed Contribution to Tree Pruning Awaiting completion of works with Blundellsands 6/02/17 120.00 Journal Spend Kenilworth Road highways Only

Committed Guardrail Improvements Awaiting completion of works with Blundellsands 15/02/17 1,000.00 Journal Spend Blundellsands Station highways Only

Committed Replacement Bench – Warren Awaiting completion of works with Blundellsands 15/02/17 750.00 Invoice Spend Road highways Only

5 Agenda Item 9

Date Amount Amount Payment Payment 2016/17 Commitments Ward Comments Approved Committed Spent Type Status

Committed Guardrail Planters Cooks Road Awaiting completion of works with Blundellsands 15/02/17 2,000.00 Journal Spend Corner highways Only

Committed Visual Improvements & Signage Awaiting completion of works with Blundellsands 15/02/17 5,000.00 Journal Spend Blundellsands highways Only

Contribution to Fun Day at Church 26/05/16 250.00 250.00 Cheque PAID Payment made and cleared Bowersdale Park

Contribution towards road Church 29/06/16 207.50 207.50 Journal PAID Journal Transfer Sent closure for charity event Page 32 Page

Contribution towards children’s Church 05/07/16 300.00 300.00 Cheque PAID Payment made and cleared trips – Sing Plus

Skips for Clean Up in Church Church 01/06/16 270.00 270.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer Sent Ward

Replacement Bin Brighton Church 19/09/16 380.00 380.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer Sent Road

Skip in Kings Park Church 19/09/16 55.00 55.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer Sent

Skip in Gordon Road Church 19/09/16 55.00 55.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer Sent

Reserve Forces Reception Church 11/10/16 100.00 100.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer Sent Contribution

6 Date Amount Amount Payment Payment 2016/17 Commitments Ward Comments Approved Committed Spent Type Status

Contribution to Clean Up Church 17/10/16 464.00 464.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer Sent Gordon Road

Contribution to Bin Milton Road Church 17/10/16 380.00 380.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer Sent

Contribution to Clean Up Church 25/11/16 348.00 348.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer Sent Chestnut Road

Bin Relocation St Faiths Bus Church 24/01/17 50.00 50.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer Sent Stop

Page 33 Page Payment Contribution towards Support Invoice sent to finance for payment Church 31/01/17 1,000.00 1,000.00 Invoice Being Active Expo Waterloo 8/2/17 Processed

Payment Invoice sent to finance for payment Beach Safe Child Wrist Bands Harington 02/08/16 290.00 290.00 Cheque Being 15/08/16 Processed

Committed Street Nameplate for College Awaiting completion of works with Harington 17/08/16 135.00 Journal Spend Path highways Only Agenda Item 9 Committed Street Nameplate for Graburn Awaiting completion of works with Harington 23/08/16 135.00 Journal Spend Road highways Only

Committed Painting of 26 Cast Iron Street Awaiting completion of works with Harington 23/08/16 1,206.24 Journal Spend Nameplates highways Only

Payment Reserve Forces Reception Harington 5/9/16 100.00 100.00 Journal Being Journal Transfer sent to Finance Contribution Processed

7 Agenda Item 9

Date Amount Amount Payment Payment 2016/17 Commitments Ward Comments Approved Committed Spent Type Status

Committed Additional Sweeping Session Harington 7/9/16 76.65 Journal Spend Awaiting completion of works Andrews Lane Only

Committed Street Name Plate College Harington 12/9/16 135.00 Journal Spend Awaiting completion of works Road Only

Committed Street Name Plate Langdale Harington 12/9/16 53.85 Journal Spend Awaiting completion of works Close Only

Committed Street Name Plate Barton Heys Harington 12/9/16 135.00 Journal Spend Awaiting completion of works

Page 34 Page Only

Committed Street Name Plate Green Lane Harington 12/9/16 53.85 Journal Spend Awaiting completion of works Only

Committed Street Name Plate Birch Green Harington 12/9/16 53.85 Journal Spend Awaiting completion of works Only

Committed Street Name Plate Grange Harington 12/9/16 53.85 Journal Spend Awaiting completion of works Lane Only

Committed Jubilee Road Posts & Shrubs Harington 18/11/16 1,555.00 Journal Spend Awaiting completion of works Only

Committed Formby Xmas Lights Harington 24/11/16 500.00 Invoice Spend Awaiting completion of works Contribution Only

Street Name Plates – Committed Edenhurst Drive, Andrews Harington 6/1/17 135.00 Journal Spend Awaiting completion of works Close Only

8 Date Amount Amount Payment Payment 2016/17 Commitments Ward Comments Approved Committed Spent Type Status

Committed Re-painting 9 Cast Iron Street Harington 10/1/17 405.00 Journal Spend Awaiting completion of works Name Plates Only

Payment for Large Bin near Aldi Manor 27/06/16 500.00 500.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer sent to Finance Virgins Lane

Payment for No Ball Games Manor 27/06/16 47.08 47.08 Cheque PAID Payment made and cleared Sign Edgemoor Drive

Community Skips – Woodend Manor 19/07/16 864.00 864.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer sent to Finance Avenue area

Page 35 Page Committed Street Name Plates – Brook Awaiting completion of works with Manor 19/07/16 172.31 Journal Spend Road, Thornton highways Only

No Ball Games Sign – Cranfield Manor 15/08/16 90.00 90.00 Invoice PAID Payment made and cleared Road

Committed Awaiting completion of works with Street Name Plate Long Lane Manor 5/10/16 246.92 Journal Spend highways Only Agenda Item 9

Contribution towards NAC Manor 5/10/16 500.00 500.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer sent to Finance Firework Event

Replacement Bin Manor 21/09/16 380.00 380.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer sent to Finance Brownmoor/Nazeby Avenue

Reserve Forces Reception Manor 11/10/16 100.00 100.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer sent to Finance Contribution

9 Agenda Item 9

Date Amount Amount Payment Payment 2016/17 Commitments Ward Comments Approved Committed Spent Type Status

Contribution towards DeFibs in Manor 05/10/16 200.00 200 BACS PAID Payment made and cleared Crosby Village

Committed Hightown Community Centre Manor 20/10/16 500.00 Invoice Spend Awaiting completion of works contribution to Library Only

Committed Tree for Newburgh Avenue Manor 10/11/16 150.00 Journal Spend Awaiting completion of works Only

Committed Contribution towards Crosby Manor 10/11/16 500.00 Journal Spend Awaiting completion of works Christmas Lights

Page 36 Page Only

Committed Street Name Plate – Kenilworth Manor 10/11/16 97.00 Journal Spend Awaiting completion of works Road Only

Committed Street Name Plate – Durban Manor 10/11/16 49.00 Journal Spend Awaiting completion of works Avenue Only

Committed Street Name Plate – Edgemoor Manor 10/11/16 130.00 Journal Spend Awaiting completion of works Drive Only

Committed Contribution towards Helping Manor 16/01/17 1,000.00 Invoice Spend Awaiting completion of works Hands Only

Activities to engage young Committed people around Develliers Manor 16/02/17 1,000.00 Journal Spend Awaiting completion of works Estate Only

Committed Street Name Plate – Spencers Awaiting completion of works with Molyneux 27/07/16 130.00 Journal Spend Lane highways Only

10 Date Amount Amount Payment Payment 2016/17 Commitments Ward Comments Approved Committed Spent Type Status

Committed Contribution towards Zebra Awaiting completion of works with Molyneux 02/08/16 5,500.00 Journal Spend Crossing at Altway highways Only

Committed Melling Primary Mosaic Project Molyneux 02/08/16 1,000.00 Cheque Spend Contribution Only

Committed Contribution towards Aintree Molyneux 02/08/16 250.00 Cheque Spend Pensioner Club Only

Committed Contribution towards Aintree Molyneux 02/08/16 300.00 Cheque Spend Toddlers Group Only Page 37 Page Contribution to land clearance Molyneux 02/08/16 284.00 284.00 Cheque PAID Hayes Drive

Reserve Forces Reception Molyneux 11/10/16 100.00 100.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer sent to Finance

Contribution towards clean up Payment equipment for Copy Lane Molyneux 6/12/16 150.00 Journal Being Journal Transfer sent to Finance Residents Association Processed Agenda Item 9 Contribution towards refurb Committed Melling Rate Payers Molyneux 6/12/16 1,500.00 Journal Spend Association Only

Reserve Forces Reception Park 11/10/16 100.00 100.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer sent to Finance

Replacement Bin Ormond Drive Park 11/10/16 380.00 380.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer sent to Finance

11 Agenda Item 9

Date Amount Amount Payment Payment 2016/17 Commitments Ward Comments Approved Committed Spent Type Status

Greenville Drive No Ball Games Park 01/06/16 94.16 94.16 Invoice PAID Payment made and cleared Sign

Committed Street Name Plate – Oakhill Park 10/11/16 97.00 Journal Spend Drive Only

Committed Post & Shrubs Kenyons Lane Park 15/02/17 570.00 Invoice Spend Only

Committed Replacement Tree Rosslyn Park 16/02/17 250.00 Journal Spend Avenue

Page 38 Page Only

Clean up of Vandalised Street Committed Awaiting completion of works with Ravenmeols 21/06/16 53.00 Journal Name Plate – Philips Lane Spend only highways

Beach Safe Child Wristbands Ravenmeols 02/08/16 290.00 290.00 Invoice PAID Payment made and cleared

Reserve Forces Reception Ravenmeols 5/9/16 100.00 100.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer sent to Finance

Contribution to Redgate Ravenmeols 8/9/16 300.00 300.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer sent to Finance Community Fun Day

Committed Southport Road 3 Trees Ravenmeols 21/9/16 1250.00 Journal Spend only

Committed Watchyard Lane 5 Trees Ravenmeols 21/9/16 1250.00 Journal Spend only

12 Date Amount Amount Payment Payment 2016/17 Commitments Ward Comments Approved Committed Spent Type Status

Committed Kent Road 5 Trees Ravenmeols 21/9/16 1250.00 Journal Spend only

Outdoor Table Tennis Table Committed Ravenmeols 21/9/16 3200.00 Journal Duke Street Park Spend only

Committed Street Name Plate Park Close Ravenmeols 2/10/16 135.00 Journal Spend Only

Committed Rosebay Close 2x SNPs on Ravenmeols 25/10/16 270.00 Journal Spend legs Only

Page 39 Page Payment Formby Lights Committee Ravenmeols 24/11/16 500.00 500.00 Invoice Being Invoice passed for payment 26/1/17 contribution Processed

Committed Southport Road Grass Verges – Ravenmeols 20/02/17 6,410.00 Invoice Spend post and shrubs Only

Payment 4 Large Trees for the village Ravenmeols 23/01/17 1,800.00 1,800.00 Journal Being Journal Transfer sent to Finance centre Processed Agenda Item 9 Replacement Bin outside Sunseekers Liverpool Road Sudell 23/8/16 380.00 380.00 Journal PAID Norht

Committed Street Name Plates Bridge Sudell 9/9/126 305.38 Journal Spend Road and Old Hall Road Only

Reserve Forces Reception Sudell 11/10/16 100.00 100.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer sent to Finance

13 Agenda Item 9

Date Amount Amount Payment Payment 2016/17 Commitments Ward Comments Approved Committed Spent Type Status

Committed Street Name Plate - Holliers Sudell 18/11/16 205.00 Journal Spend Close Only

Committed Street Name Plate – Hall Lane Sudell 18/11/16 130.00 Journal Spend Only

Committed Street Name Plate – Granville Sudell 18/11/16 49.00 Journal Spend Avenue Only

Contribution towards road Victoria 29/06/16 207.50 207.50 Journal PAID Journal Transfer sent to Finance closure for charity event Page 40 Page

Contribution towards the Victoria 07/07/16 2,100.00 2,100.00 Invoice PAID Carnegie Library Funds Project Payment made and cleared

Large Bin Installation to replace Victoria 19/07/16 500.00 500.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer sent to Finance previous bin – Endbutt Lane

Committed Street Name Plate – Rockland Victoria 09/0916 128.46 Journal Spend Road Only

Contribution towards De-Fibs in Victoria 5/10/16 200.00 200.00 Cheque PAID Payment made and cleared Crosby Village

Reserve Forces Reception Victoria 11/10/126 100.00 100.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer sent to Finance

Committed Street Name Plate – Abbotsford Victoria 19/10/16 150.000 Journal Spend Garden Only

14 Date Amount Amount Payment Payment 2016/17 Commitments Ward Comments Approved Committed Spent Type Status

Committed Street Name Plate – Fairholme Victoria 19/10/16 97.00 Journal Spend Road Only

Contribution to Crosby Village Victoria 10/11/16 500.00 500.00 Journal PAID Journal Transfer sent to Finance Christmas Lights

Payment Contribution to replacement Victoria 19/01/17 100.00 100.00 Invoice Being Invoice passed for payment tree in Victoria Park Processed

Payment Bin Relocation St Johns Road Victoria 25/01/17 50.00 50.00 Journal Being Journal Transfer sent to Finance Processed Page 41 Page Agenda Item 9

15 Agenda Item 9


That the Area Committee:-

(i) Considers and notes budget allocations for the 2016/17 municipal year. (ii) Considers and notes items/works agreed during the 2016/17 municipal year

16 Page 42