Federal Register/Vol. 73, No. 161/Tuesday, August 19, 2008
48310 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 161 / Tuesday, August 19, 2008 / Proposed Rules DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Docket Management Facility between 9 3. The modifications in paragraphs 1 and a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through 2 above are to be accomplished in accordance Federal Aviation Administration Friday, except Federal holidays. The AD with de Havilland Service Bulletin 6/508 docket contains this proposed AD, the dated 15 December 1989, or later revisions 14 CFR Part 39 approved by the Director, Airworthiness regulatory evaluation, any comments Branch, Transport Canada, Ottawa. received, and other information. The [Docket No. FAA–2008–0891; Directorate Based on preliminary investigation, the Identifier 2008–CE–046–AD] street address for the Docket Office (telephone (800) 647–5527) is in the FAA and NTSB believe that an RIN 2120–AA64 ADDRESSES section. Comments will be attempted takeoff with the gust locks available in the AD docket shortly after installed could be the cause of a recent Airworthiness Directives; Viking Air receipt. accident in Hyannis, Massachusetts. Limited DHC–6 Series Airplanes FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Relevant Service Information AGENCY: Federal Aviation Fabio Buttitta, Aerospace Engineer, Boeing Canada de Havilland Division Administration (FAA), Department of FAA, New York Certification Office, issued Service Bulletin No. 6/508, Transportation (DOT). 1600 Stewart Avenue, Suite 410, Revision ‘‘A’’, dated January 31, 1990. ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking Westbury, New York 11590; telephone: The actions described in this service (NPRM). (516) 228–7303; fax: (516) 794–5531. information are intended to correct the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: unsafe condition identified in the SUMMARY: We propose to adopt a new MCAI.
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