Camarc Ltd, - Directions

Camarc Ltd, Scotland - Directions

Directions to Camarc Ltd, Avondale, Avondale Lane, Bullwood Road, , Argyll, Scotland, UK. PA23 7QN Tel; 01369 701930

The office is on the coast road about 2 miles south of Dunoon on the West bank of the river Clyde and opposite Inverkip Marina on the other side of the river.

Local directions:

From Dunoon: Head South along the shore road and out of Dunoon , towards Inellan and Toward (with the sea to your left). After around 2 miles you will see a bus stop along with a sign for Avondale Lane on your right. Turn in to Avondale Lane and then left at the top of the lane. Note: If you pass the ‘Balaclava Garage’ on your left, you have gone about 400 yards too far.

From Caledonian Macbrayne : Turn left from the ferry and head south on the shore road. Then follow the directions above.

From Western Ferry: Turn left from the ferry and follow the shore road in to Dunoon. When you come across the first mini roundabout turn left. Turn left again at the next mini roundabout. You will pass the Cal Mac ferry terminal and you can then stick to the coast road heading south and follow the directions above.

From ; Head West along the M8 from Glasgow passing Glasgow Airport. The M8 turns in to the A8 which takes you to . Stay on the main road all the way through Greenock following signs for and to Dunoon. Then take Cal Mac (every hour) or Western Ferries (every half-hour) to the Argyll side and follow local directions above.

Rail: Take the train from Glasgow Central Station to Gourock station. The train station at Gourock is located beside the Cal Mac ferry terminal where you can cross to Dunoon and follow the directions above.

To link from Glasgow Airport by rail, take the shuttle bus to Paisley Gilmore St. and then join the Glasgow train as above.

You can take a taxi from the pier or give us a call when you are on the ferry and we will collect you.

Caution; If driving with sat nav, beware, they don’t always work here, the Postcode area is 2 miles long.