One Hundred and FortyForty--Second... Second Commencement Ceremony

SATURDAY, MAY 21,2005 1


Welcome Academic Procession A most cordial welcome is extended to relatives, Flag Bearers friends, faculty members, Bryant University Army ROTC Color Guard alumni, administrators, and staff members who Class Flag gather here to celebrate Bryant University extends its gratitude to the late Emeritus Honorary Trustee the 142nd Commencement George J. Kelley '39, '69H for his generosity in providing ongoing support for the of Bryant University. purchase and display of a graduating class flag. The 2005 Class Flag was designed by seniors Lynsey Cozens and Froso TsarnbazisTsambazis who are members of the Student Alumni Association.

The Class of 2005 stands before you as "Graduates of Today, and the Leaders of Tomorrow."

Marshals Chief Marshal Professor Judy Barrett Litoff PLEASE NOTE: Standing in the aisles is not permitted under Graduate Marshal Professor Janet Prichard section 23-28.23·28. 19·9 of the R.l. R.I. Graduate Marshal Professor Ranjan Karri Health and Safety Code. Graduate Marshal Professor Julie Morrison Faculty Marshal Professor John Quinn Faculty Marshal Professor Betty Yobaccio Platform Marshal Professor Mary Lyons Platform Marshal Professor Kathy Simons

University Mace Bearer Professor Glen Camp The National Anthem Tracy MMel6nelon '04 '04 TThehe aaudienceudience is reqrequesteduested ttoo remainemain sstandingtand ing tthroughhro ugh tthehe Invocationocation. .

Invocation ThThee ReverendReverend PPhiliphilip DevensDevens BryantBryant UnivUniversityersity PProtestantrotestant CChaplainha plain

Presiding RonaldRonald K. MMachtleyachtley PrPresidentesident of BryantBryant UniversityUniv ersity

Convening of the 142nd142nd CommencementCommencement John D. Callahanllahan '5'566 CChairhair ooff ththee BoardBoard ooff TruTrustees,stees, BryantBryant UniversityUni versity

Conferring of HonoraryHonorary DDegreesegrees Presidesideentnt MMachtleyachtley

CCitationsitations Dr. KKeitheith Murray AAssociate ssociate Dean,Dean , CoCollege llege of Business

HonHonoraryorary DegreeDegree RRecipientsecipients TTrusteerustee PrPresenesentetersrs John D.D. CCallahanallahan Thomas A. TTayloraylor '63, '98'98H H William GGeorgeeorge Dr. KathleenKathl een C. HittnerHittner Arthur White John E.E. WWolfeolfe ''99H99H Zhang Jinjingao JoannaJoanna T Lau Lau ''97H97H Hooding of Honorary Degree Recipients Dr. V K. Unni Vice President for Academic Affairs g through the Invocation. Commencement Address William George

Reserve Officer Training Corps Commissioning Service President Machtley Captain Thomas Murphy

Commissioning Candidates: John Boyle Robert [acavoneJacavone Michael Thomas nent A commission as a second lieutenant in the United States Army is presented to each graduate who has metmer the high physical, mental, and moral standards of the reserve .rsity officers training corps and is prepared to accept the challenge of leadership while serving our nation.

Presentation of Commencement and Senior Service Awards Dr. Unni Dr. J. Thomas Eakin Vice President for Student Affairs

Student Charge Speaker Nicholas Andrew Merollo istee Presenters .mas A. Taylor '63, '98H Presentation of Candidates for Undergraduate Degrees Kathleen C. Hittner Dr. Unni 1 E. Wolfe '99H ma T Lau '97H International Flags Conferral of Degrees To welcome new alumni President Machtley from other cultures, Candidates are introduced by faculty members of their respective departments. graduates from foreign countries are invited to Alumni Greetings exchange their native Buzz Waltman '76 flags with the president. President of the Bryant University Alumni Association

Benediction The Reverend Joseph Pescatello Bryant University Catholic Chaplain

Adjournment of the 142nd Commencement Ceremony John D. Callahan '56

Recessional Please remain in place until the platform members and faculty leave the Commencement area.

Please join your fellow graduates and families, faculty, and staff in the George E. Bello Center Grand Hall for refreshments following the ceremony. Commencement Awards

The Anna M. & Jere St. Angelo '61 Accounting Awards Kyle Andrew Derkacz Hanna Maria Jackson rs of their respective departments. These awards are presented to graduating seniors in Accounting who are in the top 10 percent of their class and residents of an urban area.

The Bryant University Good Citizenship Award .ssociation Jesse Lewis III This award is presented to a graduating senior who has demonstrated the qualities of sincerity and vigorous industry in the interest of good citizenship and who has, by example, furthered better government both on and off campus.

.ement Ceremony The Communication Award Amanda Marie Klimiata This award is presented to a graduating senior for outstanding achievement and exceptional competency in all of the contemporary communication arts. .nbers and faculty leave

The Computer Information Systems Department Award ;, faculty, and staff in the Aida Suheyla Calvo hments following the ceremony. This award is presented annually to a graduating senior with a concentration in Computer Information Systems who has excelled academically, has enriched his/her Computer Information Systems education through meaningful work experience, and has demonstrated an unselfish attitude toward others through active involvement in organizations, clubs, or events. Commencement Awards

Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Key Hanna Maria Jackson This award is presented to the graduating student with the highest cumulative academic average toward a degree in a business administration or economics major.

The English/Humanities Department Awards Heather Lynn Belanger (language) Ryan Patrick Connolly (literary and cultural studies)

These awards are presented annually to graduating seniors for outstanding achieve­ ment in the study of Language or Literary Studies.

The George J. Kelley Award Ryan Patrick Connolly This award is presented to a graduating senior who at the end of the fall semester has completed at least 102 credits at Bryant and is recognized and honored for having the highest cumulative grade point average as of the end of the fall semester.

The George M. Parks Award Jamie ZolliZoW This award is presented to a bachelor's degree candidate whose recognized leadership qualities have done the most to enhance the reputation of the university.

The History/Social Sciences Department Awards Sarah Elizabeth Hann (political science) Jennifer Lynn McKay (legal studies) Kimberly Lauren Bebyn (sociology) These awards are presented annually to graduating seniors for outstanding achievement in the study of Legal Studies, Sociology, and Political Science. 'ds The Applied Psychology Department Award Kristen Leigh Harmon

This award is presented annually to a graduating senior for outstanding achievement in the study of Applied Psychology. ident with the highest cumulative ess administration or economics major. The International Studies Award Vanessa Justine Ferrara .Awards This award is presented annually to a graduating senior for outstanding achievement in International Studies.

tural studies) uating seniors for outstanding achieve­ The Jack H. Rubens Leadership in Finance Award udies. Kristen Diana Stein This award is presented to a graduating senior who has demonstrated outstanding performance in academics, service to the finance department, and enthusiasm and leadership in extracurricular activities related to finance.

)r who at the end of the fall semester and is recognized and honored for Jack H. Rubens Leadership in Financial Services Award /erage as of the end of the fall semester. Meghan L. Partridge This award is presented to a graduating senior who has demonstrated outstanding performance in academics, service to the finance department, and enthusiasm and leadership in extracurricular activities related to financial services.

~ candidate whose recognized leadership reputation of the university. The Jeremiah Clark Barber Award Ashleigh Brooke McLean lent Awards This award is presented to the bachelor's degree candidate who has shown the most consistent record of improvement in mastering the subject of a specific academic program.

uating seniors for outstanding ociology, and Political Science. Commencement Awards

TheThe JohnJohn HancocHancockk InInsurancesurance ComCompanypany Award CarlyCarly ElizabethElizabeth MuMuiseise RRyanyan PPatrickatrick CConnollyonnolly ThThiiss awaawardrd is prepresesentednted to twtwoo bachelachelor'or' s degreeegree ccandandidateates s who haveave demonemonstrstratedated supeuperirioror achichievementevement in the studytudy of AppliApplied ActuActuarialarial Mathemathematicatics s..

TheThe LeanderLeander FrancisFrancis EminEmin EnEndoweddow ed HHomesteadomestead AwardAward PamelaPamela J. LLariveearivee ThiT his aawwardard is preseseentnteedd t o a grraduatingaduating seniornior whwho has achievedchieved schoho lasticlastic eexcxcel­el­ leencnce in Accoccountinuntingg.. ThiThiss awawarrdd was inaugurauguratedated by ththe familymily ooff LeLeaandnde err Franan ciscis EminEmin,, Bry antan t alumnlumnu uss ooff th e class of 11907907, to honornor his memmemoryory and his birthplbirthplace andand hoomeme - the 1708 Houseouse and the entirentire EminEmin h omesteomestea add, , ffaarm,rm, andand airpirportort­ ­ whiwhichch has nowow becbecomeome the ccaampumpus of his allmmaa mater.ater.

TheThe PellPell MedalM edal forfor UnitUniteded StStatesates HistHistoryory AAwardward SShheryl Mae Nicolosi This mmededaall isis prepresesentednted t o a graduatingraduating sseeniornior who has didisplayedsplayed eexcexcellencellence in th e study of UnitUniteded Statesates histostory. The Honorableonorable Clalaiborneiborne ddee Boordrd a Pellell createdreated this mmededaall to honon oror the memoryemory of hishis ffathather,er, tthhe lateate HHeerbertrbert C. PPelell,l, statates tesmanman anndd diplomatiplomat , who servedrved the Unit Uniteded Statesates as AmbaAmbassassadordor HunH ungary and MiniMiniststeerr to

TheThe ReserveReserve OfficeOfficerr TraTraiininingng CorpsCorps Achievement Achievement AwarAwardd RobertRobert JamesJames JJacavoneacavone ThiT his awaawardrd is preesensentedted t o a bacbachelheloror''s dedegreegree candidandidattee whwhoo hahass excelleexcelled in MilitarMilitaryy Sci eencnc e stutudidieses aandnd other ccoourseurse s and whwho hahass shshown suupperioerior leeaaderdershiphip popotetenntiatial in ththee Military Sciencecience proproggramram and inin extextracurracurriiculcular . The Rhode Island Society of Certified Public Accountants Award ds Stephen A. Vigliotti ny Award This award is presented to a graduating senior who, in the opinion of the accounting faculty, has demonstrated excellence in Accounting studies and intends to pursue ~n Patrick Connolly a career in public accounting. gree candidates who have demonstrated 1Actuarial Mathematics. The Roger \\T.W. Babson Award Kara Marie Paganini Homestead Award This award is presented to a bachelor's degree candidate who has become distinguished within the university community because of character, orderly mind, ir who has achieved scholastic excel­ sound judgment, and systematic business habits. rated by the family of Leander Francis J honor his memory and his birthplace :min homestead, farm, and airport ­ The Alumni Association Scholar-Athlete of the Year Award na mater. Jonathan M. Feinman Carly Elizabeth Muise This award is presented to the respective graduating male and female senior ~tory Award athletes with the highest grade point averages.

)r who has displayed excellence in the The Senior Service Award le Claiborne de Borda Pell created Brian Daniel Charpentier Kara Marie Paganini " the late Herbert C. Pell, statesman Jonathan Quentin Colognesi Alicia Joyce Robbin as Ambassador to Hungary and Jennifer Lynne Markacs Jamie Ann Zolli This award is presented to six deserving students of the graduating class to recognize their outstanding service to the student body of Bryant University. The A.chievement Award recipients are selected by the Student Senate Service Awards Committee.

:e candidate who has excelled in The Wall Street Journal Award id who has shown superior leadership Becky A. Lafrancois d in extracurricular activities. This award is presented to a graduating senior who has shown distinction in the fields of economics, finance, and investments. Honorary Degree Recipients

WWilliilliam W. GeoGeorgerge HonHonorary D octoroctor of Businesssiness AdAdminiministratistrationon William W GeGeorgeorge is a professorofessorr of managemanage mentent pprracticeac tice at the Harvardarvard UUniniverversityity Graduate School ooff BuBussinineessss and the authoorr ooff ""AAuthuthentientic Leadaderershipship: Redediscoveriscoveriningg the SSececretsrets to CrCreaeattiningg Las Lastinting"" Rececenentlytly nameded one of "TThhee 25 Mostos t InfluInfluential Bussi­i­ ness Peopeoplle of tthhe LasLastt 25 Yearsears"" bbyy PBS NNiightlyghtly Newewss,, he is the formeerr chairmanirman and CEOEO ooff Medtronedtroni icc,, whososee marketarket cappititalizzatioat ion grerew frfroom $$1.11.1 bbillilliioonn to $60 bbilliillion undeerr his leadership. PriPrior to, he waass an executive withwi th H oneyweeywellll and wwiithth Litlit­­ totonn GeorGeorge is a diredirector of GGooldman SSacachss., Novaovartis, and Targetrge t Corprporation.oration. H e is chairairmman ooff the GGllobalobal CCeenternter foror Leadereadershipship and Bu sinsineessss EthicEth ics and is on thehe bboaoardrd of Carnegiegie Endowmenowmentt for IInntteernatatiionalal Peaceace.e. Georgeeorge gradugraduated fromom Georgiaia Techech aandnd HHarvarvardard UUniniverversisity.ty.

JohnJohn D.D. CCaallahanllahan ''5566 HHononoorarrary Doctoroctor of Business AdministratiAdministrationon Joohnhn D. (lOack)ack) CCaallahan ''5566 is chairchair of the hbooaardrd ooff ddirireectoctorsrs of the Callahllahanan GroGroup,up, a maanagemnagementent--coconnsultinsulting firm ffoundoundeded in 1 995.995. He formerlyormerly seservedrved as presidesidenen t ooff tthhe Businesssiness InInsuranccee Group aatt the AAllllstate InInsurance Company.ny. He waswas a meembermber of ththe Allstatete Booaardrd ooff Dir Directectoorsrs for 13 yeayears, sseerverved asas cchhairair and CCEOEO of ththeireir CCaanadiandian Company,mpany, and wwaass a memberember of ththe sseenioror manaanagegemmentent tteaeam that tooookk tthhe ccoompanympany public. A frequenent t speakeker on winnin g inin the newew worldorld of bussineinessss, his leeaadershiphip experiencnceses have beeneen chronicled in manyany booksooks and publipubliccaatitioons.ns. CCaallahanhan graduduaatetedd fromrom Bryantant and waass eleclectteded ttoo the booaardrd of truststeeeses in 1994 and sseerved aass chairhair ffroromm 11999988 ttoo 2 000505.. Arthur H. White ation Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters lent practice at the Harvard University Arthur H. White is co-founder and vice chairman of Yankelovich, where he has "Authentic Leadership; Rediscovering the directed more than 200 research and consulting assignmentsssignments for corporations and med one of "The 25 Most Influential Busi­ nonprofinonprof t organizations. Formerly, he was president and CEO of WSY Consulting ly News, he is the former chairman and Group, Inc., a management consulting firm. White founded Jobsjobs for the Future ion grew from $1.1 billion to $60 billion in 1983, a nonprofit that focuses on advancement for youth and adults by addressing l executive with Honeywell and with Lit­ workforce development and education reform. White has received presidential an Sachs, Novartis, and Target appointments, is on the executive committee of the Reading is Fundamental 'enter for Leadership and Business program, and is an active board member of several organizations. He graduated wment for International Peace. George from Harvard University and Harvard Graduate School of Business. He was a Iniversity. Bryant trustee from 1990 to 1999.

Zhang Jingao auoti Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters srd of directors of the Callahan Group, Zhang [ingaoJingao is president of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), a leading 195. He formerly served as president university in China, where he also teaches management practices. [ingaoJingao is ate Insurance Company. He was a also the executive chairman of the Hubei Provincial Economical Association, the r 13 years, served as chair and CEO of vice chairman of the University Thought Political Education Research Board in of the senior management team Hubei Province, and the director of the Hubei Provincial Public Relations eaker on winning in the new world of Research Center. He has hosted or participated in more than 10 projects funded n chronicled in many books and by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of State Land Resources, the Hubei and was elected to the board of trustees provincial government, and the Hunan provincial government. Jingaojingao has written )5. more than 20 papers and several textbooks, and he has played a key role in the establishment of the U.S. -China Institute at Bryant University. [ingaoJingao graduated from Beijing College of Geology. Graduation Honors and Honor Societies

Academic Honors Cum Laude (with honors) Magna Cum Laude (with high honors) Summa Cum Laude (with highest honors) Special recognition is accorded those who show distinction in academic achievement. Honors may be awarded on the basis of cumulative averages, as follows: Cum Laude (3.30), Magna Cum Laude (3.55), Summa Cum Laude (3.80). Students must have completed sixty (60) semester hours of course work at Bryant University to be eligible for honors.

Honor Societies B Beta Gamma Sigma - Beta Gamma Sigma is the highest national recognition a student can receive in an undergraduate program in a business' s or management program accredited by AACSBMCSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. To be eligible for membership, a student must have earned a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 and rank in the upper seven percent of the junior class or upper 10 percent of the senior class. 91 Omicron Delta Epsilon - Founded in 1915, Omicron Delta Epsilon is one of the world's largest international academic honor societies, and there has been a chapter at Bryant University since 1969. It is dedicated to the encouragement of excellence in economics. To be eligible for membership, a student must have completed a minimum of 12 semester hours of economics courses, have earned at least a "B" average in the economics courses, and have an overall scholastic average of "B" or better. A Lambda Pi Eta - Lambda Pi Eta is an accredited member of the Association of College Honor Societies. It is the official communication studies honor society of the National Communication Association. ociation. To be eligible for membership, students must have completed at least 12 hours of communication courses, have a grade point average of at least 3.25, and be in the upper 35 percent of the graduating class. hp Honors Program - The Honors Program is Bryant's academically enriched educational experience for talented students. To be recognized as an Honors Program graduate, a student must have successfully completed six challenging courses enhanced with a specially designed honors component. res• Degree Information

The ZOOS2005 Bryant University Commencement honors certified graduates and degree candidates who are scheduled to complete course work by July 31,2005.31, ZOOS. Honors are tentatively calculated as of the completion of the 2004 fall semester.

Code Key evement. Honors may be awarded G Beta Gamma Sigma graduates wear blue and gold cords with their academic robes. Am Laude (3.55), Summa Cum hp Honors Program graduates wear gold sashes with their academic robes. urse work at Bryant University to o Omicron Delta Epsilon graduates wear green and white cords with their academic robes. A Lamda Pi Eta graduates wear red and white cords with their academic robes. Students at Bryant University who have distinguished themselves through academic performance wear gold honor cords with their academic robes. ion a student can receive in an AACSB International - The Double concentrations listed in ALL CAPS Program Minors listed in (lower case) mbership, a student must have ACG Accounting (aarn)(aam) applied actuarial mathematics percent of the junior class or AIS Accounting Information Systems (apst) applied statistics AAM Applied Actuarial Mathematics (biotc) biotechnology of the world's largest international COM Communication (com) communication since 1969. It is dedicated to CIS Computer Information Systems (cis) computer information systems p, a student must have completed ECO Economics (eco) economics a "B" average in the economics ECS English & Cultural Studies (ecs) English & cultural studies FIN Finance (envs) environmental science on of College Honor Societies. FS Financial Services (fin) finance (his) unication Association. 1() be HIS History history ornmunication courses, have a INS International Studies (inb) international business aduating class. MGT Management (lals) Latin American studies MKT Marketing (lgls) legal studies j educational experience for (mkt) marketing must have successfully completed (rnwsp)(mwsp) minor-waived Spanish 1t. (pols) political science (psv)(psy) psychology * Commissioned Second Lt., U.S. Army, (soc) sociology ROTC Program (ws) women's studies Degree Candidates ... 142nd Commencement Ceremony

Bachelor of Arts in Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Kara Ann Buban, (psv),(psy), Cum Laude Applied Psychology Studies Justin Robert Builes, (lgls) Anne Mary Callahan, (mwsp), Cum Kristen Leigh Harmon, (apsr) , Kristen Leigh Harmon, (apse), Communication Laude Summa Cum Laude Jennifer Lynne Markacs MKT, MGT, Ronald R. Campbell [r.,Jr., (com), Cum Tahani T. James, (ecs) (psv),(psy), Summa Cum Laude, B Laude Eric Peter Widor, (mkt) Chris H. Mirrnirani,Mirmirani, (psv)(psy) Albert Steven Cardente, (lgls) Mark William Carrison, (pols) Bachelor of Arts in English and Cultural Studies Leonard Joseph Cipolla III, (com), Communication Cum Laude Nicholas J. Allegretti Nicholas J. Allegretti Michele L. Clarino, (lgls), Magna Amanda L. Darwish, (pols) Lauren Jane Bonney Cum Laude, B Abigail Hall [ansen-Lonnquist,Jansen-Lonnquist, (psy)(psv) Christopher Edward Companik, Amanda Marie Klimiata, (mkt),(rnkt}, International Studies (lgls) Cum Laude Michael Edward Conklin III, (lgls) Jennifer Anne Lemerise,Lernerise, (mkt), i\ Vanessa Justine Ferrara, (inb) , Cum Lisa Ann Contursi, (psv),(psy) , (lgls) Holly A. McCarthy, (psy) Laude Jennifer Lynn Cook, (lgls) Ashleigh Brooke McLean, (mkt),(rnkt}, i\ Arminda Sousa Rosario Jordan Matthew Copes, (his) Carola Alexandra Pierluisi, (psy),(psv), Matthew Kyle Courtney, (lgls) Cum Laude Bachelor of Science in Lynsey Ruth Cozens, (psv)(psy), , (lgls) Christopher Donato Piselli, (lgls) Business Administration Diane Patricia Cummings, (lgls) Steven Raymond Proulx, (ecs), Cum Kelly M. Cuviello, (lgls), (cis) Laude, i\ Accounting Amy L. DaCosta, (psy) Matthew Joseph Ramos, (psy), i\ A Kimberly I. Agresta, (lgls),(1gb), Magna Johanna Marie Dean, (soc), Cum Holly M. Resendes, (mkt)(rnkt) Cum Laude, B Laude Melissa Anne Rhyne, (lgls) David M. Arena II, FIN, (com) Robin Elizabeth Deans, (lgls) Vanessa Lee Robillard, (mkt) Jessica Anne Ashman, (1gb)(lgls) Christine Marie DeFuria, FIN, (lgls),(lgls) , Christopher M. Santimauro, (ecs) James Michael Augelli, (lgls) Cum Laude YaseminYasernin Vardarlilar, (psy)(psv) Erica M. Bacon, (lgls), Magna Cum Robert Lee DeIngenis, (lgls) Lrude,Llude, B Elizabeth Grace Delano, (his), Cum Gregory Albert Beaumier, (pols) Laude Charles Paul Berkeley, (lgls) , Magna Anne-Marie DeMoranville, (lgls) Cum Laude, B Laura Elizabeth Denner, INTS Keith James Boscombe, (eco)(eeo) Kyle Andrew Derkacz, (eco),(eeo), Summa Cum Laude, B, 0 ernent Ceremony

Kara Ann Buban, (psv), Cum Laude DelanoDela no R . A. Dryden,Dryde n, ( cocom)m) ChrisropherChristopher Michealcheal Medeiros,edeiros, ((ccom)om) Chrhri istophestopher GG.. Prentiss,ss, ( ccs),ecs), Justin Robert Builes, (lgls) TimothyTimothy JohnJohn Duggan,Duggan, (I (lggls)ls) CynthiaCynthia EE..M Medeiros,edeiros, (psy)sy) Magna Cum Laude Anne Mary Call ah an, (rnwsp), Cum Thomas J. Euley Euley II, (pssv)y) JJaimaimee L.L Milkowski,owski, (l(Igls)gls) , C hristophehristopher r JJohnohn Prov ost.ost, (lgls)gls) Laude DanielleDanielle J. F aarley,rl ey, (l ggls)ls) Cum LaudLaudee Christinahristina G. Quirke, CICIS,S, (psy)sy) , DanielDaniel Paul Fr eeninier er;, (socsoc)) StepStephenhen H. Miller,er, (l(Iglgls)s) Magna Cum LaudeLaude ~ Ron ald R. Ca mpbell [r., (com), Cum Laude Kimberly Ann Frias,Frias, (lggls)ls) Juanan Ca rlosrlos Montontoya,oya, (lgls)(Igls) AlAleynaeyna [Janinaninee RedRedvvanlanly, v, (lgls)gls) Albert Steven Ca rde nte, (lgls) Sasha Ann Garabedian,Garabedian. (I(lggls)ls) MichMich elleell e A. Morriorri s, (soc)soc) Bryanan Johnohn Rego, (psv),sy), CCuumm LaudeLaude Mark William Carrison, (pols) Kererryry L.L Geurtsen,Geurtsen, (l ggls)ls) , Cum Laude Jeffrey R.R. Murray,ay, (rnw(mwsp) Cas ieie Lynn Lynn e RRezezendendes, (p(psy)sv) Leon ard Joseph Cipolla III, (com), Justistinn J.J. Gilbert,Gilbert, (aapst)pst), , MaMagnagna C um Jononathathanan M . Narcisi,arcisi, ((psy),psv), Cum AliAliciacia Joyce Robbinobbinss,, (com)com) , CCuumm Cum Laude Laude,Laude, BI3 Laude LaLaudeude Michele L Clarino, (lgls), Magna Megeghanhan Cat Ca theherin rinee GGrecoreco,, (l ggls),ls) , SherySh eryll Mae Nicolosi,colosi, (ws).s), Cum Sandrandra Mariaaria RRoquoque,e, (eco) Cum Laude, B CumCum Laude Laude Rebekahebekah Elizazabethbeth SSanborn,anborn, (psy)sy) Christopher Edward Co rnpanik, Sarah Eliz Elizababetheth Haarm,nn, (pools)ls) Kristinstin Mariearie Nolanolan, , (lgls)gls) Sandy L. Santos, (l(lgls)gls) (lgls) Lyyndseyndsey MariMariee H ardinardin, (p(psy)sy) ShannonSha n no n Kath Kathlleeneen NNoonan,oon an, (lgls)gls) liLimnam Paulaul Shanhannon, non. E CO, Cum Mich ael Edward Conklin III, (lgls) Joseosephph G.G. Haarrisonrrison IIIIII., (I (lggls)ls) Tanya"Tanya Marisaarisa Pacheco,acheco, (l(Igls)gls) , Cum LaLaudude,e, 0\21 Lisa Ann Con tursi, (psy), (lgls) Micchaelhael Paul H ayeayekk, , (1(lggls)b) LaudLaudee Susanusan Constancenstance SShepard,he pard, (l(I gls),gls), Jennifer Lynn Cook, (lgls) KevinKevin MichMichaelael IssIssa,a, (coom)m) Alberterto o C. PPaalmieri.lmieri, ((ecs)ecs) Cum LaudeLaude Jordan Matthew Co pes, (his) H annannaa MariMariaa Jacksoackson,n, (lggls)ls) , SummaSumma Anjalaala Pandand ey,ey, (his),s), MMagnaagna Cum Gregoryregory J.J. Sills,ills, (soc),soc), SSummaumma Cum Matthew Kyle Courtney, (lgls) Cum Laude,Laude, BI3 LaiulLaudee Laude, BI3 Lynsey Ruth Cozens, (psy), (lgls) VerneseVernese Joseosephph, (cocomm), ), Cum LaudeLaude Amandand a KKatherineatherine PPaquette,aqu ette, (c(com)om) Markark AlAlanan Slatkavitz,latkavitz, (com)com) Diane Patricia C ummings, (lgls) BriBrianan GerardGe rard Kiley, (ecoceo)) , Cum MichMich elleell e AA.. PPararadad, , (Igls),gls) , MMagnagnaa Brianan JJamesames SSieboda,leboda , (l(I gls)gls) Kelly M. Cuviello, (1 gb) , (cis) Laude Cum LaLaude,ude, BI3 Erin FrFrancesan ces Smith, (l(Iglgls)s),, SSummaumma Amy L DaCosta, (psy) Phoonmnmanyany A. Koompmprradithadith, , (I(lggls)ls) Melissaelissa Ann PPare,are, (psy)sy) Cum LaLaude,ude, BI3 Joh anna Marie Dean , (soc) . Cum MarMaryy E.E. LachLacha annce Jamesmes Josephoseph PPelletier,elleti er, (l(Igls),gls), CCumum Kristinstin LLeeee Sodederberg rberg,, MKT, ((ccom)om) Laude Kaatherinetherine A. Laaptptik, ik, (apst) LaudLaudee DaDaninielel Josephoseph Stanhotanhope pe,, (soc) Robin Elizabeth Dea ns. (lgls) Paamelamela J. Laarivee,rivee, (I(lggls)ls) , Summummaa Cum Che [Jaymaraymar Pereerez,z, (apst),apst), (cis) liLisa Mariearie SSuullivan,llivan, (apst),apst) , Magna C hristine Marie DeFuri a, FIN, (lgls), Laude, I3 MichMich aelael GaGarrettrrett P Pezzullezzullo, (lgl(lgls)s), , Cum LaudeLaude Cum Laude MichelleMich elle MariMariee Lewewis,is, C IIS,S, ( cocom),m), MMaaggnana Cum LaudeLaude,, BI3 Co urturtn neyey DDeeee SSwawanson,nson, (h(hiis)s) Robert Lee DeIng en is, (lgls) SummaSumma Cum LaudLaude,e, I3B Keitheith R. Phelan,an, ECO, MMagnaagna CCumum PauPaull K.K. SSweet,weet, (psy)sy) Elizabeth Grace Delano. (his), Cum Joseosephph Micchha aelel Loparosoparosky,ky, (psy),(psv), LaudeLaude,, 13I3 Artin Taskinas kin III, (psy) (psv) Laude Cum Laude GreggGregg SSteptephehe n PilPilotte,otte, (lgls)gls) , (fin), Joshuoshu a PPaulaul TeTeixeirixeira,a, (pols)ols) Anne-Marie DeMoranvill e, (lgls) MichelleMichelle L.L Loourureennc co,o, (pssy)y) CCumum LaudeLaude Lauraur a Ann Velardi, (psv),sy), CCuumm LauLaudede Laura Elizabeth Denner. INTS MelissaMelissa JanJane LynLynch,ch, (l gls)gls) JJeessesse L. Poobieglo,bieglo, ((ppsy)sy) StepStephenhen A. Vigliotti,Vigliotti, CIS.IS, (lgls)gls) , Kyl e Andrew Derkacz, (eco) , Summa Wayne D aavidvid Martartinin [rJr., (lggls)ls) SSummaumma Cum LaudLaude,e, BI3 Cum Laude, B, 0 BrianBrian James M ccQueQueeenney, (psy) Moonicnica Lynn Virgie, Virgie, (lgls), Cumum C hristopherpher].J. Markunorkunas,as. ((ecs),ecs), KimberlKimberley SuSue CCoournooyer,yer, (h(his)is) LaudLaudee ((eco).eco), Cuumm Laude Timootthyhy M. CCroronnin. in , ((llglgls)s) JamieJamie M egeghanhan Wall, (l(lgls)s) CaCarly EElilizabezabet thh MuMuiise, (s(sococ))., Summa GreGregorygory SS.. DDavaviiees,s, (his)s) Edward Jay Wnuk, (l(lglss)) CumCum LaudLaude,e, BI3 AndrAndreaea Marariiee DeDeFFioriore,,( (soc)soc) Robeobertrt Josepsephh Woooodd IIII,, (lglss)) Jameamess Peter Rekrut,Rekrut, (psy) RRyanyan AAntnthony DeDemmar, MKT, (his)s) Patrick WalcottWalcott WrennWrenn,, (pools),ls), MarkMark RiRichchardard RilRiley,ey, (lgls)(lgls) DenDeniis lP.~ FFererrreeira,ira, MKT, (lalls)s) Magna CumCum LaudLaude, hp,hp , BI3 ClintC lin ton R. SStonacetonace k,k, ECO, Cum DenevDeneva Latiati a FFogarty.ogarty, ((llgls) ) Ferdinand Ziegler III,III,( (llglss)) LaudL.aude Renene A lexalexandernder Fuententees,s, (pssyv)) Erik William Zipp.Zipp, ( socsoc)) Peteteerr M. Toninonino,o, ((ssoc)oc), , CCuumm LaudeLaude Pauaullo R. FFurturtadadoo,, ((com).com) , Cum LaLaudeude ChC hriristostoppheher r Ryan Ryan WildWild., ((eco),eco), CCoorey MMiichcha aelel GGoouinuin, , ((apapst)st) , MaMagnagna AccountingAccounting InfonnationInfonnation Magnagna Cum LaudeLaude,, B CCumum LaudLaude,e. BI3 SystemsSystems DDanielaniel Rononald G reereene, ne , (ssococ)), , (p(pols)ols) ComputerComputer InfonnationInfonnation DDouglou glaass J. GGueruerra,ra. (psv)sy) Arthur Warrearrenn Brown II, (cocom)m) SystemsSystems RRebebeccaecca J]. Harriarri s, (psv)y) Daniel J. [Joughinughin,, (l(lglss)) , Cum LaudeLaude GGregoregory Heiler,er. (sosocc)) AlexanderA lexander David LLaacasse,casse, (l(lgls) , Matthatthewew Roboberertt AAlarie,larie, (psy) C hhri risstopto pheher r A. Hoorvrvath,ath, (psv)sy) , CumCum LaudeLaude Ezezenwnwayiayi C. AAmaechi.rnaechi, (psy) SSumummama Cum LaudLaude,e, BI3 Joseph RoRossss Leeite,ite, (psysy)) EErnrnest OOseseii BBaaah,ah, ((llgls)gls) LLukuke Paul Hovey,ovey, ((llgls) JJanetanet C.c. LLopes.opes, (com)(com) ScottScott Thomomaass Baker,aker, ((lIgls) CChh risristotopher A. [Jerinerin, ((ssoocc)) , MMagnaagna Stephen Andrew Peter Milj anan BBajic,ajic, COM CumC um LaudLaudee MarcheMarche, (c(com)om) MiMichch aelael].J. Batates,es , (b(biiotc)otc),, Cum Laude Toddodd Jeffreyeffrey Kalberer,erer, FININ,(, (llgls)s) , Thomomasas PaulPau l BiellBiello,. (psy)sy ) MaMagnagna Cum Laudee., BI3 AppliedAl>l>lied ActuarialA ctuarial MathM ath DemetriuDemetrius JeJeromrome BBobo,ob o, (psy) Jessicessicaa Kristestenn Keeefe,efe, (mswp)(rnswp) Johnohn C hristophepher r BoyBoylele,, (soc)(soc) * BrianBrian A. BlaiBlaissddell.ell, (hiss)) ChrC hristianistian NN.. Latino II, MMGT,GT, (apst)apst) GeoGe o rgerge CaCabrabrall Jrjr..,, (ssooc)c) RyanRyan PatrickPatrick Coonnnnolly, (ec(ecss)),, Summummaa JJeessesse LLewiewis III, (apapsst)t) MarMaryy E. CaCadyd y,. FINFIN., (pssy),y), SSummaumma Cumum LaudeLaude., BI3 C hristinehri stine M ariari e MMarinarinoo,, (c(com),om) , Cum LaLaududee,, BI3 ChristineChristine Elizazabethbeth Connors,o rs, (l(lglss)) , (mggtt)) Aida SSuuhehey ylala Calvovo, , ((llalals) Magna Cum LaudLaudee,, BI3 Timothoc hy y Emm anuelanuel McMcCCaarthrthy, JoJossepephh AA.. Chhri ristmatma n JrJr.,., (ecn)(eco) John DanielDaniel Cornelius,Cornelius, (hiss)) ((ccom)om) MichaelMichae l J. CCiaiallella, (p(psy)sy) MichaelMichael Vincent Kwi atar ., (socsoc)) Anthononyy MMeded eieiroros, ((ppols)s) ShawSha wnn PPatrickatrick C lalark,rk, (his) NicholasNicho las Andrew MMeerorolloo,. (lgl(lglss])., MiMichaelchael M.M. Murray,ay, ((llglgls),s), Cum ScottSco tt A. CCooletriettis,s, ((llglls)s) Magna Cum LaudeLaude, hp,hp, BI3 LaudLaudee AlAlexanderexander SScottcott Coppoppola, (com) Mattatthhewew Jamameess Mu zrazrall,ll . FIINN,(, (llglls)s) Dennis M.M. Corrado,ado , (psy)sy) Kimbe rley Sue Cournoyer, (his) Amy ElizElizaabbetheth Niven, Niv en, (aapst),pst) , Cumum BriBrianan W.W Ca rr. C IS,S, ((lgls)lgls) Petereter Johohnn KKellnellner,er, (apaps st)t) Timot hy M. Cronin, (lgls) LaudLaude AliceA lice L. C hahan,n, (soc)soc) StSteveneven GeorGeorgege KilKilseyse y,, ((com)com) Gregory S. Davies, (his) BriBrianan David David Oat,O at, (c(com)om) Douglas SS..C Clearyeary.,( (ccom)om) Alexexaandnderer Danieaniel Kralev,ev, CIISS,, (com) Andrea Marie DeFiore, (soc) PaulPau l H. O lloorree Jr. , (psy)(psv) Joonnathathanan Queentinntin CCoolognesognesi,i, ECOECO,, Beckyecky A. Lafranafran cois,cois, EECO,CO. Summa Ryan Demar, MKT, (his) JustinJustin William William Orkin,Orkin, (c(com)om) Cumum Laude, Laude, ¢(21 Cum Laude, hp,hp, B,fl, ¢(21 Denis P. Ferreira, MKT, (lals) JonathanJonathan E Page, (socsoc)) Petereter SS.. CCoorvi, ((com),com), CuCumm Laude Ryan G.G. LeBlanc,anc, ((llgls)s) Deneva Lat ia Fogart y, (lgls) BavinBavin PPatelatel, (lgl(lglss)) Kerrierri A nn Cox.Cox, ((lgllgls) Matttth hew T. Leoneona ardrd, . CIS.S, (pols)ols) Ren e Alexa nde r Fuentes, (psy) Vi ThaoThao PhamPham, (psysy)) DanielDaniel EdwardEdward DDabrowski,abrowski. (com) EEricric AArthurrthur Lewandewandows owski,ki , (com)com), , Pau lo R. Furtado,(com), Cum Laude KarrinKarrin Elyse Elyse Prec Precoourt,urt, (l(lglgls) Peeterter Raymondond D'AD'Agosgostintin o, ((1lglb)s) Magna Cum LauLaude,de, fl,B, It.A Co rey Michael Gouin, (apst), Maglla AshleyAshley [oJo R ayaymond,mond, (cocom)m) Jeennifnniferer L. Deaean,n, (apst),apst), Cum Laude Laude ZZacharyach ary Danieaniel Liber,er, (p(polols),s) , ((llgls)s) C um Lnude. B Teerrrrenceence T. Sandeersonrson, , (pssy)y) Craigraig WiWillilliamam DDelel Giudice,Giudice. (apst)apst) Jeffreyeffrey Hayes Lippinco tt II, II, ((llgls)s) Dan iel Ron ald Greene, (soc), (pols) StephenStephen P. Saaucieucier,r, (hiss)) Karanaran U. Dharnidharka,Dharnidharka, ((lgllgls)s),, Cum StStanan ley Freded Lornmanangino,ino, (psv)sy) Douglas J.Guerra, (psy) MartinMartin D aannieliel Semeraro,Semeraro, E CO, LaLaudude Mauuririciacia CCaarvrvallhho Lopeopes, s, (psy)sy) , Rebecca J. Harris, (psv) Magna CumCum LaudLaude, Bfl Ryanan Deanean DiRDiRoma.oma, (apst) Cuumm LaudLaudee Gregory Heiler. (soc) Chrihristinestine ElizabethElizabet h Shahananahhaan, (p sy),sy), BBririann e Lee Doyoylele., (pol(polss)) SStaceytac ey MMariariee Lopopes,es, (pssyv),) , MaMagnagna Christophe r A. Horvath, (psy), Magna Cum LaudeLaude Jeffeffreyrey M. Dugas,gas , ((llgls)s) Cuumm LLaude,aude, Bfl Summa Cum Laude, B AndreaAndrea M. Shepard,Shepard, (aapst)pst) Jason RRyyanan Duguay,guay, ((1gb)lgls) Matthewew JJ.. Loveovejoy,joy, (psv)sy) Luke Paul Hovey, (lgls) GabrielGabriel Sopitan,Sopi tan, (1(lgb),gls). MagnaMagna C um Robobertert DD.. EbEbererhhardt.ardt, (ap(apst)st) Mattheeww C. LLynyncch,h. (pols) C hristopher A. [erin, (soc), Magna LaudLaude,e, Bfl PaulPau l Brianan Elwell,Elwell. ((apst).apst). SSummaumma John IP.~ Mancheanchester,ster, (I(lgls) , (ci(cis), Cum Laude PeterPeter B.B. SwiadeSwiader,r, (l(lglss)) Cum LaudLaude,e, Bfl Magllagna Cum LaLaude.ude, Bfl Todd Jeffrey Kalberer, FIN, (lgls), Deerekrek JJ.. Tonn,tin, (s(soc)oc) Jesse R.R. Friedman,Friedman, ((eco)eco) MMiichchaaeell D anielaniel Marani, ((com)com) Magna Cum Laude, B AshleyAsh ley DawnDawn Tsetseranos, Tsetseranos , MKT, MKT, Chrhrististopheophe r E. GGilmore,ilmore, ((com)com) Dananiielel GG..M Marquarquardtardt,, (pols)s) Jessica Kristen Keefe, (mswp) (lglls)s) Douglasouglas BrBrandando onn Goldwait, (eco) Reganegan [Jerrederrod M cDowacD(lwall, (com)com) C hristian N. Latino II, M G1~ (apst) AndrewAndrew Francis Vital, MGT,MGT, (psy) Jacoacobb Davidavid Howwee,, (eco)(eeo) Andrew McDoweowell,ll , CIS,IS, ((mwrnwsp),sp), Jesse Lewis III,(apsr) Jososepheph Vouri s, (lgl(lglss)) Bradleyadley A. Hull.Hull, (pssyy)) Cum LlUdeLaude Christine Mari e Marin o, (com), Robertobert A. Hunt, ((llgls)gls),, Magna Cum Patriatrick ck Quigley McGcGroroututyy,, ((com)com) (mgt) Finance LLaude,aud e, Bfl Randand all Josephoseph MMededeiroeiros,s, (polls)s) Timot hy Emman uel McCarthy, OxanaOx ana VV. Illlyashenkoo,,( (socsoc).), MaMagnagna SStephentephe n Joosepseph M edeiroedeiross,, (ceecoo)) Lisa M. Aguiar,Aguiar, (psy)(psy) (com) Cum LLaudeaude GGisseissellllee A. MelMelendend eezz,, ((1lglb)s) NnNo ah S.S. AhmA hmeed.d, (cocom)m), , (inb),(inb) , Anthony Med eiros, (pols) DanielleDani elle Mararieie Jaacckson,kson, ((lgls).lgls), Cum Petereter C. MMelillelillo, ((llgls)s) Magna CumCum Laud Laude, Bfl Mich ael M. Murray, (Igls), Cum LlUdLaude AmAmyy M. Meenannan gas, (apsr),apst), MaMagnagna ShannonShan non LynnLynnee Amato, Am ato , (apsapst)t) Laude Matthewhew RayRaymmondond JJanasan as.. (eco)(eeo) Cum Laude Laude AdamAdam Edw Edward Brown, Brown, (psysy)) Matthew James Muzrall, FIN, (lgls) C hrisstoptopher EdwEdwardard KKelley,elley, (po(polls),s), BrBriianan R . Mooccccio,io, (apst)apst) , SSummaumma Cara Marie Marie Browne Brown e,. (s(soc)oc) Cuumm LlwlLaudee Cuumm LauLaude,de, Bfl RobertRobert WilliamWilliam Carey,Ca rey, (l (lgls)ls) Maatthtthewew F. Moonrnroe,oe, (l (lgls),ls), CumCum Matthatthew Josiosiahah S lack, ((Igls)lgls) Ryyaann J. CCharbonneau,harbonneau, ((Ilgls)s) LaudeLaude Stetepphehen Flahaheertrty Sloaloann II,II, ((psy)psy) Johnohn MMatthewatthew EEstabrook,stabrook, (p(pololss),), DanielDan iel M. M oooorre, (l (lgls)s) Nicholcholaas DDaavidvid Sf.t. GGeorge,eorge, ((Igls)lgls) Cum Laude AaronAaron Sttephephenen MurphyMurphy,, (Igls)(lgls) , Cum Markark L. Sf.t. GGeermarmain, in, (I(lgls)s),, (cis)(cis) VicVictOriatoria Allison HendriHendricckson,kson, ((llgls)s) Laude Caitlin B.B. St.St. Jeaean,n, (a(appst),st) , Cum Rananddyy WWilliamilliam KwapiKwapinski,nski, (p(psy)sv) AaronAaron David David NadrowNadr owsskki,i, (p(pololss)) LaLaudeude Joosshuhua RyRyanan Laabeber,r, (p(pols)ols) Jaarreded Williaamm NathanNathansosonn, CCOMOM KristenKriste n Dianan a Stete in, (psy),(psy), SuSummamma BBenjaminenjamin FFrankran k Moy,ay, (p(pols)ols) Matthew D. D. Nelhuebel,Nelhuebel, (envs)(envs) Cum LaLaududee,, B RobertRobert BBenenttonon Mueenzbergnzberg IllIII,, (lglsgls) DonaldDona ld AndrewA nd re w Nemeth Nemeth [rJr.,., (l(lglss)) HillH illararyy AllisonA llison Steventevens, ((soc)soc) CoConsnstata ntinosntinos Paapapaddopoulopoul os, ((com)com ) Tenzenzinin Noorzinrzin,, (apst) (apst) NiNiccoolala CarmineCarmine TaddTaddei,ei, (ecs)(ecs), ((Ilgls)s), , MMeghaneghan L. Partriartridge,dge, (psy), (psv}, MMagnaagna Lyndaynda M. Ogilvie,Ogilvie, (eco) Cum LauLaudde Cum LaLaudude, (3B Liamnm JosephJoseph O'Kane,O'Kane, (eco)(eco) Matthatthewew J. TaTangel,ngel, (pols)ls) Lauaurenren AAnnenne Pasquasquar arellelli,i, ((psy),psy), Cum Heleneene M.M. Ottlinger,O rtlinge r, (l(lgliss)) Shehe lle-e -LLavavoone ne EEuginaugina Thompompsonson, , LaLaudude Jusstintin DouDouglglaas PagePageaauu,, (I(lggls)ls) (c(com)om) Raayymmond WilliamWilliam Petetersersoonn, (e(eco)co) RyRyaann Thoommas as PantellPantelloo,, (a pst) Rarhatha UyUy,, ((ecs)ecs) Matthatthew Joseosepphh Rougier,ougier, ((lgllgls) KristenKristen Mari Marie PatatPatat, (soc), (soc), (lgls) (lgls) , Meelindlindaa L. Velhelhoo,, (1gb)(lgls) Michichaaelel Maatthewtthew RRyyanan , ((Igls),lgls), Cum Cum Laud e Nichcholaolass Jamameses Venentresco, tresco,( (eco)eco) LaLaudeude Doonnaaldld A. PiPioombmboo [rJr..,,( (com) Ian Thomom aass VVukukovich,h, MKT, MKT, (soc) NormNormanan J. Sc haha ller, ((pols)pols) RyRyaann LouisLoui s Poweowers,rs, (hiss)) AlicienA licien A. WWaleski,aleski, (p(psy)sy) Melissaelissa AAnnnn TaTalamini,lamini, ((com)com) RiRichchard ard E. Rapaapackicki [rJr.,., ECECOO DustinDustin JJamames Weesosolloowswskki,i, (l(Igls),gls), MMichich aaeell TTrrainorainor [r.,Jr., (com) KKimberlyimberly Irene Ire ne Rekaartrt, CIISS,, (psysy)), CCuumm Laude DDerekerek J. ViVicincino, ((polpols), Cum LauLaudde SSummaumma Cumum LaudLaudee,, B KristenKriste n NNicicoleole Wilsoson,n, (rnw(mwsspp)) KyleKyle Robeertrt Reeeed,d, (psy) (psy) Matthatthew BrBriianan Witkus Management AmandaA manda Marie Marie RobRobeerrt,t, (l(lgls)ls) Bonionittaa WWaiai YYip,ip, HISS,, ((sosoc),c), Cum Mararc Anthonyony Assssaantntee,,( (Igls),lgls), Matatththewew Loouiuis Rossossinoino, ACGACG, (eco)(eco) LaudeLaude Magnaagna Cum LaudLaude,e, B Micchhaaelel AdamAd am Rousseasseauu,, (eco) (eco) NeilNe il A. Youounngg,,( (soc)soc ) AAdildil Ca n Ataayy,, (c(com)om) Sak Sam, Sam, (l gglsls)) Matthattheeww C. Ziomom ekek, , ((his)his) Leaeahh M. Atkinns,s, (rnw(mwssp),p), MaMagnagna Micchelehele [Jo Sa Santiagntiago-Go-Grubrubeer, (l gglls)s) Lee MM.. Zuber,er, ((llgls) Cum LaLaudude Jussttinin R. Setter,Setter, MGT, MGT, (eco), (ceo) , MagnaMagna Jamesames Robobeertrt BBarrett,arrett, (p(psy),sy), (l(lglgls)s) Cum Laud Laude,e, B, 0 Financial Services Clifford Stephaha n BBaasssseetttt,, (p(pols),ols), (c(cis)is) KerriKerri L. Silva,Silva, (ps(psy)y) KatherineKathe rine D. AAtkins,tkins, (p(psy)sv), , MMaagngnaa KKimberlyimberly Lauraurenen B ebyn,ebyn, (ssococ)), (psy),(psy), Micchelhelee M.M.S Silveirilveiraa,, (co (com) , Cumum Cum Laude,Laude, B MagnaMagna Cum LaLaude,ude, hhpp LaudeLaude Juststinin KK.. Cahirhir,, (eccoo), 0(11 Ryayann M. BBeliveau,eliveau , ((soc)soc) Mararkk AdamAda m Silveilvestristri,,( (apst),apst), Magagnna Cum LaudLaude, B Elizabeth LL. BenoitBenoit, (llgls)gls) SteStephphan DickDicke,e, ECCO,O, Cum Laude,Laude, ¢0 JosJosepephh Daniel Kugler,Kugler, (pols)s) KatherineKatherine PaolaPaola Berroa,Berroa, ((llgls) DinaDina M. DiGrDiGreegorgorio, (lgls)gls) Arnaud Laffffororguegue,, (lgls) (lgls) JoshuaJoshu a R.R. Beesssetsette,te, ECO, Summa KathleenKathleen AAnnnn Dobrenz,Dobrenz, (his)(his) NancyNa ncy K. Lapham,Lapham, (psy)(psy) Cum Laude,Laude, 5, ¢0 WilsonWilson Maannueluel Dos Santos,Santos, (psy)sy) RichRicharard d KeithKeith L'Ecuyer,L'Ecuyer, (com)(com) Eric Anthony Bodzinski,Bodzinski, (his)(his) JJaasonson MM.. Dziedzic, Dziedzic, (s(soc)oc) Sarah Elilizzabethabeth Leeker,r, (lgls) (lgls) EEllena Marariia Borges,Borges, (soc)(soc) William Albert Emmert, (com)(com) AaronAaron S. LeeFevFeveer,r, (com) (com) LacieLacie JJeeanan Bourdo,Bourdo, (psy)(psy) ThomasThomas Matatththewew Faber,Faber, (com)(com) Amber FerrariFerrari Lemke,Lemke, (psy)(psy) LoniLoni BessBess Bragiaginn, , ((llgls)gls) DanielDan iel RichardRichard Falcucci,Falcucci, (lgls)gls} , CumCum Jeennnif niferer GraceGrace Lindroth, (mwsp)(mwsp) MiMichelechele AlexisAlexi s Brunjes,Brunjes, (com),(com), LaudeLaude SusanSusan B.B. Loo,oo, (com),(com) , Cum LaudeLaude Magna Cum Laude,Laude, B13 EamonnEarn onn JamesJame s Fanning,Fanning, CIS, (psy) , Roccoocco LuigiLuigi LloRusso,oRusso, CIS,CIS, (pols)(pols) IshmaelIshmael DevonDevon Bryan,Bryan, (p (psy)sy) CumCum LaudeLaude Joseph P atricktrick Ludwiczak,Ludwiczak, HISHIS ChristopherChristopher J. Buontempo,Buontempo, (psy)(psy) CrystaCrystal MarieMarie Feid,Feid, (psy)(psy) ThT homasomas PatrickPatrick LLyyonson s DavidDavid P. Caaprio,prio, ((llgls)gls) CatarinaCatarina M.M. Fernaandes,ndes, (com)(com) QuatiaQuatia P. Marigny,Marigny, ((ppsy)sy) Stephentephen W D. Cassella,ella, (com)(com) CCoreyorey Fontesontes,, ( (ccom)om) MichMichael JosephJoseph Marotta,Marotta, (his)s) ChristinaChristin a Mararieie Ce rtrtoo, , (psy) (psy) KKeelllliiee Ann Fournier,ourn ier, (psy)(psy) MaryMaryanneanne CarboneCarbon e Mazzoazzotttta, (envs)(en vs) BrianBrian DanielDaniel Chhaa rpentieentier,r, MKT, Hillaryary Jea Jean Francis,Franci s, (psy),(psy), MagnaMagna Cullen Jososepephh McCarthy McCarthy, ( soc)soc) (psy) CCumum Laude JamesJames J.J. MMcDevcDevitt,itt, (lgglsls)) Anthony JJ.. Chavarry,Chavarry, (l(lgls)gls) StevenSteven Matthewtthew FulkFulks,s, (p(psy) sy) Sean MichMichaaeell McDMcDowell, (lgls)(lgls) ShaneShan e AndreAndre CheltCheltenham,enham, (psy) KristaKrista AnAnnn Gambacorambacortta,a, (lgls), (lgls), (psy) (psy) JoAnnJoAnn Kristin Kristin McIntyre,McIntyre, (p(psy) sy) MatthewMatthew G.G. ChristChristiiaan,n, (his)(his) RonaldRonald N.N. Gervais,Gervais, (psy)(psy), , CumCum LaudeLaude SeanSean JJosephoseph McQuillanMcQuillan, (com)(com) StephanieStephanie Veroneronicicaa Clarkearke,, COM,COM, Raghaghaavv Gupta,Gupta, (psy)sy) StefanieStefanie JeJeaan M ellello, (lgls)gls) Magna CumCum LaudeLaude AndreaAndrea Lee GurGurecki,ecki, (psy(psy)) AndrAnd rewew A. Michaud,Michaud, (psy)(psy) StephenStephen F.E Coppinger,Coppinger, (l(lgls)gls) JJocelynocelyn Hallak,Hallak, (psy),(psy), CumCum LaudeLaude David P. MinMiner,er, (m (rnwsp), wsp), (inb)(inb) Andrea Marie Cunniff, (com)(com) PatriciaPatricia LynnLynn HeHebertbert,, (lgls)(lgls) Johnhn Morano,Morano, (psy)(psy) MatthewMatthew S. CutleCutler, (apst)(apst) LindsayLindsay Marriiee Hermermann,ann, MKT,MKT, PeterPeter F.E Mulligan,Mulligan, (ecs)cs) SStephtephenen Michael D''AmbrosiAmbrosio,o, (lgls)gls) (c(coom)m) JohnJohn PatrickPat rick Murphy,Murp hy, (com)(com) GeoGeoffrey M. M. Dean,Dean, (hi(his) s) ChristopherChristopher David Heyer,Heyer, (leis),(his), Patrick Kevin Murray,Murray, COCOM M ChristinaChristina JeanneJeanne DeMaiDeMaio,o, COM,COM, (mkt)(rnkt) DavidDavid TeranceTerance NapoNapolili,, (lgls)(lgls) (mwsp)(rnwsp) Matthewatthew C. Hull, HIS, Cum LaudeLaude NicoleNicole Marie Nikisher, Nikisher, (psy)(psy) Micchellehelle M. de O Olivliveiirraa, (lgls)(lgls) Robeobertrt Jamesames [Jacavone,acavone, (com),(com), *,*, ElishaElisha M.M. O'Mara,O'Mara, MKT, (psy) (psy) ,) MiMichaelchael DeTora,DeTora, MKT, (his) MagnaMagna Cum Laude,Laude, B5 LianneLian ne Michelle-JeanneMichelle-Je anne Paciorek,aciorek, I, MichelleMichelle Lynn Deextxter,er, (psy)y), , MagnaMagna Tolgaolga KirgizKirgiz, (com)(com) MKT,MKT, ((ppsy)sy) CumCum Laude,Laude, 5 Mattheattheww S. Korba,Korb a, (soc)(soc) AnthAnthoony Joseph Josep h PaganoPagano, CIS,CIS, (lgls)(lgls) JonathanJonathan Stephen Kraycar,Kraycar, (pols)(pols) StephenStephen Josephjoseph Parrillo,Parrillo, (psy)(psy) Margaret P. Peel, (psy) Brendan Brian Sweeny, (envs), Cum Andrea Jacqueline Audet, (apst), Edward Michael Pereira, (lgls)(lgls), , Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude Laude Matthew M. Sweet, (soc) Jennifer J. Baez-Peguero, (soc) Adam Charles Perry, (com) Arno Tellalyan, (pols) Alesha Kaye Barnes, COM, Magna Brian A. Perry, (com) Sengphet Thadavong, (psy) Cum Laude, B Kristin T. Phelan, (lgls) Michael Angelo Thomas Jr., (his) * Erin K. Bates, (psy) Danielle Marie Pinnetti,Pinnetti, (lgls) Christopher 1. Thompson, (psy) John D. Batista, (psy) Randy E Pinto, (psy) Froso Tsambazis, (lgls) Heather Lynn Belanger, COM, Thomas A. Provost, (lgls)(lgls), , Cum Gregory Michael Tumolo, (biotc), (mwsp), Cum Laude Laude, B (lgls) , Magna Cum Laude Gabriele Belfiori, ECO, Cum Laude James Steven Purpura, (com) Jennifer Joan Uttaro,Unaro, (psy),(psy) , (soc), Savannah Boales, FIN, (psy),(psy) , Magna Michael K. Redfield, (his) Cum Laude Cum Laude, B Ronald R. Reed Matthew Lewis Van Kleeck, (psy) Ashley May Brandon, MGT, (psv),(psy), Sherrone C. Reed, (psy) Helen G. Vaughn, (Igls)(lgls) Cum Laude Christopher Stephen Retos, (com) Karina Vavner,Vayner, (lgls) Tyler Willliam Bray, (com) Michael G. Ricciardelli, (com) James J. Veneto, (com) Ashley Victoria Britton, (lgls) Carissa Rae Richard, (ecs) Don T. Volino Jr., (com) Aleksandrs M. Cakste Stals, (com), Brian K. Robinson, (biotc) Denny Vongchampa, (lgls) Cum Laude Meredith Velma Ronan, (psy) Ronald Crenshaw Ward, (psy),(psy) , (cis) Melissa J. Calcagni, (psv),(psy), Cum Laude John C. Ruzzo, (his), Magna Cum Charles Stephen Whelan II, (psy) Joseph A. Caligiuri, (com) Laude, B Melissa L. Whittier, (com) Joseph Anthony Capozza III, (com) Jennifer Kate Sahady, Sahadv, COM, Summa Erica M. Wiggers, (lgls) Samantha L. Carroll, (ecs), (psy), Cum Laude Stephen P. Witek, (lgls) Summa Cum Laude, B Brian Robert Sardelli, (psy),(psv), (fin) Alp Yoruk, (pols), (mkt) Anthony James Carullo, (soc) Alexander James Schnip, ECO Lynne Ann Zoltowski, MKT, (lgls)(1gb) Eliezer Gedalia Chernin, (com) Ryan Scott Schreffler, (com), (psy), Daniel Robert Chin, (com) Cum Laude Marketing James D. Cianci, (lgls) Hilary Ann Seraphine, (mwsp) Joseph S. Cinquegrana, (psy) Melissa Ann Abbott, (soc), (mgt) Matthew R. Shannon, (com) Michael James Cochrane, (lgls) Julie Alexis Anderson, (com) Ryan Joseph Shields, (com) Christian Andrew Collard, (psy) Anthony G. Andrade, (psy) Kimberly L. Smyth, (psy) Erin Theresa Collins, (lgls) Alycia Marie Angelone, (lgls) Christopher D. Solas, (psy) (psv) Anna Coppola, FIN, (psv),(psy), Cum Steven James Antonellis, (com) Casey Meghan Sullivan, MKT, (com) Laude Diane Rachelle Atkins, (com)(Cllm) Elizabeth Lewis Sullivan, MKT, Joseph L. Craveiro III, (com), Magna (com), Magna Cum Laude, B Cum Laude, B Andrea Jacqueline Audet , (ap st), Joohnhn Andrew CullC ullenen IV, IV, (psysy)) Katat elynelyn M aryary G ill,ill , (ccoom).m) , (p(psy)sy) Sean M. Lananaagagann, (psv)sy) Magna Cum Laude Andreeww M.M.C C urrurraan, ( cocom)m) MiMichchaelael R.R. G leleneckneck, FIN, (psv),(psy), Dianana C larlark k Latham,Latham. (biotot c)c), , Magnaagna Jennifer J. Baez-Pcgucro. (soc) SherriSherri Lynn D'Alessaessandrndroo,, (mwssp).p), Cum Laude Cum Laude, B Al esha Kaye Barnes, COM, Magna (cocom)m) CCatherinatherine M ariari a Gnanat, (com)(com) BryBryanan IP~ Laveravery,y, (soc) Cum Laude, 13 Keevinvin Luis Deeffaariri aa, , ((ppsysy)) Bethanany SShheaea GoGott,tt, (ccoom)m) MathMathewew Raymaymondond Lemieuxeux, (psv)sy ),, Erin K. Bates, (psy) Coreor eyy Weis Wei sss Degoegonn, (mw(rnwssp)p) Michchaelael Colin Gries,es. (his)(his) (com)com) John D. Batista, (psy) AAnthonynrhony P. DeiDeiCicCiccchi.hi, ((cocom) Matthatthewew HH.. Gunn, (com)com) Jamames AAnthnthoo ny L ewis,ewis, (psv)sy) H eather Lynn Belanger, COM, Danielaniel M. DDelel R egegnno o,, (cocom)m) G regoryregory M.G. G woworek,rek. (com)com) Joshuoshu a Williamam M arkark taff. (psv)sy) (rnwsp) , Cum Laude Krisstiti Heaatherther Delkesesccaammpp,, ((ppsysv)) Shannannonon M ariari e H arparper,er, ((com)com) Jararettett AnthAnthonony Lovov e, (soc)soc) Gabriele Belfiori, ECO, Cum Laude Betethh C haharl rlaa D esesjjaardinrdinss,, MGT,MGT, SuSuzaza nnenne M. H attattoonn, (soc)soc ) Kristinstine A nn Lu cacas s,, (com)com) Sa va n na h Boales, FIN, (psv), Magna (aappsst),t) , Magna Cum Laude, 13~ Megegaann EliElizabzabetheth Hereneren s,s. COM,M. VVooulaula Lvtras,ytras, (soc)soc) Cum Laude, 13 BBenjenjaaminmin S. Deewar,war, (socsoc)) (mwsp),sp), Cum LaudLaude Steptephheen Michael MaMacKcKenzienzie Jr..Jr. . A shley May Brandon, MGT, (psy), AmbAmberer Maariri e Dick key,ey, (socsoc)) 1(Todd)dd Mil tonton H odod gdgdonon, (ccoom)m) (lgls]gls) Cum Laude ShShaaun D. D. DiGeronimoo., (l ggls)ls) , ChChaarlesrles C laplapp p H osea, (com)com) C hhriristopstophehe r Stete phphen en M acoacombmber,e r. Tyler Willliam Bray, (com) Cum Laude Kyleyle R. Houloule, (psy)sy) (cocom)m) A shley Victoria Britton. (lgls) KidKiel R. R. DiGiovaanninni,, (socsoc)) Kevinevin M atthatthewew Hoyle,oyle. (env (envs)s),, Cum TTrraceyacey Rose MaMagger,er, ((ccom)om) Al ek sandrs M. Cakste Stals, (com), Daavidvid George DrosDrosopopouloulosos,, MGT, Laude Thomomas H . Majorajor II,II , MMGT,GT, (corn)com) Cum Laude (lggls)ls) MichMich aelael Robobert Huggggoon,n, (ps(psyy)) Karar enen Jeanean MMaksimak simoski,oski. (com)com) Melissa J. Calcag n i, (psy), Cum Laude Hilaaryry Jooannaanna Dunn,Dunn, (ecsecs)) [Jooddy v M ariearie jJababottottc,e. (com)com) Jennifenniferer Lynnynne MMarkarkaacscs,, MGT,GT, Joseph A. Caligiuri, (com) Amaandnda Jeaeannnne DuDuvvaall, (psysy)) Priya MMariariee [Jananardhardhanananan,, ((ccom)om) COM, (psv),sy). Summa Cum Laude, B~ Joseph Anthony Capozza III, (com) Kaarre enn Paatritricciaia Elli Ellis,s, ( cocom)m) IIanan D ououglasglas Johnsonohnson,, (apap sr)sr) Nichcholaolass Robertobert Masciarelli,arelli , (l(Igls)gls) Sa ma n tha L. Ca rroll, (ecs) , (psy) , SyliSvlishasha A. Ewings, (cocom)m) Laurenen Carleyrl ey Joyce,oyce, ( com)com) ScotScottt J. M atheson,atheson, (psv)(psy) Summa Cum Laude, 13 Daavidvid Robeertrt Faalculcllcci. (lggls)ls) Christinstine Ann Kalukialukiewiewicz, (psv)sy ) Robobeertrt C. M azza,azza , (lgls)(1gb) Anthony James Carullo, (soc) Joohnhn JJ.. F aarrrreen,n, (pools)ls) Al yssa Mariari e Kaptaptevneyn , (ps(psyy),), ((ccorn)om) Jennennififerer Lynnynn MMcKacK ay,y, (l(Igls)gls) , Magna Eliezer Gedalia C he rn in , (com) JonJonaathanthan M. F eeinminmaann, (psysy),) , MaMagnagna Paatritrickck Michaelael Keeleel ey,ey. (e(eccs)s) Cum Laude,e, B~ Daniel Robert C h in, (com) Cum LaudLaude.e, 13~ Jaamm es Willi amam Kellehelleher, er, (psv)(psy) , (c(coom)m) A ndndr rewew Liamam MMcKcKennenna, (psy)sy) James D. Ci anci, (lgls) Meagaghanhan Erin Frail,ail, (lggls)ls) KarKar a Ann Kerrierri ggaan,n, (soc), (pols) EliElizabezabe th B ettettenenccourtourt Medinedina, FIN, Joseph S. C inquegrana, (psv) Krisstenten L. FFrroonnggillo,illo. (bioottcc)), Cum Marar cellecelle Shahameezameeza Kh an,an, ECS (psv),sy), Cum Laude Michael James Cochrane, (lgls) LaudLaudee Toollll a Khuonon., (psysy)) Geoffreyffr ey T.T Meyer.eyer, (soc)soc) C hristian Andrew Collard , (psy) Krisstteenn Lea GGaauthiu th ier,er, (p sysy)) DDeidreidre Elizabzabetheth KiKittrttreded ge, (lgls)gls) Traviavi s M. Mooroore,e. (ccoom)m) Erin Theresa Collins, (lgls) MichMichaaelel Benjaaminmin GeGcrlrle,e, (p sysv)) Kimberlerl y Kosh,osh, (pols)ols) C hristohristo phepher PPatrickatrick Morin.Morin, MKT, Anna Coppola, FIN. (psv), Cum Jasoasonn TT. Geermrm aan.n, (psysv)) JanJanetet A. Krarnas,amas, (I(1gls)gb) (soc)soc) Laude Daanielniel GiGiaaccalaloonne, C IIS,S, (socsoc)) M atthatthewew Frananci ciss LaBaBarbarberaera, (ccoom)m) A lisonlison L. Munro, (psy)sy) Joseph L. Crav eir o III , (com) , Magna Michaelael C hhri ristosto phephe r Lafayettyette,e, (soc)soc) Cum Laude, 13 Daanielniel S. Myers, (psysy)) Bryanan R .S. Seerrggeantean t,, ((com),com), Magna MMelielissa Pualalaniani West, CCOMOM,, Cum RiRicharchardd Anthoonny y MyMyers,ers, (1(lglb)s) Cum Laude, 13f\ LaLaudeude Michaaeell DDaviavidd Nieedzwiecki,dzwiecki, (socsoc)) Jamesames Michael Shea,hea, ((ccom)om) Taraara Christinehristine Whalley, (co(com) Andrea Maarieri e Noortrto on,n, (com) Sajeela Farjarjaaadad SSiddiq,iddiq, ((ccom)om) , C hristehristell Rososee Whitneyey,, (psy)sy) ,(, (ccom)om) Erica Julianna Osbo Osborn,rn, (I (lgls) SummSumma Cum Laude, hp,hp, 13f\ Ryanya n R. Whitney,ey, ( com)com) Ryayann MichMichaeaell O'TooO'Toolle,e, (pol(pols) CCaandaccee Mariearie Siillva, (com) Eric PeterPeter Widoor,r, (p(psy)sy) SeaSean PatrickPatrick Owen Ow ens, (socsoc)) EEririca Jooyy SimSimoneon elli, (com)com) Justinstin A. WWilliilliams,ams, (com)com) , CCumum Kaarra Maarierie Pagagaanini,nini, (c(com)om) Jjohnnohnna HH.. SSimpson,impson, ((lIglls)s) Laude SSeaeann Damiaann Paarnell,rnell, (pols)(pols) Marcyarcy Anne Spadapada, , (l(Iglgls),s) , (psy)sy),, Lauraaura KKararenen Wi shart,art, ((ccom),om), MaMagngnaa Jasoasonn Robertobert P eerrierrielloo,, (com)(com) Cum LaudeLaude Cum LauLaudde Queentintinn Williaamm PhippPhippss,, (pols)(pols) NicoNicole Irene SSt.t. Pi errerr e, ((ppsy) Robobeertrt Scott Woodwoodworthorth., (com)om) MMelindelinda Ch C hrirististinene P oollllaard,rd, COM,COM, Jenny Tam, (psy)sy) Mariearie LynnLynn Worzel,orze l, MGGT,T, (psy)sy) Cum Laude,Laude, A1\ D ananielleielle Mary TaTararani, (pols) Vananessa McCCoombmb Wrannann., (com),om), JJeennifer Lynnn nee Pr ess,ess, (psysy)) Brian ConradConrad Thaayeyer,r, (c(com)om) Cum LaudLaudee Andrea Janina PupekPup ck,, (I(lglss)) EdEdgargar JJosephoseph TorTorrreess,, (psy) AndrAndrewew C hesterhester Y ahlablononski,ski, (com) SaSara ElyElysese Raabinbinoowitz,witz, (psy)(psy) Jennifeenniferr DianDian e Tose, MGT, ((ssoc)oc) Jamieamie Ann ZZoolli, (psv)psy) AdamAdam Jam James RRedfedford,ord, (p(pools) Lauraur a ReRegagann TowTowlle,e, (mw(mwsp)sp) Erin MMariariee ZZoonna a,, (biotc)otc) Heateathher er M . RiRichch, (psy)(psy) Lisa Marierie Tramamontontoozzzzi,i, (com), MatthewMatthew Markark ZurZuraweawel,l, ((ssoc)oc) Ariaanana B. Rinaaududoo,, ((ppsy)sy) MMagnaagna Cum Laudee,, 13f\ Garryy M. Ri vavanno Jr.j., HISHIS Nichch olasolas Joosepsephh Turilli, ((llgls) BachelorBachelor of Science Science in Ryayann LeLeee Roodridriguez, (l(lgls) Christophristopherhe r C haha rles Untietet , ((ccom)om) InformationInformation TTechnologyechnology AlexisAlexis Maarierie Rogeogerrs, (psy)sv) Kellyelly J. Vanan Deueusseenn, , COM,M, MaMagngnaa Daninieell e Ali A lise Ruth, (mwssp)p),, MaMagnagna Cum Laude.e, hhpp Johnohn L. Balbonialboni, , MugyuzMagna Cum LaudLaude,e, Cum LaudeLaude Laura Reeadad Va Vaudrudraainin , ((ccom)om) 13f\ JuliJuliee Anne An ne SaSaucier,ucier, COM, SummaSumnuz Jason M . VVerierissimo,ss imo, COM,M, CCumum MichMichelle KK.. Lambambertert, , Cum LauaLaude Cum La Lauude,de, 13f\ Laude DDavidavid A. Namamad,ad, Magna Cum Laude Jefefferyfery C.c. Schhaorrer,er, (po (polss)) Shaun MM.. Vigeant,Vigeant, ((Ilgls)s) AnAndrewdrew B.B. Robinobinsonson SaSamantmanthha Reenne Sc hulz,,( (com)com) Kateate DeborDeborahah VitkVitko,o, (psy), MaMagnagna Jonon-Erik-Erik Jososeephph Schnehneide ide rrhhan,an, Cum Jeffrey Ryayann Sc ribnribneer r,, ( cocom)m) Cum LaudeLaude LaudLaudee VaValerielerie Maarierie Senseman Sense man, (c(com)om) Kararenen M ariearie V ottao , (pssyy)) BrBradleyad ley A. Schumachumac hehe r, Cum LauLaudede Andrew WWS Seerge,rge , (psysy)) InInggridrid Watteratterson,son, (l(Igls)s) JJe essssieie Edwardard s Weber,eber, (p(psy),sv), ((llgls),s) , MagyMagnula Cum LaudLaudee Jasasoonn S. Weiss,eiss, (l(I gls) Melissa Pualani West, COM, Cum TheThe Harriet C. JacobsJacobs MemorialM emorial MaceM ace Laude ThT he UniversityUniversity MacMacee is carried carried atat Commmmenceence menment t exeexercisesrcises aanndd at ottherher uniunivversersitityy celelebrbraa tions.ti ons. Tara Christine W ha lley, (corn) CrownedC rowned in gogold , thethe mflcemace has twotwo dominantdominant eembmblelems:ms: ththee seal of tthehe StStateate ooff Rhod Rhode Islandsland and the seal Ch ristel Rose Whitney, (psy), (corn) ofof BryantBryant University.University. Ryan R. Whitney, (com) Eric Peter Widor, (psy) TheThe President'sPresident's ChairChair Justin A. Williams, (com) , Cum Laude TheT he PresidPresidenent' t'ss Chair, C ha ir, a g ift to to the uuniversityniversity frofromm Pri sciscilllla AnAngelogelo aandnd her husbsband,and, Johnohn Eng-Wong,Eng-Wong, isis usedused on ceceremoniaremonial occasiions.ons. It is a walnut,walnut , VVictorian-styleicto rian-s tyle gent'snt's chchairair cocopiedpied frofromm an ororiginaigina l Laura Karen Wishart, (com), Ma!,"IUl Cum Laude FrenchFrench desidesigngn fromfrom the periodperiod of of the the university'suni versity's foundingfounding in 1863863.. ThThee ccarvedarved ccrestrest totopp includes ththee BryantBryant UniversityUniversity bbronzeronze seal. seal. Robert Scott Woodworth, (corn) Marie Lynn Worzel, MGT, (psy) Vanessa McCom b Wran n, (corn) , Bryant MedallionMedallion Cum Laude TheThe Bryaantnt Meedda llioonn i s wornworn by theth e prespresididentent durinduringg academic ceceremoniesremonies sucuchh as Co mmencemmenceme mentnt, , Andrew Ches ter Yablonski, (corn) ConvOGHionCo nvoca tion,, andand th e bestowingbestowin g o off hoonornorary ddeegreesgrees.. OOnene ssideide ooff tthhee mmededa llion beabearsrs a llikikeenessness Jamie Ann Zolli, (psy) of the the univeersityrsity sea l,l, the the other, othe r, th e naamesmes ooff all BryBryaantnt UniUniversityversity ppresidentresidents. ThThee formorm al installatati ionon Erin Marie Zona, (biot c) ofof a presidentpresident is mmarkarkeedd byby ththe presentationpresentati on of ththee meedadallionllion to tthehe prepresidentsident bbyy ththee chahairmanirman ooff Matthew Mark Zur awel, (soc) the BOCIrd Board of Truste Trusteeses..

Bachelor of Science in The Bryant SealSeal Information Technology TheThe BryantBryan t SealSea l re reprpresentsesents theth e e duducacat tionaional mmiissionssion ooff tthehe uuniversityniversity aandnd iitts worldwidorldwidee impimpliclicatatiions. ThThe centralcen tral symbolsymbol isis a n ellillipsoidpsoid glloobebe with quiquilllls on eac h sideid e to ssignignifyify th e trtraditionaladiti on al eembmblelem ooff John L. Balboni, Magna Cum Laude, communicationcommunica tion in bbusiness.usiness. In the th e center, center, bebehind th e globelobe,, iiss a totorchrch ssymboymbolizli zinging libli berty,ert y, th e spiritiri t B of frfreeee inquiry,inquiry, academic aca demic freedom,freedom, and l earningearning.. The AArchwrchway,ay, forming forming tthehe bbackackggroroundund for ththee Mich elle K. Lambert, Cum Laude gllobe,obe, ttorch,orch, a nd quill qui lls, i iss a universuniv ersityity laandmndmarkark aaffectionatelyffectiona tely remembrememberedered bbyy thousousaandnd s ooff alumni.lumni. David A. Narnad, Magna Cum Laude TheT he L aatintin moottttoo e expxprreesss es the purpose purpose of thethe ununiviversityersity:: ""EducandoEducando Dirigere Dirigere Merccaturam"aturam" --EEdduucatiocation Andrew B. Robinson for BuBusinesssiness Leaeadederrsship.hip. Jon- Erik Joseph Schne iderha n, Cum Laude Bradley A. Sch umac he r, Cum Laude Alumni Charge

Today, as you celebrate your graduation from Bryant University, you find yourself saying goodbye to the classmates, faculty, and staff with whom you have formed close friendships over these last few years. Graduation, however, is not so much an ending as a transition. It's true that you're about to begin a new stage of life, but as a Bryant University alumnus/na,alumnus/ria, you are never far from the community you've come to know as home away from home.

In fact, one of the reasons you chose Bryant was for its close-knit community. Through the Bryant University Alumni Association, you will always be a member of this community. You can stay in touch with friends by attending class reunions, regional alumni network events, and by signing on to the alumni online directory. And just as Bryant provided you with a solid foundation for a successful career, our alumni network continue to support your professional goals.

As a Bryant student, you participated in academic, athletic, and civic events that not only provided you with many skills but gave you a sense of satisfaction as well. As a Bryant graduate, you can stay involved by serving on university committees, advisory councils, and even the Board of Trustees. You can advance Bryant's reputation by working on behalf of admission, career services, educational, and fund-raising initiatives. And throughout the year, Bryant alumni gather together to reach out to their communities through a number of volunteer programs.

Just as the Bryant community shared in celebration of your accomplishments as a student, we will always be interested to hear of your successes. Let us know when you've moved, and what milestones you've reached so we can share your good news with your Bryant classmates and friends.

Congratulations on your graduation and welcome to the Bryant University Alumni Association. Academic Heraldry

irself saying goodbye to the The history of academic dress worn today dates back toto thethe universities of the Middle Ages. A statute rver these last few years. in 1321 required the wearing of gowns by all scholars and clerics. Probably thethe warm gown and hood were you're about to begin a new practical in the unheated buildings. he community you've come Students at most American universities wore caps and gowns daily while in residence until after the Civil War. These varied in design until they were standardized by the American Intercollegiate Commission :y. Through the Bryant in 1895. While the academic costume code has been modified over the years, the general characteristics of nity. You can stay in touch the initial requirements still prevail. The uniform system of academic heraldry serves to indicate the id by signing on to the level of degree, the field of study in which it was earned, and the institution by which it was granted. ation for a successful career, The gown for the bachelor's degree has pointed sleeves and is designed to be worn closed. The gown for the master's degree has an oblong sleeve and can be worn open or closed. The gown for the doctoral degree has bell-shaped sleeves with black velvet facing down the front and three bars of the same across s that not only provided you the sleeves. However, these facings and crossbars may be in the color distinctive of the subject to aduate, you can stay involved which the degree pertains. At Bryant University, the presidentpresidem and the honorary degree recipients wear of Trustees. You can advance gowns especially designed and trimmed in the university color of gold. ational, and fund-raising 1 out to their communities The academic hoods are lined with the color of the university granting the degree. The length of the hood varies slightly for bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. It is often the tradition of the candidates for degrees to wear the mortarboard tassel on the right front side before the degree is conferred and to shift it :s as a student, we will always to the left when the degree is awarded. rd what milestones you've icnds.

A.lumni Association. Bryant University Board of Trustees

Chair of the Board John D. Callahan '56, Chairman and CEO, The Callahan Group, LLC, Rosemont, IL

Vice Chairs of the Board Edward P. Grace III, Managing Director, Grace Venture Partners, Lp,LP, Orlando, FL Agnes Bundy Scanlan, Consultant, Cambridge, MA Thomas A. Taylor '63, '98H, President and CEO (Retired), Arnica Insurance, Lincoln, RI

Secretary of the Board Joanna T. Lau '97H, President and Chairman, Lau Technologies, Concord, MA

Members William D. Ankner, Ph.D., Executive Director, Missouri Transportation Institute, Rolla, MO Andrea Barbosa '04 (Recent Alumni Trustee), Lifespan, Providence, RI David M. Beirne '85, General Partner, Benchmark Capital, Menlo Park, CA James M. Benson, '99H, Sr. Executive Vice President, John Hancock Financial Services, Boston, MA Thomas Celona '69, Owner, Thrifty Car Rental, Warwick, RI Malcolm G. Chace, Chairman, BankRI and Chairman, SENESCO, Providence, RI William J. Conaty, '67, Senior Vice President, Corporate Human Resources, General Electric Company, Fairfield, CT Herbert W.\v. Cummings, Vice Chairman (Retired), Citizens Financial Group, Inc., Providence, RI C. Correll Durling '75, Co-Owner and President, Quik Chek Food Stores/DurlingStoreslDurling Farms, Whitehouse, NJ Richard P. Eannarino, President, Enervations, lnc.,Inc., Smithfield, RI Rabbi Leslie Gutterman, Temple Beth-EI, Berh-El, Providence, RI Alan G. Hassenfeld '85H, Chairman, Hasbro, Inc., Pawtucket, RI Thomas F. Hewitt '68, CEO, Interstate Hotels & Resorts, Arlington, VA Kathleen C. Hittner, M.D., President and CEO, Miriam Hospital, Providence, RI Raymond W.\v. Iannetta '71, President, American BioPhysics Corp., No. Kingstown, RI Hon. Bernard A. Jackvony '67, Partner, Moses & Afonso, Ltd., Providence, RI Beverly E. Ledbetter, Vice President and General Counsel, Brown University, Providence, RI Frederick C. Lohrum '96H, Chairman and President (Retired), BankBoston, Providence, RI .ernont, IL Ronald K. Machtley,MachtIey, President, Bryant University, Smithfield, RI Thomas S. Marotta '67, Chairman and CEO, Marotta Scientific Controls, Inc., Montville, N]NJ Mark D. McAuley '02 (Recent Alumni Trustee), Personal Financial Services, PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLC, Boston, MA do, FL Robert P. Mead '73, President (Retired), Tyco Engineered Products & Services, Exeter, NH Kristian P. Moor '81, Executive Vice President, AIG Inc.!NationalInc./National Union, New York, NY ice, Lincoln, RI Richard A. Plotkin, Shareholder, Tofias PC, Newport, RI James S. Richardson '68, President, Lexus of Cherry Hill, Maple Shade, N]NJ Donald O. Ross, Managing Director, Wainwright Investment Counsel, Boston, MA MA WalterWaiter Stepan 'OIH, Co-Chairman (Retired), Bacou USA, Inc., Smithfield, RI Janice W.\v. Sullivan, Owner, Colors By Design, East Greenwich, RI Kathryn R. Swiatek '03 (Recent Alumni Trustee), Pfizer Inc., Groton, CT stiture, Rolla, MO Robert D. Wales '50, Chairman, Air Emissions Technologies, Inc., Fairfield, CT and San Francisco, CA David C. Weinstein, Executive Vice President, Fidelity Investments, Boston, MA \ John K. Welch, Exec. Vice President & Group Exec. (Retired) , Marine Systems Group, General Dynamics Corp, icial Services, Boston, MA Falls Church, VA Rita Williams-Bogar '76, President and CEO, Personal Development Solutions, LLC, Montclair, N]NJ nee, RI i, General Electric Company, Fairfield, CT " Inc., Providence, RI This list represents the Board Boardof of Trustees as of April 2005. Durling Farms, Whitehouse, N]

ice, RI sstown, RI ~, RI ty, Providence, RI ~

Commencement Committee 2005

Co-chairs Rich Dankel, Director of Bryant Center Sheila Guay, Director of Conferences and Operations/Student Activities Special Events Susan McDonald, Associate Director of Keith Murray, Faculty Registration Services, Undergraduate Programs Todd Nelson, Associate Director of Conferences Members and Special Events Father Joseph Pescatello, Catholic Chaplain, Paulette Allaire, Secretary, Graduate School Campus Ministries Victoria Atkins, Executive Secretary/Scheduling Janet Proulx, Associate Director of Public Assistant, President's Office Relations, Office of University Relations Stan Stowik, Manager, Bryant Bookstore Claire Senecal, Manager of Academic Records George Coronado, Director, Public Safety KrisropherKristopher Sullivan, Director of Graduate Michael Curan, Superintendent of Housekeeping Studies Donna Harris, Assistant Director of Alumni Tom Chandler, Professor of English Relations Lisalisa Tramontozzi '05 Lori Johnson, Director of Undergraduate Kara Paganini '05 AdVisingAdvising Anthony Furnari '06 Michael Cusick '06

Guest Services Restrooms and telephones are located in Residence Hall 16 and in the Bryant Center. Health Services is located in Residence Hall 16 and will be open during the Commencement ceremony. Lost and Found is located in the Public Safety Office in the Unistructure. Film and Bryant memorabilia can be purchased at the Bookstore located in the Bryant Center. A limited number of listener-assisted head sets are available at the sound control booth at the back of the tent.

Please ask an usher if you need assistance in locating any of these services.