
Unit 9 Study Guide: The

1. Of the three major categories of elements (, non-metals, and ) which is the largest? Metals

2. What are some properties of metals? They are malleable, ductile, shiny, good conductors of electricity and thermal energy.

3. What are some properties of non-metals? They are brittle, dull in appearance, poor conductors of electricity and thermal energy.

4. What are some properties of metalloids? They are semi-conductors, some are shiny some are dull, some are brittle.

5. is , what do you think it would look like? (*hint: describe the properties) It should have the same properties as a metal.

6. What is a model? A model is a representation of an object or phenomena (model of atom, city map, etc.).

7. What is malleability? A property of metals, it is the ability to me flattened into sheets.

8. What is ductility? A property of metals, it is the ability to be drawn (pulled) into wires.

9. What are semiconductors? A property of metalloids, they conduct electricity when they are heated above room temperature.

10. What does a square in the periodic table usually include? The name of the element, its chemical symbol, its and it average . 11. What are the vertical columns called in the periodic table? They are called groups or families.

12. What are the horizontal rows on the periodic table called? They are called periods.

13. Explain the relationship between elements in the same group. They have similar chemical and physical properties because each one has the same number of electrons. Unit 9 Study Guide: The Periodic Table

14. How many periods are there in the periodic table? 7

15. What are atoms made up of? List the charge and location of each particle within the atom. The nucleus contains the (positive charge), the (no charge), and the electron (negative charge) found in the energy levels surrounding the nucleus.

16. What determines the identity of an atom? (*hint: think about what makes different than ). The identity of an atom is determined by its atomic number (the number of protons in its nucleus). 17. What is an ? are atoms with the same atomic number but different mass numbers (same number of protons but different number of neutrons).

18. Which element is in the same family as (C) and the same as (Ag)? (Sn)

19. If an atom has an of 78 and an atomic number of 22, how many neutrons does it have? 56

20. What do all the elements in the same period have in common? They have the same number of energy levels.

21. If an atom has an atomic number of 15 and an atomic mass of 46, how many protons does it have?


22. What would be the mass number of an oxygen isotope that has 8 protons and 5 neutrons? 13

Unit 9 Study Guide: The Periodic Table

23. If there was an empty space in the periodic table below an element which has an atomic mass of 24 amu’s and above another element that has an atomic mass of 88 amu’s, estimate the atomic mass of the missing element? About 40.

24. What properties would you expect the missing element in question 23 to have? The properties of a metal.

25. Why are noble gases typically unreactive?

Because their outer energy levels of filled to capacity with valence electrons.

Label the parts to the element square. Explain what each part means and tells us.

Atomic number

Chemical Symbol 11

Chemical Name Na

Sodium Atomic Mass
