(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7.938,646 B2 Aldersley (45) Date of Patent: May 10, 2011

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7.938,646 B2 Aldersley (45) Date of Patent: May 10, 2011 USOO7938646B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7.938,646 B2 Aldersley (45) Date of Patent: May 10, 2011 (54) THREE-DIMENSIONAL PERIODIC TABLE (56) References Cited (76) Inventor: Michael F. Aldersley, Kingston, NY U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (US) 3,581409 A * 6/1971 Alexander .................... 434.282 6,581,822 B1* 6/2003 Garran ....................... 229, 116.4 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this * cited b patent is extended or adjusted under 35 c1ted by examiner U.S.C. 154(b) by 112 days. Primary Examiner — Xuan M Thai Assistant Examiner — Evan R Page (21)21) Appl. NoNo.: 12/272,2129 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Hiscock & Barclay, LLP (22)22) FileFiled: Nov.OW. 17,If, 2008 (57) ABSTRACT (65) Prior Publication Data The invention includes a three dimensional periodic table of US 2009/O181351A1 Jul. 16, 2009 the chemical elements and a method of learning about the periodic nature of the elements. Included are several card Related U.S. Application Data board or paper sheets, each having a plurality of blocks that display information about particular elements. The blocks are (63) Continuation of application No. 11/199,031, filed on arranged in groupings of elements with similar properties, Aug. 8, 2005, now abandoned. such as the transition Earth metals. Students follow a set of instructions provided with the sheets to cut out the groups, (51) Int. Cl. fold along particular lines, and affix tabs together to assemble G09B 23/24 (2006.01) several three dimensional forms. The students then place the B65D 85/67 (2006.01) forms on a planar map that indicates where to place each form (52) U.S. Cl. ........................................ 434/282; 206/579 and indicates how to follow the periods of elements between (58) Field of Classification Search .................. 434/282: the forms. 40/118: 206/579 See application file for complete search history. 12 Claims, 16 Drawing Sheets YNSSasa NSNSSSSSSSNNewySSSSSYSSNs U.S. Patent May 10, 2011 Sheet 1 of 16 US 7.938,646 B2 U.S. Patent May 10, 2011 Sheet 2 of 16 US 7.938,646 B2 114 v 18 g shi - ful 3t 18 E. 4 4 Berylliumr; Beryllium'', 7 Beryllium 12 12 11 11 11 12 MagnesiumMg,Mg Magnesium SodiumNa SodiumNa SodiumNa MagnesiumMg 24 24 23 23 23 24 20 20 19 19 19 20 Ca Ca K K K I Ca Calcium Calcium Potassium Potassium Potassium Calcium 40 40 39 39 39 40 38 38 37 37 || 37 38 Sr Sr Rb Rb Rb Sr Strontium Strontium Rubidium Rubidium Rubidium Strontium 88 88 85 85 85 88 56 56 55 SS S5 56 Ba Ba Cs Cs CS Ba Barium Barium | Caesium Caesium Caesium Barium 137 137 133 133 133 137 88 88 87 87 87 88 Ra Ra Fr Fr Fr Ra Radium Radium Francium Francium Francium Radium 226 226 223 223 223 226 U.S. Patent May 10, 2011 Sheet 3 of 16 US 7.938,646 B2 18 214 :> 08 09 O 11 12 YHnHahnium MeitneriumMt. Darmstadtium Ds Roenignum.Rg UnunbiumUub Uniog (Lingpoon Ingolo UIlluq.(I uncovL 1 8 12 J. (CI oW LO 90 SO O 68 tInputeH unIyo unlog unpopopn unoor Linuanc wily utilov UInquinu?) UH H | H J L (OI oW W Cl? 8O LO AOL 90 SOI 0. 68 68 6 98. 98. 8L 18 8L 6. 6. O unusoSO unugua unuela uosaunM. L unleueeLT L unluyehJH unuequee unueuguee goewH 9. SL SE, 7. L ZL. LS LS 08 O 66 66 96 E6 6 68 68 unugunungoutpal untipal up. W unqoN LIlluoortz unIX UIn unlupe) n 3L 3L OW QN IZ A | A PO 7 E7 y O 6. 6E 8 9S S S S IS St. St. St. S9 uo |esoueguew losaueguew unpuoryo unipeueA unuel Lunpreps unpues 37. e IA. W. IO A L PS OS UZ 9. S. S. 7. O / asgureauewSS LinguoS to unpeueAS : ungue.LSt. unpueosS. --- Na----------vr UW IO A L OS —r 18 z z 18 26 27 28. 29 30 Fe Co Ni CLI Zn Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc 56 57 58 64 65 27 28. 29 30 g C --- 1 8 Ag Silve? Cadmium 108 12 78 79 8) PlatinumPt AuGold MercyHg 18 195 197 20 110 111 112 Meitnerium DarmstadiumDs RoentgeniumRg Uub U.S. Patent May 10, 2011 Sheet 4 of 16 US 7.938,646 B2 st 18 / - Y - S Heie in Bin Bin Carbo.in NFenNitro NigenN | Ulen9 Uen9 O 3. 13 14 15 1S 16 Ne A A Si P : P S Neon Aluminium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Phosphorus Su r Sulphur Kron Indium Indium Tin Antimony Antimony Tellurium Tellurium al 115 115 19 122 122 128 28 x | f | f | F | Bi Bi Fo I Fo Xenon Thallium Thalium Lead Bismuth Bismuth Polonium Polonium p 3. 204 204 2O7 209 209 210 210 20 85 13 13 14 15 15 116 1S 11 N RnRadon UnutriumUut Ununtrium.Uut Ununquadium.Uuq Ununpentium.Uup Unuuptatium.Uup UnunhexiumUuh UhunhexiumUuh UnunseptiUus 113 114 115 Y ^ Uut Uuqi Uup Unutrium. Ununquadium. Unuapentin 9. U.S. Patent May 10, 2011 Sheet 6 of 16 US 7.938,646 B2 a &CN U.S. Patent May 10, 2011 Sheet 7 of 16 US 7.938,646 B2 \ 08 A M9 s Vg Ayub2 Hahnium Meitnesium Roettgerium. Unuubiulu -1 8 L 12 unlog \utloyalty unloot \ unluency \ unusov -YN isO. 9.is S. isy sy68 tEow uniqal 98 unuyog unpopoang unpo (or unuqna utiliovAC "S q JR I y - S1 AO 90 SO 70 68 6E se | 08 bL£A. JHL eI'S - 6 -urg A "palum Apollunusow win unitz wrix pO L5i," ow"qNZA'y y 07 6 A' - Se WosauS ww.uniuoS univaS wall unitiesS 55 oS uZ, UWSz Oz | A L S -9 asuggw/it? unligatofmi?uni, unpura / upgnII8. unpuosGy N | 492 Of A / ILf /73S If f7 f 26 27f f : 7 29 30 Fre / Co / Wi CL ( Zn / Iron C oat57bal Nge / crper 2g / 2/ / 2 2 2 2 /as 62A /AM7as 7 7. f277 AZ / A / A27/4A / C. / --- /// / Okina (2/A/A/4f7/A/ / Aziz / Azziz 22A /Affif. / / / 7. 22 As2 A227 227 / /2 22 Zvo 777 7 ze /Ala?ianaAAA //Matizanaz7/2amsaariua/Arangeliian/Auabiaur 4A As AAA U.S. Patent May 10, 2011 Sheet 8 of 16 US 7.938,646 B2 214 sSis w VS S ŠN\&N. N. S. \SYSSYN N & h l s la 21 2. 23 Sc Ti V Scandium Titanium Wanadium 48 51 41 Nb S Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium 91 93 96 99 73 t 214 \ v Fig. 8 S S. wSa sis SN R NS Nay Yal YNN NS s y S. s S ShSS YYSS,Ys. NSSNYSSNSNSYNNNss NSat s \ R 26 27 28 29 30 S FeIron CobaltCo NickelNi CgerCui ZnZinc S. S6 ST 58 65 T NRNR Rh45 Pd46 Ag Cd48 R RutheniumO1 Rhodium103 Palladium106 SilverE. E.ium N S. 76 77 78 79 80 Sh NSOs.| Osmium IridiumIr, PlatinumPt. AllGold Me g 190 192 195 197 20 108 109 10 112 N HahniurnHn MeitneriumMt. Darmstadiurn Ds Roentgium.Rg UnunbiumUub U.S. Patent May 10, 2011 Sheet 9 of 16 US 7.938,646 B2 Th|Pa 9091 91 141 5859 Pr|Nd 231238 144 5960 Thorium|ProtactiniumUranium|NeptuñiumPlutonium|AmericiumCuriumU||Np|Pu U||Np|Pu „E?Samarium|E.9? Pm||Sm 929394 Uranium|Neptuñium|PlutoniumAmericiumCurium 929394 6162 ium[Praseodymium|Neodymium|Promethium|SamariumEuropiumGadolinium Samarium|×GadoliniumCeriumCerium[Praseodymium|Neodymium|Promethium|GadoliniumTerbium Pm|SmEuGd Am|Cm 9596 6364 237242243247 Am||Cm|Bk 147150152157 Eu||Gd|Tb 247 157 140††144150|-152157 CuriumiBerkelium 249 95969697 159 63646465 U.S. Patent US 7.938,646 B2 N U.S. Patent May 10, 2011 Sheet 11 of 16 US 7.938,646 B2 U.S. Patent May 10, 2011 Sheet 12 of 16 US 7.938,646 B2 37 Rb Rubidium 85 SS Cs Caesium 133 87 U.S. Patent May 10, 2011 Sheet 13 of 16 US 7,938,646 B2 Cs 12 Caesium 133 87 Fr Francium 223 - U.S. Patent May 10, 2011 Sheet 14 of 16 US 7.938,646 B2 12 27 C N Caray 82 Pb Lead Bismuth 2O7 209 36 Uu Ununtrium UU19U UUupl d 3 A. AS \ 3- UutUnur trium AUucVup Vjnuntuarium. Ununpertium unbounuguitasunurunaluru U.S. Patent May 10, 2011 Sheet 15 of 16 US 7.938,646 B2 116 Uuh Ununhexium U.S. Patent May 10, 2011 Sheet 16 of 16 US 7.938,646 B2 US 7,938,646 B2 1. 2 THREE-DIMIENSIONAL PERIODCTABLE The surface of each of the spheres is divided into an upper hemisphere and a lower hemisphere. The hemispheres are CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED preferably detachably mounted. The outer surface of each of APPLICATIONS the hemispheres is marked with discrete sectors containing indicia that denote the chemical elements. The tables taught This is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. by Katz do not readily depict the natural groupings of the 11/199,031 filed Aug. 8, 2005. elements, such as the transition metals and alkaline groups. Further, since the spheres taught by Katz are concentrically FIELD OF THE INVENTION mounted, the inner spheres are at least partially concealed by 10 the outer spheres. Therefore an improved three dimensional This invention relates to a periodic table of the chemical periodic table that readily displays the natural groupings of elements as a tool for learning about the elements. the elements and which does not conceal information about any of the elements is needed. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 15 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION It is generally accepted in physics and chemistry that the universe is made up of a number of stable and less stable The invention comprises, in one form thereof, a three elements ranging in progressive units of atomic masses.
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