TC Online First, published on November 9, 2016 as 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2016-053212 Tob Control: first published as 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2016-053212 on 9 November 2016. Downloaded from Research paper Tobacco industry use of flavourings to promote smokeless tobacco products Ganna Kostygina,1 Pamela M Ling1,2 1Center for Tobacco Control ABSTRACT engineer fruit-flavoured tobacco products. An ana- Research and Education, UCSF, Background While fruit, candy and alcohol lysis of candy and tobacco products found some San Francisco, California, USA. 2 characterising flavours are not allowed in cigarettes in tobacco products contained higher levels of flavour Division of General Internal 9 Medicine, Department of the USA, other flavoured tobacco products such as chemicals than candy. Medicine, UCSF, San Francisco, smokeless tobacco (ST) continue to be sold. We The 2009 US Family Smoking Prevention and California, USA. investigated tobacco manufacturers’ use of flavoured Tobacco Control Act prohibited candy, fruit, additives in ST products, the target audience(s) for alcohol and spice characterising flavours in cigar- Correspondence to fl fl Dr Pamela M Ling, University avoured products, and marketing strategies promoting ettes, as avours make cigarettes easier to smoke 10–13 of California, San Francisco, products by emphasising their flavour. and increase youth appeal. ST was not Box 1390, 530 Parnassus Methods Qualitative analysis of internal tobacco included in this regulation. Additional research is Avenue, Suite 366, industry documents triangulated with data from national needed to better understand the role of flavours in San Francisco, CA94143-1390, USA;
[email protected] newspaper articles, trade press and internet. smokeless products.