~ PORTLAND DAILY v>tabiis,,ei June S3, isos. voi. ». WEDNESDAY PORTLAND, MORNING, JUNE 1 18*;7,* J-erms JJoliat - , 20, ~niii Jut/ntriiiniriTriii "per annum, in advance.

Ltjl. i\j 1> DA IL PU&SS \> puolifdj •* «J BUftbNJLSS CARDS. MI8CEUit 1»1S« li 8. RsuitlO V 4». > vuwday <\c«qded,) ui No. 1 Printers’ Kv.-ou.r 8i't.l or more soldier* •. t.'oinau'U-ial Street, Portland. were drawn up in bn N. A. PfiOPKlKTJR. t 'ions around the in-ide KOSTEIC, T. If. R DAILY press. of the course, in on* t HASKELL, the E 31 O \ A L, ! kbxh:—Eight Dollar? a year in advance. 111 ATLANTIC p the infantry, in another the artillery, in p°htland. another the The I HK mAIM: STATICPit ESS.ia publishedatthe Attorney & Counsellor B. 1\ SMIlH & cavalry. soldier* participat- ^ 1 a benefit CO., •. iior.-day moriiinif ut $2.u0 year, mutual Mutual Insurance ing were tlic special Over Imperial military school luvariul.iy iii advance. Firm National Bank, Jl Walt Company. PIIOTOG R APIS ERS! St, cor. William, NEW YORK, Wednesday Moum^, juns 23, i££7. of St. Cyr, the Imperial Guard and the active Katj : .•.ivvnm.-iMi.-oiic «n«'h oi January, 1887. space,in Corner Middle and Plum Life Insurance Have removed Irom No. 1 Market divisions of the first army corps, under com- ‘•‘n.Mi o o. o it met* Streets, Company, Square .“square.'* where > they Lave been lo- mand of ihnly nr.-t week: To ceutp tcmpoianly Insures Marine Marshal Corob* rt,commandant of the per ME. uied to t oir against and Inland Navi- w i. io<. i: or PORTLAND, N. J. 4 ITuion State ■■** ka:ier; ll. low, continu- Newark, gation Risks. Convention. fi *',*“**.,and Marshal Regnard de Saint Jean 1m : ov. ,' !..-r ii.ty atn r •'«'>t 50 cent*, Juno 20. week, dlw&oodlw* in 1840. Charter New siucl TlieUnion voters01 d’ flail : mi tt i. e inseitioui*or I Organised Perpetual. spaeioiug Rooms Maine*re rci.ucau,) tog’in Augily. lose, 7ftcent*; one to a a! o. Thu whole prolits ot the revert delegates Cunveniion to he Tielu i,A .. No. Company to the At uuutit two’ o’clock a A '* S. FREEMAN & 15S* Middle Assured, a ml are divided H>ll, A\ ocs 1 A, on Tnviitn 1, dun, large company of s.':kn r.«s.” no uer CO., losses on deceased members tr and Street, anuuaily, upon the Preiui *7ui,‘utll square Having paid amounting 80,125,425, oi urns terminated n't luck A. ior tl.e hi IloILi: at II I'jt v.ivi., tiiitc $1.so. Corner Cross, during he year; and lor which Cer- .Vi., ] urpo.>c Lem. military men on horseback headed by Napole- lees, tilieatCK arc didate fir ana a. other hn,. •": 1 Commission Which have been fitted issued, bearing interest until redeemed. Governor, nsnctitir, any on !' quaie toy it»c lir.-t in- Merchants ! in p expressly lor tlic PHOTO- entered the and were received :, uacond to none m the * oors ‘(i' lsil New basis ot reprtSviiutucn tviU ;e as lu.loa* and music. In this wore Bi*oa*l street, England, and far superior to any in Hi* vicin royal cortege .\(i\ I.: secured to The Each town aim (ion will J. mill e l u in cried in the “Maine State Samufl ) amounting over has just declared its TWENTIETH annual ily tor the convenience and Companv has the Assets viz: city, plain the Freeman, $12,000,000, accommodation oi eus following one a it an Rmperor, Czar, the King of " w :1 tomer*. our Uiiited‘Itatcs and State dolecate. itiiGn ionnl lor, very Prussia, _, lar o circulation tn K. D. Appleton. NEW YORK. personal attention, will be to ev- ol New-York s oeks cir» iietcpate 11' s *' every pnv- j give seventy Uve votes c. si tor Jo-liua French $1.1*0 for ery Picture, ana we ass in our jJa:iu and other L. ckaiuncilaiii -^‘>'1, Minister of War, Count per square lir.-t iuserik-n* attention Dividend, being 50 per cent. .former patrons and Stocks, $0 771 *8$ ui at the -' 1 mi.. r G ^'Particular given to the purchasing | Loausateeured Gubeniatorl 1 ilcciion of M il. A Irael.oi. 11 l,.im on, square tor each subsequent inscr- the public gen-rally tliat wo intend to do a by Stocks and otherwise, l! 129*5 .o tf> Duke of Marshal f\ t* of Elmir ami drain. superior Kenl aTu? tarty votes will be entitle,! 10 an additional Magenta, Bazaine, Hnsa of work, and wo guaranice-kalisfiriion In i.-drvte, Bonds and Ot ueiegair. the Rcl. runcea—Da\Id E. McKennsy & The Annual Income lor was $4,034,855.30. everyJ Mortgages, 221.280 .JAMES G. Kt-azer, Esq 1866, ease. Interest ami sundry notus and claims due LAii.E, Cz»"Hitch, Grand Duke of Wbdimir, Oo., W. & c. It. Millikan, J. B. Carroll. K«i.. T. H. the JAMES 51. ST 5E. Prince The public are invited to call and examine comi an., estimated .at 141fc«;6 24 Dolgorouke, Count Count Weston & Co. Juuellatf It continues to issue all classes of Lite at the lowest rates consistent with speci- Premium N. a. POST d’Adlerbery, Folicies, mens of Notes and Bills tl II, «;aiiiks. Cash in Receivable, 3,837!785 E. H. Sclionwalous, Court to tho members. Its features are in Bank HAi.Eou, Waroutzow, Prince 1a. F. F1NGBKB, perfect security distinguishing economy expenditure, 434,^7^ LI E St ill Porcelains, LAND, Wittgenstein, General Leboeuf, General and caro in its A new and Bevdtiful H. B. PEESCGTi. Fave, Pattern ard Model Muk^r and management. Picttoe, made only bv us •12.538,314 A and Huron Crown Charles 1*. Machinist, in this city. JuSEP.i M. HAVES, Bonrgoing, Prince of Pros-' Mattocks, Ns. 4 l.J Eicbange >lmi, S. S. It pays no stockholders for the nse of no bouuscs or commissions to (.^"Particular attention (o MAltBEK sia, Prince Louis of Hesse, Duke of Saxe H. capital, officers, paid Copying. TRUflEBS: K. Wei- j unelOd 1 m Over c. Earley’. Nautical Store. finished in Inula it T, slMO.NTON, and no Photograph* Ink, v. and Water John D. Prince of Hesse Casael, and ('ounselier at immoderate compensation to agents. the Jones, Win. El.IAS mar, Count Bismarck Attorney Law, Color, by best vrtis's. te Sturgis, MILEHiE.S, IS. 1*. A «. W. Purtlai.U. Dems, Henry K. JAMES B DASCOMB. General Count Goltz, Count C4AAL VKKUILL, May 15, May 15. cod 3m 11. H. Bogort, Moiskc, Peskier’ BISK BUILUIKR, All its Directors attend its meetings, and serve on its committees. Its risks are care- 1911i._ J; Moore, Joshua J. Henry, J. S. MONK E. Attorneys & Counsellors at JOHN Mgjo- Prince General f n Law, Dennis 1 ENaON, Radziwill, Fallly, Gen- Nil Jlid.il. ... selected so as to Perkins, iiiretl Portluud. IVo. 17 Enknuge Me. fully sccuro sound lives. It is careful in adjusting losses and prompt in G. N. K. SAtVt r*bi bit 1 HI., Portland, r e mov inr. T" u‘: Piekeisg Jos. Gallard, Jr., bit. eral T’cille, General Fleury, Prince of Mot- ocean Curtis, J. CHAS. B. Insurance Building. payment. Henry Bilrgy, PAINE, and other and March 16 dCui Chap. H Russel). Cornelius EELWKU.V n POWERS cow, foreign princes generals, J. tV. SYtiO.KDii, GEO. L. FfCKETT, i.oweli Grinncll, Its funds are invested with Holbrook, C. A. Hand, State Coinndttee. including some American officers. regard to security, never hazarding principal for interest; Successor to has _Union : a. n. Stephen Gale, removed to hia»new 'Veston> B. J. Connsollor 11 Law, ft !'£CI! Howland, Alter around the course in front of noves&soST hence it has never lost a dollar on in investments. After losses and expenses, and store, Royal Phelps. Benj. A Special Thai?; is announced to leave riding S*H diddle Bunk paying Babcock, IM, (Canal Building,) 143 near Caleb Barsiow, Fletcher Portland on the of the J7th the the retinue took the Manufacturers and dealers In the value of all it has always made an annual dividend of Coagrctii) Washington Street, A. Weekray, morning Thursday, troops, position facing Muvll.Ul -reserving outstanding policies, P.P.Uot P.ebt.B Mini at 7 o’clock to Where he will keep a choice stock of aud urn, Jr, in*t., accommodate those wish- or as we should call the COUTjLjANOi^ return to Drugs 'U. K. Dodge, Gordon W. Tribune, it, judges premiums the members, and paid them when due. Medicines, English and American Goo -dtl fRW MilLkINti Off Daniels. Maj U91K IT., Miller, the Grand Duchess Maria oi every premium paid. John D. Joses, President. Russia, Princess l'. .1. the CHARLES Charles Louise of Princess Alice of SCHCMACHKK, (Opposite Market.) It W. GODDARD, Desnip, Vice-President. The Sew Icaue. Hesse, England, endeavors, in brief, to act in all respects as a faithful trustco for the members. Having for '' H. H. Moore, 2d Vice-Prest. Where trill be to see all tbetr tbrraer Princess Matilda, Princess the Duch- they pleased J. D. 3d Vice-Prest. A new issue is Eugenie, IS JUilomers and over tbis it to .... Hewlett, fairly raised between the F ESC© PA 8 Y TICK. receive orders as usual. augl7dil a twenty years pursued course, proposes contiuue it in tbo future, and offers its & Solicitor in J. II.Cbapuan,SecibUtiy. ess of Hamilton, Princess Lueieu Prin- Lawyer Bankiuptcy. President and Congress, or rather between the Murat, DID c ut the Drug Store ol Messrs. A. O. Schlatter- advantages to all who desire to Insure in • Company so conducted. HAS REMOVED TO cess Joachim Murat and the brother of the J.D.& F. lor Insurance President and the the Ty- FESSENDEN, Applications made to people, by Attorney coon. The then bock & Co., No. lOO troops defiled in eloae eol- LEWIS O. GROVER, President. Exchange Street. John W. General’s construction of the Military gov- :*OII l oujjims si, Jlunger, umt:s between the horsemen and the stand. E*ori!ani], lYJc, COUNSELLORS AT EDWARD A. STRONG, Secretary. BENJ C Vice-President. Opposite Savings Bauk ernment aet, the declared ja12dti One LAW, MILLER, Building. junel8tt supplemented by At the close of the review door above lirown. ALEX. H. JOHNSON, Cashier. AMZ1 Mathematician. WChflee lionrs from 8 A.M. b?5 the Emperors re- 50 DODD, intention of the Executive to be governed by Exchango st., Removal. 0)1 ice 166 Fore Portland. sumed their carriages and proceeded towarAi n. m n n Medical Examiners. St., that construction In the execution of the law. e We i t , IA.ME3 D. VltSSINDEX, I EXPRESS has removed March 12—dlmho.lu»c Exchange Street, Losses his but not at all the Street, WO OLE lY GOODS ! equitably adjusted and promptly paid, Royal, Serene, Highness, tol. One of the hostlers, seeing the motion, Dealer* lias no superior, will please apply as above. leblodlt Portfaud. in NtoeliK, Bouda. apr30dtoje2i) Prince of Wales. the new cri- OomiiMeMt, Suited to Consequently bis horse to tho side and I Ntntc, CHy x«u«l Town fet-ariiiet. the season, which will be galloped carriage :.la.s, D. \V. DlasR. C. L. (Juinby. sis arising under the reconstruction acts is met it n GOLD BOUGHT AND PURELY MUTUAL I drove against the arm of the young man, who, __ SOLD. ELEGANT PAPER Made to Order at Fair Frices. tho same who were alarmed 7.30 Rotes convened into 5 20 Bonds. CARRIAGES COLLARS! THE calmly by people nevertheless fired botli charges. One ball hit Howard a? on . June 17. il3w at the to the liutli cleaves, Exchange “whitewashing” message the nose of the scattered blood over the Gold and New horse, coupons, compound interest notes bought. England mutual excited at the Congress, first veto, ami enraged the Czar and Prince and Business paper uegotiated. C. J*. Cloth at the Button Hole. l Emperor, Vladimir, k C*inshw[«rs at 1867. Notice Removal! ife Insurance at the 22d of W ith ns dm Attorneys Law, Ponlind, April 2fi, Apl 20. 3m Kimball’s, of Gomp’y, February speech. passing was lost in the crowd on tho opposite one who wears of mass. u paper collars should, be- Boston, obqanizkd ims. maxim, “The can do no O.LvX’I.A.^D, M Preble fore THIS BRITISH English King wrong," side. Borne say a lady was killed, some Q. A. Street, EVKBYpureh&sng, examine the CONSUIiATE, Cash Assoia, January 1, 1867, *ay $4,700,000. may well be rendered “The President cun uo SUSSKRAUT, AND THE OFFD E OF Cash Dividends of now she was on.y slightly wounded. Thu other bar- Office So. 30 Exchange. Street, Portland, Maine. 1864-5, in course of IHPOBTKU, NEW payment, no harm. oded and tore off Uow;i! I, t.viiil n Nutli.m ClMvva, COLLAR, GFOKOK If. STARR, 075,000. rel exp o"0 of the lingers o. duae|i!i MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IK TAKE great pleasure in saying to my friends and ( Total Surplus Willi loth at (he button which makes a Have tx.en Divided, 2,200,000. This accounts tor the moderation displayed I that 1 have now on and am con- hole, paper removed to the Losses Paid in the would-be assassin. The Emperor imam customers hand, collar the same strength as linen. I860, 314,000 1>MS. PH Fi stantly making, a large number of the most Total Losses the leaders and by the press in KNAlD, Hats and Elegant The huisli of this collar Fives Uie same and Payson Block, fto 80 St. Paid, 2,367,000. hy Republican ('lately rose up iu his carnage and said- Furs, Carriages, in Finish and ever beauty Exchange Income for coolly Caps, Style, durability otter- apixi.irance of tbo finest linen collar made. It I860, what measures arc to he taken to ed In New Portland, Jane, 18C7. d2w* 1,T78,0Q0. considering "Gentlemen, no one is wounded.” The Caar 136 Middle England. Linen Finished Byrons, 0x1 ord Sliakc- SSiST*Annual Distributions in C.x&h. /f'. ©EMTISTS, Street, Having greatly enl&n.d my I hereaf- Enameled, CO Local any injury resulting from the factory, hopo spear Linen Finished: all with cloth button tor Agents Wanted, and also Canvassers can prevent nullify- with equal coolness remarked, we NO. 8 ter to he able to nuiuerc us hole, make “Well, Sire, 7.3 SilBBBB SttiiliKT. PORTLAND, MAINE. supply my custoimus, sale by all the Hist class and r¥¥q y a l good arrangements to work tor the above Co. ing of Mr. which the with all kinds of fine cele- clothing lurnishiaip : opinion Stanbery, (Jap- have seen fire together.” Meantime the exas fcSr Cush paid for Furs. mrlldtl Carriages, including my goods dea era. Ai.ply to Kill* itiHALL Ar **>!*• C. N. i’EIUCL. S. C. 1'EKNALD. shipping brated and tain Cuttles of the Cabinet have received as it ‘•-lump Seat,” invented Patented by me in The Trade felOutt General Agents lor Matoe, Biddefora, life. crowd seized the man and were in supplied by SHEPUiY A. STROUT pointed young I'VlivtBirv 21. fltr I3b4, addition to those heretofore built wliieh 1 it were indeed an and oracular WOO ambiguous ut- to kill him on the have greatly improved, I have just invented an en- OMAN, TUUE Ac CO., about spot, Jaut the polioe- WALTER COREY & Hew fjt Maine. terance of Jack instead of an unin- 00, tirely Style Jnmn Meat, with Buggy Top to Junelld3mAgents COUNSELLORS AT PHOENIX Buusby, uicu with drawn swords rescued him and con- fall hack or take six LAW, Deyvi;:- Manufacturer* akd ik off, making different the Cincinnati is no Millikan & Go., Dealers ways OFFICE. spired lawyer. Cigarly there ducted him to sate in a same carriage can be used, each perfect In itmdf, and I>. W. quarters hack. GLAUK, Mutual Life IiMirance occasion tor ahum even it does not manufactured by no otlier eonccrn lu the United OVEK CANAL NATIONAL BANK, Company! Cougtess Arriving at the office of the Chief of Police States. Wholesale These carriages give the most perfect satis* Of It art < meet in All the evil out ct Dry Goods, FURNITURE! No middle St. lord, omi. July. growing tins hr was and the •action, as some hundreds of testimonials 1 have at Ice House Maiket SCJ questionod following was de- 58 (.V. office will Cuts of the Street, G. F. SIIEPLEY. A. A. ROUT. EDSON last ixeak of the President must tin. the CO Middle Street. my prove. Jump Seats, sent jiriiu3dlm ST FESSENDEN, President. upon veloped: Ho is a Pole, aged twenty, intelligent, Looking Glasses, Mattresses, by mail to those wi.-hlng »o purchase. OJilcc 32 Street. JAMES F. South. If the law is administered A’oriianrt, Maine. Exchange BURNS, Sooretary. according a mechanic. He left his Poland home twe augOJ-itii_ All persons are hereoy cautioned againt making or REMOVED. 0 Poloyne," ’All f* Attorney Law, carriages can be purchased tor at an other es- day, 1st, ?<: all seasons ot the >ear without extra X>v coir tind stating nails. Caretal attention 15 •* « *< « Wo. OT charge. cilices, but thu incumbents will be liable to a tablishment. Please call and examine before 8.00 Excliaugc St. attempt the life of llie hated ruler. The next paut i«* f murloaom And Solicitor pur- 20 41 44 44 It throws out almost all restrictions on occupation !iipj»hip. in Bankruptcy, chasing. loloo JKHBIIUU DO tV. trial by military commission if they are guilty he a and searched for FORTY CENTS PER 100 POUNDS. from its policies. uay purchased pistol hie C. P. Porttaiul, May 24,lSC7.-A iic :-.t. \j;, jaunchy KIMBALL, Treble St. Its are all victim, but vvus unable to llud him. The UO.i court, i'U-dJui I*e will be delivered earlier than 1st Jnno and later policies non-forfeiitug, as it always al- day e^rsaud Jo<> ’>< rs cl 1*1 H'oll April than 1st their authority will not be but InipL; HitkcI, K.w Y.rk City. October, at the tame rate per month as dui- lows the assure to surrender his policy, should he exclusive, duly alter lie rose early, took a Ugh- breakfast and lug the season. R EMOVA L concurrent with that of the district G-otnls and 9&T Commissioner tor Maine and Massachusetts. desire, the company a therefor. command- siaitud lor the review. Not the Czar "Worth. If giving paid-up policy finding Woolens, Jan. 29 dtf #io76oo not taken lor the full season the will bo ers. that %**♦*;*#!«• Ifj OP NEW price It pays all its losses promptly, during tho sixteen They tuay hope some luture Con- before lie entered the enclosure he waited till >tmiN lfl lbs. a day p* month, $2.00 of its admit F. 44 44 44 W. F. years existence never having contested a claim. gress win their less DAVIS, | 1. G. SCIILOTTEBBKCK 15 2.50 TODD, representatives upon lie should return. The rest of the story has al- d) CO., 44 Goods. id 3.00 oll'ensive conditions; hut beioro sficn a Con- If i. Millinery Has Removed his Slock of ready been written. t poktlam£&4 Kotloe of CHANGE of if at the The subscriber now to j- residence, given W is prepared give prompt gress can if the senti- !■■■ QUA:1.': and Office instead ol tlie whl assemble, ever, public bavo urged the Czar to back to Bns- _l__novft'esiur Apothecaries Chemists, New , always prevent dis- attention to all matters to this agency de- Many go Clapp's pertaining ment of the South will *503 Congress St., one door above Block, appointment. partment. become so eulightcued sia but lie that be can vr. F. Brown, emdomer Clocks and immediately, replies PHILLIPS et CO., Elm Street. Any leaving town for two Keels or more Watches, All persons desiring lniormation as to the instruction of Northern MB. at one Jewelry, insurance, by speakers and not on that shorten his PORTLAND, tme, by giving notice at the orjice, will be enti- the practical working and result ofnil the different account, stay nor one-kali of the stock tled to a doduwUon. From 25 Free street, to the new and commodious the freo circulation of Northern WS^oIesaBe Being ol the late Mr H. W. proper ‘brms of politics of life insur nee, tfc.. will l* at- newspapers his the IS*5*si Compounding Physicians’ Prescriptions 112 the change programme. Friday oigLt agists* Bobiusou, John St, New York, consisting of Complaints ayainst drivers l'or neglect, careless- Store, tended to by in person at his or address- and other that no Is one of our alities. ol or ceiling olUce, publications, coercive meas- was k'peef Urine; Preparations our ness, any cause, must be made at the oilier, and will ing hoi by mail. Persons al and de- whole city brilliantly illuminated in hon- *«. 148 I-'oro Street. own manufacuuie. we are caay insured, able to much lor their be attended, to promptly. additional will ures will bo necessary to secure the desired oci 17-, mrormaiiou. unu can ctfect tlrcir insurauco 011 a lull through modifications in tuc State constitutions. Sen- ,,YY.?.VteY.K?-p W supply ot LWBIN’S him .he most tavorable terms. It is reported that be bas requested that ell LX I KA< x\twor Suited io the Trade XewYorJt upon jo ir. ib, fO\Vl)EH ami s«»Ap. of City When? he v ill be* to see his ol 1 customers and ator Wilson that in a lew fix paxa, happy Parties throughout the Mate desiring to net as says years the South those who were arrested for Erie GOO US, Toilet Articles, Rced’f Colors. to receive new orders. shouting Liquid Dye Agents tor this old and will be lib- Wilton’* Herbs. Marsh’* Celebrated Trusses ami Store Lots on ldu7. popular Company, will complain of Massachusetts as being too be released. Portland April 25, ap27dtf e dealt with. W. IRVING la Pologne” may Goiiii- kor aud at Supi-or ers, Patent Medicines. Hall Cf> Exchange St., tally HOUGH, Attorney Law, Restorers, We shall oiler inducements to Milliners in General C5 conservative. President Johnson’s commiss- gars. Tobacco. large Agent, Exchange Street, Portland, Me. policy At the meeting of United States • o. 80 St. Portland and the The stock cost less than V^ljL9 K June ii). uti £xdiang(i Artists’ Arc. country. to can secure I>.V 0—i 11! Materials, Are., that oi Jobber out of New and we can af- then,if permitted prevail, ouiy ioners held on the Mr. L. F. Mellen—who Mar 29—3m any York; 8th, ford to sell at LOWLtt PlilCES than any Boston Five Store Lots 20 SI* General Insurance Broker, for the rebel States an unnecessary continu- has been elected of the Board In ft. Secretary m dealer 1 But Whether they bring more or less, Front, generally tTmt'ifiVhiLhts many triends and the puol c COSH X Counsellor at Law. ante Bwim as as a ance of their condition, W. jh'KlCHX, Running back 100 fuel, on Westerly bide of Ex- Broker, and can place 'jnre- ukh present unsatisfactory plane of Prof. C. Joy—offered the follow Lufkin & IT MUST BK SOLD! Public & of Gray, Perry. change street, formerly occuiiied by Walter Co ey (Votary CouiniiNitioucr Dredt, and Marine insurance to*ny extent iu the best Com- i and .nies in tiie of very great ing: J ik kv ; T ;i-:j } i hi R, B, MAXITEAC'l UIt Ell 8 others. lias removed 10 Cla, p s New Block, p United States. All business outiustod importance 'iS^dtii HAVE to c re aim I he laithtu at * ■. WE my ly tended to. found V' .*?} ?». Hf A H *r* j, AND JOBBERS OF OOK. EXCHANGE aN!) FEDERAL STREETS up rocoDstruction. It the South docs not par- reg«t Two Store O.lice at O. M. Lice’s No. 133 Fore One of tlie Most Milliners Lots 20 ft. Front, Jan 15. Fruit Taper Stole, St, tr nipt was made to take tboTife ot Stylish (Over Sawyer’s Store.) dtf where orders can be left. jul ICti iticipate in the next presidential noth- nisimpo.i- E';u*-.:0 •rAa'L-lU election, al the Czar ot V.-0d£EBS, IS C That can be Found in New York, Running back on Bide of Ex Mqjesty ltussia, and while with ATS, APS, FURS, eighty lect, Westerly ing hut a miracle can prevent its in So that Ladies will fiudthe latest Paris “Modes,” and change street, Merchant:.’ Ex- remaining deep orrow the m.-mory ot ilie assassination ( »ii d‘.i- a,. -..i -» and Frao Sis., formerly occluded by J8L K TS5. O V A. L. ! .Vug». the most beautiftil and W. D. If the South is of tne late our • change lto.dnson. power. restored, its strength Chief Magistrate of own ooun- !’ M ,v Straw Good* I Brooms, Brooms I Apply to will he greatly hut trv is stiil fresh in our minds; it is tbere- 1 i A increased, being •J'ri'.oill t-.'iiiii-aing uiul W111 to-Wsl 11g ,»I.• lupt- 5*1 50 Middle Si .over Woodman, True & Co’s, Bonnets and Hats W. 11. CLM'VUIID, BROOM already GEORGE A. THOMAS. AND BRUSH NlAINU- of it :ore ailewcii'i to. DiUct Lroui out *>l 1u\vii solicited. E sure supremacy may salely go ime the 3 MAINE. Either made by or under the e?q»ecial supervision ot May T-dtf Counsellor at CORNAU OilV.—Ail qualities and sizes, custom Unsolved ■, that as representatives of the Uni- Mu,v —u i PORTLAND, Law, made to order. Sold at wholesale. next without the Apr fi-dtf Madame Fowle, who bus had seventeen years, Comerof Wasu- campaign assistance of its ted States of America and And Solicitor of Patents, inertou and Congress Streets. Orders font abroad Commissioners to city experience. Southern allies. the Universal Exposuiou we tender the Em- ».i. a. i) o w w »; s, NATHAN Has Removed to promptly alien ed to. //. M. pay GOOLD, peror 01 itussia our of sox, ThisKIcbly paring business is now offered for sale May 4. tt R. NELSON BROWN & CO. The enemies of the party are, expressions thankful- Comer of 3 own and Uoiurr-aa Street;;. then, clearly ness that in His wire ./?/'£J3 CHAJSTT to any one applying in season. It will be sold before Merchant God, providence has TAlJLOlt, STOCK Tailor, BliOIVN’S NLW wrong in alleging that the ltepuhhcan leaders the life of HAH r.KMOVKDTO BROKER. July 20th, at whatever price it will bring, fgfif The jiie BLOCK. spared one, who like our own de- Has gut back to Ills Old _OU ceased lias No. 30 esta’to must be settled. Stand, A CARD. in their treatment of the reconstruction ques- President, made himself foiever Il- Ho. 333 1-3 Congress Street, Kxchanjfe Street, on will nee onr from as Harris lustrious Jgp*Y sign Congress Street, Waterhouse, tion have hut ends iu view. by giving liberty to millions of our PORTLAND ME no21dt look down Elm. No. 137 Middle JOBBliiii OK nothing partisan G' liNKH Oif CUES1NNX you Street, REMOVEDirom Ware’s lellowmen.” undersigned having The President would take such a course as lSt*. n litl Where he has a will Vijust 30, F. W. BOB INS splendid assortment of all kinds ol 1 Hall, The resolution was passed, ordored to be en- U. If. FEMiLL & €Oh ON. ami Furs. would insure the indefinite For the Administratrix. postponement of WHIPPLE May20-d0w Rats, Claps graved on parchment and was presented to the WM. W. ACO., the restoration of the Union, but members ol GA8 FITTERS, CLOTHS, Portland, Dec. 3d 166$. OPEN THIS DAY Czar last evening. NO. 31 UNION STREET. For Wholesale Dealers Congress in concluding to assemble on the 3d Wholesale Dray gists, LOSING & Gentlemen and Boy’s Wear, HARRIS «£ WATERHOUSE, THEIR NEW STORK The afl'aii has, naturally, caused the wild- CROSBY, in Hats, Caps, and Furs,have removed to their New of next month show a determination to thwart All work warranted satisfactory. References— and Which he is to make into 21 MARKET Slaters Tinners, ready Garments, Store, est excitement and coutiuucs to be the cue EQ JAKE, Si rout & McKonkey, master builders; Brown & this design. this we see the ac- respectfully announce to the citizens of AT THE VTilt No* 12 Street* \o. 3 Free unworthy f.u theme of P ME. Crocker, and stucco workers. V LOWEST BATES. J'lxcliaufic St. Block. great conversation. Alpheus. JUTLAND, plasterer* Portland and that are te tion of a of men who leel It07. d3m. WOULD vicinity, they xeady F. R. HARRIS. 11C4U J. E. WATEBHOCfil. body strong enough April 13. t April 1, attend to all orders for or on the And wo* Id invito the attention ot the Sluting Tinning B-ALL GOODS WARRANTED. and secure to all shortest notice. O PACKARD, Bookseller and Stationer, may be enough ignore selfish pur- o WRIGHT & P. S.—AB old en-tomors and found at No. 337 Congress St,, corner nr* Oak Varieties. <5 j. v. noitsnoN, BUCK, lots of new ones will Lr.® & poses, and act only as patriots and philanthro- Tin und tlnd him ready with his tc “Give them Fits.” St. jullCtt Goods Green tvood Slates, tape Clothing, Tailoring Dry It is a matter of Proprietors of t pists. pure benevolence for — l loo]) Skirt Ulunailicturer, Mill, Of all kinds, constantly on hand. All work warrant- marT-dtf 1———————MM—— rade to their Ouo Sunday, in the Episcopal Church in ed. them to hold a summer hut s BVCKSVILLE, 8. C. THE session; happily as one of the wardens d^aijjt. Orders from out of town attended with Larxc and well Assorted New Stock Parkersburg, Virginia, in Yellow Tine Timber and S. WINSLOW & CO.’S they do not forget that the restoration of ail i i, iiab. Treii ;fc aufi Aumcua Corsets, Ship promptness. Concrete Pavement was carrying around the large silver plate, a '.-ooda DEALERSStock. Orders solicited. Office Ne. 10)1 Federal Street. the States to practical relationship w.th the I'ceoa in use for young lady ot four summers put in her mit», Refertnces—It. P. Buck New Post Office Box 1025 Portland. Maine. NEW Is the best and cheapest anr> lacks, OLOvrs, Co., York; GROCERY! & Domestic Union, if it can be without sac- rtosrr.it?', Win. & Foreign Woolens, accomplished remarking as she did so. in a tone that was A »•! ail kind* «n i. »M 1 and Dress Duttons. McUilvery. Esq., Scursport; Ryan Davie, Reference—C. K. & L. E. Robt A Frost, Btrd, the of or Portland. mar2Gdii moved Into our rificing rights thefroedmen the future in the £;V ILaml-Kni; Uemcui \V?rsien Garments made Cub I on House,Bishop Baton and Hon John Mussey. new store, next door be- Sidewalks, Gardenwalks, tailors’ heard by those neighboring pews: : our Trimmings, order. ■■ <«. t '.n!.tr. HAVINGlow old stand, and iitted it lor a of the is an May 6—dtf —AlfD— safety nation, object the import- “.Mamma, I put my money in the pie-pan!” ft a. t» t ia{»*V» SSsmdc? CO&GILLISS S’i’KKET, YAH 1>E street Paving® Crossings, L. SAN1JE, FIBST CLASS ance of which far transcends all mere IcWS OR1 ufa 1'. ill! OBOCLKV, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods! party —A who has DEALER IN CcOnrs, Stable nu.i Warehouse Floors. Brooklyn gentleman, great we beg leave to return our t hanks to oui numerous interests. the fact that hom- “JQBDaFF RANDALL7" Purchased rhe vrcek for which will U They recognise in and teaches it with a for past tkvors, and inform them and tho It is moro durable than brick, and is ami elas- past Cash, faith Catechism, per- IP i c t u !• e Frames pub- easy a our U, B. Jli., nfviSG BEHOVED TO THE c ortered to the truce at the lawest market prices. ing part of territory under con- HUDSON, Gatrousgenerally, that while endeavoring to maintain our tic to the foot. Onn be laid in any place where a fcol military tinacity that would challenge tho admiration Ot all sizes and styles. beBl Of BEEF, and all kinds id permanent floor is required, for two-thirds the Soliciting your patronage, we remain trol by virtue of conquest is not altogether “JViWf'.Ki.I"rot of a Luiher or was tho r>. rr Store No. 145 Middle MI.A IN and \ EGKTABLES, we have added lo of Brick or Cement and in Gardena or Yours \ erv Truly, Calvin, putting young- A. i Frames made to order at short notice. Also. Pub- St., price Carriage consistent with our theories of tree our stock a choice ot and Drives ithout curb-stone. govern- a courso one when tha lishers’ General Agent tor Engravings, Litho- Ilivam Block,) variety pure groceries, hope est of four through day Studio Xo.'tOl 1-2 Congress Street. by selling the best af goods 'flic subscribers having the night to lay ment. They feel with all true tbat graphs, &c. purchased CHADBOURN & KENDALL. patriots came “Who Eve?” The Would respectfully invite the trade to examine their Al (lie the Concrete in this city ire now ropa ed to lay any- question up: tempted i t, ■*Les.-‘'itA given in and Drawing. Lowest Cash Price*! 15, when the seats iu the nat onal Painting 134 middle Street, Portland. stock of *4 hur Horn a Garden-walk to a Strcet-crossi 2. January legislature after a few moments’ ^9 shared patronagt. The same atten- thing little fellow, thought, i— Griffiths. LAW, By personal hope Galley, sumps ou the man who iz always telling what merit a .hare of pai rouge. WOOJLEJTS, 170 FOlliO STREET. JTOgJB’S BLOCK, public best references Europenn t'nrc«|i«»ilear<’. WILLIAM P. JORDAN, L3f The very given. AXD he would have did if he had bin ihare. I have April 3 dtf A. New and Store. 1667. dit No. 88 GKO. RANDALL. Paper Bag Portland, May 27, Pants, June 11, 18fTT. liotised that this kind never git thare.” Exchanee Street. Portland, Mareh 18.1887. dtf IIOLD3N & PiiABODY, JuneS. d30d Tailors' To the Editor of the Press: —The Ne.v Glasgow (Nova Scotia) Chroni- h 331 MITCHELL & Trimmings! CO., Pianos and Melodeons Tlie week just gone has been one of unusual cle says that two frogs were found a few days d ; aid Counsellors nt AGENTS FOR THE tiovf.oyb Law, F. W. GUPTILL, to inform the trade of Portland and coal mine. through- excitement In this nervous city. For several ;> his w ill prouiptm uuel ois]*■.Iiit. X\ ell known lor the I Jess to on his tor tlie it DRY ceries, Teas, Coffee, Flour, liy e, Graham Jr lour, Oat expatiate qualifications ©UNS! ©UiVS t at the Tuileries, but instead he ut comes covered with slime; consequently m;\ •.ii v, u! sas .n ol Charles Fobes, GOODS, rs in seaid* oJ musical in- reseption sp pa*r CMpIoyLe with or Music business. Strang •* AND Meal, Salt, Ac., businese card printed, plain, out of the coal a ii ti hi a i.V.mer \ airouuge Is olicilcd. AND to a trial b.fcre cloning the at the Theatre of Follies—a great can live in water taken HOSIERY GLOVES, size trorn ene-tourth to and one-halt ptiumeura lie .nvites pu> 1 evening ouly .tiaich any forty-nine undersigned Laving re-established bimself 27. u3Dl and in c bewherc assuring them in every instance complete piIE iu ot pounds, quantity from one hundred to one 1 in business on of folly, too,—and this may perhaps ac- mine. It is at present possession Miqot WOOLENS, mi) lion. mi isfiict on. piece HOOF SUETS AND his cool Bnt on tho ar- Consul at Piotou. SHFlUbAX a; CliJFFITllS, Have this day removed to tbe new and spacious store 00ESET8, Agent for lbos° beaut it ul Pianos made by llenry count lor reception.) Norton, American erected lor Manilla and F. Boston, which ore by com- EXCHANGE STREET, 311muuuc **"«**^ i> i! V fsTlSi £ i-7 them Straiv Taper Miller, pronounced rival of the King of Belgium, great e..gerness _Tin; I£H , musicians equal to tl>e best. the ream or ton petent With increased offers to this is ono from Lou- 58 ami CO Middle Ladies’ k Children’s by consl antly on hand, or made to and tuning ot Musical Instru- largely accommodations, to see him was manttesteu ana the teles which our dispatches morning St., Underflannels, all sizes and solicit ^^The remixing the the and best, assortment ot ]• alii aid Ora-itnu ! IStucoo and Maetio order, weights. We respectfully ments a.n.l attended public largest dated this at ono o’clock, which AND RETAIL. a pijuifptly personally have continued ever since commenced. don morning Wi-iker On the Old Site occupied by them previous to the WHOLESALE! share of the public patronage. iu to. Same stor v with A. G. Corliss, dealer Fancy last before 12 o’clock. great liic. HT* Corner of St. and Tolmau Place. After him cam# the Prince of Prussia and was received here evening A«. 0 Sautb Congress JUITCUELL & CO. Goods. Kneel, L’orllaual, Mo. March Ik. tf Feb the news oi Portland, 7, 1867.—dly 26. Goods! to date, of our readers are learning May dtt DO K^clianffc Street, Sporting then the Czar of Russia, lust of all, up Many v. be loro one half All k-ii'K .At i.;rl.a', liiLiuinifaul whiltv.lulling DU. A. J. LOi'HK) Alay 13. 3m PoBTl A.VP, IUE. th« ol Prussia. These last three person- this morning probably ■ King tn ne ncuci V -i proinp ly. We have also u OUT. splumihi SELLING sensation and of the reading citizens of London.” lot t»» U'jv. Gv-r.ti-'.- i-’.vws which cannot be surpassed cbemdeliersT risnlNd TAuKLil, ages have created the greatest which we will veil a! at DENTIST. New residos Deaoou iu 7G_v. Ihi ...and, prices A. D. BABNUM’8 is not in their favor. —In Warsaw, York, I' elsewhere. PI use UKEVES public feeling altogether v idch (boy ei.n-io. be night call 1-9 C'ougmi Hired. de- honest old not _L Will sell for cash bis entire of CUTLERY, &c., one heartily the trench M-, a straightforward, man, us.,! -pc ; es. Ordt is nolo out ot town so- stock, consisting Pendants & Brackets! ! Every knows how ’i’he cx* best reler-uces. April 1.1SC7. ddm Rooms accused of too fine a on li itcl. ol _ Ratliiug' in this which are the fbl- and Count putting point French, FngUsb, Gorman anil American Ever presented city, among spise the King of Prussia Bismarck, generally Uav 11, ot. AND A —-AT- I vifc: Double Barrel common do. er o.nn_ _ kwurg. Fine Guns, affair has not in- his expressions. But the ot evening, at a BreeoU-Londln" do. Sing e Guns, Kevovers, niugle and tho little L«x«nbourg Tools! Mineral lor those As h did attempt a refinement, Maying Broadcloths, fassimeres, SUTEUIOll GAS STOVE Cape Eilzalnetb Springs. and d *uble P.stnls, Wesson's. Alien's, Peabody and creased their love persons. yet prayer-meeting, Cross hi ■’* Pol i'h, Vestings, Biecc -Loadi liitlo. Powder Flasks, the for the and make them in the Sharp's g has been offered them, thong I and succeeded. Thanking Lord su scriocrs up addition to tie Sfclt and Mineral Water Baths, .shot Pouches and Capa Powder and Shot.— no have now in store and sale, Belts, indignity ■ rpiIE AHEAP AS T1IE the Medicated \ a- be derided before the he continued: “Yea, Cross tutu's Polish. 1 wholesale am a full oi tbe CHEAPEST! INthe proprietor has introduced Metalie and Wire Cartr»dgea,Cnrl;ngFongs,Fcn- (ear that they will they plainness of way,” retail, assortment o: some most ed kinds of Lat.-tt aad Host which is efficacious in the removal Alas s and Gl ves. Jointed and a appro\ Approved Styles, FOB SALE BY ]K>r Bath, very iiig Foils. who'e Loid, thou hast mado it so plain that way- ijecoluia. Humors and from the syttem. U B Bai as cheap as ready madeclethin : can be bought in thin Khcumaiism Pishing >d>, isKots, Boxes, Hooks, Fiie.«, depart. —au- kt all hours Sundays and bilk Pocket the excitement has been on fariug man, though a—a little —beluie—th- Odssitiiiifs Union Fumiltie Polish! city, as he is to make some chunge in hie business L. 8. BRO W BitliBiooinsopcii Lines, Braided Line-*, Knives, Farriers But greatest IIAYIAO call at IV, Kazors and Barbers’, Tailob*’ and err f ;VIIE be i>i I'm. W'u'iil i’or Polishing Mahogany, TOOLS! this Fall. Please No. Free Street, and vrteh-days. Kiiivts, Straps, account of the advent of the Emperor of all crwje— could not therein!” Romaic w laiies. Fruit and Rail ( ountoi see his atttjndence to aft upon other Shears Patent after of any ever oifered In tills State, eon Hi in prices. BARNUM. Flowaa«C]lppcrg,ScS*;•“ oi them from —Two old friends not long since, Polish sling part ol 2M A. JD. Tailor. Federal, near St. ISAAC sors, Patent Twoe-.rrs, Key &c the Russian”—he lias to drop ona met, I ni oi k This lias Ucn used by Mr Mew London REEVE*, Temple Kings, Ac, dozen 1867. sold at LOW P1UOKS. "Well C m,’ t >ssinan t.»i ne lust twenty years, giving pcrlbot aat- April 23. dtl Portland, June, ^jc8dlt_ his title since Secretary Seward’s purchase.— a separation f thirty-five years. uili'.i ;.» all. H i~ warranted to stand a flTGAS PIPING DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. with tempera* GiLBLKT L. BAILED The of so a monarch in said “liow has the world gone you, an i is nd ouu rrTw. CARR & co., appearance powerful one, SCYTHES, ISO 7. SPBTim. 1867. ««*•*•>*• and I’ve got a v ; •.'.imituru polished with it M ill moved Into llie n.w and beautiful store Just June 19. dim 53 EXCHANGE liel*— Paris is not a common occurrence, and the old Married “Yes, Cant Steel and Double Defined Mirror Blade (Arguscopy. NX., boy? yet?” b f ;;••• u .1 h*r u. e in live minutes al- Scythes N. M. on the .Lie or and one ready HAVEwonted by Dcerine, Esq., the June 21, 18i»7. d2w such a love for exclusive do- match-seven hoys Also H \ bard, Blake & Co. and Dunn Edge Tool Cast _ French, having family you can’t 1 :’i P on. toice JovoiiL.v-l'ivo uud FU- store we before the lire, i-put Steel and extra doable Defined dozen occupied MAllIlETT, TOOK it exactly,” was the reply, 1 Cl>.pet h. (!.j; auviUie CUii Use* it by follOMillg Scythes. Fitly &CO., & minion, were anxious to seo the m in whom girl.” “I can match North Bush §23 dozen Ball .ear TKDE 00, FOlt t i.'ire.■lionsmi the bottle. Wayne Scythes. !».. :* EXCHAIVOE StKBliT, I*ore. WOODMAN, NALE. and one boy/’ "and Stevens’Patent 40 No. DO Middle warehouse the other iulers fear and watch with "tor I have seven girls vs ;i. .. Thompson ttneathi; street, this removed to the jealous ,v •.. Fr b... ini.i'.y jieiij iiteveus, Jr., Win. now In stock a full assortment of erected upon The streets about the railway stations —A writer 14 and 1C teeth Hand Dukes: 125 dozen IPnm* -<** •>■“* •* eyes. A vn, .wl. Woodman! 12, Boys* HAVEn«lIiY GOODS, shouts Pologue", and many generally. CLOTUS. Wo ket; on than 215000. Forks: Bides, Whetstones, Fotk Handles, &c., &c. “a,J (Qmstantly of have thus time is not less ~~MITMO V 0 OX JIM c. t TO LET.—Two lai ge numbers of the » Small have been made persons who Wt ho the oelcbruted CHAMBESS 50 by 20. ,£*, celebrated “Anker and Wares. A Brand" of Bolting clolh. Woolens. JS E W THIMCM —The temperance movement is making A safe and Anesthetic in the W juneSdtl tor Maine for shouted. pleasant extraction ol ~ Agents dealers Teeth. Administered April26,1UC\ lor summer, just iu took in serious inroads upon the exchequer of every BUCKEYE MOWERS! M; Patent Molded Collar. Last Thursday a grand review place CAMa1 CAMHEN Cray's Czar and in beverages in Washington. T-UfiSDAY AMI fr'KIUAl 3. lor a full r* 'sortment ot all the leading makes and the Boil de in honor of the intoxicating Noa. 1,2 and Repairs Buckeye Mower, always Also at HARRIS’, Boulogne, that the —BY— for Wood.’ Mower lui nislied at .hurt O Y S TE R s J ; of Ladies’ aud Ueudemen’e Paper Goods, —A Heart's Content despatch says ready. Repair, A^nclior* .styles the King of Prussia The day was pleasant J notice, All orda . promptly attended to and thank- Works ! ■alii ling the OPI>. FOSE OFFICE. to work and Dr* & Prince. fo the street. All the at cable continues perfect.y, Kimball Dentists, fully received by Liucu PSuisli C'ollar with €“fll and every body was on repaired WILUAA H. dtfovr reliable as no dam- * DARTON, arc now Match. Jana 22. dlwis i be considered though Mo t Conans. KEUBkLI. WHITNEY. making ANCHORS of all silos, and __ enues which the carriage# containing may i.iBlock, Street, es.Nos 231 & 208 Congress neai along to have lean Street, WEselling at thr lowest market hates. None the 1 It was found leb.ydif ilK. Portland, June U67. d&wlrn New is Agents tor Maine for Notice. must were densely crowded age had occurred. POBTLAMP, 15, AThlsstojCi'y Bul'ding. constantly receiving tresl but the host of Irou used. these guests pass its arrivals of New Toil; and oysters, which hi the ruin, or digging cellars wil at tile crushed heavy Virginia lorgirgilooe to order. Ali work WAR- sewing machine. clearing a miiliou assembled absolutely .notwithstanding 200 M minorHil niifl 4 tVKBB, and to the tf—Heavy jj «ingeb their rubbish on and half people ilJIMBHr rijrer Alloruei. is prepared sell hi* fallen, quart or bushel, o RANTED. H. E. imdagaod place to deposit of 120 feet. ) li>r -ale 0. 0. MITCHI.I.L & at the Si W. G. ALDEN, XBUK A t’O. thou- irou for a length by SOM. DRBEiOIHd’onu.eltorH, llnody House, corner of served up In any style. WOODIMAN, .nklin Wharf. Longchamps to seo the review. Sixty armor, uUn.i ,, Proprietors. EmtSONS j lib fore street Congress and Chestnut street.. j,2| January 5,1807. dtl dtt dtl S. ROUNDS, Whurlinger. Camden, Sept. 19, 18M. aprlOdti [ Portland, March 4, 1867. scptio fciifcJ^****,****—,L* "HI. ■JP A UHlj III. Iiui IjlJi SM> -Vi'-■ I.. R M± wyyyw y. yar ■■ 1 ■—=— fttul \fe*i (« i>k<*M M# Wfttift win' Hio#* tin fi-ml *f thf AttbUM pof^btttd Vicinity* HW.'idW (Iff ATTAlHi. NEW UmittTiiS Tf ^ w»r« to tent mu hobbit* be- MABINB jST KWs determined tk«ir Mrttfcti tvzistj PBES8. tut gxiiriuncui or rut bowks. roll ilife June 2&, 18f.t. THE ( 4Vew Advertisement* To-l>ny. A of the City Council w as s fore the convention. They do these things special meeting hwh£ liiilliant 80 ct». \Ve condense from the Lewiston Journal Puilt or POKTH.VU, jpct Vurd4 well conventions. As held last evening. oux oxtouded review this for this at 3b0 Con- in relation to very ia the Democratic We omit morning, day Steven* A Co.'*, account the follow in* particulars AUCTION COLUMN. the tin< *• Morin Jute 26, 1867, Orders the Treasurer want of and in of tho samoncss OPENEDgre^s streef, quality ui Flench Bril- Wednesday ng, of and H. Deane were gag- Passed—Authorizing space, consequence THidir, June 35. 32 inches examination of the bodios M. Patton & Co. Vallandigham Clay to liant, wide, for Kile ,«t 30 ct*. the mortem Furniture, dre.—E. issue bonds in aid of the Portland & Roch- ot the market. Business has been rather as ARRIVED. post at so was Col. E. K. Smart fiat, June 26. dir on Mon- ADVERTISEMENT ged Philadelphia, oster Railroad to the amount the SI earner New iroin St John NB Kinsley and Polly Caswell, VKff OOiiUMN. authorized by was and the in have been York, t'hixhohn, Susannah liis anticipated, changes prices tor Boston. Page to-day—The New Issue; Portland. gagged yesterday. The Colonel improved Mayor amt Aldermen; that a committee con- jrjp-First afternoon. City of In dry goods there is no change whatever. Brig Orion, (ID) A Oood I 1-2 story day Lost—Luther Perking. “Bond sisting of the one member of the Board slight. Eo,Ptt. Hillsboro. Uoute, istur trom Varieties. order of tlie Wallet opportunity to distribute copies of the Mayor, Seh Aurora a cenirid l’aris; The bodies were disinterred by Notice—John Fish remain the same as last week, the new arrivals iBr) We, NS. Sale, location, containing six Porleou*. of Aldermen, and one member of the Common Seh port, Fourth Tilton on a of Coro- Taxer” tho but was not per- Olpcey Lmn, Bn Vm, Blarcon. NS. rooms, plenty closets remenifl collar Hocr Page—Old Polks; counsel, in the presence Commission Merchant*- W. T. Brown & Co. among delegates, Council be and are and not i rices. Flour, which had a downward Amiupolia. government they hereby appointed affecting NB brick Ac. 1 ri« e *17lHi. Beecher. Tent*. to aloud—as M*>n«y. St Andrews, mFor cDtem, only Artemus Ward II. Lord.— mitted authorized to a con- last lo recovered gSSen W Clifford. i,1?'1 to Charge; ner the sexton, Nathan speak yet. fully organize commission turn every day week up Saturday, Pierce. R ,\Uvh Apply W. M. JEKRIS. je26dJw* Hamlin, by French Brilliant—Stevens & Co. f«ch sisting of scientific a id practical to ex- on and went some 25c and fur- Martha, Croeaman. EaatMH’ The mortem examination was conducted For Sale—W. H.Jctris. When tho music ceased lor the second time, men, that day up per bbl.; post amine and report a for permanent im- Seh Nile, Hall, Rockland. Dr. Dr. Cooiiorage—Wm. 1). St rout. plan ther advanced on Monday and Tuesday, fully recov- Seh Hattie E I’liOBATE NOTICES. t'oiisistcncy* Dr. Alonzo Garcelou, Kilbournc, the conventiou waited to see what would turn on so as to Sampson, Blake. Thon»a*t ,n by provements Mnnjoy Hill, adapt it and leav- Dr. Dr. ering the depression it had experienced, Seh Elmaral, Seldom, DamarJscotta. has made to recon- Dr. Harris, Edge.coiub and up next, but not long. upou the si- to all the requirements that may actually be Sell No serious attempt beefi Oakes, Suddenly on the same as those of last Witiooa, Adams. Bootlibay. I * all prrH*B« islereMnl i» wither ol tiro were as well for tho business of the ing quotations Tuesday veto mes- Harlow. Drs. Edgecombe and Harlow Municipal C«urt. lence burst the stentorian voice of of needed, water rilali'* herei no t ier tunned cile the doctrines oi the President’s Boyulon Grain remains the same. Hav is lower, am) CLEARED ex- JUDGE front of that portion of the city, as for the pur- week. in Mr. Stanbery s the who made the mortem KINGSBURY PRESIDING. who shouted rather than “Gen- S«h E!l< li Merriman, Hamilton, New York —n,., f ai'ourto! Probate held at Portland, within sage with those promulgated physicians post Bangor, said, pose of making the uplands desirable and suit- dealers will not offer over $2fi@28 lor pressed, ac- r" wore Tqbbday.—The seized State lin Mills Co. and for tho County ol Cumberland, on the ihird the reconstruction acts. amination of the bodies and who present liquors by Deputy tlemen of tho Convention! I take the able as a location for such is recent opinion, on liberty dwelling houses; to quality. Iron thinly held, and so arc Sell Cerosco. Smith, St George, NR. ol June, in the year of u*ir I.onl Constable William 1£. Waldron in the stores of R. It. cording Tuesday eighteen for tlie so by said committee, and seven, the matters 1 av- The attempt would prove utterly futile, at inquest. of nominating for your votes at the next gub- commission, organized tins, with an upward tendency. Lemons have ad- SAILED—Brig Naiad. him Jrcd sixty tallowing Robinson, James and S. were are authorized to recommend to tlio Coun- for the action herein- the two documents Tlie coffin of was first opened. McUlinchy Skillings City box for .ug boon presented thereupon the views in P°s- Miss Caswell ernatorial election, Hon. Eben F. Pillsbury, of vanced to $10 a repacked, it is expressed declared forfeited to the no claimant cil the out such new streets, and tho es- fFROM OUB COkUM>().ND£.NT I after Indicated, ordered, turned on city, appearing. laying and there is no hereby at each other. “A pol’ce power The body was found considerably Tbe President and in streets Molasses is tirinly held, disposition June sobs F A Thai notico thercol b« gfven all pcr»ons inter- itivcly swear Roger Donahue ami Dante) for drunken- Augusta!” immediately put tablishment of grades therein, j KKNNEBCNKPOUT, 22—Ar, mon- that the Driscoll, in The stocks on hand are ested t,y causing u ropy ol thi order ?u be published he “an absolute its side and so much decomposed tho which was to a few now existing, as deemed and neces- ! importers to give way. Heath. Williams, Georgetown, SC; Alice, Brotldy, may not properly styled right ness and disturbance, paid $6 25 each. question, responded by expedient hree wrecks in the Maine State Prc>* to facilitate of that not In Is no change. Produce is Boctoa. *ticeossivcly of such advice of sary the improvements por- large. oils there and at nor is the existence monarchy features were not recognizable. By Pa rick for assault and on Han- scattering A and Mr. Pillsbury was de- j In 2ltb. wind, relic llaimali F Baker, East*i n pu|*er* printed Portlandafure- archy,” Uutlord, battery yes,” are here- stock and port wtg Argus. tion of the city; the said committee quiet and Beef is in reduced •aid, that the* at a Probate Court to he with tho coexistence of a civil Dr. Garcelon the head of the deceased was re- nah P. clared to be nominated acclamation. Tbe unchanged. mew. ot Dennis, 3D 21-1' 0 tons) Kelley, tor Llngiu, mat appear reconcilable Shaw, paid $13.25. by authorized to such measures as they bur bald at said ihird ot the by adopt closes strong. Pork had a downward tendency OB, Addle, Superior, and others, lor Beaton. Portland, on the Tuesday July all the powers and char- moved iron' the body, iloshy parts dissected Patrick O’Brien and Peter for an in was done before the convention had re- deem for the next, at ten of and government “having Doran, affray thing may necessary early accomplish- lias recovered its and I.acncmkd .'2d. by David Clark, a sopor or double the ci.a-k Jn the lorrnoou. bo prices. Salt is plenty unchang- hcanl thsreon. of a Stato tin) skull, that the its aw- the street, paid $G.68 each. ment of the all necessary deck barque ol ab»ut 450 tons, built tor Messrs N L amt object it they sec raute. acteristics government, legislative, from latter, bearing covered from its astonishment, and Mr. Bray, contemplated plan; ed in In been an advance price. sugars there h is and W L ol is for sale. Etniis W. be Honora was with drunken- expenditures for the same to l>e charged to the Thompson, Kenuebunk, Ho'ighton,minor child ami heir ol Esther executive and Finite intelligci.ces ful record, might produced in court and McDonough charged if was A committee of three and 1. judicial.” present, petrified. for to sus- on tho retiuing grades which 1ms sent up refined, Houghton, late of G-uham. Account ness and appropriation contingent expenses; deceased. an absolute to the Court aud as disturbance. Mr. O'Donnell appeared tor P resettled lor camitft conceive oi monarch shown Jury testimony.— was straightway appointed to wait upon the pend the grading of Congress street until the our quotations are advanced l-2c from last week's BY TYI.noRAM. allowance by Jams \V. Weston, and on his motion the examination was con till- NEW YORK, June 25—Ar. ADI-el K rider (luaidlan. is to have the all On the of the head was a fracture of her, demand our barques ‘whose mere will place of top irreg- nominee and invite him to address the report of the commission; directing the Com- price*. Tho for Portland refined con- Aiuhb ed people from Buenos Ayres; Rosamond. Nuevitas: late °» to Thursday. mittee on Fire to at the Margaret Scott, deceased.—Pe- while he has “no power to remove ular shape, an inch, more or in nominat- Department report tinues to be very large, and they have an establish- Harvest Home, Remedies; George 8 for Brldgton, law," yet less, diameter, who didn't see exactly how they had Sagna; brigs tition administration, presented bv Ann T. n»xt meeting, on the of F. W. Clark the Berrv. Matanza* : Faustina, trom Matnu’/as. Harp, officers of the either execu- the bone being crushed but tho stiff conscious petition ed reputation in market. Sharon, mother of said deceased. the proper States, in, pieces ed him, but were gradually becoming & for the extension of the fire alarm Lydia ii Cole, St Jago; lvate Freeman, Uom in THE DEMOCR ATIC STATE CON- als., ap- The fluctuations in the market Sagua; late ot or to in their while a geld wore very Jime^ Lunt, Brunswick. d«v tive or judicial, appoint otl#r persons remaining place, little to the of tho fact. The pleasing duty was assigned to directing the Committee on Public Guantanamo. easotl Third last week and were limited to from 10th inst and tiual account presents*i tor allowance Ben- was a rrounds to consider slight about £ per Barque , Cardiff, reports, by right fracture three inches VENTION. Mr. of Mr. F. Saratns; the expediency of pur- lainin K. Adtuioi* rator. their places.” perhaps long Boynton Bangor, George Emery reached lat l»n 61 40. saw oarque Transit, ol Boston, with Morse, have been chasing the lot on the corner of and cent., 138f being the highest point and 137$ 48. These inconsistencies and two inches wide, of irregular an ori- of and Haines ot Biddcford. Congress and foremast only standing, water logged Francis Owen, late of Brunsw'ck, Sec- startling form, Portland, Mayor India also of the land on Con- the lowest. O11 24th, it was steady at bowsprit deceased. the Re- streets, selling Monday, 13*(g. and abandoned. ond account presented lor allowance a. G. Po- by fice almost for one to thrust a by kept constantly before the people large enough The President of the convention called for “a gress near the head of street. it advaucod to at Administrator. of street, Hampshire 138$. Tuesday, 15th, 188j, closing land, ever since the publication hand in. As the was removed several Avowed! E. P. Oerrish, was ap- DIAAWERK. publican press scalp Repudiation Openly little Smart tune,” from the band, and when Esq., unanimously 138j. Willi* II. Grave*, and another, minor children and Tho friends the Board of Aldermen a Commis- Oom New York lor San the General's opinion. of tho skull bone fell the table.— Mr. of the poiuted by Ship Mary, Capt Hall, heirs ot Mows A. Gra o* lute of Bruusw i«k, uecea*- Attorney pieces upon the band stopped, Sweat, Chairman to Callao 20tli ud. and will in extenuation sioner ef the Sinking Fund of the loan to the Francisco, put in leaky, d. Petition lor Ikeuse to sell and convey Ucal only urge, Several ot the skull which were remov- Estate, ol Mr. Johnson can pieces Committee on Kesolutions, began to read as Portland & Rochester Railroad. SPECIAL NOTICES. have to disci aige fpr repairs. presentou by Ann F. Graves, Guardian. consistency, that Con- ed at the time of the WAB ON THE STATE CONSTABULABY. A dispatch irons savannah states that brig Win H of this upon inquest and which were follows: In Conrention Arthur was elected Sur- Roberts. Given, and another, minor children au*l outrage Libby Parks, lor Darien, was blown ashore at T>bee 22d. like vacillation. hold in of Wood and Bark. heirs of John A. Given, la'e of Bruuswteii. is of They tho possession of the were Resolved, That tbe past history of the Democratic veyor luring a heavy but it was she would deceas- gress guilty Coroner, placed I gale, thought Third account esented for I the is to bo found in the records of the In Common Council, in tho absence ot the Tlie New Skirt come off Without ed. p ;illo..uuce y C'.sia- House and Senate, by passing in the cavities aud lound to fit party proudest much damage. that tho precisely. The annual festival of the faithful Demo- its crood in tbe and. it is Mr. S. H. was elected entSkolliehl, Guardian. country; Constitution; President, Colesworthy THE PATENT the President's veto, expressly repu- The lid was next removed from tho coffin of to meot of the with Thomas ot hills over racy of Maine, was celebrated yesterday in ready the great questions future President pro. tem. UUUKVnt FOKIN. SkoIheM.late Brunswick,dek, deceased certain that did not regard it on p. Hesolvedf was well on this oocasion. ANDERSON&€o’s HAMPTON ROADS—Ar brig Tangent, Rich, it is equally they Deputies Mouday m., visited the house in whioh he his precedent m its utter of the Constitution supported Signor 21st, First account presented lor allowance by J. E. Dwji- denunciatory speech, paid disregard Skirt and, Corset Store, from Baltimore for Portsmouth; »ch Charlotte Flab. which it has become un- and the of the under it. All conserva- Fortune's noble and cultivated nell. Administrator, do bonis non. as the brutumfulmen where the murder was committed and other to the and Democrat- rights people thoroughly do tor Boston. respects past prospective tive pledges which, during the were made 333 nb»y. Cbm*. Strong, war, by voice showed to in the maygdtlSN C.agren, Ar shin Old Gorham, Callao. Ebenezer Tbraslier, laic ol Cape Elizabeth, deceas- der Mr. Stuiibery’s manipulations. localities oonnected with the murder. ic candidate for with both branches of the President and his good advantage opening 22d, Colony. governor, dwelling Congress, t»y BALTIMORE—Ar 21st inst, -hip Sarah Newman, ed. Petition lor assignment ot uower, presented by No conversation was allowed between the Cabinet, and by our leading were cast aside aria. Signor Ferranti is inimitable in his B. wid* w ot saul deceased. emphasis Mr. ex- Generals, Giles, Callao; barque Lav.nia, Davis Trinidad. Lydia Thrasher, special upon Pillsbury's and disregarded; tho voice of the people, speaking D R.S. S. FITCH’S Briura of the ''Black Death.” aad outside and no specialty of the burletta. We have never heard (id 23d. sell .Jas Brophy. Keen, Portsmouth. Eben F. Williams, and min r children ai d Jury parties, questions at the time of the Kingfleld riots in through the minority, was stilled on questions of the ntkt-is, ploits Sid. oarque Debo tab Pwnuell. heirs of t sra T. Williams, late of Puinioaih, decea of June were asked the it the of most momentous interest, ami which overturn the “Largo al Factotum,” more rendered, The London Chronicle lor the 8th by former, being object 180.1. When United States soldiers were sent happily “Family Physician,” PHILADELPHIA—Ar -3d, ships Zouavo. Whit- el. Petition for license to sell and ceuvey Kc«l fundamental principles of a Republican Govern- and iu “Gia and the visit to the an idea of the la luna,” and in the trio from “The : 25 cents. Sent to more. L veipool■ Tamerlane. Cards, Bremen; brig Estate, presented by Williaui Guardian. has a account of a mysterious merely give Jury there to out the “fire in the Mr. ment,—ten millions of people who had made a lull Seventy-six pages price any ad- William-*, strange put rear," L H Kimball. situation of the houses surrender to our victorious were of with Madame and Mr. Ba- dress. No money required until tbe book Is received, Langley, Sagua. Wi liam llatcb, late of Portland, deceased. Peti- disease which, it is asserted, has brok- connected with the declares that instead of army, deprivod Barbiere," Parcpa Goo S deadly Bray Pillsbury, fight- their and and It is a perfect to the Cld 22d. barque Hunt, Long, Trinidad; brig tion tor out ol d estate, equal rights, dignity authorNpos States he was read, fully approved. guide allowance person presented and has increased murder, of the of the and ragli admirable. Mr. Baragli in his sick or Address Dlt. S. S. F1TC11,2? Gen Banks Ketchum, Providence. en out in Ireland, already topography country, ing for his altars and Iris air-tight, ignomin- within the Union, and were declared as alien ene- indisposed. by Kcbecca Hatch, widow oi sai deceased. Tremont Boston. sn ALBANY—Ar 23d, sob U B Metcalf, Rogers, from Dublin. The of some notiou of the relat ion of the rooms iu the mies and placed under an irresponsible first piece did not seem in perfect but the Street, Jau2»dly Takes late of decease I. the death rate in symptoms iously took refuge in a bed chamber and un- military voice, Portland. Jonathan ury, Portland, rule,—our taxation was increased, our bur- tor John Tukes- bilious and several houses which will he connected with treasury slight difficulty soon away, and he NEW' YORK—Ar 23d, ship Annie Sise, Sise. from Account presented allowance by C this are, first, vomiting derneath the bed itself, in a dened, our foreign commerce ar- passed sang malady very emerging paralyzed, capital Make Your Own ! Newport. E; schs Connecticut, Penuleton. > ulais; bury, executor. acute in the head the ease. rayed against labor, and the toning messes made sub- Rossini's music wich correctness and expres- Soap succeeded by pain state of “fuss and feathers." This per- Marv Mean Tibbetts, do; Jas Bliss, Hatch, Ban- Carlotta H. Sargent, minor child m-d heir ot EG purging, pitiable servient to the rich by the ui\Just exemption from sion. theu a second day. gor for Hackensack. late ol Portland, deceased. Petition for li- aud partial delirium, purple eruption, formance alone, in Mr. Bray’s was taxation of a large portion of the wealth of the na- NO LIMB NBOBMiEV! Sargent, opinion, Carl Rosa a from Trovatore Ar 25th, barque Fury, Wilson, Menton; brig Sulli- onise hi »sil and convey real ectate, ptesruteu by the breast and The been on Mon- tion ; and, in short, their legislation was used for cor- played fragment first upon shoulders, jury having empanelled sufficient to establish Pillsbury’s unfitness to van. Perry, Liverpool; schs Hattio Baker, Crowell, Susan C. Hood. Guardian. appearing rupt yid unlawful purposes, which me lit and must and “Auld Robin with the delicate over the whole the Court at Gray" Baltimore; A H Sawyer, Cook, Calais; Mary Anna, aud thence body; day, upon reassembling yesterday lead the “Unterrified in their fu- receive the condemnation ot an but out- Tour Waste Chreaie Cornelias. Blake, minor child and heir of Franc s spreading Democracy” enlightened etherial touch which all who have heard him By Saving and Using Bangor; Charter Oak,Cunningham. Belfast; 9 o’clock, T. M. listened to the raged people. Rogers, Blake and Corneda E. Blake late of P inland, de- then debility; collapse accompanied by paraly- opening argu* ture struggles; but he went on to declare that BUY ONE BOX OF THE fcl 11 Nash, Pony, Addison; Challenge, Doe, ir out Resolved, That while we are in favor ef judicious so well know. His of the fantasia ceased. Petition for lice use to sell aud convey nal a dislocation of the ment of E. O. the rendering Portland. sis, aud sometimes spine; Bickuell, County Attorney, he knew the whole Pillsbnry stock, root and measures to prevent all unnecessary and c late, presented by Philip Eastman, Guardian. imjwoper by Hauser was a marvellous of instru- Pennsylvania Salt M’l'g. Co’s Cld 25th, ships Odessa, Small, and Jos F'sb, Stack, The cases are classified into or the State. After of the traffic in intoxicating liquors, we are opposed to the piece minor child and heir of ttaiMUcl aud then death. speaking briefly branch, and that they are all without excep- pole, St John, NB; brig «J McIntyre, Haskell, do. Mary Clrry True, present law as being extreme, tyrannical, erne and mentation, and showed well his eodsummate lute of decea ed. 'lhird account varieties to The du- horrible nature of the crime which is the sub- sobs Plnta, Smith, Georgetown, DC; Mazurka, Kim- True, Perlland, three according severity. tion a set of for offica, oppressive, in violation of the inalienable of for allowance John Guardian. spoilsmen, looking rights mastery of the violin. S^LPOlSriFTER B ngor. presented by True, the first of cases which have ject ot the present trial, Mr. Bickuell address- the citizen and injurious to the cause of temperance ball, ration ot variety clinging to office, determined to draw thsir Ar 24th, ship W F Storer, Bryant, Liverpool; brigs R. Franklin Pennell, son of Kolnit Pennell ot and as destructive ot the very objects professed by its The central attaetion ot the was, of (Patentsot 1st and 8th Feb., 1859.) since lias averaged eigh- ed the jury upon the different degrees of mur- evening E 11 Kennedy, Geyer, Nuevitan; Uncle S^m, Pen California, and Caroline Pe .noli, late of Brunswick, occurred March, 1866, rations hook or by crook from the public authors. -or- by course, Madame whose nell, Havana. deceased. Petition for license to sell uu l from the first until der, as defined by statute. The /lesolved, That the law enacted by the last Legis- Parepa, appearance convey teen hours indisposition government “I can prove what I cried Mr. ! Cld 2db, schs S H Jameson, Babbidge, Rockland; res l pro-euted John J. W. lie eves, Guai treasury. say," lature of this State, known as the was welcomed with a storm of enthusiastic LYE. estate, by The duration of the second would endeavor to show that the Constabulary law, CONCENTRATED Decora. Ingalls. Ellrabethport. dtan. the fatal instant. prisoners as he concluded, “and if I have stated is an innovation upon our system of ar- Bray, government, and who was encored Ik will make 12 pounds excellent hard soap, or 20 PROVIDENCE—Ar 22d, schs Endora, Adams, and has from three to five days, were actuated by such motives as authorized bitrary in principle, offensive in its operation, insult- applause, rapturonsly Williaui Woodbury, late of Portland, deceased.— variety averaged anything I deserve to be read out of of the very best soft soap tbr only about 30 ot*. Minueola. Smith. Fllsworih. falsely, ing to local officers in treating them as incompetent after every Iu the familiar “O luce di S Xlli account presented lit allowance by Mery of the third -which is the their conviction for murder in the first piece. fallonsErections on each box. For sale at all Drug and Ar24ih, schs Sabiuo, Morrison, New York, Olive and that variety, degree. the Democratic The that or unworthy, and tlioir unnec- Woodbury and William »V. Woodbury, Executors. party!” possibility oveiriding authority; quest anima," she sang with much Groeery stores. Branch, Young, Ellsworth. in which recovery has taken THE PURPOSE OF THE DEFENCE. essarily a horde of official spies and inform- brilliancy, only one place, man could expose himself to so creating Sid 23d. schs Addle Murchiu. Roberts, Philadel- Ncheudah Chesloy late of Westbrook, deceased.— any recklessly ers to narrass our and to the and in the trill” she exhibited BEWARE GF COUNTERFEITS. and even weeks. The The Star’s will be citizens, adding greatly “Nightingale's Baldwin, New York. Will and petition lor the probate thereof, and for ad- has reached many days correspondent says:—It fearlul a seemed to a of a burthened and overtaxed phia; Bellona, tile of penalty produoe profound ♦"rpenses heavily peo- the delicious bird-like notes of in for Salt Ar Hch .1 Calais. ministration with the will auiicxei, presented by show that the disease is of a very purpose the defense to prove that Ver- her voice, and BSF~Be particular asking Pennsylvania 24th, Tinker, Stanley, investigations rill wav at his sister’s the of the murder sensation among the assembled ple. Manufacturing Co’s Saponitier. noltsNcod&wly WARREN—Sid 22d, brig Ambrose Light, Hamor, David N. Mc. aun. its nature and night delegates. Resolved, That the exemption from taxation ot her astonishing power of vocalization. Iu re- character. As to and in but this Kondout. Levi late of Gorham, decease 1. Petition contagious bed, may not be satisfactorily By this time it was half past 10, and the about one-third part of the entire wealth of the coun- Sanborn, divided. Some con- shown. The sponse to encores she gave one or two of those PAWTUCKET—Ar 22d, sch Goldeu Rule, Sylves for license o s 11 an t rtal estate, presented causes medical opinion is gossip about the bloody knife and try, in tbe sha]»e of Government securities, is an out- For J convey Keuuehec was marching down Long Sought ter, Bangor. Ruth S. Sanborn, Executrix. the hatchet is very aud one delegation the of the that it is in vio- simple ballads, in whioh she is i*y it to belong to the family of blood pois- contradictory can rage upon rights people; exquisite quite N EW PORT—Ar 22d. soh Mountain Laurel, Lang- sider conclude what the real with that beautiful lation of principle of and hostile to the and hardly sentiment ot Congress street, precision every justice, as delightful as in her more elaborate efforts. Come at Last l Fall River lor New York. of which in Great Britain typhus tile weliare of the ; that it is subversive ot the ley ons, community is, as to Verrili’s guilt. which characterizes a civic country DIGHTON—Ar sch Adeline Hamlin, Wyatt, Matters arising aud presented under the Act always procession, the foundation of our Government us it was one of the most brilliant 23d, have hitherto been the chief very principles Altogether 1507. typhoid fevtys to the music of tho Augusta hand. The move- established our it tends to foster and pro- Bangor. of March, by fathers; ooncerts which have ever been given in Port- Mains’ Elder Wine. NEW BEDFORD—Ar schs Eagle, Snow, aud they refer as proofs to the pur- tect the rich and bondholders at tbe ex- Berry 2Uh, late ot Brunswick, deceased.— specimens; ment towards Mechanics’ Hall was becoming capitalist We take pleasure in that the above Hudson River: Irons. Bangor. Joseph McKeen, HtKte Items. pense cf the the bur- land, and we are very for the sake of the announcing Cvgnet, of will and that toe nuuc may be rat- and the development. Oth laboring class, casting heavy glad named article for sale all sch Fair Howuian, New York. Copy i»eiition ple eruption rapid and 11 o'clock the floor was well dens of may be found by City Sid 24th, Wi»«l, os the wi 1 of said general, by taxations, from the favored and protected who were unable to Eliza- ified and established testator, pre- it is a new form of cerebro- many procure tickets that and first class Country Grocers. BOSTON—Ar 34th, sch Boundary, Young. ers consider tliat tew, upon the bcu-k of the unprotected poor man. Druggists, sented by Elisabeth E. McKeen, nun el the ExtcS- —The Bangor papers a case covered though there was ample room for all As a Mb pic ink Mains’ Wine is invaluable, Davis, Bangor for Provi how- report singular whose liie and aic being ex- another will be this morn- belli? bethport ; sloop Helen, tora. malady. The common impression, strength constautly opportunity given tbe if not tbe for colds and spinal in that Last a the delegates to ho seated, and it was not dif- hausted to pay tbe delieit in taxes fr om this among best, best, remedy lute of Brunswick, deceased of it with city. September young lady resulting to hear this fine Manufactured from the fleha Harriet Newell. Gould, tm iiilip Owen, Copy where this disease rages,identifies that the burdeu of should ing troupe. pulmonary complaints, pure SAI.EM—At 53d, that the same be vuilie 1 mis I ever, had several teeth ficult for “tired” men to find a chance to lie injustice; the national.debt, wdl aud petition may extracted while under the iuiccof tlie berry, aud unadulterated any Port Johnson; Clio, Robbins, Kondout. tho of be equally borne by the property ot the country; and We cannot refrain from adding a single by impttrg established as the wilt ot said testator, presented tliedreadful “Black Death,” king plagues, inllnence of we can recommend it to' the sick PORTSMOUTH—Ar 23d, sch Chas Carroll, Farus- ether. After recovering from the down without taking the floor for it. that we will support no mau or class of men who fa- ingredient, heartily by Julio M. Owei, adiniaisliairix de bonis non w.th in the fourteenth word of tho very as a medicine. Portland. which ravaged all Europe vor the present of all the expressive general apprecia- worth, tlio will annexed effects of thu tcnestahctic, she felt a slight dif- Precisely at 11, Mr. Paul S. Merrill, chair- iniquitous system laying schs Eastern Baltimore; is has rous- tuxes upon the labor and enterprise of the In tion our citizens of the of To tbe days of tbe aged it addetb Ar23d, Belle, Kilbum, and which it feared again country by obliging courtosy length, M do. Levi Sanborn, lato of Gorham, deceased. Copy century, ficulty in Soon to man of tho State called the con- order to tavor ami pi elect To the it addetb Carrie Rich, breathing. she.began Committee, capital; [therefore, Mr. Madame mighty strength,” of and .hat the same insv be the far East aud is Chase, — will, |»etJtioii jverihed ed from its lair in creeping ltesolved, That tho United States bonds should be Parepa’s gentlemanly ’Tis a baliu lor the a Tor ibe well cough, and would have long intervals of con- vention to order, and nominated Mr. Charles sick, joy PORTS* and established as the will of sa

% 1 itt tSlUa, Vutnuul. -^ — ■ V. N*W f M« CttrttSFAIt.JiiiK is, _ttAfrrfcjo. AID *103 MJik. Ilosloir, June 2o, ‘The nnuket rates of Interest fkror borrow- Fiittlr r.vai hud in j,(od (Ionian.11 family 11 7J the Mofity Tliis uwruin", at 10 u’clock, President's ers. Call Joans 4 & 5 per cent, on Government se- 1300; I'aticv 14 WO": l(i no. Wheat firm; sales at 2(1 House nv rsLEtnurH tothk 2 Winter lied. DKElilNXv TTATrTi. Wanted B. n. Patted * ! company with Secretary Seward, Postmaster curities, and 6 per cent, on Stocks. Prime discounts (ig 275 for No. Corn dull and nominal co., »—ttiwun dull at 08c. I vv a responsible part,. A Large stork of General llandall, Surgeon Colonel W. 64 <4 74 por cent. Gold c’oscd Arm at 138f. Sterling at 78c. Oats Kye dull at 20. hiskey tenement in the West- OFFICE HXCli iKGK STREET. ] ,y and I'aoor rOliil,AMi 1U1LV PKL3S. Norris, demand at ern the. others ol the Exchange quiet and firmer at 110 for prime bankers’ firm hud iu 31c. Mess Pork tirmat 21 00. BY i>artjol Uy.iontainiiig live or six rooms. ooods, L liver Y Moore and party were escorted Hi A U A ill Ail F. O■ Box sill* riutrti Ware, ------bills. Government securities blocks alter Bulk Meats unchanged. Bacon linn and in demand. K tr.ss, 'w to the by several of the members of the strong, Jeulil •He. nt suction. capitol call steady. Mining shares generally higher and Lard iu demand; hales at ll]c lor city. Money quiet 1’iauns nt A uctiao. Governor’s stall aud a committee of munici- at auction a. June 18C7. moro active. and easy. June the o ore o •‘'I FV. Wednesday Morning, 26, A had PABEPA Wanted V\fEi>NJC8DAY, L'dih. alllA M, one 7 <>c- W pal authorities. military guard keen ROSA’S ▼ ▼ ta*o Piano jd *---- »»»■ -- purchase, lour small Ponies, for aa.hn,, hoeewood taw; a >,'• od iomru- in front of the aud as the lflarkcie* Hew Oilcan* market*. fpO or mcni. Also placed capitol party Chicago 1 lingo use state age, weight, and one old style Hug ls!i make 1‘iairo. the CONCERTS : color, June passed through opeu way there was a pre- June 25. New Orleans, June 25. cash price. Adilreaa J. E. Box 2018, 22-dtd THE SUKK4TT TRIAL. Chicago, 111., B.," Portly,,u> sent of arras byr the military and the Flour—firmer and advanced 15 @ 25c. Wheat- Cotton—dull and eatiier; sales 700 bales; Low Mid- Mo. playing 24 Juneiadtt b,,-v 1 »“'• of “Hail Columbia” the band. Thousands sales No. 1 at 2 15 (a) 2 No. 2 at 1 80 @ 1 clos dling @ 24jc; receipts for thro days bales T II K r,1 Sul. »fu '.°L°! June 25. by 25; 85, 1,455 LW ru‘‘ L0..on Washington, ot at I 831 1 84. Corn declined sales against 1,311 same time lastwoek. Sugar and Alo- SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ! lin^hV^KblOViU•iOca of Flannel, persons of botli sexes were observers of the lug quiet % 2$c; labw L lien v Surratt trial lusses b\ Lie vnr n. continued. .scene. at bl & 62k for So. 1 and 79 @ 80c for No. 2, closing held tirmly; no sales. Sterling Exchange 149 Wautod. Loud and oft-repeated huzzas by the to canvass ,r ho 'i.U. John M. Garrett examined.—Resides in Car- dull at 62c for No. 1. Oats moderately active at a de- @ 152}. New York Sight Exchange } premium. Third and fZZ chiT multitude the Chief of the In compliance with numerous AGENTS•••IAUIC < Final Sale olina iu greeted Magistrate cline of sales at 59c or No. 2. at requests MadAme hgANIISG rRKA.n," county, Virginia; lived there April, 2c; 58^ Bje quiet i'AEKl’A liOS.Y wdl knew Republic, and the ot State was im- 1 Provisions give a Apply to N. M. PKliKLKS * CO., at the same place where i now live; Secretary 1 65 (g 06 for No. 1. Barley nominal. Van Francisco market. l«f>5, afterward received with a fimilar 8 50 for air to juueTdtf No 2 Freo si., Me. OF ®r*“ \\ ilkes saw house mediately unchanged. Beef Cattle dull at 7 75 (g Portland, “““S. Booth; him at my lather’s San Francisco, Juno 24. lJ.uV 1* two honor. the good Live active and advanced lo (g> day 1 think before ho was killed there; They acknowledged compliment shipping. Hogs Flour dull at 5 50 for and C 50 tor extra salos at 5 75 6 00 for fair to extra choice. superfine, Pateut aud he was men named Jctl by standing and bowing with heads uncovered. 15c; & 100 a stock of Flour Employment Office, brought there by two 5 00. per itos; large Oregon is ofl ring GRAND MATINEE I A so a moderatelv active at 4 25 line stock of •'iiv» • u there were and to the music of Sheep <& at V\ Elegant Oil »• iulru ;? and saw when he rode to the Again huzzas, 5 00. Standard brands of heat are WANTKD: 1*,. Buggies; Booth Receipts—2,800 bbls. flour, 4,600 bush, wheat, 147,- unusually ON -- WAATKD!! Paintings beet aiylc. and and was on the hand they entered the capital. Seats had and nominally 1 60 ® 1 80. firm a\ quant), ou.i.iiu;, ,„ u* l u. i.ra house; came in the fti'teri'oon horse- 600 busn. corn, 27,0^0 bus]*, oats, 2,400 bogs. Ship- Barley Men, Boys, Ulrla, Agents, Kvuit- as been for them iu the hall of the ?uiot00. Legal tenders 73]. ! Olio syrup back; can't describe the horse, 1 don’t re- provided ments—3,800 bbls. flour, 120,000 bush, torn, 2,203 EMPLOYERS,booy hundred good girls wanted for all Bt0™ ^T,U,’'„U'",‘-*.Buitoi sugar Jlu“i M Cu2: Wednesday M-irningr, June Bortb ot -if '>“ Dielkg, Howie, baba, cioor. i£ member what kind it was; knew House of Representatives, to which they were bush. 26th, nations! Men to work on SV*" Thursday, Fie and sub Harrold,who forms, »!te. W1Lj*£xik^i n®'* Knives, on. i.„„ ,iiu...“ V, A escorted. A some oats._ Portland Ur? Good* Ail (tersond have boon added to .?'’ "®,'10 6 came the day alter Booth did; when Booth number of ladies and of the Market. at 10 o’clock wauling gjod male or female helps ihr tbe'ejj,'’ {Wares M--T, pieeaa, Soup La.,ha, most Cable. precisely. ajiy employment, can be aoml S,.oon,.7%t 1 came he remained in the house the prominent officers of State and I’sMiuieicial—Per Corrected Messrs supplied at this office hi aaaoruue t ol lin ie a first uiglit; leading by Woodman, Truk & Co. short notice. Taunts ot all ^ alloy, cioeVa citizens were kinds and Patent Kfehta ss aat*" Watchea, dim. Also a ol he was very lame, and said ins was present. Soon after all the com- Liverpool, June 24—Evening. -tSS?* Juweiry, la. tleaap Carpo.- leg broken; market closed COTTON GOODS. DOORS OPEN AT NINE O’CLOCK. A. J. COX Jk ^ Booth rein •lined about the house pany had entered the hall, Governor l^illock The Cotton quiet at a decline of CO., during the inches. Price. The above goo. a are moallv from a th. re the visitor said: fully $d from the opening prices. The following are OongiesaSi. efflcc and Shed »*t bankinpt ateelc 'lay; be stayed until after ami addressing distinguished ® JnneSdtl_Mlj Au-tion. in anil will dinner, the last quotations: at do. Heavy Sheeting,.37.lu 174 U.aiau, befeol.l without re nv, euiwirir ih i, pome came Mr. President:—I am to have the Middling uplands lii•• Square, up stairs, Portland, Me. average p. has. supper Poriw advance i BLEACHED SHEETING. Junes. il3m Furniture, Beds, < rock- and citizens. 1 could wish that your duties unchanged; is; prime Eastern mess •cod __junc25td Mirrors, •'**/ *lt»r- ''*♦ liarroiu stayed there till public sold at Bleached Sheeting,.30.21 (® 224 Jin<‘ to to 74s 6-J; Bacon 4s 61d pur cwt. Produce—Pe- a »>^atsh^kl**4*"*liaio*‘“r cavalry came; 1 remember Booth’s might permit you tarry longer among us, Good Bleached Sheeting,.9-8.224® 26* Wanted. ery c., at a uction. ** having ol troleum steady; refined Aneli. aaer. observe here more the objects Spirits7d; ls2dpr gallon; Medium Grand Fair ! J“I 2nd at pls’cls, a bowie knile and a fielu thoroughly Rosin—common Wilmington at 7s fine American 12s Sheeting,.36.lai® 17 RI‘OUR TUESDAY, 10 A M, at ofllec ,U»«U—dlf common interest and our institutions to Ladies of BARRELS, at rarest ONwill be sold Mat ble HarroM had a lie came on history, 31s Shirting,.27 15 THE Notre Dame of Port- r»() OHO TupChatnber Set, Secrcia v. (gi.is.>; carbine; foot. perew.; bpints Turpentine 3d; Tallow 44s6d for 32.uSg 1 Academy, OV/,UOO City Sugar Itoiinery, West Com- 1 tie field and our The visit of the President to DRILLING. laud, will hold a Pair to ihe debt Walnut Bureau.-, Chairs, B.-dsteads Wasi- Valuable glass was here exhibited. Wit lies.' people. American. their liquidate upon mercin', nog, loot of Emory street. Tahirs, Factory for Male at loch the several States I as an of the Heavy Drilling,.30.1# 20 Academy on Flee at will stand-, Mil rots, Sofas, Beds, Wo..I ami recognized it as one similar to a Booth regard augury Frankfort, Juno 24—Evening. @ Street, Proposals also 1* received tor now Bar- Mattresses, glass Sugar Hetap cat iiets, l. t tio.., the and the stability of out United States 5-20’s closed at Medium,.30.17 v& 19 rels, and a sample Dcseen at the Cutlery, Filclo ta, Ca-tor*. the brought there. Booth left it at father’s | harmony, strength, 77|. Corset may oBioeoi the ami u neral premiaea jau, ^ts ° house; Jeans,. 124® 214 MECHANICS’ I Spoons, g assoriiueur of Crockery V. are at r"P Id uni ran I*»- 1 saw it Union. The President renders an HALL, Company, .inf Commercial, at coiner ol Union St. ONvloiuly Ail at ,,r there; can’t say that this is the glass, | important London. June 25—Noon. COTTON FLAfttrcLS. At It o’clock low, lbs White Load. Tati. jL** service to the whole him- Cousols are at 94 tor COMBWenO T. C. HKltsEY Je&dtd S1 u.u«u ,u but it was one like country by becoming quoted money. Cotton IIO\D.tV, JBI.Y Skowiagaa, Maine. " *var thi.-; the place where Booth Heavy Flannels,..23 @ 25 1.1, teblUd&wlt_ txri.t ruu AN t Water-vowarvoww laU was self an promoting that mutual ac- American SECURiuES—The following are the Medium Coitou snd xoiunv captured was a large tooacco house with examplarin Flannels,.20 ® 224 continuing every day and Fa.ant Wheel. Ba.l the States which current quotations f r American securities: Untied Cotton evening during the ..ng e •?"“ left for quaintance among contrib- Bleached Flannels,.25 on Vix^ *'.!, •spaces airing the tobacco; the ® 32] week, closing with Flour AND DlKu. bull la Ilia ^ a spaces utes us oue in Sfcites 5-20’s 73; Illinois Central Railroad shares 794; striped shirting. Suturdry evening Barrels Wanted! _LOST inl*„ Were to make affec- a aua1i.‘“Y^ four largely patriotic e. inches apart; the barn contained Erie Railroad shares 40. baiting, ry House, Toole, ret,, .11 |„ tion as we are oue iu national interest. It is Heavy Striped Shirting,.30.224® 24 Dramas. orumiailm hay and other articles. The carbines were Operettas. Tableaux, Vo- and after we ir.,m i.epot in a smart aau Livbbpool, June 25— Noon Heavy Striped Shirting,.27.17 ® 21 January 2d, 186T, shall resume Found gruwm, puts C1i£?k2!I bere exhibited. thereiore iu Hie cause of the general welfare, cal ON the purchase ot Flour Brls. ami The ... Witness examined them, but Cotton sales Medium Striped 15 and instrumental for CASH, at the plaaty. Factary bu.f, ,m ,k. us well as iu the ot local tending.downward; only 6,000 bales; Shirting,.27.124® Music, unice ot the LADY’S Gold Chased Pin. The gaa iLaeeiaior Co. Can ba *1^* did not know whether were the same that indulgence pride, 11 Mtddl ticking. owner can have easily turned into a cotton they 1 have Middling uplands ® llfi; ng Orleans llfd. and I lie annual the same at Oils Woolen or IiaiTulu that great satisfaction in Breadstuff's distribution of premiums to tlio A by calling other and paying c,r auy oilier kind ot J’aoioty. brought; Harr old’s however, greeting you and Provisions unchanged. Tallow de- J ..ID (a, 40 Portland this in carbine, in the ol scholars of the Supar Co., Junel7dlw* perfect.order. Apply to S L. k*n ha 1 a Capitol Massachusetts. clined to 44s. Iron declined to 53s 3d. Whale Medium Ticking,.25 35 Academy. GOULD, * * string about it; when the cavalry came Pig @ 37 1-9 Daufartli notice._ began, or The Presideut replied: Oil declined £35 ton for Iceland. Other articles Light Weight 18 Ml., up they went to the house, and seeing that 1 4* Tickings,.121@ W. R. Governor:—In to the unchanged. C0TT0NADE*. B. BROWN A SONS. T CKKTB, Aeoek also went to the and found some of the response welcome JuI>’ lvt-2J, 3.1,5th and flih Reb8'1H_J. June 12. Pearl house, which has Heavy double and twist,.40 &o trom> lor kind tbr, frain from a every of business. ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, ba. n; 1 told him if lie would wait til! single remark. If we were all U. s. 2d HATTING, WADDING, &C. Kvery WEDNE Dil nnd ^ © r. moruing Seven-Thirties, series.106 SATURDAY, are able at all limes to supply parties in and all disease* ot tbo J-iMtd_ O. BAILEY, i. ujtlonaer. the men could be taken brought more iu contact with oue auother and U. S. 3d senes.106 Batting, lb.10 @ 20 from to mi v of the State without the \ Seven-Thirries, Cetto 14 1 o’clock. part with Got) > REM a ftf.fl hkt.p burning could see New York ioo Wadding, lb,.so 35 * dkouao J was then ordered more ot and understand each other Central,. either as Mechanics or and Lot on barn; by Baker to pile SO cents. Domestics, Laborers. EYE, EAR, Monument | the differences 60 Wi«kl»g,.. « CO Tickets, Five lor $2.00. Contractors. brush about the barn, and while so Booth better, which operate Erie,. jelSddm Merchants, Farmers and others will doing | practi- Erio WOOLEN GOODS. l»e Street at Auction. came a in us somewhat and which preferred.73 @74 supplied with Men aud tor all kinds THROAT AND AIR to crevice and said In* warned me loi j cally keeping apart, Kentueky Jeans,.20 @ 40 Boys ol em- PASSAGES! are tor ofChabuk. June il ov\ n that the greater would dis Hudson,.lODJcsSWl Don't forget the num- can 29‘k. o'cloek P. M., I iny good he would shoot me unless I ] part imaginary, Satinetib. .50 « 85 Strawberry Festival, ^yi^^'HEK2i*aA be consulted at tlie hbitli sell ihe one Union ber, Congress Street, next to Tort- 0*!i?-^iTU,ft?AV‘ and oUc-balt siory house No. stopped; the barn was and appear. [Applause.] The asperities, and 1 Meltons,.75 ®1 00 THERE will be a Festival atthe Ves- City Building, 14 Monument subsequently lirod, j Michigan Central,.108 @ 1» 9 Black Strawberry MJKWiTT Sc Street, bald house i.nmim seven Un- ;ilHo wards might say our would then be re- M Union Cassimeres.80 («/l 00 0,1 Stevens’ MVTIdPlk, United States isiioti Air. Baker and 1 weut iuto the barn j prejudices, cliigan Southern,.741 MmoU-'i Plains, on Feb Hotel, Portland, rooms, good cemented eoilar, gjod water, ka.d alter moved. This State should stand in har- Illinois WOOL FLANNELS. MONDAY EVENING. 1st. tit—dtfProprietors. anti soil. On the Booth had boon shot; i never knew who olote Central,.121 @ } July lot Is a hue now stable. Lot 34 hr Bine Mixed Twilled Flannels.20 @ 574 Doors open at 7 o’, lock. Tickets 23 cts. Booth was before he came mony with ail the States of the Union. It hat Wanted d#airabto piopei ty, and in a there. Blue and §r June 21 d3t iTbif good* No ueeu said that our nation is too to hold Boston Stock I list. Scarlet,.36® wanted to in a Thursday aad Jane \17 50 engage nice, light and conve- Friday, l|8th, I the plain,.3-4.33 MENnieut business. 6, Air. said it was together, hut will take converse of the Sales at the Brokers* white. i*>nin, cood, smart, energetic man and at BAILEY, AuotT. Bradley understood that all Board, June 95. ..ho ® 36 70 sin make least onoeamonth hereafter, until further juueSidtd_F. aud it is too to Five Doclahs per day. testimony was subject to iho of the proposition, say large divide American notice, on the same davs; as, excepting Thur objections i’he whole cannot Gold. 1361 HEW ITT A Mid day Sale defence. get along without the U nlted States J Over ,r BUTLHB, Friday of eadi week, during the summer. of Forfeited parts Coupons, ulv.....! 13,, a Month ! AP*lb- 2d) 1-2 Street. Uor^esT or the without the ■ 2,000,000 Congress Dr. G. B. Liohthill can Col. Bverton J. Conger was then called and parts whole. [Kunewee uited State* Coupon Sixoh, 1881. 112 THE tf_ be consulted at tbo We Guitcd States kV None but class deaerioed examined Mr. Witness is now applause.] should be one—a united and 7-30s, 1st series. 106 first goods mads by this Company. following HOESES kavlna been by Pierrepont. Mansion seised for violation a farmer in Biehmond prosperous and a 2d series. 10* Flour Barrels House, Augusta Me., THE ol the Revenue Lews of couuty, Ohio, but wa.** happy people. [Applause.] '* Wanted. the United in 3d series. 106 where ttuttes, and the Appraisers iitViOf tertlh- m 1865 a and then, sir, behalt ot those I I .. UNION he has been with big u.ual soldier, Lieutenant Colonel of tbe represent, States PACIFIC practicing good “•** oath th.. t the of whauk United C-20s, 1862 110 will Buoeeas for a lew expense keeping the same 2d oi tbe the for this mani- 44 DO cents each for class mouths last past. The is will he cavalry District of Columbia. people through you pay Irst Floor present very Urge and dispruportioi.ate ie their 1864.... 107} RAILROAD Barrels Dr. C. B. Ughthill's lirst visit to Maine value, \\ it ness was asked to festation of these kind regards. CO. WE suitable toi sugar. siucc his re- they will be sold at describe tbe capture oi 1865 107 turn from Europe. publie auction, in front of Booth. Hie statement The President as he resumed his seat wa* 44 LYNCH, BARKER A CO., Sswjor s on Federal on is as it 1865. Are now a Railroad from A a Stable,’' St, Saturday already known, fT 14 Jaly, 110} constructing novl3dti 13, Commercial pamphlet containing descripii >n of Catarrh, June came out in the trial of the che recipient of repeated United States street. U-Jtli, at 11 o’clock A M, to wit:— conspirators. Wit- applause. Ten-forties. 100} Patented June 10, I860. together with certificates of numerous cures per tor in- ness Lieut.-Governor Claflin then Eastern 2 prs Mai chad 1 Black then described the articles taken Iron, ; addressed Sec- Railroad. 10j OMAHA, NEBRASKA, ed by tho Doctor, can le obtained, iree of charge, by Horses, Hoise, 1 Bay Horse, which retary Seward, who Portland, Saco & Portsmouth Railroad. 99} 600,000 Pairs Ordered addressing tor it 2 Grey llornes, 1 Roam Marc, i Bay Maro; Booth, were, besides the carbines, two briefly replied. weatward toward* tb. Pacific Ocean, snaking wit Weekly! LET. a _It) Under the provisions ol See. of the Act entitled seven-shooting revolvers, largo new bowie it* connections an unbroken line dr. c. B. 15, Porllud Dally Pren Stack AH Paper Cuffs heretofore made have LIGHTHILL. “An Act further to knife, a box bills of on Uat> been nearly prevent smuggling and tor other compass, exchange a on account of the June 18. d«&w4w Canada CORRECTED BT WM. H. WOOD AC BOMB TI1E worthless, great difficult r or put- To Augusta. Mr. purposes.” approved .July 18, lb«o. bank, and a diary; the was foi THE k SO*, CONTINENT. in and Let. diary j INDIAN WAR. ting taking uu the studs, by which the Cuff ISRAEL WASHBURN, Jr., tolWor. 1864, and leaves were Stock and 67 Kx. The now efler a limited is Board. Pleasant Booms at 30 many cut from it; the Exchange Brokers, St.. Portland, Company amount ortheli destroyed with once Danforth at. Portland, June 20, le€7. dtd leaves in frequently wearing. This ob- WITH 21 dlw» many parts were cut out, aud from i For tho week ending Jano 26, 1967. jection is who'ly obviated in the Duplex Cuff which _june is made under the Mew appearances Huy appear to have been cut ai i Attach on the Deecriptime. Par Value. deiced FIRST patent of the NePlus Ultra Collar Goods, Cheap. CHEAT SAL E Employees of the Offered, MORTGAGE BONDS with a new Store to different times; they may have been cut out ai I Government Company, button-hole, used in no other Let. -OF 6’s, 1*61.Hr. 113 tl to which the the same but it was different Government having irty years run, and bearing annual in- cuff, enable* wearer to put in or take out GOOD BRICK STORE AND to opened at 300 Congress St. a lot of White tune, cuts, as the j Kansas Pacific Railroad. E-76,1SW,.lit.m the ituis BASEMENT stuffs oi the Government INSTANTLY, without or A let on Market street near Middle. JUSTMarseilles, Linen Colored REAL ESTATE leaves were have seen the 6-20.1861.197 .. 1671 tearing injuring Napkins Doylies, uWven; the cuff or buttou-liole in the least. A of at 39 Linen on when 1 was Government B-M. lids,.1*7. Citff this Enquire Exchange street. Doylies, Diaper, Crash, B'eaclu d and Brown diary recently summoned before kind will wear more than j three men (JovoriuncntS-SiU, three tunes at long us any Jc-hUw G. L. BAILEY. Suet ling, Linen Shirt Bosoms, a hue stock of L iuen j die and it was ■ killed, July.11*.H»f other. are MU .V o r Judiciary Committee, then in Government 1st They made oi ery puro white Table Damask the Ladles and Gents HILL, rlic same 7-30, series.106.1M1 heavy by yard. Hoh«, condition as when taken from Booth s Six Per Cent, in sto< k, in exact imitation and Government 7-30, 2d and 84 series.106 Gold, qf liven, are water- Rooms to Hdktk, Parasols, Umbrellas, &c., Ac. For sale Maaaey,Jalr I at, •’•lack P. Iff. would .106} our new Let lvtl;,al3 person; know the diary again if I saw Government 10-4U. AT proofed by process in the same manner oi very cheap, call and see. j St. June 24. Sul.loo the BOARD. Also a tow it; among other taken from Louia, State of Maine Duplex Collar, our orders warrant us insav- table boarders Juno 21-dtt. th'ngs Booth’s A from the terminus Hondo. *0.100} Cents on thut iu WITHbe at 92 ion were dispatch present of the Ninety the Dollar. Ing less than one year no other Ctifl accommodated, No free Street, t per some some tobac- Portland City Hands. M.9 I Paper dune 20. dlw* Thre Houses and Hi use Lots! daguerreotypes, Kansas Pacific Railroad Bays the Indians liavt will be called for or sold the trade Tweny co, a Catholic a Bath Citjr Hondo..99.91 This road was completed iTem O in aba 305 by throughout CHOICE SOUTHERN YELLOW medal, pin inscribed “Dan Bry- driven the .miles the We bouse and lot now owuud ant guarding parties of the railroad in- < 20 country. also manufacture the ‘-Waior and occupied by C. to J. \\ the was Bangor ity Bonds, years,.99. 93 on the 1st ot and Line ’(’UKX \V. Booth;” pin straight to Fort west, January, 1867, is fully Cuff” (a very enamelod corres- For Rent. AKO Smith, corner of Melbourne ami witlls St*. Harker; also that two'railroad ineu Calais r... 98 heavy Cuff) when 1 got but was bent City Bonds,.90.. with the House i-ou.ainstwe te it, while in my posses- aud two residents were Cumberland National equipped, and trains are regularly running ovor it.— ponding Collar of that name. They have We have at Woodford’s rtuished rooms, pood panuloe killed uear Buuku Bank,_40. 46. 4T the Corner, close to tke anu sion; lb* pin was witness patent button-hole, the same as the •4g|«=v Boise closer, pood cellar and brick c.sem; is well ar- exhibited; recogniz- Hill, twenty miles west of Fort on Canal National Bank,.100.lot}.1*7 The cempany has now on hand sufficient Duplex Cuff. bailroad, a new story aud ball house, ed it as the one Harker, Iron, tics, USjjil Western Mixed j.mced for one or two taiu-iict; wood house and na- takeniroui Booth’s the* and a First National JufeJncuiitaioiug 8 rooms, with good .land stable and High Corn, person; (Saturday, considerable amount of stock Bank,.100.1*6}.log etc., to finish the to the eastern 9100BS WARD!-Oue hundred dollars will be ble lot 132 b 80 ee diary was witness Oaoeo National remaining portion t u. au acre ol ground for in store and tor sale aitached; ; bcautiully mid out exhibited; recognized it as had been driven otf. Efforts were Bank,.106..106}.197 paid for information which will convict Dealer garden. by .1111 stocked with choice* ft-nil the one being made base of the 212 which h any U. K. and oinauicntal taken irom the of the Merchants' National Bank,., 7B.77. 78 Rooky Mountains, miles, of < uffs not made the Ne DAVIS Sc CO., *r«es, person Booth; co procuro arms tor the railroad selling by Plus Ultra Col Ju- ea. eodtf grape Vines, g<>o*ou*rry and curiam oushea, straw- leaves were out from tiie employees, National Traders' under contract to be done September 1st oi thi:- lar of Bi Keal Estate Agents. EDWARD U. BURGIN dates between June of whom have Bank.loO.196}.197 Company', idetbrd, Mo., hating button- <£ CO., berry vines. Hijruober.v and tlower* in aburtuanc*.— and many already left their work, Second National Bank.109.9*. 95 hole* like ikose in the 1864, August, 1864. year, and k is expected that the entire road will be Duplex Cuff, as t e exclusive This is no of he nuesi resiliences «»n the o m- and it was feared all will leave unless are Portland Coni 130 GOdhEKClAL hill, Mr. thev pan V.100. 90. *6 patent for the Uni edStates lbi such a button h lei* To Let. MARKET, a lim* view ot Lrauley saw desired that the in order H orn Omaha to Us western connec- maudiug Island- ami sor- they diary netter protected. Portland Gas SO. running mvned said and 7TUIE room over Sc Hawley 's uascobay, and whatever was Company,. 02}.B3 by Company, all will Vickery Dry Goods' in enra or vessels rounuiug count jy. Also one lot'ui 48 80 put in evidence should re- The Ocean Insurance tion with the Central infringements A stole. No. at promptly. They are Joining, by excursion party from Fort Wallace ar- Company,_100.196.198 Pacific, now being rapidly be prosecuted to the extent of the law. Free street, now occupied by Her- icet; cau be exaniiucl main m the of the man S LOADEDnow prepared to furnish from their X,w Mi at any afternoon previous to custody court, so that the rived at Fort Haliua all At. k St. J-awrence K. B.,.60.60 built eastward from Kaler & Co. lor a Wholesale AlUliusry and sale. defence to-day, in good health. Sacramento, Cal., dining 1870. Straw L'taaa Grief Mill could at any time have access to them At. k St. Lawrence tt.K. Bonds, 10*.S3.36 Goods business. A so, two new houses on Montreal Street, one 22 It was ordere d that the Clerk ol __ I-awubncb, Ka., June 24. A. k K. H. R. Bonds.81. 86 This loom will be vacated some time In Wune. •UAL AND the Court take means of ltae CHALKED CORN by 30, and on** 22 by 3., each touriee feet .-ev- ot The ou the Facifio Maine Central B. B. Company. 1' or particulars ot H. S. Kaler St i*o*ts, charge ail the articles taken in the evi- grading parties Kailroad, Stock,_100. 15.28 enquire CO. or en huielicu rooms, and wi:li w ,..Ush«d within miles of Main* Central U. It. VlCKEety St HAWLEY. to the whole tale trade fiom lOOteMC bushels attached, dence. twenty Bunker Hill, were at- Bonde.88.82 junetdif prompt- with lo s 40 88 leet with situ Leeds It. R. Estimating the distance to be built by the Unjon lo order, it lowest by each, splendid tor \» ituess then tacked by the Kiowa Indians on last dkParni’gton St’k, 108. 68.70 ly very prices. Aha, GROUND garden. resumed, and after Saturday Portland *Ken R. R. Paeilio to be the United States BOCK SALT from very purest !3alt know in a examining Three men were killed and the Bond*,. 100.80.IS 1,568 miles, Govern- Rooms to Let. n, put up Yilso, at same time and number ol identified a remainder driv- This Collar is the most imitation ten and five place, twenty house lots, articles, large knife an Portland Sc Forest Av’n's R. R, 100.78. 80 ment its perfect qf liken twenty, pound poplar box»>, or bans i situateu aud work on the road is issues Six per cent. Thirty-year bonds to ever and is FEW gentlemen can on Noah, Wi ii*. Montreal and Walnut ats. sheath and a compass as been tak- suspended be- Portland Glass made, water-proofed bv a secret process lodgers be accommodated desired. Flour and wheat Meal. Oats, Short* and having \> Company,. 10*.90.86 with and Eastern »< en irom yond iIson's Creek, aud unless meas- the Company as the road is finished at the average owned and used the Ne Plus A pleasant rooms on Pearl Street. ot Fine Feed. I'rcnienade, oe.ng meet the*burst lots the person of and a of a prompt Richardses'* Wharf Co.100. 95. 109 only by Ultra Collar •• Inquire booth, piece ures are taken which I, at this office. and commanding the Uui si view! ol lots to bo taken from by the military the progress ol rate of about per mile, amounting to $44,- Company, gives to every Collar a perfect Junetdif ■April 15. dlwteodtf any map, llarrold. $28,250 hail in the and within twelve minutes walk ol tae load will be retarded. As laundry finish, leaving them Lee from all that un- city, iiic article.; named wore then to greatly matters Portlnsd Wholesale Prices CnrrMI, 208,000. the Posi lhec submitted now stand the natural shineu look w: icb other Collars have. > aeh Front the for lives aud of the Office, Water ot the jurors their and were offer- property people Corrected Tor tho Press, to Jobs 26. The Company is a'.so permitted to issue its own one is MOLDED to »orm a for the purest quality can be obtained eamy inspection, on the border are space cravat, and to No 16 WHEELER& of rnose lots ed m evidence. totally unprotected. turned on a full curve Story let, Exchange street. An- WILSON <>y s.nking a well iroin to twelve Lead. First Bontls to an amount, and at line, maki g them the most “ eigi.t tiov. Crawford is an effort to obtain Apples. Mortgage equal SECOND JOHN leet uwep, that wiii wash or shave. Cross-examined Mr. tuaking orl.8 00 # 00 Sheet: beaufifill and best fitting Collar ever cut out of NEAL, Lock stitch Machine. by On the arms Breen? B a Pipe. il|® 12 the same vrhieh Act of are pa- Or Sewing or Bradley. aud ammunition time, by special Congress •• J.F Houses lots eun bo examined trial at the from the to bu. 2 2 54 ! per. They can also be KJE v hK$ or worn a. ... CLAFLIM, any day previous Arsenal 1 was not as military looking ? 00® Leather. D, either ap-4 to sole, interrogated arm railroad in the made a First on the entire the bonds si te the wearer 7, nearly by calliug ou Mi*. xUoul 33 Nor h street- lo ah th- articles employees disturbed dis- Dried? lb... 15 u 16 New Mortgage line, out, giving the benefit of a linen iiu dtt_No opposite. bare received tak<‘n from do not York, the Agency lor till* section ol Terms favorable and made know u at time of sale. Booth; trict. Western do. 12 w 14 of the United States to i*h and plain Collar all in one. Wherever ihev V\7® recollect that I was asked Light. 2* * 31 bring subordinate them. have vv the State, and have titled up rooms at IV® 1 about the diary; 1 been introduced take the I«arge Hall and Offices to Let junc22 o. bailey, Awrr. St. Juue 25. Aakea. Hid. weight SI * 34 Tlio Government makes a they universally lead of itlsrtss where we bavo all the jd_f. xauiined the diary ou the Louis, donation of 12 800 acres other Btesk, various coming up steamer, Omaha Pearly lb.none 32 35 every Collar; in fact, mauv dea era have Patten’s, Nos. It and 16 stieet. et their and it is dispatches report a „enng. Braiding, Emkroiilcr- (lo; day oi duly next, at ten (1U) o’cloo». in the forr- afterwards. Witness the head waters of the 50 60 ionff term, very desirable lot ot laua m tne river in all Piae. @ Nos. 1 as....KB no 00 one hundred million dollar*, of which live centre ot trade on aad u .on, the r-ai examined the diary aud said ho could not set- Republican £00 millions Fon Kxobangc street, an i on which »■* Lettering daac iu tho ucat- olioiug estate, namely: A lot of directions for Bread. be land u the eight days, going 140 miles No. 3.45 00 *50 00 have erected a store, cither tor or north-easterly siue of In auy dilierence in the the diarv was in south, 100 lb It 00 *14 00 already been paid in, and of which it is not large wholesale cii mnum-r. Quinoy Lai.e, cutting; and then returned to Fort Pilot? No. 4.20 00 00 reuul business. Also several lots on r*> rulaiul, where aainuui bou.c* loriueriv my Sedgwick *25 ^anvut ut Wilmot Street, resided, be- possession liom 6 A. M. to 4 o’clock P. Saturday, dot ex 100 Ibll 04®13 CO supposed that more than tweittr-H-v** n. ar the M.; having seen no Indian* nor hipping- 21 00 oo new Park. to or lor tic- ing ah.utsixty (80) feet, on said Laue, and about J diii not see any ot thorn. t« oo i; *24 uiwoi Apply address, par O. R. DAVIS A it again until 1 was examined be- signs dldp...8 >uts win oe required. This is a first class, very mauc COM lour ieet Gen. Potter had OO Spruce... .lioofeeeuu heavy plain Collar, ula4fi* II. C. forty (44) deep. io;e returned from Pole Creek OraokOfipteO ® 03 1 of 4 liARNUS, the Committee about six Hemlock_1100 00 The oost of road is white linen st*»ck, costing 10 per cent, more may27eod4w NO. 1 MOBTON BLOCK. u »h l>e Sol.i to of Judiciary weeks an *17 the estimated by competent pure apr‘24. lie. subject right dower of the widow Crossing, after absence of four days, with- Butter. aud warranied to be whLer and dtt_ Portland, ego; all that Booth said after lie was lie Clapboards, to finer, stronger thau of said Samuel Soule. Terms cash. shot, out Indians. F sally? lb now 25 @ 30 engineers he about one hundred million dollars the stock used in aim : sited lor aud said his seeing any SpruceEx..S7 00 @80 00 any lar oliar. they are made WiLLLAM L. PUTNAM, water, throat appeared Col. Store. i6 ® 0 of the new TO L WILLIAM Greene, with five of Pine Ex. ..40 00 So 00 exclusive equipment. by process used only by the No Plus ULra E T ! LOWMLL, Administrator of tue Estate ot to be stopped up; don’t remember that Booth companies infantry Candles. * batnuel Soule. and one of left Collar being MOLDED to form a mace tor In New Canal J ne saal cavalry, Fort Phil on 15 Shingles, Company, National Bank Middle DEALER IN 7, j.8 ilawuw then ed w of sale. llarrold had to do with such a Kearney 14)® the on Building, 3t., 1m<7._ nothing it; the 4th ot June with for Fort C. F. Moaldytb... Cedar Ext. .4 SO * 4 75 Prospects for Business. cravat, turned a lull curve line and ean l»e thing have been I supplies 40 ® 12 REVERSED or worn One Store on might said, but do not re- nine miles north of Sperm. CedarNo.1.,3 00 * 8 25 either side out. Made in all tke Lower NEW AND SECOND SAND at member aud f Smith, which post eommu Cement. Tlie railroad ctnnoctiou sizes and Its. Story; Horses, carriages, Jtc., Auction it, do not remember saying so at ideation had Shaved Cedar 5 75 between Omaha and the sty OFFICER IN been cut oft all winter. The In- ? brl.2 25 2 35 THE Til I HD L^VKilY at 11 o’clock A. M„ on niW the conspiracy trial. ® Pine 8 75 East is now ana the of STORY, SATURDAY, dians seem to have left the Platte Choeee. complete, earnings the Union JCJ market Maraei 1 shall sell Mr. The River Val Laths, ONE lot, sueet, Heists, By Pierrcpont. carbines were load- some 14 18 Pacific on the sections finished for the first HALL IN FOURTH STORY. FURNITURE uC. ed and ley, going north aud west and others Yermnntytb ® 60 @ 4 00 already carriages, Harnesses, J drew the loads at the War go- Spruee.3 at Canal F. Depart- south. The latter are Mew York.... 11® 18 4 two weeks In were Apply National Bank. Middle St. Apl Q. BAILEY, Auctioneer. ment. ing undoubtedly those Pine. 50 * 4 7* May ^113,«»00. These sectional Creckery. Klsu-Wsri, Carpeting*, 21._ who made Coal—(Retail i. 10. dtt Wiudew the raid on the Hill route Molasses. earnings, as the road progresses, will much more Paper Uuagiag*, Shade*, By Mr. Merrick. The came into Smoky Oumboriand. (aie.'ju _April Sale ot Timber Cauda for diary my and the Kansas Pacific on Porto Rico. 00 05 —AKO— Bates’ at I Railway Saturday Lorb'rdtltiamond. u ® @ than pay the interest on tho Company’s bonds, and possession Covelock; think I took it irom 00 For Leklgli. 8 oo Cienfuegos.... 60* the This is well known as the standard enamelled < ol- Rent. College. Booth a person; J handed the and * through business over the only line of railroad in tbe House Furniwhing Goods, diary other Fresh on the in the vi- Ked Alb. 8 80 Trinidad. 52 a 56 larot the and s made the third story c on corner articles Jo the outrages Arkansas, ® between the trade, by pa'ent water ol bulidlng of the carbines Cuba Clayed.. 41 m 50 Atlantic and Pacific must be Immense. ss. OFFICESExchange aud Milk Streets. NO, 11 La.mii Osfiob. t Secretary War; cinity ot Fort Dodge and along the Santa Fe White Ask. 8 oo ® lineproci used solely by the tie Plus Ultra Collar Enquire at of* Preble Ml , Portland, Me. y.ere r.o one Clayed tart. 47 * 42 tLo OCEAN 18. uodSm Bangor, Mareh T. 181*7. f brought up afterwards; came up route are aud it is not Coffee. Company, being only method by which a perfect ur£O. INSURANCE CO, May w itli m on reported, impossi- Muscovado. 62 * 63 Value ami of tlic enamelled Collar can iipaniblv Iv* bell. .5. tf is hereby given, in pm*. ance of l pout then read the Hie. 28 ® 50 Sugar Syrup entirely Lee from poi on, and is every NOTICE carry ch.pier extracts from from the Platte and Smoky Hill route to the Nails. The the most ol the Resolves of hundred six- Booth s all ot Cooperage. Company respectfully submit that the above way pci feet, durable aud best fittli g enam- Paints! Paints ! eighty-tour eighteen diary, which have been Arkansas and south of it. Cask.0 « 25 I Paints in favor of tebru- already HLltd. &b’ki a 12J® statement ot facts elled Collar in the market. Made in aU sizes and ty-iour bales’College, approved published, and it was offered in evidence. The lids, fully demonstrates tho security o that At St. Joseph special despatch says that Mol. City... 8 00 ® Naval Stores. styles. Particular Notice! ary 2*, l8o7, townships numbeitd 6, Range 17 6 a: v was published between the I5lh aud 20th Tar krl.. .350 400 their Bonds, and as additional would and 10 II WtL situated the Gen. Terry and Don. Sherman have each Bug.City...2 SO (2 75 * proof’they sug- W. F, Range a, upon l ppor of May. Pitch (C. Tar13 25 PHILLIPS A CO. Saint John the Soullnast written letters to the Governor of D&cotah S«g.C’try..l*e *175 * gest that the Bonds new offered are^ess than teu River, excepting quailer .. my St Mr. also lo read a Wil. Pitch .5 60 * 0 00 neighbors Woodman Whitney have de- Are now to offer to the trade oi the last named township, w ill be ottered tor »ale Pierrcpont proposed letter the of •■trrUiltMol. million dollars on 517 miles of on which ready and consumers, advising postponement the contempla- Rosin.6 00 12 00 road, over Ne Plus Ultra Collar AStermined in consequence of the ui TertUnd auction tor the benei.t ol said at found in the diary, but the witness could not ted Hkd.Sb’ks. 175 ® 2 00 * City the best I by public College, exploring expedition to the Black Hills. twenty million dollars have been Company, Building Loan a te self thair entire the Land ouice in on the 11th it as a of Him. Turpentine gal 70 * 85 already expended; bolng failure, bangoi, Wednesday identify piece the diary, as it com- that the is B’d'gs, stock for at 1 ol They say country still conceded Iu- Oakum. on 330 miles of this road the cars ■IDDirORD, MAINE. twenty days greatly reduced prie.ee, 1 day September next, at 12 o clue.., neon. menced and a Soft Piae... 25® are now running, “My Dear,” thou piece w as torn dian and am compelled lor other reasons to sell Pure White Lead ! one third cash and satibfac'or. notes land, that any attempt to occupy it Hard Piae.. 3d M Ameiioau-1»| ® 131 the Union my payable In out, and Mr. and the remaining 187 miles are CF-LiccuseJ by Paper Collar Co. of New on auu two Piemipout said could net the whites Oil. nearly completed. .. oars, see urea on tne they by will be resisted by the Indians, aeepK,ueii).3eee (&3S«u York. by mortgage prem- lead it until identified Mr. Baker. Tbe di- 65 At the present rate ot premium on these Children9* LINSEED VARNISHES! ises, will be rceei,6d .n ty and that in the present condition of affairs the R.OakStavee45U9 *69 99 Kerosene,_ 0 gold Carriage*, OIL, payment. yvas then submitted to the bonds an A. ISAAC K. CLARK. ary jury and exam- government cannot furnish to the Copper. $l whom and Quick Small Profits! Something Tew! SUCCESS! who lives ten miles f rom the Potomac. He covered no traces of Indiana. He attributes * 31® States, maps OUTniture, Fai ms, Farming Utensil*, promptly 35 55 4 Paper and Envelopes, a iked me what 1 wanted to the committed the Naptha I* gal. £ Png.Veil.Red. 0 descriptive pamphlets may he obtained. beautifully stamped made, by the day or on commission. Office No. V* do with it, and depredations recently by ft Red They NOTEin colors or witn now and most ant and Opium p $10 a Lead. 14® 18 will be plain, elegant style import valuable invention of the Exciouige at S. H. Book Store. tore out pieces Dr. Stewart’s Indian* to bands from Colorado and east ot also sent by mail from the Our Cash ? pe, cut for this Street, Cmeswortby's containing name; Rhubarb.3 25 * Litharge. 14 0 18 Company’s office, Terms, ty expressly purpose. THEnineteenth century; Rcteiuence No. 14 Oxfuru Street. t'Hjk it to \\ and Prescott. No. 20 Nassau his is in ashiugton, Gen. Baker and Sal Soda. 5 iS 51 FI alter, street, New Yoik, on application. paper put up Fancy Boxes, nicely ar- May 24. d.;m. It took it to the War It was rumored that 12 25 tea. ranged for use. mys* Department, and Capt. Young's company Saltpetre. ® doll, 4* 2 00 ® 2 26 Subscribers wlM select their own in whom was a wise man, but when he said there THE AMEBIOAN 00W MILKER ! < cu. Agents Lekcrt then it with of the 8th cavalry, at had mutinied Sulphur. tm 7J 2 80 SOLOMONwas new under tue sun he was BA1LET * NOTES, compared Booth's Mojava, Hard.181® they have who will nothing wrong, A sure cure for aching hands and kick! cows. F. O. 1 Vitriol. co.fldo.ee, alone be lcapoutlbl ig By BAILEY, diary, and found where it was torn and killed the captain and his lieutenants. 15,1» Produce. lor since that time we have opened a store at New Block, Street. Portland places out. to thorn for tbo safe Exchange this msebine cows are milked perfectly dry in front to H. & AV it ness here Gen. he would make Beik. Beef, aide 4> lb 14® 16 delivery of tho bonds. June 21. cod4w (Successor Bailey Son,) examined the and Gregg says short work two to three minutes, and it has prof n, by practi- nated the diary desig- ot the redskiues if No. 1,. m to Veal. 9® 11 JOHN J. place where the leaf was torn he had six or eight compa- tll.t'O, Treasurer. No- HI Federal cal use, to be more agreeable to the cow than h aul out, No. 19. U 33 Spring Lamb 11 ® 18 NEW St., Commission au.l Mr. to nies of cavalry. YOltK. milking. Men of laige or small capital, vour partic- Auctioneer, Merchant, Pierrepont proposed offer the leaf Ravens. ... S2 Uhlckens. 28 a 3o ® And have Increased our AMD — as evidence. Col. L. Wright was from a serious W. H. WOOD A SON, are agents tor the sale of business to such an extent Maine Central R. R. ular attention is solicited to this invention, as an ex- recovering woods. Turkeys. 28 0 26 that all who arc in Mr. Dye tho want ot Shoeing can be shod, amination of the busine s, the milker, the »ost, (he Bradley unless first illness, resulting frqpi ore in the Mozz Geese. none above bond* In this city, June3d&w3m and he who REAL ESTATE BROKER. objected, proved working Barwood. 3 0 requires Booting has to call on the sale and profits, will set at that it was in Booth’s mine. Eggs, *> doz.. 18 20 only demand, skepticism hand-writing. BrasU Wood.. 13 ® ® Fare Reduced One-Half to and defiance xnd capitalists to thinking. Territory is Kaaiua .No. loll Fore Mirroi, F.ill.il, Mr. said would Accounts from the mines are u Potatoes, p bu 70 0 76 Pierrepont they prove that, encouraging. Camwood_ * 10 REMOVAL.- C. F. MOULTON & From last being secured bv sagacious business men, who April dtf but he Parson’s Lode is CO. all SlatiiBs an this line 4srlag 1,1107. desired to show the jury that the leaf being vigorously developed. Fustit,. 3 * 5 Proriaioni. are laying a solid foundation tor success. Cali and A Mess And the week JTaoe fitted in the diary in the place indicated. Prescott letter says the Democrats carried Logwood, Beef, examine their stock ot cudiu* 99, 1867 examine tor yourselves. Office Market Street. JOHN CROCKETT, The diary and the leal were examined the that county at the late election by 59 Campeaehy. 3 ® Chicago,.. .22 08 £24 00 (iormerly Lime). junelfieodlw by ma£oiity. St. 2 3 Ex Mess. .26 88 £28 08 JOSEPH H. Persons can purchase at station Au.liourtr anil j ury. The ranches were Domingo ® WEBSTER, any Apprniurr, looking finely. Peach Wood.. 3 U this line a ticket to any other sta’iou The witness was Two men were Pork, liootsife Shoes with Evans & in the killed by the Indians on Uio Hue and receive a return ticket will (Office Bailey) Washington during twenty- Red Wood.... 6® 9 ExlraClsar 031 oo (Sncceater to E. Webster & So.,) which be Tilton Jt McFarland, hut was not as five miles from Prescott on the 2d inst. We feel confident that wo can an lor train conspiracy trial, called a wit- fish. Clear..28 08 £28 08 give you assort- good any during ike week but not alter to ray NO I. I & 2 FREE STREET BLOCK, don't Geu. ment of that. Desire to eall the attention to the fact that more tLan dtf ness; recollect ever saying that when Gregg is planning an extensive expe- Cod, p qtl. Mess.24J00 0*8 00 Goods of an kinds, Booth was he said two dition to Ponto Basin. Large Shore 6 59 * 6 50 Prime.... 20 to Je23dt29 EDWIN NOYES, Snpt. dying only persons 02100 For Great and for and for Old 4 o was 519 5 75 Hams. INSURANCE Humll, concerned in tin* I know Mrs. LargeBank ® 151® 161 AGENT, and fer l conspiracy; ouug, P O R T 1a ANT 17 Of their Safes AMPLE PROTECTION la tl'C MEDICAL ELECTRICITY Holiohan, hilt do not recollect her Small.,.3 SO * lot) Biea. has removed his office to the u»TO telling any laM Are. Parlies a tiling like the above. Trial af the Auburn Murderer*. Pollock.3 25 * 1 25 Rise,® lb.... 11® 121 desiring Haddock. 2 25 ® 3 09 Salsratua. We would particularly call the attention of Ladies Samuel K. of First National Bank our Five Cents Bank. Chester New York was called Lewiston, J une 25. Hake.2 oo m 2 75 Sal»ratui®tb Building, to Savings FIRST RATE SAFE, DR. W. N. lo prove Booth’s in In the Verrill HJ® 124 Office Corner of flaws DEMING, presence New York AprilF murder trial the Coun- Herring, H,Ht. Double Sole Serge Foxed that we are sell- middle, Sirens, s, to-day, Corner of Middle and Plum Balmoral, At a MODERATE PRICE, will please call on Wi. the case Shore. bl.6 09 6 00 Turk’s Is. Streets, Entrance for and warrant entrsacc aa Flaws ty Attorney-opened for the govern- V ® V ing $2.00, every pair. ■lairs, Ntreet. EMERY dt WATERHOUSE Modical Electrician1 Mr. to ment. Scaled,*hx. 30 45 hhd 04 460 on Plum Street. Bradley proposed ask witness as to Twenty-six witneoses were sworn.— 0 (8biis.K ® We have a large lot ot Ladios’ Double Sole Serge Middle Street, Portland. 174 MIDDLK what Booth said No.). 29* 25 Cagliari 8 bu. .4 26 4 75 STKEKT, about the what Otis, Ruth and Isaac swore to the dis- 0 Congress and Balmorals, for $1.75 per in this Bank made on or before conspiracy, Libby Mackerel 00 pair. July Or si HO Sadbary Street, BoMsa. the was as was of the. phi. Liverpool.4 0 4 60 will be on interest Nearly Opposite flie (Jailed Sien« Hsu conspiracy etc., done at the con- covery murdered bodies Jan. 19. Dr. Gr’nil Butler. Also, a ot of Ladies* Serge Con -res*, without heels, DEPOSITS3d, put July 1st. Spec- trial, but Mr. BajrNe.l. 1900*1950 80 U Mr. Webster retains the Agency of the ial deposits received at Interest BB^Second-hand Sates taken in exchange for sale. spiracy Pierrepont objected. Edgcomb testified that he thought a rape was Short No.1.29 99 50 tor $1,00 per pair. any time, drawing would respwctiuUy announce to *20 Shot. from the date of at Parties desiring Sanborn’s Steam improvement at- Mr. said Booth was dead and ou the murdered the deposit such rate as may be citiaeusoi Portland and Bradley the attempted women. The No, 3. 8 00 * 9 90 Drop,4* lOOtbs 01160 Misses’ Heeled Seige Congress 85 cts. Childrens’ tached to Tilton A M Farland’.' Safes, can order oi WHKiiEhe vi;juft>,»ut bo a accused was « agreed upon. located in barged as engaged in it conspir- fractured skull of oue of the victims will be of- flour.. Buck. 012 60 Copper Tipped Shoes, 35 cts. Watcrhouso A Co. permanently this city During tla three Mutual Fire Insurance Dividend in April last was at the rate ot seven per Finery, we have been in ! oy with Booth, and lie to fered in Court as to White Winter Holyoke Co., Jan 15— SNlstw iu each remainder of time. years th s c.ty, we have Wrcd some proposed show testimony show whether Soap. cent, per tree of Government tax. 1u044.lv 16 Extra annum, oi the worst (orin* ol disease in who have Booth’s statements as to that the hatchet ot Verrill was the choice xx 90*18 00 St'm Reused 11 of Salem, Mass., which has be?n the All other Goods at Bank business persons conspiracy. probable weapon represented by extremely open every day from 9 A. M. to 1 P. !riod other forms ol in and xx 15 00 ®16 00 10 senior member of the late firm E. treatment vam, curing Judge Fisher said such evidence could not that made the wound. Family. o** Webster Sc Sou M., and trom 2 to 5 P. M. in x U no No. ia this for Low Prices ! Seizure of tioods. patients so short a time that rhe question is uiies be adduced on 00*16 1. 91 city tho last twenty-four years. NATH'L F. Treasurer. cross-examination. DEKR1NG, Is that the united, do cured'/ To answer this teiestioi Red Winter Oliue.."._. 13 Me also has tho agency of other reliable Fire Iusur- June 10. 1067. d hereby given following describ- they stay Tlie business here came to a dead-lock the All in want of Boot? and Shoes, can save money |unel8 A wgy3 we will *av that all that do not we by XX. 14 00® 15 00 Chem Olive. 11 anoe Companies, together with the by NOTICEed goods were seized at this port, on the davs stay cured, absence an Frau* at doctor the time without of witnesses, 1 after waiting for Mexiea. X. 13 03® 14 00 Crane’s. 13 calling hereinafter mentioned, for violation of the Revenue second chaige. some CITY OF PORTLAND. Dr. D. has been a practical Electrician it)r time lbr hi mosses and none appearing, New June 25. Spring xx.. 12 00® i3 00 Soda. 18 Hartford Life and Accident Laws: twenty Orleans, Insurance Oo. Wo. Ill ore and is also a regular graduated the Court took a recess until to-morrow morn- A from x.. 11 90* 12 10 Federal St., Treasurer's Office, June 21,1607. June seized at schooner years, physio*! dispatch Galvestcn says an Austrian Bpicaa. 7,1807, Portland, “Kate is to chronic 9 00 50 70 Person* wishing insurance in sound and reliu- is herebv to real Electricity periectly a.mpted fcseuie? i log. that Superfine. *10 Cassia, pure.. ® AND given parties owning Brown,“ ot Tliomaston, her tackle, appaiel and or sick passed through city to-day en route for are invited on the tbrui oi uervous headache; ueuraigiu m St. Luuis & Southern Cloves. 42 ® 44 to cull. NOTICEestate, which the taxes tor the year ltto* re- furniture. June seized at 7J00 the North, himself as an officer 7, Portland, Cigars. head, neck, or extremities; rcpreseu.iug Superior xx 16 99®18 O' Ginger. 28 30 ble^onypaines. Wo. 300 St. main unpaid, that the time required by the statute the consumpuiu wbga oi Maximilian. He ® Congress Any person or persons the sain are re- the acute stages or where the luugs are uot stated that the Emperor Canada Maco.140 previous to tlio advertisement lor sale, having ex- claiming in luhy 1HJUOPE. Maximilian ® quested to appear and make such claim within iwtu- Involved; acute or chronic rheumatism scrofula, had been pardoned on condition of Superiorxx 15 00®'6 00 Nutmegs.1 20 £ 1 36 pired, such estates will be advertised for sale, U hip C. F. MOULTON & CO. ty days Irom the uate hereof. Otherwise ltfb na»d d--tfa.es, while swellings, spinal curvatuxa leaving tho a* soon as the of A Western Pepper. 21 36 Bools and Shoes : such taxes are not pail previous to July 1st. diseases, country ports Uichlgan 0 goods will be disposed of ill acconiance with ibo-Uts ii the spine, contracted muscles, distorted * K W u v * BS K and Vera Cruz are SnpTr xx 15 0c®17 00 Btareh. May 16. eod3m HENRY P. LORD, Treasurer. limbs, C A I* LE Tampico open for his de- oi Congress in aueu case mado and provided. or St. Vitas' Dance, stam- California.. 14 16 h0 Pearl. lgi June 21 ed Jyl palsy paralysis, dealness, parture. 00* llj® AT RETAIL. ISRAEL WASHBURN Jr. mering or hesitancy oi speech, dy-peusia, c a ait. nunr. J. A. injlgs*- FENJDERbON, collector. lion, constipation uud livei complaint, Mfa.—we cure Biblin, June 25, Aluouds—Jordan p tb. Forest Cl tv Refined : Notice. Evening. NO. 8 Seminary Portland, June h#r.-dlaw3u every case that can be pzeseuted; Baron \ on Der it* Minister The Annual Brssiou #f Soft Shell... 28 Granulated_ Mill EXCHANGE STREET. Wholesale Dealer in 15, asthma, bronchi- rdl, of Finance (Joniregatltnal @ j Trustees of Westbrook are stricture? 7® B... §15 at the Seminary building, in for tho By to-day. speech the The annual Congregational State Confer- new Westbrook, Electricity Currants. 10 Extra C... .. & 141 J. & Gi*oeerie«, — members of the C. J. Fancy transaction of the business: “ dtliTer.d at Hie upper and lower houses on this ence met here tor a three lj C BARBOUR, following courts 0i L***"™8- The Kbeumatic, the the lanje and the lax? to-day day’s session, Hates, new_l4j @ White..,. Onion*, Sweet Potatoes, Cheese, Pure 1st—For the choice ot otii ers for the will sent gouty, lie said the cordial and rela- ana made Pickles, Spi- ensuing year. \ew Muieoiu of Anatomy, be* •cap with Joy, ami move with the and occasion, intimate organized the choice of liev. A. C. Ad- Figs,.new 25 to 30 fellow, extra.. a 181 large additions to their stock have ce*, ANEW York agility elastic- by Fancy Soaps, Cigars, Tibaoao, Confectionery, 2d—To till vacancies that may oceur in the Board ot to to attend them; they are of vital of the heated brain is tions now exi bet ween his the dams of as moderator. Prunes,., 20 HAVINGnow iu store a assortment oi parties unable ity youth; cooled: ids frost- ting Majesty Auburn Attendance @ Syrups. 78c * 8* good Nuts, Dates, Prunes, Fruit Baskets, &c. Trustees. cr>n»,. of How to bitten limbs of Prussia and his UaUlns, Portland Importance to «»: subject- fag restored, the uncouth deiornutlcs re- King powerful neighbors very large. Sugar House : No. 9 Portland. 3d—To see what wliai shall be done in reference to to live lor? Youth, and 3 *7 4 00 fellow A Eiciiauge Hired, Live? and what Maturity moved; laimucks converted to vigor, wcakiiti9 to were an assurance of peace. Bunch,phi ® A_ 11 24-eod&wtf the ot the new Church on the reviewed, or the ti eat- lasting 00 1 10 BOOTS May completion Seminary Old Ace Manhood generally -trength ; the blind made to see, the deal to hear and Layer.4 @ Extra Yellow.. 121 AUTO SHOES, Grounds. of indium and Ner- June in am* cure ion, Flatulency the form to move blemishes Vienna, 24. tVaahioaun Lemons,rep’lrd @10 O' : ent palsied upright.: the ol Correspondence* r.agle Sugar lleanery 4tk To see what measures shall be taken in consumed arc* The Austrian government has the 00 Suitable for ref- vous d senses, Marring Philosophically youth obliterated; the accidents ot mSfcure in* joined Oranges,rcp’kd @10 Yellow. tit |i c. iv i n is mip &■ erence to the erection ol These Lectures wi I he New York, June 25. cd. “Hers^y Hall.*' tlc. importsm iorwardtd prevented; the calamities oi old age obviated and an of France, and liie s Grain. Extra do. S 12 governments Prussia, Italy Post special Gen. Grant deebnes 5l1i—To take into consideration the establishment on receipt of four stamps, by addressing Secretary, active circulation maintained in their recent note says Corn, Mixed. .1 20 @ 1 25 O. 121 Men, Women, Misses. and Are to do all kinds ot J’ussia to the Sublime @ Boys prepared of the Proless rshin, ai d to transact anv other busi- New York Museum of Anatomy and Sc ence ileV? '^en,eru^ tickles from his command. New Yellow 1 25 @ 1 28 C 18 Porte, urging an investiga: on of the difficul- There is no Extra.@ Childrens Wear, ness that may legally come before them at said meet- 618 Broad*av, New York. ladies longer any doubt of a quorum of Kye.7 70 to 1 75 Muscovado... 11 13 Slate or Tin ties in the Island of Oandin. r@ To which Hoofs, ing. May 31. l,’i'&S3m* Who have cold ham.? ana lam- Congress appearing in July. Barley.I 25 @ 1 30 Hav. Brawn 1. 14 they Invite the attention of their lrienda teet; wejtk *toiua.hs, June ]@ ami tne GRENVILLE M. anti weak d sick tu^vJ- London, 24th, Evening. Oats. ao @ 9t llav. White... none public generally. At short no.ice in the best manner. All orders STEVENS, back?; nervous ai headache, Board Trust®®*- Jeweler. neas uud with The London Times in its city article Shorts 4> ton. 44 0U@ 42 00 Crushed. promptly attended to. Secretory Manufacturing swimming in the bead, indigestion and to-day, @181 JOHN BARBOUR. 0. J. BARBOUR. E. H. BARBOUR. Westbrook, June 18,1867. o! in the rude and __ the siysa feeling of uneasiness and dis- THE Pine Feed... 50 00 Granulated... 016 mauulacturer of everv ofs rip- constipation tmwels; paiu back; general MAKEEl s 25-ood can be left at No. corner of ol the womb with in- Powdered_ May 3m dT*Or.lers 1, Green • tiou of having established himself at leucorTinea, (or whites); tailing trust is noticeable in financial circles. Gunpowder. @16 GREEVE6.Jewelry, and ail and Congress streets, or No. 5 Plum street. Ice ice pitchers! Is now an ternal tumors, polvous, that in @ 5 00 Tea*. Pitchers, 33S Congress Street, prepare 1 to make cancers; long New York Market. Blasting.4 May 1*. eod3m* ,or ,a,° Great in the line. Teutons train ol diseases will lind in tlectrkity a *ure means 50 to 6 75 souchong.... 78 @ 80 ihe belt styles and quality thing luitiisldng their own gold Sporting.6 Cumberland Bone ol cure. For menstruation, too p, jiibn Yoik Item*. New Your, Juae 25. 50 Oolong. 86 to Company. OFBargains, at can have their m ule to order. Diamonds and paluiul New Shipping.5 ® 5 75 @ jewels and all oi those long line oi Cotton—a shade lower; sales 1,200 bale*; choicel 00 1 08 Board at the Sea-Side. Jclililtf :iOO C.asKi. St. Pearls reset. Hail ».raided auu mounted i.i the lai- menstruation, troubles Middling Hap. Oolong, a ladies, is a certain New Yoke, June 25. at 26 05 1 09t tans, Ac., with young Electricity specific, uplands & 26$c. PressedOton-5 00 00 Japan,.1 a 20 Annual of the Stockholders oi / OOD Rooms and g..nteel Boaru furnished the styles. Jewelry, canes, pipes, repaired ,hort restore the Mr. the famous Flour—10 sales 9*8 Meeting by and A os^ortuu ut in and l“ llme' sufferer to th# Lord, upon whose property (g) 20c higher; 11,500 bbls.; State at 0 00 Tin. Cumberland subscriber at mouorale mounted. large of up Jewelry will, Loose.20 00 @. THE Bone Companv, for the choice oi VJ charges. Holders. ot health Lord bond was 7 40 11 round hoop Ohio at 10 70 Wes- cash.. 33 Notice to ImimI fbr ale. G. vigor robbery committed, yesterday @ 50; @ 12|70; Straw. 15 00 @17 00 Ranea, @ 38 officers and tlie transaction of oilier business Address ROBERT F. ^KILLINGS, REEVES, tern at 7 40 12 Southern at 9 75 IS 25. cash. any No. 33S received from an unknown source, $1,200,000 <£ 00; ^ Hides Straits, 82j@ 36 that come Weiore will be hoblen Peaks* june24dtf Cong.ess Street. TCUTU 1 TKETU ! TEETH X Wheat—3 and less sales and Skins. may legally them, Island, Builder, is prepared te take worth of bonds leaves a r£ 5c higher active; 18,600 Buenos English. 32 @ 36 °R Care of Geo. Maine, O'niinoCHER, stolon from him. This Ayres 27 & TUESDAY, June 26, at 11 o’clock A M, at the Thefkiiien, Portland, lor building, either JOB or by Dr. D. still continues to Extract Teeth by Elec* deficit of bush.; Milwaukee JSo. 2 at 2 30; Amber Winter at Western. Char. I.C.. IS 00 50 office of J. W. l’J d6w Ml! oonuicM by Clotliinq Cleansed and only $90,000 still missing. i8 M iy @13 JONES. 161 Commercial St. june Can lurnisl1 First Class workmen llepairetl THicirv WITHOUT fain. Person.- hav i»-g 2 55; While Canada and California at 2 75. Char.I.X.. .16 00 60 GEO. D VY woB—. decayed A lunatic motlie. on 10 016 W. HAMMOND, Secretary. of all WILLIAM BROWN, at 01 Federal teeth or stump* they wish to have removed l©*- reset- Blackwell's Island, Corn—closed dull and declin ng; sales 53.000 andanil mu.,niu'Vrial description, formerly while affect i bush.; CalfluSs.V. Tobacco. Portland, June 17, 1867. jel8dtje25* For Lease. AMERICAS HOUSE. street, is now located at his Fed- ting he would give u polite invitation to caU. mutely her little new Mixed Wea-Urn at 109 old do. 2*01 BesllU,nce BY newstor* NotM embracing daugh- ^112; Lamb Skins. 1 00 115; @ i gg Fives & Tens, valuable lot oi land corner oi Middle India Portland. eral st, a tew doors below Lime wdi attend Eleotho Mao.mtic Machines tor sa ter only two weeks old, smothered White Western 1 18 %\ 10. fpUE and Street, street, Superior accidentally Iron. Best Brands 70 0 80 1 Plumb lor a term of years. 1866 aurfOdtf to bis usual business ot T pairing or use, with thorough instru. tions. it to death Oats—dull and sales 39,000 bu Ohio 89 J. At C. Streets, I'nouire August 17th, Cleansin and family yesterday. lower; h.; Common. 44® 41 Medium.... 6» 65 J. BARBOUR, of * c. c. m itch Ell of ail kinds with Dr. D in accommodate a ew The dead of Western 78 8oc. @ P. M., and 7 to 9 In *be evening. gro'ts state Fork— lull and sales new mess at Hoyt’s Patent Rivetted Oak and Quilts 2 Quilts 2 lieavy; 2170; Cast Steel.... 25 ® 28 00 1 25 Steven* 4k €•.*■• Jlwrliiue the only 0on *utta*k»w f ree. nnvlti of intoxication. 1825. BaflLeaf, fts.l 0 JlcKay Mewiug German Steel. 17 to 1 CST Received at the store of & Co., x sewed boot or J at prime Nayy tbs. 7* 15 Hemlock STEVENS June 21. THEmachine m existence bv which The Grand ury Albany yesterday found @ tf 30b Congress a lot rink Whiskey—firm. Rng.Blis.9tee) 22 @ st, large of White and dtt__ shoe can be made. to alt Kinds styles and % a true bill Gen. him Kice—dull. Steel.. varnish. Marseilles Also Scotch Bridal, Adapted Portland Athenaeum. rgninst Cole, charging Spring 11® 11 2» 3 15 Quilts. Lancaster, HITBf Tl BK 4k KNGIMERINO. sizts of boots end shoes. 200 pairs can be made with willi murder in the first in and *?a,I,"T.. @ and for sale lowest THE Annual Meeting of the I o! the degree killing Mr. Sugars—quiet steady. Sheet Iron, Coach... .„_.g beating Belting, Honey-comb Quilts, at the very Messrs. ANDERSON. DONNELL * have ease one man. with one machine, in ten liouis. ropiietors ■ 75 6 00 AlH CO., by C o 1. 0 ces. 1 Portland Atlnmeum, for the choice ot Hiscock. iree—un change English. 8j@ 7j Wool. Leather pr jeildtf made arrangements will* Mr. STEAD, au Architect These shoes ake precedence of all others in tlie mar- OfHccja Molasses—dull and Laee and Hemp Baching, and the transaction of other business that Mr. William S to a and nominally unchanged. R. G. 8J@ Unwaah’d ol and will in future on ket, and are made at the cost of peg- any may lie, young respectable 1#3 Fleece to rffi as established reputation, carry substantially will Naval and steady; Spirits Russia. 23 e Ma- come before them, l>c holden on the merchant of committed suicide Stores—quiet Turpentine @ 25 Washed do 40 & 43 Rubber Just Received, Architecture with their business as Engineers. Par- ging. In use by all t. leaning manufacturers. Wednesday, Jersey city, 591 [us 60c. Belting, ot June, a o’clock at Me- Belgian.... 22 @ Sino. and Water ties intending to build are invited lo wall at their ch. lies, with competent men to sot them in opera- twenty-sixth day 7^ P.M., last night, by bleeding himself to death in a fit LARGE lot ot Rain Water Rilterers chanics’Association Loon. Petroleum—unchanged. Hard. 12 IImb ( and Ice No. 306 street, and examine eleva- tion, furnished at oue day’s notice. For particular Library of The mam ol Mosstlman,sheet @13 Haw, Packing, lathing, &c.,&c A Cooler*. Also on hand Refrigerator* o-tlce, Congress NATHAN temporary insanity. artery Tallow—firm at @ ll|c. 141 ot license to OjKDuN Agent, 6 Rati WK.BB, Sec’y. llj Barrel, 4Mb.. 14® Labigh. J2 #U Mo. 8 Bt.eet, Chest* of all sizes. & O. B. NASH. tions and plans ot churches, banks, stores, blocks ol apply McKAY, the arm was completely severed in two Freights to 6d per steamer, Exchange Mass. 16. dt>m I June 11,1867. juneUdul places. Liverpool—quiet; C*yu K4gs,9B>..,. IS® FcMeodSiu PORTLAND, MB. May 7. dtf 174 Fore Street. buildings, Ac. J 12 street, Boston, Apl P. l&EAl* ESTATE. KUKCfiMMSE. HOTELS. MEDICAL. SYEAMEUM. o m t li y COt*AS?TWEKSIC l£AlCUOAI>*.

oi For Sole. Flour, Flour, Fliur! Old Folks. Dissolution Copartnership. Chandler Bethel. FOR BOSTON. Portland & Kennebec R. R. that <*• and a house, IS L 14 l>y 30 House, V'OTICE h hircbv given the partnership half storv by 32, ;■ lkriw«e Thom as J. Skill n an I :. v. ill; of land and more it w ani- 700 13BLS. BEBTSCHY’S BEST. miAROOKAH'S This I \ONE oix-hnb’ac'iv Ati. don’t he sorrowful, darling. A\ laiciv exi-dug a Hotel, localod, ju t r ceived and Cor sale Railroad, Syrup. _- i Taking T. J. SK1LLJN. junei’4 ii-.v* gfoumi While Mountains,and six miles iV..m the Greonwood FOR TI1K CUKE OF rue new sea Tw) isn’t more tliau i>. lvU£Z12lt, ^ -y and superior going through trains Daily Lrtirem Lost on, Portland There night day. W ILLIAM T. SMALL. by has been recently with reference and 80 stuirw. Caves, built, special Coughs, Cold Whooping Cough, Croup, Asthma, 55S“?er» John BROOKS, and tUt Krnntrbee. Eliza June 1867. No. Commercial Street, up to the wants of the Capo belli, 5, For pea*uri-t It Catarrh, ot hiucd, H * Eal, been filled Tis darling, Sale, Jun 21. d2w raveling public. influenza, Bronchitis, Spitting having rainy weather, my contnIns fifty spacious, wed ventilated and neatly Inti am in at ion of the or » Lain “P»t g»*at expanse with a arge all debts and HOUSE just 11 ni on Lincoln Pleurisy. Lungs best, 1 Time’s waves they heavily run; I have this day assumed demands A js'i-AV died, Street, furnished rooms, from all of which views ol "riuuil) r oi LP-yjBHMgJ Trains leave Portland at 1 1*. &J. A ;\.«cn PiuuIvlin and \Yilmot Streets. graml in tho side, Night Sweats, Hoarseness,Consumption VT, beauiitul Slate Booms, tor the a gun si Hie s.id lirm «of skillin A’ Small, and shall i,< Apply <_ oru, Corn, Corn. mountain he had. No be will run the season as follows: ijjjincaB all station* on this line, anil for lint taking year together, my dear, SMITH & scenery may pains will in its early staves, and all Diseases ol the Throat and Lewiv- than sun. e iitiiiuo the retail Grocery and Dry Gooes business PICKETT, to make this a favorite refort for u»n ahu A.auon* an the Bond. There isn’t more clouds Prime Yellow spared tourists and Lungs. Leaving Atlantic Wharf, Autirnseoggin Also as herd<>rae. T. J. SKILLIN. juuc2idl\v on the premises. X BUSHELS Portland, aud |j,din and s'.nrioiis on Mtine Centrol pleasure seekers- Particular atteu.ion will be s is known es- B tiigur road. (IV AM / lo.ooit Bushels Mixed Western paid Til remedy too well and too highly Whari, Boston, every day a 7 o’clock, jp. .\i ij,un- Elizabeth, June 1807. juTdwW to and to the lakes, and all Portland fv r Bath and Augusta at- b. 13 p. M. We ere old folks now, my darling, Cape re:oi,cd and lor sale sportsmen; conveyance teemed to require commendation here. It is regai d- ua>s excepted.) Juki by on af due at Portland a; 8.ofi Valuable lioul of interest will be furnished reasonable • 11 .tins A. M.. and 2.'Mt Our heads are gray; Estate l‘or Sale. DAVID KPAZEK, places ed a necessity in very household, and is heartily Cabin growing Disso (nt ion rtnersii ip terms. Horses and carriages and saddle-horses to tare. »|.60 uni 0-45 P. M. the my dear, o/Copa 'J'liE House, late the residence ot Mrs. No fid Commercial np stairs. endorsed by the medical faculty, clergymen of every And taking year together, Dwelling street, let. A Saloon is connected with the Deck. 1.0# .nr hr train with cur at- • with good Rowling editors, members of Con- in*, ugn tight pa«sunger will liml the May. Lucy MoLellan. the land connected with Portland, June 111, 18(17. denomination, mothers, for You always ti *• _JehUd2w house. our most in Freight taken us usual. iat*lied, luavss Portland Skovvheg.tu every morn- iflllH poj armprphiji horptotorp pxistin" rirT'Cr the s uuc, situated on the comer ol Dantortli and gress, ami many of distinguished men 1 >'» A will be la constant attendance to con- o.c oek > < ip carriage lite. L. BILLINAS, al 7 I uamp CALVIN HL>\VAH1)S A P.n !•. s icds, Is oilVied lor s*le. Sale. public and private Agent. ing We have had our May, my darling, ,Sul‘ :‘K4 For guests of the lrou c from and to the dej»ot, on June 14,18C7-dtt An Train loufes Au on*'a daily at IP. .\i. day di.*M)U ed by mutual consent. AH i;t This lot is 133 eci on Danfbrtli Street and 150 feet vey Express Arid our roses long ago; bills the l,iesrl,t rr /A/A M feet Sawed Shipping Boards, by the arrival and departure of passenger trains. Golds, Sore Throats, ho. r>r Uoso.ii, counseling ai Po. tiaud with £v«-uiiig ag.iinst linn, are on Park street The estate will b.» sold or Gang Oouphs, is coming, my dear, r«M|iu^,e'.lJloIwill call entire, w. W. BROWN, and boarders solicited. at 7 oV'ock, and in Boston And the time of year them lor payment, and those indebted please the lions*.* and the vacant land on each street will be OUU g3jf~Transient permanent Letter from Hon. V. W. Hooch, Member of Congress £xi>usn leaving arriving Street. June 18-d4w For the at 111*. For tlie silent night ami snow. and settle sol rc:.urate. Richardson’s Wharf, Commercial Massachusetts. Islands! M. Paroa.s rout* to Street. d’h* house is in June 20. dlw Melrose, July 19,1865. low by tide Lewiston, Watcrville, I5o7 Coucress good condition, has thirteen rooms __ Dr. E. It. Knig KcudaU’s Mills and Bangor as by ti.o Maine Ccu'trI And find is God, my darling, EDWARDS, convt-nien ly arranged, and is well calculated fora HOUSE ht8—Dear Sir: THE rU,v!N Corn Meal. WALKER 1 have used l>r. in lor road, and tickets in Boon Lr Maine Oi as well as day; u. twomley. private resident or tor :i boarding one Flour anti Larook ah’s Syrup my family purchased night \viLMAM house, being entral a c for a on tl is ot tile most 1*0 It'! LAND, D1C. six years, and have found it an excellent remedy lor 8TEAMEU GAZELLE Motion* .,o»h1 pa»sa,t» line. And we feel and know that wo can go elegible situations iu the city. 4 / A /A / i SACKS California Flour, Colds, Sole and all Consumptive Pausengers/ioim rt N* w|>« rt, Ac., will pur leads the obtained Hie Ittie store No. Apply to NATH L P I > EE KING, MO Bbls. old corn snita- Coughs, Throats, Bang W herever lie way. Tlie jiavin* 11 1V/U dry meal, several Will commence her To ch .ee livw. is to Ktti.iiaii * and afi*-r ask- subscriber Otiice cot nor r Middle and ITum and St. Ban- Complaints, Ac. have recommended it to tri}* Mills only, will continue the and Strce s. up stairs. l>:0 for shipping. Opposite Boston Depot the cars ou ou ZSl <’oinmK business* John, friends, who have received great benefit from its use. ing tui« road the Couuuetor will fur- 0,1 llal,li June 17, 1EU7. jelOdSw For sale bv UPHAM & ADAMS, gor and Maebias Steamboat Landing. aud God yf the night, my darling— will nish ticket* niako the isrt: thu sir e lhreUgh .o Aye, keep cJnPtautl*v 18-<12w Head Central Wliart. Letter from a well known tloston twenty PEAKS' AND Of the of death so June Pruyytstof Portia ud or Boslou as via u.,. Maine Ctnlral load. night grim; For ale,a kioiisc on Pleasmt St. and Steward Hanot er Street REOPENED JUNE years experience, o/' * »* i -i iio.-kia»»u conn*. 1- The gate that leads out of life, good wife, A NO FORTES 1st, 1867, M. E. Church: CUSHINGS IMGANUS llv ,.;Kl.. m p. 1*/ y JAk A two aud a half brick resilience, con- < lenient. lusta. icaiiii Is the that leads to Him. story after being thoroughly renovatad and new- Augusta, u.:ii. oi: arrivalo! trait* nron* gate H.e BEST then, taininten wetland cis ern wat- n ,, Boston, March r,om MANUFACTORIES, among i’/ rooms, good 9,1865. .Vu-.on, having al i.dUA. M.; and tween and Cumber- uow landing and CKOUP. e.vaugeiieal ('ongre-ss ('il ASK Eastport, Calais St. John, ( oiuuu'utnig Aivuilay* April I3r*. ■ BROTHERS, SUMMER inclined to iroin the lan -!/.<• aboul 8s* 1 Oieet, wiih col- RETREAT, ih l.ast r*. x.. writes sympathy of men depart OY .-tic.-is, l»> Head Long Wliarl. Mrs. J. K. UURSis, yust., X*«Lsac‘llg<.l‘ X 1*111" IcUVC Pol id !0» such be la aii .-tone, i Ins is a tine location lor a residence. Juno7dlf of chil- laith of their lathers;—it preaching South Side of Peak’* Island, Oct. $, 18G4: “During last winter three my DIGBYT, WINDSOR AND HALIFAX ut8.HU A. and .W, 1*. Ai.afcd \V. 11. JEUKIS. Ai., and in- A; i*i> to dren were attacked with Croup, anti from the violence P. to the evangelical system be, * (Express) M. opposed .»u nc 2 -< 11 w Under Lancaster li all. wore to be ui stead and inlidelity—then we are no of the symptoms, they pronounced Leave Rost n tor Portland at 7..10 A. AI., ual 3.(ft heresy and Wood! HENRY M. BRACKETT, Proprietor. much At the instance of our pastor, Rev. SUMMER ourselves evangelical, and may God Coal danger. ARRANGEMENT. P. At. anil7.D0 (Express) »*. M. longer For Sa!o. Mr. Stiles, 1 tried Larookah’s Pulmonic Syrup, A he counted a and for Boarders—three miles from Port- MttHAMc'.s ;i *i i. imirj.u’.s 'i .in wnl leave make us worthy to heretic near South Street, about G,000 Open Gentoel aud in a short BpringSlreot. ofler anil deliver ti all wauling which promptly relieved them, very Kiddeford t 6 A. and TILE UN EEL! SIGNED i-of of* a two Y\TE purchases land, within rods ot the ocean—with good TWO TRIPS daily, Sunday*exccited, Al., iutidel. OK land, together with story house, small of Fresh Me., thirty time recovered. In gratitude for the PEM WEEK. at (J 1V eilher large or lots, Cargoes for S> a and Water they entirely Saco «o, ai i\ ii:g in \ oil la mi at »i. fo. we cannot make an barn and large garden. Centrally located. For fur- opportunities FishLsg, Bulling, Icanuot retrain from this •n evangelical r.owspa Mined Excursions. The steamer Gazelle loaves Burnham’s benefit conferred, making Returning, will leave Pul Hand tor rvi' n ai:d Rid* ther .lUcrination enquire ol -i On aud alter r as broad, liberal, and catholic as the church lSe«iM‘Ctrully mils the utlmtion of the* testimony public.” Monday, April 15th, Jelord ami in. -rinediatustall-.>*s at U.Ie P. At. p; JOHN C. lie\ sbco un«‘ duiieUi. daw U. w. h,s- and lo lii» 1850: son, live years old. was a few months since Capt. Mid do lord and returning, leave lthh.efoiu ut ?> 10 Wi.v drop this editorial pen, hcnceiortli wo “My ““'^NLWYOUK,will nil the favorite descriptions which from 1 nev- bolm, leave Kail K.ra.l aud Saco ai S to A. AI. more f or ~ale. Embracing ALCrISTA suffering greatly WHOOPING CoUGH. their diligence at the useful task will sell at lowest HOUSE, Wharf, find of State MONDAY ami practice warrant pure as any mined, and er saw a more distressing case. I gave him Laroo- St., every FRANCIS Cli ASK Sum. corn! KiiW i \ lory house, btable and wood shod, THURSDAY, at 5 o’clock P. M. tor Ka^t and or planting market rates. Kah’s Pulmonic to dir ctions and port St. Pur*land, 18*7. GAUGE FA. logelh. r with two acres of excellent land, ailu- J TATE Syrup according John. April Ii, aprlftati “\Yu believe that a religious newspaper, ed- Also best of STREET, to see The became alod in Elizabeth, on lMeasai t street, mew qualities soon began improvement. Cough ited would be lilled Cape in two weeks the RETURNING, will leave St. John every MoN- exclusively by clergymen, ■ mi hi from l‘o. Llau near easier—the expectoration freer, and -AND- .'ire i), about one bridge, AUGUSTA, ME. DA Y and TU C UhiiA Y, at 8 o’clock A. M. H, entirely with pennies, here will never be a is one of the best, locutions in HARD and SOFT WOOD. malady was entirely overcome.” Klfii.lit H. mo Town House, it RE-Ol'ENED JUKE 1807. (Jounceting at Easti»ort with the Steamer B- lie thoroughly political newspaper iu un- there a view of the liar- 1, BRONCHITIS AND CATARRH. Chicago town, being splendid city, One cargo of superior Nova Scotia just received. Brown for St. Andrews, Kobblnston and Calais, with SPRING A R 'iA.N v»itM KN X. til the Illinois Association of AJongiegutionnl i».«r an island-, and surrounding country. Tlie J. H. A. VV. Harris, writes from whale ship “Eldorado,’ the New Brunswick and Canada Railway, lor Wood- WE LI SEE E (ITEl) anil KLING, Proprietor, sintered four Clergymen establish .1 organ. Now iii.iu.su hila.iis nine linisked rooms, good cellar St March 11, IsOO: “Having tor years stock and Moulton stations. religious ROGERS BEERING, On and utter brick ei.ste n. cut rates to 2.50 with Bronchitis and Catarrh iu their most aggravat- gy^r.^-Ti Aiondav, April 18t\, ti.. of our eye, tlio pride «>1' our heart, the 170 Commercial bead Merrill’s Wharf, 63r"“Trau8 $2.00 per day,according Connecting at St. John with the Steamer Em- ftppie Also a limited number of house near tlie St., I feci it to state that 1 have been eurrein, tiaii.s will leave roiuano ; t of our to see the a lots, to rooms. FREE Carriage to and from House— ing forum, my duty press for Windsor, and aud with L. ambiimu Iiie,is Independent juno 4il3m Formerly G. W. GELKN*3. Dishy Halifax, ungui uiol .di iuteiuicdiau .-Ulimi on li ab->ve property. Apply to Oars and Steamers. cured bg the use of Larookah’s Pul- oJc N. A. tor .i-e, ■jv And to this, end we have.been jun*4dlm permanently Railway Shediac, aud with stoaiuer for L.lo i\ Ai. •yioux paper. STOCK J. L. PARROTT, monic Syrup. 1 had paid large sums to physicians Fredericton. dully. For iaiwLslon unit .a ui.ui n only,u? % to cut ourselves loose from \ 28. dll On the SACKS but until I used 7.00 A.M. latuiy compelled May premises. 2,008 ana lor so called Catarrh Remedies, KS^Onaud after 1st, the Steamers our 00*1 AIN HOUSE. Monday, July ’i'ff Freight tin ms for WuterviHeni d ull some oi political entanglements. the Svrup I experienced no relief.’* of this line will make three in term —OK— lor I trips per week, leuving diate station.*, leave Portland ni reading is me most Se \v i wo story House ale, California Flonr ! Portland b.i' A M, iteligious delightful This SPITTING OF BLOOD, PLEURISY. INFLATION every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, ui Tram lroni < the House will bo opened to tlic public, Ranger fodu* at Piwlatul at 2.13 P. S n i.ig in the world; but there are not ten On ushTuan Street, well built, by day, OF THE LUNGS, PAIN IN THE (he usual hour. 1 PACIFIC EXACTLY SAME AS FORMER for the season, on June 25. SIDE, in season roioum t with iiantlbr la i. ;.'. 1.1 who know to lc, will, uutD train !«>i lkl.a art; cuurged sympathy ferry landing. lor sale at the lowest market Wutnviile, Rungoi, Uoinuin, city. AI>o price, ject.” further notice, run as follows: Point, .Montreal and l.ee at 1. 1u 1*. it must ring like a sweet bell. Now ;.;»id at a bargain* Terms of payment easy. E. W. Field. writes from Qm .\J. eloquence; Esq., Virginia City, Leave Galt’s VVharf, WEDNES- This train connects Appte t>» G i.O. II. 1>a\1S & CO.. Portland,ev£ry with Express tiu.n * Tot or* wo acre by ode r the icworu of a year’s sub- OKI Co. Colorado, March 11,1863: “1 feel very grateful for DAY and at 4 P. Dealers ia Real Estate, No 1 Morton Block, Lfshigli, SATURDAY, M.,H»id leave lui c >, lX'Uoil amt Chicago. Sleeping car* to who will that LarooktiL’s Pulmonic near me, my uita£k%*i Irola scri]>tion any person prove EUvlMBER, having Syrup ;»■« East liiver, New York, every WEDNESDA Y an*' l dand l’oud io Quebec *imi Alouiieai. may 21-dtf weak and ibe most vigilant minister of the Illinois General Associa- SUGAR LOAF lungs being deiuuuding SATUttl AY. at 4 o’clock P. flj. Train mrS inn Purls ul 3. any LFILIGH, tor Ful- 1‘. AJ. .•are. i believe tbe Syrup the surest remedy These vessel* are tion is guilty oi writing such articles. For Furuaccra. titled up with tine accoiiiniod;i* No baggage can l>e received or checked after i-’os* isAJuifh-’' iuoimry Complaints that has ever been made avail- tious lor articles are what ibis passengei s, nmkinj this the most speedy t me above stated. ‘Good religious jour- For and Cook John’a While able to the afflicted.” 11 BoYleYK-U O Ranges Stoves, sale and comfortable rou e lor travellers betweer Trains will arrive as follows— nal—like other 0*W, are free ol all every religious journal—sadly A two house cn street, Ferry AmIi. Diamond, Rcil A*h, which CONSUMPTION New York and Maine, l in story Sawyer as.-age, Mate Room ■•’roin So. Paris. i.eivuton and at .lu a x- needs. Out cannot Tlio lies iu the lor and nice. Also Cumberland ! A Auburn, get. money u ml liuhshc 1 convenient impurities very Curb of a Child Two and a Half t«i.UG Cabin Meals extra iiii.ige. throughout, Wonderful passage 65.00. Fr.nu Montreal, Quebec, a c., 2 lj x*. Park Bank to on in two fresh for Blacksmith use. *j pay them, ample amount; 11Ell, I, Jggl^bw'O lamllies, and lias been built ubout cargo just landed, mined, Years old. Gents:—My grandchild, a little girl ol Good-, forwarded l>v this line to and ironi Mon bat they cmfuot be had lor u price. aio Ju». 1* 1 2 old, was taken sick in Portland, Me., in tr.-al, Quebec, Bangui, Bath. t anC Tiifcy A.VI) Lehigh Lump, for foundry Use! years Augusta, Ea-ipoi lire Company arc not tor uo not luaac. on the if we For particulars Inquire at the store of 185*. No one could tell what was the mat- St. John. res|*msiblo baggage ii, But, contrary, ol .January, amount exceed s;.o in A V. & K. M. COLE. We on hand a lull assortment are any fog value («u;d P .ii » need, to cail an we keep constantly ter w ith her. But she was much pressed »or breath; Shippers requested to semi their freight to tin y.•*, hare any good man intiael, to uuleba notice is und i.o >u ! e .i of 20. tt Choice Coal. Those wishing pur- her throat .-.learners as as a!) given, paid the m, o to a line to os ist April Family had a bal'd, cough; could not raise; early 3 1*. Al.ou the (lull iIn > have only drop Chicago, in order to May. us a call before tight day one passeiig. r for *5uu i*.duitmnal Kll'CllIiJr chase large lots will do well to give troubled her she seemed tilling up, leave Portland. every value. a lit article written instancer. li her- greatly; to.be 1 •/• Mi YJJi> gei any For S»ie. purchasing. aud attended by the best physicians in Port- For h eight or passage apply to LS, Muuayiuy lurcctor, (.1 doctrine is to be we can though H. HAILE L‘*al esy exposed, pro- HIRER storied brick house No. 30 ou High Street, WOOD land, they could not help her and she declined; and EMERY A FOX, Gaits Wharf, Portland. Suptrinttuilcnt. at a whole sanhedrim of sub- HAlil) AND SOFT Portland. Apiil 12, lso7. cure, hail-price, tneo- J i-.ti .it of Pleasant, now occupied by the f.»r some three months was not expected to live. Her J. F. AMES, Pier 38 East River. dll’ of the nt short notice. logical proles, ors to take up tne cudgels. Ji scriber. Delivered ul any putt city doctors and at length her friends gave up all hopes of May "9, 3865. dtt FURNITURE two brick stoics on Fore was home to house in ili-iiuiured remarks are to be made by one de- ! Al. o, three storied Street, Knmlall, McAllister & to., her recovery. She brought my cGiri Ttf feu 4 .•arm of l'e a tlie Custom House, wit li Me. We tried Cod Liver Oil. but the dIrecT ROCH IsTlis^i noiu our l, opposite l’hipsburg, nation concerning another, lilty-six No. GU COMMERCIAL iurt.it Ion wall, mu.ml roots, the rear on Wharf Street ST., effect seemed rather opposite from good. She now Weekly columns could not contain the articles OF 4liL DfiftCKIPl IONS F»FAIX\ Head of Maine Wharf. Ritchie's Liquid Compass, Hlail* Line SI'RING iour with cellars. For terms and particulars mayhdtf instrument in use.— could not move her hand, so reduced was she. 1 was ARRAN(U;M£NT. that wouid be written. stories, only ale ami reliable Steamship of subscriber. rpHE at the aud cornnic ic- -TO—- and after K£FT IIV A enquire the 1 Vessels using this Compass require but one, as taking Larookah’s Syrup time, .c.a Aloi.d«y April 11, l&,7, rair tv Iu run a N AT li ANIEL BLANCHARD. Lumber and Coal. are tor or He weath- ed giving it to her and in a week she showed quite a «4a^- *2.'’ a* tin they equally superior Light ivy Ilalitax, N. N. ^ I'or» 18 .7. dtf the tor the aud we continued it to FftMefiger I rain Icov.* Saco River fur Port and ; Ward! Just as Ins life was lard, April 8, milli have on hand f.r delivery, er, and NEVER GET OUT OF ORDER. change better, giving Poor Atteurus undersigned The Steamship J. 8. iU ami y.uo A. and 3.4b P. M. A various sizes of SUPERIOR COAL, a. LOWES1 These arc now being sent all over the her. She gradually and is uow a perfect- CABLOTTA, Ai., U..v« l oilk u I a way in Boiuion, a at First-Class House. testate onimer- Compasses improved, W. will sail f r lor Saco River 7.15 A. ebbing correspondent Valuable Real ou^l Also worlTbe lor a has bseii healthy child. were astonished to see what Maguue, Master, At., 2.ti ami 6.15 P. Ai. ol MARKET PRICES. necessity perfect Compass ly People from boisom, Gallium.a, under date February c Sale. had on this and to see her lIal.iL.-~, direct, Galt's Whorl, The 9 o'clock train Horn Saco ai d ai St: cot lor so long nr.d seriously sell, and upon which tl»e inge- effect the*medicine cliild, Rlvei, the 3 tells us of a old who Was leer on Laths, tbe use of Lurookah’s which we o'clock trom wiU be tru*o» good grandmother of land about 53 front Commercial shingles, Clapboards, nuity of every Maritime Nation has been largely but got well by Syrup, Portland, freight with pas- JEVKKY cars attached. seated at a tea-table where tney were speak- \LOTstreet and extending 2G4 ft. to Fore st, the same Spruce and Pine Lumber. Spruce Dimensions sawod unsuccessfully stent, Las caused this Compass to believe to be the best medicine lor Pulmonary Com NATt HDAY, at 4 •’clock P. HI. senger Steam Accommodation Train.— ing of Ar tennis’s reception m Bug land. Alter I1XS FACILITIES m \v occupied by B. f. Noble A: o. to order at shor. notice. meet with a success known to but few American In- plaints in the world. Yours. S3r" Reluming leave Pryor’s Wharf, Car, Ltavc Gor- A H. Me. Halifax, ham ut 8 A. M. and 2 P. AI. some ot his clever witticisms had been Appi to J. DROWNE, PEK1UNN, J ACKSON CO., ventions. It has recently been endorsed in an able LARABEE, Phipsburg, for Portland, every Tuesday at 4 o’clock P. M. repeat- Leave Pot tlund ut M> If 10 State Street. Street Wharf, 302 Commercial, from the committee tho Port- Space will permit the publication of but a ti' -o ot Cabin with State 12.ir» and 4 P. AI. ed, the good lauy raised her specs .md saui:— FOIl MAKING yl. High report appointed by Passage, Room, $7 Meals extra. foot of High street land Marine consisting of the following the certiffcates which are constantly coming in from For further information to L. LaF SiftjjjSecouuvCT &r biorn:uu lor V ••«». Oerhnrt, *’\v hat a tunny man! Nowdoyou r’ally s’po.**o pr29dtl Society.*’ apply BILLINGS, Uwse oil I’. iui Street for Sale. well known till quarters of the globe. Patients will lind the most Atlantic or Artemus Waru Beecher said all liicui gentlemen Wharf, tumgsV” f*ni: three, storied, genteel, modern built C. M. Davis, Daniel L. Choate, conclusive evidence of the value of this leuiedy, in a POBTEOCS, s !. rooms with LUMBER, _apnSdtf_JOHN Agent. Harper Majuzrnc. ALL KINDS V I»*i. house, containing nine closets. Jacob MuLellan, Chas. H. chase, trial of it, which will cost but a trifle, and whiohmay f»*r of hard and soft water in the aud Retail. results. * g:,. ; i- m> Wholesale Peter Hanna. yield priceless -- Inland ,b OF ; use, n;i in a good neighborhood. Enquire at No. all sizes Large bottles $1.00—medium size 50 cents. Pre- Houte. At Pus; or.tbr r Wed J.’uxUru. l\ r n> * Shingles andSeantlingol conclude their “recom- -Eagle 53 St recr. une20d2w Plank, The Committee by Hmlh x, n is Pearf j on hand. report pared by E. R. KNIGHTS, M. D.,Chemist, Melrose, Limio^ton, Limsncj, Hswiald, % i li*A B Bi> ’¥ A1'ii. BOARDS,constantly mending it to all sea-going vessels.’* Paraone&old uad material sawed to order. Mass., and sold by all druggists. Owpoa Lot on Building For sale by C. H. FARLEY, ery Gootiw Valuable House and High ISAAC DYER. Mr Sold by VV. F. Phillips & Co., VV. W. Whipple To Atranpa tor ooutti AIniham, Vi i«- rth&ia Hitt tlpkolsl Aeent lor the State. Mt, Desertand Machias. *V tor Sale. No. Union Wharf. JSc Co., J. VV'. Perkins JSC Co., H. H. Hav, Portland; •*ad Kortu meJiatu da.l >. M or Sale at u Street, auglltf ‘Jj Bargain. v lot. No. 8 Foil land. 0. Goodwin & Boston, ami all Py order ol the 1 ivsidt ut. Enable him to offer customers \ dlE two sdot house and High street, i\o. 4, Excliungc strict, George Co., by Drug- TWO TRIPS PER WEEK. LOT oi Laud on lian^vcr street* Also a nice 1 tin* residence oi the late Win. Akenuan. Lot gists and Merchants. do2£eod&wtf Portland, April 12, 1807. dt» i’ii Pine. Also lor sale all kinds ot Asecond-hand two-whuciod chaise, dt>n( i0\l2d feet. House well arranged, cemented Sou flic Nautical lusuaimeuts. Steamer ALiUllD m LB, cellar buck cistern, with gas fixtures, lur- CITY OF RICHMOND, together 2 tf -7 PA RLOll sott water. is and may Ch as. master, will leave Through Ticket* junul3eo even- ’1'ui‘Mlny and the\Vest.tWKffl i-'urui isi i'lecitofl i'w sale. to eo..struct one much argot, and a complcio oar- and for sale in lots to sun purchasers. Apply MILLI IN Eli Y. ftridny eulraitee. C. M. DAVIS A CO., --—-fiveuittg, at 11 o'clock, for Rod*- Sain Farm is about halt a mile Ml liiifflg Cast $6 Ltss Imh any ytber all jail Bcutu v a iu« TTRFSSES, JOHN C. PROCTER, 117 Commercial street. land, me, Deer Isle, Sedgwick, Mt. Desort, Horn Lorn uni De- impi.ieof WIRS. ~COLBY Jones F:eepon .June ri-d8w Real Estate Broker. Nov. Milibridge, port and Machiaspvrt. Grand Trunk ! is iu ler and v.vJl divid- -AND Pcrthififl, Railway pot ; gvKXlor 21,18G6._l!OV22dH_ say to her patrons, and the public gen- Returning, will leave Machiasport everv Hlondny oU. Culu :iun luuk htty, has Bah for WOULD that she continues to do business at her and Tlaui*»«lay Vlomiui;>, nt 5 o'clock, To Detroit,'. hicai;o,aU nu'iiaiil ci House Sale, erally, touching |>oiuis West, good lrurt, and Canada Slate for Sale. at above named and oil West .side U John Street, 50 by dwelling house, landiugs, arriving SO 7-t «.c*x via Mnrulsi luc, in CiiUu. \ od dimly Use. iwoMoned .III tStutlbd ? ! the same jTj. ia-> mot. Fnrpriitteivlu.»(Mifiuire of E. T. night. Milwniis.-e aiitl a:l ,lnt» W, st. all fla and Convenient, wuli ell, wood-house, Moody, INo. -1 Cotton Street, The OR«•. p Al«>, l. Joku sifuiqt, or E. B. A lieu, Ko. 1U Aalnutri* fct, A \ Best Canada Slates. Par- “City of Richmond’’ connects at Rockland llBTLUa Tickeis ut LlAV RATJ.S. 8iieu awl large I urn aibuli.H', ail in goal repair.— Squares quality with Steamer lii-kefc. v.» Hade of 1“ liquid, Me. Juiml7d3w ties ou Hie Burnt District are on- where can bo touud all the late styles of Katakdm for Bangor and intermediate Tnere are two never w ells of water xuu b: either i. VJV/ building tlvion, K,» t.rk Ct'Ultal,Giit lulling lek fv on the Uailn., tbawback of in Gold bindings Penobscot and River. o cistern. is and per square Bay to Uinta and th>- tVr.l- The bouse i le«8Ually sitaaled, sur- on these Slaies. to Bonnets, Ribbons, Mowers, &c. Exkaiuted Powers sf ftaiure cheeked t $1,500 Apply •9F»aggage rough. tor t.ELiAbi.B Im.ihm ami lU teU at Ut. rounded hy r.lm uni oilier trees. Willbuv a and a hall house and T. & J. B. N. B.—cut a tferr frnm Free which are accompanied by so many alarming KOSS A Atios, AH Pare or Otherwise »;V2A good story CUMMINGS, Street. TIIE STUKDKVANT, General Agents, I o»o»l IS.1 c: 11 ut U»e tsai-l Farm will be sold low. For farther > Loss of Mem- tm, particu- Hair, ! nu cJot of laud 5a bv 1-’ leet, a lew steps be- Lumber Dealers, No. 220 Commercial St. May 7. dtl symptoms—ludiepoaitiun to Exertion, Apr-.dtt 151 Commercial Street. VV itki horror of lar adercss MIL yond Tukcy's bridge. Pi ice only $1,5. u. Apr2Gdtl. ory, iuinctw, dfcaase, trembling, pros- Union and Grand Trunk Tic'-.t O. K. WAITE, Freeport, ! t rat ion. It is a speedy and effectual remedy for all OSco, Or at diseases of the Bladder and obstructions Inside Detorc purchasing cFewhcn;. enquire the premises. jolGeoU4w* MI Go«nls will be Warranted 4*00:1 farm in Turks Island Malt. lially, lially Kidneys, Steamboat Line A Falmouth, of the Stricture, in the back or Oftlce Preble hj fc BUSHELS. For sale live bun- Urine, Gravel, pain TO BANGOK. opposite House, under Lai aster Hall. Eight miles front Portland. 103 acres, suitably di- OUU»UUU drod thousand bushels 1 urks Mechanics’ Hall I joints, Stone hi the Bladder, Diseases of the Pros- EOil and with a id Opposite O. Aiii. HALE, as Mecomni ended ! videa Lite mowing, tillage wood, splem Island on liberal and terms.— trate Gland, Involuntary Emissions, Dropsical U.TLAtfL'RJJtUt, f.urhun- Salt, accommodating TITREK TRIPS PER WEEK. May 30—JSm orchard, 'vow whicit was gathered about A discount of cent, allowed for cash. Vessels rp One Plight! Swellings, anti diseases ol the Urinary Organs in than can be Jiuiltl 2} per I’he staunch and Cheaper dred businrlsci cdfiuit las year. Will be sold east- men, women and children. boautlfui, swill grsti chartered tor New York, Boston. Philadelphia, TEN CENTS, SAVE FIVE AND GET stcauicr y*"*■ House and Lot in the rear No L'4 -.ND (‘KICKS IK B INGED At’COltli- low. “Hliltoa Hftarliu,” Al- Chestnut ern and southern putts Wee o commission. Apply SHAVINGA GOOD SUAVE at IT WILL CURE But ICO!/ Wood, Master, will mako her To l, fid' GU'Coi.. contains feet, being 40x40. to CALVIN E. KNOX & CO., All weaknesses arising from Excesses, Habits of Dis- Travelers ! story and half in 1NGI.V ! JOHNSON’S Jb regular trips to Bangui, Ruil- House, good condition. A Store nt l'e; r.v 17 South St., New York, MERRY’S, Indiscretion or Abuse. leaving Village sipation, Early r.*ad Whar*, loot of State Struct, every Piitr Or JOHN H. REYNOLDS & CO., Over s & Derr v*s Shoe Store. Mr. Mer- Tuesday, fS Cash. Now doing a good business, will bo sold on favora- McCarthy IBM. FILLERS Thursday and Saturday Mornings, ut six codim Turks Island. a he can cdl his is enabled to o’clock, ITj'out'k Tickets tram Forilacd Call on H. T. ble i.-ni's, it i-tlmr wiih the stock, if wanted. A junelO ry having place own, touching ac Rockland, Oanidcn, LlBiiV, lie can wait upon his friends and old customers Belfast, Searsnort, luaylcoutt At ec Lid Union st. 1 VAN OFEEE •Mod chance lor business. The new Dry Dock will say EXTRACT OF BUCHU Sandy Point, Bucksport, Win t and Libby backs, to’tlieir and his satisfaction, nt OLD prices. Pur- torpor Hamiden. To 'ill Points West 0> .old 25 per cent In the trade. Apply to Is given with gr«at success in all of the v leave South, licubir attention to children’s Hair. complaints »ir Bangor every Monday, VIA TEA \V. 11. *1 ERR IS, s rr .E -A- ndc paid cutting whether new or Wednesday and at six Timber Laud for Sale. fcjT' Remember the Mechanics* Urinary Organs, long standing. Friday Morning, o’clock. Real Estate Agent. place—opposite Thia steamer will touch at Tenant’s Harbor Sew York i cmral. ot Parlor Suits at and juuelOOLw Cioueriban, (-led, evei v rPHE tract timber land known as the Gihnanlnu $75 upwards Hall, Up->tairs. WrakucM, g0*11** east’ and Wednesday Erie O. Chronic Irritation ol the and re- coming west * & Luke Sbore, L and AlkiiiBon Acade. v Grunt, in the State of Farm lor 8at6, SOAPS ! A. MERRY, B. H. JOHNSON. Catarrh, Bladder, until turfW notice. II DUN DU 10 dtf tention or incontinence of Urine, from a loss oi tone And *■< New Hampshire, owned by ihe hens ot dictum Ellis “ “ 15 acre**, more or loss, situated within Ij miles June ticketed nnsyivaniu Ceiifi'al in the concerned in its evacuation. It Is also Passenger through to and born Boston, bv li. Usher, of Hoiks, Me.. Intituled north the tort-. Pine Gliditiher 38 oi li, 1m. ojik-o, of Portland, boumted on the parts Railroad and Steamboat. REiirruda by Sets, OK !•' A f ft 11A IV 14 s recowmeudcd for Chronic hhh oi north hit it mb-; east oy the Mate lino load west beyond iko Wt-toruok Alms House farm. Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, ROSS & Por Half at »1»«* degree LEATUE & GOllE. oil the and Lowext raU-<« ut the Ur«*< between and •: the on the lower side, PREMIUM Eruptions Skin, Dropsy. It is STURDIVANT, Maim? New Hampshire; south bv t.tie “ “ “ “ Hi i c.jTifiiluihg mvu to canal 149 Commercial c.»» Tii kel LP 3i ... .reJLiera* Agent.*-, street. Uailniiy Otfles*,—L.v hCAS* Giant an 1 land grained to Timothy Uix; and I Walnut 95 iii, a vo v biting place tor a market garden, or a STANDARD The Fciunle’N FritMul. April 15, 18b7. dtf MALL bUUaiHXG, Market Sqlaki Col’o^e is a we.-a by the college Grant, so called. hcau.iml pla« -i lor apnvate residence, as there In all affections peculiar to Females, the BUCHU This is state of \Y. O. LIT1LE ,1- grant supposed to contain twenty thousand “ “ “ “ s,Lcnrli i orchard ia a very high cultivaiton, is Invaluable in Chlorosis or retention, irregularity, aer- a. Jt is limbered with the first of on tlie I arm. The hum cuts about 45 tons of hay; it STEAM KEFINKD SOAPS, Reuu-ai Tidwt l^*u. heavily quaii.y f.'iiestnnt 55 Painful or Supj rested Menstruation, Leucorroea, or »B J spruce, and about two millions of nil old ha* born v. well manured for the last ton SCALES, B.HUUHLS pine, ry years, -viz:- Whites, andali complaints incidental to the mx, HMT Paiwuige Tickets for CulfJbrnia, via »u*aiiiers and to the best oi Canada of giAvti equal quality p ne, n quenIly gives a very large yield produce, Slade of the best whether from in the decline or Oak be kou.ND at ms from New York on the l*t, 11th, mid 2K of ea< h bn oiitn-iucd “ “ li ftCXTIt A, arising indiscretion,or which can wilii eeriaintv the li is I year, mm) has a good and i.- insured or ^500. of i? or on mouth tor rule at ilii.* Side Boards at 35 vi'ry barn, FAMILY, materials, and in change life, Pimples the Face, use the othce.a* heretx»fore. dc^iswi it (Joining down the Diamond itiver into the would no eon onient lor a brick yard, MajpiL very sp.cmlld I, the most thorough Buchu. PRIVATE loway, and rhea into the Androscoggin below the a- rhofe is an ahmuut ot brick mat,rial on llie tfO. | MEDICAL DOOMS. OLF.INF, manner,and reeeiv- Put up in Larger Bottles, Stronger and Better hi lakes. For farther io formal ion cu’quire of “ “ 1 erfeet title Tor (nrLher .Vet. 14 1‘reWe picinbes. guaranteed. LUK vIlL'AL 01,1 VK, ,iking constant im- Quality, and Iajss in Price, than any other so-called Street, id!. E. 2 iculftrs of 11. lien Sc BACON, Pliairs, [.a. enquire DOl^AN, tUAN L S vn.cn ts under Extract of Buchu. Nt.rihcPnklr fie.iu Perrin#’ No. 17 1 Billing # '* Fore I'ATEXl, QvSpro a.oi2dccKl2ia* Fro$&t., Portland, Me. i*l St % A j, lA* 287 street, Portland. the s of SODA. AND AMERK AN t'AS’TILE, Hr pervision Dollar Per Houle, or Half-dex. nrilKltE br.an b* ron.ulted — Price,One ami with I f.l I bKA I klU ANI— the In- prlratclT for Sale. Original lor Five Dollar*. V * tin- utmost culiliu.no. llie »ftli. u Vaii :;bte JSotei Property Allot SUPERIOR in suita- vrutor. Iiy d, at !>iSC’S II1-, -xi ftoosM, pleasantly ble lor the trade and use. I’vnpv varlotr on a ia ol- lamlly Chemist and Druggist, under Revere Boston. Ur. II. «ililr*s»'» thou. » ho arc War siitsitii c Santee l All 1. Uge oi uig, .Jord county, Maine, the »- House, audi.-iu* un.ltr u« Other Furniture! :Lyoi Importing direct our chemicals, and using only Hay Coal, Railroad. Platform and Counter, Dm Retail all everywhere. afflltnon or i. r. il tei -Mite ai*:i l il lor soon. by Druggists i rWat. .IlMav,, » h.-th.-t tritium iron ri .aui nx.ures ihrosglieul, together with necessary in the Co., VVilev, purth olar Irim.b ui CMMhvrHN o1 ft Uurr trnft « |fc.ol loOt).] who has bad thirty years practical experience Mass. iuar£fdt’ni III. niMlk.ll o- WAREHOUSE Boston, |.ro|.i-nm, ho tii-l, —anuri. <1 i. Low Prices! I building--. we therefore assure the public with con- iil’AR- equally irtl alars ol business, .XTKklMl a etll IX Pi*ic«? ^5 Cent s For hill A inquire ami will tarnish the 3LLI-A.U, Klirilwrul km, ToU Mtdwal U*n tltmim p<*r Box, demn that we can 118 Milk Mass. *1*11 or H OliATIO BOOT HR Y, Street, Boston, din.: rr. .uM, cuntruriod. rnurilv rum.iriui* rli. Is the Unmnsfti Remedy for BOBBINS’ W dmum* Hum Proprietor. *r«g. the iftuu. and umklnc a,, 1 l*« “4»Mlf ftl Uulr.ii, to BURNS, SCAi'ti >s,(JU J S,LliU l .t» L s and all PI /ES H tin* the sale Best foods at tha Lowest Prices I Fairbanks, Frown & Co. cci and i-kuhankxt n ti j Having agency for of Dr Tfati.-on A now, •"» i} Union st. Bfo;!.«r at WOUNGS; lor UR LULAINJS, ClJAl PL cj|1,1>r c r veburg, iicp.. 2a, lbGG. dt 1 Having recently enlarged and erected NEW Agents for sale of 4* »“*utum of tli. a.Kit-u-d lo lb. iANT.S, PILLS andUl.GSb’UOKl LOLriMilU S; Panacea. ia. I of 111. lo'u and iWflRMlcr, >laj, tUi. WORKS, containgall the modern improvements, we Tiltou A IffrFni'lnntl’s Safe*, White’* Pa* Vegetable .landina .rll-oaruel rvuiuuciun (i’ihmI Same !” KLil'PTiON >. UlA/Jt HLS. SALT It 11 :.U.4, and. there i? a Panacea iu the world It Is Ibis 'unit.liill* .ntuient i Mf&K. Smith & (Vs For Sale. ire enabled to tarnish a supply ot Soaps oi the teat Money ami CrcsMOii’* prepa- afl.ur.ni-. or hi* .till au l ml t-LT AM'.uU.i DISEASES. Stephen Druwcm, ration. It is sate aud useful “Tell La A Per- >Ii L line !>.; of Laml on Spring, neat Iligli street, lie Ml O uss I it ie*, adapted to the demand, lor L\« Gas rF simple, particularly I’KDDi Mi’S RUSSIA sAi.YE iv a Itegulator*. a •tnfl !»j«r-l»r ■:■!< to rin* il>al ti»t!r Sacrft purely Vep<- r known O' the Bovd containing about 10,000 an nh.nu ::(>9.00b Brick and 200 perch of Stone. Pokiukd, Febrile Attack?, iluarpeneas, 8ore Throat, Coughs, lii^My and combine- in itself heali.no feet; Bvary Inuiltgt-nt aud tliinkuv i-ry.], u.r kuoa & m/ti r.tuuTY a: ti i* In greater vwjzim l *i. sold with or without the material. Cramp aud Rheumatism, Sprain*. I’aius iu the sale, IihIia, my Said v.iijbe hat raimslivs hati.irl out lor than any other preparation cetbre tne* nub* ie. its G. TOL- IEATIIE A GORE’S EMERY, WATERHOUSE J) CO. stouiat 1 or other ot the rcaoral um shoukl hnr< tile BH4t pi4- !*\>r further particular*- enquire of JOHN It. mwel*f part bvdy, Heoi- hati ettom-T timely application has been the means «±t njai^o-d3in and .~.|at>h*lw.| hr wrll tmad xirrlrn. c in o» ataLlc aa well as the scaling Tables, Desks, &c. or Cl 1AiiLflS Eli. mchlldtr :u*lief Aootbachc, Cohl hand' leet. D.urilaivi, oi ruiilJ, £AG the hand* or a ediu-atnl luo^t « thoo.snmls valuable lives, ol relieving a v;vt Dysenciy, t hoi era, Pevei and A|me. < hilblain*. Ac., regularly ph,*ki*n, wh»s< itol e*ola« STEAM REFINED SOAPS I pratwraturv itndiea hi him lor all s U I 1 II amount of tm doling and wherever used, has proved ! &c. It tardy tuil* to bring out the Iu tin .imp he n,{ purporting wnrld, unrivaivd hull liOi e and lot. The house Is very pkas- flllJE attention of nonsuiacrs and the trade is call- abh.h are not bui SALVE Ls a NOLLE’ AND OTHEKS, most terrible of all tdtcssco.iiirPTHKkiA, this a- only lua.lcss, alaav* usurious. condiment having caused SIA GUARANTEE si mated on Cove -even X ul t> our stock ot pr jj ™ many mij iinrip’otl dealers ~~ .JLantly sirect, containing unloriunule *boukl le 1-aktici l.iu iu iwUctiug Of I’SlN J/M PARA RLE ViR'i UlS ratioii lias not its equal in the World. to the uuiue and v. ill bo sold at the extremely low figure l*H phy*b ’an, :w H ii a lumentable apply to .Spurious (\/mpounJ^, the pub- AS A HEALING jvYi flA Xioailie *k» Go Till- medicine is of recent dale, but lus been ex- yel incontrovcrti- OlNT.o V BB AKSIBIiD OP OETTISit! above named. 1*0, PAPER kle Hon ill lir Is tuid HANGINGS. used lor the cure ot the various disets. tool, many •) pi, tic p-uk-uts are nm.le uiia- re*i ccUuliy earnestly requested to sec that The very large sale of LtEDGING'S —Also— Fooiuu rcial 17 hi. 19 Orach Siren, tensively s araUe arllli RUSSIA TD7 Si, which new Golds and ruined cunaUliittoiu t>» liialtraatmcut SALVE ti e hns nse AAV OP TIIEIK H’OUK AT comprises many dedgns in t'<>r which t I* recommended, and it has the MBii'iot l-K'A A Perrins ate open ;ho .uring past sixty i/earn, given Loi fi r sak at ti oin l cent to S2 por loot, pioved, iron! *uian> in Wrap- | prices POKTIaAND, MAINE, Satins, as also ihjs** of m.«ro common For <*ver a wide iu iuimeuse over lucxiairieuoed phi general praolicv: lot to Uoiulred:u ouworiiiy mutations, lint throughout & W quality. country, -oneiiortty i»a per, Label, and Buttle, | lnqaiieof HEWITT BUlXEU, arch 2<’—dt/ sale bent It point generally conceded the Ivrt Stopper all « p« Rom, the lei SMA SALVE maintain, ua St. every Psna«ca known. Ills the Km ExpelUr by srululoeru AplTClf TfS.A T! fate Agents, 52i>J Congress pliers, that the study and management ot these vlunutaetuiut by h aft a lelliblo a U OS TO.Y Low iu use: In recommended tor 'lie tastnutane- come p cm.icy peeparu Ion, h:ivtng steady PH MJES, for CunIi highly plaints should engross onv relief of all aud ache- the Utah is the whole time ol those who a .d never dc .crioruliog iu quai- oil Commercial Street to Circular Letters pains subject would be ■*BA A pvTurancUosale,aim FRKIUHT ONLY ADDED. Lund of Credit, BY to competent aud tuc< essful In their treats PliUBI.V^ Uorcttler. iiy, i>. age or climate, and is sold to dfealers a: a pr.ee meiit and LWO who cure. The inexperienced general ti cm to lea ize a generous r tit by its sa... AVAILABLE FOB TBAVELEB8 All persona are subject to MIRK practi- enabling Mill is desirous of Ills lots MARRETT POOR tioner, having neither nor time to John .Uuncan’s & Tor s^lc all and 'pnr. rT.vr improving CO., TMIlOAi, which, neglected, is very apt to result opportunity muk- ms, by O.ugglsts .ipoiliocuriis Particular attention J and will lease *a or IN ALL COUNTRIES OF olmseii acquainted with their ULMDIACI A CO„ given to on c.mTiureial sircct, part !M» TllJdlr Hired, ■•artland. In that dreodlUl pathology, common I v PiepriHorK, discus*, DIPOTHKKIA, pursues one ot NEW Agents lot ilie Untlr J Slates. the wli 1 fur n term of years. June 5—.f should have thin reiuedv system treatment, in most case"- mu s- i'OUK, A G—eounni GoSJ >oN, id ASS. Asia and simple continually by them, an oelOdly pi o i.0 will ereoi. ouiMiag> suitable for manufactur- Europe, Africa, ,r»g indiscriminate use ol that autiuuuted Parlor ami other Stull- perticnJa-ly those living away from medical aid. aud dan- Ucp;tirin«* it '.esire l. ISSLLD ON gerous the ing or other p !pos«*s. CGLIiBRATCD I. ATE inPROVKD Direction* with each Bottle. Price 35 cents. Sold weapon, Heronry. Season <>l'l.S07. ed Goods Mattresses I Top. dn will be received by E. E. UPHAM, or OUH BANKEliS by dealers in Medicines everywhere. Ask for “HOB- iiart* 4-eatfdeacc. Grlass Shades it Stands- ihr; subscribed. BINS’ and take uo other. Ail who havs (*n &e* X. P. RICHARDSON. PANACEA," committed an excess oi any kind, 11 ASiliLi:TO.UAN 8TAIXION L. M. Me. whether it l*e tlie Prepared only by ROBBINS, Rockland, solitary vice of youth, or the atin ♦- S. B.—Eepocial care taken in May 00th, in»y3ldtf Sold 0. Goodwin J. rebuke of JOS1S1 11 ST OH V byU &Co.,30HanoverSt.,Boston, mg uusplaeed confidence in ni.tturer years, W. Perkin* & Co W. W. A Co. and II. Manutncturt r » Si at « <3MJ>EOiX, Hay, Portland, Wholesale Agents. Apr IT—d3m. Luo Pains and and 'Jicimney1 *t Ecrs, Pi fb * street Ache9, Lassitude ami Nervous Brackets, sla/i tin ATfcs V»M» make lire season the PACKING FURNIT URF \ CI V d«*h ible lot ol laud ou Union —liY— present at stables connect- Pros u at ion that follow CuiMrKV Pops. nrt.*r and deal t r.». tiun ii. may Impure Coition, jUi'J Jiuj in L’u*- ed with the by Dolan, are the hsh Floor German and FOU 237 Fore Street. croup/ Barometer to tlie whole system. Piles, Fiem.li I lower P^ta, SHIPMENT. il ij. BANK OF THE croiTpi Do not wait Forest City Paris.*. METROPOLIS, for the consummation that is sure to fol- Hanging Vase*. P.iiimi Bisque, ami Hrm o Statuette 'trotting uid Argus copy. __ do not tor Busts. Glass Commencing May 1st and S :E!» Nialr Street, Uonloii low; wait Unsightly Ulcers, ior Slmdc* ami Walnut bunds, Bobd- ending ptevclrer 1st. ouan and Lava on DK. HOOKER’S Disabled Limbs, tor Loss of Vases and other wares. fiih Oultnrx for sale cy Foreign Rxchacge nil poiuh Beauty T(TUii, flic Vcmtou. CHAS. B. WHITTEMORE, Yaliutble Property for and lll^ ‘PBEMONT STREET Stndin is st veu Complexion. Building Gidcoi; years this sunds 15 muiI Mold. ma>Teodrim mar spring, hands SUITABI.K POIl A Bought a*» ®a**y Tbaataana Dan lo ladWM inches an l weighs IOai l w as and Testify TIi). 2] .R.; b.mghbtn uiangc (Succcusor to Geo. T. Burroughs If Cb.,1 Cough Croup < Now York, Hold or i’riraic IS«*i»l«lenrr. Syrup byCulm,,; Eiptrlnite! ounty, three years si/ce p j. ijUI1 PAINTS AXD men iroul.lgd OILS. Young with tmiaiiciiy In aletp -a °l ^f,r l) assftlbor,,,and *.R direct by Rv.-dvkN The Is at. the terminal ion of the \ j*:'\ property complaint generally the result ol a bad habit’ iu Hamblcbmiaii, Leby Abduih^ i,y MamlnYnu ”L!ilu.*aHtel, I «n iai.d or.-c Railroad at MorriT's Cuniei, Drills, Blocllcineisi, Dye ! 1 ho tl.»u\ by‘im- COUGHS FROM youth.—treated eoientilicaUy and a pel led cure war- FIREWORKS cr. of » .i.. 1 sale. Tin- la use is port id Messcn liinemi wait T'ot by ^ t, is ii-av offered fur CROUP, COLDS, ranted or no charge mads. En he* bv sfulls, AViuclo’w Glass. 111S ineer, imp. iti' c s <»r>—l*uill oi brick, in iliemosi sub.stunti.il a imp.thoroughbred Messenger, OPPOSITE PKEBI.E HOLM'. iio&rseuefrs, Catarrhal llardly day passes but we ar, consulted by one or c oae.'y inbred to Me :m .d» iidnine ol luird and soft a FOR Goughs, thus being very beuger, .,n«: oi ju inner; WSUrj AGENTS COUGHS FROM HUMORS BRONCHIAL more young men with the above trotLry ever fi»ul, The bouse i- sur- AND disease, some ol Fourth of J will be Celtbrated. the best progenitor*-ot o. Gideon June 17-dlin ntnOI and oiu-bmldiiigs. whom are as weak and emaciated uly old Hnnibitrouiun in ihU Forest River A liar ran Lead Co.’s COUGHS, and gives speedy relief in Whooping as though they laid is the only son of Sta c n u.d.dl -bade trees, and is most beautifully all* the consumption, and their to Coughs, and Asthma, and otlen cuies the latter, and by riionds aro suppose.] to stock is halt brother Gextcr, uat« d r. r a reside; ce. CKAFTS & 11EA /)-O UAItTEUS puipo-os, private WILI.IAB!), shortens the run ot the have it. All such cases to the and rnanv i invariably former. yield proper and onl\ Wilkes, Volunteer, Shark, Hiuno, oih,, Stray tft» Terms moderate. Apjdy to correct course of For ot Nos. 5 and 8 Commercial Wliarf, Boston. Lfc* "Children are liable to be attacked with treatmeut, and in a short time are every description of ti»c fastest trotters In the and vjTRAYED into one chestnut colored CHARLES Troup country, aUliou^ti luypremiMs, SMITH, without a moment’s It Im- made to rejoice in perfect health. * < Dec4—TuTliStl warning. is, therefore, never having lecn used i«»i* trai l; purj>»»KOh, has ck- > oil. with b..i« i; maun ami tail; t" l*e on je14-dtt y udgtd tl!op*etn'se?. that every lawilv should have constantly at hibite*! promise oi that speed and cim it nun c which three years old. The owner can have tin*: a me FIB fiortantland some simple and pleasant, yet efficacious rem- EWORKN ! lias made li s relations so I'amoun. ,y aim cost :.n l chars*-*. \ Nieo -v burban Itesiflcitce* WEED Ml44lt-Aird Neb. justJ.v mov.ug |»i .)»»crly jayhig SAM UEL E. the cure of this too often oi «t a tine 1 COBB, edy'or gainful aud fatal There are men or tlie of vouchers his pedigree tan l*e pro- ~ WILLI Ul alllVULLL. \ i i;‘i v. on Tluzzell Street,Cape Elisabeth, many age thirty who are Styisvaelory 4t disease. Such a is the Largest Stuck! iNonu one and remedy troubled with too duced to those who desire Ids services or any panics Yauiumih, Jr no if 2, let»7. jcJHtUw y V (wo story hot.se, with *: able attached; No. 3G5 GoiiK'Fess Street, frequent evacuation* from the blad- con- der, olten a The Me*t who may dispute i*. ono-1.all'aerosol'gr.»nnd. House nearly new, Machine Dr. Hooker’s Cough and Croup Syrup. accompanied by slight suiaitlng or burn- Qenliiy ! NBA It HEAD Ok GREEN STREET. Sewing ing sensation, and (.1 re will be taken to prevent accident or e rapes, iain!"4 i.uu I* <-u iinished rooms, closets and clothes For Bale by all Druggi-ts. weakening the system in a maii- ner tlie paiiem cannot and the Lowest Trices! but should ccur will be at the own, s stouter Fenian Kaiibj»la)» Ibf tilkt uud lusno i-ml-dud to uioH t raids, Excelsior Pain Curer. tion of their snd the tn orough rna mer, is in tine lor their Mnltlle. ilic lot is 100 feet {.^“Pianos and Melodeons tuned and to rent. dlscwc*, appropriate re in eh! * amount. milling order, money. C C-. s o lv p*i ! ]P O /.* T LA N D 1C A *"**“•*’-•■ uk.^necfU'ri.vi’oJX. jniru,UMimmmm»*uamMl €. E. MOSIIER, Agent. PLEURISY PAINS, Yrllw Metal ?ih! ( CO., PIIBTLASI), June 24. tf RHEUMATISM, opiH'rSlicalliiift Olliee Ao. 3 Union jvM.T!.:?:, I will sell on InvoraMr. terms as to TOOTHACHE, Nails, plkw attii Holts, Wliari, ■ 1-0 I...-111. I-M 1..1 a, t.-tm 111’ years, [be lots on 30‘2 Htreet. A WC now- to contract tor the Congress HEADACHE, EARACHE, KM* HALE BY Cilendar ready delivery of Ice 111,, eurtiv-r nt .'.I i,| iic -,n,| Franklin street?, and on PCOR Clock*, lor the season o' MAERETT, &Co. STIFF NECK, IKiir, and trust by tcricl altcii- i.u si i. ol 1* ranklin ami NO* A TOm:V. ti-»u 1 i-. no. ol,.lo i:i01ii■; i in-corner to A«(1I}«| to customers, aud fair to merit a share ol J. M. KIMBALL & CO., new prepared offer for the season trade a DIPHTHERIA, 1 m Howard* Clocks, prices for,. 4reels. Ai.nly in \VM. IllLf.IAi:I>, Bailor, SORE THROAT and AGUE. '3 Cunniiom it. puLlic p itrouage. now on hand and for sale the and AllEchoice assortment of nr -iM I'J'tf A. 1. lii’ Atlnrocys. Porllantl. jyl2tl largest Al*o invaluable in all cases of Sprains and Bruises. Portland, Vay 22,1M7. luajr&il1 and. Hank WM. 11. WALK Eli, " best assortment of ever offered in this Office Agent. HAVE Carriages Try il and you will be satisfied. Maouliicturcil and nmcni a« coniiuouation. Clocks, May 11-dtf market-consisting in part ot the following celebrat- sold wholesale aud retail W. W. Rogers.Hampden Ur. ll.’s Elec tic Medicine* are viz: Extension Tut* Cabriolet!s, Platioim by Renovating uurivat a a 8 a-’ i x t i; n £ s: Gallery Clocks, Aim rlcan Third ed stylos, CARPETINGS! Corner, Maine. Sold in Portland by H. H. IIAY led in ellcacy and superior virtue In iJoytl Congregational Society and Perch, very light: Light Carryalls, re^ulatm* all Spring Consisting ot New Patterns of & CO., wholesale ami retail. JalidtSm* Female Irregularities. Tlielr action is and Harlcr, and S rUHE having been Mn- and Extension the celebrated specific undcrs'gned, duly uppoin'ed Stoning Top 'lop; certain of relict in a short time. 1 ‘hie lhr the Stale of *c;it” with Front producing JOHN KINSMAN Surveyor Maine, hv the l.ro- I* “Kimball Jump improved LAI>1 Eh will liud Ail Kinds l‘“etois of the reposals for Building. Velvet it invaluable in nl! case- of ob- of Clocks. 1 ‘American L.oyds itegiaier of A mer- Scat- “Sun Shades” of elegant pattern, Gentlemen's Tapestries, lias a pood assortment of * structions idler all other remedies have be en tried leaders his in vn‘‘ JV1*1 dipping,- hereby no ? >KOpO>' V LS will he received f -r n Mect- “Road Wagons,” very light; “Hancock, “Goddard,” Brussels aud Mercantile vain. It is «-T *r *‘] •Hsiiieali.ui ol ves building and other ol Tapestries, Library Association. purely vegetable, containing nothing in AS FI \xr EXCHANGE Sl'SCEET, s. 1.1"' els building in ibis I i- f,n thl and “Jenny Lind” Top Buggies superior the least to the G KIOS u,v ls "hose Society. Plans Fpeeiilca- ami injurious health, and may he take) classes have expired.— 1 ions b. I and finish. Three Organized Incorporated 1851. »'"• will sell kbein a. a. c.in;; it Oei Vt*s-Si may bund :il the otllee of L. NKWGuMIt, make Plys, Superfines, with |K)rlect safety ut all times. of all kimK low h„y ca0 b LOWiiCIi «V, !SKi\Ti:[{. an Insurance C. Pi.: Me as low ns $-50.06. Concoid mpnnv, tlaml. Aueiiii u r, Kirsl National Bank Building. j\,p Buggies style heut to any part of the with Uni^lit In Nrw York or elsewhere. w. 00 to $200.00—Warranted. Also Hemp, Straw This Association country, mil direction*, Portland Jan. 18u7. chakxA. By Order ol'Oonmiitto. w9m‘ns troni $150 Matting, having bv addressing DR. JOHN 17Lb, di’.ru jn«ea>. auawu fofeu. Farmers’ use. HUGHES HINS.II.U, luiou Kirco., I’.ii iland, .lime 21, lKd7,-dlw Two Seat Wagons for Mats, Hugs, &c. 'anl.l863d&w. No. 14 Preble Rr-RstubUshed its Library Street, Portland. —Mail PO&ILUoi Me aprnl&wSm __ Patents, With about lfiOO VnlumrN olNew and Desirable Silver Oil to which additi<»ns will REDDY, J Books, be n. Plated Ware. Berlin Mills Notice ol* Assigrument. Carpetings constantly made, VIVD.1IT A Arm A •* na. CMA U IMS and having pecured temporary accommodation* on MU. QM1MMMM, i>atents, a- Company. i* hereby given that Isaac ot From to (Latent the 17Ui Innuitr) Band) ;.: uec mid Pine Lumber & lVToriCE Emery 3 24 feet. market St, (between middle and S1"'!’ rvevhfl ""(jreamitrecl, a l«-Ko lid Patents. Laths. Portland, in the Countv of Cumberland, did on Federal,) OESPECTFITILY announces t.» the ‘y •'ilv.Tjd.i-M Ware. m u,., [N citizens of best ami see the B vlin Mi'!« of A. 1867, make to the ALL nl Ike LOWEST ('ASH Would inform its members and the that the Call and new Patents (\.iupauy his lacilitles lor man* the twentieth day May, !>., 1‘KICEM. public ,-I V Portland and vicinity that, lie is nred t«, idly, I in tin-la-si M innlai-lorl, kiii at r|MIE be prej jjlve tlio.'unntn B u. I f iig all kinds an ol all his real Poviu will open for the delivery or Books, every We have in store one ot the finest assortment of A: h n;k of ol‘l>iincii8:u.i Spaceaud unde signed assignment proj»t*vty, Lt‘«»oii*i Hie % ioliu at it j.m tine Table r, ,r law trom tVO. 90 and afternoon from 2 upon it Switiiur. Cutlery, #t‘a \tas» l.y C'oiiercss, 1* »' f-r tr iiiios, oillu*r la go <»r small: with a and personal, n >t exempted by attaclnnant mgpJtLE STItEET. WEDNESDAY SATlJltDAY ENGLISH, GERMAN. FRENCH and DOMESTIC fcrout diHciiiint iron* usual |irin s. ssti-oet, special to b All to Gain r lining over the Grand Trunk l.»r the benetit ut such of his creditors as may after Jane 5~d2m o’clock. Also Saturday Even nge from 7 to 10 CLOTHS, CASS1M that cau be found in orders addressed Paine’s Music Stcro TKV Ac l« ;£.>.» Api in. a HUfiw a Railroad, lcav- LUES, &e., , Vauem.** “wj.jtu. iii'C Hi ni.li- :it. N. the statutes ol the State of o'clock. Portland. These have been selected with oil. be promptly attended t *. June J -till Berlin, 11.. at night, and arriving notice, as provided by goods great • ELIZABETII a r lt*.*l**r»'iices—Mr. 11. vt r, Li’.rnPig to our wharf in Portland, where Maine, become parties to said assignment in propor- B. ADAill9, ofC*I* Any person wishing to become uieu.be of this care and esneciallv adapted to the tashionablc trade, liolzscbmnr; Mr W. Paine miP oi th ■ c:m ol and DK.Elizabeth, Mrs. Chamberlin,ol Port- annual assessment ot which is Two and at foil to and all April 0- d?m* Hoard. Older for Im/cHt si?e load. tion to the amounts their respective claims, (formerly Association,the prices ihatcanuot ileane. goods Superior Sale, Wi'fi.1. I’isli orders of three mouths are allowed to become to said land). Consultation fret at her ollice a J. ii. Turn- Dollar* per yeatr, or wishing to avail themselves shrunk and satisfaction guaranteed. Uie gallon st at any description with dis- parties thoroughly » PU'.ASANT -nil. ..I .1,1, cent., & Co.*8 st comer and Pearl Tried riHims, tnilnlde for I'entle- { pitoli. Or b< olleiLed. Address, Boil n M ild as.-ignnient, and that said assignment may be four d re, Congress Streets. of the Use of the Library, will please leave their A call is respectfully solicited. Thankful to fnends Tallow. nii.i or JJ* id wile two Ji'glt: ucnlb men, a I No. iyOmt4im, < rtl. n ■, M :lno. at the office of i-'hcpley & Stiout, iu said Portland. fieortland, every Wednesday. Kelly’s celebrated names at Library Boom as above, or with either ot for past patronage, hoping to merit a continuance of on lor sale TaliowjonsnjrilyU han.l.aud hi Clark died. jundSOutl G.^W. ILAKLES A. A. STIC Medicines to be bad at bur office and residence. the following: O. M. John C. Proc- lb** same. aiKIEHliy t.ic urel or c irkia \iV aurlodtf HAM, HAMILTON, Agent. »UT, .Assignee. Makrett, .No !» Market st. May 30. eodlf Portland, May 29,1867. may 31wSw&d3m March 25. d3m. tor. M. N. Kick. aprilO dtt janOdtf M. H. REDDY, Proprietor. J. 1. WEEKS, MayZl. «fcw Nos. 7a * 71 Elk St.