~ PORTLAND DAILY v>tabiis,,ei June S3, isos. voi. ». WEDNESDAY PORTLAND, MORNING, JUNE 1 18*;7,* J-erms JJoliat - , 20, ~niii Jut/ntriiiniriTriii "per annum, in advance. Ltjl. i\j 1> DA IL PU&SS \> puolifdj •* «J BUftbNJLSS CARDS. MI8CEUit 1»1S« li 8. RsuitlO V 4». > vuwday <\c«qded,) ui No. 1 Printers’ Kv.-ou.r 8i't.l or more soldier* •. t.'oinau'U-ial Street, Portland. were drawn up in bn N. A. PfiOPKlKTJR. t 'ions around the in-ide KOSTEIC, T. If. R DAILY press. of the course, in on* t HASKELL, the E 31 O \ A L, ! kbxh:—Eight Dollar? a year in advance. 111 ATLANTIC p the infantry, in another the artillery, in p°htland. another the The I HK mAIM: STATICPit ESS.ia publishedatthe Attorney & Counsellor B. 1\ SMIlH & cavalry. soldier* participat- ^ 1 a benefit CO., •. iior.-day moriiinif ut $2.u0 year, mutual Mutual Insurance ing were tlic special Over Imperial military school luvariul.iy iii advance. Firm National Bank, Jl Walt Company. PIIOTOG R APIS ERS! St, cor. William, NEW YORK, Wednesday Moum^, juns 23, i££7. of St. Cyr, the Imperial Guard and the active Katj : .•.ivvnm.-iMi.-oiic «n«'h oi January, 1887. space,in Corner Middle and Plum Life Insurance Have removed Irom No. 1 Market divisions of the first army corps, under com- ‘•‘n.Mi o o. o it met* Streets, Company, Square .“square.'* where > they Lave been lo- mand of ihnly nr.-t week: To ceutp tcmpoianly Insures Marine Marshal Corob* rt,commandant of the per ME. uied to t oir against and Inland Navi- w i. io<. i: or PORTLAND, N. J. 4 ITuion State ■■** ka:ier; ll. low, continu- Newark, gation Risks. Convention. fi *',*“**.,and Marshal Regnard de Saint Jean 1m : ov. ,' !..-r ii.ty atn r •'«'>t 50 cent*, Juno 20. week, dlw&oodlw* in 1840. Charter New siucl TlieUnion voters01 d’ flail : mi tt i. e inseitioui*or I Organised Perpetual. spaeioiug Rooms Maine*re rci.ucau,) tog’in Augily. lose, 7ftcent*; one to a a! o. Thu whole prolits ot the revert delegates Cunveniion to he Tielu i,A .. No. Company to the At uuutit two’ o’clock a A '* S. FREEMAN & 15S* Middle Assured, a ml are divided H>ll, A\ ocs 1 A, on Tnviitn 1, dun, large company of s.':kn r.«s.” no uer CO., losses on deceased members tr and Street, anuuaily, upon the Preiui *7ui,‘utll square Having paid amounting 80,125,425, oi urns terminated n't luck A. ior tl.e hi IloILi: at II I'jt v.ivi., tiiitc $1.so. Corner Cross, during he year; and lor which Cer- .Vi., ] urpo.>c Lem. military men on horseback headed by Napole- lees, tilieatCK arc didate fir ana a. other hn,. •": 1 Commission Which have been fitted issued, bearing interest until redeemed. Governor, nsnctitir, any on !' quaie toy it»c lir.-t in- Merchants ! in p expressly lor tlic PHOTO- entered the and were received :<i ~'J declared Dividends to the the sum of with assets well Dividend for ten lues-that iia rlv rum* beiorc the • unveiiUm. grounds with i:°hUi pel iare for living $6,002,839, GUA H HUS and are Average Years post 53 per cent. prop, sq each subsequent Njfcl.*i?>, uacond to none m the * oors ‘(i' lsil New basis ot reprtSviiutucn tviU ;e as lu.loa* and music. In this wore Bi*oa*l street, England, and far superior to any in Hi* vicin royal cortege .\(i\ I.: secured to The Each town aim (ion will J. mill e l u in cried in the “Maine State Samufl ) amounting over has just declared its TWENTIETH annual ily tor the convenience and Companv has the Assets viz: city, plain the Freeman, $12,000,000, accommodation oi eus following one a it an Rmperor, Czar, the King of " w :1 tomer*. our Uiiited‘Itatcs and State dolecate. itiiGn ionnl lor, very Prussia, _, lar o circulation tn K. D. Appleton. NEW YORK. personal attention, will be to ev- ol New-York s oeks cir» iietcpate 11' s *' every pnv- j give seventy Uve votes c. si tor Jo-liua French $1.1*0 for ery Picture, ana we ass in our jJa:iu and other L. ckaiuncilaiii -^‘>'1, Minister of War, Count per square lir.-t iuserik-n* attention Dividend, being 50 per cent. .former patrons and Stocks, $0 771 *8$ ui at the -' 1 mi.. r G ^'Particular given to the purchasing | Loausateeured Gubeniatorl 1 ilcciion of M il. A Irael.oi. 11 l,.im on, square tor each subsequent inscr- the public gen-rally tliat wo intend to do a by Stocks and otherwise, l! 129*5 .o tf> Duke of Marshal f\ t* of Elmir ami drain. superior Kenl aTu? tarty votes will be entitle,! 10 an additional Magenta, Bazaine, Hnsa of work, and wo guaranice-kalisfiriion In i.-drvte, Bonds and Ot ueiegair. the Rcl. runcea—Da\Id E. McKennsy & The Annual Income lor was $4,034,855.30. everyJ Mortgages, 221.280 .JAMES G. Kt-azer, Esq 1866, ease. Interest ami sundry notus and claims due LAii.E, Cz»"Hitch, Grand Duke of Wbdimir, Oo., W. & c. It. Millikan, J. B. Carroll. K«i.. T. H. the JAMES 51. ST 5E. Prince The public are invited to call and examine comi an., estimated .at 141fc«;6 24 Dolgorouke, Count Count Weston & Co. Juuellatf It continues to issue all classes of Lite at the lowest rates consistent with speci- Premium N. a. POST d’Adlerbery, Folicies, mens of Notes and Bills tl II, «;aiiiks. Cash in Receivable, 3,837!785 E. H. Sclionwalous, Court to tho members. Its features are in Bank HAi.Eou, Waroutzow, Prince 1a. F. F1NGBKB, perfect security distinguishing economy expenditure, 434,^7^ LI E St ill Porcelains, LAND, Wittgenstein, General Leboeuf, General and caro in its A new and Bevdtiful H. B. PEESCGTi. Fave, Pattern ard Model Muk^r and management. Picttoe, made only bv us •12.538,314 A and Huron Crown Charles 1*. Machinist, in this city. JuSEP.i M. HAVES, Bonrgoing, Prince of Pros-' Mattocks, Ns. 4 l.J Eicbange >lmi, S. S. It pays no stockholders for the nse of no bouuscs or commissions to (.^"Particular attention (o MAltBEK sia, Prince Louis of Hesse, Duke of Saxe H. capital, officers, paid Copying. TRUflEBS: K. Wei- j unelOd 1 m Over c. Earley’. Nautical Store. finished in Inula it T, slMO.NTON, and no Photograph* Ink, v. and Water John D. Prince of Hesse Casael, and ('ounselier at immoderate compensation to agents. the Jones, Win. El.IAS mar, Count Bismarck Attorney Law, Color, by best vrtis's. te Sturgis, MILEHiE.S, IS. 1*. A «. W. Purtlai.U. Dems, Henry K. JAMES B DASCOMB. General Count Goltz, Count C4AAL VKKUILL, May 15, May 15. cod 3m 11. H. Bogort, Moiskc, Peskier’ BISK BUILUIKR, All its Directors attend its meetings, and serve on its committees. Its risks are care- 1911i._ J; Moore, Joshua J. Henry, J. S. MONK E. Attorneys & Counsellors at JOHN Mgjo- Prince General f n Law, Dennis 1 ENaON, Radziwill, Fallly, Gen- Nil Jlid.il. ... selected so as to Perkins, iiiretl Portluud. IVo. 17 Enknuge Me. fully sccuro sound lives. It is careful in adjusting losses and prompt in G. N. K. SAtVt r*bi bit 1 HI., Portland, r e mov inr. T" u‘: Piekeisg Jos. Gallard, Jr., bit. eral T’cille, General Fleury, Prince of Mot- ocean Curtis, J. CHAS. B. Insurance Building. payment. Henry Bilrgy, PAINE, and other and March 16 dCui Chap. H Russel). Cornelius EELWKU.V n POWERS cow, foreign princes generals, J. tV. SYtiO.KDii, GEO. L. FfCKETT, i.oweli Grinncll, Its funds are invested with Holbrook, C. A. Hand, State Coinndttee. including some American officers. regard to security, never hazarding principal for interest; Successor to has _Union : a. n. Stephen Gale, removed to hia»new 'Veston> B. J. Connsollor 11 Law, ft !'£CI! Howland, Alter around the course in front of noves&soST hence it has never lost a dollar on in investments. After losses and expenses, and store, Royal Phelps. Benj. A Special Thai?; is announced to leave riding S*H diddle Bunk paying Babcock, IM, (Canal Building,) 143 near Caleb Barsiow, Fletcher Portland on the of the J7th the the retinue took the Manufacturers and dealers In the value of all it has always made an annual dividend of Coagrctii) Washington Street, A. Weekray, morning Thursday, troops, position facing Muvll.Ul -reserving outstanding policies, P.P.Uot P.ebt.B Mini at 7 o’clock to Where he will keep a choice stock of aud urn, Jr, in*t., accommodate those wish- or as we should call the COUTjLjANOi^ return to Drugs 'U. K. Dodge, Gordon W. Tribune, it, judges premiums the members, and paid them when due. Medicines, English and American Goo<!b. Burnham, ing to attend the Union State Convention in OHS. Cl! A.OW1CK & FOGG Stoves, Ranges «£ Fancy Geo. G. H obson, Fred'E Cliauncey, stand. In the pavilion were the Eu- Furnaces, JTJrTliyslciaus prescriptions carefully compound- David Augusta. Delegates Will return by thu ex- Empress It is n “MUTUAL BENEFIT" but one class of Lane, James Low, 391 1-1 COVGtUS.k Company, having members, all life policies, J ames press train at 4 o'clock. Otic genie, the Prince Imperial, the Princess ktbbet, Can be touud in their ed-_je‘22dtf Bryce, Goo. 8. Stephenson, leaving Augusta Boyal BKOWN’s .NEW BLOCK. both new and in the annual of Leroy M.
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