Journal of Liberal Arts and Humanities (JLAH) Issue: Vol. 1; No. 9; September 2020 pp. 9-26 ISSN 2690-070X (Print) 2690-0718 (Online) Website: E-mail:
[email protected] Combatting Epidemics in Belarus by The Ara, 1922-1923 Mary Schaeffer Conroy, Ph. D Emeritus Professor, Russian History University of Colorado, Denver USA E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] Valentina FedorovnaSosonkina, Ph. D. Chair, Society for the History of Pharmacy Minsk, Belarus E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract: The thesis of this joint article is that the methods to contain and combat epidemics racking Belarus in 1922 and 1923 were similar to the methods used against COVID-19 during 2020 and also that government policies as well as wars negatively impacted the pharmaceutical sector of the USSR. The authorsfocus on both the proximate causes of the epidemics—mammoth population movements—but also the fundamental causes of the epidemics—wars and misguided government policies. They document howbroken trade links resulting fromWorld War I andthewar between Belarus and Poland that followed the First World War negatively affected the pharmaceutical sector. Additionally, they emphasize that shortages of pharmaceuticals, including soap and disinfectants, bathing and laundry facilities, clothing, and decent food needed to contain and combat the infectious diseasesin Belarus in 1922 -1923 resulted from the political instability of the Civil War in Belarus, the policy of War Communismmandated during that war to help the Bolsheviks win, and the unintended consequences of the quasi-market economy of the New Economic Policy that was inaugurated at the end of the Civil War in 1921.The authors show that Belarusian officials implemented measures to contain and combat the epidemics but, bereft of many necessities, Belarusian authorities requested assistance from the American Relief Association.