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r o Bushwalking C it Club newsletter Canberra Bushwalking Club Inc GPO Box 160 Canberra ACT 2601 Volume: 53 Number: 1 February 2017 GENERAL MEETING 7:30 pm Wednesday 15 February 2017 In this issue 2 Canberra Bushwalking Olympics, Tsylos and Rockwall Club Committee 2 President’s prattle Trail, three hikes in the USA and 2 Positions vacant Canada 3 Walks Waffle 3 Membership matters Presenter: Linda Groom 3 Training Trifles Nine CBC members hiked these areas last August–September; they 3 Bulletin Board encountered stunning alpine scenery, bears, hunters, windfalls, a wild fire 4 Canyons of the Blue and giant mushrooms. Mountains 5 Manuka honey The hall, 5 Alternate walks Hughes Baptist Church, 6 Activity program 6 Wednesday walks 32–34 Groom Street, Hughes 13 Feeling literary?

Also some leaders of walks in the current and next month will be on hand with maps to answer your Please note the questions and show you walk routes etc earlier start time of the general meeting, on a trial basis.

Important dates

15 February General meeting 29 March Committee meeting 22 February Submissions close for March it Committee reports

Canberra Bushwalking Club Committee President’s President: Lorraine Tomlins prattle [email protected] 6248 0456 or 0434 078 496 elcome to a new year of bushwalking and outdoor Treasurer: Julie Anne Clegg Wactivities. I have just returned from a challenging [email protected] 4-day long weekend pack walk to the Tuross Gorge and surrounds. It is a wonderful area and with friendly 0402 118 359 companions and brilliant weather, it was the best of Walks Secretary:John Evans what bushwalking can offer. There was no thought of anything else but how I was going to get through the [email protected] creek or up the next incline. I hope your bushwalking 6294 8232 or 0417 436 877 over the holiday period has given you some wonderful memories too. General Secretary: Cynthia Coppock I want to also mention that the long standing and very [email protected] appreciated Editor of our newsletter, Alison Milton, 0408 266 501 or 6270 9010(w) has indicated to me that she is looking for a different Membership Secretary: Roger Edwards challenge and won’t be seeking re-election at the next AGM. So, the Club is now looking for a new Editor [email protected] for the newsletter. Please check out the advertisement 6288 7863 elsewhere in this it and give it some consideration.

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Training and Safety Officer: David Dedenczuk o Lorraine Tomlins C [email protected] President 0417 222 154 Conservation Officer: Cynthia Burton Positions vacant [email protected] 0488 071 203 Editor Web Manager: Andrew Meers fter 10+ years I have decided that it is time to step [email protected] Adown from the CBC committee and will not be re-nominating at the next AGM. xx I am saddened by the demise of the printed newsletter, Editor: Alison Milton but for various other reasons have decided that while I [email protected] have greatly enjoyed producing the newsletter, it is time 6254 0578(h) or 6289 2717(w) to hand over the mantle to someone else. Now in an electronic form, it will be up to the new Editor Assistant Walks Secretary: Keith Thomas to decide what format they would like to use, but the [email protected] Club does have a licence for the current software I am +64 27 535 6176 using and I am happy to give some handover training. Social Secretary: Jenny Horsfield While I will not be renominating at the September AGM, I am hopeful that the position can be filled any [email protected] time before this. 6231 4535 Please call or email me at any time if you are interested in Publisher: David Williams taking on this role. It is really very interesting and reward- [email protected] ing (or I wouldn’t have kept nominating for so long). All members of the Committee can be contacted Auditor in one email to committee@canberrabushwalk- he Club is in need of an auditor starting from the T2017–2018 financial year. Our long-time auditor, Check in: [email protected] John Kyatt, is no longer able to do this for us, and while Web site: we have a volunteer for the 2016–2017 year, they are not able to continue in this role for future years. Please contact the President if you are able to fill this role. The nomination needs to be confirmed at the September AGM.

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Committee reports Walks Training Bulletin Board The Bulletin Board is for mem- Waffle Trifles bers to advertise (at no cost) goods for sale, private trips or trust you are enjoying your sum- ummer in Canberra and the bush other personal bushwalking- I mer walking. We can beat the Sis hot, hot, hot. There are a few hu- related matters. The Club is not heat by going high, wet, short or mans walking through the local bush, involved in, takes no responsibil- early. Make sure you carry plenty but there is also a lot of activity in the ity for, and does not endorse, of water. natural world. Birds are everywhere, the activities or goods advertised as are insects. Butterflies abound. here. Hence, if people participate This month’s Activity program In the hot sun, reptiles are in their in any activities advertised here, is again jam-packed with a huge element. Vegetation is growing and, they do so as private individuals, variety of walks and other activities. though the spring peak has passed, not as members of the Club, and If you are free on Wednesdays, many flowers are still blooming. will not be covered by the Club’s insurance. try one of the walks offered in A walker, as he or she walks through either the easy–medium grade or the hot summer bush, might choose medium–hard grade. If you would Notices for the Bulletin board to look at the plants, or peruse the should be emailed to the Walks like to receive detailed Wednesday birds among the trees. A walker’s Walks notifications, access your Secretary: walksec@canberra- ears might attune to the many sounds CBC member profile and tick the of the bush – from the diverse bird box. calls to the croaks of frogs; from the Hone your navigation – go After work walks remain very chirruping of crickets to the racket rogaining! popular and many new members of the cicadas. Even the plants are Rogaining is bushwalking that join after enjoying them. Why not voicing themselves, as heard in the emphasises navigation and strat- invite your friends to come along eerie ancestral whispering in the egy. You can be as competitive or with you? casuarinas, or the violent crack of as relaxed as you like. The 2017 limbs falling from the eucalypts. ACT rogaining calendar is now There are some wonderful over- A walker’s nose might detect the out at night trips advertised, particularly strong aroma of oils among the For further information, contact over the next long weekend, and peppermints. As walkers, we know Jonathan Miller on 6161 5131 the popular sub-24 hour walks are how the resident plants and ani- Feb 2017: New Zealand – on again this year. mals change from place to place, tramping Enjoy your walking and happy feet. with elevation, or with aspect. We watch our surroundings, as the bush Expressions of interest are sought for a loop walk; Young

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John Evans e e r

o b residents warily observe the walkers



r o C Valley, Gillespie Pass, Wilkin Walks Secretary coming through. Valley. Then Routeburn track for A walker might, or even should, multi-day camping at scenic Lake choose to avail herself or himself Wilson via Valley of the Trolls, day of one of the many fine naturalist trips climbing Mt Erebus, pt1647 publications that will throw light and pt1807 (scrambling), return Membership on what can be heard or seen. There via Routeburn track. Distance: are wonderful publications on local Medium. Trip grade: Medium– matters fauna, including the birds, insects, Hard. Leader: Trevor Carr reptiles and butterflies. There is [email protected] 0421 788 554. This trip is listed on the Please keep your email address much literature too, on the local flora. How wonderful it is to relax in Coast and Mountain Walkers club up to date via your membership program. page on the website. Contact the our homes on an afternoon when it Membership Secretary if you is too hot to walk, in company with Gear for sale?– place an ad! need help. a good natural history and vicari- If you have any old equipment ously increase our familiarity with you no longer want, why not place New members: Roger Cobcroft, our little bushland friends. an ad here to either sell or give it Anita Davis, Rob Gill, Peter away. Harding, Sarah Liston, Elizabeth Bushwalking exercises not only Please include personal the body, but also the spirit, and contact details and asking McGrath, Moira McLaughlin,Karen price. Moore, Stephen Orchard, Parissa rekindles our sense of a place in this Poulis, Trudi Sherring, Sivacharan natural world. In this heat, I recom- Sivarajan, Ricky Somerville, mend walking slowly, carefully Timothy Walsh, Imaina Widagado – listening, looking and smelling the vibrant bush of the ACT.

g o Roger Edwards r F


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David Dedenczuk e r





r o Membership Secretary C Training and Safety Officer

Canberra Bushwalking Club it February 2017 – page 3 Article Canyons of the Blue Mountains

Clamboring around the waterfall in Deep Pass Bob in a central chamber of the Grand Canyon anuary 2017 marks the third consecutive year that Wetsuits (plus helmets as a safety precaution) allowed us JKaren Cody and Bob Salijevic have conducted a four to explore some of the deeper (and colder and darker!) day camping and bushwalking adventure in the Blue recesses of the canyons, with wonderful views overhead Mountains for members of the Canberra Bushwalking of water-carved cliff lines and ferns catching the rare Club. They are very generous and convivial hosts and rays of sunlight. have planned each summer program to show people some of the wild and beautiful country that is right at The canyons visited were Caves and Deep Pass their doorstep. Canyons in Wollemi National Park, a section of the Wol- langambe River traversed on li-los; the Grand Canyon This year the theme was ‘Canyons’ so each of the four in the Upper Grose Valley; and Birrabang Canyon. days saw the group visiting a few of the many canyons This last canyon was especially remarkable for its rich that dissect the sandstone plateau and give it much of its aquatic life – every new pool of water revealed a bright character. None of the trips required abseiling but with red yabbie emerging from under a rock! a good deal of wading/slithering/clambering over wet rocks and fallen trees and climbing down fixed ropes, Many thanks to Bob and Karen for their support of the they proved challenging enough. Club’s outdoor program and for the excellent leadership and fine friendship they provide.

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o C Jenny Horsfield

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e e The flotilla departs on Wollangambe II r o b o r r

o Llewellyn in the Grand Canyon C

Page 4 – Canberra Bushwalking Club it February 2017 g ro F e re o b ro r o C

Article Manuka honey n a bushwalk last year our New Zealand friend Owas telling me of the benefits of New Zealand Manuka honey, for healing wounds and infections. As beekeepers, Rob and I have always known of the value of honey as a healing agent but we were scepti- cal about Manuka’s claims to be special, as it is just a variant of honey from the tea tree family of flowers. Recently our kelpie had a leg wound (caused by a bee sting !!) which she had torn out of her skin and which threatened to get infected.The vet shackled her with a collar for two weeks and gave a course of antibiotics; he also advised us to get hold of the ‘hospital grade’ when we crushed the flowers they gave off a sweet, manuka honey to help speed healing. astringent perfume.Apparently there are claims being Our kelpie is recovered now and the wound healed made that Australian tea tree honey is just as beneficial quickly after generous applications of the honey and as NZ honey.What a great opening for a healthy and the antibiotics.Nothing scientific about this at all of life giving industry if that is the case.We already use course – we have no way of knowing what particular tea tree oil for its medicinal qualities. role the honey played. Interesting how many vets are I would be interested to know of any walkers who have now recommending it – I wonder if that applies to encountered this healing agent.

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doctors? On a walk back from Corang Lagoon recently e r






o C we saw the bush alive with tea tree in flower and Jenny Horsfield Alternate walks ot all Club walks need to be gruelling multi-day/ Nweek expeditions, medium to hard (or even begin- ner) overnight camps, or any grade day or car-camping walks. As David, our Training and Safety Officer has said in his Training Trifle, sometimes we just need to slow down, stop and observe and appreciate our natural environment: listen; see and smell nature’s wonders. In this context, the Club sometimes embarks on day or weekend trips dedicated to painting or photograph- ing our wonderful environment, such as the trip to the Tharwa Sandwash in October last year. One of the main objectives was to witness the exquisite bee-eaters that nest in the sand banks each year. We weren’t disappointed, but another marvel was the dusky woodswallows and the magnificent blue colour of their wings as they took flight. Shorter half day walks are also popular and with this overlooking Lake Burley Griffin and the Governor- in mind, I’m thinking that the new, more local walking general’s residence. An alternate to the higher ‘Hat track opened on 18 December last year might make band’ lookout walk. another interesting short walk. While presently not On reaching the lookout, the track continues as a nar- very long (1.1 kms) this is presumably the start of rower footpad (no doubt the continuance of the original the walking track to connect the Australian National track). It would be interesting to explore where this Botanic Gardens to the National Arboretum. track leads and would also contribute to make a longer, I walked this track in January and it was quite nice. more interesting walk for the Club. Perhaps as a half However, with the current dry, hot weather there was day morning walk with a car shuffle, picking up the not a lot of interest to see, but is perhaps a good option cars at Caswell Drive, should a walk leader decide to for later in the year with the Spring flowers. take up this challenge.

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o C The track, at the moment, starts at the lower southern Alison Milton car park at the gardens crossing the lower end of the Black Mountain Tower Road and winds up to a lookout

Canberra Bushwalking Club it February 2017 – page 5 Activity program Activity program Arrange for your Club-related activities to be included in the program with John Evans (Walks Secretary) Ph: 6294 8232 or 0417 436 877, Email: [email protected], Post: Villa 68, 200 Woodcock Drive, Gordon

Information for participants Distance and difficulty Transport Distance: Costs are 38¢/km/car, divided equally among all participants. This (S) Short – under 12 km/day amount may be varied at the discretion of the leader, depending on the condition of the roads and other factors. The figures given (M) Medium – 12–20 km/day are for the car as a whole and then, at the discretion of the leader, (L) Long – over 20 km/day an estimate or range per person. Park admission and camping Note: In calculating distance, 1 km is added for every 100 metres fees are additional costs which leaders should list separately. climbed. Duty of care Terrain: Every person taking part in a CBC activity acknowledges that (E) Easy – fire trail, tracks, beaches etc he/she does so voluntarily and that he/she may be exposed to (M) Medium – bush tracks, alpine areas, some scrub risks that could lead to injury, illness or death, or to loss of, or (R) Rough – much scrub, steep climbs, rock scrambles damage to property. Each person is required to sign the Club’s (W) Wet – compulsory swims, many river crossings ‘Acknowledgement of Risks’ form. Visitors are welcome to join (X) Exploratory trips. However walkers are strongly encouraged to join the Club after a maximum of three trips. Booking Contact the leader early rather than late so the leader has time to For further information see: arrange transport. See walk description for booking deadline. Check with the leader about: Check-in after walks Before a trip leaders are to email or phone through the names of XXthe need to carry water, tents/fly, maps, etc their party, and by 10 am the day after their trip report their safe XXappropriate clothing, footwear X return or trip cancellation, to the Check-in Officer, David Dedenczuk Xany precautions you might need to take for severe weather ([email protected] 0417 222 154 leave changes. message if no answer). The Check-in Officer or the Walks Secretary Ask about anything you’re unsure of, especially if you are new to (6294 8232 or 0417 436 877), not the Police or other bodies, should our Club. be the first point of contact for worried relatives if you are late in returning.

Map scale is 1:25,000 unless otherwise stated Equipment hire Take advantage of the excellent gear that the Club has Due to space, walks scheduled more available for hire before lashing out on your own equip- than three months in advance may appear ment. The Equipment Officer is Rob Horsfield, who can be contacted on 6231 4535(h) or to borrow the northside only on the Club’s web site. PLB, Lorraine Tomlins, 6248 0456 or 0434 078 496. The equipment available and current rates per weekend/ week are set out below. Hirers are responsible for col- Wednesday walks lecting and returning the equipment. The hiring charge Two walks one Medium/Easy and one Medium/ (but not the deposit) is waived for members who are ‘first time’ weekend walkers. Hard, are conducted most Wednesdays. Walks are conducted in turn by leaders from the Canberra A deposit of $20 is required and part or all of this will be Bushwalking Club (CBC), Brindabella Bushwalking refunded, depending on the condition of the items upon return and whether they are returned late. Club (BBC – Peter [email protected] and Kathy [email protected]) and National Parks Item w.e./week Association ACT (NPA - Mike S, 0412 179 907). Olympus two person tent $15 / $40 Destination and meeting place details are emailed a Macpac Microlight one person tent $15 / $40 few days before each walk. (BBC and NPA leaders Snow tent $15 / $40 as listed in the activity program). 3 season bag, mat and liner $10 / $25 Control your receipt of Wednesday Walk emails Assorted packs $5 / $15 via your membership profile. Contact John, co- Trangia and fuel bottle $5 / $15 ordinator of Wednesday Walks, via wednesday. Snow shoes/poles $10 / $25 [email protected] for general Snow sleeping bag, mat and liner $15 / $40 enquiries. If you are not a member of CBC, BBC Personal locator beacon – nil (see website for conditions) or NPA you must contact the leader before the GPS – nil (see website for conditions of use) walk to discuss the level of difficulty and must Check you have ALL the bits and pieces you need be accompanied on the walk by a sponsoring when collecting and returning gear. member. Please note that leaders retain the right to not accept any walker.

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Activity program Saturday 11 February: Twilight Ramble – S/E of grassland to cross between tracks. Finishing with either Equestrian Trail from Kambah Pool Road– Tuggeranong espresso coffee or a cup of tea and cake back at my place. Creek–Red Rock Gorge–Equestrian Trail. Start 5 pm, If possible, bring a plate to share. Booking preferred by ~6 km, < 100 m climb, bring snack + water. Map: Tuesday midday. Map: Tuggeranong. Leader: Dave Tuggeranong. Leaders: Jenny & Rob Horsfield 6231 Drohan 0417 181 395, [email protected] 4535. Transport: drive yourself. Limit: 12 Transport: drive yourself. Saturday 11 February: Kayaking towards a Wednesday 15 February: Wednesday Walks full moon Coordinated by BBC Kathy Handel and Peter Wellman. Kayak on Lake Burley Griffin to Springbank Island for a picnic dinner, then return east heading towards Wednesday 15 February 2017, 7:30 pm the full moon, which rises at 8.09 pm. Likely timetable MONTHLY MEETING will be: depart from carpark at the Burley Griffin Canoe Olympics, Tsylos and Rockwall Trail, three Club, Morshead Drive, Duntroon, at 4.45 pm. Arrive hikes in the US and Canada Springbank Island approximately 5.45 pm. Depart Springbank Island around 7.30 pm. Arrive back at cars Presenter: Linda Groom 8.30 pm by moonlight. Timetable and starting point may The hall: Hughes Baptist Church have to be changed, depending on wind conditions. The 32–34 Groom Street, Hughes island has BBQs and toilets. BYO kayak or canoe. Map: Canberra. Leaders: Linda Groom and Peter Conroy. Thursday 16 February: Cycle to a café Please book with Linda: [email protected], 6281 The aim is to meet at Farmers Daughter cafe, Yarralumla 4917, 0474 507 259. Transport: drive yourself. shops, at 9.30 am, having arrived by bike. A good way to Saturday–Sunday 11–12 February: Oldfields keep fit between walks! Northsiders who would like some company on the ride please meet Linda at the bottom of Hut – Murrays Gap – Bimberi Peak – M/M the ramp off Commonwealth Avenue Bridge (National or L/M Library side of the bridge, where Commonwealth Avenue After an early start and morning tea at Adaminaby, crosses Flynn Drive) at 9.10 am. Southsiders meet we go to the locked gate at the end of Pockets Saddle Peter at the off ramp where Carruthers Street crosses ROAd. There is a 5 km. walk with packs to camp around Yarralumla Creek, Curtin (near the bend in Martin Oldfields Hut. There will be optional short walks before Street), at 9 am. Or choose your own route to the café. a gourmet meal on Saturday evening. We will start early After coffee or a juice at the café, make your own way to climb Bimberi Peak. Some of us may do part of this home. Map: Canberra. Leaders: Linda Groom and Peter walk, perhaps as far as Murrays Gap. We then return to Conroy. Please book with Linda: [email protected], Oldfields Hut, pick up camping gear, and return to the 6281 4917, 0474 507 259. Transport: drive yourself. cars for the long drive back to Canberra. Around 23 km and 950 m climb for the full trip over 2 days. Maps: Thursday evening, 16 February: Ainslie/ Rendezvous Creek and Rules Point. Leaders: Doug Majura Reserve – S/E Wright and Mike Morriss. Bookings: Doug Wright Be at the entrance to the park beside 39 Mackenzie Street, 6281 4148, [email protected]. Transport: Hackett, just north of the Grayson Street intersection at ~$40 per person. 6.30 pm for a walk in the saddle between Mt Ainslie and Mt Majura. No need to book. Map: Canberra. Leader: Monday–Thursday 13–16 February: Alpine Stan Marks 6254 9568, [email protected] Transport: weed survey – Kosciuszko National Park drive yourself. – M/M Conduct survey of mouse ear hawkweed infesta- Sunday 19 February: Shepherds Lookout, tions in KNP under direction of Greening – M/E and NSW Parks. NSWP/GA will provide hut-based From Shepherds Lookout in Belconnen follow the trail accommodation, transport and some meals. Map: down to the , cross the river, follow the TBA. Coordinator: Cynthia Burton 0488 071 203, Uriarra Loop Walk, and then climb back up to Shepherds [email protected] Book: By Lookout for a final view of the Murrumbidgee River 30 January. Trip full; wait list only. towards the ACT/NSW border. About 10 km and a total climb of 300 m. We will be home in time for lunch. Monday evening, 13 February: Burley Griffin Map: Umburra, Leader: Phillip Starr, 0419 281 096 – S/E [email protected] Transport: Drive yourself Meet at 6.30 pm in the car park on the right of the road but let me know if you need a lift. Booking: Please book outside the Governor General’s residence on Dunrossil by email before 2 pm Friday 17 February Drive for a wander along the lake to Weston Park and back. No need to book. Map: Canberra. Leader: Stan Monday evening, 20 February: The Pinnacle Marks 6254 9568, [email protected] Transport: – S/E drive yourself. Meet at 6.30 pm at the end of Dungowan Street, Hawker for a walk with views of the Brindabellas. No need to Tuesday evening 14 February: Wanniassa book. Map: Canberra. Leader: Stan Marks 6254 9568, hills wander with a cuppa after– S/E [email protected] Transport: drive yourself. Meeting at 6:00 pm, at 26 Fihelly Street Fadden. Leaving from my back door, we will walk around the eastern side of the reserve and return via the Karralika ridge track around sun set. Mostly on track with a short uphill section

Canberra Bushwalking Club it February 2017 – page 7 Activity program Tuesday 21 February: Penrose State Forest Monday evening, 27 February: Gossan Hill – – L/R/X S/E The forest is located about 20 kms northeast of . Meet 6.30, park in the car park behind the old Aranda Most of the forest is a pine plantation but there are shops, cnr Jalanga Cres and Bandjalong Crescent, areas of native bushland and wetlands. We’ll follow Aranda. We will cross over Belconnen Way to explore forest tracks and creeks, visit the Stingray Swamp Flora Gossan Hill and back to the cars. No need to book. Map: Reserve and traverse the base of a small cliff-line, which Canberra. Leader: Stan Marks 6254 9568, or smarks@ may require some rock scrambling. Off Track: 13 km, Transport: drive yourself. On Track: 7 km. 1 hour 40 minute drive each way. Bookings by the Friday night before. Distance:20 km Wednesday 1 March: Wednesday Walks with 450 metres of ascent. Map: Canyonleigh, Wingello. Coordinated by BBC Kathy Handel and Peter Wellman. Leader: Ian Wright 2861 473, [email protected]. Friday 3 March: Orroral River Toddlers au Transport: 320 km return. Limit: 8. Toddle – S/E Wednesday 22 February: Wednesday Walks From the Orroral Campground, 200 m or so along a track Coordinated by CBC John Danaro danaro@bigpond. to a place where the clear waters of the Orroral River (E–M leader Mark Peirce) and NPA Mike Smith. flow gently over flattish rocks with shallow pools. Tree- shaded grassy slopes about 10 metres from the water. No Submissions close for need to book but let me know if you can offer or need a March it lift. Meet at Tharwa, the carpark just over the bridge, at 9.30 am, after which a further 25 minutes drive on bitu- 22 February 2017 men. Back to the cars by 12 noon or earlier if you wish. Map: Rendezvous Creek. Leader: Linda Groom, 6281 Thursday evening, 23 February: North 4917, 0474 507 259, [email protected] Transport: drive yourself. Lyneham Eucalyptus Reserve – S/E Meet at the end of Narambi Place, North Lyneham for Saturday–Sunday 4–5 March: S24C#1 – a walk through this reserve. No bookings, just turn up Westermans Hut – S/E at 6.30 pm. Map: Canberra. Leader: Stan Marks 6254 Day 1: An afternoon walk from Brayshaws Car Park along 9568, [email protected] Transport: drive yourself. Settlers Track to Waterholes Hut and then Waterholes Fire Friday–Sunday 24–26 February: Snowy Trail to Westermans Hut. Camping by Westermans Hut (Water Tank/Fire Place/Pit Toilet). Approx 8 km, 100 Mountains pack walk from Guthega – M/M A joint BBC/NPA/CBC trip, 3 days, 2 nights. This is a m climb. Day 2: A morning walk along Burnt Hill Fire lovely walk along the Main Range with time to explore Trail via Burnt Hill and a short cross-country leg across ith only day packs. From Guthega we walk north up the Grassy Creek via Tin Dish School ruin to Brayshaws Car ridge to Consett Stephen Pass where we camp on the first Park. Approx 7 km 200 m climb. Ideal bush break for night, with time in the afternoon to explore the Tate West busy people. Suitable as an overnight pack trip for begin- Ridge. The second day we walk south-west along the ners. Map: Yaouk. Leader: Sean Sunley 0433 073 959, Main Range to Mt Anderson where we spend the night, [email protected]. Transport: ~ $60 per car. with time in the afternoon to explore Mt Anderson. On Book: Preferably by email before 1800 Thu. Limit: 16. the third day we will possibly go up Mt Anton or Little Saturday – Sunday 4–5 March: Burrinjuck Twynam before returning to Guthega via the lower slopes Bridge to Bridge Kayak – L/M of Little Twynam and Illawong Lodge. Around 26 km A joint CBC/CWBC/Canberra Paddlers trip. Paddle and 650m climb over 3 days. Leader: Barrie Ridgway between Taemus Bridge on the Murrumbidgee arm, and 0437023140, [email protected]. Transport: 446 Wee Jasper on the , a total distance km, $55 pp. Maps: Perisher and Geehi Dam. Deadline of about 55 km. Camp on Narrangullen Island, about 22 for bookings is 17 February. Limit: 8. km from Taemus Bridge. We will operate in two groups (Friday 24) Saturday–Sunday 25–26 in opposite directions, swapping car keys midway. Maps: Wee Jasper, Taemas Bridge and Yass (1:50k). Leaders: February: Lady Northcote Creek – Rowan Peck, and Mike Bremers. Bookings: rowan. Kosciuszko National Park – M/E&R/X [email protected], by Tuesday 28 Feb Transport: about Lady Northcote Creek lies on the western side of the $70 per car. main range and drains into the . We will start from Charlottes Pass and walk over to near Albina Lake Sunday 5 March – Main Range Loop – L/M and then down the creek. We will camp at or near the Walk the classic Main Range Track from Charlottes Pass, hut on Strzelecki Creek. Sunday morning it is a 1,000 crossing the iconic , to Mt Koscuiszko via m climb back up to Watsons Crags and then back to the Carruthers Peak, Mt Lee and Mt Northcote. Home via cars. Map: Perisher Valley. Transport: $185 plus park the Summit Road. Around 23 km and 1000 m climb entry per car. Leader: Ian Hickson 6251 6858, hickson@ and mainly on track, but not insignificant if you are Limit: 8. not a regular walker. Limit: 12. Map: Perisher Valley. Leader: David Dedenczuk, 0417 222 154(h), ddedentz@ Saturday 25 February: Jews Corner – M/M Book with leader by COB Thursday 2 Kambah Pool-river track to the bend near the Bullen March. Leaving Canberra at 6:00 am. The walk will Range-swim and return. ~6 km each way, <100 m only proceed if the weather forecast is good. Transport: climbing. Map: ACT 1:100 000. Leaders: Jenny and ~$165 + park entry per car. Rob Horsfield 6231 4535. Transport: N/A.

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Activity program Tuesday 7 March: National Park to be back to the Visitors Centre in time for a coffee, or – L/R/X some may wish to visit other parts of the Nature Reserve. The park is located about 30 kilometres northeast of Map: Tidbinbilla. Leader: Mike Morriss, 6282 3382, Goulburn. The walk is all on public land in the southeast [email protected] Transport: ~$8. of the park. However most of the park – including the Tarlo River and its 40 km long gorge – requires access Sunday 12 March: Goulburn Wetlands, through private land and we won’t get to the river on this trip. The walk is exploratory and will follow a Rocky Hill Memorial and Waterworks long meandering route, in steep spur and gully country steaming – M/E covered with open forests and woodlands. We’ll visit a A rare chance to see Victorian steam machinery in action. couple of interesting conglomerate outcrops and slabs The Goulburn Waterworks Museum’s 130-year-old steam and these may require some short rock scrambles. This pump is the only one of its kind remaining in situ in the is an off-track walk of 8 hours or more with up to 12 Southern Hemisphere. Five times a year it is brought short, steep ascents. Bookings by the Friday night before. to life by knowledgeable volunteers. Start at Goulburn Minimum distance: 17.5 km with 650 m of ascent Map: Railway Station, with a stroll along the Mulwaree River Chatsbury Leader: Ian Wright, 6286 1473, iwri5712@ pathway to the new Goulburn Wetlands. Then climb to Transport: 282 km return. Limit: 8. the Rocky Hill Memorial for morning tea. After descent, pass the Gaol to reach the junction of the Mulwaree Wednesday 8 March: Wednesday Walks and Wollondilly. Follow the Wollondilly upstream Coordinated by CBC John Danaro danaro@bigpond. past the Police Academy to Marsden Weir, location of (E–M leader Janet Edstein and M–H leader Jenny the Waterworks Museum. After seeing the engines in Horsfield). operation we’ll lunch at the riverside picnic spot, with the chance of a swim. If there is a total fire ban the steaming Saturday–Monday 11–13 March: Bemboka will be cancelled. There is a café open on steaming days. Walls – South East Forest NP – M&L/ Return via Fitzroy Street and the Victoria Park Rose E&R/X Garden. Approx 13 km. Map: PDF map will be supplied. The walk will start from north of the Bemboka Pie Shop Leader: Tom Gosling 6943 2523, tgosling@grapevine. and then go east over Bemboka Peak and on to Bemboka Transport: $60 per car. Walls where there should be extensive views over the Bemboka Valley. From here we will turn north and cross Desert Creek and go over a ridge into Double Creek. We will then climb Warrigal Mtn and descend back into Double Creek before returning to the cars via Pigeon Box Mtn and Indian Head Mtn. Map: Yankees Gap. Transport: $150 per car. Leader: Ian Hickson 6251 6858, [email protected] Limit: 8. Saturday–Monday 11–13 March: – S/M–R A lazy river trip for the Canberra Day long weekend. From near Hopping Joe Creek, follow the Genoa River downstream for about 6 kms with shortcuts and return via the ridges. Short days with long afternoons beside beautiful pools. Max climb of ~300 metres. The Genoa should have plenty of water in it. Rock hopping and some scrub on the river. The ridges are fairly clear. Max party of 6 due to small campsites. Also on the CMW program. Leader: Meg McKone 6254 5902, frankmckone@ Maps: Nungatta, Yambulla. Transport: $148 per car, $37–$50 per person. Limit: 6. Saturday–Monday 11–13 March: Sentrybox via the border – M/R Naas car park–Waterholes Hut–border–dry camp saddle Monday–Thursday 13–16 March: Alpine on Sentrybox– Sams Creek (camp)–down Naas to car park. ~35 km, ~500 m climbing. Map: Yaouk. Leaders: weed survey – Kosciuszko National Park Jenny and Rob Horsfield 6231 4535. Transport: – M/M ~$12–$16 per person. Conduct survey of mouse ear hawkweed infesta- tions in KNP under direction of Greening Australia Sunday 12 March: Nil Desperandum – M/E and NSW Parks. NSWP/GA will provide hut-based From the Tidbinbilla Visitors Centre, we will walk to the accommodation, transport and some meals. Map: restored settler’s pise cottage on the edge of the forested TBA. Coordinator: Cynthia Burton 0488 071 203, slopes of the Tidbinbilla Range. This will be on a track [email protected] Book: By through a burnt-out pine plantation. We will then take a 28 February. Trip full; wait list only. track that loops around the head of Hurdle Creek. This is through healthy native forest. We will return to the cot- Tuesday 14 March: Blue Gum Hill Cliffs – L/R tage, going off track for a short distance. We can expect Above Blue Gum creek are some nice granite slabs with two geocaches hidden among the rocks. Possibly

Canberra Bushwalking Club it February 2017 – page 9 Activity program scrubby along the tops. Distance about 16 kms, ascent are expansive views from the huge granite rocks as well about 600 m. Map: Corin Dam. Leader: Roger Edwards as from the path to and from the rocks. About 9 km and a 6288 7863 [email protected] Transport: total climb of 350 m. We will be home in time for lunch. If ~$20 per car. Limit: 8. you are willing to drive please advise when booking espe- cially if you have an annual pass to Tidbinbilla Nature Wednesday 15 March: Wednesday Walks Reserve. Map: Tidbinbilla. Leader: Phillip Starr 0419 Coordinated by BBC Kathy Handel and Peter Wellman. 281 096(m), [email protected] Transport: $6 per person, plus entry fees (if applicable). Booking: Wednesday 15 March 2017, 7:30 pm Please book by email before 2 pm Friday 17 March. MONTHLY MEETING Monday–Friday 20–25 March: Kangaroo Rosenberg monitor project Island Wilderness Trail – M/E–M Presenter: Matthew Higgins Five days, four nights, walking this new wilderness trail in Flinders Chase NP for $161 per person, through The hall: Hughes Baptist Church spectacular coastal scenery. The campsites take up to 32–34 Groom Street, Hughes 12 people. More info available from website kangaroois- and Australian Geographic Thursday–Sunday 16–19 March: KNP Sep–Oct 2016. We can also spend additional time on 2100+m Hills – L/ M–R Kangaroo Island and on the mainland of SA. Please con- Joint CBC/CWBC trip. Leave Canberra Thursday tact leader soon if you are interested so bookings can be evening, stay in Jindabyne overnight. On Friday depart made. Leader: Meg McKone 6254 5902, frankmckone@ from Charlottes Pass and top as many 2100 m+ peaks Transport: $$$ to SA and Kangaroo as the group can manage, and weather allows. Camp at Island, + $161 for the walk. Limit: 12. Wilkinsons Creek 1st night, and at Cootapatamba Hut 2nd night. Traverse Ramshead Range and Etheridge Tuesday 21 March: The Fortress, Namadgi ranges before returning to cars Sunday pm for drive National Park – L/R/ Part X home. Route will vary based on weather and group. From the Yankee Hat car park we’ll follow Bogong Creek Please book by 5 pm Tuesday 14 March. Map: Perisher for a few kilometres then head northwest, ascending 700 Valley. Leader: Rowan Peck 0412 041 947 rowan.peck@ metres to the Scabby Range and the ACT border. The Transport: $250 per car + park entry fees. Fortress is the unofficial name for a prominent knoll (Jindabyne house accom no charge.) Limit: 8. 2.5 kilometres northwest of Mount Gudgenby. The return route will be close to the morning route. Most Saturday 18 March: Ridge above Apollo of the day is off-track in steep terrain, with difficult Road – M/R scrubby going in places. 7.5 kilometres of the walk Apollo Road-ridge-Honeysuckle camp ground. Short is on fire-trails. Bookings by the Friday night before. car shuttle needed. ~7 km, ~500 m climb. Maps: Minimum distance: 18 km with 890 metres of ascent. Williamsdale, Corin Dam. Leaders: Jenny and Rob Maps: Rendezvous Creek, Yaouk. Leader: Ian Wright Horsfield 6231 4535. Transport: $6 to $8 per person. 6286 1473, [email protected] Transport: 110 Saturday–Sunday 18–19 March: S24C#2 – km return Limit: 8. Brandy Flat Hut– S/E Wednesday 22 March: Wednesday Walks Day 1: An afternoon walk from Glendale Crossing Car Coordinated by CBC John Danaro danaro@bigpond. Park up track and fire trail to Brandy Flat Hut. Camping (E–M leader John Danaro) and NPA Mike Smith. by Brandy Flat Hut (Water Tank/Fire Place/Pit Toilet). Approx 6 km 200 m climb. Day 2: A morning return by Tuesday 28 March: Ridge North of the same route. Approx 6 km 100 m climb. Ideal bush Currockbilly Mtn, Budawang National break for busy people. Suitable as an overnight pack trip Park – S/R/X for beginners. Map: Michelago. Leader: Michael de The walk will start from the Currockbilly car park and we Raadt [email protected]. Transport: ~ $40 will then climb onto the main ridge about 1½ kms north per car. Book: Preferably by email before 1800 Thu. of Currockbilly where there will be expansive views of Limit: 16. the Budawangs and the coast. After reaching the top of the ridge we will walk north along the crest. This section Sunday 19 March: Yankee Hat North – M/R may be quite scrubby and rocky. In the afternoon, we will Joint NPA/BBC/CBC activity. Starting at the Yankee turn west and descend down to the fire trail and thence Hat car park, we will skirt the southern flanks of the back to the cars. Map: Brooman. Transport: $90 per car. mountain before following a tributary of Bogong Creek Leader: Ian Hickson 6251 6858, hickson@homemail. towards the saddle between the north and south peaks. Limit: 8. The walk will be very scrubby. Walk 10 km, and 500 m climb (15 gradable km) Leader: David Dedenczuk, 0417 Wednesday 29 March: Wednesday Walks 222 154, [email protected] Map: Rendezvous Coordinated by CBC John Danaro [email protected]. Creek Please contact leader to advise wish to participate au (E–M leader Robin Cayzer) and NPA Mike Smith. by Thursday 16 March. Meet at Kambah Village shops at 8: 00 am. Transport: 140 km, $56 per car. COMMITTEE MEETING Sunday 19 March: Gibraltar Rocks– M/E Wednesday 29 March 2017, 7 pm Starting at Dalsetta car park we follow the walking track at the home of Jenny Horsfield to Gibraltar Rocks, returning via the Gibraltar Fire Trail. A bit of a climb but rewards exist for the effort – there

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Activity program Saturday–Sunday 1–2 April: S24C#3 – Frank Saturday 22 April: Billy Range / Brandy Flat and Jacks Hut – S/E Hut – M/R,X Day 1: An afternoon walk from Rendezvous Creek Picnic From the Glendale Depot car park, ascend the steep Area across Middle Creek via Yankee Hat Rock Art and ridgeline to the Billy Range via SH1288 for views across across Bogong Creek to Frank and Jacks Hut. Approx 10 Gudgenby Creek, Booth Range, and Clear Range to the km 100 m climb. Camping at Frank and Jacks Hut (Water East and Nursery Hill to the West. Follow the ridgeline Tank/Fire Place/Pit Toilet). Day 2: A morning return south to Brandy Flat Hut, then return via fire trail to the along Old Boboyan Road via Yankee Hat Picnic Area cars. About 9 km off track exploratory, and 6 km fire trail crossing Bogong Creek, then over open ground to cross for the return with total ascent of 650 m off track and Middle Creek. Approx 10 km 10 0m climb. Ideal bush 125 m on fire trail. Map: Michelago Leader: Rowan P, break for busy people. Suitable as an overnight pack trip [email protected] Transport: ~$10 per person for beginners. Map: Yaouk. Leader: Michael de Raadt Bookings: Preferably by email, before 5 pm Thursday [email protected]. Transport: ~ $40 per car. 20 April. Limit: 8. Book: Preferably by email before 1800 Thu. Limit: 16. Saturday–Sunday 22–23 April: S24C#4 – Tuesday 4 April: Eastern Side, Tinderry Bushfold Flat Hut – M/E Nature Reserve – L/R Day 1: An afternoon walk along the Australian Alps Starting from the Tinderry Road, we follow the Round Walking Track from the Tharwa Visitor Centre to Flat Fire Trail for 5 kms, then spend most of the day Bushfold Flat Hut. Approx 12 km, 400 m climb. Dry off-track in the catchments of Tinderry and Groggy camping by Bushfold Flat Hut (fire place). Day 2: A Creeks before returning on the same fire trail. The off morning walk along Australian Alps Walking Track to track section is slow going, but we will see numerous Honeysuckle Campground. Optional trip to Booroomba attractive granite outcrops and old trees and visit Bluebell Rocks. Approx 12 km, 400 m climb. Ideal bush break for Swamp. Off Track: 7.5 km, On Track: 10 km. Bookings busy people. Suitable as an overnight pack trip for begin- by the Friday night before. Minimum distance: 17.5 km ners. Map: Williamsdale. Leader: Michael de Raadt with 825 metres of ascent Map: Tinderry. Leader: Ian [email protected]. Transport: ~ $40 per car. Wright 62861473, [email protected] Transport: Book: Preferably by email before 1800 Thu. Limit: 16. 124 km return Limit: 8. Saturday–Monday 22–24 April: Shoalhaven Wednesday 5 April: Wednesday Walks Sojourn – M/E Coordinated by BBC Kathy Handel and Peter Wellman. Drive down Saturday morning and do the less-travelled East rim of Fitzroy Falls in the afternoon along the Saturday 8 April: Tuggeranong Homestead way. Sunday will be the coastal walk from Kiama to and Enchanted Hill – M/M Gerringong, with stunning cliff and sea views. We will We will park cars near the entrance to Tuggeranong use the train from Gerringong to avoid a car shuffle. Homestead, off Johnson Drive. and follow Tuggeranong Monday morning will be the delightful Bens Walk (and, Creek upstream to the Monaro Hy. We then go off track if time, the Grotto) close to central Nowra. Return after through open woodland, and follow the, now closed, lunch. We will be staying at Michael and Janet’s house railway for about 1 km to where we take a steep ridge in St Georges Basin (accommodation – free if you pat to the top of Enchanted Hill. The long climb (310 m. the cats). Maps: Bundanoon, Kiama and Berry Leaders: from the start) is rewarded by marvellous 360 degree Stan Marks (Fitzroy Falls) and Michael Sutton (the views. The return will be via part of the Tuggeranong rest); bookings to Michael Sutton 4443 6734, msutton@ Hill Nature Reserve, and will include an Aboriginal site. Transport: 400 km return; approx. Map: Tuggeranong. Leader: Mike Morriss 6282 3382 $150 per car, $60 per person. [email protected] Transport: $5 per person. Wednesday 26 April: Wednesday Walks Wednesday 12 April: Wednesday Walks Coordinated by CBC John Danaro [email protected]. Coordinated by CBC John Danaro danaro@bigpond. au (E–M leader Andrew Struik) and NPA Mike Smith. (E–M leader Peter Ford and M–H leader Linda Groom). Saturday 29 April: Heritage Festival – Walk to the Orroral Homestead – S/E (13) 14–17 April: Brogo – M&L/R/W?/X Meet at the Orroral River campground just inside The Brogo Wilderness lies to the east of Nimmitabell and Namadgi National Park at 1.30 pm, walk approx. 4 km has a pristine catchment. On Friday we will walk down on a well made track into the Orroral Valley, passing the ridge between Greens and Robinsons Creeks before signage that interprets the settlement history of this dropping into the lower part of Robinsons Creek and beautiful valley. After afternoon tea at the homestead with thence to the . On Saturday we will cross a a talk from local historian Jenny Horsfield we return the ridge into Galoon Creek. We will then descend part of same way. Bookings required, and gold coin payment to Galoon Creek before recrossing to the Brogo River and MOTH (Minders of Tuggeranong Homestead). Leader: then climbing westward up to the plateau. Those walkers Jenny Horsfield 6231 4535, [email protected] with a botanical fetish will be excited by the fact that Transport: Make your own way. Acacia Blayana is endemic to Galoon Creek. Maps: Nimmitabell, Kydra, Puen Buen & Yankees Gap. Leader: Wednesday 3 May: Wednesday Walks Ian Hickson 6251 6858(h), [email protected] Coordinated by BBC Kathy Handel and Peter Wellman. Transport: ~$140 per car. Limit: 8. Wednesday 19 April: Wednesday Walks Coordinated by BBC Kathy Handel and Peter Wellman.

Canberra Bushwalking Club it February 2017 – page 11 Activity program Wednesday 10 May: Wednesday Walks Wednesday 5 July: Wednesday Walks Coordinated by CBC John Danaro danaro@bigpond. Coordinated by BBC Kathy Handel and Peter Wellman. (E–M leader Mark Peirce and M–H leader Barrie Ridgway). Saturday–Sunday 8–9 July: Snowshoeing, Pryors Hut – M/E Saturday–Sunday 13–14 May: S24C#5 – Day 1: A morning walk up Stockyard Spur Track to Horse Gully Hut – S/E Pryors Hut. We will don the CBC’s new snowshoes and Day 1: An afternoon walk along Naas Valley Trail passing explore the Mt Gingera and Brumby Flats area during the Demandering Hut to Horse Gully Hut. Approx 9 km, 100 afternoon. Approx 10 km, 600 climb. Camping by Pryors m climb. Camping by Horse Gully Hut (Water Tank/Fire Hut. (Fire Place/Pit Toilet). Day 2: A leisurely departure Place/Pit Toilet). Day 2: A morning return by the same and return down Stockyard Spur Track. Approx 8 km route. Approx 9 km 100 m climb. Ideal bush break for 200 m climb. Map: Corin Dam. Leader: Sean Sunley busy people. Suitable as an overnight pack trip for begin- 0433 073 959, [email protected] Transport: ners. Map: Colinton. Leader: Gerald Dodgson 0438 119 ~ $40 per car. Book: Preferably by email before 1800 803 [email protected]. Transport: ~$60 per car. Thu. Limit: 8. Book: Preferably by email before 1800 Thu. Limit: 16. Wednesday 12 July: Wednesday Walks Wednesday 17 May: Wednesday Walks Coordinated by CBC John Danaro [email protected]. Coordinated by BBC Kathy Handel and Peter Wellman. au (E–M leader Robin Cayzer and M–H leader TBA). Wednesday 24 May: Wednesday Walks Wednesday 26 July – Tuesday 8 August: Coordinated by CBC John Danaro [email protected]. Ridges and gorges of Razorback, West au (E–M leader Jenny Horsfield) and NPA Mike Smith. MacDonnells – M/R/partly X Saturday–Sunday 27–28 May: S24C#6 – You will need to be in Alice Springs on Tues 25 July and not leave until Wed 9 August. Two walks (approx Pryors Hut – S/E 7 days each) over 2 weeks in the West Macs. Week 1: Day 1: An afternoon walk along Mt Franklin Road to Explore the narrow ridges and gorges on the western side Pryors Hut. Optional trip to Mt Gingera. Approx 8 km of Mt Razorback from base camps by delightful pools in 300 m climb. Camping by Pryors Hut (Fire Place/Pit Crawford Creek. I don’t know what we will find, but it Toilet). Day 2: A morning return by the same route. looks spectacular! Off-track walking with steep climbs Approx 8 km 100 m climb. Ideal bush break for busy and scrambles. Week 2: Another off-track walk, possibly people. Suitable as an overnight pack trip for beginners. along the Chewings Range between Ellery Creek and Map: Corin Dam. Leader: Michael de Raadt michael- the block west of Hugh Gorge, including Peak Alone [email protected] Transport: ~$40 per car. Book: (unnamed, 1179 metres). Also on the CMW program. Preferably by email before 1800 Thu. Limit: 16. Maps: West MacDonnell NP Maps 1 and 2 Leader: Wednesday 31 May: Wednesday Walks Meg McKone 6254 5902, [email protected]. Coordinated by CBC John Danaro [email protected]. au Transport: $ lots – return flights to Alice Springs, au (E–M leader TBA) and NPA Mike Smith. bus transport to start and end of walks ~$200. This trip is now full. Wednesday 7 June: Wednesday Walks Coordinated by BBC Kathy Handel and Peter Wellman. late July – early September: Central Australia – M/M Wednesday 7 June – Friday 7 July: Carr Three weeks in the red centre visiting the Western Boyds, Drysdale River and Keep River – Macdonnells (including sections of the Larapinta Track), M/R/X/W Watarrka, Uluru, Kata Tjuta and more. We will camp Three trips near Kununurra, WA. The Carr Boyds with beside the cars and do day walks. Either spend a week rugged gorges, small canyons and high plateaus. Drysdale driving there and another week coming back seeing River National Park, noted for Indigenous art, wildlife, interesting places along the way, or alternatively fly to rocky side creeks and Solea Falls, accessed by float plane. Alice Springs and hire a vehicle for the red centre part. Keep River National Park, with its unusual rock forma- Leaders: Linda Stone and Jeff Bennetts jcmbenn@ tions. Longest pack-carry is 10 nights. Suit people with Please make, by email, an expression previous experience of multi-day trips at CBC ‘rough’ of interest without delay if you would like to come on grade. Maps: tba. Leader: Linda Groom 6281 4917, this trip. A planning meeting will be scheduled in March. [email protected] Transport: in addition to fares to Kununurra – $1200–$1700 per person. Limit: 8. Fully Advance notice: Australian Alps Walking booked; waiting list commenced. Track with Mac Kirby I plan to walk the Australian Alps Walking Track in the Wednesday 14 June: Wednesday Walks spring / early summer of 2017. I expect to take about Coordinated by CBC John Danaro danaro@bigpond. a fortnight for each of the three sections: Walhalla to (E–M leader Bob Dewar and M–H leader Philip Hotham, Hotham to Thredbo, Thredbo to Tharwa. I plan Gatenby). to take a couple of days break between sections (i.e. in Wednesday 21 June: Wednesday Walks Hotham and in Thredbo). I will welcome companions for Coordinated by BBC Kathy Handel and Peter Wellman. the whole walk or for parts of it. Exact dates and other details to be worked out to suit the party. Expressions Wednesday 28 June: Wednesday Walks of interest to 0422 585 519, [email protected] Coordinated by CBC John Danaro [email protected]. au (E–M leader Mike Morriss) and NPA Mike Smith.

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Page 12 – Canberra Bushwalking Club it February 2017 Feeling literary? Membership fees 2016/17 Item Single Have you had a great experience on a Club walk? Been Membership $33 moved to write about it, either in prose or verse? Felt the urge to see your name in print? Or even just taken some great photo shots that you would like to share. The Club welcomes contributions from members so why not write about an interesting experience on a walk or just an enjoyable walk. Alternatively, send in a photo or two with a short paragraph about it/them. The closing date for each issue of it is the date of the 4th Wednesday of every month. Handwritten and posted mate- rial is acceptable, but email is preferred. We also welcome photographs, preferably as separately scanned items or digital images. We can scan original photographs. Contact: Ph 6254 0578, [email protected] Post: 20 O’Sullivan Street, HIGGINS, ACT 2615 Alison Milton, Editor

If undeliverable return to POSTAGE GPO Box 160, Canberra ACT 2601 it PAID AUSTRALIA

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February 2017

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