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To Download the Plant List in PDF Format LINCOLN AVENUE PLANT LIST - 2009 BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Acer circinatum vine maple Achillea millefolium yarrow Achillea millefolium 'Apple Blossom' yarrow 'Apple Blossom' Achillea millefolium 'Fireland' yarrow 'Fireland' Achillea millefolium 'Inca Gold' yarrow 'Inca Gold' Achillea millefolium 'La Luna' yarrow 'La Luna' Achillea millefolium 'Lavender Beauty' yarrow 'Lavender Beauty' Achillea millefolium 'Lilac Beauty' yarrow 'Lilac Beauty' Achillea millefolium 'Pink Island Form' yarrow 'Pink Island Form' Achillea millefolium 'Red Beauty' yarrow 'Red Beauty' Achillea millefolium 'Salmon Beauty' yarrow 'Salmon Beauty' Achillea millefolium 'Vivid' yarrow 'Vivid' Achlys triphylla vanilla leaf Adiantum aleuticum five-finger fern Aquilegia formosa western columbine Arctostaphylos densiflora 'Sentinel' manzanita 'Sentinel' Arctostaphylos edmundsii 'Carmel Sur' manzanita 'Carmel Sur' Aristolochia californica California pipevine Armeria maritima sea pink Artemisia pycnocephala 'David's Choice' sandhill sage 'David's Choice' Asarum caudatum wild ginger Aster chilensis California aster Aster chilensis 'Purple Haze' California aster 'Purple Haze' Berberis aquifolium var repens creeping Oregon-grape Berberis nervosa dwarf Oregon-grape Blechnum spicant deer fern Bouteloua gracilis blue grama Calystegia macrostegia ssp cyclostegia 'Candy Cane' coastal morning glory 'Candy Cane' Camissonia cheiranthifolia beach evening primrose Carex praegracilis field sedge Carex tumulicola Berkeley sedge Ceanothus gloriosus var exaltatus 'Emily Brown' glory brush 'Emily Brown' Ceanothus gloriosus var porrectus Mount Vision ceanothus Cercis occidentalis western redbud Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Port Orford cedar Claytonia sibirica candy flower Clematis ligusticifolia virgin's bower Cornus sericea creek dogwood Deschampsia caespitosa 'Northern Lights' tufted hair grass 'Northern Lights' Deschampsia caespitosa subsp holciformis coastal hair grass Dichondra donneliana pony's foot Dryopteris filix-mas male fern Dudleya farinosa bluff lettuce Dudleya pulverulenta chalk liveforever Encelia californica 'El Dorado' bush sunflower 'El Dorado' Epilobium canum 'Catalina' California fuchsia 'Catalina' Epipactis gigantea stream orchid Eriogonum fasciculatum California buckwheat Erysimum franciscanum var crassifolium San Francisco wallflower Eschscholzia californica var maritima California poppy Eschscholzia californica 'Alba' California poppy 'Alba' Eschscholzia californica 'Apricot Chiffon' California poppy 'Apricot Chiffon' BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Eschscholzia californica 'Purple Gleam' California poppy 'Purple Gleam' Festuca californica California fescue Festuca idahoensis 'Muse Meadow' Idaho fescue 'Muse Meadow' Fragaria chiloensis beach strawberry Fragaria vesca wood strawberry Galvezia speciosa island bush snapdragon Gaultheria shallon salal Heuchera 'Crimson Curls' alum root 'Crimson Curls' Heuchera maxima island alum root Heuchera micrantha island alum root Hoita macrostachya leather root Horkelia californica California horkelia Iris douglasiana Douglas iris Iris douglasiana 'Canyon Snow' Douglas iris 'Canyon Snow' Iris fernaldii Fernald's iris Iris innominata Del Norte County iris Iris PCH pacific coast hybrid iris Iris PCH 'Ruffled White' pacific coast iris 'Ruffled White' Juncus balticus baltic rush Juncus effusus pacificus 'Quartz Creek' Pacific rush 'Quartz Creek' Lathyrus vestitus Pacific pea Lepechinia calycina pitcher sage Lepechinia fragrans fragant pitcher sage Lessingia filaginifolia California aster Lewisia cotyledon 'Sunset Strain' cliff maids 'Sunset Strain' Lilium pardalinum leopard lily Limonium californicum western marsh-rosemary Linum lewisii blue flax Lonicera involucrata twinberry Lotus crassifolius var otayensis Otay Mountain lotus Lupinus arboreus yellow bush lupine Mimulus 'Cream' monkeyflower 'Cream' Mimulus 'Eleanor' monkeyflower 'Eleanor' Mimulus 'Pumpkin' monkeyflower 'Pumpkin' Mimulus cardinalis scarlet monkeyflower Mimulus guttatus seep monkeyflower Monardella villosa coyote mint Muhlenbergia rigens deer grass Myrica californica wax myrtle Penstemon 'Catherine de la Mar' penstemon 'Catherine de la Mar' Penstemon centranthifolius scarlet bugler Penstemon eatonii firecracker penstemon Penstemon heterophyllus 'Blue Springs' penstemon 'Blue Springs' Penstemon palmeri Palmer's penstemon Philadelphus lewisii 'Goose Creek' mock orange'Goose Creek' Polypodium glycyrrhiza licorice fern Polystichum munitum western sword fern Ranunculus californicus California buttercup Rhamnus crocea ilicifolia holly-leaf redberry Rhododendron occidentale western azalea Ribes malvaceum 'Barry Coate' chaparral currant 'Barry Coate' Ribes malvaceum 'Montara Rose' chaparral currant 'Montara Rose' Ribes sanguineum glutinosum 'White Icycle' white-flowering currant 'White Icycle' Ribes viburnifolium Santa Catalina Island currant Salvia clevelandii Cleveland sage BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Satureja douglasii yerba buena Satureja mimuloides monkey-flower savory Sedum spathulifolium 'Blood Red' stone crop 'Blood Red' Sedum spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco' stone crop 'Cape Blanco' Sidalcea malvaeflora checkerbloom Sidalcea malvaeflora 'Cape Blanco' checkerbloom 'Cape Blanco' Sisyrinchium bellum blue-eyed grass Sisyrinchium californicum golden-eyed grass Smilacina stellata false Solomon's seal Solidago californica California goldenrod Spiraea densiflora mountain spiraea Styrax officinalis snowdrop bush Symphoricarpos albus snowberry Symphoricarpos mollis creeping snowberry Tanacetum camphoratum dune tansy Tellima grandiflora fringe cups Tiarella trifoliata var unifoliata foamflower Trifolium wormskioldii cows clover Vaccinium ovatum California huckleberry Vancouveria planipetela redwood ivy Verbena lilacina 'De la Mina' Cedros Island verbena 'De la Mina' Viola adunca western dog violet Viola pedunculata johnny-jump-up Vitis californica 'Rogers Red' California wild grape 'Rogers Red' Woodwardia fimbriata giant chain fern.
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