The Ripon Society Hosts Second Annual Congressional Advisory

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The Ripon Society Hosts Second Annual Congressional Advisory APRIL/MAY 2006 • VOL. 2, NO. 2 In This Issue: Pg 1 • Ripon Society 2nd Annual Policy Conference Pg 3 • Annual Policy Dinner & Breakfast Kickoff Pg 4 • Ripon & YOU! Plus: Interact with Ripon RiponReport The latest news, updates & highlights from The Ripon Society The Ripon Society hosts Second Annual Congressional Advisory Board Policy Conference In January, The Ripon Society In all, 12 policy discussions engaged • How to Improve American hosted its second annual Congressional conference attendees in many topics Education in the Technology Advisory Board Policy Conference in including: Sector and as a Whole Palm Beach, Florida. More than 150 people attended the week’s numerous • Improving the quality and afford- Each policy session lasted approxi- policy events including members of ability of healthcare in America mately an hour and half, giving ample Congress, members of the administra- • The Impact of Litigation on time for panelists to speak and field ques- tion, ambassadors, policy experts, Innovation, Patents, and tions from the audience. Discussion and business leaders, and Ripon Society Healthcare debate was vigorous with many ideas pro- members. Some of the distinguished • The Prospects of an Avian Flu posed on all subjects. attendees included Senator Pat Roberts Pandemic and How to Prepare Some of the many highlights during (KS); Representatives Mark Foley (FL), • Securing America’s Energy the conference include: an energetic Katherine Harris (FL), and John Linder Infrastructure and Chemical opening policy panel with leaders in the (GA); C. Boyden Gray, (US Ambassador Resources Continued on page 2 to the EU); John Bruton, (EU • Securing America’s Ports and Ambassador to the US and former Prime Borders Minister of Ireland); Alex Azar (Deputy • The State of American National Secretary of HHS); as well as Mr. Defense and Intelligence Morton Kondracke (executive editor of • Problems With and Solutions to Roll Call and regular contributor on Taxation in the United States Fox News). • Challenges in International Trade Representative John Linder (GA) spoke about the state of Homeland Security From left to right: Tom Van Coverden (Nat. Assoc. of Community Health Centers), David Snow (Medco in America as well as his intriguing Corp.), Peyton Howell (Lash Group), Bill Frenzel (Ripon Chairman Emeritus), and Craig Kennedy Fair Tax Plan during the conference. (National Assoc. of Community Health Centers) serve on the healthcare panel. RiponReport From left to right: Sean Callinicos (sanofi pasteur), Nandan Kenkeremath (Majority Counsel, House Energy and Commerce Committee), Bill Frenzel (Ripon Chairman Emeritus), Mike Giuliani (Chief of Staff to Rep. Sue Kelly), and Tom McClain (Nabi Biopharmaceuticals) serving on the Avian Flu panel. Continued from page 1 healthcare field debating how to improve The highlights mentioned above the affordability and effectiveness of leave out many other great panels dis- American healthcare; a panel focusing on cussed at The Ripon Society’s second challenges in international trade that annual Congressional Advisory Board included America’s new Ambassador to Policy Conference. If you are interested the European Union, Mr. C. Boyden in reading more about the featured topics, Gray, and the European Union’s Senator Pat Roberts (KS) addresses an audience the policy book featured during our con- Ambassador to the United States, Mr. question as Representative Katherine Harris (FL) ference is available for you to read online John Bruton; a tax panel incorporating a looks on. at This policy live video feed from London of British tax improvements must be made; and a poli- book frames the issues discussed during expert Dr. Eamonn Butler, which weighed cy luncheon with keynote speaker Mr. the conference with articles by some of adjusting America’s current tax system Morton Kondracke, who discussed how a the conference panelists as well as other versus instituting a flat tax system similar majority of Americans are moderates and policy experts. to the one used in Great Britain or insti- that the increasing influence of moderates tuting a national sales tax system such as in Congress over the last year has created Austen Bannan the Fair Tax; a panel detailing how an excellent opportunity for moderates to Special Projects Director of America currently safeguards its land bor- make an impact on more legislation and The Ripon Society ders and ports and investigating what future elections. and Editor of the Ripon Report Chris Koch of the World Shipping Alex Azar, Deputy Secretary of Representative Mark Foley (FL) Council discusses port safety the US Department of Health and speaks during the tax panel. procedures. Human Services, addresses crowd at policy luncheon. 2 RiponReport The Ripon Society kicks off annual Policy Dinner and Breakfast Series * Ripon Society Policy Breakfast and Dinner Series at a glance – Each year, The Ripon Society holds numerous dinner and breakfast events with Republican leaders of the Senate, House, and Administration exclusively for Ripon Society Members. Featured speakers share their insight and opinions about current issues, policies, and legislative agendas, and in turn, Ripon Society members have the opportunity to engage speakers with important questions that create lively and informative debate. On February 7th, The Ripon Society held its first dinner series event of 2006. House Ways and Means Chairman Bill Thomas, Representative of California’s 22nd District, discussed the goals of the 109th Congress to a large crowd of Ripon Society members. Chairman Thomas respond- ed to questions concerning such issues as the President’s budget On March 2, Representative Nancy Johnson, Chair of the House Ways and proposal, immigration, Social Means Subcommittee on Health, spoke to Security reform, and many taxation House Majority Leader John Boehner (OH) shares his thoughts on the year ahead in over 60 members of The Ripon Society at issues. As Chairman of Ways and Means, Congress at the Thomas dinner. the first policy breakfast of 2006. Representative Thomas has been a leader Representative Johnson discussed the importance of passing the Tax Relief in much of the legislation addressed in Extension Act, the focus of her recent bill Congress. known as the "Health Information An unexpected and welcome surprise Technology Promotion Act of 2005,” and for our members was the appearance of issues related to Medicare. Please visit for a full article on newly elected House Majority Leader this breakfast event. John Boehner. An eight-term Congressman representing Ohio’s 8th District, Representative Boehner spoke enthusias- tically about his new leadership position and his commitment to get back to the major issues Americans are concerned with. Please visit the events section of to read more about Ripon Society board member Rita Norton (left) the dinner event with Representatives Bill Rep. Bill Thomas (CA) speaks to Ripon mem- shares a laugh with Representative Nancy Johnson bers at Feb. 7 dinner event. Thomas and John Boehner! (CT) (right) during Mar. 2nd Breakfast Event. 3 TheRiponReport RiponOnline Visit to answer our current online poll. (Question subject to change) What is Americas biggest challenge when it comes Our Voice, YOUR Voice to our homeland security? The Ripon Society strives to expose members and participants to a broad variety of viewpoints in order to bring people together at a common ground where the most sen- A) Securing our ports and borders sible government policies will be formed. The many ideas, events, and publications that B) Securing our chemical facilities we have shared since the early 1960’s have had meaningful influence on our nation C) Protecting our civil liberties today. As an organization, we have provided a place for people to join together who D) Safeguarding our computers share the foundation of common sense principles that The Ripon Society was founded and cybernetworks upon. E) Maintaining our sense of urgency The Ripon Society promotes a progressive and inclusive Republican Party and as about the need to keep our nation such, we rely upon the suggestions and opinions of everyone. secure We strongly encourage you to visit our website which now continuously provides timely news and event updates as well as interactive polls for you to voice YOUR opin- ion. As you read our Ripon Forum, Ripon Report, and website articles, please submit letters to the editor via email at [email protected]. Don’t stop there, however – tell us what local, national, and international issues you want us to be aware of. We look forward to hearing YOUR comments and sharing some of YOUR letters in the Forum and online. We also encourage you to direct friends, family, and others to our Upcoming Ripon Events website to learn more about The Ripon Society. Help us bring togeth- March 28 Focusing on America 2006 er more like-minded people so that we can continue to promote a March 30 Policy Dinner with Rep. Phil English Republican Party and American government that best addresses our April 4 Policy Dinner with Rep. Dan Burton needs. A stronger voice for The Ripon Society equals a stronger voice May 11 Policy Breakfast with Rep. Kenny Hulshof for you! May 20 Cascade Conference, Outreach Event with Rep. Dave Reichert - Seattle, WA May 25 Policy Breakfast with Rep. Jim Kolbe Austen Bannan July 12 Rough Rider Awards Dinner 1300 L Street, NW Suite 900 Washington, DC 20005 (202) 216-1008 4.
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