La Bataille de Montebello

Règlements Exclusif Pour les Règlements de l’An XXX et Les Règlements des Marie Louises

Copyright © 2013 Clash of Arms Dec 1, 2013

Rules marked with an eagle or are shaded with a grey background apply only to players using the Règlements de l’An XXX.

All rules herein take precedence over any rules in the series rules which they may contradict.

1.0 INTRODUCTION La Bataille de Montebello (Casteggio) is a tactical Napoleonic game of the battle that was fought on 9 June 1800, between French advanced guard under GdD Lannes and Austrian rear guard under FML Ott.

Napoleon's capture of Milan on 2 June found the Austrian army separated into three major and several minor concentrations. GdK Melas held Turin with 18,000 men; FML Peter Ott's 16,000 troops remained near Genoa where they secured the surrender of GdD André Masséna's starving garrison on 4 June, while FML Anton von Elsnitz with 8,000 soldiers retreated from the Riviera, in front of GdD Soult’s forces. To the east of Milan, FML Josef Philipp Vukassovich had 4,000 men. South of the Po River, FML Andreas O'Reilly von Ballinlough marched east toward Piacenza with 3,000 men. Strong garrisons manned the fortresses of Alessandria, Coni and Casale. Melas believed he had plenty of time to mass his army and launch a counter-offensive north from Piacenza.

GdD Jean Lannes moved south from Milan with his corps, seizing Pavia on 3 June and being initially repulsed by Piacenza's tiny 400-man garrison. In a series of operations on 6 June, Generals of Division and Jean Boudet ferried their troops across the Po to the east of Piacenza while Lannes crossed the Po to the west of the city. Murat then overran Piacenza while Lannes pushed O'Reilly back to the west. These actions placed French forces directly on the main Austrian line of communication between Alessandria and Mantua in the strategic Stradella defile. Meanwhile, Murat captured a set of Austrian dispatches that disclosed that Genoa had fallen. Confronted with a new situation, issued orders to press the Austrians.

On 7 June, Ott's column was marching north from Genoa. Ott's corps reached Voghera at 8 pm on 8 June to join O'Reilly. A patrol reported French troops to the east. Ott directed O'Reilly with six infantry battalions and four cavalry squadrons to defend the village of Casteggio on the main east- west highway, to cover the withdrawal to Allesandria of the army’s artillery train.

Meanwhile, the French army became overextended. Believing that his enemies could not be in strength, Napoleon sent a note to Lannes, "If troops should present themselves between Voghera and Stradella let them be attacked without caution; they are, certainly, fewer than 10,000 men." Lannes planned to continue marching west. This would bring his 8,000 men into contact with Ott's Kolonne of 18,000.

2.0 RULES QUESTIONS Check the La Bataille forum at Consimworld:

3.0 GAME COMPONENTS A complete game of La Bataille de Motebello includes the following components: 1. One 25” x 16” map 2. A lot of counters 3. Two Series Rules books (Règlements de l’An XXX, et la Règlements des Maries Louises) 4. One Exclusive Rules Book 5. Charts and tables 6. Two organizational displays 7. Game Turn Record Track 8. Terrain Effects Chart 3.1 Change of Scale La Bataille Montebello is at a scale of 140m per hex and 30 minutes per turn. This affects mainly the default stacking values.

4.0 TERRAIN 4.1 Rivers and Streams 4.1.1 The Coppa stream (river)  May ony be crossed at Bridges and the Ford (when discovered). 4.1.2 All other Streams are very deep following recent heavy rain and were difficult to cross by formed troops.  Formed infantry and cavalry crossing streams are disordered.  Artillery may only cross using bridges & fords. 4.1.3 Bridges: Combat units may Assault or Charge across a bridge/ford, but the following conditions apply.  The assaulting unit may not make an Offensive Fire Attack during the Assault Procedure.  Only one infantry battalion/regiment or cavalry regiment may Assault or Charge across a bridge hexside per turn.  Infantry must be in Column (Battalion Masse) when assaulting across a bridge. Cavalry units must be in Column in order to Charge across a bridge. La Bataille de Montebello

 Infantry subtracts 6 from its Roll to Close dice roll, when assaulting across a bridge. 1  Cavalry units multiply their Mêlée Value by /3 as if the cavalry was attacking into General Order. 4.1.4 Discovering a Coppa Ford.  The 12e Hussars or any Légère Infantrie may attempt to discover a new ford across the Coppa. A die roll may be made each turn and on a 5 or 6 a ford is discovered. Only one new ford may be discovered. Note: The Austrianss do not appear to have notice the discontinuos road north of Casteggio which clearly indicated a possible ford.

4.2 Visibility and Artillery Ricochet Note: Across some of the battlefield the corn in the fields was nearly 6ft high, and in between there were vineyards where vines had been trained over frames, and there were thick hedges bordering the roads. The maximum range of all artillery fire is 4 hexes. There is no artillery ricochet as a result of the very wet ground. NOTE: Artillery Ricochet only applies to the Règlements de l’An XXX. 4.3 Slopes 4.3.1 Steep Slopes  There are many steep slopes south of the main road.  Steep Slopes are only traversable by Infantry Skirmishers, Personalities and Routed Infantry.  Trails through steep slopes have a movement penalty. 4.3.2 Slopes  Slopes affect all movement unless the unit is on a road / trail and in Road Order. 4.4 Castle / Farm There was an old castle in Casteggio, and a strongly built stone farm complex at Casa il Giardina.  Only infantry may enter the castle / Casa hexes.  No more than 6 increments or one batallaion/regiment may defend the hex.  No more than 6 increments may be considered for melee combat. 4.5 General Order The following terrain requires formed units to enter General Order when entering:  Town / Farmette  Brush 4.5.1 Infantry units in farmette hexes have all-round facing. 4.6 Depots French: The road east to Piacenza. Austrian: The road Allesandria 4.7 Terrain and Artillery Ricochet  There is no artillery ricochet as a result of the very wet ground. NOTE: Artillery Ricochet only applies to the Règlements de l’An XXX.

5.0 COMMAND The Organization and Display Charts reveal the command structure of the armies. Refer to them as necessary. 5.1 French  Command Points: The French receive a CP for Lannes & Napoleon.  MU Size: The largest MU which the French may create is an Infantry Corps (with attached cavalry regiment).  Leader Casualties: If Lannes is killed Victor replaces him (and generates a CP). If Napoleon is killed Victor replaces him (but does not generate a CP).  Artillery Leaders of Special Ability: Napoleon, Marmot. o Marmot’s Brigrade may contain any artillery batteries attached from any other formations. Initally it consists of the two Guard Infantry batteries and Lanne’s and Victor’s Corps Batteries. NOTE: Special Abilities only applies to the Règlements de l’An XXX.

Any French leader in a town / farm may generate a local MU and may place his subordinate formations in command. 5.2 Austrians  Command Points: The Austrians receive a CP for Ott; before Ott enters O’Reilly has a CP. Note 1: MU Size: The largest MU the Austrians may create is a Division of Infantry including attached Cavalry Regiment. (O’Reilly’s Division includes a cavalry brigades so requires 2 MU’s)  Leader Casualties: If Ott is killed O’Reilly replaces him.  There are no Austrian Leaders of Special Ability: NOTE: Special Abilities only applies to the Règlements de l’An XXX. La Bataille de Montebello 5.3 Random Events Table A die roll is made at the start of each turn, starting at 11:30. If the Zach stops Ott event is rolled on the turn that Ott arrives, his arrival is delayed one turn. Random events Table 1 Zach realises Ott has no reserves, 1CP 4 Thunderstorms 2 Ott attacks French weakness, 2CP 5 Coppa Fords flooded 3 Lannes attacks Austrian Weakness, 2CP 6 Delay reinforcements (no die rolls this turn) The Thunderstorm events may occur only once, see Exclusive Rule 6.6. Zach realises Ott has no reserves: If there is not a whole Brigade of Infantry in Motebello in General Order (to obver the retreat) then a Brigade is chosen ar random, and the 1 CP, must be given to the this brigade. Note: Zach summised that Ott was facing Napoleon’s whole army and recommended an immediate and speedy withdrawal. 5.3.1 All units move at fastest speed towards Montebelo Village (and advent orchard). 5.3.2 Any units in ZOI take a die roll, if they fail they withdraw routed, if they pass they withdraw in Bataillon Masse or March Order.

6.0 SPECIAL RULES 6.1 Line Upto 6 increments may fire from a hex in line. French Ligne regiments of more than 8 increments may form line in two hexes. 6.2 Skirmish / Rifles Upto 4 increments may fire from a hex in skirmish. The Mariassy Jägers are rifle armed and not halved at two hex range. French Legere regiments of more than 6 increments may skirmish in two hexes. 6.3 Road Column Upto 6 increments of infantry / cavalry or upto 2 increments of artillery, may be in road column in a hex 6.4 Scenario Reinforcements When reinforcements are directed to be deployed during the Reinforcement Chit the arriving reinforcements may not be placed in an enemy Zone of Influence. If the reinforcements are unable to comply with this rule displace them towards the friendly depot until the can be placed on the map and outside of enemy Zones of Influence. 6.5 Variable Scenario Reinforcements Starting at the hour indicated the die is rolled each turn to determine if the reinforcement arrives this turn. 6.5.1 Kolonne Ott, on the Allesandria road. Note: Ott marched to support his subordinate against Chief of Staff Zach’s wishes. His second Division was covering the treasury and Artillery Park and at least an hours march away. Schellenberg Die Roll Time 1-2 12:00 1-4 12:30 1-5 13:00 & later 6.5.2 Corps Victor, on the Piacenza road Note: GdD Victor was following Lannes and rushed to Lannes request for assistance. Victor Die Roll Time 1-2 13:30 1-4 14:00 1-5 14:30 & later 6.5.3 Brigade Gottesheim Note: IR14 and its supporting cavalry were driven back on Genoa, if they had marched quicker they could have been west of the French forces. Gottesheim Die Roll Time 1 15:00 or later 6.5.4 French Reserves. Napoleon may decide to extend the battle into the night in ordeer to get a decisive victory. If Napoleon arrives at or before 16:00, he may extend the battle for 3 hours, the decision is made on the turn he arrives. Night rules apply from 17:00 Note: Napoleon realizes the Austrian’s may put up a strong rearguard and marches to support Lannes & Victor with the Garde & Artillery Reserve. Napoleon Die Roll Time 1 15:00 or later 6.6 Weather Thunderstorms random event: A thunderstorm may occur during the day. A rainstorm starts and will go on until a five or six on one die on a future Random Events Check. La Bataille de Montebello

 During the rainstorm all Movement Allowances are halved  Visibility is reduced to three hexes and Skirmishers may only fire at 1 hex range.  There is a -3 modifier on the fire tables.  There is a -6 modifier on the melee tables if the odd are greater than 1:1.  There is a +6 modifier on the melee tables if the odd are less than 1:1. Darkness falls at 19:00. Effect of darkness.  Maximum artillery range remains at 4 hexes.  Movement costs for units off road and formation changes is doubled.  Cavalry units are not doubled for charging. 6.7 Forced March Only Napoleon’s Garde may force march.. 6.8 Austrian Regiments & Batteries Note 1: The regimental batteries normally consisted of four 3pdrs and a single 6 pdr, partly crewed by the regiment’s infantry.  Austrian Linen Bataillons may only enter EZOC when no part of their brigade is in Road Order  A RTC modifier of -6 applies if the regimental battery is not unlimbered and within 4 hexes and have a LOS to the target. For the purpose of determining LOS the battery may ignore its own Regiment.  Linen Regimental batteries may freely stack with Bataillons of their regiment.  Regimental batteries always fire at full strength (regardless of having 1 or more increments). 6.9 Austrain Kavalleriebatterie Note: Austrian Gunners in Cavalry batteries rode of the Gun Trail (Wurst Seat). This restricted the batteries speed over rough ground, but made deployment into action very quick.  Austrain Kavalleriebatterie may unlimber for a cost of 1MP (rather than 50%).  Austrain Kavalleriebatterie may limber for a cost of 2MP (rather than 50%). 6.10 Masse Square: Austrian Infantry may only form Square in reaction to enemy cavalry when the infantry is in Line formation. Austrian units in Skirmish Order may attempt to form a Rallying Square. Austrian infantry may also form Square during its normal movement Sequence Batallion Masse: The Batallion Masse was essentially a Close Column of Companies roughtly equivalent to the Colonne par Peleton.  Austrian infantry may not enter Column formation, they enter Battalion Masse instead. Battalion Masse may only be formed in hexes which allow Column, Line or Square formation.  Battalion Masse is a single hex formation. The Battalion Masse faces a hexside, it has 3 front hexsides, two flank hexsides and one rear hexside.  The Battalion Masse fires using its printed Fire Value.  When units in Battalion Masse are involved in a Mêlée they use their printed Mêlée Value.  When cavalry Charges a Battalion Masse, the infantry must Roll to Stand in its present formation. The Battalion Masse may not attempt to form Square. If it passes its Roll to Stand, it may reface in any direction at the owning players option and then gives Defensive Fire, and Mêlée as usual. If it fails its Roll to Stand it is disordered as usual and may not reface.  When cavalry charges a Batallion Masse the cavalry multiplies its Mêlée Value by ½.  When charging a Battalion Masse, cavalry does not receive the doubling benefit for charging the last 3 hexes in straight line, prior to attacking the infantry. 6.11 Austrian Cavalry Regiments  Austrian cavalry unis may not stack. Note: Austrian doctrine was not to deploy massed cavalry but to use them in units of one or two squadrons.  Light Dragoons are reduced to 2/3 when fighting French light cavalry and to 1/3 when fighting French heavy cavalry. Note: The Austrian Leicht Dragons are mostly mounted on Galician Ponies and were at a considerable disadvantage in combat with the heavier French Cavalry.  The Bussy Jagers may never surrender, they take an extra casualty and rout (even through enemy formations). Note: The emigrees of the Bussy Jager zu Pferd became the Chasseurs Britanique after the defeat of Austria. 6.12 Cavalry Skirmish Order Even though there is a row for cavalry skirmishers on the Fire Defense Chart and a column on the Movment Chart, this applies only to players using the Règlements de l’An XXX. 6.13 Melee Losses If the tens die is even the attacker takes an extra loss. If the units die is even the defender takes an extra loss.

7.0 Scenario 1: Casteggio-Montebello 7.1 Introduction Watrin’s Division began the attack by forcing O’Reilly’s Avant Garde back to Casteggio. But the arrival of Vogelsang’s and then Schellenberg’s Divisions left Lannes outnumbered, although still attacking, while Chief of Staff Zach’s advice to Ott being to withdraw before Napoleon’s main body arrived. Finally the arrival of Victor and the discovery of a ford across the Coppa north of Casteggio forced the Austrians to withdraw. Grenzer Regiment 2 Ottocac and Linen IR 13 Reisky both suffered over 50% losses covering the retreat. La Bataille de Montebello 7.2 Time Nineteen turns beginning with the 08:00 turn and ending with the 18:00 turn. 7.3 Command Austrian: Ott has a CP when he enters. O’Reilly has a CP until Ott enters. French: Lannes & Napoleon have CP’s when they enter. 7.4 Starting Positions Within 1 hex of Rivetta Gandolfi village. Avant Garde Feldmarschall-Leutnant Andreas Graf O'Reilly von Ballinlough, Knight’s Cross of Maria Theresa 6pdr kavalleriebatterie 2. Ottocac Grenz 1. Bataillon, 5. Warasdin-Kreuz Grenz 3. Bach Licht Bataillon 4. Am Ende Licht Bataillon Mariassy Jäger Brigade Oberst Emanuel Freiherr von Schustekh und Herve, ADC O'Reilly, Military Order of Maria Theresa 8. Neuendorff Hussars Bussy Jäger zu Pferd

Within Montebello village (in general order not stacked) Division Vogelsang Feldmarschall-Leutnant Ludwig Freiherr von Vogelsang Brigade of Division Vogelsang Generalmajor Friedrich Heinrich von Gottesheim, Knight’s Cross of Maria Theresa Linen IR18 Stuart (1., 2. & 3. Bataillon) & 3pdr batterie IR18 Linen IR57 J Colloredo (1., 2. & 3. Bataillon) & 3pdr batterie IR57 Brigade of Division Vogelsang Oberst Karl Freiherr von Lezzeny 1. Bataillon, 3. Ogulin Grenz Linen IR17 Hohenlohe (1., 2. & 3. Bataillon) & 3pdr batterie IR17 7.5 Reinforcements At 11:00 within 2 hexes of the the Piacenza road (in any formation) Brigade of Division Watrin General de Brigade Claude Ursule Gency 6e Légère Demi-Brigade (1re, 2e & 3e bataillon) At 11:00 on the Piacenza road (in road column) Division of Corps Lannes General de Division Francios Watrin Brigade of Division Watrin General de Brigade Jean-Pierre Firmin Malher 22e Ligne Demi-Brigade (1re, 2e & 3e bataillon) 40e Ligne Demi-Brigade (1re, 2e & 3e bataillon)

At 12:00 on the Piacenza road (in road column) Brigade of Corps Lannes General de Brigade Jean-Baptiste Dommanget, ADC Lannes 12e Hussars Brigade of Corps Lannes General de Brigade Joseph Mainoni 28e Ligne Demi-Brigade CG Batterie a’Pied (attached from Corps Lannes)

On the Piacenza road, see rule 6.5.2 (in road column) Corps Victor General de Division Claude-Victor Perrin Colonel Achille Pierre Henri Picot de Dampierre, ADC Victor Division of Corps Victor General de Division Jacques-Antoine de Chambarlhac de Laubespin Jean-François Delort de Gléon, ADC Chambarlhac Brigade of Division Chambarlhac General de Brigade Jean-Baptiste Herbin-Dessaux 24e Légère Demi-Brigade (1re, 2e & 3e bataillon) La Bataille de Montebello Brigade of Division Chambarlhac General de Division Oliver Rivaud 43e Ligne Demi-Brigade (1re, 2e & 3e bataillon) 96e Ligne Demi-Brigade (1re, 2e & 3e bataillon)

At 11:30 on the Allesandria road (in road column) Covering Force Feldmarschall-Leutnant Peter Karl Ott Frieherr von Batorketz, Knight’s Cross of Maria Theresa Oberst Joseph Radetzky von Radetz, ADC Ott 10. Lobkowitz Licht Dragons On the Allesandria road, see random events (in road column) Generalmajor Anton Ritter von Zach, Chief of Staff to GdK Melas, Knight's Cross of Maria Theresa

On the Allesandria road, see rule 6.5.1 (in road column) Division Schellenberg Feldmarschall-Leutnant Joseph von Schellenberg Brigade of Division Schellenberg Generalmajor Franz Sticker Linen IR28 Fröhlich (1., 2. & 3. Bataillon) & 3pdr batterie IR28 Linen IR40 Mittrowsky (1., 2. & 3. Bataillon) & 3pdr batterie IR40 Brigade of Division Schellenberg Generalmajor Anton Retz Hungarian Linen IR51 Splenyi (1. & 2. Bataillon) & 3pdr batterie IR51 Linen IR13 Reisky (1., 2. & 3. Bataillon) & 3pdr batterie IR13

On the road from Allesandria, see rule 6.5.3 Brigade Gottesheim Oberst Freiherr Franz Kottulinsky Linen IR14 Klebek (1., 2. & 3. Bataillon) & 3pdr batterie IR14 10. Lobkowitz Licht Dragons On the road from Piacenza, see rule 6.5.4 Garde de Cónsul Infantry Chef de bataillon Goulez Grenadiers a'Pied Garde 8pdr battery a’Pied Garde de Cónsul Artillerie General de Brigade Auguste Frederic Louis Viesse de Marmont Garde 12pdr batterie a’Pied Garde 8pdr batterie a’Cheval Armée de Reserve Napoleon Boneparte First Cónsul Chief of Staff: General de Division, Pierre Dupont d'Estang General de Division Louis Alexandre Berthier, Armée de Reserve Garde de Cónsul Cavalrie Colonel Jean Baptiste Bessières Grenadier a’Cheval Chasseurs a’Cheval Grosse Brigade of Cavalrie de la Reserve General of Brigade François Etienne de Kellermann 2e Cavalerie de bataille 20e Cavalerie de bataille 21e Cavalerie de bataille 7.6 Victory French: Capture Casteggio and Montebello and the road to Piacenza Austrian: Prevent French Victory

8.0 Bibliography Osprey: Marengo 1800 Author David Hollins Nafziger Archive: La Bataille de Montebello

FIRE EFFECTS CHART Line Column Square General Order Skirmish FRENCH Ligne x5 PRINTED x5 PRINTED NP Légère x6 PRINTED x6 PRINTED x6 AUSTRIAN Linen x5 PRINTED x4 PRINTED NP Leicht x4 PRINTED x4 PRINTED x4 Grenz x4 PRINTED x4 PRINTED x6 Jäger 1 x4 PRINTED x4 PRINTED x5 1. Jägers are rifle armed and not halved a two hex range

FIRE DEFENSE CHART Vineyard / Town / Clear Brush Castle/Casa Orchard Farmette Infantry Masse 6 5 5 - - - Column 6 6 7 - - - Line 9 10 - - - Square 63 7 - - 20 Skirmish Order 14 15 16 15 20 General Order - - 8 8 - Disorder 8 9 8 8 20 PGD 14 15 14 14 20 Cavalry Column 6 7 - - - Line 8 9 - - - Skirmish Order4 12 13 16 - - General Order - - 6 - - Disorder 8 9 12 - - PGD 14 15 14 - - Artillery1,2 Limbered 6 10 6 - - Unlimbered 8 10 9 - 20 w/Infantry5 6 7 6 - 20 1. Artillery in Disorder is either unlimbered or limbered for the purposes of this table. 2. When Artillery is stacked with infantry use the fire defense of Artillery w/Infantry row of the table above. 3. Reduced to 4 if more than 9 increments 4. Cavalry Skirmish Order only applies to players using the Règlements de l’An XXX. 5. Use whenever infantry and artillery stacked together are the target of a Fire Attack. 6. Austrian Infantry may not use column formation. La Bataille de Montebello

MOVEMENT CHART Personalities Cavalry Infantry Cavalry Artillery Skirmishers Skirmishers3 Clear 1 2 3 1 2 Vineyards / Orchards 1 2 2 1 2 Brush 2 NP NP 1 NP Town / Farm 3 4 2 1 2 Castle / Casa 3 NP NP 1 NP Slope +2 _+4 +3 +2 +3 Steep Slope 3 6 NP NP 4 6 NP Road / Bridge / Ford 1 ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 Trail 1 ¾ ¾ ½ ½ NP Steep Trail 1 2 3 1 NP Ford 1 +1 +1 +1 +0 +0 Stream +2 5 +4 5 NP +2 +4 5 1. Roads / Trails negate the movement cost of the terrain they cross provided the hexes are connected by a road and the units are in Road Column. 2. Cost is in addition to the cost of the other terrain in the hex being entered. 3. Applies only to the Règlements de l’An XXX. 4. Units are disordered. 5. Disordered after the move 6. Infantry Skirmishers, Routed Infantry and Personalities only.

SQUARE FORMATION TABLE Form Square Disorder Rout 4 Hexes 11-61 62-66 - 3 Hexes 11-55 56-64 65-66 2 Hexes 11-45 46-61 62-66 Adjacent 11-35 - 36-66 MODIFIERS If a Personality is in the hex -6 If the cavalry stack is light +6 French Légère Bataillons -6 Austrian Grenz / Leicht / Jäger 2 +6 Austrian 3. Linen Battalions 2 +6 Vineyards (infantry unit in vineyard hex) -6 Note 1: When modifying the dice any number greater than 66 is treated as 66. Note 2: Austrian infantry may only form square from line formation.

STACKING CHART CLEAR / VINEYARD / BRUSH CASTLE / CASA ORCHARD / TOWN Any 1 regiment or Any 1 battalion or Any 1 regiment or INFANTRY 24 Column, Line, Square 10 General Order 16 General Order 4 Skirmish1,2 4 Skirmish1 4 Skirmish1 Any 1 regiment or CAVALRY 24 Column, Line Not Possible Not possible 4 Skirmish1,2 4 Limbered ARTILLERY 4 Unlimbered Not Possible Not possible 1/6 Combined 1. Cavalry units in Skirmish Order, regardless of increments, are always deployed in two hexes may. References to units in two hexes apply only to the Règlements de l’An XXX. In the Règlements des Maries Louise units are always deployed in one hex regardless of size. 2. Units in Skirmish Order may move through other units or have other units move through them, but they may never remain stacked with other units.

La Bataille de Montebello

MORALE LEVELS CHART FRENCH AUSTRIAN Morale Level Morale Level Formation Bataillions Corps Bataillons (Bataillions) (Bataillons) 1 2 3 1 2 3 Victor 9 2 4 6 Ott 20 4 8 12 Lannes 12 3 5 8 O‘Reilly 5 1 2 3 MORALE CHECK MODIFIERS Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 French -3 -6 -18 Austrian -6 -12 -24 [1] Destroyed regiments count as 3 battalions.


8.1.1 French: Road to Piacenza

8.1.2 Austrian: Road to Allesandria

CAVALRY RECALL TABLE ADDITIONAL Nationality Success ROLL TO CLOSE MODIFIERS French 1-4 CONDITION MODIFIER Austrian 1-3 If the assaulting stack is assaulting -6 CONDITION MODIFIER across a stream/ ditch 1 If stacked with a leader with a cavalry Austrian Linen Btn without Artillery -1 -6 Mêlée Bonus Support Assaulting a Castle / Casa -6 ARTILLERY LIMBERING TABLE 1. Note the stack is disorder before the assault.

French Limbers All 1-4 COMMAND SPAN CHART Austrian Limbers COMMAND LINK SPAN IN HEXES Horse Batteries 1-3

Regimental batteries 1-4 Corps Leader to Division Leader 6 CONDITION MODIFIER Corps Leader to Brigade Leader 6 Stacked with leader with artillery bonus -1 Division Leader to Units 3 Brigade Leader to Units 2

ADDITIONAL CAVALRY SKIRMISHER HARASSMENT ROLL TO STAND MODIFIERS ( CONDITION MODIFIER TERRAIN TYPE DEFENSE FACTOR If the target of an Assault exclusively by Clear 2 1 +6 units across a stream / ditch. Vineyards / Orchard 3 Defending the castle / Casa +12 Town, Brush 4

1. Including across a bridge Modifiers to Basic Defense Factor: Cavalry Skirmishers +1 Retreating Before Combat +2 Cavalry or Horse Artillery PGD +1 La Bataille de Montebello Permission to Photocopy This Page Lannes CP  Ott CP  ADC: Dommanget γ  COS: Zach α  CG AaP γ 5e Dragoons γ Corps Ott ADC: Radetzky γ  Advanced Gd Brigade 10. Lobkowitz Lt Dgns γ Bde Mainoni  1 x 28e Ligne DB Division Vogelsang (Vogelsang)  Division Watrin Bde Gottesheim  3 x IR18 (Watrin)  IR18 3pdr Bde Mahler  e 3 x IR57 3 x 40 Ligne DB e IR57 3pdr 1 x 22 Ligne DB Bde Lezzeny  Bde Gency  e 1 x Oglin Grenz 3 x 6 Légère DB 2 x IR17 IR17 3pdr Victor CP var  ADC: Dampierre γ  Division Schellenberg (Schellenberg)  Division Chambarlhac Bde Sticker  3 x IR28  (Chambarlhac) IR28 3pdr ADC: Delort  3 x IR40 Bde Herbin  IR40 3pdr 3 x 24e Légère DB Bde Retz  Bde O Rivaud  2 x IR51 3 x 43e Ligne DB IR51 3pdr 3 x 96e Ligne DB 3 x IR13 IR13 3pdr Optional Napoleon CP  O’Reilly CP var  COS: Dupont α  6pdr kavaleriebatterie γ ADC: Berthier α  Division (O’Reilly) Garde Artillery 1 x Warasdin Grenz (Marmot)  1 x Ottocac Grenz CG AaP 2 x Leicht CG AaP 1 x Jäger 2/2 AaP γ Schustekh  4/5 AaP γ 8. Neuendorff Hussars Bussy Jäger zu Pferd Garde Infantry (Goulez)  Optional 1 x Garde de Consul Bde Kottulinsky  3 x IR14 Garde Cavalry IR14 3pdr (Bessières)  10. Lobkowitz Lt Dgns γ

Grenadier a’Cheval Chasseurs a’Cheval

CP = Generates a Command Point α = Army Asset γ = Corps Asset  = Leader not Replaceable