Overview of fever of unknown origin in adult and paediatric patients L. Attard1, M. Tadolini1, D.U. De Rose2, M. Cattalini2 1Infectious Diseases Unit, Department ABSTRACT been proposed, including removing the of Medical and Surgical Sciences, Alma Fever of unknown origin (FUO) can requirement for in-hospital evaluation Mater Studiorum University of Bologna; be caused by a wide group of dis- due to an increased sophistication of 2Paediatric Clinic, University of Brescia eases, and can include both benign outpatient evaluation. Expansion of the and ASST Spedali Civili di Brescia, Italy. and serious conditions. Since the first definition has also been suggested to Luciano Attard, MD definition of FUO in the early 1960s, include sub-categories of FUO. In par- Marina Tadolini, MD Domenico Umberto De Rose, MD several updates to the definition, di- ticular, in 1991 Durak and Street re-de- Marco Cattalini, MD agnostic and therapeutic approaches fined FUO into four categories: classic Please address correspondence to: have been proposed. This review out- FUO; nosocomial FUO; neutropenic Marina Tadolini, MD, lines a case report of an elderly Ital- FUO; and human immunodeficiency Via Massarenti 11, ian male patient with high fever and virus (HIV)-associated FUO, and pro- 40138 Bologna, Italy. migrating arthralgia who underwent posed three outpatient visits and re- E-mail:
[email protected] many procedures and treatments before lated investigations as an alternative to Received on November 27, 2017, accepted a final diagnosis of Adult-onset Still’s “1 week of hospitalisation” (5). on December, 7, 2017. disease was achieved. This case report In 1997, Arnow and Flaherty updated Clin Exp Rheumatol 2018; 36 (Suppl.