Approved Minutes of the Advisory Committee on Accessible
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2047.2 September 26, 2020 TTC Board Members Toronto Transit Commission 1900 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario M4S 1Z2 Dear Board Members: The Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) is forwarding the approved minutes of its General Monthly meetings of July 30, 2020 and August 27, 2020 to the October 22, 2020 Board Meeting for information (attached). Thank you. Sincerely, Mazin Aribi 2020 ACAT Chair Attachments APPROVED TORONTO TRANSIT COMMISSION COMMITTEE MINUTES Minutes of Meeting: Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit Meeting No. 355 Meeting Date: Thursday, July 30, 2020 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Location: Virtual meeting via Webex Present: Mazin Aribi, Chair Marian McDonell, Co-Vice Chair Igor Samardzic, Co-Vice Chair Margo Brodie Anita Dressler Carmen Galvan Jessica Geboers Debbie Gillespie Sean Hollingsworth Angela Marley Bobbi Moore James Pyo Sam Savona Mahendan Sivabalasundaram Chris Stigas Pool Members: Ann-Marie Cole Hans Winther TTC Representatives: Milly Bernal, Customer Communications Specialist Dwayne Geddes, Head of Wheel-Trans Matt Hagg, Senior Planner – System Accessibility Lodon Hassan, Assistant Manager – Customer Service, Wheel-Trans Marco Iorfida, Scheduling and Policy Specialist, Wheel-Trans Dean Milton, Manager – Strategic Initiatives, Wheel-Trans Charlene Sharpe, Manager – Planning and Policy, Wheel-Trans - 2 - Copies: Rick Leary, Chief Executive Officer Kirsten Watson, Deputy CEO – Operations Kathleen Llewellyn-Thomas, Chief Strategy and Customer Officer Orest Kobylansky, Executive Director – Operations Gary Downie, Chief Capital Officer Josie La Vita, Chief Financial Officer James Ross, Chief Operating Officer Deborah Brown, Head of Marketing and Customer Experience TTC Board Members Items Discussed: 1. Call to Order / Attendance 2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest 3. Approval of Agenda 4. Remarks from ACAT Chair 5. Review and Approval of June 19, 2020 Minutes 6. Review and Approval of June 25, 2020 Minutes 7. Business Arising out of Minutes / Outstanding Items 8. Deputation: Nil 9. Wheel-Trans 10-Year Strategy Update 10. Subcommittee Reports and Updates - Communications - Design Review - Service Planning - Wheel-Trans Operations 11. ACAT Subcommittee Meeting Highlights for the Next TTC Board Meeting 12. Report on TTC Board Meeting and Accessibility Matters 13. ACAT Recruitment 2021 14. Review of Correspondence 15. Other / New Business 16. Next Meeting – August 27, 2020 17. Adjournment - 3 - 1. Call to Order / Attendance Chair Mazin Aribi called the meeting to order at 1:06 p.m. and attendance was taken. 2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest Nil. 3. Approval of Agenda On a motion by Angela Marley, seconded by Bobbi Moore, the agenda was approved. 4. Remarks from ACAT Chair ACAT Chair Mazin Aribi reported that on July 3 and July 20, 2020, the Toronto Advisory Committee (TAAC) held virtual meetings. One of the items discussed was the City of Toronto COVID-19 Response and Accessibility. TAAC Members recommended nine items to the Executive Committee. Item 5 of these recommendations reads that: City Council request the Toronto Transit Commission Board to direct the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission to bring forward presentations on new or existing initiatives, detailing any efforts and modifications to accommodate persons with disabilities, as a response to COVID-19 response and recovery, to the November 16, 2020 meeting of the Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee. For more information, please visit the TAAC website. July 3, 2020 meeting link: amp;m=d%20-%20Meeting-2020.DI7%20-%20Meeting-2020.DI7#Meeting-2020.DI8 July 20, 2020 meeting link: The next TAAC meeting is scheduled for September 24, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. at City Hall, Committee Room 1 or virtually. On July 22, 2020, ACAT members learned that, as part of the Easier Access Program, the elevators at Wellesley Station have been put into service ahead of schedule. With this milestone completed, Wellesley is now the 47th accessible station for all customers. 5. Review and Approval of June 19, 2020 Minutes On a motion by Angela Marley, seconded by Debbie Gillespie, the minutes of the June 19, 2020 meeting were approved. 6. Review and Approval of June 25, 2020 Minutes On a motion by Sam Savona, seconded by Bobbi Moore, the minutes of the June 25, 2020 meeting were approved. - 4 - 7. Business Arising Out of Minutes / Outstanding Items - Item: Review of the Impact of Curb-Side Bike Lanes on Wheel-Trans Customers and Operators in Accessing Certain Pick-Up / Drop-Off Locations - Ongoing Members raised concerns that this issue not be forgotten, especially given the City of Toronto’s rapid buildout of bike lanes in response to COVID-19. They flagged specific issues around new, very long stretches of cement barricades that do not seem to allow for any access from the street. Staff advised that the TTC Project Planning & Development, Operations Planning team is now leading on this item. It was agreed that A.J. Takarabe, Operations Planner would be invited to the Service Planning Subcommittee to provide an update. Members highlighted a number of specific issues and recommendations for consideration. They underlined the direct impact on Wheel-Trans customers and Operators and the need for Wheel-Trans and the Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee to stay well informed and engaged on this item. They stressed the importance of tracking and addressing Wheel-Trans customer complaints to Customer Service, and complaints from Wheel-Trans Operators, as ways of identifying and fixing specific problem areas. They flagged that most Wheel-Trans customers do not complain to Customer Service when they have an issue, so there needs to be a better way to prevent and identify problem areas now and going forward when bike lanes are being significantly expanded. Members suggested that Wheel-Trans schedulers could potentially identify high-use stops and monitor them, or staff could proactively seek out information on probable problem areas. Members underlined that accessible subway entrances need to be given priority as high-use Wheel-Trans stops. The distances that Wheel-Trans customers are now being asked to walk at pick-up and drop-off stops must also be kept in mind and addressed. - Item: Higher Priority to Resolving Inconsistencies with Wheel-Trans Pick-Ups and Drop-Offs at Subway Stations in support of Family of Services - Completed This item is to be moved to the Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee as a standing agenda item for monthly updates. It was agreed that ACAT members working directly on this issue would be requested to participate in the WTOS meetings when the topic is going to be discussed. - Item: GTHA Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) Joint Meeting - Ongoing No further updates. The committee noted that the GTHA Regional Specialized Transit Working Group continues to meet and suggested that an update from them could be relevant and useful. It was agreed that Charlene Sharpe, Manager – Planning and Policy, Wheel-Trans would provide an update on the recent meetings and its work throughout the COVID-19 response at the next ACAT meeting. - Item: Subway Platform (Vertical and Horizontal) Gap – Completed. This item has been moved to the DRS Outstanding Items List. Members requested that an update be shared at the upcoming DRS meeting, if possible. - 5 - - Item: Motion – Need for Dual Elevators at Finch West Interchange Station to the LRT Platform Level, and - Item: Motion – TTC Second Elevator at Subway – LRT Interchange Stations - Ongoing The Committee flagged that the most recent update on these two items should be noted. Dwayne Geddes, Head of Wheel-Trans, had agreed to work with Gary Downie, Chief Capital Officer on a draft motion that could be presented by a TTC Board Member addressing these items. Members expressed its hope that such a motion would help prioritize these items as part of the TTC’s Easier Access 4 initiative. - Item: TTC Service on Kilgour Road (Deputation from Meenu Sikand and Dennise Carrasco) - Ongoing No updates until at least next year, or until the Eglinton Crosstown LRT nears completion. The committee agreed to move the item to the bottom of the Outstanding Items list and note it as “Deferred until Line 5 is almost operational.” - Item: Update on the New TTC Website and Updated Station Descriptions which have been on hold - Ongoing Milly Bernal, Customer Communications Specialist advised that the updated station descriptions are no longer on hold and are being added to the current TTC website. Members welcomed this news and stressed the importance of having accurate information available on the website for customers. An overall update on the new TTC website will be presented at an upcoming Communications Subcommittee meeting. The launch date for the new TTC website has not been set. - Item: PRESTO Card Registration and whether it can be activated without an email/online process - Ongoing No further updates. The committee repeated its concerns about the equity issues that this situation raises and requested that TTC staff follow-up with PRESTO on the item. 8. Deputation Nil. 9. Wheel-Trans 10-Year Strategy Update Dwayne Geddes, Head of Wheel-Trans provided an update focused on any changes since his last reports at the ACAT meetings on June 19 and June 25, 2020. Wheel-Trans Mobile App Staff are working on getting the mobile app out to ACAT members and other Wheel-Trans customer volunteers for about a month of testing and feedback. The testing will likely begin at the end of August. It will then fine-tune the app before releasing it to all Wheel-Trans customers. - 6 - Access Hubs All Access Hubs are now essentially open. Some walk-throughs are being done to review any deficiencies and ensure they are up and running. COVID-19 Measures A detailed report on the COVID-19 measures and changes coinciding with Stage 2 was reviewed at the last ACAT meeting.