Drilling Success in Geothermal Fields Utilized by Major District Heating Services in Iceland Björn Már Sveinbjörnsson Prepared for Orkustofnun (National Energy Authority of Iceland, NEA) Í SOR-2018/043 ICELAND GEOSURVEY Reykjavík: Orkugardur, Grensásvegur 9, 108 Reykjavík, Iceland - Tel.: 528 1500 - Fax: 528 1699 Akureyri: Rangárvellir, P.O. Box 30, 602 Akureyri, Iceland - Tel.: 528 1500 - Fax: 528 1599
[email protected] - www.isor.is Report Project no.:15-0252 Drilling Success in Geothermal Fields Utilized by Major District Heating Services in Iceland Björn Már Sveinbjörnsson Prepared for Orkustofnun (National Energy Authority of Iceland, NEA) ÍSOR-2018/043 August 2018 Key page Report no. Date Distribution ÍSOR-2018/043 August 2018 Open Closed Report name / Main and subheadings Number of copies Drilling Success in Geothermal Fields Utilized by Major District 3 Heating Services in Iceland Number of pages 200 + Appendix Authors Project manager Björn Már Sveinbjörnsson Steinunn Hauksdóttir Classification of report Project no. 15-0252 Prepared for Orkustofnun (National Energy Authority of Iceland) Cooperators N/A Abstract The report describes success of 446 production wells drilled in the years 1928-2017 in 63 low- and medium enthalpy geothermal fields which are exploited by the 64 major district heating services in Iceland. The dataset on which the report is based has been collected from the National Well Registry of boreholes and available reports. To the extent verifiable data are available, the assembled dataset is presented in an Excel document accompanying the report on CD. About 93% of the drilled wells were productive, i.e. encountered feeders that could yield a flow from the well.