285 COWARD STREET, MASCOT NSW 2020 PO BOX 215 ALEXANDRIA NSW 1435 PH# (612) 8338 9222 FAX# (612) 8338 9588 EMAIL:
[email protected] WEB: www.eurochefaus.com FOR DETAILS OF YOUR NEAREST SUPPLIER PLEASE CONTACT US FOR DETAILS OF OTHER EUROCHEF OUTLETS AND OUR PROJECTS DIVISION PLEASE SEE PAGE 211 The products in this catalogue are manufactured by the Matfer Bourgeat Group, Demarle & Tiger and held in stock in our Sydney warehouse unless oth- erwise marked Matfer and Bourgeat have headquarters in Paris with factories in Normandy and Lyon, Demarle in Northern France & Tiger in South Korea. Matfer and Bourgeat have been manufacturing premium products since 1814 and are involved in continuous research and development. An example being the use of Exoglass® to manufacture new individual pastry and bread moulds. In this edition we are pleased to launch a range of juice and cereal dispensers from Tiger. HEADING NEW ITEMS ALPHAMIX 2 5LTR PAGE 106 2 HEADING NEW ITEMS ALPHAMIX 2 8 LTR PAGE 108 3 HEADING NEW ITEMS TOMATO SLICER CHIP CUTTER 5MM PAGE 113 PAGE 113 4 HEADING NEW ITEMS Skim’All skiM ALL Fusion d’une araignée et d’une écumoire, le SkIM’ALL permet de récupérer et Part spider, part skimmer, the SkIM ALL enables you to carefully retrieve and d’égoutter délicatement même les plus petits produits, pochés ou frits. drain even the smallest poached and fried products. Grille sans soudure en acier inoxydable à la maille fne 3x3 mm, déployée, très Stainless steel un-soldered fne 3x3mm mesh, soft and rounded. douce et bombée.