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POLITICS 3 Debate no-show Pickering candidate instructed to skip it: teacher

POLICE 4 Markham murder Ajax man in custody


JASON LIEBREGTS / METROLAND In the PICKERING -- Councillors Doug Dickerson and Peter Rodrigues, along with Rob Gagen, centre, chairman of Pickering Blooms committee, octagon launched Pickering Blooms by planting echinacea (coneflowers), Pickering’s newly adopted flower, in the front garden of City Hall. Pickering fighter in ’s first Pickering program sprouts anew UFC card CITY TO BLOOM AGAIN WITH COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT KRISTEN CALIS Gardeners are now hard at work to make their participation from all residents and businesses [email protected] properties look bright and inviting for spring, and schools to bring awareness to our commu- and Pickering staff members, councillors and nity and enhance its beauty through that orga- PICKERING -- Although it wasn’t the sunniest volunteers plan to help enhance the commu- nization,” said Ward 2 Regional Councillor Bill Pressrun 51,400 • 32 pages of days, the rain stopped long enough Tuesday nity this season by promoting the community McLean, Pickering Blooms co-chairman. • Optional 3-week delivery for the City to properly ring in another season of beautification program. “Not only is it to show- $6/$1 newsstand Pickering Blooms. case those with green thumbs but to encourage See PICKERING page 8 JONES-DOOLEY Travel, Health, Life, 905.427.3595

™ Auto, Home & More... Your Best Insurance Is An Insurance INSURANCE BROKERS Broker 103 Church St. S. Ajax, Pickering Village Please consider joining Ajax Rotary NEW - Two Monthly Morning Meetings "You are as welcome as May 11th and 25th at 7:30 AM Mortgage & LiLifefe Insurance provides the flowers in May."-CHARLES MACKLIN securitsecurityyf foror your loved ones &&p peaceeace of Daddy’s Little Grill on Westney Road mind for yourself. Home and auto rates are on the increase. JD INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES • COMPLETE INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS Call for a quick quote today! AP 2 News Advertiser • April 28, 2011 PICKERING-- [email protected] KRISTEN CALIS with Conservativestaff records conversation High schoolteacher Mr. Blair theresponse from theparty’s politi- Campaign manager Mr. Bashaw showed Alexander, towhichMr. Blair agreed. from thenational officeasstarcandidate Mr. candidate wasn’tgettingthesameattention unidentified Chisucampaignworker saidthe Numerous timesontherecording, an the recording. sation. TheChisucampaign wasnotaware of aniPod with readyarmed torecord aconver- Mr. Chisu’s Kingston Roadcampaignoffice thenightSo before thedebate, hewent to candidates tobypass thehighschooldebate. national the had instructed headquarters porter, says hewasgiveninformation that But Mr. Blair, sup- along-timeConservative week. would participate intwoother debates that campaigning, andalsonotedthecandidate name” amongvoters, heneededtobeout News that because Mr. Chisuisnota“brand scheduling conflicts. He CBC specifiedwith thecandidatetiser wouldnotattend dueto manager, Peter Bashaw, toldtheNews Adver- tothedebate, Prior Mr. Chisu’s campaign the students liveinboth. candidates from thistimesince bothridings dates toattend inthepast. He chosetoinvite had candi- trouble gettingtheConservative al electionat andsays Dunbarton he’s never Mr. Blair hostspoliticaldebates eachfeder- gests. dence gathered by teacherJames Blair sug- bents DanMcTeague andMark Holland, evi- pit Mr. Chisuagainst seasonedLiberal incum- invitation, didn’twant to theConservatives because Mr. Alexanderhad turneddownthe all-candidates’School debate onApril 18.But they declinedtoattend aDunbarton High both claimedschedulingconflictswhen Alexander,Chris Ajax-Pickering riding, Pickering-Scarborough and Eastriding, candidates CorneliuChisu, Conservative recorded conversation toprove it. school debate, andateachersays hehas a federal electioncandidate toskipahigh national aPickering instructed headquarters Recording suggestsPickeringcandidatetoldtoskipdebate ELECTION aeOeSalMnhyPayment Monthly Small One Make aeOeSalMnhyPayment Monthly Small One Make rpeerdLanguage preferred Location or nearest your For Visit GtaCredit.Com The Conservative party’sThe Conservative James Blair we goingtogetwhentheyin? are afraidtospeaknow,what represent orselectindividualsthat

debate,” Mr. Bashaw continues ontherecord- isthefirst heindicated.fight “This theparty, But theChisu campaignwasn’tprepared to recording. “I’m not them,” the campaign manager says onthe soned Liberals. “He’ll out-debate bothof didate’s abilitiestostandupagainst thesea- Andhehad noreservations aboutthecan- “Corneliu at go would door-knocking, butsaidontherecording from theCanadian Forces, shouldbeout professional engineerandaretired major Mr. Bashaw admittedhefeltMr. Chisu,a Mr. Bashaw saidontherecording. “Ican’tgetanyway, anywhere them,” with national officeforMr. Chisutoparticipate. any headway gettingapproval with from the ing, heaskedMr. Bashaw ifthere had been paign officethenight hemade therecord- WhenMr. at Mr. Blair arrived Chisu’s cam- his team. theministerofinternationalLoan, trade, and spent theday Peter doorknockingwith Van to attend thedebate. She said Mr. Alexander candidates wouldn’t allow theConservative Advertiser manager, ColleenMason, toldthe Meanwhile, Mr. Alexander’s campaign legal action. recording, butsaidhewasplanningtoseek Mr. Bashaw wouldn’tcomment onthe regarding thecomment. Mr. Wong didn’trespond toquestions that.” at it leave just so Corneliu isalready doingacoupleofdebates, Alexanderisn’tgoing. is agoodidea?Chris LiberalPickering incumbent Mark) Holland eral incumbent) DanMcTeague and(Ajax- up against (Pickering-Scarborough EastLib- aloud. “Doyoureally thinkhaving Corneliu ticipate. therecording, On Mr. Blair reads it explaining why Mr. Chisushouldn’tpar- cal operations officerforOntario, Felix Wong, alNow: Call o l orDEBTS! your all For o l orDEBTS! your all For Ifwehaveto it’s that nottrue thenational office 0Hn tet ut23 jx(awo/w 401) (Harwood/Hwy Ajax 203, Suit Street, Hunt 30 905-426-8400 scared ofthat.” the drop ofahat.” News News But Ms. Mason toldthe going togetwhentheyin?”hesaid. als that are afraid tospeaknow, what are we “Ifwehave torepresent orselectindividu- party. the Conservative thispaints asadpicturepaign supporters of therecording, On Mr. Blair toldthecam- want toscrew that up,” hesaid. throwing extra ammunition here, andIdon’t candidate. “And they’re talkingtousabout ague” andthingswere lookingpositiveforthe He saidMr. Chisuwas“edging uptoMcTe- they’llgoagainst us.”the party, ing. “Ifwemake adecisionthat goesagainst


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tpItrs ih Away Right Interest Stop eueYu Debts Your Reduce 75PceigPrwy905.231.3004 Parkway Pickering 1755 News Advertiser Mr. tant,” saidMs. Mason. than anyothercandidate, seat isimpor- every any more from support, thenational office, his qualityasacandidate. “Chris has nothad ber ofvolunteers forMr. Alexanderspeaksto as astarcandidate, Ms. Mason saidthenum- AstowhetherMr. Alexanderisbeingtreated debates,” shesaid. had Minister Van coming,wedidthree Loan of Trade. “We couldn’tdoitjust because we cil Durham andtheAjax-Pickering Board Landings, Community Development Coun- Alexander attended LandOver debates with oNe for Need No BANKRUPTCY . -- WithfilesfromRekaSzekely TM

AP 3 News Advertiser • April 28, 2011 AP 4 News Advertiser • April 28, 2011 murder York Region charged in Ajax man CRIME AJAX-- market Wednesday. He inNew- wasscheduledtoappearincourt degree murder, attempted murder andconspira- Daniel Chi-Kwong Wong, first- with 25,ofAjax, Tuesday, On York homicidedetectivescharged were alsocharged. and 30-year-old Carty, Eric ofnofixedaddress, Two men,David Mylvaganam, 22,ofToronto, murder. attempted murder tocommit andconspiracy charged soonafter the incident murder, with Theirdaughter, 24-year-old Jennifer Pan, was theattackduring butsurvived. Her husband, Huei Hann Pan, 57,was injured 2010. invasion at herHelen Avenue homeonNov. 8, arrested. Bieh Ha Pan, 53,diedafterahome tomurderconspiracy theparents ofonethose charged inwhat York Regionpoliceallegewasa work inMarkham Tuesday, person isthefourth Thesuspect, whowasarrested at hisplaceof murder.with last yearinMarkham have charged anAjax man PUMP HAYWARD $ $ 50 50 PIGIT $AVING$ INTO SPRING ACCESSORIES nl oa Winter & Solar incl. OBTE IETA O OPRHS BV RUDPOOLS GROUND ABOVE PURCHASE TO NOW THAN TIME BETTER NO Police investigating afatal homeinvasion ABOVEGROUND evn h T vr3 Years 36 over GTA the Serving OFF OFF FREE Cover POOLS! AEPRICE SALE RAYPAK HEATER POOL GROUND ABOVE $ $ 999 999 TC SOLAR STOCK 3 IGTNRD. KINGSTON 637 BLANKETS NALIN ALL ON OTAX NO 95 5-18o 1-866-655-8198 or 655-8198 (905) ecuigSna pi 4hadMy22nd. May and 24th April Sunday *excluding oSreYuBetter! You Serve to roln(hcsn&Hy#12) Hwy & (Thickson Brooklin o pnSundays Open Now ni ue30th June Until IKRN 905-839-8399 PICKERING FILTER WITH SAND FREE 75BlwnSt. Baldwin 7775 11am-3pm* 905-862-2863 905-427-0070 Pickering Ajax E IHIG AE FAL L+++ WATER LIGHTING, JETS LED 39 PERSON, 6 POSEIDON MAXI-PUCKS ii e customer. per 2 Limit $ $ $ oyuhv etmna eelr htyuwryaotsnigaway sending about worry you that Jewellery sentimental have you Do 39 39 iie time. Limited 6,4 ADWIE RD.) WHITES (AND utmodr,Rpis eein- Redesign Repairs, orders, Custom aalJewellery Rafael 99 99 B einyu w eelr rltu utmdsg o you! for design custom us let or jewellery own your Design 7kg. eByAlGl Silver & Gold All Buy We W okn o nqeGift? Unique A For Looking a aalJwleyrpisadrfrihn ntepeie ... premises the on refurbishing and repairs Jewellery Rafael s e 5WsnyRa ot tKnso od Ajax Road, Kingston at North Road Westney 15 e 99 P o u pi 9h- 29th April tub hot d reaccessories Free ihprhs of purchase with A o I h ete egt lz eieRogers) beside Plaza Heights Westney the (In o ear eubsigo polishing? or refurbishing repair, for n Y a 8th May t Y h o e PNN KITS OPENING $ from $ u 905-426-4700 D aalJewellery Rafael 25 25 I a n nrud&aoeground above & Inground $ i C l y 99 5,4 99 wr Winner Award I stock. *In A W 2010 el raesmtignwfryou!! for new something create We’ll S o E IHIGWTRFL + + + FALL LIGHTING,WATER JETS LED 22 PERSON, 5 H r l d - wr Winner Award Choice Readers Time 12 JOURNEY G N eertn 0Yasi Business in Years 40 Celebrating 99 o o l t d A $ OLHEATERS POOL INGROUND RAYPAK $ P 100 100 r C i c h e e I q n u d OFF OFF e e ! x is $500,000 closer to getting an MRI thanks to the City of Pickering. In approved its budget, Pickering the money for the Rouge Valley Health System Foundation's Image Is cam- Everything paign to raise $5 million to buy the hospi- tal's first MRI. “I look forward to when patients “I look forward of the Rouge Valley Ajax Hospi- and Pickering tal no longer have to travel for this much- needed service,” said Mayor Dave Ryan in a press release. “Having an MRI right here in the community is essential to providing our residents the convenience with and urgen- cy their medical situation requires.”cy

City sets money aside in budget

PICKERING -- The Ajax-Pickering hospital


A Arl 1 article, 21 April An Pickering residentsPickering the tower planned to go on property at the Amberlea Presbyterian Church be will

HOSPITAL Pickering gives $500,000 for MRI

yu n r ae nanme ffcoswihcncag rmtm otm.Ecue mliby’e.2fr$) sedxgtx;‘re;addsonsotie hog oat rgas ori hcsaalbe ersretergtt ii uniis ersreteright the reserve We quantities. limit to right the reserve We available. checks rain No programs. loyalty through obtained discounts and ‘free’; x’; get x ‘spend $4); for 2 ‘multi-buys’(eg. Excludes time. to time from change can which factors of number a on based are and us by ocretayuitninlerr htmyocri h oyo nilsrto.nfil einaetaeak fLbasIc risafiits oNm n rsdn’ hieaergsee rdmrso olwCmaisLmtd eitrdue ufehlimited. Sunfresh user registered Limited: Companies Loblaw of trademarks registered are Choice President’s and Name No affiliates. its or Inc. Loblaws of trademarks are design nofrills illustration. in or copy the in occur may that errors unintentional any correct to

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Cell tower worries Cell tower worries

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ete odSouth Road Westney 7 oac Ave. Monarch

The MRI will produceThe MRI will detailed, clear images of the body while providing greater comfort with no side effects. with comfort Currently, Ajax physicians rely solely on different proce- dures such as X-rays, ultrasounds or nucle- ar scans. These often require additional follow-up tests to support a diagnosis and follow-up tests to support may not get the most accurate results. The campaign team is thrilled with the with The campaign team is thrilled gift. "This gift is an amazing example of the "This generosity and its of the City of Pickering residents; and is a reflectionresidents; of the com- munity’s high regard for the hospital and its services," said Chadservices," Hanna, RVHS Foun- dation president and CEO. "We are getting closer and closer to reaching our $5-mil- lion goal and Pickering has reallylion goal and Pickering given the campaign a boost with this announce- the campaign a boost with ment." ment."

just under 15 metres tall, and only plans for cellphone towers 15 metres and high- er go to council for consultation. Advertiser

al tetWest Street Bayly

oFrills No




awo v.South Ave. Harwood

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regrets the error. A SALE DAY 3

etnflour Weston

tv Peggy’s & Steve nofrills 75Knso od Pickering Road, Kingston 1725

The News

POLICE SIU probes man’s plunge from Ajax Hwy. 401 bridge

how a man stopped by police in Ajax Sun- day Avenue came to fall off the Harwood bridge onto Hwy.bridge 401. Durham police stopped the man as he drove at on Harwood about 3 p.m. Sun- day thereafter and shortly he fell from the bridge, landing in the westbound lanes of the 401. The 20 year old was rushed to hos- the 401. The 20 year old was rushed


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Pie nyaalbea gsios&Nnysnfil 5 lo t . saa hi ehsnfil 00Smo t . saa o’ nofrills Don’s Oshawa, N., St. Simcoe 1050 nofrills Beth’s & Chris Oshawa, E., St. Bloor 151 nofrills Nancy’s & Agostino’s at available only *Prices 55Tiko d . hty o’ orls15ByyS.W,Aa,See&Pgysnfil 75Knso d,Pceig atFse’ orls303 nofrills Fisher’s Matt Pickering, Rd., Kingston 1725 nofrills Peggy’s & Steve Ajax, W., St. Bayly 105 nofrills Tom’s Whitby, N., Rd. Thickson 3555 rc t,Wib,Faksnfil 2 udsS.W,Wib,Je&Br’ orls10 igS.E,Oshawa E., St. King 1300 nofrills Barb’s & Joe Whitby, W., St. Dundas 920 nofrills Frank’s Whitby, St., Brock 2 v



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pital with multiple fracturespital with but his inju- ries areries as non life-threatening, described police said. The provincial Special Investigations Unit, which probes incidents of death, serious injury or sexual assault involving injury serious police, has launched an investigation into the incident. information is Anyone with asked to call the SIU at 1-800-787-8529

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b b AP 5 News Advertiser • April 28, 2011 6 A Metroland Media Group Ltd. Publication AP Tim Whittaker - Publisher Joanne Burghardt - Editor-in-Chief Mike Johnston - Managing Editor Duncan Fletcher - Director of Advertising Editorial Eddie Kolodziejcak - Classifi ed Advertising Manager Abe Fakhourie - Distribution Manager Lillian Hook - Offi ce Manager Janice O’Neil, Cheryl Haines - Composing Managers News/Sales 905-683-5110 Fax 905-683-7363 Classifi eds 905-683-0707 Distribution 905-683-5117 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax ON L1S 2H5. Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 40052657 News Advertiser 2011 • April 28, Opinions Member: Ontario Press Council, OCNA, CCNA, SNA. All content copyright &WE THINK... email responses to [email protected] Conservatives should form majority government Durham Region residents head to the ture in Ottawa that has overtaken the federal election polls next Monday for business of the day. the fourth time in seven years. Stephen Harper has proven himself Like other , they are tired here at home and abroad as an able, of being pulled back to the ballot box knowledgeable and hard-working prime after seven years of political uncertain- minister. He leads by example, keeps a ty. Starting with ’s minority keen focus on the Conservative agenda, Liberal government in 2004, Canadians and has consistently projected an assur- have since elected two more successive ing image as a quiet, competent prime minorities, this time with the Conser- minister even as his agenda is hobbled vatives led by Prime Minister Stephen by his government’s minority status. Harper. But, Canadians are confident that when It’s time for Durham Region -- and he says his government will eliminate voters across the nation -- to choose sta- the deficit by 2014-2015, it will be done. bility and provide Mr. Harper’s Conser- It is precisely this sort of assuredness, vatives with the coveted majority they this clear sense of purpose and direction have been patiently building towards for the nation, that Durham residents since 2006. must consider when they head to the Under a Conservative government, ballot box on May 2. Canadians can expect continued and Do they want another shortened term competent fiscal management, sharp of government where politics drives focus on the recession-induced deficit, the agenda, or one driven by ideas and a business climate that will lure invest- achievement? Do they want a govern- ment and, perhaps most importantly, a ment limited by the ambitions of polit- period of political stability and freedom ical insiders, or a government that can in which a majority government can carry out the business of the day? Final- develop and implement its agenda. ly, do they want a government that could The jockeying and pure political par- fall at any time -- once again -- so that tisanship that has been the hallmark they are forced to choose for the fifth of the last two minority governments time in eight years? Nine years? has left without traction on the It’s time for majority rule in Ottawa. economy, on new policies, on progress. The party best suited with experience, a e-mail letters to [email protected] / max. 200 words / letter writers are obliged to back up their The election of a majority government clear agenda and the ambition to see it statements with verifiable facts / please include your full first and last name, city of residence & daytime phone will also finally break the coalition cul- through is the Conservatives. number / letters that do not appear in print may be published @ Jumping off the Twitter election train at the next stop

It was still early days in this federal elec- put their beliefs out there for the world to sive they’ll be in office. But I suspect when tion when the media dubbed it the Twitter see on Facebook or Twitter. it comes to winning votes on election day, election. The Twitter tag #elxn41, repre- With this election, it seems to be main- it’s knocking on thousands of doors, call- senting Canada’s 41st federal election, was ly political activists and the news media ing voters and grabbing mainstream media trending, political candidates were jockey- talking to each other on Twitter, becoming attention that will garner them support. ing to make friends on Facebook and jour- almost a form of entertainment instead of Even the most popular local politician on nalists were breaking their thumbs tweeting political discourse. Facebook, Ajax-Pickering Liberal Mark Hol- and live blogging events. In fact, I almost get the sense that the wall- land, has just 3,600 friends on Facebook. As someone who’s excited about the uses to-wall online coverage almost served to To put that into perspective, 8,313 people of social media both at work and in my per- cheapen the debate. Complicated substan- voted in advance polls in his riding. Even if sonal life, I was more than ready to jump on tial policy discussions don’t work well on all of his Facebook friends lived in the riding the Twitter election train. Reka Szekely Twitter. On the other hand, observations and voted in advance polls, they would still But somehow, as I followed a hot local on what the leaders look like, the quips they represent less than half of those who voted race here in Ajax, that train derailed for me I understand that; some of us are willing make, and crowd reactions to a sharp attack last weekend and certainly a fraction of the and left me thinking it was more traditional to talk politics to anyone who so much as on an opponent work great and important votes needed to win the riding on election campaigning methods that would win the glances at a newspaper headline in the line issues fall out of the news cycle faster than day. hearts and minds of voters. to buy groceries while others won’t even tell ever because reporters need something to But hey, with another minority govern- Part of the problem, with Twitter especial- their family members who they’re voting tweet about. ment, we can take another stab at creating ly, is that it’s ended up being a giant echo for. I do give credit to local candidates who a Twitter election in just a couple of years or chamber. The folks fervently tweeting about Most people fall somewhere in the mid- have invested the time not only to post on sooner. this election are the usual suspects, people dle in that they may talk politics with their Twitter and Facebook, but also to respond -- Reka Szekely’s social media column appears every who wear their political leanings on their friends and family, and maybe even the odd to their followers’ questions. It’s time con- Friday in this space. Contact her on Facebook, Twitter (@ sleeves. co-worker, but they would never publicly suming and an indication of how respon- rszekely) or e-mail at [email protected]. In March, candidate former Salman Farooq, intheOctoberprovincialset torun election. candidate onApril 11andis fortheriding PC Kevin Gaudet wasnominated asthenew a newcandidate. leaderTim PC Ontario Hudak has welcomed more than adozen fraud-related charges, ering-Scarborough Eastwascharged with Progressive candidate forPick- Conservative PICKERING --Just weeksaftertheformer provincial election nomination torunin Kevin Gaudetreceives New Conservative candidateforPickering-ScarboroughNew Conservative Eastriding PROVINCE respect they deserve and the relief they need," andthereliefrespect theyneed," theydeserve know theycancount onKevin Gaudet forthe income supplement benefits. “GTA families receiving andguaranteed oldagesecurity killerClifford from such aschildserial Olson the charge forlegislation tostopprisoners Taxpayers Federation. He successfullyled federal director andOntario oftheCanadian advocate forlower taxes, lesswasteandisthe Mr. Gaudet isrecognized nationally asan out theirknowledge. obtainedinpeople'smortgages names with- len andforgedchequesfraud related to case ofidentity theft, credit-card fraud, sto- in what policecalledawide-ranging of Woodbridge, wascharged14offences with tion ofKevin toourteamshows our growing Mr. Hudak said inapress release. addi- "The hardworking familiesacross Ontario.” momentum aswemove todeliverchange for

7 News Advertiser • April 28, 2011 P 8 News Advertiser • April 28, 2011 P on communitypride Pickering Bloomsbuilds CITY Local clubs such as Pickering Horticultural Horticultural clubssuchasPickering Local throughout Pickering. showcase andrecognize ofcivicpride efforts many community programs designedto organizations tofindinformation aboutthe nesses, schools, community groups and Theprogram enables localresidents, busi- said. Communities inBloom,”with Coun.McLean “We that builtonthespecificpride comes toward Blooms in2009. Pickering ue thethemeandtocutcosts, theCitylooked received tophonours, butinorder tocontin- cial competitionCommunities inBloom and usedtoparticipate intheprovin- Pickering erties. It’s alsoknown asconeflower. ant andoffersmany beneficialhealthprop- reach upto170centimetres, isdrought toler- able, perennial plant. Theflower, whichcan beauty andespeciallybecause it’s asustain- a beautiful pinkcolour. It waschosenforits resembles ablack-eyed newly adoptedflower, echinacea, aplant that lors andstaffplanted abedofPickering’s kick offtheannual program. Thecouncil- gloves CityHall at Pickering April 26to help traded Rodrigues intheirtiesforgardening lors McLean, DougDickersonandPeter MayorPickering Dave Ryan andcouncil- PICKERING frompage1 Susan but blossoms Susan butblossoms giveaway, aplant show andaflower sale. son, includingagarden workshop, acompost Anumber ofevents are plannedforthesea- Cityevents.various Esplanade, ortokeepaneyeoutforthemat free echinacea seedsat CityHall, The One Residents are encouraged topickupsome ful. oradoptingaparkparties tokeepitbeauti- in projects suchasthrowing litterclean-up for thegarden competition,orparticipating getting involved, whetherit’s by signingup ber ofresources forresidents interested in tinction award. Thewebsitefeatures anum- den forchance toreceive aGarden ofDis- canregister But thosewhowish theirgar- tion,” hesaid. “It’s participation asopposedtocompeti- thumb, gettinginvolved. who have just discovered theirowngreen only schoolkids, butalsoadultsandseniors Coun.McLean saidheenjoys seeingnot to offergardening tips. evenvisithomesofthoseinterested bers will signed uptohelpoutthisseason,andmem- Forest Environmental Stewardship have all BloomersandAltona andBritches Society, blooms For moreinformationortoregister: VISIT CALL 905-683-7575 APPROACHES h te essb hc eeprec life explained experience dysfunction we Neurosensory which • by senses 2 other The • therapies drug vs. abilities approaches cognitive Natural child’s • your affect can LEARN: diet OF How WILL SERIES • YOU THE AND IN WORKSHOPS THIRD COMPLIMENTARY THE FOR US JOIN OLEARNING TO DISABILITIES lc:15 igtnRa,Ui 208 Unit Road, Kingston 1550 Place: p.m. 8:00 to 7:00 Time: 2011 11th, May Wednesday When: O ILNTB DISAPPOINTED. BE spot. NOT your WILL reserve YOU to today 420-7231 (905) Call CALLERS. 20 FIRST TO LIMITED IS SEATING aeanuoesr rcsigdsre htcudb fetn hi learning. their affecting be could that disorder processing neurosensory a have skills handwriting with trouble Have everything smell 5) or texture touch or to color Need certain a 4) of foods eat bike Only their ride 3) clothes to their learning from trouble tags Have the off 2) cut to you Ask 1) NATURAL OSYU CHILD… YOUR DOES FrtPceigPae2dfor ikrn Ontario Pickering floor) Place,2nd Pickering (First D/DD*ERIGDSBLTE*OCD DISABILITIES* *LEARNING ADD/ADHD fyuasee e oayo hs usin hnyu hl may child your then questions these of any to yes answered you If eur intervention. require that problems integration sensory experience children 10% “normal” to of 5 that estimated is It POTENTIAL! LIFE FULL CHILD’S YOUR UNLOCKING r eunadD.Dallaire Dr. and Seguin Dr. RSNE BY PRESENTED The Whitby-Oshawa saw riding an 8,133 castinDurham. 6,714 advancevotescastinOshawa, and 52 percent over 2008numbers, with increased 51percent andDurham rose The electoral ofOshawa riding 8,313advancevotescast.with the highestincrease across theregion, increase ofapproximately 206percent, ofAjax-Pickering Theriding saw an out wasalsoupconsiderably. In Durham Region,advancevoterturn- this Easterweekend. estimated tohave beencastnation-wide In total,2,056,001advancevotesare eral electionof2008. turnout across Canada over thelastfed- a 34.5-per cent increase inadvancevoter ing results are in,andthenumbers show Preliminary estimates onadvancepoll- advance votersaway from thepolls. Not evenalongweekendcouldkeep DURHAM -- They cameoutindroves. [email protected] TARA HATHERLY flock toadvancepolls Durham Regionvoters ELECTION o oeifraino h oain n ae fteteton: treatment of dates and locations the on information more For licensed Environment the of technicians. Ministry trained Ontario or by applicators applied be Durham. will of larvicides Municipality All Regional the across areas in lagoons sewage in placed eitainN.208udrthe under 28008 No. Registration h rnlrfruaino h larvicide the of formulation granular The Regional the throughout areas water, Durham. in standing of ponds of Municipality retention pools water temporary storm in and placed ditches be will Canada) Act, Products larvicide israelensis the of formulation liquid areas The in drains storm Durham. of of basins Municipality catch Regional into the placed across be will Canada) larvicide Act, Products the of formulation pouch sphaericus soluble water the - or the (Altosid Canada) under Methoprene No.27694 larvicide and the No.21809 of Registration formulation briquette and/or pellet The Nile West of vectors into larval development control their to virus. prevent Health to of order Officer in Medical under mosquitoes Region's programs Durham larviciding the of conducting and authority be Durham the will of Transportation Municipality of Regional Ministry the Ontario 2011, October, and May Between DURHAM REGION DEPARTMENT HEALTH OIEO ETCD USE PESTICIDE OF NOTICE Vcoa 20 eitainN.16 ne the under No.21062 Registration - 1200L (Vectobac Vcoe S eitainN.209udrtePs Control Pest the under 28009 No. Registration - WSP (VectoLex otc h uhmRgo elhDprmn at Department Health Region Durham the Contact -8-7-63et 18o ii visit or 2188 ext. 1-888-777-9613 etienootroc o diinlinformation additional for [email protected] -1-3-42(olc al cetd rvisit or accepted) calls (collect 1-416-235-5462 o diinlifrainaotWs ievirus Nile West about information additional for otc nai iityo rnprainat Transportation of Ministry Ontario Contact nai iityo rnprainproperty: Transportation of Ministry Ontario einladMncplproperty: Municipal and Regional ilbe will Canada) Act, Products Control Pest ailstuigesssubspecies thuringiensis Bacillus ailssphaericus Bacillus Canadian history. single-day turnoutsofadvancevotersin Monday, April 22and25,saw thehighest Friday andEaster22, 23and25.Good Advance votingpollswere openApril votes castthisyear. increase regionally, 8,147advance with increase of38percent, thelowest Tara HatherlyisaDurhamCollegejournalismstudenton Total Votes:596 Jack Layton MINORITY(8per cent) Jack Layton MAJORITY(7 per cent) Michael IgnatieffMINORITY(7percent) Michael IgnatieffMAJORITY(2percent) MINORITY(36percent) Stephen Harper MAJORITY(39percent) Stephen Harper form thenext federal government? polls inafew days, short whodoyou thinkwill In answer tothequestionCanadiansgo Favourite candidatepoll Facebook newsdurhamFan etCnrlPout Act, Products Control Pest placement withtheNewsAdvertiser. Vcoe G- CG (VectoLex Bacillus etControl Pest o te olcinlctosnear locations you. collection other visit for near or Facility you Management Waste a for Visit types. waste other from separately delivered charge when no at depot accepted are they waste where a hazardous to taken household be must can They damage equipment. and canisters workers injure these severely empty, Even garbage. when be or box blue misleading. never your in put should is waste as Hazardous This labeled be “recyclable”. may products Some packaging. hazardous the on regardless claims are empty, of when tanks even camping waste helium tanks small and BBQ large and small tanks, canisters, Propane box blue collection? my for in tanks propane Can put I them. tanks on labels propane recycling small with some have I box. blue the into them toss you before bottles your recycled. empty being Please as too than up end rather bottles will garbage they and the sort to makes heavy liquid bottles The plastic recyclables. box blue sort other from to pressure Region’sair use the which the Facility, Recovery by at Material recovered sorters full, be automated partially cannot left they If per recyclable. 100 cent are blue bottles my beverage Plastic in a put in is left box? it is before liquid if bottle matter it Does 1-800-667-5671 0 osadR.E,Wib NLN6A3 L1N ON Whitby E., Rd. Rossland Durham 605 of Municipality Regional Management, Waste to comments or questions, [email protected] letters, related waste your Send Katherine Ask ultm atTm nldn aaeet) ) Management Management Including Including - - Time Time Part Part - time Full ( utpePstosAvailable Available Positions Multiple O ROLN&UXBRIDGE UXBRIDGE & & BROOKLIN BROOKLIN FOR mi:[email protected] Email: ihnSoeo by by or Store Within yArl3,2011 2011 30, April by pl Now! Now! Apply away. give to items your who have in community people together bring that and ( Kijiji ( (, There Craigslist Freecycle such Internet. organizations, and as online the also buy on are items to sell opportunities forums. many online and at it Look of use to money. some way make make great to a others is you allow this that using, item not valuable are a have you If shops. consignment local Consider read. widely ads. and priced reasonably classified Place neighbourhood. sognzdwt h hl tetor street whole that the one with or organized event, is solo a be items. can reusable This of quantities large of sale. garage lighting a sink. Hold thekitchen tools, even and fixtures lumber, Restores hardware, doors, windows, as from such Humanity future, renovations, items your accept for ( in clothing, are goods. Habitat previously as renovations sporting If such and accept housewares items, will used many others and Army ( Salvation Association (, (, Diabetes Canadian the Goodwill condition? Donate. good in still are items that unwanted with do I can What HIRING HIRING raiain uhas such Organizations NOW NOW o a e rid get can You hyare They hr are There AP 9 News Advertiser • April 28, 2011 10 AP News Advertiser • April 28, 2011 Adopt-a-pet mourning dove nests intheir yards bating. Two of my neighbours had for anumber ofbirds already incu- lastweekcaused havocern Ontario fronts that marched across south- High accompanying storm winds crossing theGreat Lakes? Who knows how many are lost finally disappearinto thewaves. ing, theydrop lower andlower, and across. Too exhausted tokeepfly- halfway into headwinds running flocks ofwarblersandshorebirds the GulfofMexico tell stark talesof doing radar tracking in onoilrigs rank right upthere. Ornithologists birds have tocontend with, storms all thethreats anddangersbreeding going. Especiallyifyou’re abird. Of It ain’teasy,keepingthespecies Kristen’s Kritters WHITBY -- 665-7430. call905- for moreinformation 1505 Wentworth St.,Whitby,or Regionat Society ofDurham see Sampson,visittheHumane Not adogforsmallchildren.To be calmandassertivewithhim. He needsapersonwhocan had anyobediencetraining. ic. Heisstillapupandhasnot with peoplebutoverlyenerget- like otherdogsandisfriendly male, neutered.Heseemsto month-old chowLabradormix, Storm causesdamageto earlynesters Storm kristens_kritters. VISIT EMAIL RYAN PFEIFFER/METROLAND Sampsonisaneight- [email protected] 45HroyR.TutnE,Oshawa E., Rd./Taunton Harmony 1445 Gomn Available) (Grooming 0 ano d/isnRd.,Oshawa Rd./Ritson Taunton 300 gusts. hawk nest lessvulnerable towind choosing anoldcrow orred-tailed again nextJanuarytry --hopefully owls livealongtime, likely andwill the nestwasabandoned. Thesebig ily thisyear. Thechick perished; the resident pair’s hopes forafam- week’s marked storm theendof Marsh of thenestat Second inlast Thebaby owlet tossedout er story. For great horned owls, it’s anoth- babies throughout thesummer. over,start laying eggsandraising ically findanothernestingsiteand nest. Prolific breeders, sto- theywill time orenergyinbuildingasturdy birds, whichdon’tinvest alotof end oftheworldfortheseplacid blown away, eggsandall.Not the breeds. feature between20to25different Jan Coburn,addingtheshow will ent cats ondisplay,” says secretary where between100to120differ- “We’re lookingtohave any- Arena onApril 30andMay 1. takeplaceat the Scugog which will end’s Motor CityCat Clubshow, Blackjack competesat thisweek- says. just crazy intheshow room,” she some andhejust fitright in.He’s “His temperament wasjust awe- just fourmonths old. was evident from thetimehewas His knack forpleasingcrowds proud owner Donna Clayton. He’s fourinSeptember,” says his “He’s goingtobefourthisyear. features sincehewasjust akitten. has beenshowingoffhispurrfect holds numerous cat show titlesand spotted tabby bigpersonality with The beautiful Bengal brown speaks foritself. Purrsonality Blackjack’s name [email protected] KRISTEN CALIS Blackjack haspurrsonality arnAe,Oshawa Ave., Warren 1 905-571-6235 905-433-5564 Follow Kristen

@Kristen’s Kritters 905-725-9225 only imagine how seasick a baby and came crashing can One down. of thestoutest sugar maple cracked daywildest lastweek,ahuge arm sway the andtossinastorm. On shore inWhitby, ofLakeOntario Thickson’s Woods, perched onthe I’ve seentheway thetallpinesat BARBECUE FORTHEHUMANESOCIETY a brother andsistersherescued In fact, Ms. show Coburnwill ance andpersonality. havewill toshow offtheirappear- Association, andhouseholdpets standards by theCanadian Cat cats mostlybejudged will onbreed this weekend’s show. Purebred household cats andpurebreds at There forboth be categories will says.his owner supposed tobeby thestandards,” sweet boy, which iswhat they’re so adorable andlovable. He’s avery him, Iletthemtouchhim. He’s just but whenthepeopleasktotouch the lookofhim. He lookssowild, crowds “The really likehim, just lying allhisscores over theyear. Canada, whichiscalculated by tal- Blackjack wastheseventh bestin At thetimeofinterview, side,” shesays alaughs. with “Bengals are alittleonthebold the crowd’s delight. coffee at hislastshow, butmuch to He endedupspillingajudge’s as “a real ham.” Ms. Clayton Blackjack describes cards for BatonRouge, PetSmart, Wil- raffle offanumber ofitems, suchasgift at11a.m.the shelterstarting He’llalso roads), he’llhostabarbecuetosupport Rd. inOshawa and (Harmony Taunton 30atthe April Walmart at1471Harmony Society however hecan. OnSaturday, lover theDurhamHumane andsupports Quinton Abramson, 13,isahugeanimal MARGARET CARNEY provide the young, inexperienced Foundation leaped into action to bers of the Canadian Peregrine accidently, it’s presumed -- mem- knocked offtheledge by hermate -- Whenthefirst eggshelaidwas ed from northwest winds. chose asouth-facingledgeprotect- office building.Thefemale wisely ing eggsonthefifthfloorof an recent weeksare currently brood- up housekeepinginDonMills in trees. Thenewsworthy pairthat set buildings--insteadof high-rise falcons nestoncliffs--and egrine been having, it’s that fortuitous per- we’ve Giventhestormy spring fall out. in itsnest, andhow easilyitcould owl might feelifitmanaged tostay go, Quinton. $4,000 for theHumaneSociety. Way to fundraising inlate Sincehestarted 2008, Quintonhasraised morethan $3. and adrink, willbe$2,andahamburger and adrink go for $2eachorthreefor $5. Ahotdog gie goodiesandmore. Raffletickets will liams ChocolateFactory, abasket ofdog- p.m. day. the following to 5p.m.; gofrom itwill 9a.m. to4 Saturday from run show will 9a.m. The 1655 ReachSt. inPort Perry. a familyrate is$14.Thearena isat seniors andkids12under, and Admission is$6foradults, $4for the felinesthisweekend. passed, butanyonecancheckout Thedeadlinetoenter cats has ham Region. go totheHumane ofDur- Society show’s over, additional fundswill cats, Ms. Coburnsays. Whenthe feature food bank,will someofits group that alsohas an animal Oasis, anewDurham rescue arealhomes with cat lover. to possiblyfindthemsuitable lot oftherescues toshows a andshebrings Friends Affordable Feline rescueteers with group Ms. Coburnvolun- another,” shesays. been rescued inoneway or “All ofmy cats have Linus. recently, and Lucy 2116 [email protected] or(905)725- Nature mcar- queries: www.peregrine-foun- Checkout: onnesting. then carried ation from aroof across thestreet, pair, watched the15-minute oper- Quest andKendal, theperegrine hisdanglingrope.down ond egginside, thendisappeared a bucket, hegently placedthesec- graveling itwith lowered tohimin a specialnesttray on-site. Afterfill- rappel down from theroof andset They hired washerto awindow saferaccommodations. pair with BLUE SKYPHOTOGRAPHY has more than 3,000 species on her life list of has morethan 3,000specieson herlifelistof birds, seen in far-flung corners of the planet. Kristen [email protected] Durham outdoors writer Margaret Carney Durham outdoors writerMargaret Carney Join theconversation

@Kristen’s Kritters 11 AP News Advertiser • April 28, 2011 12 AP News Advertiser • April 28, 2011 perience gas,bloating,heartburn,acidre Ifyouexperiencefatigueaftereating,orex- diet meansthatthepancreas,whichisdesigned “Thelackofinherentenzymesinthemodern ring enzymesinfood. can destroy100percentofthenaturallyoccur- are heat–sensitive––socookingandprocessing ed fortheirowndigestion.However, enzymes come equippedwithsomeoftheenzymesneed- Food enzymesarefoundinrawfoods,which on foodinthesmallintestine,stomachormouth. Enzymesareproducedbyourbodiesandact system. gestion duetoalackofproperenzymesinyour nausea, youmaybesuffering fromimpaireddi- “UV rayscanbepresentevenoncloudydays or research andservicequalityatCNIB. these rays,”saysDr. KeithGordon,vicepresidentof prevention throughqualitysunglassesthatblockout have acure. This iswhythebestlineofdefence can leadtoseriouseyediseasesthatdon'talways “UV rayshaveacumulativeeffect overtimeand to protectoureyesfromtheharmfulraysofsun. to forget theyalsoserveamoreimportantpurpose: sential alongwithshoesandhandbags,butit'seasy Sunglassesarewidelyconsideredawardrobees- Sunglasses aremorethanjustafashionstatement tfe lnc nDra.RtdA yteBte uiesBra n Voted Services. and Hearing Bureau BEST Business as Better years the consecutive by 10 A+ Rated professionally Durham. largest in the staff, Clinics staffed on Specialist Instrument Hearing and Audiologists Founder and Audiologist M.Sc., O’Neill, Lila by: Written TV. Schedule live real with a television has offices 3 our of Each devices? Absolutely. these A. to listen I Can Q. the directs tubing clear fine A appealing. cosmetically and small are They No. A. noticeable? devices these Are Q. audio other any or television hearing trouble have who people for well. new TV Brand my A. hear cannot still I but aids hearing wear I Q. Youmay tested. hearing your to have is do? I step can first what TV, The my A. hearing trouble having am I Q. Health & Wellness yAdooitLl ’el,MS. e.CASLPO Reg. M.Sc., O’Neill, Lila Audiologist By yfml asta h eeiini ntoloud. too on is television the that says family My orapitetfryu ern et fyuaeacniaefrteWireLESS demonstration. live the for a candidate for a scheduled are be you will you If system, test. hearing your for appointment your MORE HEAR WireLESS! others. with to The LESS ear. invisible with to virtually the coloured them in are rendering nothing colour, and is hair advanced, there match technologically if yet tiny as are feeling themselves a devices in resulting ear, the into sound comfortable most that’s volume the at comfortable listen volume them. can a for you at around devices, those your and, to you; TV, for the directly example sound source, stereo audio stream the devices from The wires wireless. no completely WireLESS with are the listening they are effortless computer, attached; for the allow or devices radio These devices. the hearing as such matter that for media you or loss. canal hearing ear some have the may blocking is that earwax some have s u Audiologist Our Ask After youeat,dofeeltired? fl ux, or to secreteonlyenoughenzymes help. Eachblendcontainsthefullspectrumof Udo'sChoicedigestiveenzymeblendsmay forts. response, oftenresultingindigestivediscom- the formofanallergic reactionorin launches anattackfromtheimmunesystemin not recognizethesefoodparticlesasnutrients, ticles topassintothebloodstream. The body, cretion, allowingpartiallydigestedfoodpar- up withtheincreaseddemandforenzymese- Eventually, thebodymaynotbeabletokeep author andformulatorofUdo'sChoice. overworked,” saysUdoErasmus,bestselling that startedinthemouthandstomach,becomes Childreninparticularneedprotectionastheireye and ahat,”saysDr. Gordon. eyes shouldbeatoppriorityrightnexttosunscreen in thespringandsummer, sunprotectionforthe “AsCanadiansstartspendingmoretimeoutdoors UVB rays. at least99percentprotectionfrombothUVA and shades, CNIBrecommendslookingforoneswith Whenitcomestochoosingtherightpairof year round.” in thewinter, soit'simportanttowearsunglassesall ern sBelieving! Is Hearing fi nish thejob fl ammatory 02BokS.S,Ui 4 Unit S., St. Brock 1032 HTYHEARING WHITBY u 1Rfra Source! Referral #1 Our hty NLN4L8 L1N ON Whitby, e.AP SB V,G n HYLRINSURANCES CHRYSLER and GM DVA, WSIB, ADP, Reg. eraybetter! any hear 905-666-7726 u Concern” Our wr Winner Award 2006 wr Winner Award 2006 Haigis “Hearing CENTRE wr Winner Award UHMADOERCSRIE LTD. SERVICES AUDIOMETRIC DURHAM crease energy levelsanddecreasein nutrient absorptionandimmunefunction,in- specifi zymes aredesignedtobeage–andcondition– These specializedformulationsofactiveen- gestion andabsorptionofallmajornutrients. important enzymesnecessarytohelpinthedi- online atwww.fl You can and foodallergies healthy living. sharing healthcommunity, afreeforumabout at (888)436–6697. You canalsojoinFlora's CNIB's ShadesofFunDay, pleasevisitwww.shade- Formoreinformationonhowtoparticipatein to supportvitalCNIBservicesintheircommunities. about theimportanceofeyehealthandraisefunds favourite shadesonMay26tohelpraiseawareness CNIB iscallingonallCanadianstodontheir Incelebrationof Vision HealthMonthinMay, tend tobeoutdoorsmoreoften. tissues aremoresusceptibletosundamageandthey o utcan’t just You ADVERTISING FEATUREADVERTISING 2006 Word-of-Mouth… wr Winner Award 2006 wr Winner Award o utcnthear can’t just You 2006 wr Winner Award c tofacilitatehealthydigestion,improve 2007 saa n Whitby Whitby and Oshawa, V V saa n Whitby and Oshawa, saa n Whitby and Oshawa, dacdcr..tmro’ ern today! hearing tomorrow’s care... Advanced nAa,Pickering Pickering Ajax, in OTED OTED nAa,Pickering, Ajax, in nAa,Pickering, Ajax, in edr Choice Choice Readers fi wr Winner Award nd out moreaboutUdo'sChoice is Place First is Place First n better! any JXPCEIGAUDIOLOGY AJAX-PICKERING ortoll–free 85Gean d,Sie104 Suite Rd., Glenanna 1885 ikrn,O 1 6R6 L1V ON Pickering, 905-831-8311 CLINIC 1111111 fl ammation W • • • eri-os service in-house year 3 warranty year 3 batteries of supply year 3 orry- oenetGat r available. are Grants Government otc sfrmr information. more for us Contact A rvddfrvlner sfantastic.” is volunteers for provided Tespotado-on training on-going and support “The • • • • • F Facilitator Volunteer omnt Awareness Community Fundraising Volunteer Office/Admin Group Bereavement Care Palliative VAILABLE 0-4-52or 905-240-4522 oute today! Volunteer Volunteers .c,Rg ALO u.(C) Aud. CASLPO, Reg. M.Sc., 1-877-668-9414 ree 5ByyS.W,Sie502 Suite W., St. Bayly 95 Needed! AL AUDIOLOGY BAYLY eoea Become P jx NLS7K8 L1S ON Ajax, 905-426-4000 rogram Contact SERVICES iaO'Neill Lila Audiologist Marisa Palumbo.“MypharmacistrecognizedthatIwashavingproblemswithmyasthmamedicationandwasn't “Foralongtime,Ithoughtthatmysymptomswerenormalandsomethingjusthadtolivewith,”sayspatient different typesofinhalerstomakesurethemedicationreachesairwaysandlungs. asthma ensurethattheyaretakingtheirmedicationproperly. A pharmacistcandemonstratehowtoproperlyusethe needs tobetakendailypreventsymptoms,andwhichrelieveanasthmaattack.It'salsovitalthatpeoplewith number ofdifferent typesthatanasthmasufferer maybeprescribed. Your pharmacistcanexplainwhichmedication Pharmacistsareavaluableresourcetopeoplewithasthma. When itcomestoasthmamedications,therearea patient's primarycareproviderormakerecommendationsaboutchangestotherapyanddoseadjustments.” toms they'reexperiencing,anddevelopanactionplantomanagetheircondition.Ioftenneedconsultwiththe to speakwiththemone–on–onediscusshowandwhenusetheirmedications, Rubeis, pharmacistandcerti “Asapharmacist,Iseepeopleondailybasiswhocomeintopickuptheirasthmamedications,”saysMarisa De asthma attacks. suffer fromunnecessarysymptomsrangingannoyingcoughingorwheezing,toseriousandpotentiallydeadly little morework.Sadly, morethanhalfofpeoplewithasthmadon'thavetheirconditionundercontrol,meaningthey Mostofustakebreathingforgranted,butthethreemillionCanadianswithasthma,easytakes a easier. their pharmacistforadviceonhowtobreathe encourages peoplewithasthmatoconsult TheOntarioPharmacists' Association more active.” I startedfeelingbetterandI'vebeenabletobe action plan.OnceIstartedtakingiteveryday a changetomymedicationandrevised taking itasoftenIshould.Shesuggested Health & Wellness Don’t holdyourbreath,talktopharmacist vnn &Saturday Evening • wait you while Repairs • Relines Day Same • Dentures Removable • Dentures Partial & Complete • nImplants on ikrn etr Clinic Denture Pickering orDnuitCnHelp Can Denturist Your RECONSULTATIONS FREE nr aah D(Denturist) DD Maragh, Andre 72LvrolR. Pickering Rd., Liverpool 1792 905-420-2652 oGST oP.S.T. No & G.S.T. No • mouthguard Custom • Plans Insurance All • appointments Accepted fi ed respiratoryeducator. “Manyofthemdon'thavetheirconditionundercontrol.Ilike 831-FEET(3338) •Children’sFeet •DiabeticFeet,Corns& Medicine Sport • •FullVeteran’sCoverage Orthotics Foot Custom • .. (Podiatrist) D.P.M Klein, J. Ronald 85Gean Road, Glenanna 1885 2003 Caluses ut 1 Pickering, 210 Suite ETLOFFICE DENTAL nai 1 6R6 L1V Ontario mrece n e Patients New and Emergencies R O MISKIN JOE DR. eaeaalbet ev you serve to available are We awo v.S,Ajax, S., Ave. Harwood 3 Welcome Diamond 2007 fi Diamond nd outmoreaboutthesymp- u alKnso Rd. Kingston Mall Hub 2010 PTC 5 0 9 ADVERTISING FEATUREADVERTISING 686-4343

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15 AP News Advertiser • April 28, 2011 18 AP News Advertiser • April 28, 2011 May 5th.BarrywillbeonhandtosignautographsattheChartwellboothfrom2pm. his performanceofNatKingCole’s“MonaLisa”.Barrywillperformfrom5:15to6pmonThursday the ChartwellSeniorStarCompetition2010.Beserenadedbyhismusicalrepertoireincluding Be entertainedbyBarryGardenerofOshawa,whowaschosenasone10nationalfi nalists in Come andlistentothesoundsoflocalsenior’sfromacross Seniors MusicalShowcase OSCC Drummers at 3:00-3:45pm Featured Thursday WHITBY SENIORSJUBILEECHOIR and energizesatthesametime. of meditationthatreducesstress,relaxes the brain.People loveitbecauseisatype as youusebothhandsandsidesof Drumming isagreatworkoutforyourbrain at 3:45-4:30pm siasm formusic. their signaturesongsumsupenthu- ASong”, whenever asked.“SayItWith Margaret Webber. Thisgrouplovestosing Breckenridge andtheiraccompanistis membership. TheirdirectorisBarbara have about100happychoristersintheir the communitysince1977.Currently, they Activity Centrehasbeenbringingjoyto The JubileeChoirfromtheWhitbySeniors’ 8th ANNUAL 50+LIFESTYLESHOW•MAY 5th&6th Chartwell’s SeniorStar, BarryGardener Durham Regioninourmusicalshowcase information. at formore to experiencedplayers.Pleasegoourwebsite beginners whowishtolearnplayaninstrument Horizons Bandwelcomesnewmembers...from ( ClaringtonNew is affi liated withNewHorizonsMusicInternational direction ofCarolynRogers.TheClaringtonband includes playersfrombothprograms,underthe Bowmanville andCourtice.The‘BrassEnsemble’ made upof6differentbands.Theypracticein is aConcertBandandSwingprogram, area. ItwasfoundedinJanuary2007.There teaching andperformancegroupintheDurham Clarington NewHorizonsBandistheonlydaytime at 4:30-5:15pm ENSEMBLE: BRASS CLARINGTON NEWHORIZONS contributors sponsors and to thisyears at 5:15-6:00pm Thank you 0.7.72905.420.6588 905.576.6712 For moreinformationontheSenior Centreinyourarea,pleasecall w.iyfikrn.o w.onfjxc 905.619.2529 ext 7248

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fteda isw ilemail will we tips deal the If o orvoucheryour you when the Thenbuy see? whatLikeyou lc tp h eti pto up is rest the clock stops - warned be - but - deal the o.I h eldoesn’t deal you the tip you. If unless deal the don’t get you emails an you r o charged cannot you are and enough people buy exceptional local a fromoffer r again tomorrow.try spread word. the off.50% least merchant at of Brad Kelly 21 Sports Editor AP [email protected] Sports BASEBALL News Advertiser 2011 • April 28, Junior national team members making an impact

ORLANDO, FLORIDA -- A trio of Durham Region baseball players are making their mark with the junior national team that is playing a series of exhibition games in Florida. In an intra-squad game, which last- ed ten innings, on Sunday, Ryan Kel- logg of Whitby, made his JNT debut and worked three scoreless innings, giving up one walk and no hits to go along with one strikeout. Michael Foster of Pickering also took the mound, throw- ing three innings and gave up one run on three hits and struck out three bat- ters. In an earlier game against the Houston Astros, infielder Joey Hawkins of Whitby scored the lone run in a 6-1 defeat. Hawkins walked, advanced to third base on an error and was singled home in the bottom of the sixth inning. The extended camp in Florida runs until April 30. The annual spring train- ing camp features daily practices along with eight exhibition contests against affiliated MLB clubs. The spring training camp is an important step in the process as the SABRINA BYRNES / METROLAND junior team will attempt to qualify for TORONTO -- Pickering’s Sean Pierson is ready for his UFC bout Saturday at the Rogers Centre in Toronto. the 2012 world junior baseball cham- pionship in Seoul, South Korea, at the MIXED MARTIAL ARTS Americas world junior qualification tour- nament in Cartagena, Colombia from Sept. 23 to Oct. 2. Pierson on card for UFC 129 SOFTBALL Three local players Pickering fighter set Until you’re in there and you fight, you don’t your opponent. Pierson was set to fight Brian know,” said Pierson. “So I’m fighting a guy who’s Foster at UFC 129 until a glaring health issue fall with Cal to face already got four or five fights in the UFC, me made its presence known just weeks ahead of winning that fight proved to myself that I do the fight and Foster was forced to withdraw. He CALIFORNIA, PENN. -- Three MANDI HARGRAVE belong here. I’m where I should be, this wasn’t a was diagnosed with a brain hemorrhage. players from Durham Region were [email protected] fluke, this wasn’t a gift from them saying ‘You’re “It definitely throws off the game plan, there’s among those disappointed when the a Canadian boy, get on the card.’” no doubt about it,” said Pierson. “Brian’s a cer- No. 20 California University of Penn- PICKERING -- He’s come a long way from the Not only did he prove his worth to himself, he tain height, a certain style of fighter that I was sylvania softball team was eliminated kid sitting in his parents’ living room watching proved it to UFC president Dana White. ready for, now I’m going to have someone dif- from the Pennsylvania State Athletic Ultimate Fight Championship 1 and dreaming Pierson’s debut fight in was sched- ferent.” Conference tournament last week. of the day he would step into the octagon. uled for UFC 124’s preliminary card, but made That someone is Jake Ellenberger, who brings After earning the first seed from Now, at 35, Sean Pierson is about to take on it onto the pay-per-view programming after quite a bit of experience with a 24-5-0 MMA the PSAC West division, the Vulcans his second opponent in the UFC as the Mixed White watched the two pound on each other record compared to Pierson’s 11-4-0. suffered upset losses of 7-4 to No. Martial Arts event makes its debut in Ontario on round after round for 15 minutes. No matter who Pierson is fighting, his big- 2 Lock Haven and 4-1 to No. 3 West April 30 for UFC 129. “My first fight was exciting for the crowd and gest challenge is always going to be keeping his Chester. “I’ve been training since I got the word,” he Dana and everybody noticed,” said Pierson. adrenaline down. Freshman second baseman Shel- said. “I never stopped training since my last But that’s what he does. Pierson steps into the “I have a tendency to go out there and put the by Lia, a graduate of Whitby’s Donald fight (in December).” octagon and makes people perk up and take fight in fifth gear right away and I don’t slow A. Wilson Secondary School, had a run Debuting in Montreal against Matthew Rid- notice. down until the fight’s over.” batted in against Lock Haven, while dle (5-2-0), Pierson describes the fight as a war. “When you’re flying into other provinces, As someone who’s gaining steady popularity, senior centre fielder Merissa Daley, He went toe-to-toe all three rounds with Riddle they’re not bringing you in to beat up people. I Pierson doesn’t want to be defined as a fighter. also of Whitby (Sinclair), collected two and came out the victor in a unanimous deci- was getting title fights on my second fight when “I just want to be a role model for kids in the of the six hits against West Chester, sion. I was 1-0,” he said. “Instead of winning fights, I community and my son ... I’m just trying to do including a double. “I learned in the UFC that I’m on the right had to crush people. That’s the way it was, you my best and show my son if you have a dream The Vulcans dropped to 28-12 level because that’s the biggest concern you had to make people notice. You had to make just chase it, it’s there.” overall this season. have. It’s like, ‘I want to be in the UFC, I want people notice on these local cards that these Senior Maria Greco, of Pickering, to be in the UFC.’ But once you’re there, you’re people aren’t at your level.” WATCH the video story had a 4-3 record and 2.50 earned-run like, ‘Did I ask for too much? Do I belong here?’ But nothing in MMA is guaranteed, not even @ average as a pitcher for the team. 22 AP News Advertiser • April 28, 2011 in championshipgame Nothing butBlueSkies AJAX LADIESRECREATIONALBASKETBALL AJAX -- [email protected] BRAD KELLY at ACCSunday team opens Jr. Blacrosse Ajax-based Ironheads haveelementofsurpriseontheirside JR. BLACROSSE quick kids,” hesaidofthe fast, wehave somevery be atoughdefensiveteam, “I thinkwe’re goingto faceoff. fora2p.m. totown Orillia munity Centre, welcoming on Pad 2at theAjax Com- home openeronSunday theirseasonand go with TheIronheads are setto in hisfavour thisseason. beworking will of surprise Ajax, ishopingtheelement B lacrosse teambasedin coach oftheIronheads Jr. fouls. ThePiperplayers into ofdefensive aseries as theyforced theEnergy early inthesecondhalf did pressure theEnergy slowly, butPiper started ald had three. ThePortly four treys while McDon- respectively. hitfor Leung 14and13pointsteam with last week’s funktoleadthe McDonald emergedfrom and Jenniferca Leung The Energy’s Moni- the Energywon42-25. host toGreen Energyas Piper played thegracious ketball League, Portly Ladies Recreational Bas- lation final oftheAjax AJAX -- EBA N DETSDPIEB 5% BY PRICE ADVERTISED ANY BEAT WE RonReed,thehead In theconso- er DillonStrachan, who back, joinedby newcom- and Eric McDermott are ton, Mark Hilker, Nick Baun defence, Hut- On Dylan 13). and Craig Espinho(4-9- 16), Gage Board (7-6-13) 26), DakotaWatson (9-7- Jimas27), George (13-13- ees Steve Douitsis(10-17- bereturn-offensively will theload expected tocarry 26 assistsfor55points. Also tallied 29goalsandadded scorer Brock who Levick in that beleading mixwill from last season.Included of theirtopeight scorers this season,includingsix 12 players tothelineup The Ironheads return our turnoutthisyear.” ies, we’re really happy with returning players androok- lot ofteams. With somany we are a goingtosurprise this season.“I’m hoping team heexpectstofloor Thurton and MichelleThurton Juline with anced scoring onceagain had bal- Geese in thesecondhalf. The built upaseven-point lead 9 points, theGrey Geese half. by Janelle Led Skeet, ing andled15-14at the Grey keptcom- Geese point leadearly,but the Blue Skies held afour- first half. ly played contest inthe Blue Skies enjoyed atight- game, theGrey and Geese In thechampionship for thePiper. high scorer 16points with talize. Kellie Bonnerwas but were unable tocapi- were shootingbonus early From Batteries $ 69 UEDSONSFRWOEAEACUT! HPONLINE SHOP ACCOUNTS!! WHOLESALE FOR DISCOUNTS HUGE 99 30 runners totheinitialtry- 30 runners Training campattracted change invenue. says GMJan ofthe Christen to increase ourfanbase,” found that itallowed us live inthearea, andwejust “Several oftheplayers offs. 0 record, missingtheplay- in theMid a4-16- Eastwith 2010, theyfinishedfourth overring from Markham. In played outofAjax, transfer- son that theIronheads have It bethesecondsea- will CowmanDylan ofAjax. paired localproduct with season, returns, be andwill who played in10games last In goal,Kayden Pack, season. ber oftheGreen Gaels last Biergard, whowasamem- from Stouffville andMike club includeJosh Kennedy Othernewcomerstothe last season. played theBeaches with 11 points forBlue Skies. Corkum chippedin with er onthenight. Lauren ishua Grant washighscor- free-throw shooting,Lucr- on100-perity stripe cent ing fourfrom thechar- With 17points includ- win. a44-35champions with to closeouttheseasonas they steadilypulledaway Blue Skies kepttheleadas anothertreyin with and Lucrishua Grant joined ter attack twotreys. with thecoun- points) started when Orange Bugayong (6 point inthegame came seven points. Theturning Gujol eachcontributing Assembly Bearing Hub Alternators $ From From 69 Economy $ 39 99 99 From C Premium BCA $ 79 99 From Cores Heater From alJoint Ball Economy $ $ 12 29 Set to start hiseighth tostart Set week. expected backearlynext Pat Gregoire. Allthree are Douitsisand be Levick, home openerSunday will the missingplayers forthe team onthefloor. Among Reed hasn’t had hisfull out schoolcommitments, of theplayers finishing someouts and,asyet, with osMom Does EDADYOFF? DAY A NEED 99 99 From ogPremium Moog $ 24 99 OTS NSMY5 2011 5, MAY ENDS CONTEST From rk Pads Brake From Monroe-matic Shocks Economy $ $ 19 9 99 99 I’m toget- lookingforward getting offtoagoodstart. “We’re to lookingforward Oakville (19-2). Green Gaels (19-4)and son, outscored 38-6by the ing twogames ofthesea- who dropped itsopen- against Orillia,itive start looking togetoffapos- of theIronheads, Reedis season behindthebench From Premium Wagner From oreSensa-Trac Monroe $ $ 24 29 ra ormom your Treat 99 99 oawonderful a to n e family her and inrBuffet. Dinner ohrsDay Mother's WWW.HOTSPOTAUTOPARTS.COM rnhor Brunch From From Economy Drums or Rotors Brake Monroe-matic Struts $ $ 11 39 99 99 From Premium Wagner From oreSensa-Trac Monroe $ $ 24 51 [email protected] 686-1121 (905) call reservations make To notified. be will winner the Only 5pm. at 2011 5, May by [email protected] to info contact your and or mother wife your about poem short a Send 2011. 8, May on Brunch Day Mother’s FAMOUS their to ea.) $34.95 at (valued passes FOUR win to chance a family lucky ONE offer to pleased are Parent Durham and Club Golf Ashburn Royal Merchants Sr. Bteam. andBrooklinof Clarington theJr.with BGreen Gaels lips, coach whoisaformer University, andRickPhil- es fieldlacrosse at Brock D’Orazio, whocoach- season, includingClem ple ofbenchstaffforthe Reedhas addedacou- getting outthere.” ting alltheboys backand 99 99 n e the get and rSTRUTS or u 3 Buy SHOCKS FREE t one 4th Monroe provincial championships. at PickeringAthleticCentre Ontario championsreside GYMNASTICS PICKERING -- Windsor results are: 5th overall. also qualifiedinbarswhere shefinished 14+ inbeamandfinished4thoverall. She Katie Towers qualifiedasalevel7age ished 5thoverall. She alsoqualifiedinbeamwhere shefin- age 14+inbarsandfinished3rd overall. Verena Herrmann qualifiedasalevel8 she finished5thoverall. ished 2ndoverall, aswellbeamwhere She alsoqualifiedinfloorwhere shefin- age 14+invault andfinished3rd overall. Samantha Smedleyqualifiedasalevel9 event finals. Thesechampionships were alsohostto compete inotherevents duetoinjury. overall. RebeccaBrown 17thfloor, didnot vault, 2ndbars, 11thbeam, 15thfloor, 12th 15th overall. 14th vault, 2ndbars, 12thbeam, 17thfloor, 7th overall. 5th vault, 13thbars, 4thbeam, 5thfloor, results are; AthleticPickering Centre’s athletes championships inWindsor. Theremaining athletes competeat their championships heldinNiagara Falls. letes competedat oneoftwoprovincial Centre’s women’s provincial artistic ath- NIAGARA FALLS -- vincial champion, finishing 2nd vault, overall. vault, 7th bars, 8thbeam, 7thfloor, 7th 14th beam, 9thfloor, 20thoverall. overall. Joyce Hughes 13thvault, 8thbars, vault, 10thbars, 8thbeam, 7thfloor, 11th bars, 22ndbeam, 8thfloor, 24thoverall. overall. Megan Edwards 6thvault, 18th 17th bars, 14thbeam, 10thfloor, 15th -- Chloe Scheel 8thvault, 9--ChloeScheel 5age Level 14+--Katie 7age TowersLevel 5th 14+--Verena 8age Level Herrmann 14+--Samantha 9age Smedley Level Level 5 age 12--Grace 5age WoolgarLevel isa pro- 11--Paige 5age Simpson 9th Level 10--Marielle 5age Santos 9th Level AthletesfromPickeringAthleticCentreproducedstrongresultsatthe Pickering Athletic Pickering 22nd overall. 15th vault, 21stbars, 21stbeam, 3rd floor, 10th floor, 6thoverall. SaritaCampbell Mohammed 4thvault, 8thbars, 9thbeam, 18th beam, 5thfloor, 5thoverall. Sydney overall. Jordan Kondo 6thvault, 1stbars, vault, 2ndbars, 5thbeam, 7thfloor, 3rd 23rd overall. vault, 19thbars, 21stbeam, 14thfloor, 2nd bars, 11thbeam, 4thfloor, 7thoverall. floor, 4thoverall. Vicky Sparks 6thvault, Sagat 8thvault, 3rd bars, 4thbeam, 7th bars, 4thbeam, 5thfloor, 2ndoverall. Alex beam, 6thfloor, 8thoverall. Megan Stoiber 11thvault, 6thbars, 7th 1st bars, 5thbeam, 1stfloor, 1stoverall. to compete due to injury. ified for championships butwere unable Jayden Gray andShannon Smalley qual- overall. vault, 19th bars, 16thbeam, 3rd floor, 11th beam, 8thfloor, 10th overall. 9thvault, 10thbars,Danielle LeBrun 11th 8th bars, 11thbeam, 2ndfloor, 8thoverall. 6th bars, 2ndbeam, 1stfloor, 2ndoverall. beam, 4thfloor, 8thoverall. all. Emily 5thvault, Lozano 4thbars, 9th 1st bars, 10thbeam, 3rd floor, 2ndover- overall. vault, 13thbars, 6thbeam, 2nd floor, 7th bars, 2ndbeam, 6thfloor, 3rd overall. overall. Madison Kondo 7thvault, 11th vault, 14thbars, 1stbeam, 1stfloor, 2nd 7th floor, 22ndoverall. Ewaskiw 6thvault, 23rd bars, 9thbeam, bars, 6thbeam, 3rd floor, 1stoverall. Katie vincial champion, finishing3rd vault, 1st Level 6 age 12--Sabrina 6age NasnerLevel isapro- 11--Claire 6age Platnar 14th Level 10--Jordyn 6age GrahamLevel 10th 13--Jo 5age YousiffLevel 2ndvault, 9th Level 8 age 12/13--Anna Taverna 8age Level 3rd 13--Kaitlyn 7age Trach 9th vault,Level 12--Savanna 7age MaLevel 4thvault, 10--Emma 7age Gill3rd vault,Level 14+--Sarah 6age Dewar11th Level 13--Adanna 6age Copeland9th Level JASON LIEBREGTS/METROLAND hrdy Flyers Thursday, Motorcycle Victory Any Ride Test Sports Spoiled 905-436-6487 Bowmanville Rd. Baseline 1898 [email protected] E-Mail: 640-0277 (905) Fax: 640-0261 (905) Tel: INC. information: CANADA for LAFARGE office sales local our Contact eieycag f$.0eeytreweeks. three optional 1:00 every an - $6.00 collect 9 of to Sat. charge around 6:30 be delivery - will 9 Carrier Fri. Your Circulation - call Mon. route Hours: OR paper 905-683-5117. 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North across projects construction DELIVER & PI 28, APRIL JXPICKERING AJAX JXPICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX JXPICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX JXPICKERING AJAX JXPICKERING AJAX JXPICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX PICKERING AJAX JXPICKERING AJAX PICKERING PICKERING PICKERING PICKERING PICKERING 2011 AJAX AJAX EORIDES DEMO a.My7 May Sat. & r.My6 May Fri. EACCEPT WE itr n itr Motorcycles Victory and Victory ltigadoe h pe ii.Nvrrd ne h nlec of influence the under ride protective Never Inc. and Industries limit. protection, Polaris speed ©2010 eye alcohol. the or helmet, drugs obey a and wear clothing Always Inc. Industries, 89BokR.#4 Pickering #24, Rd. Brock 1889 0 awo v.S,Ajax S., Ave. Harwood 300 OECustom CORE Roads Cross All-New awo v.S,Ajax S., Ave. Harwood 6 ae dSouth Rd Salem 8 are fTeWeek The of Carrier jx NLS7T7 L1S ON Ajax, are fteWeek. the of Carrier ee o en our being for Derek Congratulations ® 15Knso d Pickering Rd. Kingston 1105 6 igtnR.E Ajax E. Rd. Kingston 260 r eitrdtaeak fPolaris of trademarks registered are fMDnl’,Subway McDonald’s, of ocescompliments vouchers eki ee.Derek Derek. is Week oa’ are fthe of Carrier Today’s ktbadn.Derek skateboarding. a eevddinner received has 2OdKnso d,Ajax Rd., Kingston Old 42 6 al t .#,Ajax #5, W. St. Bayly 465 7 igtnR.E Ajax E. Rd. Kingston 279 n otnPizza. Boston and nosgia and guitar enjoys 5 ae d .D#1 S. Rd. Salem 255 Pickering & Locations i oeDepot) Home (in i oeDepot) Home (in Ajax 23 AP News Advertiser • April 28, 2011 24 AP News Advertiser • April 28, 2011 or ucsflcniae ilnurture will candidates Successful h‘hl’cidi u balanced our in child the‘whole’ er fBoki,NrhWhitby. North Brooklin, of heart pncasom,wt exposed with classrooms, open a (905-655-0657) fax h hr n rc flarge, of grace and charm The aeBnyil rCl ae let ornwhome. new your Alberta Lake, Cold or Bonnyville Make amlann environment. learning calm a ml aua ih cultivates light natural ample nosmtigottnig o’ etefrmediocrity. for settle Don’t outstanding. something into optraiiisaeassets. are abilities computer and athletic, artistic, Musical, h Horns! the by Life Grab Techs… Trained Factory itrcbikforml inthe mill flour brick historic rc al,hg elnsand ceilings high walls, brick Please u ilol otc hs eetdfra interview. an for selected those contact only will but u coli oae nthe in located is school Our n nertdcurriculum. integrated and n eeecs sw r uywt h children, the with busy are we As references. and unyu oremnatmtv evc ehcareer tech service automotive journeyman your Turn ieaoeyu u rmjbadmk h change the make and job drum hum your above Rise ehv hylradFr elrhp okn for looking dealerships Ford and Chrysler have We oen utlk o.SgigBnsu o$10K! to up Bonus Signing you. like just someone oa.PET fpeewr,ulmtdtraining, unlimited work, piece of PLENTY today. eapeit opoeclsplease. calls phone no appreciate we -al([email protected]) e-mail ihreuae eh ikbt nfa rate flat on butt kick techs educated Higher visit: o oeifrainaotorschool our about information more For eua hfs ra oilatmosphere. social Great shifts. regular etakalcniae nadvance, in candidates all thank We n aemr/oru o$42! to more/hour…up make and orrsm ihacvrn letter covering a with resume your • Custodian School • • Assistant Classroom Montessori • • Teacher Montessori French mi:[email protected] Email: laig&mitnneon maintenance & Cleaning hours (25 position Part-time Assistant Montessori / Childhood Early Montessori and bilingual Fluently or e week) per hours 20 – (15 schedule part-time a week) per available) training (summer required Certificate preferred diploma Casa language second a as French teaching experienced pl ncndnet ua Resources: Human to confidence in Apply is n opsint candidates compassionate and plcnsaeivtdfor: invited are Applicants oji u rwn tf team staff growing our join to a:708673 or 826-7430 780 Fax: okn o nprn,creative inspiring, for looking rolnMl otsoiSchool Montessori Mill Brooklin o h poigsho year. school upcoming the for oe ucsflapplicants Successful Note: • • Coordinator Fitness Physical • • Teacher Montessori Toddler rmnlRfrnecheck. Reference Criminal a provide must positions all EEpreferred RECE and planning in Experienced Toddler / Infant Montessori required RECE on children young for programs ed phys leading available) training (summer required certificate or preferred diploma for blt osadfrln eid ftime. of periods long for stand to average Ability an • weighting boxes shift and lift to able be Must • gun, tape forklift, a operate effectively and safely specification. to customer Ability • with accordance in products Pack • and Qualifications Loading the in assist to occasion on required tidy. be and May safe • is area work Ensure • accordance in whareshouse from products away shipment Pick/put or • and storage for products Pack • Scope Job n te akgn equipment. packaging other and f17kg. of trucks of unloading Date Due Customer’s the with laeealrsm utn o il o r pligto: applying are you title job quoting resume email Please ananadodraldbrigeupetand equipment deburring all order and Maintain • imperfections. for parts inspect Visually • burrs remove to parts vibrate and/or Grind • and customer by required as parts Deburr • scope Job supplies. drawing by requirements. required when parts grain and requirements. drawing iihdGoods Finished trsPerson Stores [email protected] iihn Department Finishing blt ora leprints. blue read to Ability • equipment. assembly required. setup pounds to Ability 30 • to up computers. lift and to machinery Ability • operating for required dexterity Manual • normally is This required. skills arithmetic and writing, reading, Basic • Qualifications in personnel Assist shifts; other from operators with Communicate • correct; are parts that ensure to department quality the to Report • maintenance preventive Perform change-over; equipment Perform • assembly. production Troubleshoot • within Operate M2M; of knowledge Equipment; Marking Part Operate • Scope Job pcfctos eetpoutotieofspecifications outside product Reject specifications; curdtruhahg coldpoao equivalent. or diploma school high a through acquired work. repair within product produce to necessary as adjustments Make machinery. marking part on (PMs) (JSAs). Analysis Safety Job and (SOPs) procedures operating standard blt ora leprints. blue read to Ability • equipment. deburring required. setup pounds to 30 Ability • to up lift to Ability • operating for required dexterity Manual • skills arithmetic and writing, reading, Basic • Qualifications ahnr n computers. and machinery equivalent. or diploma school a high through acquired normally is This required. h olwn oiin o u Pickering Division. our for positions following the for looking are We sectors. aerospace military and commercial international the to provider solutions and manufacturer Inc. Noranco atMarking Part sawrdcas integrated class, world a is eln asNtMkn nuh$$$? Enough Making Cars…Not Selling ewl a omv you move to pay will We •We• living of cost Reasonable • amenities city big big economy, Vibrant • and and benefits Comprehensive • an in dealership successful Very •V• Seriously. 140K/year! of excess in in make make consultants successful Our Alberta. Alberta. in in needed needed professionals professionals sales sales Seasoned Robotics oemxehg civr h r oiae osell to motivated are who achievers moxie…high some odLk odi okn o rfsinl h show who professionals for looking is Ford Lake Cold i ihcommunity community rich oil n rvnt ec hi ol.Gaate available Guarantees goals. their reach to driven and eso plans pension ul crdtdprogram accredited Fully recognized Industry ad neprec hog a simulation lab through experience on Hands programs learning computer-based Interactive registration Pay-as-you-learn r ucsfldaesi nan in dealership successful ery ilpyt oeyou move to pay will n sitnei uligclientele. building in assistance and real [email protected] email: or pl oa!W r understaffed. are We today! Apply a:(8)594-2476 (780) Fax: ua Resources Human available. package benefit & wage Competitive overnights. and weekends, evenings, mornings, early including shifts various offer We support. home personal & nursing community of provider leading a is Services Health ProHome rHm elhSrie Inc. Services Health ProHome O FAIR JOB uieso uevsr References Supervisory or Business 3 card - SIN & License Driver’s year)- 1 (within Check Police - Certificates CPR Aid, First Certificate- PSW Original HAVE MUST - therefore spot the in: on bring interviews please conducting be will We Ontario Oshawa, East, Street, Beatrice 250 Library Public Oshawa Location: Time: Date: :757275 :877-289-8483 F: 705-742-7751 T: rHm elhServices Health ProHome Pr er,Bwavle saa Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Perry, (Port eebruh N 9 5Y3 K9J ON, Peterborough, 0 lnil v.Sie201 Suite Ave. Clonsilla 700 okr PW)i h uhmRegion Durham the in (PSWs) Workers rdyMy6h 2011 6th, May Friday 12:30pm-4pm satvl eriigProa Support Personal recruiting actively is mi:[email protected] Email: l hfs(as vnns overnights) evenings, (days, shifts All ikrn,Ajax). Pickering, 25 AP News Advertiser • April 28, 2011 26 AP News Advertiser • April 28, 2011 240-2155. TrilliumCollege now! CALLNOW! 1-855- starting Classes Social Work, Health Care, Business, IN CAREER TRAINING (877)818-0783 stitute ofMaintenance available. CALLAviation In- aid ifqualifi approved program.Financial ed- Housing Maintenance Career. FAA Train for highpaying Aviation AIRLINES AREHIRING- Oshawa, Ont. L1J6W6 or 575 RdS.Thornton Send resume to john@ position. Class D-Zlicence. DRIVER FORFULL TIME forward resume: jdemelo@ competitive salary. Please amust.rience We offer a Region area. Previous expe- forSupervisor theDurham time evening Cleaning Company requires apart- CONTRACT CLEANING Classifi Careers Drivers Training Career abstract to: careers@ sume, currentcvor & drivers an asset.struction Sendre- quired. incon- Experience lent communication skillsre- min 3yrsexperience, excel- Valid AZ/BZ/CZ/DZlicense, $28.45/hr (Temp/On-Call). 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905-449-1988 ing, cooking &childcare. vices required: Houseclean- days/week @$11/hr. Ser- timehelp3 seeking part - Busyhomew/3children BROOKLIN HELP WANTED (905)571-1381 personality. Callfor interview Clean abstract andpleasant missions. Acarisamust. Must drive standard trans- for evenings, paidnightly. requiresdrivers 25+ Service DESIGNATED DRIVING 10:00am-2:00pm 2011 between views willbeheldonMay 14, ed for aninterview, inter- 2011 at5:00pm-thoseselect- tions nolaterthanMay 6th, submit resumeandqualifi ca- in thesubjectline. Please "Minute Taker orLifeguard" dent oftheBoardandstate your covering lettertoPresi- Pleaseaddress sumes to: dcc25@ terested candidatessendre- dard fi rst aidandCPRC. In- NLS- Bronze Cross, Stan- P/T Lifeguards certifi month, 3hoursperevening. ed: available 2evenings per Minute Taker,be must the following positions: A in Oshawa for isrecruiting CONDOMINIUM Corporation Careers General Help [email protected] preferred. Email: human Act, DZlicense req'd,AZ WHMIS &Highway Traffi Goods -Reg347/558, c Transportation ofDangerous ers, etc. Knowledge of Supervacs, Vantrucks, Trail- ciency, 3-5yrsexp. with Vac have MicrosoftOffi ce profiuid Waste & Treatment Must - ROUTE SUPERVISOR Liq- 29th to: 1-866-831-8665. Fax resume by Friday April shifts. $12.50/hrtostart. billing. Mustbefl exible for reception, schedulingand for busy Ajaxoffi ce. Filing, RECEPTIONIST part-time bondable. 905-686-9838. the nearfuture. Mustbe into full-timeemployment in Night shifthours. Couldturn cleaning business required. PART-TIME HELPERfor quired. Enroll Today! Re- anteed! NoExperience 100% LegitIncomeisguar- Our BrochuresFrom Home. up to$1,500 Weekly Mailing PAID INADVANCE! Make 9660. transportation. Call905-213- labor. Musthave reliable 100lbs, anddophysical laborer. Mustbeable lift HIRING CONSTRUCTION Secure your futureinCanada'sdynamicnuclear provides challenge and opportunities forprovides growth challengeandopportunities industry. ofanexcitingthat industry Bepart Careers General AMEC NSS-JobOpportunities Help •Email:[email protected]

anddevelopment. [email protected] plus bonus.Salary telephone skillsessential. offiering ce. Computerand SALES PERSONFORPick- Experienceincurriculumdevelopment • • Profi ExcellentEnglishcommunicationskills • • Licensed Technician Individual mustbe: CURRICULUM DEVELOPER someone whoisateamplayerandableto email to:[email protected] The CanadianAutomotive Repairand This opportunitywillbeofinterestto an asset PowerPoint required Service Council(CARS)isseeking an individual todevelop technical Technical Help HEAVY DUTYTRUCK Please faxyour resume to: cient withMicrosoftand Careers Skilled & General Help meet tightdeadlines. 905-709-1013 OR training materials.

or (905)668-4444 109 Dundas St. W., Whitby ence necessary. Apply to patched. Will train, noexperi- Ajax. ComputerGPSdis- immediately for Whitby & TAXI DRIVERSNEEDED To PlaceanAdCall:905-683-0707 Or Toronto Line:416-798-7259 Technical Help Careers Skilled & General Help

terview willbecontacted. terview Only thoseselectedfor anin- [email protected] expectations.:with salary tions. Pleaseemail resume with experience/qualifi profi commensurate t sharing, nied by benefi ca- ts, accompa- competitive including salary positive attitude. We offer skills andhave anunyielding communication terpersonal withexcellent in- Self-starter accounting to Trial balance. A/P, A/R,collections, Payroll, accounting knowledge &exp. min. 5years experience, full level management skills, tions. Qualifi cations: senior counting/administrative func- sponsibilities: managingac- MANAGER required. Re- CONTROLLER/OFFICE [email protected] Email: human in hydraulics &electrical. proven mechanicalabilities chanic, valid driver's license, Heavy Equipment/DieselMe- certifi cations, 5+yrsexp as credentials& appropriate college ortechnicaltraining, puter literate, completionof CHANIC (310T)Req'd: com- ME- TRANSPORT TRUCK burtonroofi [email protected] 905-404-8767 ore-mail: jobs. Pleasefax resumeto deliver &cleanup materials drive truck w/dumptrailer, ableown to transportation, record,needs clean driving draw diagrams. Musthave able tomeasureroofand vents, skylights, valley's, ing: shingle, smallrepairs, tractor able todothefollow- ROOFING SERVICE Con- ryanpeterson@ ward your resumeto: great pay rates! Pleasefor- for by thedealershipand our staffwhichisFULLY paid cellent benefi Transmission.t package to We offer ex- Front End,Drive abilityand Looking for techniciansfor trained licensedtechnicians. for aGM reer opportunity location hasanexcellent ca- tive busy andvery Port Perry - GusBrowns highlyproduc- WANTEDGM TECHNICIAN Rd. Unit#1,Oshawa., 8-3 sume offat1333Boundary valid drivers license. Dropre- shop. Musthave own tools, MECHANIC for autorepair APPRENTICE 1ST YEAR call Joe(905)723-9251 Centre. Applyinpersonor HAIRSTYLING, Oshawa with experience JOSEPH'S HAIRSTYLIST FULL TIME mission. (905)435-2174 stylist for chairrentalorcom- motivated andexperienced looking for professional, self- Salon Established Whitby [email protected] email: available. For moreinfo Must beteachable. Training ly. Noexperience required. time, $4000full-timemonth- Health industry. $1400part- WORK FROM HOME. 5775 Shannon Murphy1-877-219- necessary. We willtrain. Call this area. not Experience business in nancial services key peopletoexpand ourfi - WE ARELOOKINGFOR News Advertiser Technical Help Salon &Spa Office Help Skilled & General Help Help

27 AP News Advertiser • April 28, 2011 28 AP News Advertiser • April 28, 2011 North, Whitby.North, or dropoffat701Brock St. [email protected] Please emailresumes to mobiles andSeadoos. Motorcycles, ATVs, Snow- Sports. Mustbefamiliar with required for BennettPower EXPERIENCED SALESREP Competencies/Skills andExperience: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● "This Week" currentlyhasafulltimeopportunityasDistrict Position Accountabilities: work wellwithyouthcarriers. initiative towork wellontheirown, beinnovative, creative, and Representative, available forasuitablecandidatethathas Place your adat905-683-5110 :HWKDQNDOODSSOLFDQWVKRZHYHURQO\WKRVHVHOHFWHGIRUDQLQ E-mail: [email protected] Markham, OntarioL3R2N8Fax: 905-475-6396 Miller Waste Systems, HumanResources, 8050 Woodbine Ave., with thehoursofwork. you mayberequiredtoworkweekends andholidaysaswellareflexible You mustbeavailable toworklatewhentrucksarebehindschedule, and fast-paced environmentiskey aswellworkinginateamenvironment. and communicationskillsareamust. Your abilitytomeetdeadlinesina and electricalsystems. Computerknowledgeandexcellentinterpersonal ability todiagnoseandrectifyfaultsexperienceinrepairinghydraulic You havea310T Truck &Coachmechanic’s licence. You willhavethe Manager whennecessary. of workordersinatimelyfashionandfillfortheDistrictMaintenance place aswellliaisonwithdriversandoperationstoensurethecompletion productivity, andprofitability. You willmaintainacleanandorganizedwork and maintainprocesses, procedures, andprogramstoimprovesafety, safety proceduresandcompanypolicieswillalsodevelop, implement, mentor stafftoensurethatthefleetisadheringstandardoperating, as wellfollowupandtrackoutsourcedwork. You willlead, coachand the midnightshiftifapplicable. You willdispatchservice, tireandtowcalls You willmanagetheday-to-dayoperationofafternoonshiftaswell shift(2:30p.m.—Midnight) Afternoon Shop Foreman Our a diversified waste recyclingcompanywithoperationsthroughoutCanada. Miller Waste Systems Inc.,

Strong leadershipskills Reliable vehicle andvalid driver's licenserequired Physical activity -walking, liftingupto30Ibs Problem solver Previous experience inanewspaper environment anasset environment Ability towork withinafast-paced, deadlineoriented Excellent verbal andwrittencommunicationskills Working knowledge ofMicrosoftOffi Solid Team contributor Proficient inmulti-tasking Customer service Occasionally, prepareanddeliver newspapers whenrequired. market coverage fi Maintain accurateandcurrentdistribution recordsandtotal Maintain allservicerecordsconcerningcarriersandroutes. Continuing toprospectfornew prospective carriers terminating contractswhereappropriate. Recruit new carriersandensurethatallroutesarecovered, quality delivery ismaintained. products aredelivered inatimelymannerandensureexcellent Ensure thatallnewspapers, insertsandotherdistribution contact. Resolution toallcustomerconcernsfromthefirst pointof customers. Desire toprovide excellence toexisting andprospective w

Pickering w We thankyouforyourinterestbut onlythosecandidates

All interestedcandidatesshouldforward theirresume w


m Or email: Sales Help General & Agents

i Help


l receiving aninterview willbecontacted.


location currentlyrequires...


g r

nolaterthanMay6th,2011to o Attn: SusanneThompson "This Week" Newspaper

Oshawa, Ont.,L1H-7L5

[email protected] u

p p p



No phonecallsplease.

c c [email protected] motivated. Emailresumeto: and self team-oriented asset. Individualmust be and Assistingbackground an Dental experience. Tracker Whitby. Minimum 2years required for Dentaloffi ce in FULL-TIME RECEPTIONIST c

a a a 845 Farewell St. a a divisionof The MillerGroupofCompanies, is

Hospital/Medical B General /Dental




l d

ce programs

i n

g 433-0720 St. N. Oshawa. orfax 905- off resumeto: 169Simcoe hours weekly. Pleasedrop TIONIST required. Approx 28 ANT LEVEL IIDENTAL ASSIST- 905-668-8778. [email protected] orFax: clinic in Whitby. Email: Holter, Stress Test, EKGfor time, part TECH/ MEDICAL TECH/RN, KINESIOLOGIST/ CARDIAC



Hospital/Medical f

u experienced in General

t /Dental

u Help




for further information. for further fer at 905-472-7300ext. 230 2011. Please contact Jenni- onorbeforeturned May 6, 2, 2011andmust bere- Green River beginning May pick upat310Highway 7, packages willbeavailable for cathedral ceilings. Tender housewith room, two story newly refi storage facilitiesnished four aswell bed- asa andtwo extrabarn large acres for grazing, a4,000Ft lease. contains62 Property center locatedinOronofor 800-755-8953 www.sunse- antee. Free Map/Pictures. Checks Money Back Guar- Owner Financing,NoCredit Paso, Texas.Guaranteed $99/mo. NearGrowing El 20 ACRES- $0Down! (905)571-2027 $489,900.Price Tel. gas furnace. Just move in. recroom, kitchenette. New Many upgrades. Finished lot. Oshawa. Northwest brick home, garage; 60'x150' BEAUTIFUL, 4BEDROOM [email protected]. ings adefi nite asset. in Experience York-Med bill- Some evenings/weekends. sistant for leave. maternity administrative as- part-time MEDICAL CLINICrequires tiful 18,000Ft Lease inClarington. Abeau- EQUESTRIAN CENTERfor 631-8164 Code4001 Pre-recorded msg. 1-800- nancing, NoCreditChecks. GuaranteedInt'l Airport. Fi- Parks. 1hourfrom Tucson interest, GolfCourse, Nat'l LAND $99/mo. $0down, $0 BIG BEAUTIFUL ARIZONA P P I 1189 ColonelSamDrive,Oshawa,ONL1H8W8 95% Customer Service Advisors wanted. Outside Canada Business Properties Hospital/Medical Private Sales Thursday, May 5th,9a.m.–3p.m. SERVICE Investment/ Property General /Dental 2 equestrian equestrian Help English andBilingual(Fr/Eng) CAREER FAIR 2

START YOURSTODAY! their career inapositionlikethis. of ourmanagementteambegan Call 289-240-1139. $750/month, plus utilities. ed, immediate availability. handy location, freshlypaint- Oshawa, ground fl oor unit, in 2 BEDROOM apartment 9549, 416-432-2448 Students welcome. 905-619- ately. First/last. NOPETS. amenities. Available immedi- Separate entrance. Near apts. Ajax, Westney/Hwy. #2. 1 &2BEDROOM basement License #10921 1333, 905-707-2324 now. CallHugh647-268- up to90%LTV. Refi AVAILABLE,nance MORTGAGES #10969 1-800-282-1169 Better OptionMortgage No income, BadcreditOK! to95% Debts Mortgages $$MONEY$$ Consolidate (905)655-3331 month. square feet for $800.00per for $500.00permo. or1450 proximately 890squarefeet units available for rent. Ap- TWO, INDOORSTORAGE mo. Call(905)725-9991 heated. $125. -$135. per Wilson Rd. S. Oshawa. Un- STORAGE UNITS10'x20' vided. Call905-718-2929. Sq.ft available, but canbedi- distance todown town. 3000 Liquor store. Within walking St.Mary/Perry acrossfrom Port of Perry onthecorner locationindowntownPrime available, summer2011. NEW COMMERCIALspace 576-2982 or905-626-3465. Container available. 905- industrial). AlsoStorage hobbies andotheruses(light Auto repairsmachining, includesallutilities.parking compressor, washrooms, High roll-updoor, two air Centre, Stevenson/401 exit. Oshawa distance Walmart, INDUSTRIAL BAY walking M A I Commercial Space Apartments & Apartments Flats for Rent Mortgages, Industrial/ General Loans Help

6634 (905)239-2862, (647)291- ing/pets. Avail. Immediately. utilities. First/last. Nosmok- cable, parking/laundry, cal transit. $800/moincludes Close toschool/shopping,lo- trance. Newly renovated. basement.bdrm Sep. en- AJAX, SALEM/HWY#2, 1- 9269. $32,000/yr. Call (905)683- come preferred, $17,000- rooms, available now. In- building, studio, 1&2-bed- AJAX, NEWapartment 416-895-4388 entrance 905-686-5559,cell clusive. Available. Private pets/smoking. $889/mo. in- ing, nearschools, no 4-appliances, laundry, park- bedroom walkout basement, beautiful spacious, legal2- AJAX opposite Wal-Mart, to move in. 905-655-6346 No smoking,nopets, ready inclusive. laundry parking, Whitby, $1000/month. Hydro, ment, HarrongatePlace, 2 ROOM basementapart- 3465 (905)576-2982 (905)626- included. Laundry, Nodogs. es, cable/heat/water/parking bus/shopping. New applianc- newly renovated, near well-maintained 12plex, Russett. Hardwood fl at SimcoeNorth apartment, oors, OSHAWA quiet bright very 2 BEDROOM NORTH A Close toschool,shopping,hospital On-site superintendent&security. (905)686-0845 or(905)686-0841 Apartments & Apartments Mon. -Fri.9a.m.5p.m. Flats for Rent Eve. viewingbyappt. General Help Rental Offi 2 &3bedroom apartments

2730 $900+electricity. 905-706 room, shared laundry. pickering 2 bdrs, 1 wash- LEGAL BSMT APTfor rent 416-618-0440 basement apt. Pickering. washer/dryer. Spacious private entrance, appliances, kitchen &bathroom,parking, $950 inclusive. Fullsize BROCK RD/4012bedroom immediately. 905-720-2153. bourhood, nopets. Available plex, laundry, safe neigh- shopping, bus. Quietcom- Seniors Welcome.Near 1bedroom $695+hydro. BOND ST., (leave message). First/last. (705)792-0559 Available immediately! cluded, coinlaundry. newly renovated. Parking in- near marina. $550/inclusive, intriplex.apartment Whitby, BASEMENT BACHELOR (905)571-4471 references. $995incl. No pets/smoking,parking, N.Oshawa.trice/Somerville, working Bea- er/dryer, A/C, suitsquietsin- place, fridge/stove, wash- fihouse, hardwood/carpet, re- 1-bedroom+ den,mainfl oor AVAILABLE MAY/JUNE 1st. A ce Apartments & Apartments Flats for Rent General Help

0789 or905-728-9258 smoking/pets. Avail Now! Jovan 905-721- No fi rst/last. $675/month utilitiesincluded. entrance. 2parking. for rent.apartment Separate Bloor, OSHAWA, 905-443-0191. to allamenities. CallPatrick al. on-site. Laundry Close parking. Uponcreditapprov- $960/month plus$25/mo Avail. May 1st. apt. 3-bdrm OSHAWA, 385GibbSt. ences. Call(905)579-7665 Available June 1st. Refer- ances included. Parking. quiet,laundry,ed, very appli- tre, recentlynicelydecorat- in triplex, nearOshawa Cen- OSHAWA 2-BEDROOM apt. 6401. Available June 1st. 289-388- ing, utilities, appliancesincl. available, $775/month. Park- schools. Large1-bedroom space, nearshoppingand building, overlooking green OSHAWA -clean,quiet cilities. (905)723-2094 fa-cable, laundry parking, pliances included. Pay ing. Heat,hydro andtwo ap- May lst. Clean,family build- NORTH OSHAWA- 2-bed 8116 $800/month. Call(905)213- Available May 1st. included.dro andparking smoking, Nopets. Heat,hy- room basementapt. No NORTH OSHAWA 1-bed- 4059 (905)686-6684 or(416)712- washroom. Immediate. dry, full-size kitchen,4pc ground apt. Separate laun- renovated 3bedroomabove 4 bedroomhousewithnewly MCGILL/OLD HARWOOD 905-666-2450 www.real- to Whitby Mall. Mary/Garden driveutes todowntown, short apts. Utilitiesincluded,min- bachelors, 1's&2sbdrm MARY STREETAPTS (905)240-0282. required. Available July 1st. References andcreditcheck hydro. No smoking,nopets. windows, balcony. $900 plus fl oor , WHITBY, 2-BEDROOM fi rst 905-430-5420 (Dundas St. &GardenSt) schools. 900DundasSt. E. transit. Nearshopping& Access toHwy. 401&public &parking.nies, laundry Landscaped grounds. Balco- WHITBY PLACE 1&2bed. 416-438-4895 Bachelor $715inclusive. Call $933/mth+hydro. Also no pets/smokingfi room, locker central location, rst/last. building, laundry parking, bedroom, large, cleansmall WHITBY Brock/Dundas 2 905-706-6909 parking. $825/mthinclusive. tion, nearamenities, (1) downtown, walk toGOsta- ed, Niceneighborhoodnear Big kitchen,recentlyrenovat- den basementw/windows. WHITBY (905)426-4197. $1100/month, inclusive. ing. Nosmoking/pets. fenced, washer/dryer, park- en, appliances, 4pc. bath, loft. Livingroom, eat-in kitch- 2-bedroom. withlargeoffi ce upper Spotless largebright WHITBY -Lakeridge/Dundas, (905)426-3469 ences/credit check, fi rst/last. Avail. immediately. Refer- lease. Nosmoking/pets. $825/mo+ %utilities. 1-year room, CAC, cable, parking. trance, laundry, 4pcbath- legalbsmt.2-bdrm Sepen- Oaks/Valley Farm. Spacious PICKERING, Major (905)683-9629 ing/pets. May 1st. utilities, $895. Nosmok- Parking. C/A,Includes looking treesandravine. French doorentrance, over- room walkout apartment. PICKERING bright2bed- 623-4172 TheVeltriGroup [email protected] 905- view ofLake Ontario. Bowmanville, spectacular ALSO 4-bedroompenthouse, facilities, nearallamenities. w/balconies, laundry parking, 1 &2bedroomapts. Suites OSHAWA/BOWMANVILLE A secure building, large Apartments & Apartments Flats for Rent large 1-bedroom Bright 1-bedroom+ Bright Grandview/

erences required. 1010 or416-580-2867. Ref- June lst/July lst. 905-721- per mo. lease. Available retired/person. lst/last,$975 professional/mature/ for onecaronly. Suitable for pets/non smoker. Parking utilities andcable. no place, balcony, includes owner occupiedtriplex; fi re- ment, topfl oor, inaunique beautiful onebedroomapart- (416)917-4949. amenities. First/last. Call No smoking/pets. Near all Room for rent$450/month. PICKERING, WHITES /401. diately. (647)710-9386. all inclusive. Available imme- $500/$550month, internet, area, laundry, cable, parking, for rentinquietresidential NORTH OSHAWA, ROOM (647)828-4571 male. Nopets. Call vision. Suitable for working Room for rentinquietsubdi- AJAX, Rossland/Westney. St.) 905-436-3346www.real- E. (Taunton Rd. &Simcoe transport. 100 Taunton Rd. shopping &schools, public avail.Sauna &parking Near ground. Private backyards. grounds w/pool&play- suite laundry. Landscaped bedroom townhouses. En- TAUNTON TERRACE 3 3972 E)905-434- N., Colborne St.122 Colborne E. (Simcoe taurants, schools, parks. avail. Nearshopping,res- patios, courtyard. Pking. laundry, util. incl.,Balconies, TOWNHOUSES. In-suite CARRIAGE HILL2&3bed. 6777. June 1. CallBill416-312- to lake. $1300+utilities. Avail. Fridge/stove included. Walk room lower level. main fl galow.oor, 2-bedroom+den 2-bedroom+rec PORT PERRY (Island)bun- more housesthanRemax!!!!! Nobodysells 888-732-1600. wroka@ Line (905)449-3622or1- Rep, RemaxJazz Inc. Direct $35,000 +. BillRoka,Sales credit andfamily income the phone. Requiregood Why rent?I'llqualifyyou on money down, nothingtolose. month PIT(Oac, Sca). No own any housefrom$695/ ING! 6monthsfreethen ABSOLUTELY ASTOUND- [email protected] 1054, oremail 905-728-9414 1-877-663- Banker RMRRealEstate Collis Broker, Coldwell - Icanshow you how. Ken STOP! Ownyour own home paying $850+monthlyrent NO PROBLEM!! ! WHITBY, 216 NO DOWN PAYMENT? - R Summer Campfor Kids? A R T Genelle Williams oranyone knowing property known as53Dooley Cres,property Ajax. Regarding thefailed purchaseofa Rent &Wanted Summer CampsShow at Apartments & Apartments Flats for Rent Are you Offering a Registration Pickering Town Centre Townhouses Rooms for her whereaboutscontact Houses for Rent for for Rent for POWELL RD. Ian Ball, Paralegal Notices Join theAnnual Legal 905-824-3883 If you're Sat. May14th,2011 Call 905.683.5110 for moreshowinfo

Call Joani @905-686-8351 beginners toconservatory. lessons inmy home , from PIANO LESSONS Private LOSE WEIGHT! ofOntario.Resorts Visit Getaway for Two from your chancetowinaspecial romantic escape?Enterfor DREAMING ABOUTa 2896. (705)328-0402 or(905)242- No motor. $500fi tomer exhaust, start. electric shape, studdedtrack, cus- rm. snowmobile, excellent PHAZER 1990 YAMAHA call 1-866-241-2224. sites, andtrailers for sale of Castleton. Seasonable PARK. ageminthehills CASTLETON HILLSRV 1-877-887-2550 boat dock rentals. for SaleonSites, Seasonal for new trailers, usedtrailers es for rent,water view sites Falls, Housekeeping Cottag- BALSAM LAKEFenelon 541-9621. or1-800- ding orfamily reunion. or longer. Planabeachwed- Beach.Smyrna Stay aweek BestBeach-NewAt Florida's SUNNY SPRINGSPECIALS (800)640-6886 2010! www.sellatime- $95 MillionDollarsoffered in Timeshare for CASH!Over Sell/ Rent Your Unused will Guaranteed Services SHARE FORCASH!!!Our SELL/RENT YOUR 888-356-5248 Us Now. We CanHelp!1- tee. Fre Consultation. Call 100% Money Back Guaran- nance Payments Today. STOP &Mainte- Mortgage SHARE NoRiskProgram. CANCEL YOURTIME- [email protected] 5045 oremail: sive. callGord,(905)404- at door. From $450/inclu- son, sharedfacilities, transit per- suit clean,quiet,working large EastOshawa home, UNFURNISHED ROOM, in HeatherCunningham for aFree Consultation. Visit: crease. Call: 905-697-9250 Stress Relief, EnergyIn- forManagement, Weight ProgramBased Nutritional ENERGY! ext 228 R R S R Rent &Wanted Snowmobiles Dance Instruction Registration Personals Properties Rooms for Trailers, Sites Resorts, Vacation Camps Music & Campers, Notices Legal Scientifi cally TIME- GAIN

(905)837-2656 LAWNMOWER 5-hp$65, 905-259-4514. tub! Pool safety covers. your house & measureyour Free delivery. Letuscometo all shapes, $375.00plus tax Custom covers, allsizes and HOT TUB COVERS All (905)839-8785 & blue fl matching tablecloth, mauve oral print. $40. spread, pillow shamsw/lace, HOMEMADE DOUBLEbed- 905-420-1557 asking $225-obo. Phone ly ever used. Retailed$600+ III 2001,new condition,hard- HOME GYM. York TrimMate Call Now 1-800-903-8777 perience. Family Business. ed Anywhere! 25 Years Ex- No!.. We’ll Get You Connect- tions IfOthersHave Said Solu- HIGH SPEEDInternet 9459 w/tilt option. $30. (905)420- HIGH CHAIRGreco, white (905)239-5166 $20.Large sheepskinrug FLOOR VASES (2)$20; 905-427-8269 [email protected] Photos available. Contact $400. Now $99o.b.o. basket, folds easily. New brakes, seat,removable person under5feet. Hand EVOLUTION WALKER for 9596. Westney/KingstonRd. once $100obo. 647-835- 20in. ELECTRIC SNOW Blower. 0749 (647)704-3796 (905)205- rests), goodcondition. $200. pink cushions(2w/arm 63lx40"w, 6chairsw/light w/glass 72"lx54"w, table size) wood, brown, hutch DININGROOM SET, (small 6638 5ft. 1890's. $250. (905)683- CHURCH PEW, hardwood, gotiable. 905-725-6705. ne- All goodcondition/prices ing case, brand new $85.00. pass, table toptripod/carry- scope/fi $650.00; VisionVT-50 Tele- nder scope, com- cabinet, buffet, table/6 chairs tique diningroomset/china unit/TV stand$75.00; An- desk/chair $100.00; Wall $175.00; computer Corner CEDAR CHEST35yrsold ing, CallMike 905-431-4040 jobs, Idoitall!Lexus Floor- Lowest Prices. Bigorsmall Estimates. Guaranteed pad withinstallation. Free yards for sale!Free under- VINYL SALE!Ihave 1000of CARPETS, $75. 905-839-8756. Sword/1896. NoScabbard. Made by Wilkinson Used inBoar War and WWI. type Bayonnet withoilhole. BRITISH P1888MARKI2nd BET-1637 6 for $22. Call647- and deodorant soap. 1box of Blue NEKO anti-bacterial $275. Call(416)779-0563 plastic, cost$900,selling pedic, mattress, box in spring BED, ALLnew Queenortho- $150 (905)837-2656 ANTIQUE SEWINGmachine 905-686-5019. terest tocollectors. $250. All ingoodcondition. Ofin- Elvis Presley, The Beatles. fromthe60'ssuchas artists 70, 45'SRECORDS.Various (905)239-5166 4 DININGROOM chairs, $20; ing $90obo. (905)683-2069 box, $130,ask- price original 15778, like new, inoriginal controlled tractor Model 24" JOHNDEEREradio 905-839-8756. cases -mostneedabattery. view Casino. Never in worn, (4) CasinoRama. (4)Falls- watches (men's&women's). $10 FORALL. Promotional Call BarrSteelSales A galvalume $68per Steel roofi square askabout Siding 29gauge painted $98per square 40year FOR SALE 705-723-8080 Bought lastyear used lower priced sale items for Sale for Articles LAMINATE & ng and

420-1557 white- $125-obo. Phone 905- ing Kenmore 3-off Mark STOVE 24-INCHused-work- Source# 16M800-964-8335 going up! Buy Now atOldPrice. Prices 50x100 -Others. Time to STEEL BUILDINGS 30x40, 2658 Pickering after 4pmFriday. 647280 and older. $22and $11 Call cent piecesfor sale, all1967 SILVER DOLLARS&fi fty $250. (905)420-9459 sturdy &goodcondition. chairs. Velour covering, very SETTEE (905)837-2656 SCROLL SAW $75 800-798-5502. 905-263-8369 or1- refused. Paddy's Market, livery. Nocreditapplication Barbecues &More!Fast de- Bedding, Patio Furniture, ers, DVD Players, Furniture, new TV's, Stereos, Comput- reconditioned appliances, OWN -NewRENT TO and 905-420-1557 asking $125-obo. Phone wood/nails. Retail$250+ no Skyfort/Skyscraper new outdoorSwingNSlide- PLAYGROUND KIT. Brand Call 647-BT-1637 case. Brand new! Only$50. tal TENS machineincarrying PAIN RELIEFTS-1211Digi- Photos available. [email protected]. 905 263-2212; chairs. More. Leon Guest chairs, workstation computer station41"x41" 40"x20"andmatching turn estal desk60"x30"withre- x 36". singleped- Secretary tables.corner OakDesk72" lounge chairs, benchseat, 5 drawers,Reception area: 5 lateral 5drawers, 36"lateral Offi ce: FilingCabinets: 42" Sale fromClosedDoctor's OFFICE FURNISHINGSFor BET-1637 new! Only$50. Call647- Backrest Support. Brand OBUS FORMELowback (905)420-9459 leaf's. like new $250. chairs, roundwith2extra OAK KITCHEN table w/4 $200. (905)683-6638 cellent condition. Asking Marble top, about1880,ex- LARGE WALNUT VANITY. LARGE DINING 8785 mal occasion$15. (905)839- blouse, overw/attached pattern (lined) offpink,lightmaterial LADIES DRESS, size 14, 0563. sacrifi new inplastic, cost$8000, ce $3,900. 416-779- fully loaded,fullwarranty, HOT TUBS,2011models, sell! Call905-409-5285 5.5kw heater. $2,495. Must Warranty, 5HPmotors, HOT TUB /SPA. 5-6person. 1-866-585-0056 Shapes &Colours. Call Best Price,Quality. All HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS 9596 Westney/KingstonRd. smaller house. 647-835- tion like new. Can'tfi t inour $250., allinexcellent condi- 7ft x4ft,6ins, w/8chairs, A C Saturday, April30,2011 *9am-4pm Suitswedding/for- and 2matching 1876 Valley FarmRd.,Pickering Baby &KidsShow Pickering Recreation Complex Coming for Sale for Articles Events The Durham Parent For moreinformationgoto TABLE

MURAD AUTO SALES to 479Bayly St. East, Ajaxat Call (905)427-2415 orcome condition.must beinrunning used vehicles. Vehicles CASH FORCARS! We buy (905)424-3508 days/week (anytime) Pay cash,free pick up7 SCRAP cars, trucks, vans. !!! $$ADAM &RON'S 0357. time. Pleasecall905-426- Cash paid7days/week any- Cars & Trucks Wanted. ! $AARON &LEOScrap pickup. 24/7. 905-431-1808. truck, andvans! Fast free cash for your scrap cars, SCRAP Solutions. We pay !!!! !!!AAAAA WHITTLE Or ApplyOnline@ Today. Call1-877-743-9292 Drive The Car You Need Credit? 100%Approval. Down? Poor Bankrupt? BUS? OF TAKING THE TIRED 2778 $17,500 o.b.o. (416)453- dents, non-smoking. viced by dealer. Noacci- a passenger. Religiouslyser- late conditionandrarely had Immacu- Certifi ed/e-tested. 163,000kms. pkg. Luxury 2004 LEXUSRX330. 905-260-8855. checked $400each. Call nated, dewormed, vet allergic, noshedding,vacci- PUPPIES, non SHIH TZUs 905-352-3124. lergic andnonshedding. and dew claws done, nonal- SCHNAUZERS for sale, tails PURE BREDMINI 705-437-2790 lowvery tononshed ful ranges ofcoloursM/F, litters readyinMay. Beauti- Double Doodles, new Spring GOLDENDOODLES & 7448 St.Bruce Oshawa. (905)576- Sales, Parts. Service, 154 phenson's Appliances, available, Callustoday, Ste- $399. New coinlaundry Front loadwashers from EQUAL HUGESAVINGS! ent colors. SMALLDENTS washers -differ- andfridges dented ranges, laundry, dish- available,fridge's variety of and black French door ANCES stainlesssteel,white SCRATCH &DENTAPPLI- TRUCKLOADS OFNEW upcoming GarageSaleheldonMay14th A A C C Donate yourALLunwanted, gentlyused

335 Bayly St. W. Ajaxorcall905-427-6522 100% proceedsgoto The HerizonHouse. DE-CLUTTER FORACAUSE items toourgaragesaleNOW forour National Garage Salefor Shelter Royal LePage ConnectRealty Car RepairsGot You Cars Wanted Pets, Supplies, Cars for Sale Coming for Sale for Articles Drop off youritemsto: Events Articles Wanted Boarding

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29 AP News Advertiser • April 28, 2011 30 AP News Advertiser • April 28, 2011 JAMIESON, John-Suddenlywhileonvaca- match against DRVC 13U. themselves into thegold-medal and Peterborough Thunder toget the KWPredators, Pegasus Nitro a totalofninegames, beating out their way through three matches, thefinal day, On thegirlsworked Elites. games against Vista andBarrie theirnexttwomatcheswin insix aged toquicklyturnitaround and back toback,theAttack girlsman- Storm Tsunami, losingtwogames offonalow noteagainst started Although thesecondday also team. two-game losstotheEtobicoke 381 proved a tobeabigchallenge with but thefinal match ofthefirstnight match against theWaterloo Tigers, around inthesecond awin with Thegirlsmanaged toturnthings the Kitchener Predators. note, fallinginathree-set match to the Attack outonalosing started CompetinginDivision2/Tier 3, ener. provincial championships inKitch- team brought home goldfrom the Attack Red14Ugirls’ volleyball KITCHENER --TheDurham team battlesback 14U girls’volleyball Attack Redtakesprovincial gold VOLLEYBALL may beplacedat would beappreciated. Onlinecondolences FOOTPRINTS ( Foundation ( or andStroke so desired,donationstotheHeart 30that11a.m.April Cremationtofollow. If Rd.,Pickering onSaturday,1066 Dunbarton UnitedChurch,held atDunbarton-Fairport Friday, 29th. April willbe The funeral service 428-8488 from1to3p.m. and 6to9p.m. on Kingston Rd.,Pickering Village (Ajax)905- McEACHNIE FUNERALHOME,28Old Church. The family willreceive atthe friends United andDunbarton-Fairport services his timewithFOOTPRINTS autismrespite basketball, andgolfi ng. Healsovolunteered son, heenjoyed skiing,playing tennis, and Investor's Group. Always anactive per- houseCoopers, /The Toronto Sun, career, John heldpositionsatPriceWater- nephews, family, andfriends. his During Fondly rememberedby hismany nieces, brother-in-law andBrian. toLorraine (Brian) (Diane). Dearson-in-law toScottMossand (Dave),(Tina), Mary Sue(Jim),andAndrew Jamieson. (Kerri), DearbrotherofLori Bill O'Connor). Loving sonofDr. BillandMarion Wonderful father toBrad, andAnne(Colin at theageof61. Beloved husbandofCarol. tion inBarbadoson Thursday, 14,2011 April Death Notices fought back and dug deep to win fought backanddugdeeptowin their Durham rivals, theAttack girls After dropping thefirstsetto Maddison Neill;front:AlexandriaKaminski,MadisonMarshCollis. Troy Neill;middle:KristenO’Neill,GraceDionne,Erika Gordon, Quaye,MeganCranfield,coach Piccattoli, JaelynJarrett,Tiffany championships. Pictured,fromleft,backrow:DaraKarakolis,Felicia 3goldmedalfromtheprovincial brought hometheDivision2/Tier KITCHENER -- 1-416-798-7259 In Memoriams Publishing Friday May 6 905-683-5110 Deadline Tuesday May 3 Classifi Sales ed Representative please callour Mother’s Tributes information For further Tor. Line Day The Durham AttackRed14Ugirls’volleyballteam TheDurham MURPHY’S HOMESERVICES James (905)706-7273 For allyourreno needscal Over 25years Experience Repair, To-Do-List Interlocking Brick Basements, Sheds, Renovations, Decks, Fences, nationals inSherbrooke inMay. tothe Theteamlooksforward the nexttwo, claimingthetitle. DECKS Highest Quality! Free Estimates! 416-460-3210 Custom design'sthatsuityour budget Free Design! Discount! Expert Installationguaranteed Spring ● Improvement InterlockSteps 905-440-4400 ● Walkways B Home USINESS SUBMITTED PHOTO Home Improvements Decks, Windows &Doors ● Patio's 647-201-5166 S No jobtoobig… Complete Basements ENDEAVORS to fulloverhauls! Custom Bathrooms or toosmall! Small repairs ● l EVELYN Walls ERVICE Improvement Home

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SHOPPING ENTERTAINMENT EDUCATION FREE 31 AP News Advertiser • April 28, 2011 32 AP News Advertiser • April 28, 2011 OC.N neetwl credrn h is 0dy ftefina the of days 60 first the during accrue will interest No (OAC). ooigvcmfrfl details. full for a ay hs siae r ae nteGvrmn fCnd’ prvdciei n etn ehd.Rfrt h oeneto aaapublication Canada of Government the to Refer methods. testing and criteria approved Canada’s of Government the on based are estimates These vary. may iesn,rgsrto,isrne PA plcbetxsadvral elramnsrto es(pt 69.Vhce detsdmyicueotoa cesre ratrsl qimn n a o eeatya s as exactly be not may and equipment after-sale or accessories optional include may advertised Vehicles $699). to (up fees administration dealer variable and taxes applicable PPSA, insurance, registration, licensing, fKaMtr Corporation. Motors Kia of fe()aalbeo l e 01mdl hog atcptn elr oqaiidcsoeswotk eieyb a ,21.Daesmysl o es oecniin pl.Ofr r ujc ocag ihu oie e elrfrcmlt eal.Vhceiae hw a nld pinlacsoisadugae.*0 ucaefnnigi vial nal21 i oeso prvdcei OC.Trsvr ymdladti,sedae o details. for dealer see trim, and model by vary Terms (OAC). credit approved on models Kia 2011 all on available is financing purchase **0% upgrades. and accessories optional include may shown images Vehicle details. complete for dealer See notice. without change to subject are Offers apply. conditions Some less. for sell may Dealers 2011. 2, May by delivery take who customers qualified to dealers participating through models 2011 new all on available Offer(s) rd f$.Cs fbroigi 0 o tot a for $0, is borrowing of Cost $0. of trade Represen aiefnnigeapebsdo 01KaSu/ot5FreSdnFreKu ihasligpieo 1,7/1,8/1,8/2,8 icue eieyaddsiainfe $,5/145$,5/145,$4OVCfe H trs n 10arcniinn a weeapial) iacda %ARfr6/86/6mnh.Mnhypyet qa 246/388/214/517,wt onpayment/equivalent down a with $294.65/$378.83/$291.40/$571.77, equal payments Monthly months. 60/48/60/36 for APR 0% at financed applicable)] (where tax conditioning air $100 and (tires) EHF fee, OMVIC $34 ($1,650/$1,455/$1,455/$1,455), fees destination and delivery [includes $17,679/$18,184/$17,484/$20,584 of price selling a with Koup Sedan/Forte Soul/Forte5/Forte Kia 2011 on based example financing tative 2011 0 SAVINGS CASH § 01KaCnd n.Rpouto ftecnet fti aeilwtotteepesdwitnapoa fKaCnd n.i rhbtd l nomto sblee ob cuae ae nifrainaalbea h ieo rnig nomto ore rmidpnettidpryresearch. third-party independent from sourced Information printing. of time the at available information on based accurate, be to believed is information All prohibited. is Inc. 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SIG, Bluetooth by owned are and trademarks registered are logo and mark word H ALL-NEW THE KIA FORTE IY .L10M(5MPG) 8.1L/100KM (35 CITY: W:57/0K 5 MPG) (50 5.7L/100KM HWY: W:57/0K 5 MPG) (50 5.7L/100KM HWY: IY .L10M(5MPG) 8.1L/100KM (35 CITY: O PTO UP FOR O PTO UP FOR c otat fe hspro neetsat oacu n h ucae ilrpytepicplitrs otl vrtetr ftecontract. the of term the over monthly interest principal the repay will purchaser the and accrue to starts interest period this After contract. nce OT SEDAN FORTE EV O O COVERED comprehensive worry-free *5-year/100,000 km YOU GOT WE’VE n eutbecharge deductible assistance *no roadside care extra km *5-year/100,000 warranty powertrain km *5-year/100,000 warranty PLUS & PLUS & 48 60 5 FOR FOR HATCHBACK PAY PAY 90 90 DAYS MONTHS** ot Xshown SX Forte DAYS MONTHS** ♦ i’ e utmrFinl rcn nldsdlvr n etnto esadalmnaoygvrmn levies. government mandatory all and fees destination and delivery includes Pricing Friendly Customer new Kia’s � rcsd o nld elramnsrto es(39t 69,lcnig PAo plcbetaxes. applicable or PPSA licensing, $699), to ($399 fees administration dealer include not do Prices hr aiyMksTeDifference The Makes Family Where 21 i ol21 i ot ea wre h o aeyP Safety Top the awarded Sedan Forte Kia Soul/2011 Kia ^2011 Guide. 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(37 MPG)/7.7L (45 6.3L is (SO55OB) Soul 2011 MPG); (35 MPG)/8.1L (50 5.7L is (F0521B) Koup (FO550B)/Forte (FO540B)/Forte5 Sedan Forte 2011 for consumption fuel Highway/city O PTO UP FOR OESADR HORSEPOWER STANDARD MORE VIAL ON AVAILABLE olanmr.Making more. learn to rv change drive ♦ OT KOUP FORTE o’ a o 0Dy”o eetmdl 9-a amn eerl ple oprhs iacn feso 01Fre 01FreKu,21 ot5 01Ro 01Ro,21 od n 01Su oeso prvdcredit approved on models Soul 2011 and Rondo 2011 Rio5, 2011 Rio, 2011 Forte5, 2011 Koup, Forte 2011 Forte, 2011 on offers financing purchase to applies deferral) payment (90-day models select on Days” 90 for Pay “Don’t al rc d er41exit 401 near Rd. Brock & Bayly PLUS & FINANCING – 36 HNMZA SPORT MAZDA3 THAN FOR PAY INPUT MP3/USB c yteIsrneIsiuefrHgwySft.Vstwwih.r o uldetails. full for Visit Safety. Highway for Institute Insurance the by ick . 90 fAa Pickering & Ajax Of DAYS MONTHS** ot opS shown SX Koup Forte ** eeti eivdt eacrt ttetm fpit o oeifraino u -erwrat oeae ii alu t1875228.Ofr n a ,21.KAi trademark a is KIA 2011. 2, May end Offers 1-877-542-2886. at us call or visit coverage, warranty 5-year our on information more For print. of time the at accurate be to believed is sement ♦ ESD KIA BESSADA 65ByyS,Pickering St, Bayly 1675 § CONNECTIVITY BLUETOOTH FOR PAY Forte It’s 90 anpit oad uuediscounts. future towards points Earn ° FREE 5 Xshown SX 01KaFre wre 01Bs ml a fTeYa oe 2,0)adBs acbc by Hatchback Best and $20,000) (over Year The Of Car Small Best 2011 awarded Forte5 Kia ^2011 • DAYS HNV OF5-DOOR GOLF VW THAN n tsiceil rewarding. incredibly it’s and I EBRREWARDS MEMBER KIA OEITRO SPACE INTERIOR MORE 888-713-0282 0 SAVINGS CASH ^ models onselect % ♦ APR FINANCING 2011 IY .L10M(7MPG) 7.7L/100KM (37 CITY: W:63/0K 4 MPG) (45 6.3L/100KM HWY: O PTO UP FOR ETSALCAR” SMALL “BEST KIA PLUS & § 60 SOUL FOR -er1000k worry-free km 5-year/100,000 OVER PAY opeesv warranty comprehensive 90 $ 20,000 ol4 shown 4u Soul DAYS MONTHS** ♦ ii www. Visit 2011. Motoring