Manresa REPORT The Official Ignatius’ College Magazine

SUMMER 2014 | ISSUE NO.39 From the Rector

Welcome to the latest edition of the Saint Ignatius’ College Manresa Report, which has a special focus on the arts. I hope you enjoy the stories and photographs in the Manresa Report, which capture the rich Ignatian spirit alive in our community. From Wire Woes to Digital Delights! Sometimes a chance comment can lead to wonderful discoveries. A casual lament regarding the loss of the 02 From the Rector original recording of the College’s very first musical, The Pirates of Penzance (1951), led to the re-discovery 04 College Council of a copy within the College archives. Although it was stored on a spool of wire, an early recording medium, some ingenuity led to 05 Foundation Board a usable copy being produced from the wire. However, only the second act could be salvaged, since the wire spool from the first act was in an impossible 06 Thank You to Our Community tangle. The wire recording had been in the possession of James Travers (OI ’59), and 09 Around the College in Pictures his father, , had arranged for the original recording to take place. Ambrose was the inaugural President of the Fathers Association and held 10 Parents and Friends this role for the first nine years of the College’s life. We are indebted to the Travers family for enabling future generations to share in this important piece 11 Fidelis of the College’s history. 12 Jesuit Mission So we now have preserved, hopefully forever, eleven of the original songs, a closing speech by the College’s first Headmaster, Fr Perrott SJ, and a stirring 13 My Graduation Year rendition of ‘God Save the King’! It is noteworthy that this musical was performed in the very first year of the new school at Norwood, and a perusal 14 Old Ignatians Association of the program (also resident in our archives) lists cast members whose names became well known in the history of the College. In those days the 15 Old Ignatians Soccer Club cost of the program was threepence. Sam Winston-Smith (OI ’55), who played Major-General Stanley, also played lead in the musicals in the two 16 Old Ignatians Netball Club years following: Pinafore (1952) and Iolanthe (1953). Each play was presented on the tiny stage in the hall at the Junior School, which has seen so many 16 Old Ignatians Football Club productions throughout the years. These include Jan of Windmill Land (1957), Tom Sawyer (1960), Ali Baba (1961) and Once Aboard the Lugger (1962). 17 Old Ignatians Tennis Club

17 Old Ignatians Cricket Club

18 Where are They Now?

22 Old Ignatian News

23 College Musical

24 Reserve Your Seat Donation Form

Another Design: On the same small stage, Richard Flynn attribute their love of drama and, at times, with up-to-date digital equipment for produced Macbeth in 1965, which was their career direction, to him. Richard’s lighting, sound and communications and, in the first in a series of ten Shakespearean legacy provided a strong example of many cases, is of a professional standard. plays. Following The Tempest in 1974, Ignatian excellence that challenged us never Over the history of Drama at the College, Richard produced plays from a variety of to rate ourselves against school productions the expansive stage area in the Flynn playwrights, with a total of 43 productions – our reference point was to always be the Theatre has replaced the limited Norwood until 1998. Richard Flynn also took a professional stage. stage, and memory cards may have number of these productions on tour The history of Drama at Saint Ignatius’ supplanted the cumbersome reels of interstate. College, Adelaide, stands proudly within magnetic wire, but the excitement of the These productions gave generations of the larger history of Jesuit education, opening night and the thrill of thunderous Ignatians the opportunity to strut the stage where from the 17th century, Jesuit applause remain unforgettable highlights or work behind the scenes. The result schools were noted for their emphasis that surely will continue to feature in the was an increase in confidence in public on communication skills through essays, happy memories of school days at Saint performance and, for many, a passion for speeches, drama, debates and the like. This Ignatius’ College. drama that endured well beyond school promotion of ‘eloquence’ has continued in FR ROBERT J DAVOREN SJ days. The Court Theatre Company gave Old Jesuit education through the centuries and, Rector Scholar thespians the means to continue today, not only includes the traditional skills their involvement in the world of drama. but encourages competence with modern instruments such as video and internet I was blessed to be one of these fortunate communication. One of our greatest delights Ignatians who developed a love of drama as educators is to see students flourish and and a reasonable understanding of how come alive as they discover the talents given plays are produced. My preference was them by our loving God. In using these gifts backstage, where I often controlled the in performance they give glory to God. sound from a massive Akai tape recorder. It was exciting to be part of the larger team of Drama continues to be a popular activity at the College, and the new Music and Drama actors and those responsible for costume, facility, the Faber SJ Building, scenery and lighting, whose combined and, in particular, the Richard Flynn Theatre, ABOVE: Richard Flynn, the College’s Artistic Director efforts under the director’s leadership will give a modern venue for our drama from 1965-1998 created a production that could amaze and FAR LEFT: 2014 College Musical - Beauty and the Beast and music performances and will provide delight audiences. BELOW LEFT: Sam Winston-Smith (’58), Tony Ryan (’57), significant opportunities for our young Greg Flaherty (’56) and Anthony Brooks (’58) in the So many Ignatians treasure the years spent actors, musicians and those who work performance of Iolanthe in 1953 BELOW: The Pirates of Penzance 1951 Musical on stage under Richard Flynn’s guidance and behind the scenes. The theatre is equipped Programme and the original machine and wire spool used to record the performance

MANRESA SUMMER 2014 | 3 College Council

As I write this article for the Manresa Report, the final touches are being added to the Richard Flynn Theatre within the new Saint Peter Faber SJ Building at the Senior School. This facility is an exciting development for the College. After so many years the music and drama functions of the College will have a permanent home. This building is of course made possible by the generosity of the College community. Recent Members of College Council. BACK ROW: Fr Head SJ, Mr Paul Kirchner, Mr Rod Buchecker, Mr Paul Tanti, functions this year, the College Fair and Fr Rob Davoren SJ, Mr Ted De Poi. FRONT ROW: Dr Suzanne LeMire, Fr Paul Mullins SJ, Mrs Gerry Lloyd, the Ball, have added to funds, and now Mrs Diane Campbell, Mr Peter Coffey (Absent: Fr Chris Gleeson SJ, Fr Gerard Healy SJ and Mr Chris McCabe) an opportunity is given to ‘reserve’ one Fr Julian Slatterie SJ, died unexpectedly. colleague and supporter of our College. of the seats in the auditorium. Among the positions Fr Slatterie held during Old Ignatian, Fr John Herd (’75), of the I am very aware that parents and families his 60 years as a Jesuit was the Province Archdiocese of Adelaide, is Fr Slatterie’s are called upon frequently by the College Treasurer. He became a staunch and loyal nephew. May our gracious God grant at a time when family incomes are friend of Saint Ignatius’ College, Adelaide, Julian eternal rest. under pressure, thus the generosity of so and was for many years a member of the many present and past families is greatly College Council, where his keen eye on all appreciated. things financial was greatly valued. The FR PAUL MULLINS SJ Rector Fr Davoren and I attended Chair of Council On 20 May this year Melbourne Jesuit and Fr Slatterie’s funeral in Melbourne as a member of the Community, mark of respect for a highly valued Jesuit

SAVE THE DATE Saint Peter Faber SJ Building Senior School, 2 Manresa Court, Athelstone Fr Julian Slatterie SJ We hope you can join us for the blessing and opening ceremony and/or public viewing, which is open to all members of our community.

Blessing and Official Opening Public Viewing Friday, 14 November Saturday, 15 November 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm 10.00 am – 2.00 pm Free Admission Please register your attendance at:

4 | MANRESA SUMMER 2014 Foundation Board

The Foundation Thank you for building dreams and enriching was honoured young lives through your support and gifts to welcome to the College Music and Drama Appeal. music and In April we welcomed Ms Dalice Kennedy, drama donors who was appointed by the College in the and guests to role of Director of Community Engagement. a special VIP Dalice has a rich history and experience in preview of the non-profit sector, including Founder the music and and Chair of Soles4Souls Australia. The drama facility Foundation Board is looking forward in mid-August. Caroline & Anthony Davies (’82) and John & Paula Capaldo (’81) to working closely with Dalice as we The event was strengthen our community and nurture a a great success and an opportunity culture of philanthropy, which will help to to showcase the Saint Peter Faber SJ build on the past successes of the College. Building and the Richard Flynn Theatre, which will provide an excellent learning At the recent Foundation Board AGM we environment for our children – certainly were pleased to welcome a new member, an improvement on the transportable Mr Prescott. David is an Old Ignatian buildings on the top oval where the from the Class of 1993 and a current parent current facilities are. of the College. This facility is a seven million-dollar building I am also pleased to welcome Dr Suzanne project with state-of-the-art facilities for Le Mire as the Chair of the Saint Ignatius’ Lisa Hatch (’05) with her father John Hatch both music and drama, including a 300-seat College Foundation from September. raked auditorium, an orchestra pit, overhead Suzanne is an Old Ignatian from the Class of galleries, a recording booth, dedicated 1983, a current parent of the College and a practice rooms, and classrooms. member of College Council. I look forward to working closely with Suzanne and wish With much gratitude the Foundation Board her well in continuing the good work of the and I thank you, our donors, for contributing Foundation. more than $300,000, which will be used to make this facility even better through the purchase of significant equipment and MR PETER BRITTEN-JONES (’86) furnishing items. Chair of College Foundation Orlando (’03) and Peter Rossi Further contributions are still needed and the opportunity for you and your family to invest in our current and future students and families is still possible. The Foundation Board invites and encourages you to ‘reserve your seat’ in the Richard Flynn Theatre by returning the form located on the back page. Many families of the College have already chosen to dedicate their gift to their children, which is a wonderful legacy. Brian and Jennifer Storer and Denise and John Rutt

As you may know College fees are directed towards tuition and wider curriculum needs and, therefore, are not able to cover advanced development projects such as the music and drama facility, which are critical to the growth of our students. It is only with the financial gifts from our families and friends that the development of the College facilities is possible and will continue to be of benefit to current and future students as they build their dreams and ‘prepare to set the world alight’.

Saint Peter Faber SJ Building Thomas Kimber (’82) and Tim Heffernan (’84)

MANRESA SUMMER 2014 | 5 Thank You to Our Community

Thank you to our community of donors for your gifts to the College Bursary Program and building developments. With gratitude we acknowledge our donors for their contributions made between 1 January 2013 and 31 August 2014. It is only with the generosity of our community that the gift of an Ignatian education is possible and advanced development projects, including the music and drama facility, can be pursued. If you would like to make a contribution or if an amendment needs to be made please contact Ms Dalice Kennedy, Director of Community Engagement, on 8334 9356, or email [email protected]. Please accept our apologies in advance if an error has occurred in this listing. Thank you for helping our students to ‘go, set the world alight’.

ENDOWMENT/BURSARY Mr G V & Mrs B Hinton Mr S P & Mrs E Pikusa Prof R J & Dr C L Hill Mr D C & Mrs M M Hogan Mr S A & Mrs M C Pikusa Dr C C Andersen & Dr S M Le Mire Mrs P M Holdcroft Mr D & Mrs C Prince Dr G J & Mrs D Andersen Mrs M Hourigan Dr D P & Mrs M I Reid Anonymous Prof P A & Dr C M Howell Prof P L & Mrs H M Reilly Mr W J & Mrs J H Armitage Mr F T & Mrs K M Innes Mr A D & Mrs K Rice Mrs E Back Mr M P & Mrs T M Janus Dr J P & Mrs S E Rice Mr M C & Mrs J M Baily Prof F G Jarrett Dr M S & Mrs J A Rice Prof J G Barber Mr J D & Mrs D Jenkins Mr A G & Mrs V G Robertson Anonymous Jesuit Community Mrs H Rodriquez Dr D S & Mrs J M Barker Anonymous Anonymous Mrs M Besanko Mr K F & Mrs B E Kelly Prof F L Rosenfeldt Mr I F & Mrs J Black & Family Mrs M Kennedy Anonymous Mr J E & Mrs A M Bond Dr R J & Dr C Kimber Mr D F Ryan Judge M T Boylan & Mrs D G Boylan Mr D J & Mrs M M Klingberg Mr J J & Mrs D A Ryan Prof S P Brennecke Mr J C & Mrs M M Klingberg Mr D J & Mrs F M Schultz Dr R & Mrs L Britten-Jones Mr G J & Mrs M M Knoblauch Mrs M Scollin Dr R B & Mrs J C Burnet Mr S & Mrs L D Kosmala Mrs G M Segale Anonymous Mr T & Mrs J Krupka Mrs P Sen Anonymous Prof E D & Mrs M M Le Mire Anonymous Miss D G Callaghan Mr A J Le Poidevin Mr G A & Mrs R Shepherd Mr W & Mrs D M Campbell Anonymous Mrs J A Singh Anonymous Mr T & Ms B Madigan Dr A D &Mrs A C Smerdon Mr P G & Mrs M A Carruthers Mr M B Martin & Ms L T De Poi Mr K T & Mrs L Smith Prof L R & Mrs M Casse Anonymous Mr C & Mrs B Soriano Anonymous Mr P J & Mrs B McCarthy Dr R & Mrs D Spizzo Dr E G & Mrs D Cleary Dr D & Mrs C McCleave Mr P A &Mrs S M Steele Mr C & Mrs J Confalone Mr P M & Mrs G B McEntee Dr B T & Mrs J A Storer Mr J R & Mrs M A Connelly Dr G M & Mrs A M McGrath Mr M E &Mrs M Sweeney Mr M Corcoran Dr A & Mrs C C McInerney Mr T & Mrs S Tagliaferri Mr G & Mrs R Crafter Mr J & Mrs K J McKenzie Mr N & Mrs A Tanti Mr F S & Mrs M I Crisci Mr D P McLauchlan & Ms K L McLauchlan Anonymous Mr R A & Mrs A M Cusenza Anonymous Mr C K Teh & Mrs J M Oh Mrs D Dare Mr P J & Mrs E M Mittiga Mrs J M Templer Dr G & Mrs P Davies Mr P G Moller Mr J M Trenerry & Ms C L Rumbelow Mr G M & Mrs J M Davis Mr J J & Mrs J F Moore Dr A &Mrs P M Trewartha Mr R J & Mrs A L De Conno Mr B J & Dr V M Moran Anonymous Mr V & Mrs M De Robertis Mr C F Mullins Mr J B & Mrs C S Walsh Anonymous Dr R & Mrs R Munday Anonymous Dr D P & Mrs G Dineen Anonymous Mr P Watt & Ms K Swaffer Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Judge J J Doyle & Mrs M Doyle Mr M J & Mrs K C Murray Dr D P Whiteman Anonymous Mrs T M Nicholas Mr A M & Mrs J Wiley Fidelis Association Mrs M J Nicol Mr B N Williams Anonymous Mrs L Norris Mr R J & Mrs K T Wood Mr B A & Mrs M E Floreani Dr K P O’Brien & Dr G M Miller Mr C Zollo Mr M F & Mrs M L Giuliano Mr P B & Mrs J V O’Keefe Mr L F & Mrs C Zollo Mrs J Glastonbury Mrs M Organ Mrs M Zurauskas Mr E & Mrs E M Glavas Mr J B & Mrs W Osborne Dr S P & Mrs J D Gratiaen Dr R T & Mrs S A O’Shea Mr T Groblicki Mrs S J Ozga Dr J O & Mrs R Hancock Anonymous Dr R R & Mrs K Haslam Parents & Friends Association Mrs E E Healy Dr F X & Dr S J Parnis Mrs D Herd Mr M & Mrs S Petkovic Mr J & Mrs G Hill Mr G F & Mrs A Piazza

6 | MANRESA SUMMER 2014 CHAPEL OF THE HOLY NAME SAINT SJ BUILDING SAINT PETER FABER SJ BUILDING Mr W J & Mrs R H Allan (LIBRARY & SENIOR YEARS) (MUSIC AND DRAMA) Mr A J & Ms G Anthony Dr C C Andersen & Dr S M Le Mire Anonymous Mr W J & Mrs J H Armitage Anonymous Mr N G & Mrs C A Almeida Athelstone Eucharistic Community Mr A J Baily Anonymous Mrs E Back Dr D S & Mrs J M Barker Dr C C Andersen & Dr S M Le Mire Mr R & Mrs M T Ben Anonymous Dr G J & Mrs D Andersen Mr P J Booth Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Judge M T Boylan & Mrs D G Boylan Anonymous Mr I D & Mrs C E Brophy Mr P A & Mrs M Britten-Jones Dr S Antony Olakkengil & Mrs M Mathew Mrs I Calabrese Dr D A & Dr G A Cehic Mr R F Aquilina Mrs A Cali Mr J M & Mrs M Centenera Mr W J & Mrs J H Armitage Mrs L Calipari Anonymous Mrs E Back Mr W & Mrs D M Campbell Mr R & Mrs P M Ciccozzi Mrs E Ballado Mr C Caprioli Mr P D Coffey & Ms M R Doyle Prof J G Barber Mrs E V Carr Mr J R & Mrs M A Connelly Mr S L & Mrs F J Barker Mr P G & Mrs M A Carruthers Mr I A & Mrs S E Curtis Mr J Baso & Dr A Laudato Mr C J & Mrs M J Cini Mr B J &Mrs H D Devine Anonymous Mr R P & Mrs B Corrie Anonymous Mr I F & Mrs J Black and Family Mr F S & Mrs M I Crisci Anonymous Judge M T Boylan & Mrs D G Boylan Mr R J & Mrs A L De Conno Dr A & Dr C Duncan Anonymous Mr I De Robertis Mr J L Firth Ms A M Braybon & Mr S Braybon Mr D & Mrs D K De Simoni Dr S J &Mrs C A Greaves Mrs C Brazel Mr M & Mrs S Di Girolamo Prof K P &Mrs P E Green Prof S P Brennecke Mr D J & Mrs A M Donleavy Anonymous Mr A R Britten-Jones Anonymous Mr T J Heffernan &Ms C E Murphy Mr P A & Mrs M Britten-Jones Mrs C Duffy Anonymous Dr R & Mrs L Britten-Jones Anonymous Mr A & Mrs M Hooi Anonymous Mrs M Finlay Mrs L C Horvat Mr R & Mrs S Buchecker Mr E & Mrs C M Fleming Mr R & Mrs A Ibaviosa Mr R S & Mrs S A Buckland Mrs E Gruszka Mr G A & Mrs R M La Vista Dr M J & Mrs B M Burke Anonymous Mr M B Martin & Ms L T De Poi Anonymous Mr J & Mrs P Heffernan Mrs J McCarthy Mr W & Mrs D M Campbell Mr T & Mrs T Hopkins Mr J A & Mrs R Morelli Mr J & Ms P T Capaldo Mr D & Mrs C Jones Mr C & Mrs A A Mulraney Mr M & Mrs M Capobianco Anonymous Dr D N &Mrs R M Munday Anonymous Mr J C & Mrs M M Klingberg Prof K P O’Brien Mr A & Mrs M G Caretti Mr E & Mrs R Leombruno Mr G W O’Loghlen & Ms A Dormer Mr M J & Mrs C Carey Mr K Lewis Dr F X & Dr S J Parnis Dr B I Carney &Dr J A Catford Anonymous Mr M D & Mrs J C McCabe Anonymous Dr L & Mrs R Chitti Mr D & Mrs D McLoughlin Mr J & Mrs E Rossi Anonymous Mrs S Nicholls Mr P & Mrs J L Rossi Mr M & Mrs M A Ciccocioppo Mr J & Mrs K Ordon Anonymous Mr P D Coffey & Ms M R Doyle Mr B N & Mrs C M Osmond Dr M J & Mrs I Smiley Mrs C Comazzetto Mrs G Priori Mr M & Mrs H Spinelli Mr R L & Mrs P M Comazzetto Mr F W & Mrs M J Quin Mr G W & Mrs A Stone Mrs D Condoluci & Miss G Condoluci Anonymous Mr T & Mrs S Tagliaferri Mr J R & Mrs M A Connelly Mr J J & Mrs D A Ryan Anonymous Mr B A Corso & Dr M N McDonnell Mr P C & Mrs S M Ryan Mr J S & Mrs R M Vagnarelli Mr D S & Mrs A M Cosentino Mrs P Sexton Mrs C Valente Mr F & Mrs M S Custodio Anonymous Mrs R M Wayte Dr G & Mrs P Davies Mr J Slattery Anonymous Mr A S & Ms C L Davies Mr M & Mrs K Spudic Mr J & Mrs H Davies Mr N H & Mrs P Stapleton Mr P D & Mrs A Davies Mr M A & Mrs T A Surman Mr M J Dawes Mr M B & Mrs M Thompson Mr D G Dewar Mr P C & Mrs M A Watson Mr B J & Mrs S L Doyle Mr R J & Mrs K T Wood Mr S J & Ms S E Doyle Mrs J Wooding Assoc Prof K L Durban Mr C Zollo Miss M Eddington Anonymous Mr J M & Mrs J A Evans Anonymous Mr K Fernandez Dr S A & Mrs M K Fernando Mr J L Firth Anonymous Mr E & Mrs C M Fleming

MANRESA SUMMER 2014 | 7 Mr M E Fleming Dr C A & Mrs S J Perera RESERVE YOUR SEAT Mr P M & Mrs S M Foley Anonymous Allen Family Mr P & Mrs J R Fong Mr A Pierson Mr N G & Mrs C A Almeida Mr E & Mrs T E Franco Mr D R & Mrs T J Prescott Dr C C Andersen & Dr S M Le Mire Mr B H & Mrs K A Gallasch Mrs P C Purvis Mr A J Anthony Mr M J Gardner Mrs M E Pyne Mrs G H Anthony Mr M A Gibbens &Mrs R Kuroki Mr O & Mrs C W Reiziger Baily Family Mr E & Mrs E M Glavas Dr M S & Mrs J A Rice Besanko Family Mr S & Mrs V Glavas Mr W & Mrs J Richter Mr P A & Mrs M Britten-Jones Prof K P & Mrs P E Green Mr P E Ridge Miss L J Brzezinski Mr J G & Ms S J Hamra Anonymous Mr R & Mrs S Buchecker Mr R J & Mrs G Handley Mr C M & Mrs C Rodda Mr W & Mrs D M Campbell Mr S & Ms S Harmsen Ms F Roma Carney Family Dr J H & Mrs L E Hatch Anonymous Ms J Clune Mr T J & Mrs L M Hernan Mr P & Mrs J L Rossi Coffey Family Mr G F Hiskey Mr R & Mrs R M Ruggiero Connelly Family Anonymous Mr K D & Mrs D Rutt Mr J & Mrs N Kelly and Family Mr C B & Mrs T A Hooper Mr D F Ryan Mr A S & Ms C L Davies Prof P A & Dr C M Howell Mr M J & Dr E C Ryan Mr J & Mrs H Davies Mr R & Mrs A Ibaviosa Mr D &Mrs M E Schirripa Dr G & Mrs P Davies Anonymous Mr K J & Mrs L Seppelt Mr A C Dewar Dr D E & Mrs C A Joyce Mr P & Mrs L M Serwan Mr A M & Mrs S M Dodson Anonymous Anonymous Mr B J & Mrs S L Doyle Mr J R Kelly Dr M R Shanahan Mr S J & Ms S E Doyle Mrs N J Kelly Anonymous Eddington Family Dr C J Kennedy Anonymous Fleming Family Dr E M Kennedy Mr G K & Mrs L M Shmith Mr P & Mrs J R Fong Mr P & Mrs C Kennedy Dr M J & Mrs I Smiley Mr B H & Mrs K A Gallasch Mrs H Khuc Mrs M Stanisci Gibbens Family Ms T Khuc Mr G M & Mrs D I Staruchowicz Mr E & Mrs E M Glavas Dr R J & Dr C Kimber Dr B T & Mrs J A Storer Ms C L Green Mr R H Kimber Mr M J Storer Mr J S Greet Dr T E Kimber & Ms K J Bochner Mr T R Storer Mr S & Ms S Harmsen Mr P D & Mrs D J Kirchner Mr D G Stuart & Mrs B I Hilander Mr O D Heffernan & Ms G E Heffernan Mr S & Mrs L D Kosmala Anonymous Mr J B & Mrs M B Hogan Mr T & Mrs J Krupka Mr C K Teh & Mrs J M Oh Mr S C Hooper Mr G A &Mrs R M La Vista Mr A J & Mrs B R Timko Ms E J Hooper Mr H & Mrs F Lalidis Mr J & Mrs M Tolcvay Kelly Family Dr A I & Mrs T H Larsson Mr D Tran & Mrs T Lam Dr C J Kennedy & Kennedy Family Prof E D & Mrs M M Le Mire Anonymous Mr P D & Mrs D J Kirchner Mr P A Le Poidevin Mr J S & Mrs R M Vagnarelli Mr S & Mrs L D Kosmala Dr D F Lemmings & Dr C I Walker Mr R M Walsh Mr G A & Mrs R M La Vista Mr T & Mrs G A Lloyd Dr D J & Mrs A M Walters Prof E D & Mrs M M Le Mire Mr R & Mrs G Lombardi Anonymous Mr B J Le Poidevin Anonymous Anonymous Lyall Family Mr S D Mander & Ms M Minucci Mrs E Wedge Mander Family Anonymous Anonymous Mr M B Martin & Ms L T De Poi Dr J & Mrs N A Massolino Mr T C & Mrs M J White McGrath Family Mr C & Mrs M Mazzone Mr D J Whitford Dr D N & Mrs R M Munday Mr C & Mrs D McCabe Mr A M & Mrs J Wiley Mr R E O’Brien Mr D G & Mrs J McGrath Mr B N Williams Mr N H O’Brien Mr J & Mrs K J McKenzie Mr P J & Mrs N T Willis Dr C A & Mrs S J Perera Mr T A & Mrs E L Melville Mr S Wisking Anonymous Mr G & Ms C Morrow Mr R J & Mrs K T Wood Mr R & Mrs R M Ruggiero Dr D N & Mrs R M Munday Anonymous Rutt Family Dr R & Mrs R Munday Dr G C & Dr S M Yates Mr P & Mrs L M Serwan Anonymous Mr G & Mrs R Zerella Dr C M & Mrs E J Sexton Mr M J & Mrs K C Murray Mr G & Mrs M Zillante Mr A P & Mrs D S Stenta Anonymous Mr C Zollo Storer Family Dr S R & Mrs M M Nitchingham Mr C K Teh & Mrs J M Oh Dr K P O’Brien & Dr G M Miller Mr J S & Mrs R M Vagnarelli Mr D C O’Connor Mr O F Van Wageningen & Ms V C Thurston Mr J F Orlando Dr G C & Dr S M Yates Mr A L & Mrs C S Papp-Horvath Mr G & Mrs R Zerella Anonymous Parents & Friends Association Anonymous Dr F X & Dr S J Parnis

8 | MANRESA SUMMER 2014 Around the College in Pictures

MANRESA SUMMER 2014 | 9 Parents and Friends

The Bath Hotel The 2014/2015 committee comprises Susan proved a popular Dodson (President), Marina Borrello (SS Vice- venue for our president), Lisa Cooksley (JS Vice-president), Mother’s Day Irene Lambrusco (Secretary), and Kathy luncheon held on Zollo-Rboub (Class Rep Co-ordinator). Friday 9 May. The Other energetic members of the team event was a sellout, include Sarah Baily, Marie Hawkins, Debora with many happy Pereira, Nancy Piatanesi, Ann Simnovec mums leaving with and friend Phillip de Pinto (’94). We also raffle prizes. We welcome new member, Kirsten Michels were so pleased and very much look forward to getting to many of our know her. mothers, grandmothers and mothers- in-law were able to enjoy themselves. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Lisa Bailey, Louise Quinn and Anne the retiring committee members: Maria de Anthony Capobianco (Rec) delivering a reading Charlesworth are to be congratulated Angelis, Tania Barone, Sandra Klein, Louise at the Reception Grandparents Day mass on their efforts in ensuring the success Quinn (’84), Lisa Bailey, Guida Coutinho and and fun of this inaugural event. A very Gabi McEntee. Special thanks must also go sincere thankyou is extended to all to all the class reps for their assistance and the community members who kindly organisation during the past twelve months. and generously donated items for the Upcoming events for your diary include fabulous (sold out) raffle we were able to the Melbourne Cup luncheon on Tuesday offer everyone. 4 November and the Christmas carols at The Parents and Friends Committee were the Junior School on Wednesday 3 happy to assist with the Year 8 Grandparents December. I hope many of you are able Morning Tea held on 3 June and Reception to join us. Morning Tea on 7 August. Nearly 300 MRS SUSAN DODSON nanas, pas and friends were lovingly and President proudly attended to by their grandchildren. These are important events in the College’s Jodie Geraghty (centre) with her grandmother Dawn Martyn (left) calendar and the Parents and Friends and her mother Barbara Martyn (right) at the Mother’s Day Lunch catchcry of ‘hospitality, generosity and community’ was in full swing as many College parents offered their assistance. However, the mornings belonged to our Reception and Year 8 students and they are to be congratulated on being such fabulous hosts. Adelaide Oval, Adelaide’s newest and most impressive venue, provided the perfect location for our biennial College Ball held on 26 July. It was a wonderful celebration of community, generosity and hospitality. More than 340 guests enjoyed the chance to mingle with friends, wine and dine on a Annemarie Pyne, Lisa Bailey, Louise Quinn Olga Pennino, Susanna Lanzilli, Connie Capoccia delicious menu, place a bet on the live and at the Mother’s Day Lunch at the Mother’s Day Lunch silent auctions and burn up the dance floor. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of the night, particularly Libby, Liz, Danielle, Steph, Gabi, Maria, Philip, Sandra and Georgie. Special thanks must go to Pure Envy Jewellers for their generous donation of the raffle prize. The Parents and Friends AGM was held on Wednesday 20 August when we presented Father Davoren with a very healthy cheque for $100,000. Your generosity and attendance at the many College events held in the past twelve months have contributed Norm and Anita Tanti with their grandson Gabi McEntee, Father Davoren, Susan Dodson to this donation. Gregory Tanti at the Year 8 Grandparents Day and Irene Lambrusco at the P&F AGM

10 | MANRESA SUMMER 2014 Like us on Facebook Fidelis

The Fidelis Association welcomed the year with our Annual General Meeting in April 2014. Fr Paul Mullins SJ spoke at this Mass and as always was warmly welcomed by members. Our midyear celebration was held on Sunday 10 August at the Senior School, Athelstone. Fr Rob Davoren SJ celebrated Mass in the Chapel of the Holy Name and talked about our Ignatian traditions. He also acknowledged Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop, whose feast day is celebrated on 8 August. In celebration of her memory, we remember her for her stalwart faith and From left: Lucille Britten-Jones, Michael & Anne Fiedler and Robert Britten-Jones with their granddaughters Camille Britten-Jones and Willa Ogden at the Reception Grandparents Day dedication to her cause and how we have intertwined her thoughts and ethos for what we stand for today. Our end-of-year function – a Mass, followed by drinks and supper – will be held at the Junior School on Wednesday 19 November at 7.30 pm, in the Holy Family Building, Junior School, Norwood. Members of the Junior School Choir and Instrumental Group will again provide entertainment on the night. The Committee and I look forward to seeing you at our events. MRS SHEELAGH STEELE Jodie Geraghty (centre) with her grandmother Dawn Martyn (left) John and Ruth Vagnarelli and Chris and Liz Sexton Susan Lupoi, Effie Vlachoulis and Diana Panayiaris and her mother Barbara Martyn (right) at the Mother’s Day Lunch at the College Ball at the College Ball President

Whether your son, daughter or grandchild left the College last year or many years ago, the Fidelis Past Parents Association is a great way to remain connected to the Ignatian community. In 1983, Fidelis was formed by a small group of mothers who had spent many years working together for the College, and in so doing had formed friendships that Jo Villios, Hala Iasiello, Alison Gallo, Kathy Zollo-Rboub, Rita de Rosa and Yvonne Karapetis at the College Ball they wanted to continue. Fidelis has broadened over the years to include fathers and grandparents. Past parents are a vital part of this community and we would love you to be a part of Fidelis.

Membership forms are available from or Membership Fidelis by contacting Mrs Monica Klingberg on 0403 508 904 or 8334 9348.

Margaret Ward, Dawn Cleary, Betty Back and Kath Wood at the Fidelis midyear celebration

MANRESA SUMMER 2014 | 11 Jesuit Mission

Saint Ignatius’ College Adelaide, Jesuit Thank you to everyone who attended Mission and the Old Ignatians Association on the night and thank you also to those combined to create an amazing night who could not attend but kindly made a on 14 February, which raised a profit donation. of $20,000 for the Jesuit Schools and The Valentine’s Day drinks event was made Teachers Training College in Timor Leste. possible because of the great work of a The Valentine’s Day drinks fundraiser was very generous committee; sincere thanks a huge success, with over 250 guests in go to each and every one of the members. attendance. Fr Aloysious Mowe SJ, Director A special thankyou must also go to the of Jesuit Refugee Services in Australia, spoke Saint Ignatius’ College students and the briefly and eloquently about love that is Old Scholars who worked on the night faithful. Old Scholar band Jazz in Your Ear serving food and drinks, and the generous (joined by guest vocalist Chelsea Gilbert – Old Scholars who donated alcohol. 2014 Music Captain) entertained the guests Our next event will be held on Saturday and generously donated their time in true 14 February 2015; we look forward to Ignatian spirit for this worthy cause. seeing everyone then. This event was a wonderful example of MS STEPHANIE HAMRA community engagement and involvement. Convenor – Jesuit Mission

Fr Aloysious Mowe SJ addressing the guests


JESUIT MISSION 2015 Saturday 14 February

Emily Hooper (‘11) and Steph Hamra

Leonie Horvat, Claire Duncan, Di Kirchner, Andrew Duncan

12 | MANRESA SUMMER 2014 My Graduation Year

At the beginning of Year Twelve came how my values and qualities exemplified year levels, such as Cyber Bullying, and the daunting realisation that this was Ignatian qualities, but furthermore, how I chapel services. Furthermore, ‘The Cage’ my final year of schooling – the last could continue to develop as an individual was an initiative developed by students chapter of the past thirteen years of my and carry these ideals forward in my life. this year to raise awareness for the 20,000 life – and I was posed this question: In this graduation year, I have been able Palestinian refugees in Yarmouk displaced What does it mean to be an Ignatian? to contribute to the school year through by the Syrian civil war. Twenty-one students At first, I found it challenging to define various activities. I participated in Kairos as symbolically trapped themselves in a cage my Jesuit education; however, through a retreatant at the beginning of the year, for 24 hours with no food, electronics or Integrated Learning this year I have which had a significant impact on me, so furniture, which raised over $4000 for the gained a stronger idea about the qualities going back as a leader was very rewarding Jesuit Refugee Service. Thus, this subject and values that make the ideal Ignatian as I was able to further explore religious and has not only benefited the development of ‘Grad at Grad’. spiritual aspects of my life. By contributing the students studying it, but has also raised Integrated Learning is a Stage 2, 10-credit to the religious and spiritual life of my awareness of specific issues within the subject that allows students to literally peers, and through reflection and feedback wider College community. integrate their learning. Comprising just on the experience of being a leader, I was I strongly believe that the strength of our four assessment tasks and replacing the able to identify my specific strengths and College should not be measured by what College’s compulsory Religion program, weaknesses as a communicator. Initially, I we know, but by who we are. Throughout it was appealing to me as it provided the was somewhat negative about the reflection this year I have not only formed new opportunity to use everything I would process after each task; however, I have relationships with peers in various year already be doing at school in order to come to appreciate the importance of possibly gain a higher ATAR. Initially it was reflecting upon experience and the value levels, but I feel I have also learnt more my rational analytical qualities that led me it can bring in reminiscing, analysing my about myself and developed many of my to choose this subject; however, throughout communication skills and discovering Ignatian qualities, such as being open the year it has been my reflective, creative personal qualities. Daily reflection is an to adult issues and committed to doing and communication skills that have important skill in Ignatian spirituality as it justice. Although I believe I am intellectually benefited the most. allows us to not only return to the positive competent, when I graduate, I want to aspects of the day but also review where be remembered as always willing to help Because this is my last year at Saint Ignatius’ we went wrong and how we can do better others: a person who was a friendly face College, my goal has been to be involved in tomorrow. around the College and always dedicated as much as I can in order to make the most to her studies and willing to take on of every opportunity, but also to ensure I Events that have occurred due to student opportunities. graduate with no regrets. Through exploring involvement in Integrated Learning 2014 for the ‘Grad at Grad’ qualities in Integrated the Group Activity Task or Communication MISS KIRA ELISEO Learning, I came to an understanding of Product include presentations to younger Year 12

Kira (second from left in the front row) with Kairos participants in April 2014 MANRESA SUMMER 2014 | 13 Old Ignatians Association

From the President

The great majority of Old Ignatians The Old Ignatians Association has, at are passionate about the College, its core, the charter of connecting Old the broader Ignatian community and, Ignatians across the years as well as importantly, Ignatian ideals. across interests and activities. For the OIA When we leave the College we take with to remain relevant, it is imperative that us a sense of belonging, which provides we constantly renew our approach, our some level of comfort as we embark on activities and, of course, our committee. the unknown of what life will throw at us. I am very pleased to welcome three new In reality, though, for the rest of our lives members to our committee: Gemma we will be confronted with the ‘unknown’, Clancy (‘13), Mark Pace (‘13) and Rob and it is good to know that the sense Idol (‘98). We welcome the energy and of belonging to the Ignatian community remains with us. The inherent sense enthusiasm of this new trio and look of being men and women for others forward to their contributions. I would also also remains. like to thank Richard Scollin (‘79) for his work on the committee over the years. Recently I was fortunate to attend the Richard has recently left the committee but Ordination of Philip Moller SJ (‘96). The Ordination and Thanksgiving Mass we know he will remain in touch. Don’t lose touch the following day was undoubtedly a The committee welcomes, at any time, with the College very special occasion for Philip and his suggestions from all quarters for involving family, and also for the broader Ignatian Old Ignatians in activities. If you have any Keep us informed of your community. In talking with a number of suggestions or causes, please contact change of contact details Old Ignatians afterwards, the celebration (postal and email) so we can reiterated for all of us the importance Ms Emily Chadbourne in the Development inform you of reunions, of being men and women for others. On Office or contact me directly. upcoming events and more. behalf of all Old Ignatians, I wish Philip MR ROB UNDERDOWN (’88) all the very best in his priestly vocation President E: [email protected] and assure him that he remains in our P: 08 8334 9306 prayers, always.

Reunions - Save the date

The College offers a number of reunions and events each year for Old Ignatians to stay connected, to renew school friendships and to re-live memories made during the formative years. Reunion information is posted and emailed to all Old Scholars whose current contact details we have on our database. To register your attendance, please contact Ms Emily Chadbourne. Email: [email protected] or phone: 8334 9306

YEAR DATE VENUE 10 Year – Class of 2004 Friday 24 October, 6.30 pm The Maid Hotel 20 Year – Class of 1994 Saturday 11 October, 2.00 pm The Duke of York 30 Year – Class of 1984 Friday 26 December, 7.30 pm East Terrace Continental 40 Year – Class of 1974 Friday 17 October, 7.30 pm The Whitmore Hotel 50 Year – Class of 1963-1964 Saturday 15 November, 12.30 pm The Maylands Hotel 50+ Year – Class of 1956-1962 Sunday 16 November, 9.00 am Saint Ignatius’ College Athelstone Brisbane Gathering Friday 17 October, 6.00 pm Watt Restaurant and Bar

For regular updates please visit or

14 | MANRESA SUMMER 2014 Like us on Facebook Old Ignatians Sport

Old Ignatians Soccer Club

Season 2014 has been an extremely challenging year for the cub, both on and off the field. With the introduction of two new coaches, a new Club President and the management of the Glenunga redevelopment, the club has had a full agenda to ensure that everything continues to head in the right direction. On the field positive results have been more difficult to come by this year for most teams at the club. The D and E grades have struggled in significantly improved competitions. The C grade is faring slightly better, while most disappointingly, the A has served on the committee every year Overall there is a lot going on behind the grade has struggled to capitalise on the since 2007, becoming the club’s longest scenes at OISC in 2014 to secure excellent results of the past two seasons. serving Treasurer in the process. With Nick facilities for the future. If you are a player, On a more positive note the B grade and at the helm the committee has continued coach, volunteer or sponsor and would like women’s team have had excellent seasons to progress the Glenunga redevelopment to be involved with the club in season 2015, and both remain in contention for top with the help of the Burnside Council. Pitch please do not hesitate to get in touch with a finishes, as well as progressing deep into works occurred in early 2014 and, although committee member as soon as possible. their respective cup competitions. The this has caused a few issues for the current season, the club knows this work will pay MR DANIEL ROSSI (’05) women also progressed all the way to the Secretary – Old Ignatians Soccer Club cup semifinal this year, losing to Mercedes dividends in future years. Similarly, four of in an extremely close game, 0-1. six new light towers have been installed and Burnside Council has progressed plans Off the fieldNicholas Tallarida (’05) for a new clubroom and change rooms has taken over the Presidency for season for the site, with construction work set to 2014. Nick joined the club in 2006 and commence shortly.

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Old Ignatians Netball Club

The Old Ignatians Netball Club is in the Warhurst (’03)], Janelle Grigg, Francesca midst of a very successful winter season. Smerdon (’09), Olivia Cirocco and Karen The club competes in four different De Los Reyes are all Old Ignatians who have grades at the Netball SA Stadium on surpassed the 50-game milestone with the Saturday afternoons and all teams are club. We thank them for their commitment competitive in their respective grades. over time and we look forward to more Old Ignatians representing the club. Club The B4 team, which includes Old Scholars President, Alex Besanko (’05), who has Alex Besanko (’05), Jess Horjus [nee played with the club since its inception, has Dickenson (’05)] and Janelle Grigg (’03), played more than 100 games for the club – has played some very physical matches an outstanding achievement! against tough opposition, and the girls have shown that on any given day, they can The club is very grateful to all of our club match it with the best. The C2 team, with sponsors and supporters. The Old Ignatians Old Scholar Karen De Los Reyes (’08), is Netball Club continues to grow in numbers, making a huge impact on the court. In the The Old Ignatians Netball Club began in strength and character, and this would C3 grade, the girls look very strong in their 2007 with only a few members and now not be possible without the support of our position on the ladder. Old Scholars Olivia we are a vibrant club with great depth sponsors, players and supporters. Cirocco (’09), Louise McCabe (’11) and and variety in club members and playing MS MIRIAM DOYLE Georgie (’12) are core fixtures standard. There have been a number of in this team. Belle Thorneycroft (’12) and players who have been very loyal and Secretary – Old Ignatians Netball Club Sarah Randall (’09) work well together in committed to the club over this time. Julia the C4 team and they too are in the top part Simcock [nee Pisaniello (’01)], Jess Horjus ABOVE: Summer C1 team members, who were premiers of their division. (nee Dickenson), Abby Willoughby [nee in their division


Old Ignatians Football Club

The 2014 season has been an exciting season for the club to date. On the back of our B grade premiership and C grade grand final in 2013, the club has entered a fourth team into the League for the first time in a generation, and at the halfway point of the season, all our sides were well placed inside the top five of their respective ladders. With four teams, we hope that Old Scholars of all standards can find a level of football suitable to them. Our A grade side has enjoyed a number people in attendance. A special thankyou Lastly, the club must also thank our loyal of great wins over top opponents to date must be given to the College for allowing us sponsors, who all contribute generously to this season, with a number of best-on- to use the facilities, and to our supporters the club. However, we would like to thank ground performances from recent College for their continued support of this event. in particular Joe Collins from Camms Group graduates, Luke Washer (’12) and and Daniel Eddington (’92) from Taylor The club held a past players day at its round Ben Owen-Thomas (’12), being highlights. Collison Stockbrokers, who have each 16 match against Salisbury on Saturday 2 A recent highlight for our B grade side was recently significantly increased their level August at our home ground at Railways. It a ten-goal, zero-handball game by Junior of financial support to the club. School teacher, Jeremy Cini (’95), was a great opportunity for past players of against Mitcham. the club who have been away from the club Please visit our website or email us for for some time to re-engage with the club further details. Off field, the club hosted its Family Day and catch up with old team mates, coaches MR CARLO CALABRESE (’88) luncheon at the Junior School in April. The and friends. event was a great success, with almost 200 President – Old Ignatians Football Club

16 | MANRESA SUMMER 2014 Like us on Facebook Old Ignatians Tennis Club

The Old Ignatians Tennis Club (OITC) has business. Even with his young family and enjoyed year-on-year growth since being hectic role as CEO at Tennis SA, Steve still founded in 2008. Last season saw our finds time to make a significant contribution playing membership increase to more at the club and look after his fellow than 40 registered players with Tennis SA; ‘Old Iggies’. we hope to see this figure increase again in 2014/2015, with teams in Division 1 Whilst we hope to continue providing Composite, 2-4 Men’s only, and ideally, the opportunities for our students, the funding Mixed Doubles competition. required in the current growth phase of the club represents a substantial hurdle for us. One unique aspect of the club that Despite the strong relationships that we have distinguishes us from other old scholar forged with Joggers World, Slashsport and sporting clubs is our emphasis on developing the Bath Hotel, further support is needed. current students of the College. Austinn Tennis 2 Steve Baldas (‘91) with Jack Warhurst (‘08), If you and/or your business is in a position Horner (Year 11), the current No. 1 Drive OITC Vice President, at a recent Tennis SA function/ to do so, please contact our Treasurer, Tennis player, is a prime example. We have Adelaide 36ers game Cameron Le Poidevin (’05) to discuss seen vast improvement in Austinn’s game we feel it important to continue the work of potential (mutually beneficial) opportunities. in the 12 months in which he has been with the College in encouraging students to strive the club, and this has been a direct result of MR TIM CHIA (’05) for success in all aspects of life. This notion is training with and playing alongside our more President – Old Ignatians Tennis Club exemplified best by Steve Baldas (’91), who experienced members. 0400 138 011 [email protected] has achieved great success on and off the The senior members at the club play a pivotal court, winning a Junior Wimbledon Doubles MR CAMERON LE POIDEVIN (’05) role in setting an example for our younger title in 1992 amongst other things and having Treasurer – Old Ignatians Tennis Club members; as we have mentioned previously, forged an extremely successful career in 0431 923 061 [email protected]

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Old Ignatians Cricket Club

Season 2014/15 marks the Old Ignatians Twenty20 team, which will play in the Cricket Club’s 47th year of existence. The midweek competition. The club trains at season promises to be one of great hope the Norwood Junior School throughout and reward, with a fruitful off-season the season, with games held at Athelstone resulting in the appointments of club each Saturday. All four captains will be Old coaches (the first time in a few seasons), Scholars, with Chris Frangos (’99) in the a new committee and a playing group A grade, Henry Stevens (’11) in the B grade, committed and ready to go to the next Tom Besanko (’03) in the C grade, and John level. Vaughan-Williams (’08) in the D grade. In March this year, we held our end-of- We strongly encourage all past players season presentations. Some outstanding and supporters to contact the President individual achievements occurred during Liam Carr (’05) via email presidentoicc@ the previous 2013/14 season. In the A grade, President Liam Carr (‘05) with Jim Tsekinis, winner of B-D to stay in contact with the club Chris Frangos (’99) won the batting trophy, Grade Player of the year in regards to upcoming social events and with 266 runs, and John Wilkinson (’99) milestones. We hope to have a 50-year won the bowling trophy, with 17 wickets. trophy, with 18 wickets. In the D grade, club anniversary dinner in two years time to Greg Shirley won the B grade batting trophy, stalwart Gavan Carey (’85) won the batting celebrate this milestone. Alternatively, ‘like’ with 173 runs, and Michael Reichstein won trophy, with 284 runs, and John Vaughan- us on Facebook – the B grade bowling, with 9 wickets. Our Williams (’08) won the bowling trophy (and OldIgnatiansCricketClub C grade made the grand final and narrowly the Association LOF Bowling Aggregate), MR LIAM CARR (’05) missed out on the flag in a close match. with 32 wickets. Chris Frangos was also President – Old Ignatians Cricket Club Jim Tsekinis won his seventh batting trophy awarded life membership of the ATCA. (including the Association LOD Batting The club will be entering two two-day Aggregate), with an outstanding 583 runs, teams and two one-day teams again this and Joseph Birks (’01) won the bowling season. The club hopes to also enter a

Like us on Facebook SUMMER 2014 | 17 Where Are They Now?

Fr David Holdcroft SJ – Class of 1975

My name is David Holdcroft and I offerings have included first aid, performing completed Year 12 in 1975. I then did a arts, journalism, sustainable agriculture, degree in Music and Geography before respite care and basic counselling. studying teaching. During these studies We run one primary school in Dzaleka I began visiting the homeless with Refugee Camp for 4,500 children and various St Vincent De Paul groups around its companion secondary school for 700 Adelaide, then ended up in Melbourne students. JRS activities further include a where I helped set up a number of houses lot of vocational and skills training, with for homeless people, some of which graduates being helped with micro grants continue today. that enable some to open and sustain a It was in this work that my life really began business. We also do a fair bit of counselling to make sense; in trying to befriend these as these people are often damaged, which people, I felt somehow freed to begin to makes it difficult for them to build any imagine the possibilities for my own future, future life. The average stay for these people which ultimately led me to approaching the in camp is around 17 years; only a handful Jesuits in my early thirties. leave each year, most for Australia. JRS is presently active. It also entails raising There were many changes that Jesuit the five million dollars US annually that is If anyone had told me even 10 years ago I life entailed but perhaps the richest in needed to keep everything going, and being would be in Southern Africa running schools personal terms was that, for the first time, ultimately responsible for 200 staff and and getting people into work I would have I was living with people of other cultures programs directly reaching 34,000 people; if thought them crazy. It is one of the great and nationalities. As well as Anglo-Irish you count their family members you would things about life, and Jesuit life in particular, Australians, my training was with Koreans, be looking at four times that number. that others – in this case my Jesuit superiors Indonesians, and Vietnamese-Australians, – have a far broader imagination about some of whom I count now as my closest where I can direct my energies to than me. friends. I also love the links you make with people – across boundaries of culture, race, class People ask me if I ever felt called to work and religion – whose generosity is drawn by with refugees. The truth is I didn’t. Towards those whom we attempt to help. It is very my ordination my then Provincial, Fr Mark humbling but at the same time demands a Raper SJ, told me of about four or five jobs good sense of humour. he thought would be suitable for me to go into post-ordination; Jesuit Refugee Service It has been wonderful to see some of the (JRS) was one of the choices. At that time refugees I know come to Australia and make the Province wanted to strengthen it and to friendships through the church or mosque, me it seemed the most suitable placement sometimes naming their children after these for my re-entry to the ‘workforce’ after first Australian friends. While we need to Jesuit studies. After four years there, I went have definable outcomes of our programs it to the last stage of Jesuit training in the is these human connections you make that US, part of which entailed a placement in JRS does a lot of educational work. In the often surprise, but also indicate that out of a refugee camp in Malawi. To be honest I four years I have been in the we have terrible tragedies and suffering, a new world didn’t know where Malawi was beforehand, managed to build one pre-primary, thirteen is always being born. I am just grateful that, but I really enjoyed being chaplain there, primary and three secondary schools, as in some small way, I feel part of it. and it gave me a privileged entry into well as a tertiary education facility that refugee lives, as well as good knowledge offers diploma courses to 35 students a of the incredible hardships they endure and year, with content streamed in via the their spirit to survive. internet from a coalition of 26 US-based Jesuit universities. This is supplemented by My job now entails the overall leadership ‘community service tracks’, where groups of and management of JRS activities in the refugees, who may not have gained entry Southern African region, which consists of into the diploma, learn various skills to help around eleven countries, in four of which them in their life in the camp; so far our

18 | MANRESA SUMMER 2014 Fr Philip Moller SJ - Class of 1996

Fr Philip Moller SJ was ordained on Saturday 26 July at St Ignatius Church, Norwood. The ordaining bishop was Bishop Greg O’Kelly SJ (’58). It has been some time since an Old Scholar has been ordained a Jesuit priest (Fr David Holdcroft SJ was ordained 3 July 2004) and so there was much cause for celebration. The ordination drew Jesuits, friends and family from across the country and, indeed, Philip’s ordination to the priesthood is the world. The ceremony was accompanied cause for much hope and confidence for by beautiful and uplifting music, with many the future of the Church and the Jesuit College choristers joining the choir of Order. Accepting the call to priesthood is a professional singers and musicians, many significant sign of great faith and courage by of whom were long-time friends of Philip. Philip and, in turn, an opportunity for hope Many of his former students attended the for the local Church. Philip says he has been ceremony as well as visitors from Saint inspired by the words of St Augustine, which Aloysius’ College, Sydney, where Philip had so aptly describe his own response to God spent time teaching in the course of his — “You have made us for Yourself, O God, Jesuit training. Philip’s parents, Jacqui and and restless is our heart until it rests in You.” Richard, and his sister, Sarah, her husband We congratulate Fr Philip Moller SJ on this Dale and their daughter Charlotte, were milestone event and wish him all the best as also present at this significant and moving he embarks on the next stage of his journey ceremony. in religious life.

Left to right: Fr Paul Mullins SJ, Fr Stephen Curtin SJ, newly ordained Fr Philip Moller SJ, Bishop Gregory O’Kelly SJ, Fr Brendan Kelly SJ, Fr Brendan Byrne SJ and Fr James Gartland SJ (Rector of Faber Jesuit Community, Boston) MANRESA SUMMER 2014 | 19 Where Are They Now?

Simon Pikusa (Class of 1981) - East Timor Revisited

Five years is enough time to see change and growth in many things: plants, people, businesses and countries. In 2009, I visited East Timor as part of a group to construct a small school building and refurbish an existing shed for visitor accommodation. This April I went there again, with my 14-year-old son Tim, to assist in the construction of another building in the hills of the Ermera District located about 25 kilometres south-west of Dili as the crow flies. In Timor, this represents a three-hour drive on rough tracks and an elevation gain of about 1,000 metres. Interested spectators at Railaco Craic building site after morning school For the last 20 years I have lived in Brisbane, where I practise as a consulting structural beautiful and the kids still have big, wide People need to have control and engineer, and both my boys have attended smiles and boundless curiosity. understanding of any technologies used to St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace. In 2006 In 2009 our project was to construct a rebuild and develop their society. the school started a group called the Terrace prefabricated building, which had been In deciding any sort of procurement, we Timor Network (TTN), which is a network of shipped from Brisbane. It is being used as tried to maximise the economic input to the students, past students, parents and friends a preschool and clinic and it was pleasing of the school interested in maintaining to see no signs of serious degradation and local community. The advent of electricity, a long-term relationship with Timor and some recent additions such as a rainwater instead of generators, means greater use of assisting with the task of rebuilding through tank and windows. This time we sourced power tools is possible and consequently supporting the work of the Christian materials locally and formally employed there can be greater precision in building Brothers (Comunidade Edmund Rice – CER). local men and women to build with us and and other jobs. Use of line and level, using CER runs schools and basic clinic services prepare food. Indeed, they had already metal-fixing components, laying drainage in five villages that cling to the steep constructed the ground slab and partially pipes, and procedures such as how to hang ridgelines. Apart from the production of constructed the walls from drawings we had a door were all being done by the Timorese coffee, most people live by subsistence sent a month before arriving. Two of our at the end of the project. Use of fine motor party were professional builders, which was farming. skills is also emphasised in the district invaluable in transferring simple technical preschools. Five years ago my first impression was of a skills. Creating opportunities for technology line-up of UN helicopters at the airport and transfer is a critical issue in Timor. There The learning is not all one way, however. the presence of Australian military. Now is a new bridge being constructed on the Westerners (particularly engineers like there are local policemen, even in the hills. road from the airport to Dili by Indonesian me) often go into this type of situation Spidery lines of sticks and wires mean there contractors and workers with minimal with limited time, a set of drawings and a is (occasional) access to electricity. Mobile Timorese involvement, and I know of defined project aim. We value efficiency, phones now work out of Dili. The lack of Chinese projects in Timor with similar productivity and our way of doing things. water quality, poor water reticulation and restrictive arrangements. This is not necessarily the case in Timor, the standard of sanitation have not changed. Nonetheless, the country remains starkly where the community is its primary support mechanism, which in turn shapes its reality and behaviour. Indeed, it also highlights the fragmented nature of Australian society. By physically working with people for a week you can see how they view the world and deal with its issues. When you are tired and hungry, you have to eat and sleep, as they do, and then get up at sunrise to do it again the next day. While the finished building was not quite as detailed as in the drawings, it was successfully completed. And it was fun walking, and working, with the Timorese.

Loyola College from Montserrat, approximately 16km west from Dili

20 | MANRESA SUMMER 2014 Class of 1959

At d’Arry’s Verandah Restaurant in July: Garry McDonald (’59), Peter Tierney (’59), Jim Travers (’59), Tony O’Brien [whose regular attendance will be missed due to relocation to NSW] (’60), Peter Sharp [School Captain Br Peter Coe and Fr Bong Abad Santos SJ at Railaco Craic visiting from Canberra] (’59), Peter Benda (’60), Dennis Ryan (’64), Chris George (’59) The development of East Timor is being directly dealt with by the Jesuits. In the hills I (re-) met Fr Bong Abad Santos SJ, a trained In July a number of members of the doctor, on his Mass and clinic round, and Class of 1959 and other class levels Fr Quyen Vu SJ at Palm Sunday Mass at gathered at d’Arry’s Verandah Restaurant Samalete. Later in Dili, Father Quyen took at McLaren Vale for what is now an me for a tour of Loyola College at Kasait and annual event that includes wives and the nearby Jesuit residence of Montserrat. It partners. The group meets four times was most illuminating to discuss the issues a year for breakfast and also meets for of his mission in Timor and those facing the lunch at the Feathers Hotel the Friday development of a school. I was impressed after the Melbourne Cup. by the quality of the school buildings and As can be imagined from a group of the excellent passive environmental design. Old Ignatians, each year their sporting In the words of Father Quyen, “Children achievements get better and better cannot learn if they are uncomfortable.” and their academic achievements more Boxes of books from Australian schools Tim Pikusa (Simon’s Son) at work on roof rafters outstanding. As well as reminiscing about were being diligently catalogued, Korean days long past there are avid discussions blackboards were on the walls and the on topics such as sport, politics, the Japanese Province had sent beautifully environment and religion. crafted timber desks. Classes are conducted Of those who regularly attend, Garry in Tetun and Portuguese, yet much business McDonald, Peter Tierney, Jim Travers and popular culture in the region is in and Chris George are foundation students Bahasa Indonesia or English. I asked how from the first year at Norwood in 1951. the Timorese curriculum compares with that of Indonesia, only four hours down the Chris George is the glue that keeps road. “We are behind, which is why I ask the the group together. If you would like teachers to do more,” was the answer. to join us at one of our functions, please contact Chris on East Timor has the population of Adelaide [email protected]. and is dealing with all manner of post- conflict issues, the most fundamental of All are welcome. which is language. I am not sure if having MR PETER TIERNEY Portuguese as an official language is a Class of 1959 help or a hindrance; indeed the World Fr Quyen Vu SJ and Simon Pikusa (‘81) after Palm Sunday Bank estimates that half the population is Mass at Samalete illiterate. Schools, from small sheds in the hills to high-quality institutions such as Kasait, will determine from where the next generation of Timorese leaders emerge, what their views will be and how they will shape Timor’s niche in the world.

MANRESA SUMMER 2014 | 21 Old Ignatian News


Requiescant in Pace The College is saddened by the news of the following deaths in our community. Our sympathy is extended to the families and friends of: Old Ignatians Anthony Duggan (‘87) Peter Morrissey (‘73) Steven Barone (‘03) married Catherine Jessica Howland (’06) and Evan Morrish Robert Papilion (‘68) Chesterman (‘03) on 13 October 2012. married on 26 July 2014. Ignatian Community Births Una De Barro William Bruce (Bill) Logan Moya Mellows Richard Kimber Lucas van der Jeugd Fr Julian Slatterie SJ

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the Andrew Haarsma (’03) and Olivia Delli Dianna Ly (née Zollo [’01]) and her mercy of God, rest in peace. Quadri married on 24 May 2014 at Our Lady husband Sav Ly welcomed a baby boy, Amen. of Victories, Glenelg. Benjamin Alfie, on 29 June 2014.

Alexander Ward (’80) Wins Prestigious Navy Award Lieutenant Commander Alexander Ward was the inaugural recipient of the Sir Lawrence Street Award, which was presented during the Navy Legal Conference in Sydney. The award was created to recognise exceptional professional excellence through sustained and significant contribution to Navy Legal. Alex is an Old Ignatian and a current parent. We congratulate him on being recognised for this prestigious honour.

Alex with Sir Lawrence and Lady Street Alex with fellow recipients LIMITED EDITION NEW IN STOCK! APRON $ CAPS CUFF Bring back those nostalgic memories from 25 SILK TIE LINKS $ $ $ your days at the College with the new line 40 20 50 of limited-edition merchandise from the OR 2 FOR Old Ignatians Association. $90 Call 8334 9306 to place an order. Call 8334 9306 to order yours today!

22 | MANRESA SUMMER 2014 College Musical – Beauty and the Beast Music and Drama Building ‘Reserve Your Seat’ - Donation Form On Thursday 22 August the curtain rose in the new Richard Flynn Theatre for the College’s inaugural Help Us Ignite Creativity and Expression performance of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. Donor Information “Will it be ready?” was the question on Fleming, Mr Neville Turnbull, Old Ignatians Title First Names Surname everyone’s lips, but no one could provide and music tutors who were part of the Name of Donor 1 an answer! We were about to immerse orchestra and backstage crew; and to ourselves in the fantasy and pleasure of the the many other people who worked hard Title First Names Surname Name of Donor 2 beautiful love story, Disney’s Beauty and and supported us, I extend my gratitude. the Beast. In a world that focuses so heavily This season holds a significant place in on outward appearances and pressures, Street the history of the College as the very Disney’s Beauty and the Beast is a timely first performance was held in the new Postcode reminder that “beauty is found within”. Saint Peter Faber SJ Building. It took many Suburb It is a musical that speaks to the heart of months of very hard work to get the Richard all of us, teaching us how to think and feel Mobile Home Flynn Theatre ready to accommodate the as it celebrates a unique and individual Telephone production. Thematically, Disney’s Beauty character that allows us to stand apart from and the Beast is about transformation. . . the crowd and learn to look more deeply E-Mail and the transformation that we have had in into the hearts of others. This I believe this space over the last twelve months has underpins our Ignatian philosophies. been extraordinary. Please generate a receipt in the name of: Donor 1 Donor 2 Both Names The 2014 musical represented the I thank you all: staff, students, technicians, culmination of hundreds of hours of work I (we) consent to the publishing of my/our names as donors I (we) wish to have my/our gift remain anonymous parents and friends. Disney’s Beauty and by a talented team of people. There were the Beast is the start of a very exciting I (we) would like to discuss making a bequest to the College 92 students on stage singing, dancing and time for the Saint Ignatius’ College acting, as well as a further 20 working hard performing arts. as part of the off-stage crew. Thanks must also be given to the staff for their tireless MS MARIA MINUCCI Donation Details work. To director Mrs Karen Sheldon and Director of Arts and Activities musical director Mr Peter Zubreckyj for their vision and expertise in creating magic on I (we) would like to make a single gift for the amount of $600 stage; to Mrs Anne Clancy, Mrs Annalisa Barry (’89), Mrs Melanie Brown, Mrs Jennifer McKinnon, Ms Kelly Mildenhall, Mrs Cathy I (we) would like to make a gift in two instalments for the amount of $300 today and $300 in six months (Feb 13, 2015)

Payment Options

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Direct Credit Account Name: Institution: BSB No: Account No: Transfer Saint Ignatius' College Foundation Commonwealth Bank 064-786 327 930 103

Cheque Enclosed (Please make cheques payable to Saint Ignatius' College Foundation)

Direct Debit (for a Direct Debit Request [DDR] form please contact Ms Dalice Kennedy on 8334 9356)

Donor Signature Signature: Date:

We thank you for your gift in support of the Music and Drama Building (Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible)

Saint Ignatius’ College Foundation Ph (08) 8334 9356 [email protected] ABN: 53 891 522 125 2 Manresa Court, Athelstone SA 5076 Fax (08) 8365 7041 CRICOS Provider: 00603F

August 2014 Ite Inflammate Omnia... Reserve your seat Go, set the world alight

2014 College Musical, Beauty and the Beast, performed in the Richard Flynn Theatre.

The new Saint Peter Faber SJ Building is designed to support Saint Ignatius’ College invites you to help us in these final Ignatius Early Years our students to achieve their very best and reach their highest stages by reserving your seat in the Richard Flynn Theatre. Early Learning Centre potential in Music and Drama. The seats are $600 each which can be paid in one or two ‘The education of 58 Queen Street Norwood 5067 installments. Support is still needed from our Saint Ignatius’ College family children is the renewal Tel 8130 7180 in allowing us to purchase significant equipment and furnishing Please complete the form overleaf and return it to the Junior School items. Saint Ignatius’ College Foundation. With gratitude our donors Reception to Year 6 of the world.’ 62 Queen Street will be acknowledged and recognised in the foyer of the Norwood 5067 Saint Peter Faber SJ Building. -Juan de Bonifacio Tel 8130 7100 Senior School Thank you for helping to set the world alight. Years 7 to 12 For further information about making a donation to 2 Manresa Court Athelstone 5076 Saint Ignatius’ College Foundation please contact the Tel 8334 9300 Director of Community Engagement, Ms Dalice Kennedy: (08) 8334 9356, [email protected] CRICOS CODE: (00603F)

Saint Ignatius’ College ANOTHER CD3846 Music and Drama Building