Works and Highways
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Departnent of Public Works and Highways Contract ID : 2OLDfil16 Contra€t Narne : C.oosknctionof Concreb Road -AccecsRoadklingrto Sulop Divine Mercy Location of the Contract : Sulop, Davao del Sur FORM OF CONTRACT AGREEMET{T KNOW ALt MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This col{TRACT AGREEMEITT, made this 136 day of February zo20 by and between: The GOVERilMENT OF THE REPUBUC OF THE pHIUppINES through the Departnent of Public works and Highways (DpwH) represented herein by NrcoMEDEs D. PARr[rv rR. - District Engineer, duly authorized for this purpose, with main office address at Lapu-tapu Street, Barangay Zone 3, Digos City, Davao del Sur, hereinafter referred to as the.pROCt RII{G EIfiITy.; -and- NLc cot{srRucrrot{ AitD suppuEs, a single proprietorship organized existing urder and by virtue of laws of the Republic of the philippines, with main office address at Purok Duranta, sinawilan, Digos city, Davao del sur, represented herein by ilERRTE c. crsNERos, MBA - General Manager, dury authorized for this purpose, hereinafter referred to as the'COI{TRACTOR.; WTTNESSETH: WHEREAS, the PRocuRrNG ENTTTY is desirous that the coNTRAcroR execute the works under contract tD No. 20tDo0l6 - construction of concrete Road - Access Road leading to sulop Divine Mercy, sulop, Davao de! sur, hereinafter called the "works", and the PRocuRrNG EI{Trry has accepted the catcutated Bid of the cot{TRAcroR for the execution and completion of the works at the calculated unit bid prices shown in the aftached Bill of Quantities, or a total contract price of illne Mllllon FIve Hundred Four Thousand Senen Hundred Nineu-Five peso6 and ll I 1.oo only (P 9,5(n195.77). Now, THEREFORE, for and consideration of the foregoing premises, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1 In this COilTRACT AGREEMEIIIT, words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to. 2. The following documents shall be attached, deemed to form, and be read and construed as part of this coNTRAcr AGREEMENT, and shall be interpreted in the following order of priority: { DPWH-iNFR-51-2016 Page 1 of 6 Department of public Works and Highways Contract ID : 2OLIXXI16 Contract Name : Construction ofConcreh Road - Access Road leading to Suiop Divine Mercy Locauon oF the Contract : Sulop, Davao del Sur a This Contract Agreement b Documents forming part of the Contract Agreement: (1) Notice of Award (NOA) with the Conkactor,s signed.conforme,, (2) COilTRACTOR's Bid in the Form of Bid, including ib Technical and Financhl CornporEnts, as cdculated by ttre procurirp Entity ard conformed to by the CONTRACTOR through the NOA. (3) Instructions to Bidders (ITB) and Elid Data Sheet (BDS) (4) SupplementauBid Bulletirs for Bidding Documents (s) Special Conditiors of Contract (SCC) (6) General Conditions of Contract (GCC) (71 SfcifiGtions (8) Drawings (e) Performance Security (10) Oher Documents: (a) Construction Methods (b) Construction Schedule in the form of PERT/CPM Diagram or Precedence Diagram ard Bar Chart with S-Curve, or other approved tools of project scheduling, and Cash Flow. t' (c) Manpower Schedule (d) Equipment Utilization Schedule (e) Construction Safety and Health program initially approved by the Head of the Procuring Entity (0 COilTRACTOR,S All Risk Insrrance (CARI) 3 In consideration of the payments to be made by the pRocuRrNG EilTITy to the coNTRAcroR as hereinafter mentioned, the coNTRAcroR hereby covenants with the PRocuRrNG ENTITY to execute and comprete the works and remedy DPWH.INFR-51-2016 Paqe 2 of E Departrnert of Public Works and Highways Contract ID : 2OLD(xrl6 Contract Name : Constnrction of Concreb Road - Access Road leading b Sulop DMne ilercy Location of the Contract : Sulop, Davao del Sur any defects therein in conformity with the provisions of this GoNTRACT AGREEMEII|T in all respects. 4 In consideration of the execution and completion of the Works by the CONTRACTOR, the PROCURING ENTITY hereby covenants to pay the coNTRACToR the unit prices in the cor{TRACToR! calculated Bid, as applied to guantities the actual accornplished as certified by the pRocuRrNG EI{Trry under provisions the of this coNTRAcr AGREEMEiaT, at the times and in the manner prescribed by this COHTIIACT AGREEMENT. rN wrrl{Ess WHEREOF, the parties hereto set their respective hands on the l7s day of February 2020 at Digos City, Davao del Sur. PROCURING ENTITY: CONTRACTOR: Represenhd by: Represented by: PARILLA, JR. NE EC. neer ral Manager Witnessed by: Subject to of Executive mer No. 91 s. 2019 utr R. FLORET{TINO L JOY G. CISI{EROS Accountant III Lia Officer Chief, Finance Section DPWH.INFR-51.2016 PBge 3 of 5 AIINEX TO @NTRACT AGREEMET'TT @IITRACT ID 1{O, : 20LD0016 @I{TRACT IIIAME : @nstruction ot Concrete Road - Acc6s Road leading to Sulog Divine Mercy LOCATIOI{ OF THE CO TRACT : Sulop, Davao del Sur DURATION : 610 Calendar Da}s SCHEOULE OF WORK ITEM T{O. DESCRIPTION Etr@ UNTT PRICE AMOUNT PART B - OTHER @IIERAL REQIIIREI,TEI{TS 8.5 Project Billboard / Siqnboard E E 3,891.64 11,674.92 8.7 (2) Ocqipatlonal Safety and l-tsatth ProgGm til E 20,247.76 20,241.76 B.8 (2) rafiic Management r ET tM,734.78 lor'.,734.78 B.9 / Demobifization E E 73,9t5.07 n,975.07 PART C - EARTHWORK 100 (3) a2 individual Rerno\ral of Trees, 301-500 mm dia, Small each 11.m 4,060.22 4,662.42 100 (3) a3 IndMdual Remo\ral d Trees, 501-750 mm d6, Small each 1.00 5,333.71 5,333.71 101 (1) Removal of Stuctures and Obstnrction 1.00 40,744.70 q,744.70 Renp\ral of SBrrctures and Obstuction, 0.15 m thfk, 101 (3) al rccP sq.m. 22.50 2$.87 s,419.58 Rernor/al of Actual SuuchiretoD6tsuctiofl, 910 mm 101 (4) a3 ln.m. dia., RCPC 3s.@ 910.41 31,8ff.3s t02 (2) Surdus Oomrnon Excavation cu.m. 197.00 182.96 36,043.12 103 (1) a SBucture Excavation, @rnmon Soil cu.m. r38.62 293.93 40,744.58 103 (6) a Pipe Cutverts and Drain Excayation, Common *)il cu.m. 78.91 293.75 23,779.81 Embankment from Roadway Exca\ratbn, Common 104 (1) a cu.m. 797.& SoiI 239.6 190,849.62 105 (1) a Subgrade Preparatron, Comrnon Material sq.m. 2,625.18 22.44 s8,909.04 PART D - SI,BBASE AI{D BASE COURSE @ Aggregate Subbase Course @r@ 1,313.94 1,706,808.06 Total lor this Pag€ P 23951255i1 FORANO I BEHALF: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORI(S AND HIGHWAYS NLC @NSTRUCTIO'{ AND SUPPUES Party of the First Part Party of the second Part JR" trl CISN MBA District Engineer General Manager WITNESSES: Subject to the E.O. No. 91 s. 2019 LILIBETH rlir. LU JOY G. OSNEROS Accou Nt III Liaison Ofiicer Chief, Finance Section Page 4 of 6 REPUBUCOFTHE PHIUPPINES ) crry oF _ )s.s. o Ll- o o d i! UJ (J z z. o l,nJ ol ACKT{OWTEDGEMENT dUJ o- (, o lrt c t o BEFORE ME, Notary Public for and in personally F= o .9 appeared z. l! ENGINEER NICOMEDES D. PARILIA, J JR. - Diskict o Engineer DPWH, Davao del Sur DEO, Digos C,ty, Davao del LIJ - z. Sur, Region XI with Residence Certificate No. 267L4463 issued on tt) January 10, 2020 at Digos City, Davao = del Sur and NLC CONSTRUCTION AND SUpptIES represented by NERRIE C. CENERO+ MBA- General Manager with Residence at, Certificate No. 26711020 issued on January 03, 2020 at Digos City, u, Davao del Sur known to me and to me known to be the same person A!o-l - who executed the foregoing COIffRACf AND AGREEMENT and they acknowledged to me that the same is their true air o act deed for and in oE or behalf of the Parties they represent. G (t, UI (oc =E z E 6EEo, o a:) -c (J E trb=- d e0) IN WITNESSED WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my (r, o,) signature and seal this l8hday of February 2020. z.E>. l! (, ()9O(! C' J = C ii o .o o z oJ El li (J F (Jtu z. ci z UJ tlt gl l! 4 lu dUJ o iE o- t! o "9 I .; c A dR. F o d Q z. o, NOTAEY PUELItr lu lll UNTIL OECEMEER 3I,2OZA UJ c z. I to tu RBLLNB IA772 (9 c Mf L E V- 0r-r053 AL 3049 U o Al U1 6 PIR N0.2tiE8l16. l1i505ClTv 0l'01'19 Do€. No. 1+r 6 Page. No. ? Book No. a d, g^- d Series of l-<) =totE q) 9E d 0l d, .= 'gtc OLL c ic t.rJ e6r ! EO oi: o.9 iz tE, =e Io s zt{ Page 6 of 6.