This book contains reviews of serious and commercial games that can be used for learning. 1 ABOUT

GREAT = Game-based Research in Education and Action Training

“We talk about creative learning. However, all learning involves some form of destruction, some form of creation and/or particular co-creation... The centrality of learning is here translated into a need for action: learning. Learn to create, learn how to create disruptions, learning to create innovation, learning to live together to collaborate. But if Learning and Technology, together, can build and host its core in the destructive potential of creativity and, by extension, of the collaboration, the need for meaning in all this is imperative. It is crucial to making sense of all forms of learning: informal, formal, not formal.” Roberto Carneiro in CREDITS Conference Book Creative Learning & Innovation:2009

Editor: Prof. DI Dr. Maja Pivec This project aims to proceed according to the Theory and Trends that cross Europe for its Layout: DI(FH) Anika Kronberger number one Priority in the EU 2020: Growth based on knowledge and innovation: Innovation; Contributors: APG - Portuguese Association of Human Resources Managers, FH JOANNEUM Education; Digital Society. University of Applied Sciences, Graz, Austria; MERIG - Multidisziplinares Institut fur Europa- Forschung Graz; AIF - Associazone Italiana Formatori; Gazy University, na Turquia; I.Zone The starting point for this project is the experience and knowledge base sustained by the Knowledge Systems partnership. Partners are well known and experienced.

Games in Education are one of the Trends for the Future of Learning (JRC/IPTS. Trends for 2030). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The purpose and general objective is to provide a methodology and a way to use Game-Based This publication was funded with support from the European Comission. The book was Learning by Training Companies/Organizations (focusing on SMEs and on the Social Economy) published as part of the work program for the project, GREAT = Game-based Research in and VET organizations (including Higher Education) trough the knowledge producers and Education and Action Training ( This project was funded in the Leonardo distributors: Trainers and Teachers. da Vinci - Transfer of Innovation program with the project number 2011-1-PT1-LE005-08600. APG - Portuguese Association of Human Resources Managers leads the development This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. partnership:

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held • FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences, Graz, Austria responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. • MERIG - Multidisziplinares Institut fur Europa-Forschung Graz • AIF - Associazone Italiana Formatori • Gazy University, na Turquia • I.Zone Knowledge Systems TABLE OF CONTENTS

Games ...... 6 Diner Dash The Sims FreePlay Tiny Tower Trine Portal2 Carcasone EntreEXPLORER TRAVIAN PING PLAYHOST English Language Scenarios MIRifiuto

Project Description ...... 30 EN/IT/GER/TK/PT/RO

Criteria for Game Selection ...... 42

Game Catalogues ...... 46 Diner Dash

COMPANY: PlayFirst, Inc.

PLATFORM/CONSOLE: Windows, Mac OSX, Android, Nintendo DS, XBox 360 (XBLA), Playstation 3 (PSN), Nintendo Wii (WiiWare), Playstation Portable

PLAYMODE: singleplayer only

LANGUAGE: The iOS Version is English only, The Webpage offers German, French, and Spanish versions for Windows and Mac.

GAME GENRE: Arcade + Strategy

project management competences: Leadership, People management, Planning, Time management, Cost management

The easy to learn game mechanics and the cartoonish artstyle are targeted towards a young audience. Though the game demands some motor skills, the time restrained decision making mechanics may benefit in learning to work under stressful conditions. The game asks the player to manage orders in a restaurant within a short period of time. This problem is best overcome by managing the order of taking orders and providing food, which leads to stressful situations that also have to be overcome. In Diner Dash, the player takes the role of a waiter who has to take orders, provide the dish, bring the cheque and clear the table within a certain time. The faster the player is, the more points are rewarded. If the player achieves a certain amount of points, the next level unlocks.

At the beginning of a level, the screen shows a counter, empty tables and trash can. People arrive at the restaurant, which have to be lead to a table. The customers start to look at the menu. As soon as they have chosen what to eat, the player then has to walk to the table to take the order. The order has to be taken to the counter, behind which a cook is preparing the food. After it is done, it is marked with the table number it belongs to. The player has to bring the food to the customers, wait until they have finished eating, provide a cheque and clear the table afterwards. The faster the player does these tasks, the happier the customers are and the more points the player achieves.

In this version (iOS), every aspect of the game is either drag and drop (for example showing the customers to their places) or point and click (going somewhere and interacting with objects). This free version provides 10 levels, which last an estimated 2 hours. More levels can be purchased through the game. It could be used for project management classes to train decision making in stressful environments.

6 7 The Sims FreePlay

COMPANY: Maxis and later by The Sims Studio, and published by Electronic Arts

PLATFORM/CONSOLE: Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube

PLAYMODE: Single-player

LANGUAGE: English, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, Polish, Suomi, German, Japanese, Korean, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, French, Chinese, Czech, Norwegian, Russian, Swedish

GAME GENRE: Simulation

project management competences: Planning, Time - and Cost management

The game is an open ended simulation of a little town. In it, the player creates houses and virtual characters (called Sims) to live in the town. There are three virtual points systems in place: Simoleons, the virtual currency, is used to buy furniture and build houses. It is earned through the jobs the Sims do and the the overall worth of the city. Experience points are gained through most interactions with the game like providing food for a Sim or building another home. Lifestyle points are gained for reaching special goals and can be used to speed up activities like sleeping, eating or petting a dog. The goal of the game is to increase the wealth of the town and to keep the inhabitants happy.

Similar Games:

• Megapolis • FarmVille • Social Wars • ChefVille • CoasterVille • CityVille • Disney City Girl • CastleVille • The Sims Social • TrainStation • Pet Society

8 9 Tiny Tower

COMPANY: NimbleBit

PLATFORM/CONSOLE: Apple devices with iOS 3.0 or later, Android

PLAYMODE: Single-Player


GAME GENRE: Strategy

project management competences: Leadership, People management, Planning, Time management, Cost management

In this open ended game, the player tries to build a tower in which people live. This includes building floors, providing stores for food and entertainment and keeping the inhabitants happy. Since it is open ended, there is no real win or lose situation.

Building floors for the player’s tower is usually made of three parts. First, the floor has to be built. After that, it has to be assigned with some use. It either is a floor for people to live in, or it is a floor with a specific purpose, for example a food store. After that, the player either navigates new inhabitants to their homes or assignes unemployed inhabitants to run the newly built shop. The inhabitants have many different qualities, which plays into their capabilities in their assigned jobs and their overall happyness. Every action that would take some time, for example building a floor, can be sped up by spending money. Furthermore, a menu shows statistics, a facebook clone called bitbook, in which inhabitants post status updates about their feelings, and missions, which give the player specific tasks to heighten the challenge.

10 11 Trine

COMPANY: Developed by Frozenbyte, Inc. Published by Nobilis Publishing

PLATFORM/CONSOLE: PC (Mac, Linux) PlayStation Network

PLAYMODE: Singleplayer and Multiplayer modus

LANGUAGE: The European version is available in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish or alternatively with subtitles.

GAME GENRE: Action/Adventure + Puzzle

project management competences: Leadership, People management, Negotia- tion skills and Conflict management skills

Trine is a physics-based action game where three characters allow clever solutions to challenges created by hazardous puzzles and threatening enemies. The gameplay is based on fully interactive physics - each character’s different abilities and tactics can be used to invent new ways to overcome obstacles and save the kingdom!

The story is about a trio that touches a magical stone at the same time and gets cursed into one person. They start searching a way to destroy the evil that came over the land to become independent of each other again. You basically steer your characters through different levels, solve riddles and destroy enemies. Each of your three characters has their own abilities. The wizard can create objects like boxes and raise those up in the air with his magical power. This is consumed by your actions. The thief sends arrows flying through the air and gets you across big gaps with her hook-device. The knight is the best fighter among those three with his sword, shield and – once you unlocked the device- a hammer. You can, or better said you have to, change between those characters whenever you like.

As you proceed along you will find treasure chests with upgrades and bonuses like new powers or devices. There are also so-called experience points gained while fighting, with which you can upgrade your character abilities and skills. These are tricky to gain as they may not really be visible on the screen at first sight, but it’s worth the search as you can only proceed with bonus items. big gaps with her hook-device. The knight is the best fighter among those three with his sword, shield and – once you unlocked the device- a hammer. You can, or better said you have to, change between those characters whenever you like.

12 13 Portal2


PLATFORM/CONSOLE: Windows, Playstation 3, Mac OSX, XBOX 360

PLAYMODE: Singleplayer Mode, Cooperation Mode

LANGUAGE: The game can be played in English, German, French, Spanish, and Russian

GAME GENRE: Puzzle, Shooter

project management competences: Teambuilding & teamwork, Planning, Time management

The game is separated into levels in which the player has to get to the exit. The main mechanic to solve these puzzles is to use the provided portal gun – a gun that shoots two portals on predefined surfaces, through which the player can travel. The game is played in a first-person perspective. The player traverses through running and jumping, lifts objects and shoots two distinct portals from his/her portal gun. The player can pass through these portals, which can only be placed on specific walls. This simple mechanic is used in many ways: transporting an object over a great distance, crossing a big gap, jump into it from a distance and use the gravitational momentum to catapult the player or an object over a great distance and many more.

Furthermore, the game introduces little by little new mechanics. Lasers, for example, can be used to power specific objects. However, they have to be handled with caution, because they can harm the player.

Later in the game, liquids with distinct features are introduced. The propulsion gel lets the player run faster, the repulsion gel repels the player and objects, and the conversion gel alters surfaces that they can be used with the portal gun. The cooperative game part introduces additional mechanics that enhance the communication between the players. As there is not always the possibility to speak directly with the other team member, the game allows the player to set markers for the other player well as a countdown for timing a synchronous action. Furthermore, as a fun gimmick, players can wave at each other or perform other animations, for example playing rock paper scissors, together.

14 15 Carcasone

COMPANY: Sierra Online

PLATFORM/CONSOLE: Windows, Android, Nintendo DS, XBox 360, iPad, iPhone

PLAYMODE: single or multi-player, on & off-line

LANGUAGE: English and main European languages

GAME GENRE: Turn-based strategy

project management competences: Planning, Negotiation skills and Conflict management skills

Carcassonne is a tile-game, originally designed as a card-box and later transformed into a videogame. It can be played stand-alone or multi-players mode, on pc and smartphones. Each match takes about 15-20 minutes, so it can be easily played in classrooms as well as in bLearning (tutorial for mobile at

Aim of the game is to “build” a medieval territory by laying tiles which represent bits of landscape on the board, and ruling it by placing own “followers” (represented by meeples) on the land. The players place land tiles and meeples in turn, by drawing them with the cursor in the desired position. As they do so, the roads, cities, fields, and cloisters emerge and grow.

On these, the players can deploy their followers to earn points. Players score points during the game and at the end. Tiles and meeples cannot be placed at a random: the online game will authomatically allow players to place tiles and meeples only accordingly to its specific rules. It will also calculate the points players get by completing towns, occupying territories, etc.

16 17 EntreEXPLORER

COMPANY: EU-funded Project


PLAYMODE: Multiplayer

LANGUAGE: English, German, Portugese, Bulgarian

GAME GENRE: Simulation

project management competences: Leadership, People management, Planning, Cost management

The main purpose of the Project ENTRExplorer “Serious Game for Immersive Entrepreneurs” is to develop an online serious game related to entrepreneurship theme where the users\ learners can have access to learning contents that will assist them in acquisition of entrepreneurial skills necessary to manage their own businesses in the future. This project has also the ambition of stimulate innovative ideas, drive and prepare learners to set up their own occupation and creation of new jobs.

In order to be competitive, Europe needs to reinforce the importance of SME’s in the market supporting the entrepreneurial spirit, creating more jobs and new companies with a major impact on the profitability & competitiveness of European business. As so with this project we want support entrepreneurs to get the accurate skills and knowledge that will lead them to successful business. This will be done by the development of an innovative approach to common education/training formats that is a serious game that will set several scenarios related to the steps that an entrepreneur has to give from the “Proof of Concept” to “Creating the Company” and “Managing the Company”. (


COMPANY: Travian Games GmbH


PLAYMODE: Multiplayer


GAME GENRE: Strategy games

project management competences: Ressource management, Leadership, Peo- ple management, Cooperation

First published in 2004, millions of players around the world now enjoy this classic game. Now this evergreen has been completely revised – packing in even more gaming enjoyment.

The game’s beloved principles remain unchanged: you must found a Roman, Gallic or Teuton village and use skill and tactics to build your sleepy hamlet into a mighty empire. Just like its predecessor, you can play Travian 4 free-of-charge in a browser. The real test comes as the game progresses: establishing diplomatic contacts, reaching trade agreements and keeping your village supplied is quite a challenge.

But this Travian also has a lot of new features. Many areas have been redesigned and some elements are completely new to the Travian universe. The original version has been lovingly updated, retaining all its typical Travian charm. The detailed, colorful and varied graphics are also optimized for the game’s progress, providing all information quickly and clearly.

Fans love the many new features, and a new faction now inhabits the world of Travian: The computer-controlled Natars defend their lands with steely resilience. The hero system in Travian 4 is completely revised. Players can look forward to hundreds of individual challenges and tasks with rich rewards. Players can use equipment items for themselves or go to the auction house to convert them into cash. The best way to find out what has changed in Travian 4 is to play it yourself. (

20 21 PING 37 |

Screenshot 1 toont de speler hoe te N

je met het personage H c kunt bewegen, met de COMPANY: The King Baudouin Foundation (Belgium), iMinds (Belgium), with The camera bewegen en Network of European Foundations, the Robert Bosch Stiftung (Germany) , the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (Portugal/UK) and Fondation Bernheim (Belgium) gebouwen binnengaan.

PLATFORM/CONSOLE: Browsergame g voor leerkr A

PLAYMODE: Single Mode N i

LANGUAGE: English, Nederlands, Français, Deutsch, Português

GAME GENRE: Adventure Game HANDlei D | project management competences: Ressource management, Resilience and Stress management skills PING Screenshot 2

PING is an online game made for secondary schools, forming a starting point to discuss the laat zien hoe je met subject ‘poverty’ and what it means to be poor. Ping is aimed at the students of the secondary andere personages in and third degree. The students become the main characters in the game. They can choose interactie kunt treden. between Jim or Sofia, who, due to certain circumstances, end up on the street and need to find their own path. PING shows that games can help to introduce complex social subjects like poverty in the class room. The partners of the PING project want to contribute to the social debate encouraging the use of games at school as a tool to open the difficult discussion about poverty.

For the development of the game there was an intensive collaboration with the European Schoolnet (umbrella organization consisting of 31 ministries of education from the European member states) and the European Poverty Network (umbrella organization of poverty organizations from the European member states) to make games discussable in an educational context. The manual and game will be distributed in all secondary schools in Belgium with the support of the Belgian government. PING was internationally launched on October 20th 2010 at the European convention “Poverty is not a game. Serious Games as a mean to discuss complex societal issues” in Brussels. (



PLATFORM/CONSOLE: Browserbased Game

PLAYMODE: Single or Multiplayer

LANGUAGE: English, Spanish, German, Bulgarian, French, Italian and Turkish

GAME GENRE: Simulation Game

project management competences: Human Resource Management, Marketing, Financial Elements and Economic Environment

The main task of these computer games is to give for the young a basic overview of the everyday business in a small and medium enterprise. Playing the game the students get acquainted and discover with decision making the subjects treated with the trainer or by themselves. The personally made decisions make the learning interactive and demands reactivity. The student realizes during the game what personal qualities and what kind of personality one must have. They make a little market analysis (business environment: type of the customers, type of business...) and understand the problems of finance. To succeed in the game they must watch also the economic environment, the competitors and make marketing efforts. At first the player must learn how to use the game and know the rules introduced by the trainer/the teacher.

The game helps to understand the normal routines of running a business. The game makes the learning process easier, more amusing and interesting. The trainer’s/ teacher’s role is to lead the game, give the needed information for students to succeed in business running and give more detailed information.

If the student is playing by oneself, he can access to this extra information through different external links include into the didactic path. The game handles subjects like HRM (Human Resource Management), Marketing, Financial Elements and Economic Environment

24 25 English Language Scenarios

COMPANY: CranberryBlue R&D


PLAYMODE: Singleplayer

LANGUAGE: English, German, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese

GAME GENRE: Role Play Simulation Game

project management competences: Inter-cultural skills, Communication skills, Time management, Ressource management

This series of Mobile applications contain role-play scenarios to allow the player to practice their English conversational skills and are quizzed on their comprehension of the conversation. Each scenario is in the form of a role-play game and where the player converses with a native speaker of English. Cultural skills are also included as the player needs to be careful not to upset or offend the character, or the conversation will end. Each conversation can be played many times and the player can experiment with different answers to see what the best responses are.

Conversational skills and comprehension have been identified as the areas where most ESOL and IELST (International English Exams) students fail. Digital games help the create contexts in which the language is applied in a useful and meaningful way. The learners are motivated to take part and in order to do so they must understand what others are saying or have written, and they must speak or write in order to express their own point of view or give information. This serious of mobile games will allow students to learn English in a safe and simulated role- play environment. The product is targeted at ages 12 and above for those who already have a grasp of English and require conversation practice. The menus and help screens are provided in 5 languages and high scores can be posted on Facebook or Twitter.

Future releases planned by the developer will include daily phrases pushed directly to the mobile device, and an ongoing scenario where the interactive story is narrated over a period of time. This is suggested to immerse the player in the English conversation, incorporating composition, comprehension, and receptive skills simultaneously.

26 27 MIRifiuto

COMPANY: Comune di Torino, CSI Piemonte (Developer: NextNext Ltd.)

PLATFORM/CONSOLE: Mobile Game (Android, iOS)

PLAYMODE: Single Player

LANGUAGE: Italian, Czech, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Korean, French, Japanese, English, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, German, Turkis

GAME GENRE: Simulation

project management competences: Planning, Ressource management

It aims to understand how to contribute to reduce wasting in an active and aware way according to the rule of the Five R’s (REDUCE, REPAIR, REUSE, RECYCLE, AND ROT). It is composed of three games “ Reduce!”, “ Save!”, “Reuse “. The games are located in three different locations (a supermarket, an apartment, a dump) with the aim to improve 3 virtuous behaviors (spending in an intelligent way, purchasing products with smaller packaging and rechargeable or in attractive bottles, jars, and boxes that you can use again.; saving of detergents and cleaners; Reusing objects that they are often thrown). The scores of the recorded players are published in a general classification.

28 29 EN Framework GREAT will be was developed into seven work packages, each one with aims and objectives in accordance to the work plan: WP1 | Project Management - are structured to guarantee the management of all pro- ject, to accomplish all duties regarding National Agency rules, and is design is order to consider a quality of work, good communication and lead to aims, objectives and targets (including financial) directly related to project accomplishment.

WP2 | Joint Analysis - aimed to provide a wide and structured initial reference that con- sidered not only the state of art but also the necessary information to transfer innova- Project Description tion objectives. You can access the Certification and Recognition of Training Systems, the Dissemination Strategy, the Expert Group Report and our Findings from GREAT GREAT was a Life Long Learning project, supported by Leonardo Da Vinci EU pro- online Survey from the GREAT web site. gramme, Transfer of Innovation. The project aim was to transfer innovative methodolo- gies in learning and training, to enable trainers and teachers and training providers WP3 | Training Package and Joint Report - aimed to join assessment tools and game- representatives to improve their work performance, by enhancing their creativity and based learning in order to achieve the necessary reports to built a coherent compen- innovation through game-based learning. dium with useful guidelines.

Traditionally, educational and training systems promote an educational paradigm WP4 | Pilot Actions - aimed to experience, test and improve the training package and focused on the trainer as the center agent of the action, and less as a facilitator/men- guarantee it is adequacy to targetgroup and sector. tor of knowledge and learning experience. In this sense, game based learning includes paradigm for the future of learning and takes importance on the E&T 2020 strategy, as WP5 | Dissemination - aimed to give visibility and recognition to the project and at the part of informal and non-formal learning that promotes every dimension of these activi- same time is structured to have a wider impact - besides direct participants and coun- ties. tries.

WP6 | Evaluation and Quality assurance - Core package that includes internal and Objectives external evaluators in order to provide useful information on objectives and results achievements, as well as on impact indicators stated here and verified during the • Produce of Document methodologies for developing and implementing game- project. based learning for training and higher education actors and for the learning com- munity in general. WP7 | Exploitation - Package that considered the major importance of sustainability, marketing and recognition value close to for stakeholders and policy makers. • Production of needs analysis assessment instruments for developing and imple- menting game-based learning for training and higher education actors. • Production of learning content and training methodologies (b-learning) for trainers and teachers developing and implementing game-based learning. • Production of assessment instruments in accordance with the methodologies for developing and implementing game-based learning. • Offer targeted workshops/seminars for supporting trainers/practitioners/teachers/ tutors in developing a predictive and proactive capacity to select games for their use. • Disseminate existing project outcomes, as well as for ongoing projects related to the application of games for learning and the valorization of these. • Produce of Documentation of with the findings and research results (reports, compendium, and proceedings) of the research and application process.

30 31 IT Struttura Il piano di lavoro di GREAT si è articolato in sette macro attività:

WP1 | Project Management – ha assicurato il governo complessivo del progetto nel rispetto della normativa definita dall’Agenzia nazionale di riferimento, ed il raggiungi- mento degli obiettivi di progetto in termini di qualità (sia dell’output che del processo di comunicazione), tempi e costi, così come preventivati.

WP2 | Joint Analysis – il primo passo è consistito in un’analisi dello stato dell’arte che ha permesso di definire meglio gli obiettivi di trasferimento di tecnologia. Potete ac- Descrizione cedere alla documentazione relativa direttamente dal sito del progetto (www.project- Certification and Recognition of Training Systems (Certificazione e riconosci- Il progetto GREAT, sostenuto dal programma EU Leonardo Da Vinci – trasferimento di mento dei sistemi formativi), Dissemination Strategy (Strategia di diffusione), Expert tecnologia, era orientato alla formazione permanente. Group Report (Report degli esperti) e ai Findings from GREAT online Survey (risultati Aveva lo scopo di diffondere metodologie innovative per la formazione, e di migliorare dell’indagine online). l’efficacia e la creatività di formatori, insegnanti ed enti erogatori, grazie all’utilizzo dei giochi per la formazione (game-based learning). WP3 | Training Package and Joint Report – mirava a costruire un pacchetto formativo Tipicamente, il paradigma dei sistemi educativi e di formazione ha sempre posto al e linee guida coerenti con le esigenze dei formatori, che sono state rilevate con un ap- centro dell’azione educativa la docenza, e molto più raramente il processo di apprendi- posito strumento di assessment tarato sul Game Based Learning mento. Il game-based learning fa invece riferimento al paradigma attuale, delineato nella strategia E&T 2020, che promuove la formazione informale e non-formale in ogni WP4 | Pilot Actions – mirato a sperimentare, convalidare e migliorare il pacchetto campo delle proprie attività. formativo, assicurandone l’adeguatezza rispetto alle esigenze dei destinatari per tipolo- gia e settore. WP5 | Dissemination – ha dato visibilità e legittimità al progetto, anche al di fuori delle Obiettivi organizzazioni dei Paesi partecipanti.

• Documentare metodologie per lo sviluppo e l’utilizzo del game-based learning, WP6 | Evaluation and Quality assurance – un’attività chiave, che ha permesso di destinate a formatori ed insegnanti e più in generale alla comunità di coloro che assicurare la qualità complessiva del progetto con valutazioni interne ed esterne su si occupano di formazione degli adulti. indicatori predefiniti, sia in corso d’opera che al termine delle attività, fornendo via via le indicazioni utili a migliorarne funzionamento e risultati. • Produrre: o strumenti per l’analisi dei bisogni WP7 | Exploitation – disegnato per diffondere i risultati di progetto, con particolare at- o contenuti di apprendimento e metodologie formative (b-learning) tenzione allla sostenibilità, al marketing e al valore aggiunto per gli stakeholders e per o strumenti di assessment delle competenze al fine di sviluppare i giochi ed le istituzioni politiche preposte. il loro • utilizzo da parte della comunità dei formatori. • Offrire workshop e seminari mirati, per sviluppare nei formatori (trainers / practi- tioners / teachers / tutors) la capacità di proporre e selezionare giochi appropriati alle proprie esigenze. • Diffondere e valorizzare i risultati del progetto, così come di eventuali progetti correlati. • Documentare con report, sintesi ed atti degli incontri i risultati della ricerca teorica ed applicativa.

32 33 GER Rahmen GREAT wurde in sieben Arbeitspakete aufgeteilt, jedes davon in seinen Anliegen und Zielen auf den Arbeitsplan abgestimmt:

WP1 | Projektmanagement - Abbildung die Struktur die garantiert, dass alle Projektteile und –partner nach den Anforderungen der National Agency-Regeln erfüllt werden. Das Projektmanagement garantiert gute Kommunikation und Konzentration auf die Absi- chten und Ziele (auch hinsichtlich der finanziellen Aufstellung), zu jedem Zeitpunkt der Ausführung.

Projektbeschreibung WP2 | detaillierte Analyse - Ziel war, eine umfassenden und strukturierten Referenz, um jeweils aktuell den Stand der Dinge darzustellen und Informationen für den Transfer GREAT war ein Projekt zu lebenslangem Lernen, unterstützt vom EU-Programm LLP der Entwicklungsstufen bereitzuhalten. Zugriff auf die Certification and Recognition of - Programm für lebenslanges Lernen, Leonardo da Vinci - Berufsbildung, Innovation- Training Systems, die Dissemination Strategy, die Expert Group Report und unsere stransfer. Findings from GREAT online Survey, finden Sie auf der GREAT website.

Die Ziele lagen darin, innovative Methoden auf das Lernen und Trainieren anzuwenden WP3 | Trainigspaket und gemeinsamer Bericht – Zusammenfassung der Bedürfnisse und die Arbeitsleistung von TrainerInnen und LehrerInnen sowie weiteren Teilne- aller am Spielbasierten Lernen zusammen, um die jeweils notwendigen Anforderungen hmenden zu verbessern, indem ihre Kreativität und Innovationsfähigkeit durch Spiel- für ein kohärentes Kompendium mit nützlichen Richtlinien bereitstellen zu können. basiertes Lernen (Game-based Learning) angeregt wird. WP4 | Pilot-Trainings - Bildung von Erfahrungswerten und testen und optimieren der Trainingspakete. Damit konnte die Anpassung an die jeweiligen Zielgruppen garantiert Ziele werden.

• Dokumentation von Methoden, mit denen Spielbasiertes Lernen angewendet WP5 | Verbreitung - garantierte die Sichtbarkeit und öffentliche Aussenwirkung des werden kann. Zielgruppe dafür sind TrainerInnen, Lehrende aus dem höheren Projekts und hatte das Ziel, den Bekanntheitsgrad über die Teilnehmenden hinaus zu Bildungswesen und die Lehrenden-Gemeinde ganz allgemein. vergrößern. • Erstellung einer Bedürfnisanalyse und eines Instruments zur Begutachtung für WP6 | Evaluierung und Qualitätssicherung - Das Kernstück, das interne wie ex- die Entwicklung und Implementation von Spielbasiertem Lernen für Übungs- terne Evaluationsaktivitäten beinhaltet, damit nützliche Informationen über Ziele und zwecke und Lehrende des höheren Bildungswesens. Forschungsergebnisse ausgemacht werden konnten. Auch Indikatoren für die Bedeu- • Produktion von Inhalten und Trainingsmethoden (Blended-learning) für TrainerIn- tung des Projekts wurden hier festgehalten und verifiziert. nen und LehrerInnen, die Spielbasiertes Lernen entwickeln und anwenden. • Schaffung von Begutachtungsinstrumentarien in Abstimmung mit den Methoden WP7 | Nutzung – Diese Paket behandelt die Nachhaltigkeit, das Marketing und den zur Entwicklung und Einbindung von Spielbasiertem Lernen. Wiedererkennungswert des Projekts für Stakeholder und Entscheidungsträger. • Angebot an zielgerichteten Workshops und Seminaren, um die rainerInnen/An- wenderInnen/LehrerInnen/TutorInnen Hilfestellung bei der Auswahl von (Lern) spielen für ihren Gebrauch zu geben und Eigeninitiative zu fördern. • Verbreitung von bereits existierenden Projektergebnissen, auch für laufende Pro- jekte, die mit dem Einsatz von Spielen für Lernprozesse und deren Erschließung zu tun haben. • Dokumentation (in Form von Berichten, Kompendien und Fortschrittsbe- schreibungen) der Resultate und Ergebnisse.

34 35 TK Çerçeve GREAT her biri amaç ve hedefleri ile iş planına uygun olarak yedi iş paketi, halinde geliştirildi:

WP1 | Proje Yönetimi -, tüm proje yönetimini garanti altına almak için Ulusal Ajans kuralları, iyi iletişim ile ilgili tüm görevleri yerine getirmek için ve amaçları, hedefleri ve doğrudan proje başarısı ile ilgili hedefleri (finansal dahil) yapılandırma.

WP2 | Joint Analiz – sadece kabul edilen sanatın devleti değil, aynı zamanda yenilik hedeflerini aktarmak için gerekli bilgileri geniş ve yapılandırılmış ilk referans olarak Proje Tanımı sağlamak amaçlanmıştır. Eğitim Sistemleri, Yaygınlaştırma Stratejileri, Uzman Grubu Raporu ve GREAT web sitesinden GREAT Online Anketteki bizim Bulgulardan Sertifi- GREAT Leonardo Da Vinci AB programı, Yenilik Transferi tarafından desteklenen kasyon ve Tanıma erişebilirsiniz. bir Yaşam Boyu Öğrenme projesi idi. Projenin amacı, eğitmenler ve öğretmenler ve eğitim sağlayıcıları temsilcileri ile oyun tabanlı öğrenme yoluyla yaratıcılık ve yenilik WP3 | Eğitim Paketi ve Joint Raporu - yararlı kuralları ile tutarlı bir özet inşa için ger- geliştirerek, işlerinin performansının artırmasını sağlamak için, öğrenme ve eğitimde ekli raporları elde etmede değerlendirme araçları ve oyun-tabanlı öğrenme katılmak yenilikçi yöntemleri aktarmak idi. Geleneksel olarak, eğitim ve öğretim sistemlerinin amaçlanmıştır. eylem merkezi ajanı olarak eğitmen odaklı bir eğitim ve daha az bilgi ve öğrenme deneyimi bir kolaylaştırıcı / akıl hocası olarak paradigmayı teşvik eder. Bu anlamda, WP4 | Pilot Eylemler -, eğitim paketinin test edilmesi ve geliştirilmesi ve hedefgrup ve oyun tabanlı öğrenme öğrenme geleceği için paradigma içerir ve bu faaliyetlerin her sektöre yeterliliği garanti ve deneyim amaçlandı. boyutunu teşvik gayri resmi ve yaygın eğitim bir parçası olarak, E & T 2020 stratejisinin önem alır. WP5 | Yaygınlaştırma - projeye görüş ve tanıma vermek amaçlanmıştır ve aynı za- manda daha geniş bir etkiye sahip olması yapılandırılmıştır - doğrudan katılımcılar ve ülkeler dışında. Amaçlar WP6 | Hedefleri ve sonuçları başarıları hakkında yararlı bilgiler sağlayan, hem de etki • Oyun tabanlı eğitim için öğrenme ve yüksek öğrenim aktörler geliştirilmesi ve göstergeleri için iç ve dış değerlendiriciler içeren çekirdek paketi belirtilen ve proje uygulanması için ve genel olarak öğrenme topluluğu için belge metodolojileri. sırasında doğrulandı. • Eğitim ve yüksek öğrenim aktörler için oyun tabanlı öğrenme geliştirilmesi ve WP7 | Kıymetlendirme - paydaşlar ve politika yapıcılar için sürdürülebilirlik, pazarlama uygulanması için ihtiyaç analizi değerlendirme araçları üretimi. ve tanıma değerine yakınlığın öneminin en önemli kabul Paketi. • Oyun tabanlı öğrenme geliştirilmesi ve uygulanması eğiticiler ve öğretmenler için öğrenme içeriği ve eğitim metodolojileri üretimi (b-öğrenme). • Oyun tabanlı öğrenme geliştirilmesi ve uygulanması için metodolojileri çerçeves- inde değerlendirme araçları üretimi. • Kullanımları için oyun seçmek için akıllı ve proaktif kapasite geliştirme konusunda eğitici / uygulayıcıları / öğretmen / öğretmenler destek için hedeflenen atölye / seminerleri sunuyoruz. • Öğrenme ve bu kıymetlendirme için oyun uygulama ile ilgili mevcut proje sonuçlarının yanı sıra devam eden projeler yaymak. • Bulgular ve araştırma sonuçlarının belgelenmesi (raporlar, özet ve işlemleri)

36 37 PT Framework O GREAT foi desenvolvido em sete pacotes de trabalho, cada um com metas e objec- tivos de acordo com o plano de trabalho:

WP1 | Gestão de Projecto - estruturados para garantir a gestão de todo o projecto, para levar a cabo todas as acções necessárias ao cumprimento das regras da Agência Nacional, boa comunicação e prossecução de finalidade, metas eobjectivos (incluindo financeiras) directamente relacionados com a realização do projecto.

WP2 | Análise Conjunta - visou fornecer uma referência inicial, abrangente e estrutur- Descrição do Projecto ada, que considera não só o estado da arte, mas também as informações necessárias para a transferência de inovação. Pode aceder ao Certification and Recognition of GREAT foi um projecto de Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida, apoiado pelo programa Training Systems, à Dissemination Strategy, ao Expert Group Report e a Findings from Leonardo Da Vinci, Transferência de Inovação. GREAT online Survey, basta clicar nos respectivos links. Este projecto visou transferir metodologias inovadoras na aprendizagem, de modo a permitir que formadores e professores (e gestores) incrementem o seu trabalho, mel- WP3 | Pacote de Formação e Relatório Conjunto - visou construir um percurso me- horando a sua criatividade e inovação através da aprendizagem baseada em jogos. todológico estruturado de formação sobre metodologia de aprendizagem baseada em Tradicionalmente, os sistemas educacionais e de formação têm promovido um para- jogos, de forma a garantir a construção de um compêndio/kit coerente e com orien- digma educacional centrado mais no formador, como o agente exclusivo da acção, e tações úteis para o WP seguinte. menos como um facilitador do conhecimento. Neste sentido, o paradigma da aprendi- zagem baseada em jogos faz parte de uma metodologia de educação não-formal e WP4 | Acções Piloto - visou experimentar, testar e melhorar o pacote de Formação e informal e de aprendizagem ao longo da vida, que a União Europeia promove em garantir a sua adequibilidade ao grupo-alvo e ao sector. todas as dimensões., assumindo relevância na estratégia E&T 2020. WP5 | Divulgação - visou dar visibilidade e reconhecimento ao projeto e ao mesmo tempo, foi estruturado para ter um impacto amplificado – indo mais além do que os Objectivos participantes directos dos países parceiros identificados.

• Metodologias documentadas para desenvolvimento e implementação de aprendi- WP6 | Avaliação e Garantia de Qualidade - pacote focal, que incluiu avaliadores zagem baseada em jogos para formação e actores do ensino superior, bem interno e externo, a fim de fornecer informações úteis sobre os objectivos e resulta- como para a comunidade de aprendizagem em geral. dos, bem como sobre os indicadores de impacto mencionados e verificados durante a execução do projecto. • Produzir instrumentos de avaliação das necessidades para o desenvolvimento e implementação de aprendizagem baseada em jogos para formação e actores do WP7 | Exploração - Pacote que considerou a importância da sustentabilidade, market- ensino superior. ing e valor de reconhecimento pelas partes interessadas, stakeholders e decisores de • Produzir conteúdo de aprendizagem e metodologias de formação (b-learning) políticas públicas. para formadores e professores, para desenvolvimento e implementação de aprendizagem baseada em jogos. • Produzir instrumentos de avaliação, em conformidade com as metodologias para desenvolvimento e implementação de aprendizagem baseada em jogos. • Oferecer ao público-alvo Workshops para apoiar formadores / profissionais / pro- fessores / tutores no desenvolvimento de uma capacidade preditiva e pró-ativa para seleccionar jogos para seu uso. • Divulgar os resultados do projecto, bem como para projectos em curso relaciona- dos com a aplicação de jogos de aprendizagem e de valorização destes. • Documentação de resultados e de dados recolhidos na investigação/pesquisa . (relatórios, compêndio, processos)

38 39 RO Cadru • Proiectul GREAT a fost dezvoltat în şapte pachete de lucru, fiecare cu scopuri şi cu obiective stabilite conform planului de lucru: • WP1/ Managementul Proiectului – pachet structurat pentru a garanta gestionarea întregului proiect, pentru a duce la bun sfârşit toate acţiunile necesare îndeplinirii regulilor impuse de Agenţia Naţională, buna comunicare şi atingerea scopului final ; scopuri şi obiective (inclusiv financiare) direct proporţionate cu realizarea proiectului. • WP2/Analiză comună – a vizat furnizarea unei referinţe iniţiale, cuprinzătoare şi structurată, care nu ia în considerare doar stadiul proiectului, ci şi informaţiile Descrierea proiectului necesare pentru transferul de inovaţie. Poate accesa Certification and Recogni- tion of Training Systems, Dissemination Strategy, Expert Group Report şi Finding GREAT a fost un proiect de învăţare pe tot parcursul vieţii, sprijinit de programul Leon- from GREAT online Survey, este suficient să dea clic pe link-urile respective. ardo da Vinci, Transfer de Inovaţii. • WP3/ Pachet de Formare şi Raport Comun – a vizat construirea unui traseu Acest proiect a avut ca obiectiv principal transferul de metodologii inovatoare de metodologic de formare structurat folosind metodologia învăţării axate pe jocuri învăţare, astfel încât să le permită formatorilor şi profesorilor (inclusiv managerilor) să- pentru a garanta conceperea unui compediu/kit coerent şi cu orientări utile pentru şi sporească activitatea, îmbunătăţind creativitatea şi inovaţia prin intermediul învăţării WP următor. bazate pe jocuri. În mod tradiţional, sistemele educaţionale şi de formare au promovat o paradigmă • WP4/Acţiuni Pilot – a vizat atât experimentarea, testarea şi îmbunătăţirea pa- educaţională centrată pe formator mai mult ca agent exclusiv al acţiunii şi mai puţin ca chetului de Formare, cât şi garantarea adecvării acestuia la grupul ţintă. facilitator de cunoştinţe. În acest sens, paradigma învăţării bazată pe jocuri face parte • WP5/Divulgarea – s-a axat pe vizibilitatea şi recunoaşterea proiectului, iar în dintr-o metodologie educaţională non-formală, informală şi învăţare pe tot parcursul acelaş timp a fost structurat pentru a avea un impact amplificat – mercând din- vieţii pe care Uniunea Europeană le promovează în toate dimensiunile, în special în colo de participanţii direcţi din ţările partenere identificate. cadrul strategiei E&T 2020. • WP6/Evaluarea şi Garantarea Calităţii – pachet focal, care a inclus evaluatori interni şi externi cu scopul de a furniza atât informaţii utile despre obiective şi rezultate, cât şi despre indicatorii de impact menţionaţi şi verificaţi în timpul Obiective executării proiectului. • WP7/Explorare - pachet care a analizat importanţa durabilităţii, marketingului • Metodologii documentate pentru dezvoltarea şi implementarea învăţării bazate pe şi recunoaşterea valorii de către părţile implicate, stakeholders şi personae cu jocuri pentru forma şi actori ai învăţământului superior, precum şi pentru comuni- putere de decizie în politici publice. tatea de învăţare în general. • Producerea de instrumente de evaluare a necesităţilor pentru dezvoltarea şi implementarea învăţării bazate pe jocuri pentru forma şi actori ai învăţământului superior. • Producerea conţinutului de învăţare, conform metodologiilor de dezvoltare şi implementarea învăţării bazate pe jocuri. • Producerea instrumentelor de evaluare, conform metodologiilor de dezvoltare şi implementarea învăţării bazate pe jocuri. • Furnizarea de workshop-uri publicului ţintă pentru a sprijini formatori/profe- sionali/profesori/tutori în dezvoltarea unei capacităţi predictive şi pro-active în selecţionarea jocurilor. • Divulgarea rezultatelor proiectului, precum şi a proiectelor în curs cu privire la aplicarea jocurilor de învăţare şi valorizarea acestora. • Documentarea rezultatelor şi a datelor culese de-a lungul investigaţiei/cercetării (rapoarte, compendiu, processe).


In any selection of software resources for educational use, the pedagogical effective- ness of the resource chosen is a key issue. When selecting a game it is vital to take into account the following basic elements:

• The objectives of the game. To what extent are they clear and how do they play out in the game activity? (This may not be the same as the way in which they are formulated on the box) • The target users of the game. Is the game appropriate for the learners who will INTRODUCTION be using it? For example, are the skills that are needed to play the game skills that these learners already have. The definition of criteria for selecting a game for learning purposes involves thinking about the issues from two different perspectives. On the one hand the usual criteria The game is unlikely to pedagogically effective if it is inappropriate for the users or its involved in the selection of any kind of resource involved in the learning process, such objectives are not clear. as curricular, didactical and methodological issues need to be applied. It is necessary However these elements alone are insufficient to guarantee pedagogical effectiveness. to think about for example the fit of the resource to specific learning objectives and In any context where games are to be used it is necessary to evaluate what extent the wider curricular objectives the ways in which these objectives are defined, pedagogical game will motivate and engage the learners, since if they are not engaged the effec- effectiveness, cost and so on. tiveness of the resource is unlikely to be high. On the other hand and in addition to these it is necessary to include criteria regard- ing the game as a game. It is important always to bear in mind that above all a game To evaluate the extent to which a game is motivational it is useful to consider the fol- that is used in learning should be a good game. Here the criteria involved include the lowing elements: familiarity of the game itself and the types of activities involved in it, issues relating to the clarity of the rules, and the comprehensibility of the environment and the speed with • The extent to which the game promotes active participation by the learner which the game can be learned, and above all criteria relating to motivation; to what • The way in which feedback is given. Is it prompt and timely? extent is the game fun and to what extent does it engage the user? These criteria are explored in more detail below. • The extent to which the objectives are both challenging and achievable. Games that are too hard demotivate, and games that are too easy bore the learner. • What kind of interaction is involved in the game, both with other players and the COST AND LICENSING gaming environment and its different elements and characters? • Is the game entertaining? Are there, for example elements of surprise, conflict, The costs involved in adopting a particular resource of any kind are clearly a key competition, fantasy or fun? criterion to take into account when selecting a game. In this way it is important to think • not only about the off-the-shelf cost of the game, but also the cost of licenses for large numbers of users, since though initially the game may only be used in one classroom; Furthermore the game should permit ways of evaluating progress within it. It is neces- if successful its use may spread across the institution. There may be discounts for edu- sary to look at the nature of the evaluation activities, how they are distributed within the cators on the one hand, and on the other it may be that the costs of licenses for larger game, the quality of the feedback that has given and the types of rewards and punish- numbers of users may complicate make its later use. ments that are provided, and to what extent these are relevant for the learning contexts in question. Furthermore there may be hidden costs. Does the use of the game imply the upgrad- ing of the hardware or Internet connections currently available in the target learning context? Will installation require expert personnel? Is the game robust and unlikely to FAMILIARITY need reinstalling? Does the game comply with standards or current practices within the environment and if not may there be additional costs incurred when any products Though it may seem obvious, the extent to which learners are familiar already with the of the game have to be integrated with or exported to other systems such as a student game is a factor to bear in mind. It is important to mention that the familiarity may be portfolio? These potential hidden costs need to be taken into account. not so much with that particular game title, but with the type of game. If the learner is

42 43 already familiar with a particular type of game this will facilitate the process of introduc- tion into the learning context, and it may be that games, or types of games, with which Curricular issues have a close link to the question of pedagogical effectiveness. It is learners are completely unfamiliar may involve a process of introduction that is prohibi- absolutely necessary that the game chosen be relevant to and coherent with the cur- tively complicated or lengthy. It is also important to bear in mind that the teacher also ricular activity of the particular learning context. It is necessary to consider the type of needs to have a certain level of familiarity with the game or type of game. Although it is game, its objectives, and how the activities and content of the game fit in to the specific not always necessary to be an expert user of the game, it is important to have a basic topic and the overall curricular process of the particular cohort that is to use the game. working knowledge. Furthermore it is necessary to consider not only the general topic involved, but also the extent to which the content is correct, up-to-date and well organised and how it is There is however a caveat in relation to the question of familiarity which is that it is pos- contextualised. Ideally the game should be integrated into the curriculum, rather than sible that students may be over-familiar with the game and therefore find its use in the being an add-on, or even a distraction. classroom boring, and this clearly will affect the effectiveness of the games use in the learning context. (Engage GBL Tools. Help document for integrating Game Based Learning in the classroom, 2010. Edited by Department of Education Development, Cork Insti- tute of Technology, Irland) LEARNING CURVE

If the game is to be used effectively in a learning context it is important that the process of learning to use the game, that takes place before its actual pedagogical use, be suf- ficiently quick to avoid occupying an unreasonable amount of time. The learning curve for any particular game that may be used needs to be as flat as possible. In evaluating this aspect the following considerations need to be taken into account:

It is necessary for the game instructions and the rules to be clearly expressed and for the roles within the game to be clearly defined. Similarly the organisation and structure of the game should be quickly apparent to the learners. Related to this it is important to consider the layout of the interface and the quality of the graphics which should contrib- ute to this overall clarity. Evaluation criteria should also be clearly identified within the game. As an overall rule of thumb, it should be possible to use the game in an intuitive way, without having to resort to the use of the manual at any point.


A range of institutional and professional factors need to be taken into account when considering the introduction of a game into a particular context. These include not only the extent to which the game is coherent with the target context, but also the extent to which different actors within the institution perceive it as coherent with the context (for example, the use of World of Warcraft in a school situation could be construed as useful in certain contexts, for example the exploration of simple economic concepts, but colleagues and directors may not share this view). It is necessary therefore to consider the fit of the game to the institutional context, considering the strategies used the content of the game and other elements and evaluating what obstacles may appear to its use. These obstacles may be attitudinal or they may be logistical, for example the availability of the necessary hardware in the institution at specific times, or even legal, for example it may be necessary to consider to what extent the game provides suffi- cient data security and privacy, which is a key consideration in an institutional context. CURRICULAR ISSUES


Evaluation and assessment of commercial of the shelf (COTS) games for teaching and learning purposes started as one

Engage Catalogue of Games of the project activities of the ENGAGE project (http://www. for Learning 2009-2010 Guide to Games for the Classroom A template was developed, that allows gathering of basic data and categorisation of the game, a walkthrough of the game and pedagogical aspects i.e. if and how the game can be utilised for teaching and learning in the classroom or outside the classroom. Online game catalogue, the assessment template and game catalogue in the pdf form

This book contains 33 reviews of serious and commercial games that can be used for learning. A more extensive catalogue of games can be found on the ENGAGE portal at for download is available from teachers/?page_id=26

Within the Serious Sports project (http://www.serious-sports. org/) the consortium assessed digital games with respect www.serious - Serious Sports Catalogue of Digital Sports Games of conveying sport competences and competence based Games for Learning 2012- 2013 learning in the area of sports. For this work the ENGAGE template was extended accordingly and in the Serious Sports game catalogue available for download at (http:// Layout%201.pdf), 33 sports games are presented, grouped into categories Exergames, Sport Simulation Games, Sport This book contains 33 reviews of serious and commercial games that can be used for learning. A more extensive catalogue of games can be found on the Serious Sports portal at Arcade Games and Sports Management Games.

In the GREAT project the consortium decided to focus on game-based learning in the broad area of Management

GAMES CATALOGUE competences and was selecting freely available games that would be useful for management training. Therefore the ENGAGE template was extended to assess which specific management competences, i.e. leadership competences, time managements, stress management, communication and collaboration skills etc., can be acquired with help of selected free available games presented in the GREAT games

This book contains reviews of serious and commercial games that can be used for learning. catalogue. Besides their potential as a training resource and 1 broad availability of these games, one of the criteria for the selection was to also keep the costs of training material low.