Book Gideon Lincecum 1793 1874 a Biography
Book, Gideon Lincecum 1793 – 1874: A Biography Gideon Lincecum, 1793-1874: A Biography by Lois Wood Burkhalter Page 1 of 42 Book, Gideon Lincecum 1793 – 1874: A Biography CHAPTER SIX GIDEON AND THE CHILDREN It is a painful thing to know that the grand hope which I so fondly cherished during the minor ages of my children has ultimated in utter failure. Not one of them will leave a mark that will not be obliterated by the first rude blast that passes after they have left the mundane stage. GID FROM HIS little patriarchy in Long Point, Texas, Gideon wrote in 1866 to an old friend: "We have lost four children, Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 13 are dead; balance are all near and are going well enough ... I used to say to you that I should never be able to bring myself into notice, but that I hoped to shine forth in my posterity." Gideon was rich in progeny but none of his sons and daughters possessed personalities as sparkling as his. He and SARAH BRYAN were parents of thirteen children, all born before they came to Texas. The children, in order of their births, were Lycurgus, Lysander M., Martha Ann Elizabeth, Leonidas L., Leander W. C., Mary Catherine, Lachaon Joseph, Lucullus Garland, Leonora, Cassandra, Sarah Matilde, Lysander Rezin, and Lucifer Hezekiah. Martha Ann Elizabeth died in Columbus, Mississippi, at the age of seventeen months. The first Lysander died in Mississippi in 1832. Gideon once explained his death: "I, with the assistance of another poison doctor, while I was practicing the old school of medicine, killed one of my children, fourteen years old, by administering the tobacco smoke injection." The thirteenth child, Lucifer Hezekiah, was born on October 18, 1847, and on that day Gideon noted: "Born on the 64th year of American Independence.
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