Municipality of Hamtic
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PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY Antique Provincial Statistical Office No. 7, Series of 2017 Highlights on 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN 2015) MUNICIPALITY OF HAMTIC The population of the Municipality of Hamtic, Antique as of August 1, 2015 was 48,592 based on the 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN 2015). The 2015 population is higher by 2,609 compared with the population of 45,983 in 2010, and higher by 6,217 and 10,362 compared with 2007 and 2000, respectively. Refer to Table 1. Table 1. Population of the Municipality of Hamtic Census Year Census Reference Date Population 2000 May 1, 2000 38,230 2007 August 1, 2007 42,375 2010 May 1, 2010 45,983 2015 August 1, 2015 48,592 The Municipality of Hamtic population increased by 1.06 percent annually, on average, during the period 2010 to 2015. By comparison, this growth rate is slower than at which the municipality grew during the period 2000 to 2010 and from 2007 to 2010 at a rate of 1.86 percent and 3.02 percent, respectively. See Table 2. Table 2. Annual Population Growth Rate of Culasi (Based on the 2000, 2007, 2010 and 2015 Censuses) Reference Period Annual Population Growth Rate (in percent) 2010-2015 1.06 2007-2010 3.02 2000-2010 1.86 2000-2007 1.43 Of the municipality’s 47 barangays, Funda had the biggest population in 2015 with 2,298 persons. The other top four barangays include Asluman (2,296), Guintas (2,264), Villavert-Jimenez (2,190) and Buhang (2,159). The combined population of these five (5) barangays accounted for almost 23.1 percent of Hamtic's population in 2015. See Table 3. Table 3. Population and Rank of the Barangays: 2015 Barangay Population Rank Funda 2,298 1 Asluman 2,296 2 Guintas 2,264 3 Villavert-Jimenez 2,190 4 Buhang 2,159 5 Caridad 2,043 6 La Paz 2,000 7 Mapatag 1,979 8 Malandog 1,959 9 Gov. Evelio B. Javier (Lanag) 1,844 10 Poblacion 5 1,680 11 Linaban 1,538 12 Piape I 1,442 13 Piape III 1,101 14 Bia-an 1,089 15 Budbudan 1,076 16 Banawon 1,069 17 Pu-ao 1,040 18 Poblacion 4 1,020 19 Ingwan-Batangan 989 20 Poblacion 1 964 21 Calacja II 904 22 Poblacion 2 887 23 Calacja I 878 24 Apdo 818 25 Calala 802 26 Masanag 800 27 Inabasan 787 28 Bongbongan I-II 764 29 General Fullon (Tina) 703 30 Fabrica 688 31 Philippine Statistics Authority- Antique Page 2 Poblacion 3 658 32 Caromangay 627 33 Igbical 618 34 Casalngan 613 35 Piape II 612 36 Igbucagay 561 37 Bongbongan III 475 38 Botbot 449 39 Dangcalan 398 40 Pili 1, 2, 3 337 41 Del Pilar 277 42 Nalihawan 276 43 Cantulan 180 44 Pamandayan (Botbot) 172 45 Pasu-Jungao 151 46 Suloc 117 47 Suloc was the smallest barangay in terms of population size with 117 persons. Four other barangays at the bottom five, namely Pasu-Jungao (151), Pamandayan (Botbot) (172), Cantulan (180) and Nalihawan (276). The barangay of Budbudan was the fastest growing barangay with an average annual population growth rate (PGR) of 4.06 percent. The second fastest growing barangay with an average annual population growth rate at 3.21 percent from 2010 to 2015 was Villavert-Jimenez, followed by Botbot at 2.62 percent, Dangcalan at 2.59 percent and Igbucagay at 2.57 percent. See Table 4. Table 4. Population and Growth Rates by Municipality and Barangays: 2010-2015 POPULATION TOTAL POPULATION MUNICIPALITY/BARANGAYS GROWTH RATE 1-May-10 1-Aug-15 2010-2015 HAMTIC 45,983 48,592 1.06 Apdo 798 818 0.47 Asluman 2,041 2,296 2.27 Banawon 1,043 1,069 0.47 Bia-an 1,087 1,089 0.03 Bongbongan I-II 790 764 -0.63 Bongbongan III 425 475 2.14 Botbot 392 449 2.62 Budbudan 873 1,076 4.06 Buhang 1,960 2,159 1.86 Calacja I 827 878 1.15 Calacja II 873 904 0.67 Philippine Statistics Authority- Antique Page 3 Calala 769 802 0.80 Cantulan 194 180 -1.42 Caridad 1,940 2,043 0.99 Caromangay 622 627 0.15 Casalngan 589 613 0.76 Dangcalan 348 398 2.59 Del Pilar 326 277 -3.05 Fabrica 678 688 0.28 Funda 2,141 2,298 1.36 General Fullon (Tina) 672 703 0.86 Guintas 2,165 2,264 0.85 Igbical 583 618 1.12 Igbucagay 491 561 2.57 Inabasan 762 787 0.62 Ingwan-Batangan 964 989 0.49 La Paz 1,791 2,000 2.12 Gov. Evelio B. Javier (Lanag) 1,694 1,844 1.63 Linaban 1,414 1,538 1.61 Malandog 1,941 1,959 0.18 Mapatag 1,799 1,979 1.83 Masanag 716 800 2.13 Nalihawan 307 276 -2.01 Pamandayan (Botbot) 152 172 2.38 Pasu-Jungao 157 151 -0.74 Piape I 1,331 1,442 1.54 Piape II 608 612 0.12 Piape III 1,411 1,101 -4.61 Pili 1, 2, 3 336 337 0.06 Poblacion 1 953 964 0.22 Poblacion 2 862 887 0.55 Poblacion 3 607 658 1.55 Poblacion 4 1,011 1,020 0.17 Poblacion 5 1,590 1,680 1.05 Pu-ao 980 1,040 1.14 Suloc 115 117 0.33 Villavert-Jimenez 1,855 2,190 3.21 Hamtic has a population density of 430 persons in every square kilometer. This is higher by 23 persons per square kilometer in 2010 with population density of 407 with a percent change of 5.7 percent from 2010-2015. The population of Hamtic in 2015 which was 48,592 is 8.3 percent of the total population of Antique which was 582,012 in the same year. Philippine Statistics Authority- Antique Page 4 Table 5. Total Population and Annual Population Growth Rates, Culasi 1990-2015 Total Population Annual Population Growth Rate Province/City/ Census Years Municipality/B 1-May- 1-Sep- 1-May- 1-Aug- 1-May- 1-Aug- 1990- 1995- 2000 - 2007 - 2010 - arangay 90 95 00 07 10 15 1995 2000 2007 2010 2015 HAMTIC 34,394 36,167 38,230 42,375 45,983 48,592 0.95 1.20 1.43 3.02 1.06 Apdo 586 631 637 620 798 818 1.40 0.20 -0.37 9.61 0.47 Asluman 1,529 1,569 1,377 1,899 2,041 2,296 0.48 -2.76 4.53 2.66 2.27 Banawon 579 704 648 777 1,043 1,069 3.73 -1.76 2.53 11.30 0.47 Bia-an 1,042 960 996 1,026 1,087 1,089 -1.52 0.79 0.41 2.12 0.03 Bongbongan - I-II 603 653 390 660 790 764 1.50 10.45 7.52 6.75 -0.63 Bongbongan III 444 389 407 389 425 475 -2.45 0.97 -0.62 3.27 2.14 Botbot 258 326 333 361 392 449 4.48 0.46 1.12 3.04 2.62 Budbudan 698 703 782 730 873 1,076 0.13 2.31 -0.94 6.72 4.06 Buhang 1,424 1,603 1,748 2,048 1,960 2,159 2.24 1.87 2.21 -1.58 1.86 Calacja I 515 589 635 732 827 878 2.55 1.62 1.98 4.54 1.15 Calacja II 643 676 722 769 873 904 0.94 1.42 0.87 4.72 0.67 Calala 554 663 710 733 769 802 3.42 1.48 0.44 1.76 0.80 Cantulan 140 173 176 167 194 180 4.04 0.37 -0.72 5.60 -1.42 Caridad 1,416 1,422 1,489 1,845 1,940 2,043 0.08 0.99 3.00 1.84 0.99 Caromangay 509 461 515 554 622 627 -1.84 2.40 1.01 4.30 0.15 Casalngan 414 423 506 530 589 613 0.40 3.91 0.64 3.91 0.76 Dangcalan 249 235 327 407 348 398 -1.08 7.33 3.06 -5.53 2.59 Del Pilar 305 336 335 292 326 277 1.83 -0.06 -1.88 4.09 -3.05 Fabrica 540 584 601 623 678 688 1.48 0.62 0.50 3.12 0.28 Funda 1,663 1,757 1,859 2,038 2,141 2,298 1.04 1.22 1.28 1.81 1.36 General Fullon (Tina) 423 462 602 746 672 703 1.67 5.83 3.00 -3.73 0.86 Guintas 1,663 1,529 1,776 2,115 2,165 2,264 -1.56 3.26 2.44 0.85 0.85 Igbical 354 330 567 481 583 618 -1.31 12.29 -2.24 7.24 1.12 Igbucagay 474 428 486 460 491 561 -1.89 2.76 -0.76 2.40 2.57 Inabasan 567 809 771 695 762 787 6.88 -1.03 -1.42 3.40 0.62 Ingwan- Batangan 827 837 961 841 964 989 0.23 3.00 -1.82 5.09 0.49 La Paz 1,238 1,245 1,464 1,667 1,791 2,000 0.11 3.53 1.81 2.64 2.12 Gov. Evelio B. Javier (Lanag) 1,374 1,336 1,518 1,662 1,694 1,844 -0.52 2.77 1.26 0.70 1.63 Linaban 1,141 1,250 919 1,380 1,414 1,538 1.72 -6.38 5.76 0.89 1.61 Malandog 1,241 1,243 1,300 1,645 1,941 1,959 0.03 0.97 3.30 6.20 0.18 Mapatag 1,425 1,643 1,582 1,739 1,799 1,979 2.70 -0.81 1.31 1.24 1.83 Masanag 711 679 721 721 716 800 -0.86 1.29 0.00 -0.25 2.13 Nalihawan 153 339 351 316 307 276 16.07 0.75 -1.44 -1.04 -2.01 Pamandayan (Botbot) 172 187 169 162 152 172 1.58 -2.14 -0.58 -2.29 2.38 Pasu-Jungao 97 149 148 174 157 151 8.37 -0.14 2.26 -3.67 -0.74 Philippine Statistics Authority- Antique Page 5 Piape I 903 1,061 1,180 1,291 1,331 1,442 3.07 2.30 1.25 1.12 1.54 Piape II 377 487 463 552 608 612 4.91 -1.08 2.45 3.58 0.12 Piape III 771 662 758 817 1,411 1,101 -2.81 2.94 1.04 21.98 -4.61 Pili 1, 2, 3 271 296 320 341 336 337 1.67 1.68 0.88 -0.54 0.06 Poblacion 1 619 640 821 821 953 964 0.63 5.48 0.00 5.57 0.22 Poblacion 2 691 675 776 787 862 887 -0.44 3.03 0.19 3.36 0.55 Poblacion 3 540 504 577 620 607 658 -1.28 2.94 1.00 -0.77 1.55 Poblacion 4 773 830 926 917 1,011 1,020 1.34 2.37 -0.13 3.61 0.17 Poblacion 5 1,182 1,346 1,447 1,421 1,590 1,680 2.46 1.56 -0.25 4.17 1.05 Pu-ao 924 864 945 1,014 980 1,040 -1.25 1.94 0.98 -1.23 1.14 Suloc 78 120 92 82 115 117 8.40 -5.53 -1.57 13.08 0.33 Villavert- Jimenez 1,294 1,359 1,397 1,708 1,855 2,190 0.92 0.59 2.81 3.05 3.21 The POPCEN was undertaken by the Philippine Statistics Authority in August 2015 pursuant to Republic Act No.