EEC/10/162/HQ Development Management Committee 1 September 2010 Strategic Planning/Highway Consultation: East District: Outline Planning Application, for a Development of up to 450 Residential Units, up to 2,000sqm of (B1) Business Use, a Primary School (2ha site), a Village Centre with Mixed Services, Retail Space of up to 900sqm, and a 250 Space Park & Ride; together with Associated Areas of Open Space (Formal and Informal), Cycleways, Footpaths and Infrastructure, Served off a New Access from the Highway at Land at Old Park Farm, Pinn Hill, Application No: 10/0641/MOUT Date Application received by County Council - 30 April 2010

Report of the Executive Director of Environment, Economy and Culture

Please note that the following recommendations are subject to consideration and determination by the Committee before taking effect.

Recommendation: It is recommended that District Council be advised that : 1. (a) as Strategic Planning Authority, does not object to the proposal subject to the inclusion of appropriate conditions and to the Applicant entering into a Legal Agreement to ensure: (i) that land is made available within the application site for a new primary school (to include capacity for Early Years provision); (ii) that a financial contribution is secured sufficient to fund the additional primary and secondary places generated by the development; (iii) the archaeological survey, monitoring and recording of the site; (b) as Local Highway Authority, does not object to the proposal subject to the Applicant entering into an appropriate Legal Agreement to fund the necessary measures (set out in Appendix II) to minimise any increase in traffic at the Pinhoe mini-roundabouts; and, (c) requires that, should the District Council be minded to grant planning permission, then this should be referred to the Government Office for the South West as a departure from the Devon County Structure Plan. 2. is of the view that the site should be planned comprehensively as part of a Sustainable Urban Extension to the city of Exeter, and that the most sustainable option for the provision of additional development (of up to 350 dwellings) would be to the south of the B3181.

1. Summary

1.1 This Report sets out the response to a strategic consultation for an Outline planning application within East Devon. A 'village' concept is proposed, which includes housing, local shops, some business uses, a school, and a Park and Ride site.

2. The Proposal/Background

2.1 This greenfield site is located on the north east edge of Exeter beyond Pinhoe Village, on the fringes of the Exeter Principal Urban Area (PUA) in East Devon as defined in the Devon Structure Plan. The site lies between the distinct ridge that marks the edge of the city and Westclyst village to the north east (with just under 100 houses).

2.2 The site is currently made up of: 20 hectares of Grade 1 agricultural land; a central access road and a number of buildings. These include Park Farm and Old Park Farm, which is a Grade II* listed building.

2.3 The site is not allocated for development in the Local Plan, which means the Secretary of State will need to be notified of the proposal. It is identified in the emerging 'Preferred Option' stage of East Devon District Council's Core Strategy as a site suitable for mixed use housing development. It is located in an area of open countryside. There are no landscape designations within the site, but a ‘Green Wedge’ covers a large area to the north between Westclyst and Politimore.

2.5 Details have been provided about the proposed access into the site – this is located midway between Westclyst and the last property along Pinn Hill on the Exeter City side. This would involve widening of the B3181 at its junction to allow two lanes from both directions, and to provide a separate lane for traffic entering the site. The access would have three lanes at the junction with a double lane on the Westclyst side.

3. Planning Policy Considerations

3.1 In considering this application the County Council, as Strategic Planning and Highway Authority, is required to have regard to the provisions of the Development Plan insofar as they are material to the application, and to any other material considerations. Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that where regard is to be had to the Development Plan, the determination shall be in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. In this case the Development Plan policies are summarised in Appendix I to this Report, and the most relevant are referred to in more detail in Sections 4 and 5 below.

4. Strategic Planning Considerations

4.1 The relevant planning policies following the abolition of Regional Spatial Strategies in July this year are those in the adopted Devon Structure Plan and the East Devon Local Plan.

4.2 It is considered that the key material planning considerations as part of this strategic response are the development's scale, and location; need; impact upon the local area; and archaeological and agricultural land issues.

Scale, Location and Housing Need

4.3 The site is not designated for development but the potential to build 800 homes at Pinhoe is identified in the emerging Core Strategy ('Preferred Options', endorsed by East Devon District Council - 17 August 2010). Cranbrook New Community and other sites within Exeter have previously been identified as the main locations for major growth for the Exeter and the East Devon Sub area. However, there have been delays in delivering Cranbrook in the short term, and development may not now commence until later in 2011. This has resulted in a shortfall of sites for housing development in the western part of East Devon District.

4.4 It is considered that as the proposed application is a departure from the Adopted Plan, it is essential that the development is sustainable and forms part of a longer term strategy for development in the area. The development should therefore be brought forward as a comprehensively planned Urban Extension, which would then enable local facilities, and the funding of necessary infrastructure improvements to be included.

Landscape Impact

4.5 It is acknowledged that a sensitive approach to the local landscape and visual context is put forward in the supporting documents and indicative master plan. The site is not located within any landscape designations, but it is a sensitive landscape as it is just beyond the major landscape ridge that acts a visual edge to the city of Exeter.

4.6 However, whilst the proposed development would extend beyond this ridge, there is already development to the east of the proposed site. It is considered that on balance, if the development is contained within the area proposed, and does not extend further in the future beyond the second ridge to the north of the site, then it is acceptable in landscape terms.

Character and Settlement function

4.7 It is considered that the character and design of the settlement should form an Urban Extension to Pinhoe, rather than act as a separate village in its own right. Development in this area should be integrated with the existing Urban Area in terms of pedestrian and cycle links.

4.8 This Authority supports the principle of providing retail facilities locally, but would raise concerns that 450 dwellings in isolation may not be sufficient to support the proposed 900 square metres of retail space. Therefore, when developing a masterplan for the site, the location of any retail facilities must be considered within the wider development aspirations for this area, within the Urban Extension approach.


4.9 Roman features of archaeological significance have been discovered during recent excavations on the site. These are concentrated in the area shown for the Primary School on the indicative site layout. If construction works are carried out in this area, further excavation would be required in mitigation for the impact.

Agricultural Land

4.10 The application site is of Grade I agricultural quality and so Structure Plan Policy CO14 (Conserving Agricultural Land) applies. This policy states that any form of development not associated with agriculture or forestry should only be permitted where there is an overriding need for development in that location which outweighs the need to protect such land, or where it implements other policies and proposals of the Development Plan. It is considered that in this case, the need for the additional housing, if part of a development strategy securing a properly planned urban extension, overrides the loss of agricultural land.

Education Provision

4.11 The indicative masterplan identifies a site for a primary school to be offered as part of the proposal to this Authority for it to develop. A 2 hectare site is proposed in the application which could provide sufficient spaces to build a 420 child two form entry school with nursery. A viable Primary School to serve the area can be brought forward, with appropriate developer contributions, if planned as part of an Urban Extension of up to 800 dwellings. Contributions are also required towards Secondary Education provision which would result from the development.

4.12 This Authority welcomes the principle of a new 2 hectare site to be used for a new Primary School. There is currently no available capacity at the nearest Primary Schools in Broadclyst and Pinhoe, and these schools have little scope for expansion.

4.13 This proposed development is additional to the major proposals that are being brought forward in the emerging Exeter Core Strategy, which cumulatively will require significant investment in new secondary school capacity. It is essential therefore that each development makes an appropriate contribution towards the cost of expanding existing facilities in Exeter and/or East Devon.

Sustainability Considerations

4.14 Limited information is provided within the outline application about how energy use and carbon emissions will be minimised. In line with Structure Plan Policy C011 (Conserving Energy Resources), this Authority would advise that at the master planning design stage, opportunities to reduce energy use through use of passive solar gain and solar shading are maximised where feasible. Options for energy generation through facilities, such as CHP, should also be further explored in consultation with .

4.15 At the detailed design stage, this Authority would support Sustainable designs which use, for example, air tightness technology, and would also encourage maximising the re-use of other natural resources such as water (through rainwater harvesting and grey water recycling).

5. Highway Considerations

5.1 It is considered that the main transport issue for the proposed development is how to manage traffic impacts at the double mini-roundabouts at Pinhoe. Evidence shows queuing and delays particularly during the morning (08.00-09.00) peak period. In order to reduce this impact the application sets out a number of measures to reduce car use, and to encourage new and existing residents in the area to walk, cycle and use public transport to key services and facilities.

5.2 The Transport Assessment demonstrates how trips by private car could be minimised by improving and promoting sustainable travel options to key destinations such as the city centre, schools and jobs. The assessment also considered how measures could benefit the wider community and remove existing car trips from the busy corridor. These measures aimed at changing travel behaviour are seen as critical in helping mitigate the overall impact at the double mini roundabouts.

5.3 A number of measures are currently being negotiated with the County Highway Authority to improve and promote sustainable travel. (Details of these are set out in Appendix II).

5.4 Assumptions were made about the trip rates based on 450 dwellings generating approximately 140 vehicles outbound in the morning peak. Of these, 80% (110 vehicles) are expected to travel towards Exeter. These additional vehicles would be offset by the traffic using the Park and Change facility, which is expected to intercept approximately 40 vehicles. This results in approximately 70 vehicles, or just over 1 vehicle per minute, impacting on the B3181 approach from during the morning peak hour.

5.5 The queue length surveys show significantly reduced queuing outside the peak hours, so there is scope for more people to leave earlier or later to avoid queuing in the morning peak hour. This would help manage the impact at the double mini roundabouts.

5.6 The impact of 70 additional vehicles would be reduced further due to the travel behaviour of existing residents and commuters either changing their time or mode of travel as a result of proposed mitigation measures set out in paragraph 5.2. These are also expected to influence both new and existing residents’ travel behaviour so that if fully implemented, the overall net traffic impact on the double mini roundabouts is not sufficient to warrant a highways objection.

5.7 Due to the capacity issues on the B3181 corridor, this Authority does not consider further development in this vicinity beyond that envisaged by the current application, to be appropriate until a later stage of the LDF plan period. Developments in the east of Exeter area, including Monkerton, Skypark, Science Park and Cranbrook will help deliver major transport infrastructure improvements, which may offer opportunities for development in the area longer term. Such development would need to be planned as part of a masterplanning exercise and on the assumption that the east of Exeter developments have come forward and have delivered the necessary infrastructure to provide opportunities to improve conditions within Pinhoe.

6. Reasons for Recommendation/Alternative Options Considered

6.1 It is considered, therefore, that on balance this Authority should not object to a sustainable mixed use development in this location. It is recognised that there would be some landscape impacts from the proposal, but this impact would, if the scale of the development to the north of the B3181 is limited, not preclude development if well planned. It is, however, essential that the development forms and acts as an Urban Extension to the city of Exeter, and that the masterplan and proposals put forward as part of this ensure that it works as one. The key transport improvements package – to create better links with the surrounding area, will need to integrate the development in to the city, as well as offset any direct impacts upon Pinhoe.

6.2 It is evident that a number of factors, such as the proposed retail facilities, education provision and traffic proposal for the site would all be influenced by future developments planned in the wider area around the site.

6.3 It is recommended that all details of the proposal must be guided by the development of the Urban Extension as a whole.

Stewart Redding County Development Manager

Electoral Divisions: Broadclyst & Whimple / Pinhoe & Mincinglake

Local Government Act 1972: List of Background Papers

Contact for enquiries: Hayley Stokes

Tel No: 01392 382261

Room No: ABG Lucombe House

Background Paper Date File Ref

Casework file April 2010 10/0641/MOUT hs180810dma sc/old park farm 9 240810 Appendix I To EEC/10/162/HQ

3. Relevant Devon Structure Plan Policies 2001-2016 (2004) : Policies ST1 (Sustainable Development); ST3 (Self-Sufficiency of Devon’s Communities); ST4 (Infrastructure Provision); ST5 (Development Priority 2001 to 2016); ST10 (Exeter PUA); ST17 (Housing and Employment Land Provision); ST18 (Affordable Housing); ST18a (Mix and Type of Housing); ST19 (Strategic Development Sites); CO1 (Landscape Character and Local Distinctiveness); CO6 (Quality of New Development); CO7 (Historic Settlements and Buildings); CO8 (Archaeology); C09 (Biodiversity and Earth Science Diversity); C011 (Conserving Energy Resources); CO13 (Protecting Water Resources and Flood Defence); CO14 (Conserving Agricultural Land); CO15 (Air Quality); CO16 (Noise Pollution); TR1 (Devon Travel Strategy); TR2 (Co-ordinating Land Use / Travel Planning); TR3 (Managing Travel Demand); TR4 (Parking Strategy, Standards and Proposals); TR5 (Hierarchy of Modes); TR6 (Network Integration); TR7 (Walking and Cycling); TR9 (Public Transport); SH1 (Shopping Facilities)

East Devon Local Plan 1995-2011 (July 2006) : Policies S1 (Strategic Development in the East Devon part of the Exeter Principal Urban Area); S5 (Countryside Protection); S6 (Development in Green Wedges); S7 (Infrastructure related to New development); D1 (Design and Local Distinctiveness) D2 (Sustainable Construction); EN6 (Wildlife and Habitat Features); H1 (Residential Land Provision); (Residential Land Allocation); H3 (Range & Mix of New Housing Development); H4 (Affordable Housing); E6 (Small Scale Employment in Rural Areas); SH4 (Neighbourhood Centres and Shops); C2 (Local Community Facilities); TA1 (Accessibility of New Development); TA3 (Transport Assessment/Travel Plans); TA4 (Footpaths, Bridleways and Cycleways); TA6 (Park & Ride);

Appendix II To EEC/10/162/HQ

1. Bus Services

A commitment to serving the development by a 15 minute bus service. Developer funds are likely to be used to provide additional capacity on the 1 service buses from Cullompton, which are currently full during the peak periods.

As the B3181 is well served by the high frequency 1 service to the city centre, there is potential for funding to be used to serve other key destinations in Exeter. Additional capacity on the 1 network means that some buses may instead use Cumberland Way/ Heavitree Road to access the city centre. This would give new residents and existing communities in Pinhoe and Cullompton improved bus access to Exeter Business Park, the northern edge of Sowton and the RD&E hospital sites.

2. Park and Change

The Park and Ride facility will be a Park and Change facility with reduced levels of parking following recommendations by Devon County Council.

A Park and Change facility would be used by people travelling along the B3181 from rural villages and communities not served by the 1 service. It would also provide a facility for car sharing, park and walk / cycle to nearby destinations and would help offset traffic impacts at the Pinhoe roundabouts.

3. Community Travel Plan

A comprehensive community Travel Plan has been submitted which includes proposals to influence travel behaviour of new residents and residents in the nearby community. Measures include a Travel Plan Officer, information packs, bus and cycle subsidy vouchers and the setting up of a car club.

4. Walking and Cycling

A new pedestrian/cycle crossing on the B3181 near Parkers Cross to improve links to the train station

Public Realm enhancements at Pinhoe to improve conditions and along the route to the train station,

Direct and permeable walking and cycling links connecting the site with other (existing or planned) off-site routes. This should improve links to the rail station, schools, jobs and leisure routes by connecting into the cycleway from Pinhoe to Broadclyst due to be completed within the next 12 months. This strategic cycle route is part of the primary route network set out in the emerging Exeter Cycle Strategy which will provide high quality access to the city centre.

Improved cycle parking provision at Pinhoe Rail Station