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A Acterian, Jeni, 223–224 ‘Accused Julien Benda, The’ (article by Action Française, 10 Noica), 9 Acţiune si̧ Reacţiune, 36 Acosta, Mercedes de, 122 Acţiunea Studenteasca̦ ̆, 190 Acterian, Arşavir À la recherche du temps perdu Bergson symposium, 120 (Proust), 123 biographical sketch of, 33, 37 Albright, Madeleine, xv Criterion Association and, 81, 91 Alexandrescu, Sorin, 7, 13, 33 Gide symposium, 108, 110 Alioth-Karadja, Lucie, 143 imprisonment of, 267 America văzută de un tânăr de azi Iron Guard and, 115 (Comarnescu), 54–55, 263 Valéry symposium, 118, 119 American industrialization, 10 Acterian, Eugenia ‘Jeni,’ 33 ‘Americanism and Europeanism’ Acterian, Haig conferences, 73 biographical sketch of, xxiv, 33, 35 Anale, see Circle of the Romanian Contemporary Romanian Culture Annals (Cercul Analelor Române) symposium, 131 Anderson, Vera, 75 death of, 237–238 Anii Treizeci (Ornea), 179 education abroad of, 48, 230–231 Anti-American sentiment, 10, 52 Forum Group presentation, 72 Anti-Semitism imprisonment of, 237–238 after the realization of Greater marriage of, 228 Romania, 18 National Theatre and, 235 of Carol, 214–216 photograph of, 2 Chaplin symposium, 102–103

© The Author(s) 2019 305 C. A. Bejan, Intellectuals and Fascism in Interwar Romania, Modernity, Memory and Identity in South-East Europe, 306 INDEX

Anti-Semitism (cont.) Blank, Aristide, 262 of Cioran, 222–223 Bloomsbury Group, 11 of Ionescu, 240–241 Bogza, Geo, 207–209 Ionescu and, 30 Boia, Lucian, 22 riots, 212 Borsec, Transylvania, 146 of Sadova, 233–236 Botta, Dan at the university level, 20 Bergson symposium, 120 Antonescu, General, 215–216, biographical sketch of, 33 254–255 on the Criterion Association, 90 Antonesei, Liviu, 7, 15, 266–267 on Michelangelo, 173 Arendt, Hannah, 278 philosophy of, 167 Arghezi, Tudor, 171, 208 review of ‘Cycle of Major Moments Art, 43–44, 173 of Music’ series, 143 Automobiles, 71–72 Valéry symposium, 117 Axa, 5, 116, 147–148 Brancuşi, 14 Azi, 72, 74–75 Brătianu, Ion, 14 Brauner, Harry, 233 Brauner, Victor, 60, 129 B Broşteanu, Aurel (Relu) D., 72–73, 129 Badauta, Alexandru, 68 Bucharest , 235 Baeumler, Alfred, 10 Bucur, Maria, xiv Bagdasar, Nicolae, 119 Burileanu, Rodica, 195 Baic, Cornelia, 134 ‘Burning Pyre’ religious movement, 261 Bald Soprano, The (Ionesco), 258 Baltazar, Camil, 209 Bărbat, Virgil, 69 C Barbu, Ion, 112, 171 Căile Ferate Române (CFR), 138 Bauhaus, 11 Calendarul, 74, 109 Bebis, Corneliu, 134 Caler, Leni, 232, 270 Benda, Julien Călinescu, Armand, 96–97, 111, 123, influence of, 9 214–215 theory of intellectuals, 8–9 Călinescu, Matei, 2, 6, 37, 248, 274 Treason of the Intellectuals, The Călugăru, Ion, 99, 103 (Benda), xvi Camaraderie, 62–65, 193, 194 Benn, Gottfried, 10 Campanella, Tommaso, 35 Bergson, Henri, 119–120 Campus environment, 53–54 Besant, Annie, 121 Cantacuzino, G.M., 68 Bessarabia, 21 Cantacuzino, Ion I. Bieckerich, Victor, 134 on art, 173 Birth control, 145 biographical sketch of, 33, 38 Blaga, Lucian, 11, 14, 19, 25, 134, Forum Group presentation, 72 227–228, 260 Gide symposium, 109–110 INDEX 307

on literature, 170–171 biographical sketch of, 33 on nationalism, 169 on Comarnescu, 67 Roşu and, 113–114 Forum Group presentation, Valéry symposium, 117 72, 73 Cantacuzino, Ion. I., Freud Gide symposium, 108 symposium, 97 Valéry symposium, 118 Cantacuzino-Enescu, Maruca, 29–30 Cioran, Emil (E.M.) Capsali, Floria Bergson symposium, 120 biographical sketch of, xxv, 33 biographical sketch of, xxiv, 32, 38 Contemporary Romanian Culture education abroad of, 54–55 symposium, 131 friendship with Comarnescu, 239 Credinta̧ scandal and, 181 legacy of, 5 Criterion Association and, 63–65 of, 257 ‘History and Aesthetic of Dance in and, 55–57 Four Conferences with personal disposition of, 257–258 Examples’ series, 141 photograph of, 257 jealousy of, 205–206 political allegiances of, 219–224 ‘Music and Dance from Brăila’ Schimbarea la fata̧ ̆ a României, workshop, 134 56–57, 219–222 photograph of, 2 Schimbarea la fata̧ ̆ a României Caragiale, 268 [The Transfiguration of Carol II () Romania], 6 biographical sketch of, xxvi Circle of the Romanian Annals (Cercul free speech and, 177 Analelor Române), 68, 117 Frontul Renaşterii Nationalȩ [the ‘Civilization’ symposium, 144 Front of National Rebirth], Clark, Roland, 22 214–216 ‘Classicism’ symposium, 144 infidelity of, 208–209 Cocea, N.D., 198 rule of, 17, 148 Codreanu, Corneliu Zelea Cars, 71–77 biographical sketch of, xxv Catargi, Henri, 135 Credinta̧ scandal and, 191 Caviar and Ashes (Shore), x, 11 death squads and, 214 Ceallaigh, Philip Ó, 7 execution of, 215, 225 Cecchetti, Enrico, 64 founding of the Legionary Censorship, 206 Movement, 4, 21–23 See also Free speech imprisonment of, 214–215 Chaplin, Charlie, 99–103, 122 rule of, 147–149 Chicago, IL, 54–55 Sadova and Haig’s meeting with, Christianity, 46–47 231–232 Cinema, 99–100, 122 Schimbarea la fata̧ ̆ a României Cioculescu, Şerban (Cioran) and, 221 Bergson symposium, 119 Collective, 241 308 INDEX

Comarnescu, Petru ‘Titel’ photograph of, 159 America văzută de un tânăr political allegiances of, 238–240 de azi, 263 Proust symposium, 123–124 ‘Americanism and Europeanism’ public appearances of, 68 conferences, 69 ‘Răul Veacului Nostru: Hamlet ancestry of, 188–189 1933,’ 137–138 Azi, 78–79 relationships with other members of Bergson symposium, 119 the Criterion Association, 65–66 biographical sketch of, x, xxiii, 32, role of, xvi 36, 197–199 on the role of the intellectual, Borsec trip, 146 163–164 Chaplin symposium, 100–101 Royal Foundation and, 133, 144 Credinta̧ scandal and, 179–192, 197 sexuality of, 192, 196–204 on the Criterion Association, 276 on the social atmosphere within the Criterion Association and, 77–78 Criterion Association, 62–63 ‘Cycle of Major Moments of Music’ ‘Spiritual Directions of the New series, 141–144 Generation’ symposium, death of, 204, 264 137–138 education abroad of, 51–55 Stancu and, 205 Forum Group and, 70–72 student work of, 20 Freud symposium, 97 ‘Tyranny of Form-Traps’ article, 167 friendship with Cioran, 239 ‘Utilization of the American Spirit’ friendship with Noica, 199–203, symposium, 68, 69 224–227 Valéry symposium, 117, 118 friendship with Sebastian, 240 Commercial Academy, 140 Gide symposium, 109–110 Communism and the Communist Party ‘History and Aesthetic of Dance in Criterion Association and, 114 Four Conferences with Gide’s sympathy for, 108 Examples’ series, 141 installation of, 4, 260–261 Homo Americanus, 53–54 prohibition of, 20–21 influence of Benda on, 9 Roşu and, 113 Iron Guard and, 116 Condrea, Sergiu, 71–77 Kalokagathon, 264 Conferences, 68–69 leadership of, 67 Constante, Lena, 20 legacy of, 5, 262–264 Constantinescu, Costina, 238 Lenin symposium, 96 Constantinescu, Mac, 63, 64 marriage of, 182, 189, 195, 198 Constantinescu, Nicuşor, 243 on the members of Criterion, 16 Constitutional monarchy, 16–17 ‘Nature of Beauty and its Relation ‘Contemporary Idols’ symposium, to Goodness, The,’ 51 91, 135 needs of, 66–67 Contemporary Romanian Culture’ notes of, 88 symposium, 91, 130–131 optimism and, 53 Convorbiri Literare, 168 INDEX 309

Cornea, Andrei, 266 contributions of, 276 Corteanu, A., 69 Credinta̧ scandal and, 179–192 Cosmopolitanism, 171–176 Cretin motif and, 112–113 Costescu, Christinel, 256 criticism of, 109–116 Countryside, 19 Criticism section, 80 Craig, Edward Gordon, 230 ‘Cycle of Major Moments of Music’ Crainic, Nichifor, 14, 86, 109, 111, 260 series, 141–144 Credinta̧ , 5, 170, 179–192, 197, 273 dissolution of, 4, 177–179, 209 Cristescu, Colonel, 215 Forum Group, 60 Criterion (publication) Grivita̧ riots, 137, 140–141 art reproduced in, 173 ‘History and Aesthetic of Dance in content of, 154–167, 173–176 Four Conferences with cover photo, 159 Examples’ series, 141 creation of, 149–154 history of, xiii criticism of, 175 influence of Benda on, 9 end of publication, 176 informal meetings of, 79–81, 92 feuilletons in, 5 instability of, 138, 147 internationalism in, 171–176 Iron Guard and, 177–178 in, 170–171 legacy of, 271–273 presentations of nationalism in, literature on, 7–8 168–169 ‘Meaning of Life in Contemporary ‘Rehabilitation of Spirituality’ Literature’ symposium, 144 article, 165–166 membership of, 59–60, 62, 77, themes explored by, 153–154 80–84 ‘Two Italian Books’ article, 172 Mihai’s thesis on, 8 ‘Two Italian Commentaries’ article, mission of, 85–94 171–172 name of, 85–86 ‘Tyranny of Form-Traps’ article, 167 ‘Neoclassicism’ symposium, 144 ‘Village’ article, 169 official meetings of, 83 Vulcănescu’s contributions, 152–153 operation of, 79 Young Generation and, 162–163 organization of, xvi, 4, 82–83 Criterion Association and the origins of, 23–24, 31, 61, 77–84 Criterionists outreach to the provinces, 134 activity of, 5, 59, 82, 134–135 Philosophy section, 80 artistic sections, 80 political series, 144–145 camaraderie within, 193, 194 public response to, 89, 120, ‘Civilization’ symposium, 144 143–144, 190 ‘Classicism’ symposium, 144 ‘Race’ symposium, 144 communist agenda, 114 resignations from, 81 conflicts within, 65–66 self-identity of, 92 ‘Contemporary Idols’ symposium, Social Science section, 80 91, 135 ‘Solutions to the Economic Crisis’ ‘Contemporary Romanian Culture’ symposium, 144 symposium, 91, 130–131 success of, 4 310 INDEX

Criterion Association (cont.) Daniel, Henry, 134 symposium format, 90–91 D’Annunzio, Gabriele, 172 Tendinte̦ (Trends) series, 135–138 Danovski, Oleg, 64 themes explored by, 129–130 Dasgupta, Surendranath, 49 views of, 16 Death squads, 214 ‘War’ symposium, 144 Decline of the West (Spengler), 124 women and, 193–195, 205 De două mii de ani [For Two Young Generation and, 59–60, 89 Thousand Years] (Sebastian), xvi, Cronica Musicală, 143 30, 170, 213, 240 Cubism, 129 Delavrancea, Cella, 30 Culianu, Ioan Petru, 7, 256 Demetrius, Lucia, 233 Culturalization, 168 Dianu, Romulus, 97 Cultural Politics in Greater Romania Diavolul şi ucenicul său: Nae Ionescu – (Livezeanu), 17 Mihail Sebastian (Petreu), 6 ‘Cultural Topics’ conference, 136 Dictatorships, in Romania, xvii Culture, 42–43, 89, 91, 93–94, 130–131 Dilettantism, 40–41 Cum am devenit huligan (Sebastian), Dimensiunea românească a existentei̧ 2, 213 (The Romanian Dimension of Curentul, 97 Existence) (Vulcănescu), 19 ‘Current trends in Physics: the Discovery of self, 107 Problem of Matter’ conference, Discutia̧ controversată, 69 136–137 Dobridor, Ilariu, 191 Cuvântul Domnişoara Christina (Eliade), 208 Cioran’s contributions, 25 Dreiser, Theodor, 172 Eliade’s contributions, 50 Duca, Ion Gheorghe, 4, 69, 88, 136, 148 Ionescu’s contributions, 148–149 publication of, 5 E Sebastian’s contributions, 6, 70 Eastern philosophy, 50 Spiritual Itinerary, 39 Economu, Chiril, 238 suspension of, 149 Education abroad, 48–49, 57 Vulcănescu’s contributions, 25 1848 Generation, 13 Cuza, Alexandru C., 21, 31, 214 Eleutheriade, Micaela, 134 Cuzists, 101 Eliade, Mircea ‘Cycle of Major Moments of Music’ accusation of pornography, 208 series, 141–144 anti-Semitism of, 7 Czechoslovakia, 239 biographical sketch of, xxiii, 35 Chaplin symposium, 102–103 Contemporary Romanian Culture D symposium, 130 , 11 on the Criterion Association, 59, Daia, Vasile, 191 77–78, 89, 90, 92, 93, 178 Dalles Foundation, 141 on criticism, 112–113 INDEX 311

‘Cycle of Major Moments of Music’ ‘Utilization of the American Spirit’ series, 142–143 symposium, 68 education abroad of, 49–51 Viata̧ Nouă, 160 ‘Few Opinions about the ‘Why I believe in the victory of the Development of the Iron Legionary Movement’ article, Guard, A’ series, 147–148 217–218 Forum Group and, 74 worship of, xvii Forum Group presentation, 74–75 Eliade, Nina, 235 Freud symposium, 97–99 Eliot, T.S., 10 friendship with Noica, 256 Elisabeta Boulevard, 100 friendship with Sadova, 244, , 204 250–251, 268–270 Eloge des Intellectuels (Lévy), 9–10 friendship with Sebastian, 244–246 Eminescu, 14 Gandhi symposium, 126–129 Enescu, C., 105–106 Gide symposium, 109 Envy, 205–206 Guardism and, xi ‘Epistemological function of love, The’ imprisonment of, 218, 245 (lecture by Ionescu), 26 Întoarcerea din Rai (Return from Esprit, 10 Paradise), 140–141 Eugenics, 145 on Ionescu, 160–161 Europeanists, 13 Iphigenia, 218–219 Europenism si̧ dileme identitare în on the Iron Guard, 161–162 România interbelică: gruparea Krishnamurti and, 121–122 Criterion (Mihai), 8 legacy of, 5 Evans, R.J.W., 17 Lenin symposium, 95 Evola, Julius, 10, 35, 218 Maitreyi, 50 Existentialism, 271 marriage of, 195, 244 Experience (experienta̧ ), xi, 15, 42, 155 modernism and, 11–12 Experiential literature, xvi philosophy of, 52 Extremism, rise of, xiii–xiv photograph of, 257 political allegiances of, 217–219 post-war exile of, 255–256 F ‘Rehabilitation of Spirituality’ Fabregue, Jean de, 52 article, 165–167 Facla, 5, 37 on the responsibility of the Young Fascism Generation, 34 appeal of, 4, 274–275 on the role of the intellectual, 159–163 defined, 12 role of, xvi, 32 goals of, 22 Spiritual Itinerary, 38–48 historical context of, 278–279 as a student of Ionescu, 27 intellectuals and, 10 ‘time when we will no longer be free intellectual support of, xv to do what we wish,’ 249–252 in Italy, 103–106 ‘Two Italian Books’ article, 172 modernism and, 11–13 312 INDEX

Fascism: A Warning (Albright), xv Generations in the social history of Ferdinand (king of Romania), 17 modern Romania, 14, 156–158 Feuilletons, xiii, 89 Georgescu, Radu, 143–144 ‘Few Opinions about the Development Gheorghiu-Dej, Gheorghe, 140, 255 of the Iron Guard, A’ series, Ghinda, Barbu Catargi, 141 147–148 Gide, André, 1, 106–110 Floarea de Foc, 75 Gilbert, Arthur, 194 Floru, Constantin, Bergson Glasul Patriei (The Voice of the symposium, 119 Motherland), 260 Foreign literature, 171–172 Goga, Octavian, 169, 214 See also Literature Golescu, 14 Forum Group, 60, 70–77 Golopentia,̧ Anton Foucault, Michel, 194 biographical sketch of, 33 Fragments of a Journal (Ionesco), 260 interests of, 38 France, 243–244 on the role of the intellectual, 164 Free speech, 139, 189, 206 work of, 20 Freud, Sigmund, 96–99 Goya y Lucientes, Francesco Jose de, 173 Friends of the United States Society, Greater Romania, xiii 68, 69, 88 See also Romania Friendship, 193, 194, 205 Griffin, Roger, 11, 12, 22 Frontul Renaşterii Nationalȩ Grigorescu, Mircea, 73, 96 [the Front of National Grivita̧ riots, 137–141 Rebirth], 214 Grosu, Monica, 7, 193 Fuhlsbuettel concentration camp, 195 Guardism, xi , 11 Gulian, Emil, 108 Gusti School and Dumitrie Gusti, 20, 60, 91 G Gyr, Radu, 235 Gafencu, Grigore, 144 Gandhi, Mahatma, 125–129 Gândirea, 5, 14–15, 25, 149 H Garbo, Greta, 122–123 ‘Happy Guilt’ (essay by Manea), 6, 279 García Márquez, Gabriel, xiv, 8 Hechter, Iosif, see Sebastian, Mihail ‘General Economic Directions’ Heidegger, Martin, 10 conference, 136–137 Helena (princess of Greece), 17 Generatia̧ tânără [the Young Herf, Jeffrey Generation], see Young on extremism, xiv, xv Generation reactionary modernism of, xi, 12 Generation ’27, 9 Herseni, Traian Generation Without Beliefs, A interests of, 38 (Vanhaelemeersch), 7 work of, 20 INDEX 313

Heyse, Hans, 10 Idei europeane (European Ideas), 68 Hillard, Richard ‘Ricci, 33, 106 ‘Idols’ symposium, organization of, 91 Historical revisionism, 7 Imagination, 118 ‘History and Aesthetic of Dance in ‘Immediate Economic Directions: Four Conferences with Examples’ Monetary Solutions series, 141 conference, 144 History of Sexuality (Foucault), 194 Impatience, 47 History, Eliade’s theory of, 160 Individuals, 241 Hitchins, Keith, 13 Infamous Past, An: E.M. Cioran and Hitler, Adolf the Rise of Fascism in Romania Carol’s visit with, 215 (Petreu), 6 Cioran’s interest in, 58 Integral Nationalism, 155 homosexuality and, 195 Intellectuals Hogaş, Calistrat, 97 defined, 9 Hoitaş, Clatilda, 235 imprisonment of, 265 Holban, Anton, 117 role and responsibility of, 8–9 Hollywood, 99–100, 122 role of, 159–167 Holocaust in Romania, 215–216 Internationalism, 171–176 Holy Legionary Youth (Clark), 22 Întoarcerea din Rai [Return from Homo Americanus (Comarnescu), 72 Paradise] (Eliade), 140–141, 213 Homosexuality Ionesco, Eugène concept of, 194 Bald Soprano, The, 259 Credinta̧ scandal and, 179–180 biographical sketch of, xxiv, 32, 37 Garbo and, 122–123 on Comarnescu, 262–263 Gide and, 108 on the Criterion Association, male friendship and, 11 178–179, 272 persecution of, 187, 195 criticism of, 170–171 in Romania, 196 education abroad of, 48 Hooliganism, 213 Fragments of a Journal, 260 Hour of Decision: Germany and the friendship with Sebastian, 246–248 World Historical Revolution, The Iron Guard and, 115 (Spengler), 125 Jewish identity of, 248, 259–260 ‘How Julien Benda lied!’ (article by legacy of, 5 Noica), 9 letter to Vianu, 60, 253–254 Huliganii (Eliade), 213 marriage of, 195 Hungarian people, 223 photograph of, 257 political allegiances of, 247–249 post-war exile of, 258–260 I Present Past Past Present, 259 Iancu, Avram, 14 relationships with other members of Iancu, Marcel, 14, 129, 134 the Criterion Association, 66 Iaşinschi, Vasile, 235 Ionescu, Marioara, 235 314 INDEX

Ionescu, Nicolae C. (Nae) J academic career of, 26–29 Jackson, Eric, 203 anti-Semitism of, xvi, 6, 30, 240–241 Jammes, Francis, 172 biographical sketch of, xxiii, 25–26, 37 Jealousy, 205–206 criticism of, 170 Jennings, Jeremy, 9 death of, 215 Jewish population, 17–18 Eliade on, 160–161 Jianu, Ionel ‘Nelly’ imprisonment of, 214–215, 245 biographical sketch of, 33, 36 insecurity of, 29–30 on the Criterion Association, 276 mentor-mentee relationship with Forum Group and, 70, 75–77 Sebastian, 240–241 Jocul de-a vacanta̧ (Sebastian), 232 politics and, 30–31, 148–149 Johnson, Paul, 8, 278 Spengler and, 124 Jung, Carl Gustav, 11 style of, 32 Junimea Society, 33 Tendinte̦ (Trends) series, 135–137 trăire and experienta̧ and, 15–16 ‘Trends in Domestic Politics: the K Romanian State’ conference, Kalokagathon (Comarnescu), 264 136–137 Katz, Jonathan Ned, 194 Young Generation and, 31 Kemp-Welch, Anthony, 9 Iordache, Maria, 235 Kiritescu,̦ Constantin, 208 Iorga, Nicolae, 17, 18, 31, 52, 216 Klages, Ludwig, 55 Iorgulescu, Yor Petre, 135 Kogălniceanu, 14 Iphigenia (Eliade), 230 Kriek, Ernst, 10 Iron Guard Krishnamurti, Jiddu, 121–122 of, 22–23 anti-Semitism riots, 212 Axa, 116, 147–148 L Carol II and, 226 Laignel-Lavastine, Alexandra, 6 Criterion Association and, 177–178 LANC (the League of National Eliade and, 147–148, 161–167, Christian Defence), 21 217–219 Language, 169 formation of, 21 Lapedatu, Al., 30 Ionescu’s support of, 30–31 Lavric, Sorin, 199 and, 216 Lazăr, Gheorghe, 14 Polihroniade and, 115–116 Leadbeater, C.W., 121 See also Legionary Movement League of National Christian Defence Isabel şi apele diavolului (Eliade), 208 (LANC), 101, 212 Italy, fascism in, 103–106 Legat, Nicolas, 64 Itinerariu Spiritual, see Spiritual Legion of the Archangel Michael, see Itinerary, The [Itinerariu Legionary Movement Spiritual] Legionary Movement INDEX 315

appeal of, 6 Manoliu, Petru, 170 criticism of, 147–149 Mareş, Nina, 102, 195, 244, 245 founding of, 4 Margareta-Fotino, Elena, 26 history of, xiii, xvi Marie (queen of Romania), 52, 134 modernism and, 12 Marin, Bobi, 235 nature of, 22 Marin, Vasile, 214 Noica’s enlistment in, 225 Marinetti, Filippo, 10 ‘Totul Pentru Ţară’ [Everything for Martial law, 139–140 the Country] politcal party, 214 Marxism, 155 See also Iron Guard Mârzescu Law, 21 Legionary Rebellion, 235–237 Masculinity, 193 Legione Decima [The Tenth Legion] Massis, 107 (Panzini), 172 Maulnier, Thierry, 52 Lenin, Vladimir, 94–96 Maurras, Charles, 10 Lévy, Bernard, 9–10 Maxy, Max Hermann, 60, 129, 134 Lewis, Wyndham, 10 ‘Meaning of Life in Contemporary Liberal Party, 20 Literature’ symposium, Liiceanu, Gabriel, 266 144–147 Literary style, 5 Medrea, Victor, 182–183, 185 ‘Literary Topics’ conference, 136 Mehedinti,̦ Simion, 90, 96, 136 Literature, 43–44, 170–172 Mezdrea, Dora, 32 Livezeanu, Irina, 17 Michael (king of Romania), Los Angeles Review of Books, 7 254–255 Lost Generation, 33 Michailescu, Corneliu, 134 Lovinescu, Eugen, 11, 14, 25, 136 Michelangelo, 173 Lovinescu, Monica, 258 Micu, Dumitru, 15 Lumea, 36 Miculescu, George, 236 Lupescu, Elena ‘Magda,’ 17 Mihai, Constantin, 8 Mihalache, Ion, 133 Minority issue, 144–147 M Mircea Eliade: Le prisonnier de Madgearu, Virgil, 136–137 l’histoire (Ţurcanu), 6 Maiorescu, Titu, 33 Mironescu, Alexandru, 97 Maitreyi (Eliade), 50 Modernism, fascism and, 11–13 Male friendship, 11, 193, 194 Moldova, 17 Manea, Norman, 6, 14, 279 Molea, Vera, 228 ‘Manifestul Crinului Alb’ [The Monitorul Oficial, 139 Manifesto of the White Lily], 38 Mosse, George L., 22 Maniu, Iuliu, 20, 214 Mota,̧ Ion, 214 Manolescu, Mihail, 69, 103, 106 Mussolini, Benito, 103–106 Manolescu-Strunga, Gina, 147, 189, 198 Muston, Wendy, 200–202 Manolescu-Strunga, Ion, 182 Mysticism, 44 316 INDEX

N friendship with Eliade, 256 Narcissus, 118 imprisonment of, 265 Nationalism influence of Benda on, 9 forms of, 12 Iron Guard and, 116 presentations in Criterion, 168–169 legacy of, 5, 264–267 Vulcănescu on, 156 marriage of, 200–202, 227–228 National Legionary State, 216 Păltiniş group, x National Peasant Party (PNT),̧ 20, 214 Păltiniş School, 266–267 National Theatre, 235, 261, 262, 267 photograph of, 159 ‘Nature of Beauty and its Relation to political allegiances of, 224–228 Goodness, The’ (Comarnescu), 51 on the role of the intellectual, 164–165 Nazism, 195 Non-spiritual moment, 156–157 Neam [people, nation], 18 Nu (Ionesco), 37, 170–171 Neamul Românesc, 18 Negry, Gabriel biographical sketch of, xxv, 33 O Capsali and, 205 Oisteanu,̦ Andrei, 2 Credinta̧ scandal and, 179, Old Generation (generatia̧ socială), 181–182, 186–187 14, 17, 90 Criterion Association and, 60 Olteanu, Alexandru, 191 ‘History and Aesthetic of Dance in Omescu, Ion, 203 Four Conferences with Optimism, 100 Examples’ series, 141 Ornea, Zigu, 15, 149–150, Nehru, Pandit, 127 153, 179 Neoclassic humanism, 155 Orthodoxy, 45–47 Neoclassicism’ symposium, 144 O scrisoare pierdută (Caragiale), 268 Neumann, Victor, 19 New Culture Movement, 11 The New Republic, 6 P Newspapers, 5 Palingenetic ultranationalism, 12 New York, NY, 54–55 Păltiniş group, x ‘Nicadori’ death squad, 148 Păltiniş School, 5, 266–267 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 55 Pandrea, Petre, 38, 263 Night of the Long Knives, 195 Panzini, Alfredo, 172 , 55 Papagoga, Margareta, 237 Nistor, Ion, 38 Papini, Giovanni, 35 Noica, Bebe, 200 Părerile Libere, 5, 37 Noica, Constantin ‘Dinu’ Pârvan, Vasile, 15, 27 biographical sketch of, xxiv, 32, 37 Passion, 40 on Comarnescu, 36 Pătrăşcanu, Lucretiu,̧ xi, 94, 255 education abroad of, 48 Pătraşcu, Milita,̧ 135 Forum Group and, 70 Patronage Society, 68 friendship with Comarnescu, Pauker, Ana, 255 199–203, 224–227 Pavel, Sorin, 38 INDEX 317

Payne, Stanley, 22 Societatea de politică externă Peasants’ Party, 20 (Foreign Policy Society), 68 Pe culmile disperării [On the Heights Political allegiances, 216 of Despair] (Cioran), 38 See also specific individuals Penciulescu, George, 267 ‘Political Directions of the New People’s Republic of Romania Generation’ conference, 135–136 (RPR), 268 Political parties, 20–23 Petrescu, Camil, 240 Politics, 241 Petrescu, N., 69 Popa, Gr., 69 Petreu, Marta, 6–7, 29, 47, 221–222, Popa, Victor Ion, 20 240–241, 275 Popescu, Al., 125 Petrovici, Ion, 91, 97 Pop-Martian, D. Al., 130 Petru Comarnescu: un neliniştit în Poporanism, 14 secolul său [Petru Comarnescu: A Popovici, Gheorghe, 167–168 Restless Man in His Century] Popovici, Lily, 68 (Grosu), 7 Popovici-Lupa, Elena, 30 Philosophical Society, 68 Pornography, 207 Picasso, Pablo, 129 Pound, Ezra, 10 Pierre-Quint, Léon (fictional Practical people, 159 character), 2 Present Past Past Present (Ionesco), 259 Pillat, Ion, 117 Press, 73, 109–110, 242 Pippidi, Andrei, 9 Professions, 91 Pirandello, Luigi, 171–172 Prostitution, 187, 198, 208 Pleşu, Andrei, 266 Protestantism, 45–46 Ploieşti oil refineries, 138 Protopopescu, Dragoş, 242 Poesis, 68 Proust, Marcel, 123–124 Poetry, 43, 207 Psychoanalysis, 98–99 Polihroniade, Mary, 2, 235 Psychology, 45 photograph of, 2 Polihroniade, Mihail ‘Mişu’ biographical sketch of, xxiv, 32, R 35, 36 Race, 144–147 execution of, 215 ‘Race’ symposium, 144 Forum Group and, 70 Rădulescu-Motru, Constantin Forum Group presentation, 73–74 Bergson symposium, 119 imprisonment of, 214–215 Lenin symposium, 94 Iron Guard and, 115–116 Old Generation (generatia̧ socială) Lenin symposium, 94–95 and, 17, 60, 90 literary reference to, 2 spirituality and religion and, 19 Mussolini symposium, 104 ‘Trends in Philosophy: photograph of, 2 Metaphysics or Positive Science’ relationships with other members of conference, 136 the Criterion Association, 65 Ralea, Mihai, 91, 108 318 INDEX

Rampa, 5, 37, 72 ‘Romanianness,’ 19 Rareş, Nina, 77 Treaty of Trianon, 17, 169 Rationalization, 274–275 Romanian Academy, 168, 261 Reactionary modernism, xi, 12 Regeneration, 22 (RCP), 138 Renard, Jules, 243 Romanian Orthodox Christianity, Rennie, Bryan, 7 19, 21, 22 Reporter, 198 Rosetti, Alexandru, 218, 262 Revisionism, 7 Roşu, Nicolae, 113–114, 182–183 Revista Buna-Vestire, 5 Royal Foundation Revista Fundatiiloŗ Regale, 5, 143–144 differences with Criterion Revolution, 88–89, 159–167 Association, 133 Rhinocerization, Ionesco’s warning location of, 96, 111–112 against, xvi symposia at, 61–62, 68, 144 Rhinoceros (Ionesco) Russian revolution, 88 historical context of, 214–216 message of, 274 origins of, 211–212 S Ricketts, 74 Sacrificed Generation generat( ia̧ de foc) Roberts, Joanne, 242 members of, 14 Röhm, Ernst, 195 Young Generation and, 25, 60 Roman, Elly, 141 Sadova, Marietta Romania biographical sketch of, xxiv, 32, 35–36 Borsec, 146 Contemporary Romanian Culture celebration of, 13 symposium, 130 communism in, 260–261 Criterion Association and, 8, 77 constitutional monarchy of, 16–17 death of, 267–271 dictatorships in, xvii, 214–216 friendship with Eliade, 268–270 difficult past of, 7 friendship with Sebastian, 232–234 education in, 20 imprisonment of, 237, 238, 269 elite in, 3 legacy of, 267–271 Grivita̧ riots, 137–141 marriage of, 228 history of, xv, 7 photograph of, 2, 228 Holocaust in, 215–216 Poesis, 68 homosexuality in, 194, 196, 203–204 political allegiances of, 227–238 of, 168, 207 Sadoveanu, Ion Marin, 35, 68, 99, 189 map of, 17 Said, Edward, 9 martial law, 139–140 Salonul Independentiloŗ , 86 political upheaval in, 147–148 Sămănătorism (sowerism), 14 population of, 17–18 Sandburg, Carl, 54 realization of Greater Romania, Săndulescu, Ecaterina, 55, 219, 224 17–20 Săndulescu, Valentin, 22 INDEX 319

Savants, 41 Sexual Instinct, The (Westfried), 200 Sburătorul, 14, 25 Sexuality Scânteia, 269 of Comarnescu, 196–204 Schiller, F.C.S., 145 Credinta̧ scandal and, 179–180 Schmitt, Carl, 10 Garbo and, 122–123 Scientific knowledge and Gide and, 108 specialization, 41 during the interwar period, 207 Sebastian, Mihail persecution of homosexuality, 187 ‘Americanism and Europeanism’ understanding of, 98–99, 194 conferences, 69 Sfatul Țării, 17 on the animalism of man, 211–212 Shore, Marci, x, xvii biographical sketch of, xxiii, 32, 37 Sibiu, Popescu, 97 Chaplin symposium, 101–102 Sibiu Literary Circle, 11 Contemporary Romanian Culture Silber, Belu, 2, 33, 94, 221 symposium, 130 Sima, Horia, 215, 235 on the Criterion Association, 147 Simmel, Georg, 57 Cum am devenit huligan, 2 Sin, Gheorghe Ionescu, 135 death of, 261 Six Characters in Search of an Author De două mii de ani [For Two (Pirandello), 171–172 Thousand Years], xvi, 170, 240 Skamander group, x diary of, 6 Slatioreanu, Badea, 191 education abroad of, 48 Socialism, 108, 238–239 Forum Group and, 70 Societatea de politică externă (Foreign Forum Group presentation, 77 Policy Society), 68 friendship with Comarnescu, 240 Sociological Society, 68 friendship with Eliade, 250–251 Sociology, 168–169 friendship with Ionesco, 246–248 Socrates, 188 friendship with Sadova, 232–234 Sodomy, 187 Jewish identity of, 240, 247 Soffici, Ardengo, 172 Jocul de-a vacanta̧ , 232 ‘Solutions to the Economic Crisis’ legacy of, 261–262 symposium, 144 mentor-mentee relationship with Șora, Mihail, 266, 269–270 Ionescu, 240–241 Sorel, Georges, 95 photograph of, 2 , 21 political allegiances of, 240–247 Spengler, Oswald, 124–125 relationships with other members of ‘Spiritual Directions of the New the Criterion Association, 65–66 Generation’ symposium, Steaua fără nume, 233 135–137, 139 as a student of Ionescu, 29–30 Spiritual Itinerary, The [Itinerariu Ultimă Ora, 262, 268 Spiritual], 32, 39–40 ‘Utilization of the American Spirit’ ‘Spirituality’ (article by Vulcănescu), 9 symposium, 68 Spirituality and religion, 19, 44–47, Şeicaru, Pamfil, 26, 97 155–156 320 INDEX

Sports, 72 on women, 193 Stahl, Henri H. work of, 36 biographical sketch of, 33 Surrealism, 11 Freud symposium, 97 Symposium formula, 69 interests of, 38 Synthesis, 41 Mussolini symposium, 104–105 on nationalism, 168–169 work of, 20 T Stancu, Zaharia Taccuino di Arno Borghi [The attacks on the Criterion Association, Notebook of Arno Borghi] 147, 180 (Soffici), 172 biographical sketch of, xxv, 33 Tălianu, Ion, 236 Comarnescu and, 75, 182–184, 205 Taşcă, G., 112, 136, 144 imprisonment of, 261 Tătărescu, Giza, 63–64 Krishnamurti conference, 122 Telephone Tower, 52 Stark, Letta, 75 Tell, Alexandru Christian Stat [state], 19 biographical sketch of, xxv, 33, 38 Steaua fără nume (Sebastian), 233 Credinta̧ scandal and, 185 Ştefănescu-Goangă, F., 215 execution of, 215 Steinhardt, Nicolae, 265 and the fight for the man of Stelescu, Mihai, 214 tomorrow, 158–159 Sterian, Margareta, 76, 134 imprisonment of, 214–215 Sterian, Paul Mussolini symposium, 105 biographical sketch of, 35 Tendinte̦ (Trends) series Contemporary Romanian Culture ‘Cultural Topics’ conference, 136 symposium, 130 ‘Current trends in Physics: the Criterion Association and, 112 Problem of Matter’ conference, ‘Cycle of Major Moments of Music’ 136–137 series, 142 ‘General Economic Directions’ Jianu and, 76–77 conference, 136–137 ‘Utilization of the American Spirit’ ‘Immediate Economic Directions: symposium, 68 Monetary Solutions’ Valéry symposium, 118 conference, 136 Stoilov, Simion, 256 ‘Literary Topics’ conference, 136 Strikes, 138–139 ‘Political Directions of the New Şulutiu,̧ Octav Generation’ conference, biographical sketch of, 33, 37 135–136 on the Criterion Association, 112 ‘Spiritual Directions of the New diary of, 88, 92, 93 Generation’ symposium, on Gide, 107 135–137, 139 on language, 169 ‘Trends in Contemporary Art’ on violence, 213 conference, 137 INDEX 321

‘Trends in Domestic Politics: the ‘Trends in External Politics’ Romanian State’ conference, conference, 136 136–137 ‘Trends in Philosophy: Metaphysics or ‘Trends in External Politics’ Positive Science’ conference, 136 conference, 136 Trianon Treaty, 17, 169 ‘Trends in Philosophy: Metaphysics or Truth, intellectuals and, 10 Positive Science’ conference, 136 Tudor, Sandu (Alexandru Teodorescu, Alexandru, see Tudor, Teodorescu), 33 Sandu (Alexandru Teodorescu) biographical sketch of, xxv, 204 Theatre, 234–237 Credinta̧ scandal and, 179–192 Theosophy and the Theosophical Floarea de Foc, 75 Society, 44, 121 imprisonment of, 261 Theweleit, Klaus, 194 Krishnamurti conference, 122 Third Reich, 195 Tugearu, Ioan, 64 Third sacrificial curve, 139 Ţurcanu, Florin, xxv, 6, 98, 129, 147 ‘Time when we will no longer be free Ţutea,̧ Petre, 267, 268 to do what we wish,’ 249 ‘Two Italian Books’ article, 172 Timpa, 199 ‘Two Italian Commentaries’ article, Tismăneanu, Vladimir, 22, 278 171–172 Țiteica,̦ G., 136–137 Titulescu, Nicolae, 196–197 Toma, Dimitriu, 236 U Ţopa, Sorana Ultimă Ora (Sebastian), 9, 36, 262, 268 biographical sketch of, 33 Ultranationalism, 12 Contemporary Romanian Culture Unamuno, Miguel de, 172 symposium, 130 Underhill, Evelyn, 29 Criterion Association and, 92, 195 United States, 52 friendship with Cioran, 223 Universalism, 51 Krishnamurti and, 121–122 University Group for the United ‘Totul Pentru Ţară’ [Everything for Nations, 68 the Country] politcal party, 214 University of Chicago, xvi Traditionalists, 13 Universul, 190 ‘Traffic of Male Meat’ series, 186 Universul Literar, 5, 37, 207 Trăire, 15, 27 USSR, 21 Transylvania, 17, 20, 146 ‘Utilization of the American Spirit’ Treason of the Intellectuals, The [La symposium, 68 trahison des clercs] (Benda), xvi, 9 Treaty of Trianon, 17, 169 ‘Trends in Contemporary Art’ V conference, 137 Vaida-Voevod, Alexandru, 139 ‘Trends in Domestic Politics: the Valéry, Paul, 117–119, 172 Romanian State’ conference, Vanhaelemeersch, Philip, 7, 33, 219 136–137 Vianu, Alexandru, 117 322 INDEX

Vianu, Tudor, 60, 91, 117, 136, as a student of Ionescu, 28–29 253–254 student work of, 20 Viata̧ Literară, 113 ‘Utilization of the American Spirit’ Viata̧ Nouă (Eliade), 160 symposium, 68 Viata̧ Românească, 5, 138 Viforeanu, Petre, 94, 144 Village life, 19 W Village Museum, 20 Wach, Joachim, 256 Vinea, Ion, 97 Wallachia, 17 Violence, 213 Wallachian Revolution, 4 Vlad Ţepeş League, 212 ‘War’ symposium, 144 Voinescu, Alice, 60, 122 Washington, DC, 54 Vojen, Ion Victor, 115–116, 267–271 Western philosophy, 50 Vremea, 5, 56–57 Westfried, Iosif, 200 Vulcănescu, Mircea Whitman, Walt, 54 ‘Americanism and Europeanism’ ‘Why I believe in the victory of the conferences, 69 Legionary Movement’ (Eliade), biographical sketch of, xxv, 6, 32 229–230 Contemporary Romanian Culture Wilde, Oscar, 188 symposium, 130 Wolin, 275 Credinta̧ scandal and, 184 Women on the Criterion Association, Cioran and, 223–224 152–153 Comarnescu and, 198–199 Dimensiunea românească a Criterion Association and, x, existentei̧ [The Romanian 193–195, 205 Dimension of Existence], 19 , 26 education abroad of, 48 World War II (WWII), 254–255 Forum Group and, 70 Writers Association, 242 Forum Group presentation, 73 Writer’s Union of Romania, 261 Gide symposium, 107 imprisonment of, 261 influence of Benda on, 9 Y interests of, 38 Yanev, Yanko, 10 Lenin symposium, 94–95 Yeats, William Butler, 10 marriage of, 195 Yoga, 98–99 Mussolini symposium, 104 Yoga: Essai sur les origines de la note to Comarnescu, 78–79 mystique Indienne (Eliade), 50 photograph of, 159 Young Generation Royal Foundation and, 65 Chaplin and, 100 on the social history of modern Criterion Association and, Romania, 14 59–60, 89 spirituality and, 155–156 discourse of, 33–34 INDEX 323 dismissal of, 7 membership of, 34–35, 60 education abroad of, 50, 59 Sacrificed Generation fascist leanings of, 5, 274–275 and, 25 Generation ’27 name, 9 Spiritual Itinerary, 41–42 historical context of, 14 Vulcănescu on, 162 homosexuality and, 108 influence of, 12 intentions of, 33 Z Ionescu and, 33 Zarifopol-Johnston, Ilinca, 221