A P P A N N I E S T A T E O F M O B I L E 2 0 2 1 E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y 2020 Mobile Landscape at a Glance

New App App Store Daily Time Spent Mobile Venture Capital

Downloads Spend Per User Ad Spend to Mobile Tech S T A T E


218B $143B 4.2 Hrs $240B $73B M O B I L E

2 0 2 1


+20% +20% +26% +27% YoY Growth YoY Growth YoY Growth YoY Growth YoY Growth

Source: Crunchbase iOS, Google Play, Third-Party iOS, Google Play, Third-Party Android Phones; Among Markets Android in China Android in China Analyzed

2 What's Inside

 Macro Mobile Trends  Gaming  Finance  Social Networking  Video Streaming S T A

 Retail T E


 Food & Drink F


Marketing & Advertising O  B I L E

Other Industries Embracing Mobile Innovation

 2 0 2

 Top Apps and Games of 2020 1

3 The Mobile Performance Standard S T A T E



2 0 2 1

4 Macro Mobile After a year that welcomed more downloads than ever before, apps should focus on Trends influencing user discovery. 37% of app users we surveyed reported they found a new app through a friend or family member. 67% of users agree when discovering and purchasing new S T

apps they trust what they learn from online A T E

research, and 50% only consider well-known O F

apps. Cohesive brand and reputation, combined M O B I

with a seamlessly connected user experience, L E


continues to drive new user acquisition in an 0 2 increasingly competitive market. 1

Imma Calvo Managing Director, Apps Google

5 Macro Mobile Trends

Top Markets by App Store Downloads, $143B Consumer Consumer Spend & Hours Spent in 2020 Spend, 3.5T Hours, Consumer Spend (B USD) 218B Downloads

Mobile Adoption Boomed in 2020 — S T

Advancing 2 - 3 Years in 12 Months A T E


 App habits are not fully formed — demand for new apps and F


games still grows globally, up 7% YoY to 218 billion downloads. O B I

Now is the time for user acquisition. L E

 Consumers migrated more of their physical needs onto mobile; 2 0 2

spend hit new heights at $143 billion at 20% growth YoY. 1  Mobile took over mindshare at 3.5 trillion hours on Android phones annually. Mobile is the only channel with this reach and depth of engagement.

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48

Source: App Annie Intelligence Note: Downloads and Consumer Spend are across iOS, Google Play, Third-Party Android in China combined; Spend is gross — inclusive of any percent taken by the app stores; Hours Spent is on Android phones Are you ready to seize the next big opportunity? Uncover key market drivers, shifts in consumer demand, spend and engagement, and markets primed for growth.

6 Macro Mobile Trends

Average Hours Spent on Mobile Per Day Per User Mobile Time Spent Surpassed Live TV 5

4 Americans Spent 8% More Time on Mobile Than Watching Live TV Each Day

3 S T

The average American watched 3.7 hours of live TV a day, A T E

whereas they spent 4 hours on their mobile device in H2 2020. O

 F The weighted average among countries analyzed for time spent

2 M surpassed 4 hours 10 minutes during the pandemic — up 20% O B I L

from 2019. E


1 0 2 1


a il a o a a y a n a s a a e y i z i c n e e n a d e i li m c n s a d i ti r k i p a t s a o n a e r In x o r h a s r d a n B e n K u C Ja n t u st g r m o M e T a S R n F r d rg th C d u i e In A u e A K G o it d n e S it U n U Know where to make strategic decisions: advertising spend, corporate prioritization and resource allocation 2019 2020 follow the eyeballs — and they are on mobile. Mobile market estimates growth sectors to inform Source: App Annie Intelligence Note: Android phones strategic roadmap and investment priorities.

7 Macro Mobile Trends

Distribution of Mobile App Publishers Monetization: 25% by Annual Global App Store Consumer Spend

More Publishers iOS App Store Google Play Earned Over $2M Per Annum on Either Store < $100K $100K to $500K S T A T

Majority < $1M Per Store E $500K to $750K



97% of publishers that monetize through the iOS App Store earned $750K to $1M O B I

<$1 million per annum and would benefit from Apple's App Store L E

small business program — reducing fees from 30% to 15%. $1M to $1.25M 2 0 2

Many publishers — particularly gaming publishers — roll up under 1 larger companies or parent companies and also monetize across $1.25M to $2M both stores — taking home much more per year in aggregate. Over $2M

0 20K 40K 60K 80K 100K

2019 2020

Source: App Annie Intelligence Note: China is iOS only; Among top publishers analyzed; Publishers can roll up into companies and parent companies; Analysis is done on the publisher-level Analyze revenue trends across stores, categories and among apps that monetize through the app stores; Not all publishers across both app stores are represented; Starting value of ranges is $100,001, $500,001, $750,001, $1,000,001, countries to maximize your LTV and revenue potential. $1,250,001, $2,000,001 respectively.

8 Macro Mobile Trends

A Decade in Funding to Mobile Tech $73 Billion Investment Funding Includes Seed, Venture and Private Equity Capital Poured Into for Venture-Backed Companies Mobile Companies $80 B

27% Growth Year-Over-Year $60 B S T From 2016 to 2020, global funding to mobile technology A  T E

companies more than doubled compared to the previous 5 years. O F

Led by financial services, transportation, commerce and M O

shopping. $40 B B I L E

2 0 2 1

$20 B Investments in companies with a mobile solution represent 26 percent of total global funding dollars in 2020, per Crunchbase data. Mobile has driven consumer and enterprise technology innovation with geo-location, cloud services and Artificial Intelligence, 0 creating leading companies in transportation, 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 financial services, health care and entertainment. Source: Crunchbase Note: As of Dec 18, 2020 — Gené Teare Data Researcher Crunchbase

9 Macro Mobile Trends

Year-Over-Year Growth in Total Time Spent Not Just Gen Z — in Top 50 Apps Per User by Demographic

Millennials & Baby US

Boomers Spend More 30% Time in Mobile 16% 18% S

Gen Z Millennials Gen X/ Baby Boomers T A

Mobile Affinity Varies by Market T E


& Demographic F

Apps Most Likely to Use in 2020 M O B

US I  In the US, Gen Z, Millennials and Gen X/ Baby Boomers spent 16%, L E

18% and 30% more time YoY, respectively, in their most-used apps. 2 0 2

In the UK, this was 18%, 17% and 27%, respectively. Gen Z Millennials Gen X/ Baby Boomers 1  In the US and UK, Gen Z had the highest affinity for 1 Snapchat Discord Ring - Always Home

and Twitch, respectively. 2 Twitch LinkedIn

3 TikTok PayPal The Weather Channel

4 ROBLOX Pandora Music Kindle

ColorNote 5 Spotify Amazon Music Notepad Notes Focus on your key demographics: Understand the varying

demographic opportunities behind mobile categories, Source: App Annie Intelligence Note: Android phones; Gen Z represented by those aged 16 -24; Millennials represented by those aged 25-44; Gen X / Baby Boomers represented countries, and design styles to identify latent demand by those aged 45+; Average of top 50 gaming and non-gaming apps by average MAU excluding and key partnership opportunities. pre-installed apps; Apps most likely to use among top 25 apps by average MAU excluding pre- installed apps and a measure of demographic cohort compared to the overall population

1 0 As consumers spend more time than ever Now more than ever, consumers rely on mobile, we continue to double down on trusted weather data to help make on experiences that help real friends stay decisions. By focusing on our customers, connected and entertained. From new their evolving needs and marketplace original shows to social gaming features trends, The Weather Channel remains and augmented reality advancements, a top app in a competitive category Snapchat's product investments support and is the world's leading weather

both our growing community and our provider. S T A advertising partners alike. T E


Skye Featherstone Allison Guidetti M


Product Marketing Manager Head of Global Consumer Marketing I L E

Snapchat The Weather Company & IBM Business 2 0 2 1

1 1 Macro Mobile Trends

Percentage of Global iOS Users iOS 14 at 24% Higher Adopting New iOS Version

75% Adoption Rate

At 10 Weeks Post-Launch Versus iOS 13

50% S

According to data from MoPub, iOS 14 had higher adoption rates T

 A T

heading into 2021. In particular, Germany and France led initial E


adoption rates. US and Great Britain had similar adoption rates, F


and Japan initially lagged behind. A few weeks after launch, O B

25% I

adoption rates increased and passed the 50% threshold. L E

Advertisers should prepare for the implications of IDFA by 2 0 2

looking to aggregated advertising data for actionable insights. 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Weeks Since Launch

iOS 13 (Released 9/19/19) iOS 14 (Released 9/16/20) Despite an initially slower start, iOS 14 ultimately hit a higher rate of adoption in a faster time frame

Source: MoPub relative to its previous version.

— John Bonanno Revenue Manager MoPub

1 2 Gaming

Researching and using top games, category trends, and quantifying size of a category are all critical for us to stay informed on competitors and S

changes to our industry. Game IQ has T A T E

been an excellent resource for this O F

intelligence. As we evaluate potential M O B

partnerships and even acquisition I L E

targets, access to this information is 2 0 2 extremely valuable. 1

Joseph Byrne Director of Strategy & Business Development SciPlay

1 3 Gaming

Core Gamers Chose Global Mobile Gaming Breakdown 2020 Mobile Console at Home Downloads Consumer Spend Time Spent Core Gamers Generate 66% of Spend, 55% of Time Spent on Mobile Games Casino 2%

Core 20%  S

Casual games dominate downloads with the popularity of easy- T

 A T

to-use names like Among Us, ROBLOX and My Talking Tom E


Friends. F


 APAC drives a significant portion of spend and time spent O B I

among Core games, yet Console and PC-gone-mobile titles L E

bridge the West into Core mobile gaming. 2 0 2

 Mobile gaming on track to surpass $120 billion in consumer 1 spend in 2021 — capturing 1.5x of the market compared to all other gaming platforms combined. Casual 78%

Uncover detailed market opportunities, build products Casino Core Casual Note: Downloads and Consumer Spend is across iOS and Google Play,; pend is gross — inclusive of any percent catered to your subgenre, and analyze granular gamer taken by the app stores, Time spent is on Android phones preferences with Game IQ the industry standard Source: App Annie Intelligence Note: Downloads and Consumer Spend are across iOS and Google Play combined (iOS only in China); Spend is gross — for game classiciation. inclusive of any percent taken by the app stores; Time Spent is on Android phones

1 4 Gaming

Year-Over-Year Growth in Global Hours Spent Ordered by Year-Over-Year Market Share Growth Sandbox, Arcade in 2020 & Card / Board Casual Simulation>Sandbox 75% Games Gained Market Action>Battle Royale 35% Share Puzzle>Card/Board 70% S T

Arcade>Other Arcade 300% A Mobile Gaming Moves Mainstream T E


Shooter>First Person 90% F

 Casual > Simulation > Sandbox games took over the most M O

Action>MOBA / ARTS B

30% market share globally, up 1.9 percent share points YoY to nearly I L E

7% of the total market split between 112 subgenres. 2

Hyper Casual>Puzzle/Trivia 160% 0  Casual > Arcade > Other Arcade saw the greatest growth 2 1 in overall time spent YoY — growing 300% to 4.5 billion hours RPG>Other RPG 130% in 2020.

Puzzle>Match + Build 40%

Puzzle>Other Puzzle 45%

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 The market is moving fast. In order take Casual Core Casino advantage of trends, timely and in-depth estimates and Source: App Annie Intelligence Note: Android phones, Among top 10 analysis are required. Let Game IQ take you to the next subgenres by year-over-year growth in market share of time spent level with detailed game classification.

1 5 Gaming

Mobile Gaming User Monetization Breakdown Events Drove Highest by Gameplay Features Gaming ARPU in 2020 Worldwide +20% Year-Over-Year Growth in Total Consumer Spend & Users S

Events, leaderboards and customization were the top gameplay 50 T

 A ) D T S features for app store monetization in 2020 in western markets. E U

O B (

In APAC, however, competitive multiplayer, chat (China and South F  d

n M e p Korea), daily & logins (Japan), and guilds and clans (China) were O S

B r e I L

some of the top-performing features by Average Revenue Per m u 45 E s

n 2

User (ARPU). o 0 C 2 1

40 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 Indexed Active Users (B)

2019 2020 Layering rich modifiers with Game IQ, like game-play features, in an ARPU analysis highlights critical market Source: App Annie Intelligence Note: Consumer Spend is across iOS and Google Play differences and high growth segments — giving you combined; Active Users are across iPhones and Android phones; Indexed to show relative size of markets across aggregate games with gameplay feature.; In this instance, direct actinable insights that affect your top line. Average Revenue Per User is represented by Average Consumer Spend Per User.

1 6 Gaming Breakout Games

Downloads - AMER

Argentina Canada Mexico Among Us! My Talking Tom Friends Among Us! Among Us! Among Us!

1 S T A T

Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles PK XD Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles E


2 M O B

My Talking Tom Friends Among Us! Woodturning My Talking Tom Friends Woodturning I L E

3 2 0 2 1 Craftsman: Building Craft Cube Surfer Tangle Master 3D Parcheesi STAR Tangle Master 3D


Save The Girl Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles Cube Surfer Cube Surfer Join Clash 3D


Source: App Annie Intelligence Year-Over-Year Growth in combined iOS & Google Play Downloads (China is iOS only), iOS and Google Play Consumer Spend (China is iOS only) and Android phone Time Spent among Games categories across iOS & Google Play

1 7 Finance

At HSBC, we have been transforming the mobile banking experience for our customers globally with the launch of S T new apps and features. Our customers’ A T E

feedback is crucial to helping us O F


shape and refine our experiences, O B I L

and App Annie has helped us to E

2 0

monitor this through our app ratings 2 across our markets. 1

Khanh Hwang Head of Digital Product - Everyday Banking HSBC

1 8 Finance

Year-Over-Year Growth in Downloads & Hours Spent Mobile Fuels 45% More in Finance Apps in 2020 Financial Engagement Americas Asia Pacific Europe Worldwide Mobile Is the Channel for Influencing

100% Financial Decisions

80% S

Time spent in Finance apps during 2020 was up 45% worldwide T  A T

60% outside of China in 2020 YoY. E


Whether leveraging wallet apps, financial services like loans, F

40% M

shopping for major purchases like a car or a house, or investing O B I 20% in the market, Finance apps are in high demand and a critical L E

part of the decision-making process for consumers. 2 0

0 2  Decline in Finance app downloads in China came after new 1 legislation in the peer-to-peer lending space. -20%


Downloads Hours Spent

Argentina Brazil Mexico United States Canada Understand which features are cultivating stickiness with users and preferred over desktop or in-person Source: App Annie Intelligence Note: Downloads and Consumer interfaces. Mobile is the common thread in financial Spend are across iOS, Google Play, China is iOS only; Hours Spent is on Android phones decision-making: from research to consideration, evaluation & purchase or investment.

1 9 Finance

Participation in Stock Year-Over-Year Growth in Hours Spent in Top Investment & Trading Apps Market Grows 55% Globally on Mobile

Investment Monitoring & Trading 100% S

Apps Democratize Trading & Empower T A T the Everyday Trader E



Amidst a tumultuous financial market upended by COVID-19, mobile O  B I

50% L

apps are the go-to channel for participation — illustrating a powerful E


shift in financial thinking. 0 2  Similar shifts arose in the credit space, with peer-to-peer loan apps 1 on the rise in Indonesia and buy now, pay later or "reverse credit" attracting Gen Z and millennials in the US and Australia.


s a a o a e a a y e il n a y a a e e d c i c i i m n d z a li e n n t r a i s n ss d o a i a p a k i ti ta o n x e a u In d w r a tr r h n S K a e n r g rm d B J s u C e M o F R in e rl u T g d th C d o r e u In K G A A it o d W n e S it U n Payments, transfers, mobile wallets and trading U captured the most attention among fintechs — without Source: App Annie Intelligence timely monitoring, you may miss out on key indicators Note: Android phones; Among top 5 apps of the evolving customer mindset.

2 0 Finance Breakout Apps 2020 Finance: Time Spent


Argentina Brazil Canada Mexico United States

Mercado Pago Caixa Tem Yahoo Finance Bancomer móvil Robinhood S T A T

1 E


Banco Nación CAIXA Wealthsimple Trade HSBC México Cash App M O B

2 I L E

Brubank CAIXA | Emergency Aid Scotiabank Banamex Mobile TD Ameritrade 2 0 2 1 3

Banco Galicia Nubank TD (Canada) Supermóvil Yahoo Finance


Santander Río Banco Inter RBC Mobile Banco Azteca Webull Stocks


Source: App Annie Intelligence Year-Over-Year Growth in Android phone Time Spent Among apps in the Finance category across iOS & Google Play

2 1 COVID-19 has further accelerated our customers' preference towards mobile banking, so we are pleased that our commitment to best-in-class customer experience is recognized. It is great validation of our continuing focus on building experiences that enable our customers to bank when, where and how they want to bank

in both Canada and the US. S T A T E

Imran Khan O F

VP — Global Digital Experience M


TD Bank B I L E

2 0 2 1

2 2 Social Networking S T A T E



2 0 2 1

2 3 Social Networking

Average Monthly Time Spent Per User Among TikTok Outpaces Top Top Social Networking Apps by Hours Spent in 2020 Social Apps in Hours Per User United States 25

Up to 325% Year-Over-Year Growth 20 S T A

Time spent indicates the reach and depth of engagement – 15 T S

 E R

O among top social apps by time spent, the average time spent U O F H 10 per user increased for nearly every app in every market. M O B

 TikTok ranked in the top 5 by time spent and its average I L

5 E

monthly time spent per user grew faster than nearly every 2 0

other app analyzed, including 70% in the US and 80% in the 2 0 1 UK — surpassing . TikTok is on track to hit 1.2 billion k k r r o o m e e o T ra g g b ik g n n active users in 2021. e T a e e c t ss ss a 2 s e e F # In 1 M M # 3 k p # o p o A b ts ce a a h F W 4 5 # #

Monitor consumer behavior shifts: TikTok is commanding 2019 2020 significant per-user engagement. Mobile market estimates inform if this is cutting into your market share, or additive Source: App Annie Intelligence Note: Android phones; Top apps ranked by overall Time Spent overall and how that shapes your next steps.

2 4 Social Networking Breakout Apps 2020 Social: MAU


Argentina Brazil Canada Mexico United States

TikTok TikTok TikTok TikTok TikTok S T A T

1 E


Instagram Telegram WhatsApp Messenger Discord M O B

2 I L E

Telegram Instagram Facebook 2 0 2 1 3

Discord Pinterest Discord Telegram Instagram


Facebook Twitter Reddit Twitter WhatsApp Messenger


Source: App Annie Intelligence Year-Over-Year Growth in iPhone and Android Phone Combined MAU among apps in the Social, Social Networking and Communication categories across iOS & Google Play. Our analysis is limited to apps whose primary purpose is communication, whether one-to-one or one-to-many. Excluding Browsers and utilities

2 5 Video Streaming S T A T E



2 0 2 1

2 6 Video Streaming

Quarterly Hours Spent in Video Streaming Apps 40% More Hours Streamed on Mobile Americas Asia-Pacific Europe Worldwide in 2020 12 B

10 B Binging From Anywhere — S T Consumers Choose Mobile Over TV A T E

8 B O F

 Time spent in streaming apps peaked in Q2 2020 in the west M 6 B O as the first wave of COVID-19 forced people inside. B I L  Even while at home, consumers turned to the small screens — E


4 B to stream content or engage in second-screening. 0 2  By 2021 and in the new normal, the average mobile streamer in 1

2 B the US, South Korea and the UK will download 85%, 80% and 60% more video streaming apps, respectively, compared to

0 pre-pandemic levels. 2019 Q1 2019 Q2 2019 Q3 2019 Q4 2020 Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4

Argentina Brazil Canada Mexico United States Maximize your output: Know where to focus your ads, Source: App Annie Intelligence Note: Android phones; Video Streaming apps comprised craft your SDK and ad partnerships and analyze features of Entertainment and Video Players & Editors in high demand to inform your strategy.

2 7 Video Streaming

YouTube Sees Up To Average Monthly Time Spent Per User Among 6x Time Spent Per User Top Video Streaming Apps by Hours Spent vs. Next Closest App, United States Up to 38 Hours a Month 25 20 S T

Equivalent to One Week's Worth A T E

15 of Full-Time Work Spent Streaming O F S


YouTube was the #1 ranking video streaming app by time H  B

10 I L

spent among all markets analyzed, except China. YouTube also E


commands the market in average time spent per user per month 0 2 among markets analyzed. 5 1  Twitch outranked many video streaming platforms — showcasing

the rise of user-generated content, live streams and e-sports. 0

e x i lu o ch b tfl u e it u e H id uT V w o N 3 T Y 2 # e 5 1 # im # # r Benchmark your success and progress in highly competitive P n zo a markets like video streaming. Lower than average time m A 4 spent per user? Consider your re-engagement mechanisms, # recommendation engine and streaming features like joint- Source: App Annie Intelligence viewing. Evaluate mobile market estimates to benchmark Note: Android phones; Top apps ranked by overall Time Spent; Excluding News & progress. Sports streaming apps

2 8 Video Streaming

% of Selected Video Streaming TikTok Encroaches App Users Who Also Used TikTok on Video Streaming US - Netflix War TikTok's Cross-App Usage With S 0 2

Top Streaming Apps Grows YoY T 0 A 2

T 4 E Q

 The user base of top streaming apps is increasingly using O F

TikTok YoY — which could represent a competitive threat. M O

In the US, 2.3x the usage penetration of Netflix's iPhone user B

 I L E

base used TikTok in Q4 2020 vs Q4 2019. 2 0

 Impact of the TikTok ban in is seen here — bucking 2 1 the trend — a dramatic 23 percentage point decline in cross- 9 1

0 app usage YoY. 2

4 Q

0 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% Cross-app usage unearths opportunities, threats

Source: App Annie Intelligence Note: iPhones for Australia, Canada, France, Germany, and partnerships and can give you valuable insight Japan, UK, US. Android phones for Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, into how to approach the market: defensively, Russia, South Korea, offensively or collaboratively.

2 9 Video Streaming Breakout Apps 2020 Video Streaming: Time Spent


Argentina Brazil Canada Mexico United States

Netflix Netflix Amazon Prime Video Netflix Disney+ S T A

1 T E


Twitch Amazon Prime Video Netflix Amazon Prime Video Roku F


2 B I L E

Amazon Prime Video Twitch Disney+ Twitch Tubi TV 2 0 2 3 1

YouTube Go Globo Play Twitch YouTube Go Twitch


YouTube Kids YouTube Kids Roku Disney+ Amazon Prime Video


Source: App Annie Intelligence Year-Over-Year Growth in Android Phone Time Spent among apps custom categorized from the Entertainment, Photo & Video, News, Sports, News & Magazines and Video Editors & Players categories across iOS and Google Play

3 0 Retail

People have always come to Pinterest to shop, and in 2020 we made it easier than ever to go from inspiration to S

purchase, and for retailers to upload their T A T

catalogs and benefit from product E


discovery. As distributed commerce M O

unlocks seamless shopping experiences, B I L E

we'll continue our work to make every 2 0 2

item on Pinterest shoppable. 1

Dan Lurie Head of Shopping Product Pinterest

3 1 Retail

Weekly Hours Spent M-Commerce Boom in Shopping Apps in 2020 Changes Shopping Americas Asia-Pacific Europe Worldwide Behavior 80M

Biggest Mobile Shopping Year Yet 60M S T A T E


40M F

Spent globally during 11.11 Shopping Festival across Alibaba and several other M shopping platforms from Nov 1 - Nov 11, 2020. Mobile drove the lion's share. O B I L 20M E


+30% YoY 0 2 Time spent globally in Shopping apps on Android phones during 2020. Outside 1 of China — an early adopter of mobile shopping — global time spent in Shopping 0 apps grew 45% YoY. 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 / /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 9 2 6 9 3 8 2 5 9 3 7 1 4 8 2 6 9 3 6 0 4 8 /1 5 9 3 7 /2 /1 2 / 2 / 2 / /1 / /1 /3 /1 2 /1 2 / 2 / 2 / /1 11 /1 2 /1 2 2 1 1/ 2 / 3 / 4 4 5 5 5 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 1 1/ 2 / 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 1 12 $53.2 BILLION Week Commencing Spent on mobile in the US from Nov 1 - Dec 9, 2020, up by over 55% YoY. Argentina Brazil Canada Mexico United States

Capitalize on a rapidly growing market — use data Source: App Annie Intelligence to segment, strategize and identify opportunities Note: Android phones to drive top-line retail growth.

3 2 Retail

Downloads of Select Social Commerce Alternative Commerce: & Live Shopping Apps in Select Markets Social & Live Shopping, Social Commerce Live Shopping a $2 Trillion Opportunity 500 Mobile-First Shopping of 2021 & Beyond 400 S T A T

Global downloads of Pinterest and Instagram worldwide grew E  O F ) 50% and 20% YoY, respectively. Social commerce and live

M 300 M (


D shopping present a $2 trillion market globally by 2024. B A I O L L Downloads of live shopping TaoBao Live in China, Grip in South E

N 

W 2

O 200

Korea and NTWRK in the US grew 100%, 245% and 85% 0 D 2

respectively. China was a first-mover in the live streaming 1 shopping market. 100 The market is budding in the US, as evidenced by NTWRK nearly doubling in size. While further along in South Korea, it is still nascent. The YoY growth rates are early indicators of market 0 demand. Instagram - Worldwide Pinterest - Worldwide

2019 2020 Monitor early indicators of high-growth segments Note: iOS and Google Play ; China is iOS only in the mobile market by country and region to plan Source: App Annie Intelligence Note: iOS and Google Play combined; China is iOS only in advance for emerging and disruptive trends.

3 3 Retail Breakout Apps 2020 Shopping: Time Spent


Argentina Brazil Canada Mexico United States S

MercadoLibre MercadoLibre Amazon MercadoLibre Amazon T A T E

1 O F

Tiendamia Shopee AliExpress Amazon Walmart M O B I

2 L E


Falabella OLX Brasil Wish SHEIN eBay 0 2 1 3

Avellaneda a un Toque Magazine Luiza eBay Liverpool México Target


ZARA Amazon Flipp Privalia MX Instacart


Source: App Annie Intelligence Year-Over-Year Growth in Android phone Time Spent among apps in the Shopping category across iOS & Google Play

3 4 Food & Drink

In 2020 we were able to focus on executing mobile strategies that really S T

delivered incremental growth for A T E

Deliveroo. We were able to couple O F

consumer insights with market M O B I context from App Annie to make L E


decisions that have had a high 0 2 impact on our performance. 1

James Cordery Head of Performance Marketing Strategy Deliveroo

3 5 Food & Drink

Weekly Sessions Spent in Food Mobile Orders of Fast & Drink Apps in 2020 Food & Food Delivery Americas Asia-Pacific Europe Worldwide Surge 350M

300M Country Sessions Grew Up

to 105% Year-Over-Year S 250M T A T

For most markets analyzed, sessions for the year ramped up in E 200M  O

Q2 and Q3, reaching record highs in Q4 2020 as consumers F


150M stayed home amidst lockdowns and social distancing policies O B I from COVID-19. L E

100M 2

 In the US, Argentina, the UK, Indonesia and Russia YoY growth in 0 2

Q4 2020 was 60%, 65%, 70%, 80% and 105%, respectively. 1 50M  While use of food delivery apps often peaked near the beginning 0 of the pandemic in most markets, India had an initial decline due

19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 / /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 to logistical impacts before rising again in the summer. 9 2 6 9 3 8 2 5 9 3 7 1 4 8 2 6 9 3 6 0 4 8 /1 5 9 3 7 /2 /1 2 / 2 / 2 / /1 / /1 /3 /1 2 /1 2 / 2 / 2 / /1 11 /1 2 /1 2 2 1 1/ 2 / 3 / 4 4 5 5 5 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 1 1/ 2 / 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 1 12 Week Commencing

Argentina Brazil Canada Mexico United States Analyze app features and their performance metrics. Contactless delivery, contactless payments, a desire Source: App Annie Intelligence Note: Android phones for choice and variety help fuel demand for Food & Drink apps.

3 6 Food & Drink Breakout Apps 2020 Food & Drink: Sessions


Argentina Brazil Canada Mexico United States

PedidosYa iFood Delivery de Comida UberEATS UberEATS DoorDash S T A T

1 E


Rappi UberEATS SkipTheDishes DiDi Food Recipes Home M O B

2 I L E

Wabi Casa Zé Delivery de Bebidas DoorDash Rappi UberEATS 2 0 2 1 3

UberEATS James Delivery Tim Hortons DiDi Couriers Instacart


Grido 99 Food Instacart Sodexo Club MX Grubhub


Source: App Annie Intelligence Year-over-Year Growth in Android Phone Total Sessions Among apps in the Food and Drink category across iOS & Google Play

3 7 Marketing & Advertising Finding new developers in the mobile app space and having the ability to dive deeper into understanding our customer's performance S

is hugely important to Vungle. Through App T A T E

Annie's powerful data and tools, we are able O F

to unearth these growth opportunities and M O B I

better inform our creative, advertising, L E


and monetization strategies to deliver value 0 2 to our customers. 1

Alex Magill Sr Revenue Analyst Vungle

3 8 Marketing & Advertising

Mobile Ads By Format, Prominent Mobile Ad Placements Ad Network

Grew 95% Year-Over- United States Year in US

500K 335% in Turkey, 175% Mexico, S

165% France, 170% Brazil T

400K A T E

Across the board, interstitial ads saw the largest YoY growth O  F

as COVID-19-induced cuts to marketing budgets likely 300K M O B

prompted advertisers to seek cheaper inventory. I L E

 Video ads saw YoY growth yet were dethroned for placements 2 200K 0 by interstitial in all markets analyzed except Australia and Canada 2 1 — where video remained the most prominent.


Mobile bolstered the ad industry in 2020 — growing 0 to $240 billion in mobile ad spend and set to top $290 2019 2020 billion in 2021. Use SDK and ad network penetration insights along with creative intelligence to explore Video Interstitial Banner Playable the ad partnerships and best practices for the strongest ROI. Source: App Annie Intelligence Note: iPhones and Android phones

3 9 Marketing & Advertising

Indexed Average US Search Capitalize on Organic Volume for Keywords Search Traffic With 80 Strategic Keyword Optimization 60 e m S u l T o V A

h Black Friday Interest Ramps T c r E a e O

S 40

in September F d e M x e O d n I  Interest in Amazon's subscription service "Amazon Prime" saw B I L

1.6x search volume as "Black Friday" at its peak in November E

20 2 2020. 0 2 1  Search volume for "Prime Day" grew 3x month-over-month in October, yet remained roughly 1/3 the demand of "Black Friday" —

0 indicating an emerging opportunity, but retailers will need to Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 think strategically to capture organic traffic during Prime Day.

Amazon Amazon Prime Black Friday Coupon Deals App Annie supports our ASO success by allowing Prime Day Shipping Tracking us to discover keywords to optimize our app store presence and uncover competitors’ paid and

Source: App Annie Intelligence organic keyword strategies. Note: iPhones; Averaged daily search volume — Susan Azari Mobile App Commercial Lead The Very Group

4 0 Marketing & Advertising

Strategic Celebrity- Average Daily Global Downloads During Celebrity Collab Events in 2020

Mobile App Collabs Spur 550K

Up to 2.7x Downloads 440K

Mobile-Savvy UA to Cut Through 330K S T the Noise A T

220K E


 Collaborations span categories, including meditation apps, M

fast food, games, shopping, music and more. 110K O B I L

 The fusion of live shopping and celebrity collaboration is E


another marketing tactic poised for growth. 0

0 2 1 r r r r r r r r h h h d t o o o o o o o o n i i i i i i i i 5t 5t 9 r r r r r r r r 2 1

- 2 P P P P P P P P


- -

s s s s

p k k k k 6

h k k k k e e e e e h t y t l e e e e e e e e S 3 4 u e e e e 1

W W W W J 2

v W W W W l 1 1 1 1

i o r 2 2 2 2 N p A

Fortnite ft. Travis Scott Concert Calm ft. Harry Styles

Collaborations can boost your user acquisition if planned Dunkin' ft. Charli D'Amelio PUBG ft. BlackPink carefully, fueled by demographic, cross-app usage and engagement data, and integrated marketing resources Source: App Annie Intelligence Note: iOS and Google Play, China is iOS only diverted to fully support the mobile campaign.

4 1 Other Industries Embracing Mobile Innovation Rosetta Stone saw double-digit install S T A

growth throughout 2020, especially T E


during the height of stay-at-home F


orders. Even in a more stationary O B I L

world, we increasingly see mobile E

2 0

becoming the platform of choice for 2 many segments of learners. 1

James DiMento Mobile Marketing Manager Rosetta Stone

4 2 Other Industries Embracing Mobile Innovation

Quarterly Hours Spent in Business Apps Time Spent in

Americas Asia-Pacific Europe Worldwide Business Apps Grew 275% Year-Over-Year 800M in Q4 2020 S

600M T A

ZOOM, Google Meet Soar T E


There was a huge ramp-up of using Business apps to M

400M O

collaborate during the first wave of COVID-19 in Q2 2020 B I L

and usage has remained high through the end of the year. E


As companies rework flexible and remote working options, 0

 2 200M usage of business collaboration apps is poised to remain 1 high — placing greater demand on home data usage and speed, an area ripe for benefitting from 5G. 0  In India, time spent in Business apps approached 3 billion hours on Android phones in Q3 2020 alone. 2019 Q1 2019 Q2 2019 Q3 2019 Q4 2020 Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4

Argentina Brazil Canada Mexico United States Increased video conferencing during the 40-hour workweek can spill over into other consumer habits.

Source: App Annie Intelligence Understand affinity across apps and industries Note: Android phones; Worldwide outside of China to minimize time to action.

4 3 Other Industries Embracing Mobile Innovation Breakout Apps 2020 : Downloads


Argentina Brazil Canada Mexico United States Google Classroom Google Classroom Google Classroom Google Classroom Google Classroom S T

1 A T E

Cake( ) Brainly PictureThis Brainly Toca Hair Salon 4 O 케이크 F


2 O B I L E

Brainly Cake( ) Toca Hair Salon 4 Cake( ) Flipgrid 케이크 케이크 2 0 2

3 1

Socratic by Google Centro de Mídias SP Epic! Mathway PictureThis


PictureThis Toca Hair Salon 4 Flipgrid Duolingo: Learn Languages Seesaw Class


Source: App Annie Intelligence Year-Over-Year Growth in iOS and Google Play Combined Downloads among apps in the Education category across iOS & Google Play

4 4 Other Industries Embracing Mobile Innovation

Year-Over-Year Growth in Downloads Travel Industry Poised of Select Travel Apps in 2020 for Growth: Local Stays, United States South Korea United Kingdom Driving & Micro Mobility, Outdoors 250% S

200% T A

Local, Socially-Distant & Outdoor T E


In the US, outdoor exploration apps recreation.gov and M  150% O B

Geocaching saw strong download growth at 255% and 75% I L E

respectively to top 2.7 million downloads, indicating a desire 2 0

for outdoor activities. 2 100% 1  Micro mobility apps have seen strong growth in 2020 amidst caution about crowds in public transport. Santander Cycles saw

65% growth YoY in the UK. In South Korea, 3 scooter and bike- 50% sharing apps saw over 2.6 million downloads collectively.

0 Monitoring emerging growth trends such as DAU, recreation.gov (national Geocaching (treasure VRBO Vacation Rentals MAU and time spent on mobile is the best method parks) hunting) (house rentals) for measuring and preparing for strategic planning Source: App Annie Intelligence amidst an industry recovery. Note: iOS and Google Play; China is iOS only

4 5 Other Industries Embracing Mobile Innovation

Year-Over-Year Growth in Downloads Demand for At-Home & Consumer Spend in Health & Fitness Apps in 2020 Exercise Spurs Growth in Americas Asia Pacific Europe Worldwide Mobile's Share of Wallet 100% 30% Growth Year-Over-Year

80% in Consumer Spend to $2B S T A T E

The UK over-indexed for consumer spend in Health & Fitness

 O

60% F

apps, seeing the greatest increase in spend among analyzed M O

countries in its region at 70%. B I 40% L  Downloads of COVID-19 tracing apps — Corona-Warn-App, E


Aarogya Setu and HES - Life at Home — surged in Germany, India 0 2 20% and Turkey, alongside weight loss and exercise apps. 1  Medical app downloads grew 50% YoY — spurred by demand for

0 COVID-tracing and telehealth apps. Downloads surpassed 3.2 billion across Health & Fitness and Medical apps.

Downloads Consumer Spend

Brazil Mexico Argentina Canada United States Comparing market growth trends across countries in the adoption rate of home gyms and outdoor exercise Source: App Annie Intelligence Note: Downloads and Consumer Spend helps you identify streaming, retail and real estate are across iOS and Google Play. China is iOS only. Spend is gross — inclusive of any percent taken by the app stores knock-on effects.

4 6 BeautyPlus and AirBrush have had an According to App Annie, YoY revenue explosive 2020, with average daily sales growth of global e-book market is close up 200% YoY. We've identified localized to 30% in 2020. Chinese publishers are content, value-added features for premium one of the key contributors of this revenue members and seamless onboarding to growth. Webnovel, as one of the best be our key drivers of growth. monetized e-book platforms, mostly derived by a freemium pay-by-chapter

Lumila Veloso model, has seen tremendous growth S T

Airbrush App A in 2020. T E

Owned by Pixocial O F


Sandra Chen O B

Head of Webnovel I L E

International Business of China Literature 2 0 2 1

4 7 Top Apps & Games of 2020

2020 was a record-breaking year for

Playrix. According to App Annie, we S T A

ranked 2nd by top grossing gaming T E


publishers worldwide and we saw 2- F


3x YoY growth in our apps for O B I L downloads and DAU. App Annie was E

2 0

a strategic partner in this — making 2 1 our lives easier with valuable data. Maxim Kirilenko Business Development Director Playrix

4 8 Top Apps and Games of 2020 2020 Rankings by Market Monthly Active Users


Top Apps Top Games

1 Facebook 1 PUBG MOBILE S T A

2 WhatsApp Messenger 2 Candy Crush Saga T E


3 Facebook Messenger 3 Ludo King M O B I

4 Instagram 4 Among Us! L E

2 0

5 Amazon 5 Free Fire 2 1

6 Twitter 6 ROBLOX

7 Netflix 7 Call of Duty: Mobile

8 TikTok 8 Subway Surfers

9 Spotify 9 Minecraft Pocket Edition

10 Snapchat 10 Pokémon GO

Source: App Annie Intelligence Combined iPhone and Android Phone Monthly Active Users; Worldwide excluding China; Market-level rankings

4 9 Top Apps and Games of 2020 2020 Rankings by Market Downloads


Top Apps Top Games Top App Companies Top Games Companies

1 TikTok Free Fire Google United States Voodoo France S T A

2 Facebook Among Us! Facebook United States AppLovin United States T E


3 WhatsApp Messenger Subway Surfers ByteDance China Crazy Labs Israel M O B

4 ZOOM Cloud Meetings PUBG MOBILE Microsoft United States Jinke Culture - Outfit7 China I L E


5 Instagram Gardenscapes - New Acres InShot Inc China SayGames Belarus 0 2 1 6 Facebook Messenger Hunter Assassin Alibaba Group China Playgendary Germany

7 Google Meet Brain Out Amazon United States Azur Interactive Games Russia

8 Snapchat My Talking Tom Friends China Miniclip Switzerland

9 Telegram Tiles Hop: EDM Rush ABISHKKING Hong Kong BabyBus China

10 Netflix Ludo King Zoom Video Communications United States Playrix Ireland

Source: App Annie Intelligence Combined iOS and Google Play; China is iOS only; Market-level rankings

5 0 Top Apps and Games of 2020 2020 Rankings by Market Consumer Spend


Top Apps Top Games Top App Companies Top Games Companies

1 Honour of Kings Google United States Tencent China S T A

2 TikTok Pokémon GO Tencent China Playrix Ireland T E


3 YouTube ROBLOX Disney United States NetEase China M O B

4 Disney+ ByteDance China Activision Blizzard United States I L E


5 Tencent Video Coin Master Match Group United States Zynga United States 0 2 1 6 Netflix Game For Peace InterActiveCorp (IAC) United States BANDAI NAMCO Japan

7 Google One PUBG MOBILE LINE Japan Supercell Finland

8 iQIYI Fate/Grand Order Baidu China Netmarble South Korea

9 BIGO LIVE Candy Crush Saga Amazon United States Playtika Israel

10 Pandora Music Gardenscapes - New Acres JOYY Inc. China Lilith China

Source: App Annie Intelligence Combined iOS and Google Play; China is iOS only; Market-level rankings

5 1 Hyperconnect is a multi-product mobile Even after 8 years, SmartNews did technology company laser-focused on experience a significant growth in MAU cultivating deep relationships amongst its and Total Time globally in 2020 thanks user base that go far beyond shallow, to our innovative new features such 'everyday' interations, using advanced video as Weather Radar, Coronavirus Updates, and AI technologies. Its flagship products, Local Coupon, Real-time Election Results Azar and Hakuna, have exceeded 500 as well as a rich news cycle making our

million and 15 million downloads, respectively. core offering a must-read for many users. S T A T

Our projects are fast-becoming a compelling E

Fabien-Pierre Nicolas O F playground for the globally-aware and Vice-President, US Marketing M O

SmartNews B online-savvy Gen Z. I L E

2 0

Kim Junghoon 2 1 Chief Business Officer Hyperconnect

5 2 A P P A N N I E We Fuel Successful Mobile Experiences & Monetization S T A T E


Business Driving Organic Search

Ad Monetization F


& Paid User Acquisition Development Optimization O B I L E

2 0 2


Competitive Product Development International

Intelligence & Roadmap Planning Expansion

5 3 Disclaimer

App Annie is a mobile market estimate service provider. App Annie is not registered in any investment advisory capacity in any jurisdiction globally, and does not offer any legal, financial, investment or business advice. Nothing contained in this communication, or in any App Annie products, services, communications, or other offerings, should be construed as an offer, recommendation, or solicitation to buy or sell any security or investment, or to make any investment decisions. Any reference to past or potential performance is not, and should

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Additionally, by providing the information herein, App Annie does not make any represent- O F

ations or warranties and does not undertake any legal or contractual obligations whatsoever. M O

No liability may accrue to App Annie as a result of providing this information to you. B I L E

2 0 2 1

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