SUMMERHAYES, David Michael
1 DOHP Interview Index and Biographical Details David Summerhayes (born 29 September 1922) Biographical Details with (on right) relevant pages in the interview: In Royal Artillery 1939-45 3rd Secretary, Western Department, FO, 1948 pp 2-3 Baghdad, 1949 pp 3-5 Brussels, 1950 pp 5-6 2nd Secretary, Permanent Under-Secretary’s Department, FO, 1953 pp 6-7 Levant Department, FO, 1955 pp 7-8 1st Secretary (Commercial), The Hague, 1956 pp 8-9 1st Secretary and Consul, Reykjavik, 1959 pp 9-11 Northern Department, FO, 1961 pp 11-13 Information Policy Department, FO, 1963 pp 14-15 Consul-General and Counsellor, Buenos Aires, 1965 pp 15-21 Head of Arms Control and Disarmament Dept, FCO, 1970 pp 33-39 Minister, Pretoria/Cape Town, 1974 pp 21-32 Leader (Ambassador), UK Delegation to the UN Committee pp 39-46 on Disarmament, Geneva, 1979-82 Disarmament Adviser, FCO, 1983-92 pp 46-50 General reflections pp 51-53 2 Interviewee: Mr David Michael Summerhayes CMG Interviewer: Mrs Jill Sindall April, June & July 2003 Why did you decide to join the Foreign Office? My father Christopher Summerhayes had started his diplomatic career in the Levant Consular Service. My boyhood days had therefore been spent with my parents in Alexandria, Egypt, and Persia - at the Consulates in Hamadan and Shiraz - so I was quite adapted to the idea of travelling - I was used to that kind of life. When the Second World War came, I was sent as a young gunner officer to North Africa with the 1st Army fighting in Tunisia, and then to Italy where I transferred to the 8th Army, ending up the campaign in Austria.
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