USES OF THE PAST IN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS FROM HEATH TO THATCHER: THE ROLE OF UK FOREIGN POLICY IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE EASTERN EUROPEAN SOVEREIGN DEBT CRISIS, 1970- 81 Catherine LeFèvre UPIER WORKING PAPER Vol. 13 SEPTEMBER 2019 UPIER WORKING PAPER Vol. 13 Foreword UPIER Working Papers series reflects the Work in progress of the researchers associated With the HERA- funded Project Uses of the PaSt in InternaZonal Economic RelaZons and of others Whose papers directly address UPIER research themes. The papers are peer revieWed by UPIER and associated researchers and seek to advance our underStanding of hoW the past has been constructed and used in internaZonal economic relaonS over the Past 200 years. The vieWs expressed in this Working paper, and all errors and omissions, should be regarded as those solely of the authors and are not necessarily the vieWs of the affiliated instuons. For more inFormaZon on UPIER viSit: Author Catherine LeFèvre is finishing her PhD in the Economic and Social HiStory department at the University of GlasgoW. Through Wring her diSSertaon she is contribung to UPIER WP2 : Reputaon, RiSk and Moral Hazard in Sovereign Debt MarketS. Contact email addreSS:
[email protected] 9/1/2019 From Heath to Thatcher: The role of UK Foreign policy in the 1 development of the Eastern European Sovereign Debt Crisis, 1970- 81 UPIER WORKING PAPER Vol. 13 Abstract The sovereign debt crisis of the 1980s Was a World debt crisis Which started in Eastern Europe in 1981 beFore spreading to other regions of the World.