rosse Pointe ~ws

VOl. 45-No 27 Grosse POinte, Michigan Thursday. July 5, 1984 30 cents 36 Page~

lor your information• Car theft: Big business is fighting back H;. Harnet ~olal1 are groups of mdlvlduals who may follo\\ In thelt vulnerability tl'lbuliollS, also has a task force worth of recovered \ ('}.IC:I('., and made up of offIcers from the they're prObdbl) hoJdJOg the l'pl' Cdr theft IS on the mcrease na- be legltlmate busmess owners and front for theft rmgs " Greleckl says 30 to 40 percent MIChigan State Pollee Intelligence demlc of duto tht'ft ucm n bc(hgatlve efforts on m- Tavlor, Dearborn and Macomb od I d "h StatistIc!> l'elelOnal County DetrOIt polIce, while not :\1 e e after [ e \,IlIIJ!\dl \uto departments 1l1dlcate vehicle thefts vehicles were stolen stateWide last thieves who are III the busme!>s of aSSigned to the task force, work Thefl Hu:cJU ,Jnd >~lIn1Jdr pm. IJ1credsed here by 18 percent In 1983 Edit credit year, up 9 8 percent over 1982 Of stealing, choppmg and transport- closely on ca With the LIVOnia grdm ....optrdtlOg In f enn,,) I\,lnld 0\ er 1982 figures ThiS combmed that group almost 46,000 were mg cars over the state hne on a based group Mcls ....achu ....ctt..... \Cv. \ lJrk .\e\o\- Let s talk about editors All \\ Ith nahondl IIlsurance estimates reported stolen m Wayne County contmumg baSIS. < Jersey e porters and editors have ana. prune candidate for piCkings that Anti Car Theft (ACT) CommIttee, insurance fraud" savs Conrad publiC a ....arenf ..,... of lhp orobJ~ tural lovel hate relatiOnShip \\ ould put a buzzard to shame a coalition of Insurance compames, Golemba, ACT member and l>uper- and help tal,\ enforcemellt ager'<:let NatIOnal figures indicate 26 5 ThiS translates to the reporter bankmg and lendmg institutIOns, visor of the auto theft UflI{ at do their Jobs bt'tler. al'cordmg to 'We re talkmg orgamzed cnme, percent were taken from the car rental agencies and police Automobile ASSOCIation of Amen- Frank Skmner, ....tate lhalrman of lovmg hiS wrltmg and hatmg to but not \\ hat people thlllk of as rUll owner's driveway, while 192 per- see It cut up The echtor loves to departments which formed about ca (AAA} ACT and claIm:. marldger tor State by the mafia," says Steve Gre. cent disappeared from off the five years ago Farm Insurance Company edit that golden prose and hates leckl, w1th the Federal Bureau of street Shopping malls, stadiums "Since its inception, the task to stop cuttmg It up Investigation 10 DetrOit "These and other public parkmg areas ACT, funded primarily by con. force has recouped $6.5 million «('ontinu(>(i on Pa~r 1-1 \ l Reporters only see thmgs that are right III front of them, lU1llt 109 the1r 'i1Slon to whatever story they're involved WIth. Edi- How cities tors, on the other hand, see the overall view of the storv as It fits in the grand design of the per. stack up Each oC us IS convlOced that we're the ship and the other IS but a barnacle along for the nde. on taxes The truth IS\\-e need each other. By Susan McDonald but we're not crazy about It ~ My edItor here at the Grosse The annual sprmg budget. POinte News ISSue :\lcDonald. crunch 109 season IS over All fIve Because we're such a small Grosse POinte city councils have set their tax rates for the new 1984- paper, Sue lS In a umque posi. 85 fiscal year And the notices went Pow! ooooh! hon She's a Cellowreporter, our out thiS week ' boss and our friend Sort of a cr61SSbetween den mother, capo Guess ~'ho's on top? dl tutti capo and cattle prod It's Grosse Pointe City with a tax 418/'1 She's constantly walking be- rate of 17 42 mIlls, A mill equals $1 hind us, pIcking non sequiturs, for every $1,000 of state equalized run on senteoces and chches of( valuatIOn ight years ago, but the busint"Ss group hopt'~ to So far, I've resisted the urge to groups of homes, 10 the communi- scrawl "REDRUM" on her of- ty Oftentimes they apply a factor make the fireworks an annual affair onet' fice door, but the day draws reflectmg average sales prices to again. The group rl"ported shortt} twrort" near She'd probably Just cor- eIther upgrade or cut SEVs. tb... first blast went orr tbat it had mt"t ib fund.ra1aing goal with contributions from rect my punctuatIOn anyway The results can be disparate In Grosi>e Pomte City, for example, a bundrech 01 local buslness('s and As an editor, Sue IS probably ladi viduals. hardest to face on a Thursday house on Lll'lcoln Road that sold for morning after the paper hits the $100,000 durmg 1983 WIJ)owe the Cl' Fw mve photos see page 6.\. street That's when she ap- ty only $623 65 thiS year. But another Ptoo1<> lI'f T_ ~ proaches us mdlVlduall~, and m home on Roosevelt that sold for the front of the others, asks those same price \\ III pay $858 46 words \\e dread to hear In the Park, two more $100,000 Petitions oppose center's bid for liquor "Whatchagotgom? .. salcs dUring 198.1 re!>ulted III equal- has Translated. thiS means what I) dl!>slmllar tax bill" The home on By Susan McDonald center already JnspJrl~d a peti- dent Lee Wulfmler The petition until:! do m . v. hll'h 1:-< dllo't\ t'1.t undt.-r stones are we developmg for the Bedford Will pay $1,027, while one They haven't even apphed, yet tIOn drive In oppo!>itlOn claim:. granting of !.be license state Liquor Control Commu.~ ..on on Buckingham 1,\1)] be billed for next edItion? If you don't have But news that the War MemOrial l'nslgned petitiOns were mailed would increase traffiC problems rulel> But a nothE-r Cl'nter offiCIal. anythmg cooking on Thursday. may seek a Class r liquor license 111 and aggravate Grosse Pomte's John R!ekel, !>a~ s the ct'ntt"r has (COI,tillucd on Pa~t' 14A) to .,e\eral home!> the area under It earns) ou a steady stare and for its Lakeshore Road commuOlty a cover letter from Lakeshore rt>Sl- "most acute drug problem" - no mte-ntlon ot ch.ingmg It~ pre- some story suggestIOns leendge drlOkang M"nl pollclt's II dO!ot.'l'o at 1\ .".1P m and liquor ....uuld onl) bt>\t'\i to War :\.1emorlal offiCials say noth If nothmg's breWing by Fn thaiit' lltll"ndUlK pre- ~l'hNu1t"d IIlg could be further from the truth day, the stare become., a :>(1,000 event:. There would tit' liO o~lt'n watt glare that burn., through "What Wf' hopt" to accomplish bar And 10 ~k up, Rll'kt"1 the walls of Suc's office and pms by gettIng a IJcen.c;e IS to l-'Ontrol al- ~Id the War MemOrial ha!> pro- you to your desk Even when cohol c()n~umptlon," saId Mark ~ a conlra('t v.lth tht- Jo'drnJ:o she's at lunch By ~10nda)' Weber. the center's executive ('ouncll speclfY'"a thoMo rult'~ mornmg they're Jaser beams director t'r...sukk Ollh.on. Ill, l'urrt'lll But it Yl ork'i. You produce . PCt1plc mu:.t rt'llhzt' thelt alco- pr~ll:k"nt of ttw \\ ar Mt'morl.11 h In fac( you re hapPj to produce hol IS already bt>lOg ~t'rvffi at tht' SOl'lullon -.a) ~ the pt'hllon ~d.wn to turn off tho<;clamp., ('cnll'r But now, It'll undE'r four dl f that a 11t.'t'r~t'....ould I~'rt'.l'>(" tt"t'tl f('r('ut pOlll'lt.'lI Weddm~ pltrllt"l!l .1j(t' drmklllg I~ r.. l,t' But all In all, Sue I" a prPlI) eun hrm~ 111 1~lr own, we can Rt.>t good cdltor When we come In at "Tht'~ art' IInpJ) Il~ llkll \H' \\ III ,I .24 hour pt'rmlt, grou~ ('lIn lett II 9. ~he'~ oc-en herc "mc£' B lO tlt' M'r\IIlJt JlqU<.lrtll mlnOI~ ,lnti"~ 24 hour p('rmlt lInd IRdlVldlUll1ilcan When v. e leave at 'i .,he .,t,l\" dun'l Intt'nd tll ,to ,.n~ '>\k'h lhllli ' 6 ~l • hrJn~ theIr 0\\ n until Olh!Kln SolIld \\ t" llfft'r mol n\ "l-'\ I 'Itlt'1lo [I>r It't'rw~t'f'''< .and IIllh l'OlI She doe ..n't count MI.,C., If "If 'H' held a lIl't~nlot>. v.e lIlouhi t InUt' to Ilur Irl t~t jOU rc late. for I,\ork or If you (ontrol the serving of all alcohol build pnlttrdm take an extra 20 mlllllt(',> for (lilt of our 0..-0 kltcht'n," Weber 0I1"t'a Rut v. t' u.rt~lOh ....Ull t t:>t" II'!llOt' . IUllch ;'1,('('0 Fnday off 10 drIve :-<,lld '!C"f\'lntt the-m th€>kid., to C('nar POint thl'" w('('k Thl' ~'Iltilln ~I\ r-.thfo Imprl'UlOn If the W .. r :'lIt'mun.11 ,koe.., .1~)pl) end? ~o problem tln 0J~'nhar "\)\.Jld bt' optratrd for a hn'nM' lht' Illldltl''\'I'>''m '" III Shf' hold'> her liquor pre'lt}' .lIld Iht, War Mt'mlln.1 may :worVt' ( 'on Iinu l"d on I'~_V It \ I ....ell 100

Belr)ff' I (dml' lo lh(' ('r POlOtf' :-Op\\-,> ltC/lied for ,In Oul Park says ttno' to jail I( un J'agf' II \) th II.Hrl,,' ' .... n rOtid TI'.u'k, nit', llUn\'11 ~olu JIll' ".irk ('Ily ('OUOCIJ ~Id Ilun ....lId ..urrnundlllll r~l(1 ...ntL,,1 !lO 1.1~1 month 10 tht'' or 1~IKhhorhiIOd, ,Ullt 'lm«A1I h\~l Inside \ll<'hljot.ln... pillns to bUild • 'M'S.\"" ll\lt~ ~Iltlt'l II d prl'lon IS M(~n'sclub i,~25 years old pfI"on In nl'IUb) Ofotrod 'nwo btu It Ih.'rt> ( iJ~,II' I lA ('O\lI\('t! nlf'mben unAnimoualy Th.- I t'!>olllt!Un l'onhnUt'd t~t ( In''''lfll'c! l( I!und,,'d',o! !lwrnlll'r, of Ih(' 'wnlflr \1(,0', ( lull (If (,ro~ ..(' l'oln!f' I(alhf'rl'ft IAttht' War Mf'lllOnal rt'( ('nth tll d their Junt' p.I"" .. d rttSOluhon.' Iht> prl~on ..hould ~ ('OIUItruet~ t'''il t ure 1'" ~l' I?B twJp (f'!l't,r,t!(' Ihl' L',lh f1nllIVf'r"""hlp of llf'~rly I IOU !twn Thl' II mf'('lmll oppoau'l lhe In • (,f()Co,e,{' POlol1" f{hll IW'lihborhQ(ld th4il1 alrqdy I lull 11\('d 11.(' Ol. (.I'>If1ll 10 honor nillf' pa", prMlLdpnts at the lunc'heon, 1lK'llIrtln~ flrf' to fllCht lront row I ,ld1l1 propt»Wl1 hal a pl'lfIM, Much •• Plymouth I'•.,ld I(, Ex{ ha o~W 7 B I) K 111.1; 1\/ Iln('! h ( ,j ry, Ih'rht'rl Bumpu" anl1.John ('arll'r, ('W('fmo row I "'rNl ~10m, LOUIS I>f'<'kl'r ttnd WlllloIlll T~ !'ot.IIt' h.. bWJd. Townahlp lit. of the Detroit 1.pIlf'r., to Edl tOI -//\ HI "die > \11"''''II1~ from Ih(" photn are Harold Memke and rrBnk Welct'nbac'h Fe.ttured llpt-akfr ilt th.. ft ....ll vr propoMd 1I1~on d Ih IIcrr lute, bouIIded by HOUH of l 'arrecllona 1be rwo- Ohltuarle,> I.!A (j( (<1'>101' I,\Deputy Chlp( of thr lJelrolt Pohce [>eplrtment Thf> men', duh Warrt'n, Shoemaker, J.n lutlon w •• PI'OP*NI by oounc,1 Socletv I f,H (h(llr ,d'AI,>an~ <'f'veraJ appropriate number!! under th*, dlrN'tllm of AI r~ker The SenIOr Men'!><'luh ClJlf'rd{('., St. woman Carroll Evola ~~r~ 1 2( C'XI IU'I)Vl'ly fflr ('hstrltablf', hlt-rary, '"lClallind recreatIOnal PUI'Jl'Oflf''', i1cN~rdanll tn hrst VICf'-prf'llldf'nt and pro '1Il11 tht' Ikttrmt Tf'I'minal Rall. KreNeen Harper East POH1.te \\.00 the l~ ReglOn- Special Purchase and Jeffersoo) at Champloru.htp at an annual re- 1be East Pomte Chapttr - '" In- glOn tv. (.)competItIOn held m .~pnl ner 01 the 1964 RegIOnal Champll)ll- m Kltchener Omano T\\ ent\ -t\\ 0 ALLEN EDMONDS shlp - ha~ a member'5.iup In e,ll,C'eSS chor-use, I\efe 10\01\ eD In lhe"C"Om- Boxer Swim Trunks peutwn \\ Judges irom reg retaJ.1 $15 00 of 90 VI omen "'ho love to :ilng The~ 1m are offenng a ...Ide .,anety of "ele- both ea:;;lern and '.\estern states 73 NOW ONLY '6 gant }unque" household Iteffi$. The;e annual c\.'mpetltlOflS are a Shoe Sale! wtu1e they last clothlng. books. kmd-knacks. and \ Hal pan ot S\\ eel .-\dellne.. Inc ...hat-ha,e-you $' plus assorted and are d teachmg mecham::.U1 In 15% OFF E.LY'TIRE STOCKI M'am colors and SlUS home baked goodies at thiS fund. tiu:s mternatlonal orgalllZat,on jrom 28 thru 40 weist ra15JDg e\'enl to help earn mO!ie~ dedJca led to the pre>er. a non of America's Finest .lIen's Sboes. barbershop mu.slC Hu.rry in the). Gre an e.xcepnonal foc the1r tnp to Kaosas C1t~, Kao _ son" at E\.cellellt 5tll'lflgs! value in poly/cotton blend to pa.rtl<=lpate In the Siloeet Adelme \e\\ mer:1bers to S\\ eet -\dehnes lnternauooal CompetltIOO m Oc- 3re ah\ J. b II ek'()me so ti \ ou are ~O PHO~"E ORDERS PLEASE 18 \ ears or older. iLke to smg, )OlD th~m at a rehearsal ana learn more aoout barbersoop slngmg Rehear- Public in\ited to sals are held e\er) Thursda~ e\ en- f\ttic Theater rally mg from -; ,30 to 1ll ,kl P m In the \y summer months the\ m~t at St The AttlC Theater ..nil hr's Lutheran Church ill East , pieani-71ol'ton ~ \'olUllteer rail) on Wed- DetrOlt and m Sep- nesda}. July 11 at i p m at the At. 92 Kercheval On-The-Hilt tember rehearsals \l, III be at Lake- ue Theater In Greektov.n Mem- \ le\\ High Scnoo! In St Clair '*'- "'--F_ t bershIp an the organuauoo. named 882.a251 Shores ~ .9m6Oaiy "The Rafters," is open to an} DOe For more informatIOn. contact I with an interest in being part of the membership ~Iarlene li 1beatre's support group. theatre Babb at 88+;116 or chorus dlrector l expenence is DOt oecessa.ry Lmda LJddtcoatt at 26l!-7tl3 For i W1N $10,000 IN PRIZES Tbe first 150 guests 00 Jul} 11 mformatLOQ regarding perlor. I will be in..,ted to see that mght's maoces. contact busmess manager ~ dmi;s rebearsaJ of the musical ~Iartl ~I111er at 886-3785 " '"Strider," the Attic's next produc- S~R~rOG-l CAPUCHIN tion. Also, members 'The H ~ ?-co..5#o.JJ!'.i I. .. ",..A. ,/J" B..."t ....,al< or n ...... t of . ours changed ~ ~. 8 C D E. E££ *..<: it> .....Ie" ..r -{ 8 C D E EE Rafters" will share 10 the excite- S"":l5 - ...,. n ... ,...... t.-f,. S,....i'.30 ... U l~ for late registrants I E'..~... " '1 S99.90 Rn_'.f , s,.: 599.90 SOUPER SUMMER meat that 5UrT'WDds Detroifs only ' tbea~ Wlth a prolessiooal com- Both Grosse Pomte Park and the pany and a year-round schedule of Cn)' have mo,,'ed up offIce bouts for CELEBRAliON pI.a~. ...oters \\00 plz.n to regISter on the Draltq - July 2q, 1984., Tbe $S membership fee and last day allowed preceedmg this YOhdeer bour'S worked earn )0 ear's ele<:uons ~t;;:; member.; beoefits such as tickets ~luruclpaI offices \\ III be open to perform.a.nces. greeting cards. from 8.31) a m untI15 pm. instead theater- appareL participation In of untu 8'30 pm. as In &.e past the aonuar ,.olunteer party and Fmal registration for the August more. pnmary IS July 9. Fmal regIStra- ~ 1It PriIe ~ or ~ 1_ aaI bnIIoarw: ciMnond ~ br.Jr p:.ld 001 '-.a!ued at For information call the Altlc tIOn for the ~o, ember electIon 15 i S5,OOO:Ol) «frou1lI l o\HE£ ~ en. Tbeater at 963-7T;lI(). ~t.8 ~ W rn.: Gem Qwit'. Stolle CoIeaIon - l~ ~ Ki1Af nb.. !!Io-atilt ~ ~ ~ t&QriII @Dlden1llpiZ.-d 2&oaFa ~ t*.oe Grosse qMl ~ .. S2.3OOOOl edrru1d t. ~ ~ co. lII1PriIE SIK> n....-n liNa: e kin! t-.ed ill b-nxl t ir:JrooeI *if! ~ en (usps~) ...... A.~ ft8Wl&b*-lIIduIM8~ ~~..t ~ ~. H SUl5 \'lhc:M ., be ~fllWlftl ",;t l.-r daor P:emoet ~ PuIlIiIhed ft'lIfY TlU'ImY B' .\JItefto PlIItlisIters (fJ" Prias Gen8 MoQdo lmI:d ~ wa:he ~ iil SEO.OCI' eam..ld t iUill CHESTf.R " Kft'Clileul A\e.~ nrrH""" ~o:L GI'1IIS~ Poiale. ~I ~ Brot/>" 01' !Jf;2'(X l..i3ifS~J Bl«t CQI' cop 1C>t' GtJ'" ~ Udaf!o5. ~iIdo "UIO ,(T4>,",;RCi'Ioe'5 v.tlued.3t sn;; eN)~rd t ,\MEt: -l BCD E ..:<1:;'.5 5<= I 8 C D wlelhs Si::es ~ - 011 ~co Phone 882-6900 " It I Se':::~ Oau ~ :ae • Rr!'Z ..... n, J!,u./ SJl9.90 (]I 7'IIl tn.E 5eioo Quinz ~ dodaio9l

'.J r-ot s,ar-'I! itttf~ ..r'1t r~(".r

~ '4 C414UER MfO

Semi-Annual I ~T .< J~ B ~ ...... 1sX,. ~f< , -1 u e" C :ley or r 'A~ll,..r r.:~. 51 p (,I'" ~.:::. . ~Lii"ONCAFE i o'tJrFJ,.d:, ",,01: o'er}. Denit • 8 C D ~.c'''' 5.::r - !.<:Jad~ BCD "'"l!ilf;.S ! ...... • DIM .... 963-7U5I ~ ro ] ~ 5 -r:'~ - (r;. 12 ' AuthentIC Greek Cooking I R't_..:' • ,[]oj 599.90 I Rn • .aT', SUO 5109.90 Liquor • Beer • Wine ..... ~~~J • ..." .. SALE Sun., Moo .. 'Ned. & Thurs. 11a.m.3 a ,m" Fn. & Sat tll 4 a m, Beginning Thursday, July S, 1984 '!;r Hosts: e;t~_&Chr!s Mantjios liEN'S SUMMER CLOTHING a FURNISHINGS

SUITS - SPORT COATS ., 2QO/o to SOO/o off

BfLL!. Vj f:FPU./CK B... I- rJr ,..rl) _,.. I oJ qr SPRING JACKETS & RAINCOATS B",J"'.Jr.r:/ ~ .. ~ ~ , .. '7 r- ..(I (0 (¥ r r:J:p ; wi" J ,.'" !; ( LJ r~ ''';;''Ii~ (.-T I",fea 'Wrr' .....1.'" ';:r'" -- 'V ,[ 20010 to 500/0 off "- ';" ':l""""" - I';. 12 p'," O' 51." S99.90

TROUSERS SPECIAL GROlJPI 200/0 to SOO/o off VALLTESTO $130 90 90 FURNISHINGS I 39 to 89 20010 to SOO/o off i ·ALLEN-EDA10.\IDS ~ • S/.B.l(,{j • nllL RI.AS S Nommal Charge for Afterations $ • (/)/1 JlAA \' • WA LK-O VER ----A~D------.--- LADIES SUMMER CLOTHING FURNISHINGS I a i 10070 REDCCTIO~S on Our Lnllrc Stolk I hr(JUgh JulJ 21 ~ ------_. 500/0 OFF j Hu key',> uIII hI' (lo'ipd WP(Jn~~da;-.j~lyl1--


-,; j,' Thursday, July 5, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three-A Easlick seeks GOP regent nomination B)' Susan McDonald UniverSity of ~hchlgan HIS fatltel . Della Kappa ~~p~llon lit' IS also a Michigan, Detroit and Ann Arbor Board of REALTORS, David K Eashck, Jr , the Grosse DaVId K. Eashck. was gmduated member of tlte lllllver~ltv's PresI- from Un~verslty of l\hchlgan ,llld dent s Club ,md Alumni Assocla- Pomte Park attorney who organiz- He ISmal'l'ied and has two young ed the unsuccessful effort to recall hIS granetfnthel', Kenneth A Eas- tlOIl, a" well "" IIw DetrOit Club. ,1l1dYdle and St Antholl\"~ clubs of children three Grosse Pomte school board hck, was a plofessor there for :'\e\\ York t'lt~ . members this sprmg, It now seek- almost 30 year~, he ~,lld Treasurer of the "CommIttee to ing nommatIon to state offIce Eashck's COmlllUl1ltv and 1.'1\ II.' Elect Edhhck U-M Regent" IS In a recent letter tc Republican actiVities Illclude lllt'lilberioillp III HI" PI'()f('!o~IOIl,1I dfllllallOn~ tn- Willi" C BUllard, Jr, of 1314 party leaders, Easllck sou~ht en- several fra terllltlt'~. lIldudlllg Ow l'ludl' tlw AnWl'Il.l1l ,1l1d \Il( 11Ig,1ll l,l,lVton Hoad In (;ro.,se POInte dorsement for the party's nomllla- Delta Theta PhI 1,11,\group ,lOd 1>,1r ,1"Mll'hIIIOI\" .ltHt till' "'.11 1011a 1, Pdl'k hOIl for Umverslty of MichIgan regent Candidates for the state- \\ Ide post will be selected on Sept 7 and 8 when the party meets at NON.DAIRY Cobo Hall III DetrOIt At the ~ame tllne, the GOP WIll llonunate can- FROZEN DESSERT didates for State Supreme Court (~olt ~ef\ e product) Eashck told GOP leaders that he plans to "campaign hard to get the • No refined sugar nonunatlOll and to partlclpate III • No butterfat the RepublIcan s\,eep of our state • No preservatives III November "As the thu'd generation of my • No chemicals famll~' to graduate from the Um- • Cholesterol free versity of l\ihchlgan, my 'mmze and ~ It \ a natural he(lIltlJ blue' blood flows deep," Eashck wrote 20898 Harper Avenue Umverslty of MichIgan has an Corner of Ridgemont eIght-member board of regents, prOVIded under the state constitu- II he"" Qual'lll "1'/' t lISls - Stn<<, f9~7 tion Each IS selected III state elec- *Frcun CIISt&rcI tions for eight-year terms, The terms of regents Robert E Neder- lander. of Birmmgham. and Ger- ald R Dunn. of Lanslllg, expire thIS vear - The board of regents IS a cor- Grosse Pointe Hotal') dedicated a I'[,l'rn! llIet'! ing to tilt' 1lH'1lI01) of Dr. Jose Born.go, tht' group'!! past.presi- ' OUR ANNUAL SUMMER porate body that has general super- dent who died suddenl) la,,! ) t'nl', Pictured on the Wal 'lI'IllOl'inl grounds with currt'nt prf"sidenl William VIsion of the university and control Mc('ourt 1. Borrego ....faml! \ \\ ho atlrlllll'd tht' meeting (from left to right> daughters- and direction of all expenditures Gigi and Pauld. i\Jr!>,8OJTl'gO «.eorgl'tlt') and !>ouFI'l'IH\Ildo. Dr, ;\Ia;\ Gardner !>ummed up the-feelings of RI)- from the University's various taI') members who klw\\ Dr, Borrego, 'il.atlOn 1/2 to Judge Kaufman, who ISSUed the has worked in the real estate and plan for the constructIOn of a msurance busmesses, as prodllc- bUlldmg four feet from the cIty's In January, 198J, lhe board came order for the city to show why It tion section chief at Western Elec- Department of Pubile Works prop- before the planmng commIssion had turned down the van.nee for SUMMER SLACKS OFF tric in Plymouth and various erty With a reque~t for the office budd- the estimated $67,000 building NEW PARKING AREA - ENTER OFF 9 MILE RD. management positions at Michigan The cIty's zomng ordmance re- mg, at the lune a pre-fabflcated de- The Woods and Harper Woods Bell Telephone, according to hIS qUIres a 35-foot SIde yard for bUIld- sign compared 10 a mobile home, pay for the mamtenance of the CONNIE'S · STIVI" PLACE resume mgs in the satelllte offIce claSSICI- The dram board saId the new bUild. dramage dIstrict. whIch mcludes BOYS & GIRLS WEAA FOR MEN & BOYS He receIved hIS Bachelor's de- cation The planmng commlS~lOn mg would correct record storage the offIce, pump station and reten: tlOn baSin on the property next to 23240 GREATER MACK. (1 bloc/< South of 9 MIle) gree at Eastern MIchigan Umver- approved a sIte plan mO'vmg the of- and restroom defiCienCies and be of ST CLAIR SHORES. MICHIGAN 48080 .. slty In 1970, J D at DetrOIt College flce mto a posItion to be partially d barner-frcc de!>lgn. the DPW bUlldlllg The Woods Will (313) 777 8020 of Law In 1977, and Master's of shielded from reSIdents' vIews by The planllmg ('onH11lS~lOnasked be expected to pay 60 percent of the o=:iiiiiiiiiiil-;;'~-----1Busme~s AdmlmstratlOn tn 1983 at the cIty's DPW garage ,lnd othel' for c11clngeiomtlle plan and the next cosl of the buJ1dmg FOLKS COME OUT OF THE WOODS TO EAT AT THE SUMMIT L ror a car or d \an !'IOlll (I!OC,C,l P(11llll \\(H)l\-' In \\()(ldh.t\t'll, Iltll1tll1~ton \\(HllJ.. \1.11 ~tlon TN reallot! t() 11.11\)(" \\ I HId... 11)11\... .II(' dh~ ()\ l"ltl~ lhe t."1IIH' \' 1111Ll\ 1.111(''''1 !lolel ,\Ild thn new (1)01.. oft I"

I ., ...... ~ TIU W(\TIN P~TH I<""o\h'''''' .. ( ,,",fOl llt1roM

r ' • ~. ~ I?age Four-A 6 R 0 SSE POI N TEN EW S Thursday, July 5. 1984 Piana steps down at AAA Ahees go to bat for Soup Kitchen Donald R Yungka.ns "'as named Country Club and DetrOit Chamber DetroIt'S poor ha,e long been Among tbe highl.tghtsofthee\'en. ers. the Premier Center. and aU manager of the "\utomobd~ Club of of Commerce He '" as a Grosse championed b~ the Capudun Soup tng will be drawmgs for 21 raffle PresIdent Tuxedo locations. Michigan's POlDte offICe to POinte Woods Insurance commlS- Gro6Se Kitchen, and once again. Edmund prIZes donated by the sponsors All proceeds of thIS fund-raiser succeed Jack Plana. of the Woods. :>IO~ from 19&Hi7 T Allee Je....elers and R 1..0", ell FIrst prIZe IS a 11~ carat diamond ....111help the Capucltins ~ wborecenUyretlredaftera-H ~ear The ne", local manager. Allee Jf'\\ elen. 10 conJunction", lib nng valued at $5,000 Other prIZes their center which provides career at A.-\A Yungkans. began hIS Auto Club the PremIer Centt'r mean to help \\111be a $2,500 collection of gem clothmg. household goods, COWl- Piana became manager of the C.ln."er Jll 1962 as an adJustt'f' He has the Capuchllt:S ~ta) m the race qualll) stones, a Selko TV "'atch, a sehng, education, and recreabon Grosse Pomte ofllce In l~ He stOned as ass~lant manager at the formerly sened a:. a district ~Ies \lIes and ~nrl\er offices and against pO' ert) b) sponsormg mghH>n.the-to", n for four com- for the com munit)' In addition to theIr thIrd J.nnl4ll beut>t1t for the plete ....lth hmoustne. dmner and the nearly 1,000 meals served manager. headed the Auto Club s mJnager at :\11es He'" as manager CapuchIn Soup Kitchen sho\!" gentlemen's and ladles' dally • [)ooAnn\,t'f',Gratiot JIld Detroit :\01" of the Ln OOLd otilC'e unul he ",as th",-est offiCes and field opera. transferred to Grosse Pomte Beginning dt 8 P m FrlCld). Jul) \\ nst '" atches. and selko designer For further mformatlon on the 20 the Premier Center \\ III be the clocKl> and talkmg alarm clocks "CIty of ChampIOns" party or the " lions manager . - --. - . - - A 1940graduate of the L'nl\ In sho.'" ~lness ~rgoo a h~. ~rena for a 1.\ e entertalOmenl, Raffl k 15 hased rame, telephone 886-4600 Monday tree adml:o ...lOn ca-.h bar and e tic e can be pure of Detroit. Pland

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Open Dally 10 a.m to 9 pm, Sunday 12 Noon to 5 p m

ri ' :t4 '9 fn. ---~-~-~~------~-~-~-~-

Thursday, July 5. 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS $60,fX)() post attracts many B) Susan McDonald In the meantime, the trustees al'e l'ants for the top Job may suffer be- want He saId In a telephone mter- Applications for the Job of super- still dlscussmg the appomtment of cause of the rect'nt controversy view last week that he has com. intendent of Grosse Pomte's public an mtenm supermtendent to flll surroundmg school closmgs and pleted a report on hIS fmdings but schools "'have begun to roll m smce m for the duration, accordmg to the attempt to recall three board he would not release the m{orma- the electIOn" accordmg to school board member Vmcent LoCicero members But WIth the 2.1 defeat of tJon at that time board president Joan Hanpeter He said a vote on the Issue may be the recall on June 11, the trustees Kenneth Brummel became the The cut-off date is Aug 15 and the taken at the board's Monday July 9 say they're confident the Job will thIrd conse<:utive Grosse Pointe board hopes to conduct mtervlews meetlllg attract a field of top candidates superintendent to resign before In early fall and have a new person Board members had expressed To make sure, the school spending flve years on the job when at the helm by the first of the year concern that the quality of appli- board recently sweetened the deal, he announced on Ap'rll 3 that he rasmg the supenntendent's salary was headmg for Callforma Brum. several thousand dollars to $60,000 melleft last week to become super- Record prices at Stalker sale a year Among the frmge benefits mtendent of the Orange Umfled The collecl1on of 1\11' and I\1rs sheep by Carleton \Vlggll1Sat $3.025 offered Will be use of the board- School Dlstl'lct near Lo~ Angeles Peter Stalker, I{ brought record and a fl\'er landscape by H C 0\\ ned home on Grosse POlllte Brummel, who proposed the and near-record pnces whellit was Delpy at $6,050 Ol'lental porcelams Boulevard With free mallltenance system's fIrst school closmg plan to sold from their Grosse Pomte home mcluded a rare Chll1ese e>,pOl't and utilitIes deal With Its greater than 40 per- saturday and Sunday, June 23 and masolllc porcelalll punch bowl dt A Connecllcut-based consultant cent declme m enrollment, saId he 24 $3,080, an Oriental l.'xport tureen IS helpmg advertise the Job opening accepted the Callforma offer The pamtlOg offered by Jean With cover at $2,310, an Onental ex- to Ul1IVersltles and educational because he doubted If he could be FranCOiS :'IIlliet, "Le bam des port Jug at $1,870, a pau" of Chll1ese tramlllg centers throughout the effective as a leader here "There Oles," brought $-t23,500 (Illcludmg rose medallIOn porcelam vases at country The consultant, John IS a need for someone to come m the 10 percent buyer's premIUm), a $2,420, a rose medallion punch bowl Brubacher, IS scheduled to return and bnng diverse groups togeth- record orlce for anv work of art 24 inches III dIameter at $5,500 to Grosse Pomte Seot 1 to begm er " he saId In an earlier interview sold m the mId-west, accordmg to Strong SIlver pnces Illcluded a ol'galllzmg mtervlews He earlier "I thmk It would be some time be- Stalker and Boos, lnc, auction- set of sterling SIlver flatware in the saId he hopes the board WIllpick Its fore the commumty would accept eers. Onslow pattern at $4,125, a pall' of new school head m OCtober me 111 that role" Other strong pnces mcluded a Adams style sterling Silver five Brubacher met in May With Smce Dr Brummel left Grosse hne George III three part dming candle candelabra at $2,090, a pall' school, commumty and bus mess Pomte, Deputy Supermtendent table at $7,700, a pair of ChIp- of George III Silver sauce boats, groups in the Pomte to determme James Hoeh has assumed the re- pendale open arm chairs at $2,750, London, 1771at $1,320, a set of four what kmd of supermtendent they sponSibility an Amel'lcan shield back maho- open salts, London, IBM by Paul gany Side chaIr attributed to the Storr at $1,320, an Insh covered Goddard famIly at $4,400, a pall' of Polite is 'in' for this thief trophy cup George IV at $1,980, a A Grosse Pomte Park resident, police chIef, and her husband was Queen Anne mahogany SIde chaIrs bronze by Troubetskoy "The lIvmg 10 the 1400 block of Bedford, upstairs sleepmg when she looked at $2,420, a George II mahogany Scout" at $4,400, a 19th century tip-top table at $2,475, a Chippen- recently learned that the popular up to see the intruder French bronze dore cartel clock at saying "different strokes for dif- He told her that he had car trou- dale walnut and parcel gIlt lookmg $1,870, a George III gilt wood cartel ~~l~ti~~~~ glass at $2,475, a George I walnut ferent folks" is practiced in the ble and had knocked on her door, I~!:I clock at $2,475, and a Hem oriental world of thievery. received no answer and wanted to lowboy at $4,400, and a George III carpet ~t $7,700, mahogany fold-top game table at She told Park Police that a "very use her phone. She allowed him to SIlo_Move CReAT9V£ SPAS. 9Kc. $2,200, the firm reports The collectIOn of Mr and Mrs. pohte man" surprised her in her make several phone calls before he SPA SAlES DESIGNINsmuRlON SEfMCE Additional pamtmgs brmgmg ex- Stalker was sold at an auchon held own home between the hours of 11 left as mysteriously as he came ENCLOSURE ~~ Road cellent prices included a summer at their residence at 372 Lakeland pm and 2.20 a,m" June 9. Later she.' discovered that her 524-1212 landscape by WIlham H Smger at Avenue, conducted by Stalker and She was watching teleVision at televiSIOn set and cable converter • EXTRA COST $4,125, a landscape WIth gruzmg Boos Inc of ~irmmgham the time, said Henry Coonce, Park had been stolen SOLAR GREENHOUSES. GLASS ENCLOSURES • ATRIUM ENTRYWAYI TOM'S FENCE • • LICENSED fine • FUllY GUARANTEED VILLAGE.MARKET winelJ • 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE 18328 Mack Avenue-In the Farms • RESIDENTIAL AND - p,esen'- • COMMERCIAL liquor All Types of Privlcy "THIS WEEK'S SELL RINGERS" • I sarity ~ Closed Sunday and Closed wednesday July 4th Price. Effective through July 7tt1 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE 774-2045 28th ANNIVERSARY THANK YOU


HAM'S J'~"., pint brqont ~~~!P 26! ~--- -~ - COLD WATER AIR CONDITIONER 2 LOBSTER TAILS Installed for .. low as 88 $2 ! 10-12 ~ $8 EACH $1295 £Fl?!EJf:~!E~!! ~...... ~ UZI ... 4d • 2 YEARS FREE SERVICE FRESH • 5 Year warranty on Compressor Incl. labor by Flame PORKLEi.OINFEROAST 88! BAY SCALLOPS LOW PRICES AVAILABLE ON ALL MODELS ALEXANDER & HORNUNG FROZEN 88L', HEA TING PLUMBING AIR CONDITIONING AND ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS .. --- rr=t::wz _S2...... ~_ • FREE ESTIMATE • FRESH - Serving the Po/ntes Since 1949 - 35 Years 01 Doing It Right SHRIMP SALAD OR 527.1700 574.1070 524.1700 "enCASING 9L8IKlf~B 38 S1 S1 SEAFOOD SALAD 14847 GRATIOT 28101 VAN DYKE 3373 R

I I i \ l

, ' GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday. July 5, 19M Fireworks make a flashy come back

Talk about the perfect mght for frre ....ork.s Thousands of persons) oung and old jammed the grounds of Parcell::. ~hddle School at ~Iack and Vermer Sunda) llJght to \\ ltness a magmfl' cent 2O-mmute dl"pla) of fJre\\ orks provIded by the Grosse POinte Busllless and Professional As- sociatiOn of Macl- AH'nue Before the flrev.orks began at about 10 pm. the cro ....d "as bus) throwing frlsbees munchmg popcorn. poppmg corks from \\ me bottles and hstemng to the sounds of the 5t ClaIr Shores Symphony Orches- tra, conducted by ~I!chael Krajewski - all the while enjoying the 8O-degree temperatures Dr. ~ard Kane. president of the business as- ~t;'u, '"'61~~ ~:~'"... :....\....""~ ..~ "~;; . 'i....:~ .; show" and that the assocIatIOn ....ould consIder Elling on the dlspla) again next year alter the "positive pubhc response to it this year" Dr. Kane said thiS year's dIsplay was the fIrst m eight years in Grosse Pomte . Another person \\ho "really, really enjOyed it" was Kathy Forster ..... ho helped plan the event Mrs. Forster said she brought her famIly to, watch the sho.... pro\. Ided by Vitale Ftreworks Display, Co. of ~ewcast1e. Penn One way to make sure the fireworks return beXt year will be to mention them to Mack mef'- chants along,with any other laudltory comments, Mrs. Forster said, That posItive talk about a family-oriented event can help develop support, " she added. " Public Safet". DIrector Jack Patterson was giving and receiving praise the day after. Busl- r, ness association members and attendees saId police were professional, conspicuous and on top of events in keepmg thousands of people that sprawled about the area orderly. Patterson estunated the crowd at between t 5,000 and 6,000 people. but added he didn't have ;.r a great deal of expenence in estimating crowd ., sitf$. Some estimates were higher, he said ~ A few incidents of ftreworks use by younger )lichael Kraje\\ ski, assistant conductor for the Detroit Symphony Or- "5:, ~ of the crowd w~re reported, but ~. chestra was on hand to lead the St. Clair Shores SYlllphony Orchestra in C' i _ ' . t Patterson saId, TIle only other lDCl- a medley of pre-fireworks tunes. ,"- ., '''''was of a woman who received minor ~pes when. m the press of the crowd, she was _~. forced a business' plate glass window, :t' ~ =tuently broke "l_~ 'catterson praISed his regular and auxilliary ,'.,. officers and a complement of Farms auxilliary • Qfficers who helped with traffic control. ~ ftltbougb the department's sergeants and par- ...". tiOl officers were relatively inexperienced at ,'" cootrol of large crowds. the event came off with- ouLa bitch because of the cooperation of the ",:.._many ~ple who attended. Patterson said. '" -f r?zr l t

" -,

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~~* ~jr------.. Phoros by Tom Greenwood

- ~-- \_~---~------~ ------~_._---~----~------~~

Page Seven-A Opinions & letters Thursday, July 5, 1984

Voters may regret their June 11 decision To the Editor: find that the cost to renovate Reading and New Math educa- The balloting is over The Barnes School and bring it up to tional experiments and have to voters have spoken. It's now code vastly exceeds the budget- conclude that" ... placing pre- ~ time to move on with the plan- ed dollars and a policy will teen sixth graders in a teenage ned reduction of the system. have to adopted to sell all seventh and eighth grade en- wtLP.....AM~N T I hope all those who voted in future closed buildings because vironment significantly ac- CONNA the majority can thank the renovatIon cannot be afforded. celerates the maturatIOn pro- SEt HOW THty~t school board in two or three I hope. cess resulting in a host of young years for their reduced tax bills I nope that all those whose tax adult adjustment problems that be tM1S110NT£~TSON AL~- and not have to be satisfied bills have tripled since they could be alleviated by lengthen- with the explanation that ". .. moved into the area can even- ing the childhood time and re- KlN~SQFTMNS~~iATION. diligent effort by the Board to tually sell their homes, which ducing the pressure to "grow maintain the high level of edu- have tripled in value also, to up" by grouping pre-teens with cational opportunity with the some other young family look- younger children." I hope. existing tax base precluded a mg to buy m an area with a I hope that students in the tax cut without significant shrmkmg school system. I ~~~~~~.~?~'t1.~~~~.I~~n~~i!!~~: uetrimemai impact on lhe ilu}Jt:. 1:J cu..lVI.I~UI\;: QUI.l1~ 111 ~u\;: 1iIVV 0:> quality of education in the I hope that in five or 10 years who had a school system to Grosse Pointe system." I hope. the social scientists don't find serve a given size commumty I hope that within the next results similar to the recent and for whatever reasons cut it year the Board won't suddenly Social Grading, Look-Say back permanently so that it became overcrowded, inade- Rotten jab at NH kids quate and incapable of expan- sion in a young, family com- To the Editor: quotations from Mr. Regel- munity. I hope. I am concerned about a photo brugge's talk would have up- Once again I find myself in and an article presented in your lifted those students who did complete disagreement with a paper June 21. not litter the school property? pubhc vote. Once again I unfor- I am referring to the article Where were you when a tunately feel that the short on the la~t day of school at group of students attended sighted, short term voting Grosse Pomte North. Shame on Florence Miller's farewell par- public will get what it wants to you! . ty? Mrs. Miller has been the the detriment of the long term You to be searchmg ?ut assistant Principal of North public interest and benefit. For a!1d pr~tmg su~h a ~e~atlve High for about 14 years, and all our sakes, I'm wrong. I vleWJ>Omt,certamly thiS IS n?t has just retired. Now there was hope. quaht~ of. ex~ellence or. fair an event you could have really Thomas P. Sullivan reportmg m this commumty. expounded upon and there were Grosse Pointe Woods Where were you when for the . some great photos taken at this first time a very fine outdoor event graduation ceremony was ~on- I co~ld go on and on about all aucte?? A photo and an article the positive things you could These 'heroes' made the fireworks a big success on thiS well planned and well have reported upon but time To the Editor Shorewood E.R. Brown Realty, Zauzal, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Drs Pokorny &: execut~ even~ would have does not permit me to do so. As is frequently the case with been fair reportmg. . Donald Shumaker, D.D.S., SChanbeck, Yorkshire Food Whet'e were you when the Yo.u really do owe ~hls com- human nature, there are some Standard Research Associates, Market, Dr Edward Kane. senior all night party was mUI1;1tya far better J?b of re- unsung heroes in the course of Sweeney's Flowers, Albert Comerica, Manufacturers culminated with a sunrise ser- portmg th!ln the article you every success. The Mack Thomas, Ine, Tymon Totte, Bank, AAA and The POInter. vice attended by the students, presented 10 your paper. I am Avenue U.S.A. fireworks and D.D.S., Wan. Kow Chop Suey, Still more contributors are' faculty and parents. Guido prou~ of the students of No~th band concert in honor of the Woods Optical StudIO and Jacques Beaudoni, MD, Dan's Regelbrugge conducted a sim- and ~ ~ ple~sed and proud With Fourth of July could not have Youngblood Realty. Big Boy, Marvin Rancillio, Jim ply beautiful ceremony and adm~mstratl~n and the faculty taken place without the gene- More contributors are' Mr and Robbie Curry, Richard gave the students the call to ex- of thiS very flOe school rous contributions of the five C's DelI, Optimist Club of Cousino, Earphonics, Inc , Grosse Pointes, the five partici- Lakeshore, Grosse Pointe George Goodis, DDS, Robert J. cellence that they truly de- Marie Palazzo pating Grosse Pointe service serve. Perhaps a photo and Grosse Pointe Shores Woods Lions Club, Soroptimist GrIffin, MD, Grosse Pointe organizations, and many busi- International of Grosse Pomte, Commerce & Civic ASSOCiation, nesses along Mack Avenue. Grosse Pomte Rotary, Grosse Pointe Telephone Direc- 'Sour grapes' from Baker It was gratifying to have the Lochmoor Chrysler Plymouth, tory, The Hot ~pot, Lochmoor To the Editor: certainly not the finest of the support of the municipalities Grosse Pomte Farms, Park, Hardware and Mack Avenue Harriet Nolan's article on Pointes" then why did he and the school board for the Woods, CIty, Shores, Grosse Drapery Shop, Inc. Cox and Baker is certainly not choose to place his subdivision Grosse Pointe Business and Pointe Board of Realtors and Even more are' Mama objective reporting. 1be Park there? Professional Association spon- Pointe Plaza Shoppmg Center. Locrlcchio Restaurant, Mar- Council denied Cox and Baker's Moreover, in response to sored event. Realizing that Still more are: Raymond garete's Hair Fashion, Nepi proposal as presented. Robert Heritier's remarks, I each business along the avenue Christensen, Carl Lohmann, Hair Salon, POInte Dodge, Furthermore, as a paper that would like to know whom he is a taxpayer, it felt wonderful MD, Bernard and Roberta Choon Soo Rim. MD. POInte supposedly represents all the considers "the right kind of receivin~ such overwhelming Youngblood, Wayne and Pointes, she has done a tre- people" support In return. Pauline Anderson, A J Meyer, mendous disservice to the Park . . Special recognition should be Baskin Robins 31 Flavors, by printing William Baker's It IS also news to man~ .that given to Mayor George Free- Robert Barto, Al Bolden & Co ,-- I remarks to make them seem the home has been unoffiCially man, City Manager ~hester Travel, Anton's Lounge & Res- fact on the market for many years. Petersen and Public Safety taurant, George Catlin, Captain I The quote seems to stem What does unofficially mean? Director Jack Patterson of the II, Charvat the FlOrist, Inc. and I from a sour grape attitude. If Ann W. Sales hosting city. Grosse Pomte Chesney-Leonard Agency, Ioc he really thought the "Park is Grosse Pointe Park Woods provided police, fire, More fIreworks contributors I and public works services for include: Robert Coleman, DDS, I this event. Conner Park Florist, ElIzabeth The Lochmoor Club played a Brenner, MD, Coiffures by I key role in the success of the Maggy. Ralph Cooper, MD, I project. Its cooperation m Bernard Debskl, DDS, DiMaria allowing the club grounds to be Upholstering, J Richard I used as the best possible launch Dunlop, DDS, Dunn Office Ser- I site is greatly appreciated. vices, Eastpointe RadIOlogists, By Pat Rousseau The two key people in the ulti- Farina's Granary and Richard I mate success of this venture Ferrara, MD I Persnickety Knows card table covers are hard to are Robbie Curry and Paul Even more are: Ferhto's I find. Soooo. . here they are Ample 54" size and grosgrain McCarthy. Their organization- Family Market, Robert Frear, banded, suede-like, washable fabriC, $35 at 98 Kercheval al talents, energy, and en- DDS, Gene Fry, DDS, GPW I • thusiasm made this entire PediatriC Allergy Climc, I Complete Clearance ... of all summer merchandISe With evening possible. Grosse Pointe Pharmacy, Thad 50% off at Maria Dinon, 11Kercheval Included are All sum- Finally, many thanks to Ed- H. Joos, 1\10, Grosse POInte I mer sportswear, designer dresses, Lilly Pulitzer fashIOns, ward Kane, president of the Woods Recreation, Jack I I sweaters, knits and blouses (for the first time) Grosse Pointe Busmess and Degreck, Harvey Ammal Hos- • Professional Association of pItal, Henry Cleaners. lne . Hill I Mack Avenue, and hiS board of & Hill TobaCCOnists, LTD and I Just Arrived at Seasons of Paper, 115 directors for accepting thiS IXL Glass & Trim I Kercheval are the new PImpernel cork. project as its thank you gesture Part of the better tha n 100 I I backed-heat.reslstant place mats In new col- to the community for its contributors are Kollar Enter- I ors and patterns mcludmg British golf clubs, patronage. prises, 1.("(>'sHallmark Shop, PHOTO ALBUM I British soldiers and floral designs like blue It has been an mterestmg I bamboo . made in England Johll Lesesne, :\ID, Dr & l\Irs year of planning. The fireworks Robert Lmthlcum, :\Ieldrllm & I WHEN YOU RECEIVE are over. But the job is not Smith r\'ursery Sale~. E Robyn I • I, ;\l()['lhea'it Glildance I plates, salad plates, cups and saucers, reach our fund ralsm~ goal ('("Ilter, Pho\1e Tech, Dr Rol)('rt I &,,1-... - creamer<; and sugars, open vegetable dishes Contributing to the fireworks Nesom and Pomte Pamt & I I 7lr"' and medium platters ThiS IS the first lIme were' Decor3 t 1IlP; ('pn leI' I Ptelu'M ar. lor s!'law'\9 ~ thiS sale has been In July at the League Shop, Thall wny we 0"'1 Froen<,;. I Rosemary's BoutIque, Chuck Still more of the hUlldn'd odd 72 Kercheval contnblllor~ are LC:.he i':agel, I It-Up PM" 'l'OiTl ~~ '-- Zoltowski, St Clare Parish, Wl'len you orMt' Fr~lp . Samuel Scarfone, 0 D S , Shirley Belloh. r:h7aheth I Pflnll you gel In '1I1rl set Triple SIzed dIsposable cotton Schmelz, Rieck, & Schram, Wolter, ,1<.I1<'t :\llen. CIH'st('r I 01cOIOf prlnl. !of one ~ E~~ Schweitzer Real Estate, Inc, Bogan, DDS_ Dr WUhton Clal p~ • "'1"Id I<;>r • l,mlltKI cosmeltc puffs come In pink and blue and are {;JT:J. lime II aIkJ I I In see-thru plasllc apothecary Jars Find l I you get '* I them at Trail Apothecary, 121 Kercheval pholo Ilbum to pull'*" I In ThlI ~ ••• llptmd- • I • South students win ((\adt\rsh ip nward~ a~ lilburn holclI ~ 01 'fO\1( I tlVor~ pflnll liP 10 .... I! I jJ,('Of" 71.,'011 SP"~C1AL PUH(,IlA~r: Boxer "wlm 111m 1)('('orted colors, re~lliarly pnced $15 8) Kif R"lIm I Soulh U1lCh all ht' ha .. dOll£" "wi Ilt'l nit. I.t' A..-- ...... _ ~"""-'" are on sale at Picard-Norton for $673 92 ;\III'UX ,""1.,1,1111 pllll( IpHI I'hl' I ... Kercheval Two South lhgh ~llld('ni AWX'la tlOn (SA) meml:lt'rs wer(' r makeup for you 117Kercheval 't\oJnn('r~ dnrl "1'1 \ 1('('. ",,1<1 1,1'\IIl'llX Thl' }o~lI~t(lrn MIdll~l\ll I,I',I~ll(, ,11,,0 Call 881-68.13 The award was named after Dr hOllor" I"(I 101 olll('('r!ot [rom James Kaloger who IS retiring as ".'n • ellch ..,choul In tht' r:\ll. '" Ilh thl' 20237 Mack Ave. • 881.7330 thfo head of the SOCIal !ltudlE'S !ot

~-~---- Thursday, July 5, 1984 Page Eight-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Helen Graves naJlled to Wonten's COlDntission Announcing the SlX-Credlt program was $1,075 Program III 1m and has smce Pomter Dr Helen Gra\'es. ass0- both the Dearborn and Ann Arbor sened as faculty ad\'lsor. In 1976 per student, with funding of $2,500 ciate professor of political SCience campuses. Dr Graves also has she received a campus grant to dt'- coming from the Ford Motor Co. Edgewood Clinic at the Umverslt)' of Mlctugan. been mfluentlal m establlShmg a Fund, as well as fundmg from women's studies mlflor In 1976she \ elop the Toronto InternshIp, Dearborn. bas been appol.nted by \\ hlch was offered for five alumni and the students them. Now Accepting New Patients Go\ernor James Blanchard to a recel\ ed tM InternatiOnal summers selves All Insurance Accepted three-)ear term on the 15-member Women's Year Award She cur- Dr Graves, who pioneered the ~lldugan Women's Comnusslon renth is president of the Women's Last summer. Dr Gra\es VISited teaching of Canadian politlcs at the CaucUs of the ~hd ....est Pohtlcal walk-in & minor emergencies Dr Graves. ""00 succeeds :"an Olta\lia, Canada. to set up the first UniVersltv of r-hchlgan received a Frost of Dearborn. has been SCIence ASSOCIation Oua\\ a InternshIp for Amencan Canadian' Faculty Enrichment seen without appointment students FIfteen students - eight honored for distmgw.shed teaclung Dr Graves ..... hose teaching 10- Grant to study In Canada In June 22790 Harper and contnbutlOllS to ....omen at L' of eludes the subjects of American from Ann Arbor. four from Dear- and Jul .... 1981 That summer she born. l\\ 0 from Wa} ne State L'ni- ~I-D SII'ICe she JOtned the faculty ill gO\ernment. CanadIan pohtlcs. 111- \\ as alsO chosen to participate 10 S. of 9 Mile 1972 She '" as a foundlng member terest groups and the leglslall\ e verslt\' and one from Western the third annual Quebec Summer and chair of the campus' CommlS' process. has been recogruzed by ~hchlgan L'llIverslly - spent £lve Semmar S.C.S. \\ eeks thIS ~Ia\ and June Intermng sion for Women and Introduced the state for her highly sucessiul The pohtlcal sCientist keeps In Iiours \\ Ith ~lemberS of Parliament for close touch with man\' of her for- 8 I m.10 p.m M-F the hrst course III pohtlcal sCience political internship semmars and 10. m4 p.m S on "Women. Pohttcs and the La ...... programs She lrutlated the Sum- the three major political parties re- mer mterns, no.... "m politics, presented tn Otta\\a The cost of Active Ul affirmative actIOn on mer Washmgton. DC InternshIp through an alumm advisory coun- Cil. which she established Dr Graves received her Ph D. New tax act makes major changes from Wa "ne State Umverslty m CAR TALK 1975 She wrote her doctoral dlSser- Congressional House-Senate con- a\'eraglOg much tougher Beg IOn. • Real Estate Depr«iation tatlon on ~ew Detroit. "A Case From RAY lAETHEM _. a ..... ~ ~ .,._"' ...... ~ .... t'lhl"l ,..... 1 -.r ....._ 'T ....h",... ('f"'lI'tht;,," 109 un:> ) ~<1r. a\ t:l c1l;IIll; ,.. ~; vu:... Ut:ULI\. \J11~ "'''C ",,,,,-u. • ..I1.1 .. ::H~_...... ;)LU.U.' v. """'...._ ..--.. , Pontiac, GMC, Truck lerees recenuy agreeo upon a tax act designed to raLSe about $50 be usefull.f current-\ ear taxable in- mg able to deduct the cost of apart. 1967:1972," and has slllce been ! bIllIOn 10 re\enue, "'hlch "'''ill "af. come exceeds HO percent \ Instead ment bUildings. warehouses or awarded a campus grant to assist BY RAY LAETHEM fect the pocJl;ets of most tax. of 120 percent> of the average tax. manufacturing faCIlities over a in updating the study able lllCome m the prevIous three 15-year penod, busllless owners She has devoted 30 years to ac- I~ payers." according toa spokesman at one international accounting and vears {mstead of four vears) As a and Investors in real estate ....ill live community work III education- L consult1.llg firm result of these changes. only those ha\ e to recover their cost over an a1. pohtlcal. recreational and Civic 18-)ear period endeavors ill Grosse Pointe and i: ONE PURPOSE ONLY Dramatic changes ....ere made ill taxpayers V.lth an unusual m- I Mt8 __ ~ lie ...... _ • __ crease In Income ....111recel\ e a DetrOit M ..... IN If-. If the areas oi capital gams. tax shel- ters and luxury automobl1es ac- benefit from Income averagmg ac- Ernst & Whmney. one of the lar- The Michigan Women's Commis- • Ilis at"_ e:.e...... r..- .. at'" lie InIIy ...... Ides .... cocdmg to Del~ M Herman, the cordmg to Herman gest mternatlonal accounting and SiOn was created by Gov William Partner in Charge of Tax at the The other proviSIOn is the repeal consultmg firms With more than Milliken in 1968 and has been res- -:. __ liIIIIlIIa _ IIIII.., .. .-.cs * ... ** .'=-~:::--"'::..':':': }OU Pcn.tUlC - of the exclusion for 15 percent of JOO ponsible for legislation on domestic \II""" tlu". uu..a RA Y Ernst It "'-'hinney Detroit office offices in 75 countries, prOVides ... ill .. ~... , l1II ar PO~TlAC wlwrt! )'0<' 6ft CI For assets purchased after June net Interest Income (Up to 53.000) audit, tax, and management con- assault N. Lorrame Beebe of -. III II CMtlIlI .... good deal plus a,'~ ~ mor. lh pnU received each ...ear that was to be- sultmg servICes to clients through. Dearborn was the Commission's Ol.

~ ~"~355 FISHER RD. w. d.hvH 882.5100 'PARMS ... wa ...... ,. .-a,_-=eWI STANDARD ILIII.1M& CHICKEN BEEF LEGS STEAKS H ZILB 0 LB $1 59 LB '3 FEDE L'S o.r On CMIleC ROAST lEEF 13." I". MIk's S8at SAt T . .1 OZ P'k9 ... CI& .... $AU LH 0._ 91 DAY TlAW. IBM AU IITTEI TACO CHIP PECAN PIE CRCXSSAN1S DIP 11 4 PACK $1 51 $2" 120% w'1 CE IFI STROH'S SHfRI£T - Lemo, l.Jme, PllteJP9le, ~, .. '.IIT) ..... hMtlrrry ... ice '1A. lit. Put your money to worK nght LJ'1OIfS noN With Standard Federal's ICED ~"JELLO 91.Day Certificate and begin SUGAR FREE earntng thiS very attractive 10.000f0 TEA ANNUAL INTEREST 41 e rate of Interest Immediately ~ '2 2 'Of S5 Your Interest rate Will be guar- anteed for the entire 91-day ...... pu.EAPPU - PeM4l aM Corn term and your certificate IS In. 10.38% sured to at least $1 OO,QCX)00 EFFECTIVE ANNUAL YIELD California Bibb Lettuce by the FSLlC assuming reinvestment at PEACHES the same rate • I••• III.ICI a.-.. ,",f.; '1 .,.,. to ''''IJ.(f ,....,( N""~Jt_'if ' ,.. c -STANDARD I""I'.,~~ I'~/"A 79° La 2---'or 59 .... RAL MViNGe 1'4,. Ii ~ f.,...... I'fl l,ll 4¥'p..A t,A. ~I ------~~~~~~---

Thursday, July 5, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine-A Ford House cabaret Rackham sings under the stars The Rackham Symphon~ ChOIr The 1Il10rmai atmo!lphere 01 the The 100-volce Hackham Sym- will feature "An EvcllIng of cabaret Will be accented by lawn phony ('hOlr IS an mdependent, Rodgers and Hammer!>telll Under !>l'allllg on the grounds surroundmg non profit organJ/utlOll dedicated theSlar!>," .lt8p III Saturday, Jul) lhe I~d"el & B~anor Ford House to the pt'rform,lI11.e of works for 14 The !>l'tlmg for thl'; )ear'!> Be\'crdges c1nd !>nacks will be choru!> and orcl1e..t1.I The chOir cabaret !>l)Ie perf 01 mance \\ III be d\ d Ilabl(' for purcha ..l.' throughout perform" concert!- of da!>sllaJ the grounds of the Edsel & Elednor the cabaret HO\~ ever, no bever \\ ork" thrDughoul the greater Ford House, 1100 Lake"hore In the age:> or hamper" WIll be pernutled DetrOit metropolitan dreu ea~b Shores 11110 lh(l ground!'> The ground~ open ) ear Founded lrl 19-1Hby Professor Under thc dll'cetlOn of condul'tOl 101 p 1'11l~ er!>lty of Fredenc DeHa\'en. lhe choll .1l1d :\hchlg,\I) the Hdckh.l/ll '-.ymphoG) orchestra \\ III perform !>l'lelIllm" 'I'lckph .11e $7 :ill (,dch For tlckl'l ('hOlr I'> CUrl t nlly hl',jdquartcrelcals, mcludmg bU:"lne:".., hour" Ham d"t(. ,.. Sun "nd rehe,ll '>('''' ,It \\'.1) ne "tate Cni "The KlOg and I," "Cclrou!>el. (hi) . .Jul) I;} \ (' "The Sound of l\lU!>IC," '''iouth " PaCIfic" and "Oklahoma" Exchangt- club holds ('ol1\eution I The cabaret \ull also feature T\\o teplescnldlne<; of the Ex Inlttee before tWlng p!l'lted pre~~ solOists from Ihe choll' performll1g chang(' Club of Gro,>!>('Pomte Sl dellt 111197fj t other !lelectlOns from Rodgel ~ and Cldlr Shore!> \\ IIIa Itend the 63th an Hammerstell1 musicals In al!. \damcln ha.. bct'll active fOf ...... ,.~.. ,t \ ...... nual com entwfl of the i\ltchlgan tn ...." H' .r ... In Ihp R", Hrnlhpr,,1 .:)vuu... "'lJ ...,....H ...\,.-il.IUU:) 'HUt .... PholO hI Oa e Pegg [)I..,tnci Exchange l'IlIb!l nH'etlllg presented dunng the 90 1l11l1ut(' Big Sls'ter,> of Tuc-,on and I'> a CIVil The Wickets {fhe Wickline Pedol ming Puppets}, featurf'"d performers in "The Pirate" of PenJance" durl1lg July 6-8 at the Grand Hotel on All' Patrol search mh~lon pilot H~ musical event under the star" over- :\lackll1eason at the Golden Lion Restaurant and returning during the 19114.19k5S(,3"on ill lookmg Lake St Clall' serve" on the fmallce committee of "11.'1.8. Pinafon'," look OHr the ne\\ !>chl'dule "ith Dl.'nnis Wickline mid Doug Phillips, of thl' (;oldell Liltll, gates al e Pomtel's Mike He) nolds hI'>church, as a lOmmdnder of tM dnd RIC Hutan, Immedwtc past L'S :'-J'al,.al I{C!lent' .md IS ... !lfe preSident member or lhe :-'.1\ ,1\ I{~erve PIll1clpal !>peaker 101"lhe meet A%OClatlOn Arsenic for dinner? Well... not exactly IIlg \~ III be Peter L Add lllClll, of sat! Feasts \\ III be Ie" tur('d One Tucson. memtwr of the bo,lI d of dl [)I"lrll:t off\( ('1''5 ,l....I..llng .Ire: "Arsemc and Old Lace," the and the show will be combmed in sonmg will also be available Will be a Chnstmas Was:"atl on rector~ 01 The :\!atlonal Exchange Warren G ~n)der, 1..Ill"mg an~ classic comedy by Joseph Kessel- theme for an evenlOg of enter- The play will run through Satur- i\Ionday, Dec 17, and the other \\ III Club Adame-Ill, owner of Adamc1I1 Delta, 1\11,president-elect. Frank- nng, ....111usher in a new concept to tamment What do you serve for day, Oct 27, and Will be followed by hn D 1\Ie)ers, Warren-Centec ..Arsemc and Old Lace?" Aunt Ab- Rodgers and Hammerstelll's "Ok- be a Renaissance Celebrallon of GraphiCS m Tucson, Jomed the Ex- Detroit-area dmner theater when It Fat Tuesday on Tuesday, Feb 19, change Club of Hll1con I'~ast Tuc- Lme, Mich. "ecretan. Harold C: opens at the Golden LIOn Restau. by's Pot Roast with Aunt Martha's lahoma!" begulIlmg Fnday, Nov 1985 Pnce for the,;e special even- ~on 111 1974 He served as a member Koover~ .. \nn Arbor. - :\[Ich , Irea: rant on Friday, Sept. 14 The menu BISCUits,of course "Arsenic" sea- 2, through Saturday, Dee 29, with a sure'r and Leland S lobe. :\Idl"!>hall, special New Year's E\'e perfor- mgs is $70 per couple and !Ilcludes of hiS club's board of directors, and Midi, past preslden' Free eye mance on Monday, Dec 31 Price a full even 109 of entertamment, a as chl!]rman of the A\'IdllOn Com- for the speCial New Year's Eve Renaissance feast, a beaker of test kit performance IS $70 per couple wassail per person, tax and gratm- available which includes dmner, show, tax, ty Both Renaissance e\'enlllgs beglll at 7 pm SEAFOOD EXTRAVAGANZA A free adult eye gratUity, comphmentary bottle of Denms Wickline ProducllOns, screemng kit IS avail- champagne per couple, party hats, lnc IS celebratlllg Its fifth an- ~ T~dDy & Ki;d able to persons over nOIse makers and recorded musIc w~ age 60 from the Eye- until 12 15a m to usher m the New nI\'ersarv thiS season The com- pany began producing dmner sight Information Cen- Year The menu for "Oklahoma '" Up to $1,000,000 proIection when you need WIll be a box soctal dmner fea- theater m Februarv 1980,at Stouf- It most. ter The four.part test turing cattleman's beef and fer's Eastland UpOn the c10smg of $995 UVE MAINE LOBSTER • Between Jobs or out of work Stouffer's m July, 1982, dmner helps to check for farmer's corn ;;'~CCJnl Includel lalad, loaf of frelh theater moved to the Golden LIOn • Finished with school glaucoma, cataracts, "Murder at The Howard John- ~~~~"" millet bread and vegetable • Retired early GokienRu1e muscular degeneration son's " a screwball comedy by Ron Restaurant • waiting for other coverage and other serious eye Clark and Sam Bobnck, opens on All dmner theater productions at the Golden LIOn run on FI'lday and problems which occur Friday, Jan 11, 1985 and runs Saturday evemngs, \\ Ith cocktails FOR FUll DETAilS CAll more frequently with through Saturday, Feb 16 The menu features are fned clams or at 7 pm, dlllner at 7 30 and the ALASKAN CRAB LEGS VERBIEST INSURANCE AGENCY age show folloWlllg dessert Price for The test includes an fried chicken Includes salad, loaf of fresh the evelllng IS $1995 which Illcludes 773-6110 "Butterflies are Free," a tender $9~:~carl1~ eye chart which, when millet bread and vegetable NO COST OR OBLIGATION dmner, sho\\, lax and gratUIty r('ln t3' viewed through a small comedy by Leonard Gershe, IS the Season tJ('kets are 3\ a1lable al pmhole Viewer, helps to fourth show of the season, openmg $84 75 each fol' the fl\,e <;ho\\'s.a dIS- mdlcate whether a per- Friday, Feb 22, and runmng 11\1'1" 1I0L H J'I ,{, count of $15 below slllgle ticket son just needs a new through Saturday, April 6 Since I'MIIU It"r butterfhes are out of season at the pnces A speCial offer IS now III ef- " E":"I>\' S eyeglass prescriptIOn, 4 p.IlI,-j' p,m. f "/l'rl,IIIl'",'tII or If an eye problem time, a gourmet New York dehca- fect which reduces the season tic- ket p1'lce by an additional $5, or $2U (1,11''' III., "",,, Jr,'d. 11Irt'UJlh "I. Looking for a such as cataracts IS tessen dinner IS the menu feature ,,::1,(, The fmal productIOn of the sea- belo\\' smgle ticket pnces. at $7975 I 111" It .mcl J)1ll1ll I suspected each If purchased before JlIl) 27 Also mcluded IS the son, Gilbert and Sulhvan's "H M S II.tlll-HI pill Group rates and perform,mces rl 11 Boarding School? Amsler gnd, a chart Pmafore," opens on Fnday, Apnl I .111<1 .... are also aVaIlable, dS are gift III n"c1ui!.!ht More than twenty years' profeSSional with square gmls If the 12, and runs through Saturda), 1.,1,>, 1'./1 I, III~ tIckets The Golden LIOn JIlIUC4 0IH II experience In the selectIOn and placement hnes of the card look May 25 To get everyone into the I Restaurant IS located at 22380 ,I III 01 primary and. secondary grade students wavey or disappear, an Brttlsh Operetta's mood, fish and lrll.! Moross, near Mack, 1I1 DetrOIt Recommendations are based upon private immediate eye exam. chips or Queen Victoria Beef will interviews 'Nlth both parents and student across from St John Hospital Cnll ('Orf/('r of ."tlllin~h;t", itt-,hf'./';,rl.' mation IS recommend- be the menu selections "H M S I:; 102 ,lIJu.k. and directed toward meeting the Pinafore" Will feature The 886-2420 for reservallons and 1l1- speCifiC needs of each indIvidual ed 881-0550 The Home Eye Wickets, The Wickline Performing formatIOn Screening Kit, or mfor- Puppets The Wickets were a big FLORENCE B. STROLL mation about catar- part of the cast when Denms MS, PsychiatriC SOCial Work acts, IS available by Wlckhne ProductIOns presented \!embl'r Indt[ltl\uem fdul.ltlOn (oLln~li()r, \,'flClatlon contactmg The Eye. "The PIrates of Penzance," at the sight InformatIOn Cen- Golden LIOn durmg the 1983-84sea- Call for Information son, and they Will perform that or appointment (313) 647.2382 ter, 2316 2nd Avenue, Seattle, Wash 98121 same function agam m "H M S Call toll-free, J -800- Pinafore" We're Turni CATARACT Two speCIal Renaissance Was- MACK AVE, Interest Rates

- -_ .. 18900 MACK AVENUE, GROSSE POINTE FARMS 881 8210 A L. PIH~ I OPEN: MONDAY-SATURDAY, 9-10, ~UNDAY 10-6 • , iN BUGS BUNNY CHllDRU'S EUCERIN MITCHUM VITAMINS CREAM SOUD PlUS MINERALS Hj , ANTI PERSP1RANT I S3!!nt UNSCENTED i 3: BUGS BUNNY CIIllDMII'S VITAMINS Effed IVt' :\nuual PlUS IROfiI Annual YI('ld. 12 MONTH Rilt' $2!ctl $4!~,., MITCHUM , CREAM ALKA SELTZER EUCERIN ~ LOTION UNSCENTED $2~8 ..__.- Eucem I1lr I 1\ 1 Il I , - r I"" H l. I • 10 \ S2!.! 0ftY SIUN CARE ~-:-=-;;?- • '\ Ollll I I I~ .... I ~ ...... EVERYDAY (' , . • I ~ I_ .. I \ IHI I I, 1\ ill j 1111 I ~ I.... \ ! MITCHUM • "l III I u, I II fl .. 1I- 1h ~ ..DyQ_ ..D~ AQUAMARINE -.- $3?o~ I~ ,. l II \\ n ,....Ii.., ROlL ON • k ". tll I I I,. III I I il ! ,p "I!I 20 oz. SM.Mf'OO, COIOIT"*fll \ 11 1 I , B'--I! 1" ... __ t OR SOOTItIIC .ll lIVEII EUCERIN i~-'",! ...... _ ..... UNSCENTED ~ lOOT lOTIOII cleansing bll' \\tllt~ ....., IIjJ"'l~1 t1, \'\11 dl \111111 Hi'l r ", I Ill .. It \lldlhlt ....IIl"ttllt 1"'~lllllll1 .....HCOI~llll ... , l hitlkll'\ tor dry and ( I rl II t 1l1';I II \. II \1 ')0: I I ....lllIj I~j I .....Lr1 IJlld , 1111\ I L11 II II I t It~ r II " I \1 I I I. II II K >ft tOUll t 7 S1 11\ IIIl1 11,1 J" ft , \ /( Ir( fil' ,,'JIII r i t tllit 1\ l:ihh:...... 'jlorl'\.r~..., , CHOIU 10th sensitive skin $1 !,2 lid II d Ifl II II I f1 1\ p.,,,,t'lool\O"''' i.~,\1\1.1 h~~1tf' '-- --!t--- Iltld,l,\ \,rIJllfjjl~l\ rl .1'1 111l\\jlllhl'ld It \'\1 IlIc>,Ir.-l\}I" \\,' ,~l"\hl"'\llll\h)~II\ ....\~~"lIl~" I HI CIIl, r \011 .11\1" , 1111 Ull"II~lhl n. ~/ 'irf't(If}~ "t4..11l

111\ '!\fL' Il t DRAMAMINE • \\t 'I\t I Hil ',., l\ 1111 It ttH 11< \ IIld ~t \..,1,11 HI lllld I" PREVENT TRAVEL $1~~ \ I ....11 'I I II I tll'l II ...... I \ I l \\ \ lit I ~ 11\\... III I Ih, 111\\ltI'lIl~'" \ 1.11 dlldtl'!I',II't SlC¥NESS I 'I ~ r t r MITCHUM J II~lilt / lit.. d~ ,I" ,I,' t l ...., III ,,\t'1: II \110 t ,. 'U,~¥lih~:fl 1 \i II ...hl S4!!n. lIMA AEROSOl 'I' >.- UJT10N Anll ~rtlII !!~"- SU" Ie1I & nsc ,"II d --,-..-- [~: fOR YOUR $1(1" Come in today •.. seewhatwe mean . EQUAL I $2~~ • LDW.cAlORlE SWEETENER t , $2~~ !.:.J r,,~ EVERYDAY l"IU'!tlot ,. .. --." ....~""'t,v~...-.",*.~..~\111 $1 !!I... COLONIAL FEDERAL -., ~I _, 'W' REVLON .""1 nt"llMM1 I ""'"l' _ ..'•••• I .. ~. Ootips )1. FLEX SlT SAVINGS 1lf11llMT 11ft" "" ...... ", ... ' .. con.,. SWAIS 'l~""\I,.lot""II~' "l~, ,""'''','''...... ~ Ii UTIIA HOlD .. .-1 375 COUtIT I~ "UMP " I tAl .. 'HI"" ""'" li.o,,,.., ... .." ,e _ .. "'. METAMUCIL I ...4.!1 A NATURAL. FIBER LAXATIVE IOtfUS "AU II'" utili t ',,'\~ \1, l \ ( REGUlAR OR ORA. FLAWOf' $1l~ t tl~"" 1\'11.'" ... wt. ~ If" I $172 M/ltJIl' "'-"'" • ,... • . rVflllYOAY E,,(".,.OA.,. I .J ~""I"r,\ "I I 1'1'" f\ Al I' .10,",'''' II m MAl"....INI," ,....., • • Ie T •• ...... , ...... $7!~ AIlII"N,MIII10$lOl!tl(oOOfIIW Itt! HI)UtAI ...... 1 "- I'" '.lWlNI,~AND I (IAN IN" 'IlANI • ( C11l"OItA'1'IIIN •00H If e4..... llfIIIo...... IlpK.....,..

f . Thursday, July 5, 1984 . 'Page TerM 6 R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W 5 Thl< . Pros make • MichCon adds eyes and ears to the Pointes mil ...... Michigan Consolidated Gas Com- "We are pleaaed tbat we are in • department and are trained to be _... II D pany, in cooperation with the po6itioo to offer tbese eammunities aware of dangerous situations. The ne\\ donations .....,...... Schc mayors and poliCe chiefs of the live a concrete prcJII'am wbicb bas same measures will be taken 10 the Students at Mau-e Elementary M1._ WOt.! con Grosse Pointes and Harper Woods, already proved to be a significant Pointes and Harper Woods. School, on Cadieux Road, will have announced the initiation of the deterrent to crime in the Detroit The Woods recenUy marked its letlc three new computers to work on Eyes and Ears emergency assist- area," said Alfred R. GJanc:y HI Public Works velucles with the EXCLUSIVELY AT TIELLY'S ing ance program in the six communi- chairman and chief executive of. orange-and-black logo of the pro- next fall thanks to a $2,145 gllt from fath parents. At Monteith, parents have Sch ties. (i~ 01 Mi~Coa. . gram. TWO GREAT SPECIALS The Eyes and Ears program was Mk:bCon s senice vehicles m the Eyes and Ears has beencredited donated $2,838 to buy couches and Joa chall'S for the Cook Road lobby. begun. in F.ebruary, 1984 in the De~it area are ~ with ~- with at least two arrests. A utility ALL SUMMER Tob DetroIt area as a response to a llfymg decals. In addibOft, utihty company worker spotted a pigeon- Both gifts were accepted by the !>PQI Board of Education at its June 13 FlESH series of sexual assaults on school employees operating the vehicles dr9P and reported it to Woods YHE I CHEESE zo • age children have a radio Link with the poUce police, who were able to make the meeting DAILY GRIND live Maire parents will purchase Va La. Ground Round PAS1lSAW .. D 'Old' b d· V rd H arrest using the descriptlon the three Commodore PET 4032 com- Schl leS ut goo les at cO ouse worker furmshed WARM GREU IMAD Children or others who are in a puters, at a cost of $649 each and grol The RapId Transit System, a able threatening situation can approach three VIC 1530 Cassettes at $66 grol each. non-profit organization for the pur. According to Grosse Pomter MlchCon employes directly and ON OUR FRESH and The school board must approve 99° mOl pose of restoration and enjOyment Gary J Rolhns, organizer of the ask for assistance. The utility BAKED ROLL 99 of Chrysler cars, WIll present the event, the show cars must be set up workers will either take the in- every gIft to the individual school j T that 18 more than $500. \... $1 second annual Mopar Lawn show by 10 a .m. and wash facilitIes Will d.1vidual away from the location of on July 8, at the Edsel & Eleanor be avallable on the uounds. the problem, or radio for police Daily Specialty Sandwiches Ford House in the Shores The Ford home will also be avail- assistance or both Anton's top chef , The show IS open to all Chrysler able for walk through tours (rom 11 Detroit Edison and Michigan products, ('?..., nf>W 11M old tn~ks a m to 3 pm. for a $5 admissIon Bell Telephone Company also par- heads off to Rome Hot Crab Meat Croissant .and vans, muscle cars, Heml's, charge. The play house, gardens ticipate 10 the "l!.:yes ana t.:ars Michael Orlando, ex~utive chef Broccoli and SWISS Cneese &lied and even the 84's. A $15 entry fee and estate will be open from 4 to 5 program in the DetrOit metropoh. for Anton's of Grosse Pointe, IS Mini liMo" our Maurice Salad with Crab, includes a dash pla~ue, goodie bar p.rn Awards ceremony will begm tan area and other areas of the leaving the area thiS summer to ;lnd awards competition. The cars at 5 p.m. state. study claSSIC northern Italian Havarti, capicola Ham and will be parked on the lawn next to For more information, or to cuisme 10 Italy, at the Rome School Breast of Turkey the lake and lunch will be avail- register, call 838-8030. of Culinary Arts . PWP will meet Anton's will close for summer , Parents Without Partners will vacation July 1 through Aug 6, COCKTAILS 2 FOR 1 .'Memorial plans day at races meet Friday, July 13. beginning at while Orlando IS away. BEER AND WINE Va OFF 7:30 p.m. at the Grosse Pointe War Orlando, 'n, began his career In : Tbe War Memorial bas planned a The group will Chen continue to the U.S. Navy, where he studied at 3-8 WEEKDAYS Sarnia to see the starting place of Memorial. The meeting will in- day to see the festlve beginning of clude a White Ele(>hant Sale with the San Diego Base Culinary Arts lhe famed Mackinaw Race, Satur- the race and will enjoy a lelsure1y SChool. Working his way through lWlCheon at the St. "Clair Inn at 1 Jack AtriU as auctioneer. day, July 14. After the business meeting and the ranks he eventually became . Part.ieipants will meet in the p.m. Time will be allowed for sh0p- chef to the caftain of the D.S.S. ping or for t.akiDg a stroll aklng the sale, an afterglow featuring live eenter's parking lot. at 7:4& a.m. music will be held. Camden. Out 0 the service. Orlan- PIANO BAR ENTERTAINMENT and travel by bus to the Black boardwalk. The group will return Parents Without Partners is an do worked for a catering company FEATURING BILL LONG lUver where many of the race to the center around 4:30 p.m. international non-sectarian educa- in San Diego briefly before joining boats, along with other vessels that the crew at Anton's. THURS, FRI, SAT r Transportation. breakfast and tional organization devoted to the have come to enjoy the merrymak- welfare of single parents. For more Anton's will re-open Aug 6, in ing, can be viewed. A COI'llinental lunch is included in the $24 fee. For Open: Mon.-Sat. 11 a.m. - 2 a.m. Sun 6-12 reservation information call 881- infonnation, call the group's hot. time for its Sixth anniversary cele- breakfast will be served at this tine at 881-5892. bration. time. 7511.

"A .,\ lotta what?" /

MJaIIGAN IATAs 1. Upper PaDula I.m.. 1. GnId lipids LW.. 3. __ L0.. .. t.-qLm. S. Dem* LW.. .IF'MJC( lEAl • SAVE •• , ...... COSTS CUSTOM COLORS MD STYLI8 DECORATOR FABRICS Allabout LA1l\s, lontt!listance calling, ~=--,~1tI#.1R_f!If:, PERMANIZED WITH SIUCONE AHDVlNYL and Michigan Bell discounts.

FlEE ESlWATES IA1A is a telephone tenn thatts Long distance discount periods. More long distance discounts. FIST ...... ,.- new to aD of us. MIChigan Bell continues to olfer discounts on direct- If you make a lot of dlrect-d1aled long distance C2lls dialed long distance aUs ul{tbin each of the five Within 30 mues of your caJ.hng center and within ~ tbJt lAt\ sWlds br !,.oaJ ~ 1fansport lAl'As ~ suggest you save the chart belo" as your lA1i\, you may be Interested 10 Circle Calling ~ doesn't heip much, but lAIi\s are really very a remmder of the limes \\-hen you save 30% to SO% 5el'VlCe By subscnblOg to this semce, you get They're tdephooe servn areas There are SIDI* of the Day fuU Rate addJbOnal discount calling penods dunng whICh you 1M lAI'As in ~ MJdugan BeU provides can save 30% over the long dtstance rates 10 effect NOTE ~ begm II call dunng one rate penod, ~our ldepbooe service you at the lime of your call The discount applIeS even aU wtII be charged at that r1te, however, should that call when regular long distance d1scounlS are In effect IAI:'8 and long distance calling. pass Into II ddferent !'lilt penod, your chvges wtII change No VISit IS to the rate of die nt'It period For e:wnple, a ~} aU Installer necessary ilr Circle Calling If you klOk at the map, you wtll see the five We 'iugge'it you take a close look at the MJdnpn ~, L@. )'011 In that beRlns 10 minutes bmre 5 pm and ends 10 mlnules induding the are Now VarIOUS~'hchlgan BeU servICes available to you At bere's how Ltt~ MlR When yoo place a long after 5 p m 'Ir'I1I be billed at the full rate i>r the first 10 1'IIOUltS and 'Ir'I1I he billed at the :W% d&scolInl rate for the t,t1Ch1~ Bell, we're .ways ready to help m the dIslanct all from one ill' to another telephone last 10 minutes selectIOn of the servlCt that's n~tltklr you number wUbin the same l)J'A, MIChIgatl Bell C2J\ carry the aD b' you over rts O\\TI networl. When you ••••••••••••••••• FadS down the line. \loe ~UAAC'i1 that you pba a all from one l..r dirat. lIlY pnM* biIIInR 5fflJCtS iJr other long dIstanct dialed calls wtehln of 1ht Mldupn lATM MichiganBei OOIIPII*' Or ~ may m:rtve a separate Iontl @ AN A~ COMflMM' cIIsUa'f biD drr«1ty from me company you've ag "''lID MIl '-10 bindle your Ion« ctisUnce caDs ••••••••••••••••• bes Ind aw.dIUonI of tervtce In eIed AptI28, 19M, tit Mbfect 10 dIqt lIpOIl appnMl oIlbt Mld\1p1 PuNIC smn Commls5ion

I); hursday, July 5, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Beven-A Vorth parents name officers, thank volunteers Park sets class Smdents win merit awards Dave Deacon was selected the May 14 meeting to present volun- Karle, Betty Kohnski, Dave Kop-, f' 'd ew president of Norlh High teer awards to outstandmg work- itzke, Sharon Kopltzke, Valerie In Irst al Four Groese Pointe high school Sheridan, of the Yanni, for N.- chool's acllve Parents Club, ac- ers mc1udmg Oar Alcott, Cathy An- Kotsonis, Gloria Kuszynskl, Regl- students were among 33 who recent- High, Helen 0IJiI0a. 01 the"~ .>rdmg to the ~roup's recent news- dary, Helen Arends, Agnes Beau- nald Kuszynskl, Joyce LaGrasso, ReSidents of Grosse Pomte Park ly received the "Congressman's lor South High, Elizabeth~, 'ner Deacon Will be assl!>ted dur- champ, Wilfred Beauchamp, Cath- Annette Locricchio, Betty Loehr, can enroll III a first aid class spon. Medal ol Ment" from 14th District of the Woods, for OUr Lady Star 0( 19 the 1984-85 school year by enne Bnerly, Joanne Boe!>lger, Kathleen Luberto, Cathy MacDon- sored by the American Red Cross U.S Rep Dennis Hertel, D.Harper the Sea; and Deborah J..uBera, ~ lther vice-president Stuart Thpresa Buccellato and Joy and aid and MarjOrIe Marsden and taught by Marly Buss, Park Woods the City, lor Uruversity uaeu chaefer, mother vlc('-prel>ldent KIm Chappell Stili more were Thomas Mars. fIrefIghter The students were nomiDated b)' oan DeRonne, treal>urer Jml More outstandmg volunteers den, Dave Marsllller, Dan Near- Class~ will be held at the Park The special awards, given to the SOCialstudies facu1tlel at their oblas, recordmg and carre. \\ere Jack Burns, Tom Cappas, hood, Judy Nearhood, Catherme £Ire statIOn from 7 to 10 p.m on graduatmg high school students respective schools pondmg secretanes !\l,me Palaz. SUlanne Deacon, Ed Deeb, Joan Nilan, Phyllis Osler, Judith Pres- July 11, 18, Aug 1,8 and 18 Atten- from schools In the dJstrJct, include an engraved bronze medal and a Q and Loretta Altobelli, re!>pec- DeRonne, Mane DuCom, FranCIS lon, Mafle Palazzo, Lmda Relhe- dance at all sessIOns IS reqUIred for "I ha"e always felt that educatioli vely Flemmg, Jean l"lemmg, Sarah ford, Robert Retherford, Mary certIflcatlon by the American Red certlftcate The awards are and commumty service are key LG- of the Dedcon takes over from Bet!>y Flynn, Mdry FranCIS, Denms Roland, Bob Roney, Suzanne Cross III Standard First Aid presented to one member gredlent" In the continuation 01 our chaof, who gUIded the b95-member Gates, Pat GlftOS, Lyle Heavner, Al SChroth, Carole Selma, Carolyn For more mformatlon, call the graduating class who has a record democracy," Hertel said In a pn!S6 roup dunng the lasl year The Henchel. Del Herman, Harnet Skaff, Manlyn Spurlock, Ted Spur- Park fire department at 822-6400 of achievement In SOCialstudies and relea!>e "That IS \l\hy I ha ..e chosen roup annually conducls aucllon Herman. Roma Hess, Torn Hess lock, Mary St George, Karen has demonslrated a commitment to to commend these students (or thelr nd gerdnlum sales to prOVide and John and Mary Hold Tobla~, Joann T!>angahu!>, Ann What the astronaut!> least like to school and commumty serviCes actlle\ ements as they a:>!>umethetr. lOney 10 enrich program'> at North l\lore \\ ere Laune Huetteman, Vier, Jerry Vier, Judy Wheatly and edt In outer l>pace, they report, IS a adult role In our ~Ietj , ; packaged servmg of cold potatoes The students are Timothy The group al!>o took tane dl It;" !{ee:m1~plOg l!'l -- room 368,.1. In the hos. pltal on Cddleu.., Road when he heard a OOLSe •• t"" ] t hI. , ., ':i. h .... and y,oke to the Sight of a )-oung man qUIckly lea\ing'hlS room The TJlPPJlII@ Space Saver $40 INSTANT ReA 19" d•• gon.' XL-100 patlE'nt Imme

ZENITH 19" Diagonal CustomSeries Color TV • Z1920W Think of • Quartz-controlled El.ctronlc Keyboard tuning for' 'computer- DRUMM Model TBX23ZF pr.clse" reception channel to channel. GE 22.5 cu. ft. REFRIGERATOR WITH GIANT • Zenith ChromaSharp 90 Picture Tube for .uperb picture sharp- LEASING INe. .... lit GnIdot TOP FREEZER - has new Spacemaker' shelves on door to ness and highlight detail. hold 6 packs, a "Snugger" to protect small Items, Food Saver • Depen~ble 100% Moduillr Z-l Chassis for long-life reliability. 772-1110m-2M System, sealed Snack Pack, three storage bins 7 23 cu. fI • Electronic Power Sentry protects cha •• ls, controll energy Ireezer AND GET A FREE usage. ONLy'227°O SAVE $130 ICE KIT & WATCH • Auto-Control Color System. ~.AlQfI SAVE 1102.00

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...... Il a.Ploof .... II,S' All 0..0...... 343-3778 •

Thursday, July 5, 1984 Page Twelve-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS

1 1 O_b_itu_8_ri_e_s _ Jerome J. DeMunter Socletv Interment was In the Grosse WE'RE Sen'lce8 for Mr. DeMunter, 67, of POinte )lemonal Church Columba- the Farms, were held Tuesday, Ju- nam I\' 3. at St Paul Church and the Arrangements \10 ere handled b) \'erhe,'den Funeral Home the \'erhe~ den Funeral Home f ON I, He died Sunday, July 1, In Cot. , tage Hospital Born 10 ~hchlgan. he IS SU1"\'I\'ed FranCIS B. Crowley VACATION by hiS Wife, Agnes; two sons. Ken- Sernces for :\11' Cro\\ le\, 71. of neth and Ronald, four sisters and Pemberton Road. \\ere held Thurs~ three grandctuldren da) . June 28. at St Clare .of )lonte- July l-Aug. 5 :\lemonal rontrlbutlOns may be faleo Church and the \ erhe\ dell made to the :\hchlgan Heart Asso- Funeral Home . CiatIOn He died 'Ionda~. June 25. In BOil \\ rull' <1U' b."'-U'l\c (I'd \ll:! ar ddl.m«.J t,)ur,~ In Cl \'-'1, Interment In Resurrection Secours HospItal ltdl1an C UI'l!\C' al ,hC' C .Jlmar\ In'tllu!C' ot Ron\t', ltah, 1\ C' re gu.n~ to t"k.. j 11l.1t' Cemetery Born In DetrOIt. :'I[r erO\\ le~ John van Yeghten Coombe served the Judges of \\ d~ ne Count\ \\ ~t(~\ our r' dl bu\ for. "C">orai m\ Ildllon to (Jur 6lh \nOlI ..r'31\ edebt (\ivn Ser\'lces for :\lr Coombe. i5. of ~lr . CrO\\ le\ IS sun 1\ ed b~ hb 'k"i!l'lnm. \!t)'1cL,\, -\"gu" 6th L\ped SoPlt'It'lOg \ l."1 SP<" ,lil Warner Road. were held Wednes- \\ Ife Ger,'1ldme eight :>ons I da\. June n, at Grosse POinte ~Ie- Thomas. Tlmoth) DenlllS Da\ Id monal Church Bnan, Chad Dana and Jetfre) Hal day Magazine A,\ard He wed saturda~. June 23, m Bon £1\ e daughters. 'iI'S :\lal'~ Secours Hos[lltal DIBaslO. Candace. Ann. Susan and Q"' ...... 1"" nnllal~c;: rnunt" fU n __~..__...... 1-_-r"'\ - -:-...... , {"" ""'0 h...,.." &. .. v..>...... 0,) oJ ~ ..... _ .. - ,.\ :\1; --COO~~-Dy,as a marketing The rTloment YOLlenter you know tt"at great care has been ther and 10 grandchildren manager for the Ford ~Iotor Com- Interment \\ as III \It 011\ et FlOe Dining In \~J laKen subtle touches the decor Dine with the elegance pany workmg as defense halson Cemeter~ of white lable cloths, fresh flowers, 'fl'ltage wines and gaur- \\lth the mllItar) He retIred lfi 1982-1983-1984 ment d,shes Such as Champagne Scallops, SwordfIsh 1971 Mlct"aelangelo or Lobster Suzanne These are the precise ){r. Coombe also had a career as 20930 MACK AVE., GROSSE PTE. WOODS 886.6190 refll"ements that enhance your e....enlng of dlstmgUlshed a consultant on mlhtary eqUlpment Joseph Burns Cody seafood d,nlng at moderate prices and ....orked \\ Ith the com pan) of Sen Ices for ~lr Co

Sc. "1'),...... ;: ...jfJ;' Ii P'I i"O:;dr no {jrc..olP'rr I) 1.1 Ie dec ded Or) m~ .....11"p C.U1 if rSd' (;( ) .-;/''111 ,j Vds 'Cjd ~ "'~ J 0' rrprJr',,"! "rO ,Gjll. par! Of I'e r~th~' than :,tor a r"~rlnq • d

rJthl=o" ""11E: "'(;~~r'q oj "JU ~t II t IJdS d I'/~~ P1r II FOR YOUR Ii ,1,c,r'1 d~)0,.,1 I sr~1 th... There TfJ enJGy VAWE • SPEED • QUALITY SALE tr-'- ...' • ~ 0~ 2 ~ea' n~ d d h ~r()I..' r'Z!Il'WQ t>- e ( I"H'.dn'" ~ prfj~ ~rr r OJ rJI..J')

T~" ',E,', "nlE SECPETHEAP',G~ILl 'IS:r,'Jg'jl-')lr~fd'(~'''' UjS~AI A"~ t r I' I j i', (111 ,j ,-.I. 1V I ' t BEST DEAL II now In progress ('{~ Gtjt .....t: • ..-,,/ Cr I.'t r/rf-Or DtGpl;; rut f"lOJJ t), tr~re {OIJ rn-1J '(JrQe( t S tr fo (.. '~ }f il 10 ltt ,/ II IH1 !I. ;:01, r.f-'r, and in the II NO TUBES • NO WIRES • NO CORDS letter qualit.y -.:>de it paint.8 a 37 :r 17 matrix see II • Sebego 'I at speed. up to 67 CPS. The LQ-1500 can print. II 3 YEAR Ii • Bass up to 272 character. per line, providin, p 1ca, II $299 GUARANTEE Te"y d elite, proporlional, Italic, aUP.T/aubacriPt ') • Jack Rogers and IDOre, an under IOft.ware control. Dawson Your Grosse Pointe Neighbor :1 • Town and II Country • Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor on Staff MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR A !I • Free Heanng Test - AudIOlogist on Slaff DEMONSTRATION OR COME ON IN • Repair all hearing aids - no more than $35(;0 MO"" & TI-4i.>RS 10" 'w'I '0 9 P loA • Jacques um PrOViders - Blue Cross Blue Shield NEW HOURS TuES WED .F~I SAT 10" M TO 6 g M Cohen i7H~ Ii 3 YEAR GUARANTEE PONTIA£ I •• Mr. ~II lteCeare's ~ II ,I 886-4360 Se"vlng the Gro5Se POlntes jor 27 years I!

1 Thursday, July 5, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thlrteen.A soc on air with 'Vantage Point' Holland wins By !\like Andrzejczyk The program Will have two fo- process" to keep everyone involv- You could call It a f1rst-of-a-kmd cuses, I\Is Recher says One Will be ed, she adds science award cable show, usmg Its magazlOe for- covermg tOPiCSlike exerCise, cook- Host and hostess of the Vantage Nicholas Holland was named mat to educate vIewers about the mg for two, pels and the Grosse Pomt are Leslie Hughes and Lillian wmner of the annual Bausch and agmg process, no matter how far Pomte Central Library's Talkmg Forrest, both Woods reSidents The Lomb Science Award last week at along it they are, whIle entertam- Book program two were chosen to host the pro- South High School. The ScIence mg a broad audIence Vantage Pomt Will also direct a gram after open audll10ns III May. Award, a bronze metal, IS pre- At least that's what producer higher percentage of Its program Anyone who's taken ballroom sented each year to winners at Greta Recher says about "Vantage to tOpiCS, services and agencies dancmg les~ons at the War Mem- more than 8,700 partlcipatmg Pomt." a locally produced pro- available to semors than have Orial has probably met Mrs For- schools throughout the U.S and gram appearing later thiS month other programs, she says Mem- rest She and husband Ted have Canada on Grosse Pomte Cable The pro- ber:. of organizations \\ ho deal with been teachmg dance there for more gram is a Jomt effort b) the cable those over 60 Will be asked to ap- than 21 years They've been teach- "The Bausch & Lomb ScIence company and ServIces for Older pear on the show to talk about some 109 dance to area reSidents for Award IS ('speCially slgmflcant Citizens, adds 1\1s Recher, \\ ho IS of the thlllgs they are domg, she more than 35 years, all told because It recognize~ the selllor commumcallons dll ectal' for sac adds Hughes is studYlllg chlllcal :.tudent at our school who has at- "Vantage Pomt IS a broad aud- While the show \\ III direct pro- psychology at Wayne State ullIver- tamed the highest scholasllc stand- Ience sho\\, but \\ e \\ III trv to m grammmg to seniors, It doesn't sity and domg re~earch In memory Ing III sCience subjects," said prlll- \'olve semors and dIrect ulforma- plan to leave the rest of the aud- and agmg under gerontologist clpal Joseph Spagnoli tlOn to them," she says "It WIll be Ience out, ~1s Recher says Gisela Labouvle-vlef Before "Van- As wlIlner of the award, Holland an education and II1formatlon pro- "We wIlltrv to attend to the other tage Pomt," he was a producer, di- IS eligible for one of several four- gram, but we'll be deh\'erlng It 10 parts of the -agmg cycle and talk rector and talk-show host at ABC- year Bausch & Lomb Science an mterestmg way" about the early stages of the agmg afflhate WTWN III Grand Rapids ~hol::l r"hm" !1t thp 1Tnivpr"ltv nf Nicholas Holland, (center), recehes the Rausch and I.omh ",clence TiI~re al e ::'IX lJrograrn::. wpcu ::'0 Rochester: in New York Surveys Award from Joseph Spagnoli, South High School prinCipal and Fr.tnct><; far, but Ms Recher says she hopes Il1dicate that the Award has en- French, assistant principal ror in..truclion. The bronze mt"dall" pn'"entt'd the program Will catch on and be- couraged more than 30 percent at annuall)' to the senior student at South \;ho h<1Satt.uned th{' hlghe"t come a permanent fixture Demo- What's on Cable the wmners to follow SCientifiC scholastic standing in scienct' !>ubjecla. graphics may be on her side careers A list of local programs available on Grosse Ponte Cable While the 1980 census shows that about 23 percent of the populatlon Thursda~, Juh 5 Bausch & Lomb, with headquart- SEE ALL THE TIGER GAMES! 10 the Grosse POIntes and Harper • 5 30 P m - The Job Sho\l. from l\1ESC (6) ers 10 Rochester, IS a world-Wide AND EVERY OTHER SPORTING EVENT • 6 P m - . Agmg , - ThIS fIlm encourages older adults to "get busy - Woods to be older than 60, the manufacturer of Vision care pro- get fIt" (6) DetrOit Area Agency on Agll1g says ducts and SCientifiC mstruments ON OUR NEW GIANT SCREEN SATELLITE T.V. • 6.30 P m - "Hank Luks vs Crime" (6) the percentage could be pushmg 30 • 6 30 pm - GraduatIOn ceremomes (rom Harper Woods High School (19) percent 111 some commumtles, and • 7 P m - "People WIth Erv Stemer" - Guests diSCUSSthe upcommg have surpassed that mark in Bible school set Farms Regatta (6) others r- S3:00-0F.Fl • 7 P m:"'- "The Savmg Word' - Weekly meditatIOns and musIc from In addltlon, the agency says the the sCriptures (8) at Christ Church number of people between ages 70 • 7 30 pm - "Sports View Today" - Talk show \\Ith hosts Ron Cameron Chnst Church Grosse Pointe, 61 and 80 is mcreasmg, particularly and Bob Page (6) Grosse Pomte Boulevard, Will hold on the east Side of Wayne County • 7 30 pm - "DetrOIt Round.Up - What's happenmg m the DetrOIt area Vacation Bible School for children (21) "In one sense, we'll follow that same percentage and try to make ages 5 through 10 years on July 23 • 8 P m - "Some Semblance of Sanity" \l.Ith host Gary Thlson - Guests through Ti, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 are come{i!an Ted Norkey and Tim Rosberg (6) the program interestmg to all other 'I • 8 30 P m - "The Health FIeld New Treatments" - ThiS program Will p m. Bible stones will focus on the w~.rJ~- age groups as well," Ms Recher ~P~~~~J hfe of Jesus. Songs, actiVIties and diSCUSSnew treatments for rheumatism (6) says "You won't, for lIlstance, see I lunch wlll also be part of the pro- Sl.oo orr Any I a segment that Will be of mterest to :\Ionda), J ul) 9 gram • 4 30 P m - "Wayne County A New Perspective" - With Wayne County teens alone." I Large areek or I The show doesn't have a lime All children in the area are in- Executive Bill Lucas (6) Vited to attend To register, call the • 4 30 pm - American Catholic (8) slot yet, but the producers are ask- Christ Church office, 885-4841 by I o~~~r/~~,;;s Antipasto Salad • 5 P m - "Health Talks" - Guests are Bob Mohr, Dr W Rasbury and ing residents for ideas about peo- July 13 A donation of $7 to cover Ned Lawrence (6) ple, events and other tOPiCS that I Grosse Pointe Only With thiS coupon - EXpires 7.12-84 cost of matenals IS suggested. • 5 p,m - FaIth 20/Vldeo One (8) would interest a general.audience • 5 30 pm - "Sports VIew Today , (6) Story ideas can be directed to ...._--18696 MACK OP£N FOR WHat 11 A,M,-QM.Y LUNCH SP£CIAU • 6 P m - "DetrOIt Curtain Call" - An up-elose look at DetrOIt's enter- On Wednesday, July 25, at 12'30 tamment (6) Grosse Pointe Cable offices, by p m Pets Will be blessed on the GrosM ,... Farms HOURS MON - THURS -11 AM .12 P M • 7 P m - "People WIth Erv Stemer" - Guests dISCUSSthe Issue of rape calling 886-9200 dUring busmess front lawn of the church. All are 885-9040 FRI.SAT -11AM-1AM.SUNOAY-!.li (6) hours inVited • 7 30 P m - "Russ Glbb at Random" - Guest I!> Mendel Allwell of Test ~ Prep Service (6) ...... _.. • 7 30 P m - "DetrOIt Round-Up" (21J 1/$5 YORKSHIRE TV $5, • 8 P m - "The Health Field. The Dymg ChIld" - ThIS program deals A hot sUllllller With the child who I!> suffermg from termmalillness and Just how the young mterpret theIr !lfe (6) ~seMceon • I, •z.•• • RCA • a..-r • stopper ... Tuesday, Juty 10 • 5 30 P m - "The Job Show, from MESC (6) • 6 pm - "Asthma" - A doctor and respIratory therapIst diSCUSSthe I---.:=~tn...: Let SUPREME causes and symptoms of asthma and how It can be treated • FRee ESfIM,CfES an I (6) • 0Wry4n SeMc» • • 630 P m - "Hank Luks vs Crime" (6) • Heating install • 6 30 pm - Harper Woods GraduatIOn Ceremomes i • 5 P m - FaIth 2o VIdeo One (8) .... . '\ • 5:30 p m - "Sports View Today" (6) '" t.\\.....'. - Line Set ,Witt • 6 P m - "DetrOit Curtam Call" (6) - Thermostat • 7 P m - "People With Erv Steiner" (6) • • 7:30 p.m - "Russ Glbb at Random" (6) - Condensinl Unit • 7'30 P m - "DelrOlt Round-Up" C!ll • 8 pm - "The Health FIeld' ReactIOns to a Dymg ChIld" - ThIS show • Evaporator Coil deals WIth the problems of those takmg care of a dymg child • 5 Year Warranty (6) Groesbeck Chapel of on Compressor The Wm. R. SUPREME Heating Hamilton Co. & Supply Company fL'fRo\1 UlRf,"TORS III"bI"h,.t! 11t'1\ 226 CROCKER 8LVD, c::ENTIlAL... ~.:~ Mounl (Jemen~ 48063 IT ART UP ., '" 463-0577 \\m, R. Ibmllion 11 Next to Arbor Drugs 2237 OROSS 881.7430 1903-1981 MONDAYS ONLY - ALL DAY WNG l>avld \1. Hamillon Jllhn \\ 8rolkman Ronald n. Heckmann Ilo)d R, Monlallue 0 50 CONEY ISLANDS "Just like downtown" A~..ocillie UirKlor-. ffiE 1,1(,IIlIJN hI 1m 1Il/IiOIl O~SM TUESDAY - FRIDAY, 11 A.M.-3 ~M. 'arwllal \('11, II II \/"r/II Ill/I; INCLUDES BAKED New York Strip Steaks POfA1O AND SALAD 8 oz.-$3.2S 12 oz.-$4.9S 16 oz.-'S.9S ",NP SAlt TUESDAY - FRIDAY Pork Chop Dinner - '3.95 INCLUDES 2 PORK CHOPS COTTAGE FRlfS VEGfTP.Bt f & APPLF SAlXF 20% SPECIALS ARE WITH BEVERAGE ORDERS ONLY-NO CARRY OUTS W/SPECIALS TO

500/0Off ~ 01 MOST LAMPS "To Meet Your Health Needs ... -LAMPSHADES -LAMP REPAIR ... We Cover The Pointes. " (INk ... ~ntl -HUMMEL AND -HALLMARK HARKNESS PARK ROCKWELL CARDS PHARMACY DEVONSHIRE PHARMACY0 FIGURINES 20315 MACK DRUGS 15324 E Jefferson 884-3100 16003 MACK 822:2580 881-0477 WRIGHTS GIft & lallp Repal, 11850 Mack (Ilftl 10 Q ,. 0ffleI) 885.8839 ------=--:::.:------"':::

\ -

Thursday, July 5, 1984 Page Fourteen-A 6ROSSE POINTE NEWS Petition (Coetbtued 'rom Pige lA) , , rest With the Grosse Pomte Farms cIty council which turned down.a sunilar request from the center In 1975 "Their main objection then was that they dJdn't know who would be m control of the War MemorIal 10 years down the road and how It would be run," 011lson said "I beheve that 10 years down the ime, we will have the same respon- Sible, Civic-minded people we have now and had then on the War Memorial board. and the contract we've offered to sign with the city would Insure responsible manage- ment If the Farms didn't approve of how things were gomg, In a year they could take the license away," Ollison said. The center has distributed to Its neighbors 1OformatlOn packets """.1 I ana a lISt oi pro~t:U 1 t:~WclLjUI\:) rr..if'./i" govermng the service of liquor ...... "We want to take our hme With thIS ., \'~IIA day at the fair and answer everybody's questions and hear all the objections," Rickel tit 1 . Thousands of persons \'isited Grosse said. Pointe last month as merchants on the Hill and in the Village sponsored their an. The MemOrial's next-door neIgh- bor, John C Griffin, saId he is nual summer Side" aLk Sale and Village "definitely opposed" to the liquor Art Fair. On the Hill, shoppers had the I hcense, but said "I don't know any- II opportunit)o. to wile awa)' the day bunt- thing about the petition drive." ing for bargains on ever~1bing from to) s, Wulfmler, the man whoe name ap- telescopes and books to clothes when peared on the petition cover letter, merchants brought their wares out into was not available for comment the sunshine. There were also refresh- The petition also protests that ments a 'plent)' as Chris and Gabriela additional attendance at War Tortosa (above) visiting Grosse Pointe Memorial functions would "over- from Spain, can attest. The Hill mer- tax an already troublesome park- chants also held a raffle, offering $50 gift 109 and traffic problem and will be certificates to fh'e luck} winners. At detrimental to the surrounding right, Barbara Reed, of the Persnickity areas. In particular, the ingress Pedlar and Ed Kiska. president of the and egress of nearby residents to Hill Association, draw the first of the win- Lakeshore Drive would be made ners. Those who won were Elizabeth more difficult and dangerous as a Cross, of Buckingham Road, G. Pro- result of this traffic. kopowize. of Hawthorne Road, Frances Dunbar, of Rinni Road, and J ,J. Con- 'tlay and C. Sands. DoVt'B in the Village, Taxes t',\o young ladies kept a wary, but (Continued from Page 1A) fascinated eye on the more than 10,000 honeybees displayed in a portable hive b)' only $895,57 Russ Henckel, OefO, of Grand Rapids. A look at a few examples in the All in all, it was a boney of a day on the Farms follow swt One house that Hill and in tbe ViUage. sold for $100,000 last year will be . billed for $636.32, whIle another, Big business and law enforcers team up to fight organized automobile theft in Detroit which sold for only $2,500 more will (Contiallfll from PaKe %A) He says AAA offers two pro- operating out of a garage and a car the t-tops, some of which have been supphers well over $100,000 for pay t~:99'thn ThJooJ:tte~W is He considers the program a sue- grams that pay from $1,000 to can be striwed in 45 minutes identlfied as stolen They were be- vehIcle parts." ~e7 C uA held t $~ ~ cess even though the absence of $10.000 for informatIon that results WIthout the aid of power tools Many ing shipped to other states, primar- ,,!t's very unlikely the case o~ 0 ~e so~ 1 hil statistics makes it difficult to ill an arrest or conviction of per- of these shops do three to four cars ily because Michigan insurance would have surfaced had it not :~th~~~n ~~dde~Lne ~~d~ th: measure "But from an msurance sons illegally bavmg members' a week and we 1Jke to see who the compames are refUSing to buy used been {or the undercover investiga- . b '11 be ed company's point of view more than cars. So far. S41,OOObas been paid ~in players are: For that we need t-tops from people In ~I1chigan to tlOn WhICh began through the push ~~.pnce, ut WI tax 67,000 vehicles a year bemg stolen rega.rdmg 44 vetudes valued at this type of surv~illance. One of the d1scourage theft,;' he adds. it got from the ACT commiSSIOn," .KidUI'D at an aVera&e cost of $340,000. . . ~ ~ ~.~ foree 15~t says Robert Cleland, prosecuting Those are the kinds of disparities fll;fJOO, not eounting a lot of ean Golemba says ACT bas uuttated It bas inter'-jurilIctictional eapabUt- Another ACT bust resulted In the attorney also with St. Clair County that are argued annually at the found that have only parts and con- two legislative House bills, one if ties," he adds arrest of a !Jrosse Po1Ote Park resl- "While most departments can Board of Review meetings held in tents stolen. adds up passed, will make It easier for Wes Skowrun, ACT member dent and hIS brother June 18. after spare a man to work on this unit each city in March. And city asses- Long gone are the days when j)Ouce to combat chop shop opera- With the Michigan State PolIce, five months of cooperatJve state and pay hIS regular salary, the sors have many explanations for most cars stolen were taken bv tions. The other bill Will give strong says a case involv1Og the recovery and l~al pohce mvestlgatlOn commIssion pays for overtime, them. Some homes are sold under kids out of a JOy ride and found Immwuty to Insurance companies of 140sets of Hops, valued at about At that time, Anthony Auk. 22, undercover equipment, cars, sur- their true value because of distress later with the gas tank on empty. who want to report illegal actIvItIes $140,000, was the result of ACT and of 1386Three MIle DrIve. and ~lark velllance and communicatIons - a broken-up marriage, bank- When a certain amount of cars are to pollee. several pollce agencIes workmg Auk 25 of 8495 Meisner Road 10 equipment It also supphes the ruptcy or transfer out of town. no longer recovered, one 15 led to Other programs that ACf together. Rlet~mo~d ....ere among 11 people cash or "buy money" used to pur- Some types of homes sometimes believe the cars ha\'e been chopped sponsors. are educational. s~ide The InvestIgatIOn began afte~ a charged ~Ith vanous counts of chase stolen equipment for eVI- command a higher price on the up. presentations, matenal clistribu- couple, already stung fro~ buy10g receiving and concealmg stolen dence . market because they're 10 short To make cars less appealmg to tlon and appearances by members a ~tolen car, asked theIr local property and falslfy10g appllca- . "Slmply, Without the centrahza- supply at the moment And, as thieves, one msurance company to orgamza.tlOns promotmg pubhc police to check out.another car they tlons for vehicle titles. accordIng to tlOn and focus of a couple of dlf- Shores Assessor Ellen West said, bas started a program much like aw~reness of auto theft. l,;'ruform~ wanted to buy, saId Skowrun. Don Mclntyre, of the St. ClaIr ferent agencies 1Oto a Jo1Ot ven- a new paint job 10 the Shores can one for homeowners v.ho mark police. are. even hono~ed for theU' A few phone calls to offlc.LaIs County's Prosecutor's office ture, e;ach ag.ency could have ~n be worth $20,000 on your sale their personal possessiOns partIClpahon 10 nabbmg suspects resulted m an undercover officer MId bed h R' h left dOing theIr own Independent 10- price while it wouldn't have much c lC Conrad Golemba says AM has which lead to an arrest examining the car and discovering • nd nltyre escrl b t !th - vestigation," adds Cleland. to do with its actual SEV etched over -16,000 member cars "Auto theft is a complex ~rime," it was really a "salvaged vehIcle." mAuk° ~atlOn! ruhn Y n 'hon;h .... ., h since the rogratn started last Ju- says John Gambotto. Detroit pohce In this case, the "salvaged vehl- ,as a major c op s op Yi IC ly. This n~mber includes glass re- sergeant and ACT member "WhLle cle" stamp had been lifted and over a sLX-month perIod paid some placement shops and police who chop shops are Illegal ill the sense some of the parts used to repaIr the CITY OF <&rnsst J1nintt mnnbs MICHIGAN ~ provide thJs servIce. "Our they're C~OPPlngup cars, once they car ~ere Identified as stolen, ac- fyi statistics mdicate a 31 percent de- start sell~ng the parts It gets mto a cording to SkOV.TU11 (Continued from Page 1:\) ~OTICE TO BIDDERS: The City of Grosse Pointe Woods hereby crease in theft If all four Windows quaSI-legItimate area "A search of the seller's sohcits bids for Landscape Architectural services for work in con- are etched .. "The)o usually are mobile residence and garage uncovered fIt In western Wayne County Junction with its Community Development Block Grant Program. called Associated Xewspapers Bids must not be based upon a percentage of constructIon costs, but They produced SIX weekly must be lump sum amounts The total dollars avaIlable for the papers covering cItIes such as City 's pro~ project IS$24,000 00 which includes the cost of land- Westland, Wayne. Canton and so scape ArchItectural serviCes BIds will be received until 3:00 p.m. forth Beheve It or not. mv on July 20, 1984 A request for proposal may be obtamed at the edItor there was another woman Grosse Pointe Woods ~tuniclpal Building, 20025Mack Plaza, Grosse named Sue :\lcDonald Pomte Woods, Michigan 48236 Even though the) \',ork at dif- Chester E. Petersen ferent papers, they re exactly GP~ i-5-84 City Administrator-Clerk the same as editors A boss. gUi- Dinner AS PROVIDED BY CITY CHARTER A PENALTY OF 1% Just remember that e\er)'thmg WILL .BE ADDED SEfYfEMBER 1, 1984,A~D AN ADDITIONAL 118501 Meek Ave. I \ e ....ntten here 17/ a lie In- 1% 0:-; THE FIRST OF EACH SUCCEEDING ~ONTH j Grc.sse POI"rte "arms 882-9729 (')udmg thl~ po'it « r:pt PAY YOUR TAXES BEFORE SEPTEMBER 1 1984 AND AVOID 1HE PE~ALTY , , SUN~!..I!.AIU..~~H 87.95 /.,... lJ'! If" .. a ~ ,,"'~ For' rnt'~ .".nlr)~ I • TAXPAYERS ~1AY PAY THEIR CITY TAXES AT THE ...M'''''' tM oe~ rnt,. 0. fO'J eM! 0. ture II '"" be OM ~ .t Gmo I ~" WeAL AREA BRA:-';CH OF COMERICA BANK, OR I':ATIONAL ...rt1l GlrfIonII HoHtMy to .~ rou IISTlLLATJON AND BAXK OF DETROIT, OR MANUFACTl:RERS BANK ,. FOGO• EJaUSfT IEfMC( • GflAT OOEF.TMIIOO 24 HR. MOlnoRllS FOR: TAX Df-=F'ER~E~T BUSINESSMEN'S • Home Burglar Alanns & :Vfrrrr: IS HEHEBY GIVEN THAT A PER.'>ON WHO IS A PAHAPLEGIC QLADRAPLEGIC (AGf; 6.5A:-.IDOVER) SE:'tlIOR BUSINESSWOMEN S • Business Alarm Systems • Hofd..up Alanns CITrz~:~, ~LI~JBLE ~ERVICEMAN, TIJrALI.Y AND PER. L.UNCHES DAIL Y \1A:-"f~~TL\ DfSABLED OR BLI~D MAY :\f.AoKEAPPLICATION • Medical Emergency Systems APPMrlfttJ July 10 H"plng People Wlth Home Heatth TO DEFER PAY~E\'T OF THE Jt.;'LY HOMESTEAD PROPERTY SEtURING rIH'u Jutr .H Care Needl Is 0", SfMcilitty ItC*ES IN TME POl"TES FOR 14 YWIS TAX PRnVIDfo~D THE TO'TAL HOl:SEHOLD INCOME IS $lO,(j()(J OR Lf::SS TAX PAYMENT MAY BE DEFERRED WITHOUT GAYLORD ~0r OUl1/.rv l1f>d Df>p#>ndab~ry r:all • HOUDAY Pf::"ALTY OR INTERF..sT U~!IL FEBRUARY 14, 198.')APPLICA . .... ,.. fit lilli ,.... Woods Home care GROSSE POINTE ALARM. I TIO:'lo rOR DEFERMENT MUST BE MADE ON OR BEFORE 19775 MACK MENUE 8 ":P ~EPTEMBER 15,1984, AT THE MUNICIPAL OFf'ICE 90 KERBY a.v- ,...... "'"A .. '884-3630 INC. ROAD ' . I FLEURETTE SCHULTZ 88H93O GP\= -- 7/5/IW OPEN: IIonrFn. "5:30 CITY TREASURER - .

Section B The Second Section Thursday, JUly 5, 1984

From Another Pointe Of View 8)' Im'PI Mueller WhIle the DetrOit Concert Band's "free-to-the-public" Summer Fesh\'al Series, Its 39th, may not contain as many concerts as m years past, DCB's hIgh quality of pro- gramming and performance remalll the same - and we Grosse Pomters are VERY lucky this summer, for two of the senes' seven concerts will be performed right at home (ours and the DCB's, whIch IS headquartered on Mack Avenue in The Woods), on the Grosse Pomte North HIgh School Plaza Both are made pOSSIble through mOllies supphed by Col- omal Federal Savmgs & Loan and bv the Recording Com- panies ot the Ul1lted States and Canada through the MUSIC .. " .~ . - . ~ ~. "- \. Performance Trust Fund' a pubhc serVIce orgamzatlon created under agreement WIth the Amencan Federation of Smlhng their delight In a project well done, members of the 1984 The POl11tehome of Mr. and l\Irs H Martm Westfall ud)o\ f' I MUSIcians Sale Committee pose for a group portrait in the Westfall garden, was the setting thiS year for the Dt'trOlt Artists \Iarket (,...trr!p!1 shown In bottom pictures, left and right. Sale, an annual event for :\tarket members The first, on Thursday, July 19 (exactly two weeks from I\" .... today), will present music by Bizet, Strauss, Grofe, Leroy -., Anderson, AmbrOise Thomas, EdwlIl Franko Goldman, Adolphe Adam, Jerry Herman, Karl L Kmg and, of course, John Philip Sousa. The DCB IS world famous for its mterpretations, live and on records, of The March King's mUSIC. Featured artists for the July 19 program are Imogene Bird, soprano, and Earle L Louder, euphomumist. ElSIe Inselman, mezzo-soprano, and James B. Underwood, cor- netist, take the spotlIght at the DCB's North HIgh 'School

concert Thursday I Aug 2 MUSIC by Sousa, Berlioz, Goldman, Anderson, RIchard Rodgers, Enc Coates, Walter B Rogers, Easthope Martm, Peter de Rose and Leonard B. Smith, "The Leader of the Band," will be performed Each program begins at 7:30 p.m., when Smith raises his baton on "The Star Spangled Banner." That's a sing-along ... and if you've never sung-along The National Anthem Mrs Draper Hill (left) and Anna Platt (right>, sale CommIttee with the Detroit Concert Band, you have a real treat in chairman, flank Mrs Westfall as she shows off her "hostess gIft 'I store for you! Each program, as we mentioned before, is The Annual Detroit Artists Market Garden Sale, held each year a lovely little lamb. admission-free You don't need a ticket to get In; just show for Market members, took place this year at the Pointe home of up, settle down, and enjoy Mr. and Mrs. H. Martin Westfall. With an outdoor setting as backdrop, a juried selection of paintings, clay, fiber, glass, "' jewelry and sculpture by regional artists brought exclamations of The DCB's 1984 Summer Festival Series began last appreciation from browsers and buyers. On hand this year to talk Thursday, with a performance at the Livonia City Hall with Market members were some of the artists whose work was Plaza. The series' four other conce.-ts will be played at the included in the sale: Richard Jerzy. Michael Jackson, Tom and Michigan State Fair Grounds' Sousa Memorial Band Shell, Kathy Jackson, Anita Flory, Mark Chatterley, Janet Bailey, Lin- at 7:30 p.m., July 12 and 26 and Aug. 9 and 16. da Soberman and Judi Ellias-Ochs. Members of the 1984 Artists Market Garden Sale Committee are pictured at top above: (front More Outdoor Summer Fun row, left to right) William Zoufal. Mrs. Richard S. Crawford, Mrs. Personally, I can't bear to be indoors on a beautiful sum- Richard B. Platt, Mrs. Richard Goodyear, Mrs. Michael G. mer day or night (summer IS so SHORT in MIchIgan, we VanLokeren; (back row, left to right> Mrs. A. David Jones, Mrs. . spend too many months housebound by necessIty), so the Henry Earle III, Mrs. Emory M. Ford Jr. and Mrs. Zoufal. Mrs. Grosse POinte War Memorial's outdoor summer programs Charles F. Glass was also a member of the committee WhICh, next week strike me as espeCially appealing. working with a large volunteer staff, made the annual event an outstanding success. An invitation to the Garden sale is one of the The first is a star-gazIng venture, for the whole family, many benefits of Artists Market membership. Individuals can (Continued on Page 38> join for an annual fee by calling 962-0337 w ita sa a

Chadwick Sheets from Utica@ by J P Slevens

ThiS claSSIC plaid IS In shades of grey and camel and IS printed on Cotloncale' . a 100% cotton no Iron percale fabriC Soft and luxuriOUS and a great value 100

Reg Sale TWin 1895 9.99 Full 2495 14.99 Queen 2995 17.99 ) King 3495 2099 Sid Cases 1995 11.99

carefree Tablecloth by Bardwil Tho name say.>II all Permanent Press 5011 Relea!>e In a 50% collon 50% polyester fabriC Choose from 11 col ors and 9 SI70S In thiS great solid color clolh

" Reg Sale I 17953995 14993499

/i ~ ...', I Ir,l( I r (~, the~ ,) ,I Grosse Pointe Village Shopping Hours: 16906 Kercheval, bed, bath & linens Mon_d. & sat. 9:30-5:30 Phone: 881.9890 store Thurs. & Fri. 9:3G-9:00


I ~ J ~~ ., H' r-~, t , tr,}page Two-B 6ROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 5, 1984 Jt ~tblional ~ ~ Camp Cavell ',j O~ t/'al .rU't~.r &e {aJ"ef < , 'kkd.Y~N" opens July 15 • (~)/om((/ _ (,.",,/(9' ., Jill/Y .::J;'JliI • (11""/(9' The Metropolitan Detroit .:7iYJlII (It',. ~(Iu'e 5Hi-,.tllt9t' (XJlkclum YWCA's Camp Caven, Largest • IfMk(I.7N'/iit ifl),.~ ., 11"lr !'/IAr _ (,.1 !./k~WI/ gtrls' camp m Michigan, is reservations for its 71st season ':11 /I/of"" r,~/W'lI" 'I/ ..I,,,!tjI.t/' 7i,6m. which opens July 15 Four general (',lrhwo<:4t (/1 and speciahzed campmg sessions, ~/YN (lk~/'Otl ~l rangmg m le~ from SiX to 14 days, are available to girls be- '!P"/",,.,I 7 r.,,,A {ft, ./ ...... 4 ,IHi(} II' :T"rl tween the ages of 7 and 17 through Aug,4. cavell lS located Just north of Lexington, and much of the camp activity centers on 1,800 feet of Lake Huron waterfront English style horseback riding has tradi- tlonally been the next most popular sport, nearly 90 percent of the campers participate In thIS addl- tlonal charge feature Softball, teMis, volleyball, bad- mmt{)n,dramatics, dancing, camp- craft, 'nature study, mUS1C and ecology are also offered, along with special events aM campl1re actlvl- ties, camJH>uts and tukes. Llvmg accommodat1Ons are 10 year-round cabins arranged in three units, six to eight campers and a counselor in each cabin Campers are housed by age and grade levels Each unit IS super- vised by a drrector, who lives In the Umt House 20% In addJtion ro qualified to counselors, the staff includes a Food Services supervisor, nurse, irounds and buildings superinten- aent, riding instructors from Eng. 500/0 photo by Tom G,eenwood land and a waterfront activities UlStructor, aU Wlder the direction of newly appomted Cavell Adminis- Grosse Pointe's First Lady of Gardens : OFF trator Jill Laidlaw, formerly ad- Pictured above in the garden of her own home is MRS. JAMES A. LAFER, who surely deserves mmistrator of the Girl Scout Camp the title of Grosse Pointe's First Lady of Gardens. Florence Lafer's publicity for the Grosse Pointe, Anna Behrens in Grand Rapids. Garden Center's June Wisteria Walk at the War Memorial contributed greatly to making that event: ALL SUMMER Camp Cavell is fully licensed by such an outstanding success. And that's just what she's been doing lately ... Mrs. Lafer has been; the State of Michigan. Fees vary an active member of the Grosse Pointe Farm and Garden Club fm' more than 50 years. This year, ' STOCK!! according to the session length, with YWCAmembership required the Farm and Garden Club decided to do something about THAT. electing Florence to honorary: aAd included in the total charge. membership at its annual June meeting. She joins a very select group, for only three have been so: Partial campersbips are available honored in the club's history. At the meeting, Florence was surprised by the appearance of her son, : %%420GREATER MACK for girls needing financial assis- William Lafer, who shared a few whimsical memories of her past gardening and flower arranging ': St. Clair Shores tance. activities. Further testimony to her unusually dedicated service to the Garden Center, Grosse Pointe Registration and addihonal in- Memorial Church and other community organizations was given by Mrs. Wesley R. Johnson, the ___BOOKS:-Fri., 773-8 J 10 formation may be obtained by con- club's nominating chairman, and Mrs. James C. Stewart added her tribute to Florence before hand- ~ 10.00.5:30 ~ EJ tacting a Metropolitan YWCA lng over the presidential gavel to Mrs. Horace Carpenter Jr. s-. 10.00.5:00 L::....J - branch. ; Awards given by Jr. League 10~ee Doris Heath, assistant adminiS- League coordmate the Hospice; .~ Ah~~n!l~~S trator at Bon Secours HOSPital,was Program within the community,: at for the Port Huron to one of the recipients of a Communi- along With Cottage and Saint John' Walton Pierce Mackinac Boat Race , ty Participation Award presented Hospitals : 16828 Kercheval by the JUnior League of DetrOit at Other 1984 Community Partici- ~ A or B average sail into • • • .d; a luncheon at the DetrOit Athletic patlon Award reCIpients were the • Club following the league's annual advertlsmg agency of Young &: SENIORS meeting there m early June Rublcam/Cato Johnson; Gregg' These awards are given to mem- Bader, Santa Claus at the Junior: bers of the community who, in the League's Chnstmas parties for the: ~We will give course of the previous year (or nandicapped and Adult, Service i you a free 11f1'!!f!Ie llrea's best years), have rendered outstandmg Centers; Eleanor Breitmeyer me- j selection of novelty service to the league In regard to trOlt News); Verne Hampton, With: haircut for your t-shirts & sweaters at 2QI/a off Its projects and programs wlthm the law hrm of Dlckmson, Wright" hardwork! the Detroit commumty. Dons was Moon, Van Dusen & Freeman; i CALL: 886-4130 to make your appointment with Linda all summer merchandise responsible for helping the Jumor Janet Mueller (Grosse POinte! then present this ad and your report card when Located at the end of 1.94 in the News), Carol Quarterman, execu-l you come in. Colonial Shopping center (313) 982.7112 tive directory, Wayne County ChId: Learn low-calorie Care Coordmating CounCil; and. Roger Stanton (Football News) : I cooking secrets 1 Weight Watchers Chef Kathy Among Indiana University 1 Trupiano will demonstrate low- Bloommgton students who re-! calorie cookmg secrets at a free, celved degrees at May commence-: f1,;.o;=.,=-,=-======:-~ open-to-the-pubhc program Tues- ment ceremomes were David J.' day evemng, July 17, at 7 pm at Ludwig, of Rivard Boulevard,' We Can Make the Grosse Pomte War Memonal Master of MUSIC,and Kristin L. It Easier. Free recipes Will be given to all Finger, of Whittier Road, Bachelor ProfeSSIOnal MedIcal St'T\ I(,('S who attend of Arts If you need Home NurSing Care, Prlyale Duly Nurllng or Homemaker Service, PMS can prOVide • RE(.JSn:REO 'L H!'>E~ • LICE'SED PR,\CTH \1 'URSES • 110\lf. Iff. \1 TII AlUf.~ • 1I01\1f \1 \1\f,RS • U\'JoA' (n\IP\\IO'~ Jt~3~57s

The ProfessiOnals Who Cdr(J PrOrl's.,lOnal 'IrdJ( oJl "'t'r\ II ('" r ~_Cruise To Us 2(J(110 1\,,11\ Hd '. lIoJqli'r \\ornh. \11 IRU; " r~ Annual~ II ,I I \\ , ~, 'i 1/ Summe~ ~----W ~---"'Reduetion ...... 3d ,.../ I AU ...... ,__ --Departments ~ ~..• I _.,r• rw...... • ~.I« • CIMlk.. w"-- .... - .K )bt .bop. 0( I [("('I I ST()NI- J .' - Waltolt.P"aeru -.---~.._.... 168!1 ktrc""" • 8m.. PDt"" 114.1330 ...... ~.n,;,. 1 s--,

•I .Thursday, July 5, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three-B :Light Meadow Brook~s skies J • From Another Pointe THE STYLISTS AT ~ \ Joseph • Mana • Patti ; Delrolt'S Metropolitan Sym- fireworks Will contInue to I1ght up JOSEPH S OF ~A Tammy. Joan. MarCia ~honic Band, under the direction of the Meadow Brook skIes at festival GROSSEPOINTE - /~ Joanne. Debbie. Tom Martin Stella, celebrated the Of View FEATURE THE c: ~ performances through Saturday, LATEST ~. Nino • Renate • Alleene Fourth of July at Meadow Brook July 7 (('ontinut'd from Page IB> HAIRSTYLES ¥ Marllna Music Festival yesterday with fire- next Tuesday, July 10 Cranbrook Institute of SCience I..~t\ works folloWlOg an 8 p m perfor- Tomght, the DetrOlt Symphony astronomer Martha Schaeffer will conduct a tour of the ~ •• ~ '-J LInda Corn~J'"te mance in BaldwlO Pa villon on the Orchestra, with guest conductor summer sky, starting at 8: 30 pm, but the grounds will be .... NOll :ef\J ~ce campus of Oakland Umverslty, and Slxten Ehrhng and vlOlimst Ida Haendel. WIll perform the 1984 V open at 6:30 p m. for picnicking Star-gazers should brIng Porcala r ~.ClIS Everett Kmsey Memonal Concert a blanket, and a flashlight. O"ld Ped C J' •• at 8 p m The program includes Take an art works by Walton, Bntten and Mrs Schaeffer's program Will include slIdes She 'WIll Vaughan Williams use a sky calendar to pomt out the predommant star for- trip to East mations and tell about the myths and mysterIes of the The Rovers and the Kmgston heavens. AdmiSSiOn IS $2 50 per person, or $5 per famIly Hour-long "Journeys to the Tno take the Meadow Brook stage NEYXlJS East" are now available for groups at 8 pm tomorrow, Friday, July 6 ThiS ISall, of course. dependent upon the weather In the rtAIR of 10 or more persons Via the new- On Saturda~, Lesley Gore, Del event of ram, or overcast skIes, the program Will be CENTER est tour offered by the Docents of Shannon and The ChIffons headlme rescheduled for Tuesday, July 17 In the event of ram or the DetrOlt Institute of Arts an 10- an 8 pm' '60's Salute" overcast skies on July 17 but It couldn't pOSSIbly be troductlOn to the museum's reno- rainy/overcast BOTH Tuesday evemngs lOne contIngency vated and re-mstalled Gallenes of Ehrhng, Haendel and the DSO Asian Art which opened to the return Sunday, July B, for a 6 p m plan should certainly be enough public May 3 program of composItions by Llszt, - LaiD and Tchalkovsky No fIre- The War Memorial's lakeside concert for the "ZI and : The vaned cultural legaCies of works dIsplay Will follow this OVf>rc'rowo" Ilf>xt 1'nllr"ri~v .Jill\' I:.' :It 7"W n m (';111 if SKINNER'S Suulh dllli .sUUlIlt:d:>lt:ln A::'la, penormance China, Korea and Japan are clear- necessary, be transferred fndoor~ to Frie!> Ba"lIroom. But l,y defmed and dramatically pre- The festival grounds open at 4 everyone's hoping for a beuatiful night, becau ..e it's just ULTRA SUEDE sented 10 mdlvldual spaces of the p m on Sundays and 6 p.m on plain nicer that way. DIA's Jerome P Cavanagh North weekdays for pre-concert pickmck- The "Teen Angels" promise a musical revie,\ of the '50s. ~ing A number of recent acquIsI- mg and full service and a la carte tions are dIsplayed, along with dmmg on Trumbull Terrace. The '60s and '70s, including Beach Boys, BeaUes, Elvi'i Presley, Four Seasons and Highteous Brothers songs, and 200/0 OFF tong-time favontes paVIlion and countoured lawn seat over 7,000 people a l\Iotown Review. Concert-goers are hn ited to bring their : Tours may be scheduled by call- own picnic dinners. Pop, ice and cups will be a\'ailable for 45" wide in full range of colors ing the museum's Education De- Information on ttckets, lawn purchase. partment. 11.33-7884Group lunch- coupon books and programs IS eons with advance menu selection available at the festival box office, Admission to "Yesterday's Songs" is $4 per person. ,\d- THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY JULY 5 6, 7 ONLY may be arranged through the 377-2010.Tickets are also on sale at vance reservations are requested for both the concert and museum's ActlVltles OffIce, 833- all Ticket World locatlOns and AAA the star-gazing programs. Additional information may be 7966 Area Docents conducting the branch offices The Meadow Brook obtained by calling 881-7511. tour are Dorothy Blrnbryer, Judy MUSIC Festival IS a non-profit Knowles, Laura Lee Greer and cultural program of Oakland Um- Christmas News In July Jacobson's Dianne Abel verslty We realize it's AWFULLY early . but the Fontbonne Auxiliary of Samt John Hospital has fmalized the date (Saturday, Dec 8), place (Country Club of Detroit> and en- FASHION FABRICS tertainment (music by Meyer Davis) for its 1984 White 17015 Kercheval, in the Village Christmas Ball Fontbonne has also deCided what to do with ball proceeds this year They'll be used for renovatIOn of Samt John's existing hospital facility. Mary (Mrs. John A.) Tulloch IS general chairperson of the holiday party General co-chairperson IS Bette]ean (Mrs Edmund T.) Ahee Honorary chairpersons are Mr WE'RE and Mrs. Frederick K Cody. Fontbonne's current preSIdent is Sharon (Mrs James W Jr) Snyder SIster Veremce ANNOUNCING McQuade, SSJ, is director of the auxiliary Clearance OUR * * And the Grosse Pointe Inter-Faith Center for Racial Jus- tice, in its June/July newsletter, is also thinking Christ- mas, asking readers who plan to attend art Cairs this sLIm- Jlll Summer 'Fashions semi-Annual mer to "scout" for the Inter-Faith Center's 19M Hall) Mart, to be held Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 at the Grosse Pointr CLEARANCE War Memorial. "Some of our most popular Holly Mart artists have come All Men's and Women's to us through member suggestions," the '8" :\Iart com- Spring and Summer Sportswear mittee explains. Volunteer "scouts" are asked to contact 50% off the Center's office, 882-6"6", Cor Holly Mal't al,tist appli- cation CorillS - and not to leave homl' (if they're hl>aded in D,'slgTlt" 'hl~lr""h. a summer art fair direction) \\ithout them: sale Starts Tuesday, July 10 Sp<)rf~"t'lll. £•..,11118 (j,'HTlJ. And in The Nearer Future 'Dr,')jt'$ SIzeS 4 to IS We wlll be closed Monday. July 9 to Smce we've brought you news of Fontbonne's Chflstmas mark down our merchandISe party, and that's a full fIve months away, we thmk It'S only fair to report on Fontbonnefalr, for that's commg up m the somewhat nearer future. on Oct. 30. at the St Clair Shores Recreation Center. Samt John Hospital Gift Shop Items, arts and crafts, flowers and plants, attic treasures. baked goods, candy and Renaissance CUlsme cookbooks WIll be 369 & 375 Fisher Rd. Grosse Poinle, Michigan featured at thiS open-to-the-pubhc autumn event. 1\I1'S John E Young, Jr. is Fontbonnefalr chairperson, and 886-7960 11 KERCHEVAL entertained her committee at a planmng meeting at her .12.5550 9 30-5 30 Mondd\ thru SdturddY home in June.

Short and to The Pointe Kalamazoo College students named to the Dean's List for the SILHOUETTE SNIPPETS sprmg quarter Included HonaJd Clogg, son of l\lr and :\Irs. Donald From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wedn.sday, July 11: C1ogg, of Wedge" ood Thursday, July 12; Friday. July 13; Drive, Vaterlt" Slont", daughter of Dr. and and S.turday, July 14; Grosse Pointe Mrs. Uradford StOI\('. of Capture With fondness the profile Stephens Road. La" 1'- ence Ballt'r. son of Dr. of your little one In a sIIh0uette b) and Mrs. Haymond Sally Newcomb Each cutllng IS Bauer, of Buckingham Road. Alexl!> Fl'ringa. mounted on art paper and reddy daughter oC Ms. Marga- 10 frame A personal kt~epsa""e lhat rt't Fl'rlnga, of \\ est- family and f'lends Will cherIsh Head chc,;ter Road, and Mar) i{OS3!>('O, daugh- Silhouette 850. Full figure $17 ter of Mr. and :\11'.... P1edse call uS at 8827000 exlt:1nSIO') Jamc'l f{o,{'o, of 126 for your SittinG rese'v<'ltIQIl Yorkshlrr Hond • 'I (11 ...... 1\ 1'0...... 111"'. of Thr Farrlll:>, I I'l'I'I\ .'d a Bachrlor of t\rh dc' grN' from Hq~ll:> Col le'gr, Drl1,,!'r, Colo nl ('ommenceml'nl ct're rnonle~ Mrl~ b

Manne Ldnce t pi WE SELL SEA SHELLS FOR BEDSIDE COMFORT \\altl'r l' \'an1'II'IlI, son of 1I1'1.. n T .lIHI Warm and gentle 'Sea Winds" by Martex' Charcoal penCil drawings Thllnl,l' \ \ 11111it'm printed on a textured btrch porcale of polyester/cotton Flat sheet and ~I ,of \'t11nl{r I.1 Find qualtty bedding fairly priced at Jacobson's \'('nth gr,ldt'r al 1'1l'II't' I Middle' &hool, \0\1... ho norf'd for hE'r \lllIlnlll~ rntry In Ih(' ('....II". sc'VC'nth throll~h mnth ------j groin!' c1lvl ..lOn of Ih(' \ ()lIn~ '\111('1'> ( ompt~ IlIIOIll:>pOnMlI'l'd b" Ihr We welcome Jacobson's Charge Card Of The Ameflcan Expre811' Card. W.I\nr Counly Tnlt'l' ,J{l(~()I)~\)ll'S rnNhale Sd)()ol (11..\ncl REGULAR SHOPPING HOURS {'l'frmOnlt'S \0\('1'(' 11('1<1 Ddlly MOr)tJ"y T\lo~day WI'dll("H1ay ~ .. llIl(lc1Y q.30 it 111 10 h 00 pm May 2t nl Ill(' (h~tn('l Open Thursdays and Fnday~ until 900 pm Wo Will vdlidate your parking Ilckel D,lIly dncl [vIJntng'l Thur"nay antI f- rlnay 930 am 10 900 pm offices In Wayn€'

\ I ".i~. ' I , 'j _-'--_~~ _--"-.I.. __ "~ ..... _L..L....L.-.-..l l. -

6ROSSE POINTE NEWS Thurtday. Juty 5. 188 Park Garden Club to meet The GI"OSSt Pointe Park. Garden Club will enjoy a summer outing : IACOBELUS and plcmc lunch thiS Monday. July 9. at DOOD at the Harsen's Island home of Mrs Frederick J. Schu- NATURALIZER SHOES mann Mtss Delma Loyer will speak on "The Native Ohioan Buckeye." Mrs Richard Mertz, elected president of the club's recent an. SEMI-ANNUAL nual meet mg. Will be assl5ted by hrst and second \'lce-presidents Mrs Ramon D Bnnkman and CLEARANCE SALE ~frs Phllip:\1 Binns, respectively RecGrdmg and corresponding sec- retaries are Mrs John A. Ross and !\Irs Hillaire Van Hollebeke Treasurer 15 Mrs A C Litchfield. 40070 OFF Busy July ~__ 01,. nl C"' _ T ...U.I...... «0 \..; ... Phase I, the group for single pe0- SELECTED STYLES •., ple from 20 to .w WhICh meets regularly at Grosse Pomte Memorial Church, has a busy July To make music in Australia planned Wben ~uskal Youth Intt'rnational departs for its 20th international tour in Jul), included in this ThIS Sunday, July 8, the group E.\STL\.\D CE~TER sorrnL\. \D CE;\TER ~ear's s}'mpbooic ~ ind ensemble and chorus" illbe 73 students from .n southeastern :\lichigan high Yo III meet Phase and Danise "on the green" at 4 pm at the Iceberg g39-0080 28'7-9550 ~bools, AmOllg them are the fh (' ~oung Pointers pictured abO\'e ((eft to right>: DA\"ID K~EHER, Golf Center at 21750Hail Road ~ BLAIR SCHOOF. )IICHAEL J -\Y, BARBARA BE.\LCH:\~lP and KRISTIS KOGEL. ThIs year's tween Romeo Plank and Groes- HOURS: ~-S 10-9 fin-week tour of Australia \\ ill be the third time ~I\' I, first )'outb group to be chartered by People beck for mmiature golf and/or gd- Sun. 12-5 I.WW.1 r~Jl to People lnt8Dational. bas \ isited that countr). The symphonic \\ ind ensemble and chorus carts memben ,,'ere selected through auditions held lalit fall, ~IYI has, over the past 19)'ears, presented Then on saturday, July 14 at 7 concerts in each of the inhabitfil continents. FI BI II; f Bel g orenee ae, 0 an er pm, Phase 1 members will car- C...... ~C .... 444C ..... C Road, and ~Iargaret Blair, of Har- pool it to Windsor and The Old Fish () vard Road, were passengers Market, 156 Chatham St w • ~ gj;Jnkee ~ aboard the S S Oceanic on its reo Members may also meet at the restaurant at" 7:30 pm, if they • C I ~ cent seven-day vacation Cruise •• utenci e!...s • through Caribbean waters. Yo 15h, . JIlC.. • Sj)e('lalizmg in \\all,. fUl1l1ture and f"L " f"L 't \ • floors. Cia",."" ,md all ,tenuliJ1g. rournter 5 rUrnl ure :>upphe" In.home 'pa~'tl~:>featuring €a • l.-ountry g-i.ft Items ". • 725.-1692 725-1727 fII IS HAVING ITS ••••• ~~~ ••••• ~ SUMMER •Fur Specialists for over 58 ~ars~ STOREWIDE SALE Beginning today, July 5. This recliner gives comfort plus adds a dlstmctlve quality to your room and comes m your chotce of fabncs. Hurry In to ~ve on hun- A wide assortment dreds of quality home furnIshings We also offer home decorating assistance If needed from all departments. • s...- T•• outy~ SaVings from Pren"""" on Futl,.~ Fun~ 1.519.253.5612 30% to 60% 484 PeIInllr at. W~CAHADA AIU .. " uuDa11y 9-5:30", .. II u.u...a.f ------MovIng, Engaged, New Baby? Getting Settled Made Slm~. New Town d,lemmas- fade after a -...{ELCOl,o


What could be better •..• tba. a Retirement apartment on the waterfront?

Ii ~,/ I ()11~"ift,l: -e;::~\~ivate room •• nd Apartment. ~ ~ -all with private baths ~ ~ "", d ~: I • ~roun -the-clock security • Registered Nurses on duty See the EYelyn Bernstein N~nt Collection • Excellent Meal. Monday. Juty 9 tnr0U9h saturday, July 21 In our Neediewool Shop, Grolse Poin', and i-' ,,- yOur sutTimer ("1eedlepolr.t prOject now Select from • Beauty/Barber Shop ./'". ~"I'e Eve!/'": Ber"'tsteln collection of unique caflvases • Grocery Store ,..,,'tn easy to follOW sharp details As a well.known t t • Doctors' Clinic , '" d'l ~alnter Mrs Bfornstelr, uses her talent to create crl9 ..a, des,gns for all levels of ~klll Our experts can • Gift Shop re'., fOl- cnoosf' patterns colors and other necessary supplies all withtn the building JacA)bsons for information or an appointment: We welcome J.eObson s Ch~ CMd Of TN Am.riewl Ex.".... C.,d call LOIS NAIR 823-8470 822-8000 C:C' '" ",/jays ~r"j FridayS unlrl900 pm We Will fahdate your partllng ttelrel •

, •• , : Thursday, July 5, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Ffve.8 J

May wedding vows exchanged Fall wedding A TIMELESS GIFT FOR ANY OCCASION A vacation trip m the Hawailan Flo\\ 1..'1' girl Sarah Garza \\ are a Islands followed the spring weddmg powder blue gown of chiffon and taf- I of Marianne LoUise Verbeke, daugh- feta, ruffled <1.tthe hem and at the plans made The Crystal Center ttndn Ushers were Jeff Cut- Lake, and Mr and Mrs David Metz, preCISIOn alld pride of Ice blue silk satm for her mal'- IeI', of Falmlllgton lillis, and Da\e of Armada. of European clalttmen nagI..' Friday, May 11, 111 St \"er- Held, at CalOl Stream, III MISS Bittner holds a Bachelor of CRYSTAL ZOO FROM $7.25 omca Cathohc Church Father Anth- The mother of the bl'lde hand- SCience degree in biology from ony Bologna offiCiated at the 6 made her full length gO\\ n of mdU\ e fhllsdale College Mr Bremner re- o'clock ceremon}. \\Iuch \\ a~ follo\\ CI epe de ch1l1e.,lccenled \\ Ith bugle ceived a Bachelor of Arts degree 111 19866 MACK AVE. ed by a receptIOn In Club Leo XIII beadlllg She db-O llldde the full Busmess AdmmistratJon, With a Bet. 7 8 Mile Doris Wittenberg & The gO\\n "as tnmmed at the length go" n o! 1<1\ender e1Ml' concentration 10 lIlsurance, from neckline \\ lth Alencon lace Match- meu~e \\ 0111 by lhe l>ndl' ~ mater- Olivet College He is currently em- .(;. 343.9078 K. Open Mon ••FrI. 10.5 mg lace, pearls and beadmg \\ ere nal grandmother. \11'''' :\Iana July wedding ployed by Southern Michigan Mu- s.t la-. hand-se" n on the chapel length \ ell SOlgeloo:. tual of Marshall as an underwnter made by the bride s mother The The 1)\IdegrQom'" mother, lhe The pall' plan a fall weddlllg new l\1rs :\lcKel\'v carned a ca!> fOImer Allee :\Ilchau'\, at Glu:,se date is made ~'t't'~ePft.f't<~f't11.1*" "'11+ft.~..,.,..~ ...... cade bouquet of ,\ lute SIlk hlle~. Pomte, cho~e a full length gO\\n of :\11'and Mrs Ronald Wittenberg, Drury visits forget me-not~ .wd stephanotis mlllt gl cell Qldna llllnmed III of Calvlll Avenue, have announced ~ CLOSE-OUT SALE Honor maId Julie Verbeke pearb dnd \\ orn \\ lth d chiffon cape the engagement of their daughter, and bridesmaids Laura VanSteen- Carol DeBclcker. d COUSlll 01 the Dons Ann, to Mark Chnstopher in The Farms klste and Peegv O'Connor were bnde tl a\ eled fI am her home 111 Babich. son of Mr and Mrs Frank Actor James Drurv, best known ; FROM 30 % TO 70 % OFF dressed Identically 111 full length. Grdyllng to pert arm reac1111g=-dll!- Habich. of St Clall' Shores The for hiS starrmg role as teleVISion's 1 --.- - --.- --- long sleeved. nbbon-belted gowns of 1I1g the ceremony weddmg IS planned for late July "VIrginIan," was m town last cloudy blue chiffon over taffeta The ne\\ l~\\ cds are mah1l1g theIr MISS WIttenberg, a Grosse Thursday, June 28, to be celebl'lty Each attendant wore a SIlk hI} 111 home III Inkster \\ 111lethe bnde Pomte South High School graduate, guest at the MIChIgan Cancer ; ALL MERCHANDISE her hair and at the \~alst and carned completes her Ph D ~tudles 111 IS attendmg Macomb College, Foundation Circle of Fellows party a bouquet of blue and while SIlkhiles polymer chemistry at Polytechmc \\orklllg toward a degree 111 Mental hosted by Peter and Nicole Stroh 111 AbsolutelyEVERYTHING willgo and gardemas Inslltute of ~ew York health Her fiance IS a Lakeview their Farms home High School graduate JOllllllg the Strohs on the host Sweaters • knit tops • warm ....p' • sweatshirU • duffeIJ - puna committee were fellow POinters bags • Dr and Mrs Donald C Austin, 1'.11' totes • garment jewelry • bermuda baa h&acUes I:conn • July Independence Celebration Anne Pankau wed and Mrs E. Paul Casey, 1'.11' and accessories • men's aud dWdrea's dothiDc -lift iteIu • IDClIDOftI Mrs Frank Germack, Mr. and ... come in now for the best selection. to Calneron Duncan Mrs Alfred R Glancy III and Mrs Anne Frances Pankau, daughter Joseph A Vance. of l\lr and Mrs Robert Dean Members of the CIrcle of Fellows Pankau, of Berkshire Road, De- make an annual contribution com- troit, and granddaughter of Mrs mitment to the MCF's research, Joseph B McCrea, of Lancaster cancer surveillance and patient F.~~!.:i HoursE~1Je£'!l!lltte Road, was married Saturday, June care efforts The foundation, now M. 1. In, ~ 10; MUltr~ 30, In SaInt Clare of Montefalco 1Il its 41st year, has approximately Church to Cameron Caldwell Dun- 250 full-time SCientifiC and profes- \'1/. Sal 102 and VI" IKC~ can. son of Dr. and l\lrs Thomas sional staff members, supported by Lee Duncan, of New Orleans, La 6.000 volunteers. The couple will reSide In Dallas. Texas. where the bnde, a 1980Uni. versIty of Michigan Law School graduate, IS a corporate attorney and the bl'ldegroom Will practice architecture Bring Us Your Chairs! Calling all Start something beautiful Squeaky, Squashed or Shabby! Bnng us )our fractured. pamted, sphmered chaJrs for glUing restoring. upholsteTlng, Inusicians ... for caning 100 Declare Independence from the nagging nOises of loose chair,' Don't The St Clair Shores Symphony hIe another day "nh those broken. chipped seatl A: Coach House Antique Restora Orchestra. conducted by Michael during Forster's Interiors [Jon Center, \\e'll rCSlOre,repair, refimsh and reupholster all \our fme furntlure \\llh the expert craftsmanship Ihat's kept us around for KraJewskI, Willhave an opemng for I Concertmaster begmnmg with the r- 22 lears So leale all jour furniture house"'ork al our house - Coach House. One )ear guaranlee 1984-85 concert season. Qualified ~ mUSICians may obtam further m- on all labor Ma51erCard. VISA accepted foREE E formatlOn by contactmg Barbara Q) csumatcs Pick up and delllery al,1I1able. Also, In Hollett. manager, at the symphony surance "'orl. and interior deSign servICe. E offIce, 776.1012 (1) And Barbara Hollett Artist Man- a:: Summet: Reslore • Refinish • Recane agement will hold auditions on July 14 for vocalists to fill posltlOns as . Reupholster • Repair Drexe~ ; church solOIsts andlor choral Heritage smgers on a full-time, part-time or intenm baSiS Open 9.5. Mooda} lhru fnda}, Salurds}, 9-) For addItional 1I1formatlOn, call 20725 Mack Avenue • Gro~se POInie "oods • 882-7599 776.1012 Short and to \ I \ the Pointe Among ~tudents who received degreer:. at Lake Supel'lor Sta te College commence. ment ceremomes May 19were Valerir C. Rice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Rice, of Lmcoln Road, asso- ciate's degree m nurs- lI1g; andJohnJ. Gilloo- ly. son of :\11'.and Mrs. Leslie P. McDougal, of Rivard Boulevard, Ba- chelor of SCience A 1980 graduate of Our Lady Star of the Sea 1llgh School. Valel'le was achve as nurslI1g class president, student senator. vice-president ... of the student senate , f and captam of the val'- J !>ItyskI team at Lake SuperIOr She plans to • Yo "/t J attend graduate school 11 ~ at ('asp Western Re. I' M'rve Umvcrslty John EXTRA SPECIAL ~llIooly majored 111 ('n- ::~II , NothlnCj look ...qUite like mmal Justlce and polt- Drexel dnd Herltdgcl And no Ilcal ~Clf'nce at Lake • ono pl,ce<; It With such tempting Superior, where he was pre!>ldcnt of the polltl- reductlon<; (l'J For"lef ~ during their '84 ('al SCIence c1uh and Summer Selle Now') the> time 10 ~('If'ct exqul<;lll' furnl'Jhll1gs dt wa., acllve 111 Model United NatIOnal or~alll- extraordln,uy <;,lVlnq'> It'~ vour 0flPortunlty 10 dCql1lrp your favorltt> 7alJOI1 A Gro!>~('Pomte ~outh IlIgh ~chool pleu' ... from ...upurb c11<,pldYs of dining gr,H]ualf'. he plnn!> to loom twdroorn OIl d'Jlunal dnd allend the DetrOit Col IUXlJrlou') ur>hol~tPry coll{'( tlon" In legf' of Law ,1 r,l[H1H of 'JlVII'" rnddl' to Ihe 11Iqh, ....t Reg $105 ,>teind,lIthof tr,lfhIlIrl morl' fl'w,lIdlnq ltHOdqh lh!' dl'llqhtful C'xpPtlprH'o of bllnqtnq I1f'>W Just 24/ Hlfgl1' Chllir Illp 10 vour honw i o[c.ti'r " II1Vltfl', yOll Side ChllSt on St~lJd to 'Jh,HP Ih(",,' "'pl't lell '",dlo "'dVlnq~ Mlfho/Jlwy finish ,.,W)( ,OO)(],'H thl( HJql1 ~f'ptl'rnhor Bth I

NURSING THE CUT UPS, INC. IIOMh' Calal!J!ll in ':Io!lhion lUJ4'i I A~I IHH ~'ICI' 1)/1)(, 11M I rm IM','l) \'14 I', MAl " AVI NUl 1f>fl~~ KI fiCll1 VI.I .VIIJlJl St.,.", H•• "', Oren. ,.".,. .... IH IIWII, MIC II. (,nO',,1 I'UIIHI 739~IS'OO 88'-9380 flrj') l~o1(} 821-3525 Orl~n /don ThUll f" 1119 Op,n Man "1l't1l1~ 111l!

AN r IlUNY W COLr r T {jl'11 /I Y HAIH FA',IHfJIJ fJIHt CI()!1 NUR ~/N(, ( 11RI

" / '. I ~ -----_-...-.-----

1', ',~ ; I!MA Six.-8 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday,July 5, 1* v'~ ~ "'" ~ ' Navy Fireman Jay SEAN HOGAN-DOWNEY, A. C. S. W. P. Straiao"id, son of ~~~. Music Hall plans parties Joll .. P. and Dolores E. c.nfflM ~I WOIt., ~ Stra.Uao\'lci, of severn 'v telmorTow, July 6. in tbe park. AnnourtC4M the relocation 'Becinnil'« In& Road, recently re- Music: RaU center and Harmonie '!be party then moves indoors to o'her~ r turned from a six- Park are THE places to be 00 Fri- MUSte HaD for performances by to month deployment to day evenings during the summer. some 01 the hottest artlSts in show 20816 E. Eleven Mil., Suite 103 The fun begins "aCter work" (5:30 business. Tomorrow'. headliner is the Western PaCific St. Clair Shore', III 48080 and Indian OCeans as a to 7:30 p.rn ). when food and re- ~t George Shearing, appear. (313) 774-1779 freshments wiU be available and 111& with Don'I'bompeoo. crewmember aboard Practice Include.: the dock landmg ship local jazz arhsts will be perform. Tbe spotlight fOCWleS 00 The INDIVIDUAL and FAIIII. Y THERAPY Crusaders the following Friday, USS Anchorage, home- EDUCA TIONAl SEMINARS July 13, and on Alberta Hunter the ported in san Diego, SUPERVISION/CONSUL TATION AIumnae groUp Fnday after that, July 20 The Calif. series resumes 00 Friday, Aug. 3, a er with a performance by a guest ar. sour tu ent eac mg cademic Potential? will g th tist yet to be announced, and ends Is there a loss of self-esteem and confidence? The Grosse Pointe and Macomb the followIng Friday, Aug 10, With County Alumnae of Alpha Xl Delta Mel Tor-me, t~, "America's Where do you go? What do you do? will meet for their annual "Rose greate5t male smger by Rex Reed WHEN YOUR STUDENT NEEDS HELP Luncheon" on Saturday, July 14, at ill the New York Daily News. • Our Professional staff offers a successful noon at the Grosse Pomte Hunt All performances begin at 8 p.m. Club. All area alumnae and colleg- Tickets for the Sheanng concert educational plan, K-Adult iate members are welcome to at. are $15, all seats reserved. Ticket • IndiVIdualized prescriptive tutoring In an tend this final luncheon meeting of prices for the remaining engage- academiC environment the season ments may be obtained by calling • Learning dlsabllites-Special education President Marie Swmbank will the Musk HaU box office 963-7680 re~ew details of the Alpha XI where tickets may be purChased by u ,.,.~...11.:..._ ....._ ...... t V .....~_ • Specialized Program for K-4 Della nauonal CUflvenuon IU pnooe With MaSter'UlrQ, 'V 1M or .J...J.. t;UUJ...Ll1 C; 1. U.1. .I. C;a.1. IIstenm SKillS, reaoln and rrlitlil Dallas, Texas, which she attended American Express. in late June. Tickets also may be purchased at Park resident Rl:TH C-\I~ ha~ been named Headliner of the GROSSE POINTE LEARNING CENTER Margo Baker IS general chall'- all Ticket WorldlCTC outlets Year by the Detroit Chapter of Women in Communications, Inc.: • Educational Services • Psychotherapy man of the luncheon. Early reset- Group rate information is avail. reeognizf'd for distinguished professional achievement in the field valions are necessary and may be able from the MUSIC Hall business of communications via the highest award given by the chapter's • Hypnotherapy • Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist made by calling ~. offICe, 963-7622. 300 mem~rs \\ho include the area's top women communicators. 343-0836 63 Kercheval GrOSH PIe. Farm. MI Ruth is ~Iedia Relations Coordinator for Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Michigan. Her career include~ rep<)l'ting for Business Week "If it weren't for Linda, magazine and the Associated Press and working as a copywriter in the Detroit Free Press Promotion Department. She is a I couldn't live at home." member of the Public Relations Society of America. the Detroit Home he,llth (.Hl.' workl'r' hlu' llnd.1 help Ihuu,.lnd, 01 I)('opll.' who prell'r 10 lx' Press Club, the Grosse Pointe Chapter of the American Associa- (arl'd for ,11hOnl(, r.1ther Ih.ln ,n .111 In,t,lu. tion of University Women and Public Relations chairperson for lion Sonl('OJY honw hl.'.lllh I ,m' m.1~ help Blue Cross/Blue Shield's Health and People/Political Action Com- )OU or 'omconl' you 1m I.' mittee, is listed in "Who's Who of American Women" and is a We r(' the IIX ,11olf'l eof Uplohn Hl',llth- Care 5<-1\ ICe-. '" Ihe nation' le,llhn!'t prl\ .111' graduate of Wa) ne State Vniversity. Ruth is married to Charles prQ\lder of home he,llth CJre W(' prO\ldl' C. Cain III, retired auto \\ riteI' for the Associated Press. The cou- nur~ nurse' .)),,,1.1111' home he.11lh .1Id(', ple has seven children. hom('mak('r~ and lompilnlon, Our 'l'r\ Ill" help elderly people who \\Jnllo ~ta) .11home to mJlf1tJIf1 their If1dcpendente We ,11,0 help pcople who h,l\ C lon!'t !('I'm dlne"e'. those r('(o\('rll1l\ from ,ur!'tery, .md nl.lnY Theatre Fest opens July 5 I others "Cole," the musical revue based ParIS," "Another Op'nin, Another To leJrn marl.', tililioday' on the songs of Cole Porter, and Show," "NIght and Day," "Any. "Relahvely Speakmg:' Alan Ayck- thmg Goes" and "I Get a Kick Out n4-7070 bourn's first big comedy success, of You." The music is linked 'Witha 1-[+1=' 19900 E. 10 Mile, I The name ~ou know you can trust open 1984's Wayne State Uni\ersity mixture of original narration and St. Clair Shores, Mi. 48080 Hilberry Summer Theatre Festival related extracts from Scott and on Thursday, July 5, at 8 pm, the Zelda Fitzgerald The visual back- former playing on the Hilberry's ground constantly changes through main stage, the latter In the down- the use of projections. Private Duty Nursing Care ••••••••••••••••••• a.~~ ~ ...... •.•...••...... •••••• stairs Studio Theatre through Aug 4 "Relahvely Speaking" IS a farce . . . . . "Cole" features a Wide range of comedy about two couples who serving the Grosse Pointes : All Tie Tennis Shoes : : All Summer Sandals : Porter songs, including "I Love become embroiled in a potentiaUy and the Tri-Counties ""I . . embarrassing situation that can be : 20% OFF : : 40% OFF : prevented only by some qUickly . . . . contrived role playing. It was writ- •••••• '1 ••••••• It •••••••••••• . • •••••.•...... •....•..•.•.• ~ ...... •••••••••••••••••••••••••••It ••••••••••• It •••• Help at hand ten, says Ayckbourn, "to make • • . . people laugh when their seaside : 10 % OFF All : : SAVE 20% to 50% : for overeaters summer holidays were spoiled by : In.Stock Shoes, : • on Discontinued : rain and they came Into the theatre : Regular & Corrective: School Shoes : Overeaters Anonymous meets to get dry before trudging back to . . . . Friday mormngs, at 9.30 am, at their landladies." Private Homes, Hospitals or Nursing Homes ~ ~•...... •.. ,••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 the Grosse Pointe Umtanan Ticket information and bro- \9562 KellyRoM • ..... ~ .48225. 37\.2282 Church on Maumee Avenue, be- chures with information on the • 24 Hour Service. 7 Days a Week HOURS Thurs , Fn. 10'00 - 8 00 Mon .• TUCI1I• Wed .. Sat 1000 - 6 00 tween Neff Road and St Clair complete summer repertory at Hl1- • Full Time or Part Time Coverage • Avenue. The meetmgs are open to berry are avaIlable upon request at • Bonded and Insured llAU 5TAIITS .AA.Y I • E-. JULY 31 the public. the theatre box office, 577-2!!l2 ,•...... , By RN's, LPN's, Nurse Aides, and Live In Companions : Mew Or ..... Dbd...... • : CHET BOGAN and the WoNerre Jazz Band : • Every Tuesday 830 pm Featuring Dilliebelle • 263.0580 :• THE UDO~ Dining, Cocktails :• Community Professional Nursing Service •, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••24026 E. Jefferson (Just NOffh of 9 MIle) 1• WORSHIP SERVICES

Grosse Pointe Woods First English GROSSE POINTE Ev. Lutheran MEMORIAL CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WE CARE 10 ooa m 19950 Mack Avenue Church CriJ).Toddl~ Care Worship (hallway belween Mcross and Vernier Roadsl \'ermer Road at IlXh -lIIHI Wedge"ood Dme. Gros~e Pomte ~oods ";\;0 RAINCHECKS 884 ~o FOR THE ARK TRIP" 10:00 A.M. DIVINE WORSHIP ( hur( r ,h'",) " II) .. !Tl Dr. Wm. R. Phillippe C"il...l"ct- \\ vr~~nop '1 JtJ d m Nursery and Children's Class 16 Lakeshore Dr Dial.A.Prayer Provided Paul F Ktpplu PUler ll82-S339 • U !lr. 882-8770 "m He-.. e-ss) -\J.~.... t'aster COME GROW WITH US St. James GROSSE POINTE Christ the King BAPTIST CHURCH CHRIST CHURCH Lutheran Church Lutheran Church 21336 ..13('11AH'nue 20338 Maek. GPW "on The Hill" (,rosrt , R, mOO Mornmg Prayer (2nd and 4th) /Nursery care available) St. Paul Ev. Redeemer Other ServIces Holy Eucharist .,fer• Luthera n United 8 00 a m Sunday Church MethodIst ~-t'~• 881-6670 (I 9 11) a m Tuesday Church " : Chllfon' •• nd '5 10 P m Saturday ; Lothrop 20571 Vernier 10 (){J am WORSHIP Harper Wood. 884 2(,15 'SERVIlE -:: ST. MICHAEL', The Grosse Pointe PEACE \l R.~ER"Y'\ER\'T(,ES 9 15 a m Church ,;(hllOl EPISCOPAL Congregational ON 10 30 am"" or.h,p \ RE\ .J PHILIP \\AIfL CHURCH and Re\! Don J.l(h:enfell ~ RE\ ROHERT (l RRY :t41$ 'ltl .. hI,.,lt Parll American Baptist EARTH 0rO&.. "MIIW W"', Churc;h IlM.41120 Gro... Point. HARPER WOODS United 8 rf) a m Hr,ly F:uchault BAPTIST CHURCH M£THODIIT !I 3CJ .. m Hll>le "'o4y 10 a m Sunday ,"ur...ry A.all/ll>le~ Worship Service CHURCH 11l:l1'). m DIAL MEETING AT /cnb room avaIlable) (J,211 Merna AOld ( h()l"al El)( t,ar"l and , %78 lrJC"'rnoor Ave .... 2363 yrmon '>UMY)' 'khool r j@'W Sc-'e,jJIe Sermon A 12 p ~ 5und8y ScroOO\ W~kda)' F:UCMltlll II 30 a m TUfSday by l' 30 "M Sun(lay W()(V"P (j 'Ii) I- A \lTLY Rev Hutcheon W(Jf{.C,HIP C hreck ~:, 4

Thursday, JUly 5, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page 8even.B QUIETLY ELEGANT COLONIAL " lltete< . 'i". ~ UfftO OM THIll 'MIl ...... OIl""' tROl" POINT.MAL mATlIXC" __

LOCATION PRICE BR/BA FEATURES Fleetwood $ 73,900 211 Simple assumption morlgage updated kitchen Cam rm FIsher 102,000 3/2", ExceptIOnal value 28'" Cootfam rec rm and much more lexington 87,900 3/1'" Ver~ appealing v.ell bUilt home, ree rm \~Iv.('t bar Lakepomte 58,900 64,900 3 Brtck Income properties wlall umts ocLuplCd, ~et utll Huntmgton 118,000 4/2', A new kitchen. brtght Florida ren den v./\\et bdr & more Norton Crt 129,000 3/21, lmmaculatl', family room and Ilbrdr~ fireplace Vcrmer 107,500 J/I', :'oIey.erColomdl w/lrg kitchen For sale or lea~e $80() mo Wedgewood 159,900 5/2'" Cu!>tom bUilt Colomal, kltLhen \~/blt In!> fdm rm \l, fireplace PrestwlCk 86,500 J/1', ImmedIate occupanc} ne\~er kitchen fm rm Just reduced' Whittier 1t5,000 3/1',1" Charm and charactrr Paneled lIbral ~ Lenlral air and more Whittier 118,500 4/21_ (;reJt falml) home' Fdmll\ rm \~ ftreplaLe ternflc lloor plan Nottmgham 54,000 4/2 RllLk Tudor large rooms natura I flreplace Call [or dpl d i1~ NeCf 119,900 4/2 ~paclOus 5/5 Bnck Income ~I /~ep ullhtles Land (onl.-act tel m:. Woodbridge 79,900 U1.'" Attractt\e conJo good SIzed famlly room

Cham~ion... 0 cO,",P' .. , --- __ 1 102 Kercheval 884.5700 OPEN SUNDAY 2:00. 5:00 47 PINE COURT, GROSSE POINTE FARMS ~~ T ~\ \.. ~ t William J. Champion & Company ,' -FIRST OFFERING-THE BEST THINGS ARE I,m BURNS - OPEN SUNDAY 2 00-5 00- JUST \ IN SMALL PACKAGESI ThiS umque ranch 1:\iIAGINE a claSSICGeorgian In a hIstorical In the Farms has been beautifully malntam commumty priced m the 70's' The laVish use ed and the yard has been featured on the of natural woodwork In the center hall and dm. Garden Tour Perfect for the retiree or pro Ing room, plus the exquisite Pewablc hIe fesslOnal couple, there are t\\ 0 bedrooms 2 touches make thIS a matchless value A new baths and lovely famIly room \\ Ith \\et bal kItchen With a cookmg Island mcludmg a Jen- nalre glill plus a dishwasher and other can. \ elllences ISdelightful FIve famllv bedrooms on the second floor With three baths, handy back rooms" and a useable third floor gives the growing famIly loads of room. Owner has been transferred and ISanxIOus to sell Attrac- tive terms can be worked out

EVERY ROOM IS AN INVITATIOr-; III thiS stnking Colomal' Stnklng decor highlIghts thiS handsome three bedroom, three and one half bath huuse Perfect for entertal'1mg, there ISa thlrt} foot h\lIlg room. SpaCIOUSd10lng room With bUllt-m chma and cr)-stal storage areas, famlly room \\Ith sunny Y. mdO\\ v.ails and adjacent deck, cheery modern kitchen With breakfast area, attached 2 car garage, central aIr and FINALLY' A LARGE HOUSE YOU CAN AF- many other fme features FORD on a beautiful Wide tree hned street In Grosse Pomte ThiS home Will satisfy all vour family needs It has 5 bedrooms, 3 baths. hbrary, .. sun room and separate breakfast room. plus a Member 01the "\ gracIOus hvmg room and dmmg room and an up LOCATED "ON THE HILL" Grosse Poulte Real Estate Exchange ., ENJOY THE AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT 'I Macomb Board of Realtors dated kitchen A newly paved dm eway IS Just one thiS clean 3 bedroom ranch offers modern kit. 10 Grosse Pointe Farms , Cha~ionA"0 COM'A"V Detroit Board of Realtors of the many bonuses across from Perry Drugs chen. den, newer roof, newer furnace and newer 102 KeR:heval 884.5700 'I aiumlllum tnm are Just a few of the great extras' ,t PflCed to sell 10 the 80's \ OPEN SUNDAY 2 00.5 00- 4866YORKSHIHE- '\ ATTENTION FIRST TIME BUYERS' The DO YOUR OWN THING' ThiS house ISpnced to ~ warmth of Colonial archItecture, combIned allow for pamtmg and decoratmg to your own .., With the comfort of modern brick constructIOn taste Attentive mamtenance has been given , make thiS a home to remember There are 3 'I to thiS one owner house The hvmg and din- '\ bedrooms, large hVIng room, formal dllllllg mg rooms are off the center hall To the rear Jim Saro:z ~~ent£, fl\t. , room, den, screend porch and affordable of the house you will flOdthe family' room and "' price' garden room,.{lverlookmg a spacIOus yard 17108 MACK "l Three good Sized bedrooms with good closet l TRANSFERRING IN FROM OUT OF TOW;\ ) space plus two ceramic tiled baths are con. vemenl to the bedrooms 886-9030 'I., Move nght tn' ThiS spacIous Colomal has hern newly decorated III an elegant but Iradlt\Ondl manner Large kitchen and separate BI(, A;\D BEAUTIFUL' Located near the Farms breakfast room plus 5 bedrooms and 3 bath~ Pier thiS spacIOus five bedroom manse has A home for a f

Member of the 942PEMBE RTON - 4 bedroom CololIl.!!' leadcd \1II1dO\1't thl U out, J g,l;, tlrcpl"c~:., ,1'. b lease \llth optIOn, onl) $IW.~ in Grosse Pomte Farms Macomb Board of Realtors across from Perry Drugs DetrOIt Board of Realtors SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT 4941ASHLEY - Convement 3 bedroom ranch' Perfect for an elderh' couple a" \11'110:. a "tarter hom~' Stone thro\\ from shoPPlllg and lransportalton' Onl) $29 000 .

1689BROADSTONE - Price reduced I 3 bedroom Engllsh tudor, 2'" baths. extrd lot, large rooms, mee den, 2'J car attached garage. much more, drJ\e by today' 1757ALINE - Excellent buy Cor thiS 3 bedroom brick ranch, 2 natural fireplaces, .! car, recre

41 LOCHl\100R - If ~au are lookmg for that house that ISdifferent from all the re~l take a look .11 thl'" one of a kllld offerlllg, 5 bedrooms, beaultful rooms, open staircase, ~el \11'1':.lalr:. Call tor more de- tails' Priced to sell at only $325,000

20439 MACK AVENUE 20720MARTE R - Bedutlful Coloma I \llth J bedroom<;, 2 5 ba th~ faml h I (X,m \\ lth naturd I fll epl.lce Grosse POinte Woods much more I Onl; $99,000 Call to set an appollllment

1334BUCKINGHAM - Eleg,lOlluuor \~Ilh 3 bedroom", 212 bath;" den"" Ith v.lectfiC ,Ill 886-8710 cleaner, l..and Contract terms SolS 50,000dov.n, 5 }eal at II~" Just $145,000

19259LINVILLE - "'ntural v.ood floor thru (Jut mdudlng P,lrquellloor In f"mll) room J bedroolll~ 1'. OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 baths, 2 natural fireplace!., master bedroom.! l .....1J u!.!>umecXI;,llll!l.L.ulll Contrnd y.lth 5 y ea~ rt' mallllllg, Pncl'<1 to !.{'I\ at $ 1166ROSLY:\, - Po~slhle L

1476S RENA t;[) - Heduced for QUItk "'d 1(' Br

1056WOOD~ LA:--'E-'luper for Ih(' l..lrgr fdl1llh 1\' 0 IlId<;terbedroom ~U1te<;WIth adJOllllng full baths, Five bedroom, III lolnl 1 full b"tll" ard Oil' IItlf to,lIh Fdmll~ room centrill aIr

1H810RO\SOM\10, - Harper \\ ood~ J.\ 0 !l(',!r 0011' 1"1)( h \\ Ith f,1I1111\room {'tillt} room I'" car garage StO\(: and refngerntor torludc'd 1'1 rll (I [Il' n]l' I ('It' N' rl) "f"II('1 homf' BY APPOINTMENT

(,f{(6~J-~ POTi'.TI'. 'iI/OIU',", 01' J dk' 'I'"l ( !If "llllful \ 1'1\ of Itlf' lakf' Fill1dlv room \l, Ilh d lake vie"" FL'atunng ') Iwdroom" \liI"II') lif.dl nom (III flf'" or ,( "If-II floor 1 full h,lIh"

GHO..,<.,fo: I'OT\TE ",I!OHr" fj',,'lllI,JlI, hili! I,"P" h\ III' ,wrlll.,kl'l ml'lh4 F('.lllll('<; 4 tK'droom<;, 2', hath, fdmil} room flr<;1floo) I "Will \ n'dl'-, hl"r 1,11' hi n I (JllljJll'll'lyup

(,HOS<.,E I'OI\TE "IIOH!',", ('1'1/)1'1 IJllllt III 1'171 fIll I" l.,t nl f'l' 1)('1 4 hpdroom~ 2 hIli thllh., 2 h.llt balh~ Ilbrdr} l.Hgf' gr(',,11J 011 l'J I 21 II' il,-I" '" dIo/)n) '-1l111Oil flr"t floor \llll.,thlcr kltthen Beautifully Idnr).,('dlXrj

(,H()~~fo;POJ\ TI'. \\(JII])'" I...rg', ,,", "I,,,,, ("J,,' .. I "llh ,1w droom" !' l bath" IIhrary, Flofllia

room ! flrl'pIM"" HI'( I p,d '0" (I '" f If' I.' (10 "" nd III' 1'1,,, f' III mfl"ll'r bcdrlKlm

(;RO",",E 1'111\ J 1'. \\OO()", 1'11(1(II," ,'I I'll" I' III I I' Ii III Ih" 1/'\f'I\ lilmg,dol'< J... rgf' "Nond floor f'XpanSiOn Hoof onl\ 4 If'"r, old ("'1)/ II"~ '\/ 'I' llid l'lll~h(d b,"l'mf'tlt rlll'plfll('

(,RII",",fo: I'OI\J!' \\OOIJ'" Illlpl" I "II d, d'(II" Ii 1\\0 hf'droo!ll' tdmlly room 11

(,RO",~E POI ...... ) E v"OO()<., I,(,O)..'I,g Ifil ,,1"11', hl,(," \II'ljr 1 ~',O 111111'11'<0I'NII fHlmlJf!ck ranch v.lth flreplau' tllf.c'mf'lll (I'", '0 \1" k 11,1 11"1 hI ,hopfllnl/. "nd trdn<;portlltJOn

HARPER W(j()lj<., I'f(JIr""(Jn,oI1 dl' I I d' ,,/ (1I1,d 1111'"(rl/ld',nllnUm T~o tX'droom'> appliance, In rluderJ Hrady to mflV( Inlfl

«()i'.J)() I'" II;\HPJ-:H \l.()(l()" O/l( I" r1"'(IJr "II, 1"f!1 1'\lng IOIlIf' kllrlH'n ~Ilh dlOlOg room ('Oln ojX'rlltcd wd~her and dryl' In l'd~1 11,/1,1 (lItlll 11111,1I,t<"tIOII ,\Ill00

\ . l -' GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday t July 5, 1984


Winner MRS. BETIY O'CONNEL of our annual "Hili Days" Free GIft Certificate giveaway Thank\LJu L,I' .'t't\lf\ lJt'l-lJ' Il1i)(.ameb\ 'ul'lt'rrr,( I 'jJD.llldrJ\\ll1g It\\a~funtdlklllglo

)0U '1f'd ~\ll ~,~ \llw. ~\llll~(,tnt. ~l h \\h("l) ~ou 1~\.,"" l t ...... I....ld nee ..... ~ ~,' ">-"'~~I .... I ,' ,' Young-at.heart home great for the up\\ard mobile Special CedtUJes ;,ell a home and thl~ one I" load ed J fireplaces beamed ceillng~ beautlful Custom dei>lgned and bUilt for entertammg modern kitchen garden", 5 bedrooms 3 full and comfort Four bedrooms ....Ith first floor baths plus l half balhs Pnced extremel~ com master sUite T\\ 0 full baths FlOlshed ....04,. '01. Ill' nn ...... floPn to ()ffpf basement - ,..... ~ .. ~ BEDFOHD HO-\D-Bu~lIle~s tran~fer COlCed 'lc,nLL-\'-Popular SIZed 3BR I'" bath Col- A CH-\R~IER' Has l1i!',I, familY rm . red" ood these 0\\ ners to I egrelCull~ gl\ e up Ih'~ omal Remodeled gourmel I.ltchen ....lth de<:k ne ....kltchen-euslom cabmets In the '!()~T Cdbulous Cour bedroom Colomal E\ er~ Ihlllg bredkfast nook Com elllent neighborly PRl\iE LOCO\TIO\l on O\ford Rd decorator perfect, \\ell mamtamed and In locatIOn beauttful condition PE -\R TREE-PrICed belo\\ marketmldeal Star 'OTRE D-\ 'IE-\\ arm Cllendl~ cottage st~ Ie oC the-Sea area ThiS 3 bedroom, 2 balh TudOi \\ Ith flexIble room arrangement spacIOus Ranch \\ on't last long Pn\dte mother III Ia .... sUite \11 Terms Offered 'E\\ OFFERI:'\G-Roomy 4 bedroom Colomal \\ Ilh double 101 on L o\KEPOI:'\TE. l' 2 baths. KE'\ 'lORE-Cheerful three BR Coloma I \\ Ith ba) Famll\' room and 3 car garage Great home \\ mdo\\ Dmmg room \\ Ith bUilt 111 cupboards for large family Den


Olx & Baker buill ranch In great Farms locatiOn TR.-\.'\QL"IL slreet beautiful homes surround thiS MORE POPULAR THAN EVER , .. Deluxe features Includmg ne" famll~ rm and has 4 bedroom 1'" bath center entrance ColOnIal TAX-SHELTERING INVESTMENT BUYING IS MAKING A BIG COME BACK. been recently decoratt'd thru-<>Ut Large fo: er famlh rm fulI~ eqUiPped kitchen. formal dll1l11g and 2 Cdr attached garage J60.J62 -\.LTER - l Famll) Cape Cod 466468 -\LTER - '\e"er 2/2 Income ~EAR VILLAGE - Well mamtamed rreshl~ decoraled, 3 bedroom. 1 2 bath custom bwll colomal ' 1090 E \STL -\\\, - 13 limt apartment. good return WIth "'Ide Side dnve, large Kitchen sun deck & terrace 2 car garage S89 900 98a-98; 'OTTI:'I GH.\ '1 GPP - 4 2 bedroom umts 895-89; BE-\.CO,\SFIELD GPP -- Clean and neat 4 Family OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 906-908 '\OTTI'\GH \ 'I GPP - Recent!) listed 4-plex LlC Terms SOLD 95G-52'\OTTI'\GH \\1 GPP - Ne\\ Llstmg 53 Hawthorne - 3 bedroom Colomal on 10\ el) SHORES street close to La"eshore Rd Featur~ 421 RI\' \RO GPC - 2 huge apartments Good locahon large hvmg rm. kitchen WIth eatmg area and attached garage 15000 :\lACK ;\ \'E GPP -- 6 apartments. 4 commercial umts 1250 C \L \'ERT - ,II Umt apartment call Cor details 19949 Willtam Ct E - 3 bedroom bnck ranch featunng dinIng rro. family rm large kitchen wllh 298; GL\OSTO'E - 34 Umts good rents. no vacancy All terms custom cupboards galore and central air 2211 PI:'\GREE - 46 Umts comblOatlOn 1 & 2 bedrooms 1138-40 W \ YBt:R:'\ GPP - Immaculate 2 family JUST LISTED ~. 1750 Vermer. Apt 24 - Berkstures -\partmenb - l' 2 baths manelous kllchen \\ 'all bUilt-ms. I 1163 ,J.\RYLA '0 GPP - '\"EW LISTING - upper & lo\\er mcome ,y.' bedroom. large rooms ~ eward EARL KEIM • Charles Trov.bndge iIt': peggy'H'llmc 710 NOTRE DAME t REALTY s: THE FULL SERVICE ~ II PEOPLE &assocaes 11 "If OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 .If IN BEAliTIFl:L GROSSE POI;,\iE PARK GracIOus homes gracIOus streets boule\ards and pm'ate ~.-- lanes THE PARK S THE PLo\CE T....o \\ aterfront parks tall trees Great schools hbran restaurants ",' 886-6010 , & shopping For a hne up of lifestyles - stroll through the Park; this Sunda) 2 ') . .t' r It. , FIRST OFFERING FIRST OFFERING ,~ ...~, '"" '""rT ....~ ~' .. 1063 BALFOUR ~lagmfJcent 5-br, 312' bath !figELU.1R PU.CE Enchantmg countD Ilke Tudor Sheer perfectIon Extras & qua lit) galore homeste.lCECOLONIAL budt In the 50 s Four bedroom, 2'2 baths First floor has spacIOus kitchen, family room and a glassed and 'icreened porch Large yard and attached garage A.,,,umahle Land Contract

4 F

r ) 126 Ho\R\ \RD 103.:; ,\()TTI,GH.\\Y rede<:orated '\e\.l cdrpet pdlnt built unc 0\\ npr oJ br gem Clean CtJarmmg ( ape <'00 l br" 2' d" a \~hl"tle \e\\er roof furnace b,l!lJ- eX'ra ro()m \\ \k L,) .• Sir) '> R \'\TED 51?!) s , /f /,..

/ ./ L,\RGE .\!ODER'\ KITCHE:-' \.11thloads of cup- PRO:\HSE HER A,,\YTHI:-'c.' But bu\ thiS char board" and eating area j berlroom~ and 3 full mlng Cdpe Cod near the la~f' \ta~ter bedroom tJdth" The flr'lt floor fedlures IJ'lneJed lihrar} plu." \\Ith bath on )<;t floor ((17\ dining room \\Ith a "cn'cocd and i!la,,'>ed porch fireplace \IU'it see to appn (I Ill'

1ST OFFERING! ' ../IBl(KI\(,I!\\1 f1"rdcdt .,tonel'xtcnor \(-~ cr lurnac( Jl\\ If (drpd ('I( \ppli"TK~ to() Superb quallt\ at IlI1 TRO\1BLE\ Random PC-AA ('d !Ioor, leaded gld~<; decorall\(' pJ",tcr \\ \RH \'\TEJ> S'.)- mouldmgs &. ccilll1g~ \uthenl,c EngJI'h 1'\,1> rpc AND IN THE WOODS r()(Jm Lot" more 'i or,; 1 ~Jdth" Oe TER\r" a117',(1 \ r,I<'l.Ir,l{ \pt 2(j "r III 2 br dpdrt w ldgonal hbr"n ,\ mu<;! ~ce I./J\.\('r $)f/l" rr,en! ((,nd() 0 !l('rr."hlr(' (,nrl0mlnllJm, "Ith GHEAT (l BH APPEAL "nd It gel< (',en bE>1 EXU:PTIO\AL ~Ot;TIfER'" (,01..0;" It\ L on thp \\ARRA'\TED ne"f('d P()(JIfull: HJUIPI,,'r1 k:l( hpn o:u' ("rrJP! & !pr In'll(jp \ kll( h( n rlgh! 'lilt of Hou<;e dnd turn of Ihe old race COUNP In Uw FAIUt,> Ex( (Op drape, \Ir \Y(,rc lu-! '12 :;fll, (,,,ro( n' pill' bc"utlful p"r (lId lihrarv >,>Ith Iiondl rl('('oratlng "no floor plan 'lItI109on a large n"'ur,,l fir, pld( I, berJr()(Jr', [II J' l full bdtn,> lot on a \ ('r'> pnvdlP'p! FIRST OFFERING

((,r-l;h~( t ) t/f'nr(;.Jrr r~Hj( r In l.1f \l~(~'''(l'' \Jr tnn d'l10nr d m"rbll 'fil' f( nu.d \anl !-.,(j ki'lhpn (dll !(,r dpP',rntm('nt

MANY, MANY MORE CALL US TODAY ~ . (IJAR\lI\(, EAHLY 1900" f{('no\atpd and 395 rl~r1ER ROAD 20647 MACK AVENUE FI)I{ ~ALf', on LEA~E (harmlOg \e\.\ rl.dce or" t(.rj ...cnanh quarter" In thf,lwart of thp Opposlle G P ~th lhgh 0pp0<,llc Pdrc(,lh \flddle ~('hool I'.n.'lland ('olomal I'dth 4 bedroom'> updated kit (II) ~pa( I(At" r()om" ..lOrl HI fo()t «('Iling I('nd to 1m (h('n famll) room and l,t floor Jav Pnced In thl' 886.3800 884.6400 aglOilll\e d('(ordtln~ Jdrge lot ....Ith derk 10....!J() ., or $WJO per month

- ~ ~ 1 ~ __ ~ ...... _w ,._~._.~ __ ~~_ __ ~~~~_L-... ._~_ ~~~_~_~_~ __ ~.~ Thursday, July 5, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine:.a NINE FARMS-CITY HOMES 3Jo~n".~ob.manlll' OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 Computerl1ed - MultJi/sted 93 KERCHEVAL GROSSE POINTE OPEN SUNDAY- 640WASHINGTONEnJoy a 30X14 hvmg room and a 21X13 cy Land Contract offered kitchen plus a den See Mal y Daas \ltr.llllH bnck ranlh - leatunng Large faml[y room hVlng room I\.llh UPf<:NSUNDAY- 7 WELLINGTON EnJOYthe new natural fireplace dmmg L 2 bedrooms 1L l bdth" paneled r~ room, pIIce ,lOdlarge mortgage balance on Uus" bed len(ral air 2'! ldl attadled garage. beautiful lot ('all for tfloor Idullllr) attached 2 car garage, rec room II Itll ndtural fll t' located Ju~t one block from the lake Special BIll Leslie EXCELLENT FINANCIAL MORTGAGE TERMS' featlu~ mclude a 2nd floor LalUldn bl level master place Lochmoor at Wedgel\ood SliU,UOO . bedloom sUite IIIth ddJacent sitting room, countn OPE:'olSUNDAY- 90J R[\ARD Gro•• e Pomte Cl \;EAR ['HE FARMS pum - [T S BIGGER rJl.\ '1/ IT LOOKS kitchen and famIly room IIIth ~hdlflg doo~ to J ty, 3 bedroom Colomal Very energ} effiCient, .l71 HlULE'W\T ~harp brick (,_ <;tor} WIth 4 bedrooms 2 bath" a nel\; large I\ood deck Seldom aVdllable opportunity SpdCIOUSrooms central all' See Dottie Allen modern kitchen. ree room \'11th\\ct bar nel\. carpeting tolulck posses priced to sell qUIckly <;Ion Walk to Kerby and Bro\\nell 5chool<; $78500 HEDLCED OPEN SUNDAY - J82 HILLCREST 4 bedrooms, 2 full bd(hs Withfamily room and mcel} flmsh- IntrigUing larger (olomal Great hou<;efor grol\.wg tanlll) $12') 00.) I'd baseml'nt Fresh and attractive decor • tn' ..... ",n"'."r1tn" _ ~tI~' f'~ntpr pntr:;lr'l(,,';' RpQ'pn(~v (t(.lnnl~1 (p~tllnnl!

throughout Reduced for qUIck sale ~e Ann modern kItchen \llth breakfast nook, faml[y room '! bath .1I1dterrace Sales 4 bedroom~, 2 baths on 2nd floor, large paneled loom on lrd !loor Pant'l OPE~ SUNDAY - 136 MORAN 4 bedroom Col. ed rec room With Nf'P In basement :'ole\'lgas furnace I\.Ith (cntral dlr .I 1 ft \\ omal, 21l baths, LIBRARY AND FAMILY car garage Hecentl) redewra ted, 400 sq III rent Illth option H.OOI\1II Ith raised hearth fireplace, !>pacIOU~ ST CLAIR SHORES kitchen, attached garage Price Ieduced See Fred West .. 21616 ENGLEHARDT OPEN SUNDAY - 781FISHER Popular location Cosy brick ranch 2 or J bedrooms famll} room, paneled rel room laTl'e 1 4 bedrom English 'I'lth newly remodeled bath, car brick detalhed garage $62,500 copper plumbmg and natural woodwork Good ~"",.- DETROIT LISTINGS famIly home With large fenced yard Im- OPEN SUNDAY - 1127KE:\SI:\,(,.TON English 3~26-2!1Ua\ (,I'hlll - Bnck flat tMi $38,000will consider L C to qualified buyer mediate occu nc "carnage house" With-H bedrooms, J baths and 1m peccable condition inSIde and out Large, Iecent >951Han ard -Sharp brick Coloma[, J bedrooms. t'2 bath:> modern kl1l'hen price reduction from motIvated Seller See Dianne $42,500 FIRST OFFERING - SPECIAL FAMILY ROOM Sanders Sunday Well mamtamed Inside and out with a very special 22X20,all bnck famIly room with natural fireplace and Anderson \Iwdows Very popular Lmcoln Rd OPEN SUNDAY - 907 UNI\'ERSI fY 1\10 bed locatiOn Excellent storage areas and very strong room plus 2nd floor expansIOn area, l'ompetltl\el) mechamcal fedtures along II Ith 1011 uhltt) bills pnced 111 mil.!GO's$10,000dOli n d~.,umes mOltgage OPEN SUNDAY 2 5 see John Hoben See Henri EttedgUl Sunda) 882-5200 17646 MACK 886-4444 Ichweltzer .~Bett5fnes. Ileal E/lOle,lnc. I I W H and Gardens WE'VE GOT THE GROSSE POINTES COVERED! , " '

.. Jil BEAUTIFUL LANDSCAPED GROl!NDS a~ a IN THE HEART OF THE FARMS-242 Morass PRESTIGIOUS GROSSE PTE SHORES UNIQUE GROSSE prE SHORES COL. LOVELYCUL-DE-SAC SETTING 1030Bishop -Un Approx II lIcre, )ou'll fmd thIS grand Col flUmg introduction lo a sUpt'rb mtenor :\lagrufi- LOCATION-24 Fontana Lane One owner ONIAL 79 Webber Place ThIS bellutlful 0\ erlook golf course from thIS French !>tyleCol- cent residence on Tonnanl'oor COl) hbr- 4.WI/ 1I8,) 2(HJO 8llb 5000 llll6 .\200

CITY ADDRESS STYLE BEDROOMS BATHS GARAGE ADDITIONAL FEATURES PRICE TERMS PHONE Grosse Pointe City 857 Grosse Pte. Ct Quad 3 3 2.att. Family room $ 88,500 A 886-4200 Grosse Pomte City 17328 Mack Commercial Bus OpportunIty 225,000 COAL 886-5800 Grosse Pointe City 289 Rivard 1/2/1 11/2/1 21/2 Sun rms" new furnace & roof 92,500 $C 885-2000 Grosse Pointe City 922 Rivard 2-family 2/1 1/1 2 New offenng, well maintained, 2 new furnaces 109,000 seA 885-2000 All Grosse POinte Farms 431 Lakeshore Colonial 8 6 3 Georgian Colomal 650,000 886--5800 149,900 $,C 885-2000 Grosse POinte Farms 385 Chalfonte Colonial 4 21f2 2 Den, Ige family rm. $,C Grosse POinte Farms 70 rJerriweather Colonial 4 31f2 2-att Panld. library, screened porch 182,500 885-2000 Grosse POinte Farms 286 Moran Colonial 4 1 2 Freshly painted 79,900 COA 886-5800 Grosse POinte Farms 344 Moross Colonial 3 1 2 Newer kitchen 210,000 CD 886-5800 CDA Grosse Pomte Farms 195 Ridgemont Ranch 3 1 2 Custom home. open Sunday 97,900 886-5800 Grosse Pomte Park 1337 Berkshire Colonial 6 3 3 Updated kitchen 106,500 CDAB 886-5800 885-2000 Grosse Pomte Park 1329 Buckingham Colonial 7 31/2 3 Pnld, family rm , sun rm 122,500 $C 1 124,800 CDA Grosse Pomte Park 1035 Cadieux 11/2 Story 3 3 2 /2 Open Sunday, redecorated thruout 886-5800 120,000 $CL 885-2000 Grosse POinte Park 15127 Kercheval Commercial Covers 3 lots. 4th lot unimproved except for paving 92,500 $C 885-2000 Grosse POinte Park 954 Lakepointe Colonial 5 3 2 New offenng wIden, Ige new kIt, step-down terrace Grosse POinte Park 976 Lakepomte Colonial 3 1 2 Family rm , NFP 79,900 A 886-4200 Grosse POinte Park 17440 Maumee Condo 5 2 1 New furnace, remodeled kit 99,500 seA 885-2000 Grosse POinte Park 881 Nottmgham 11/2 Story 5 2 RIght for handy man 42,500 CDV 886-5800 Grosse POinte Park 1379 Nottingham ColonIal 3 1 2 New rcof, painted ext 49.900 CD 886-5800 Grosse POinte Park 1006 Three Mile Colonial 5 2112 2112-att Pnld family rm , library, porch 239,900 SC 885-2000 Grosse POinte Park 752 Trombley 2-family 4/4/1 3/311 4 Mother-In-law apt 199,900 ALL 885-2000 Grosse POinte Woods 1643 Anita Ranch 3 1 1 Close to transportation 52,900 CD 886.4200 Grosse POinte Woods 1110 N Brys Ranch 3 11f2 2-att Family rm , updated country kIt 98,500 AGD 886-4200 Grosse POinte Woods 64 Fontana Lane Colonial 3 2 21/2 Immaculate condition 249,500 CD 886-5800 Grosse POinte Woods 885 Grosse Pte Ct Ranch 3 1 1-att Finished basement 71,900 AFV 886.4200 Grosse POinte Woods 2158 Lennon Colomal 3 1 21/2 GraCIOUS, redecorated 86,800 CD 886-5800 Grosse POinte Woods 2032 Lochmoor Colonial 3 1 2 New roof, rec room 75,900 CD 886-5800 Grosse Pomte Woods 2073 NolV,Iood Colonial 3 1 2 Open Sunday. newly decorated 79,900 CD 886-5800 Grosse Pomte Woods 1976 Prestwlck ColonIal 3 11/2 2 Family rm , fin basement 81,900 A 886-5800 Grosse Pomte Woods 2051 Ridgemont Ranch 3 1 1 New garage 48,500 A 886-4200 Grosse Pomte Woods 581 Robert John Colonial 4 2112 2-att FamIly room 109,900 A 886-4200 Grosse POinte Woods 562 N Rosedale Ranch 4 21/2 2-att Family rm , NFP 115,000 L 886 4200 Grosse POinte Woods 2003 Roslyn 11/2 Story 2 1 2 Family room 57,900 CO 886-4200 Grosse POinte Woods 1938 Severn Colonial 3 11/2 2 Den 86,900 CD 886-4200 Grosse POinte Woods 840 Shoreham Ranch 2 1 2-att FlOrida room 93,900 CD 886.4200 Grosse POinte Woods 1593 Torrey Colonial 3 2 2 NFP gas gnll. Ige lot 99,000 CD 886-5800 Grosse POinte Woods 20M Van Antwerp Colonial 3 1 11/2 Stove, refng 74,500 CD 886-5800 Grosse POinte Woods 854 Vernier 1112 Story 4 1 1 Move-In doll house, Open Sunday 69,900 ALL 886-5800 Grosse Pomte Shores 16 Moorland Ranch 3 2 2-att Open Sunday family rm , new kit , utility rm 179,999 $C 885-2000 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 1'J'l. ( "llc 11'\ (,III~~t 1'1'lnl(' 1'.11 k 1'1", It,,l'':l monl ("0"'( 1'l \1 fIilll (d ''''c I'CHIII! \\ciod~ ------FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS CALL OR COME IN OUT.OF.AREA, CAU TOll FREE GROSSE POINTE WOODS OFFICE GROSSE POINTE FARMS OffICE KERCHEVAL.ON.THE.HILLOfFICE 886.5800 885.2000 1.100-247.5200, .It. 33 88&.4200 Formerly Toles and Assoc. Sevent •• n Offlc •• In Four Counties "MICHIGAN'S FLORIDA BROKER"

.' I . _____ ~ ------_1.. ~ __ ~ _ ,/", 1 Thursday, July 5, 1984 P-age Ten.B GROSSE POINTE NEWS t".

OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 SCHUlTes ~eAJ: eSTATe OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 562 N. Rosedale, G.P.W. 50:'\ DEEPLANDS - Cuslom buill Coloma I 10 one of the Shores mcest areas Great [amily home v.Ith AttractIve 4 bedroom ranch with den and NEW OFFERING aillhe dmemlle:. that the dlscrllnmallllg buyer would desire 2 full baths Many extras, well maintained Reduced $119,000 Berk::.hlre ROdd - SpaCIOUS 5 bedroom 2' ~ bath 286 MERR[WEATHER - Greal Farms loca IIon - close to school!>-large hvmg ,room With fireplace, three bnck Coloma I under $80 000 Den and Fanll SpaCIOUSbedrooms, nt'v. furnace, recreatton room Owner wants to sell ' Iy room Feature. leadro gla~ dim Pe" ablc DillON tile dei.'p )ard 391 Kel cht"\ dl - Charmlllg Cape Cod v.Ilh updated kitchen and balhrooms F dmu)' room With sk) light, PROPERTY PdtlO gdrage, exIra ll1:>ulatlOI1and besl or all, 10'" taxes MANAGEMENT BY APPOINTMENT , ' . , , F (RST OFFERI~G - Attracll\'e \\ ood and shmgle bungalow 10 great "City" location Three bedrooms 881.4147 large Il\lng room. dmlng room and Mutschler kitchen With breakfast nook Under $70,000 OTHER LISTINGS FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION 881-8900 GROSSE POINTE CITY • GROSSE POI"\TE FAR~[S GROSSE POINTE SHORES 17111MAUMEE 35 BE\'ERLY 511 BALLANTYNE 3.25RIVARD GROSSE POINTE WOODS JU HARBOR HILL B85 BALLANTYNE 767 RIVARD 70 L-\KESHORE 24 BELLE MEADE \ \ IT -\-Uut.:,tandmg J odrm !I _ bath l'olol1lJ.1 682 UNIVERS[TY 131 ~IORA~ 30 PllTNAM PLACE Den Lentral air -\ppllanu'" Llberal L:md 53 STO~EHURST 168 :'110M;" GROSSE POINTE PARK Contract term:. a, a:J..lble Pnce Re::.ePte TO BUY OR SELL SChools PARKC'REST OFF HARPER - Sharp 2 bedroom - Bnck ranch - I' ~ bath - Natural Fireplace A HOUSE CALL Formal Dmmg Room - 2 car garage - POSSI- 885-7000 ble short term L C - Immediate possessIOn WILIOH ~tuST SEE REALTORS SINE REALTY ~1l:LTILIST SERVICE 1ST OFFERI '\fG - ~ bedroom Coiomal on McKmley Den 1'2 baths Rec room 50 ft lot 0\\ ner transfer- I red $101,000 884-3550 FAR~lS OFFICE 88+7000 1ST OFFERI:'\G - Harcourt 2 faml1y flat buIlt In 1951 2 bedrooms In each umt separate furnaces. storage rooms & utIlities 3 car garage Only $122,000. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC HIDDEl\ LANE - 3 bedroom 11~bath Ranch Dmmg room & family room Central air 2 car attached JOHNSTONE & JOHNSTONE, INC. garage Priced fight $105,000 Owner must sell JEFFERSOl\ Apartments - DesIrable and hard to fmd 1st fl. condommlUm apartment Elegant high LET OUR QUALIFIED EXPERTS FIND YOU ceilIngs Lt\ Ing room has wel bar Den 2 bedrooms & 2 baths Central aIr GreallocallOn m Grosse THE FINANCING TO FIT YOUR BUDGET Pomte City ~ OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 tA LAKEVIEW - m the Farms near Country Club of DetrOIt 4 bedroom 212 bath residence Walnut panel- ed hbrary Paneled rec room With bar 26 ft master bedroom Newer rurnace & roor 2 car garage ., :l' Only $108,500 • LEWISTO~ - Completely renovated residence near Kercheval. Spectacular large kItchen" Ith fireplace & breakfast room Fabulous french doors on hving room, hbrary & dmmg room Five bedrooms, 3'! baths Immed possessIOn HAWTHOR:"IE ROAD - 1'2 storY residence l\ewer roof Reflrushed hardwood floors ~ew}y dec PriC- ed at $58,900 • I l\ RENAUD - Great Woods locatIOn 2 bedroom 1'2 bath ranch Paneled hbrary SCreened terrace Rec I room With fireplace 2 car attached garage BISHOP ROAD - 3bedroom bungalow near Grosse Pomte Flonda room Natural woodwork 2 car garage I. $47,500 32 S Dl,;VAL-Cholce Grosse Pomte Shores location Just off Lakeshore' 3200 square foot 4 bedroom. 3 1 l bath seIDl-Ranch features huge paneled family room den, 1st floor master bedroom SUite, finished base- DEEPLAl\;DS - 2nd door from Lakeshore Road 4 bedroom 3 '2 bath Colomal Family room ""Ith fIre- place & bit-Ins Large heated actIVIty room over 3 car attached garage CIrcular drive, sprinkler ment and ~'EW DECOR throughout' Stop In Sunday for a rewardmg lIlspectIon 88oM6OO system"and mtercom Immedtate possession > I - 514 HOLLYWOOD 4 bedrm, 2 bath Seml-Ranch-famlly room, ree room, charm! I 881-6300 I STRATFORD PLACE - 4 bedroom Colonial, lh baths on 1st plus 3 baths on 2nd Family room With fire- 673 LINCOLN 3 bedrm. 112 bath English updated thruout - ~lIl\T condItIOn' 884.()6()() place Paneled ree room Inground heated pool 2 car attached garage Pnvate slreet south of 959PEMBERTO~ 4 bednns. 312 baths, hbrar} In delightful Enghsh $109,872 881-4200 1500 OXFORD 3 bedrm, 212 bath EnglIsh beauty' FamIly room, stunmng decor' 881-4200 Jefferson 1761ROSLY~ Good starter Ranch' 2 bedrms and appealing famll] room $-52,900 881-6300 BISHOP ROAD - Lovely Detroit area near Grosse POinte Charmmg Cape Cod 1st floor den 2 bed- NEW ON THE MARKET! rooms on 2nd 112 baths Covered porch Rec room WIth fireplace Newer roof & furnace Only $44,500 Land Contract terms BISHOP-Ternflc. famIly Colomal offers 4 bedrooms, 2'2 baths, beautiful famIly room A~D den + 5th bedroom on 3rd floor' Large hvmg room ....lth fireplace, SpaCIOUSkitchen \\l!h breakfast area and PEAR TREE - 3 bedroom 2'2 bath ranch on 75 fI lot near Star of the Sea Family room Patio FinIshed firushed basement \'alue-packed prIce of $!H 986' 881-200 basement Central air 2 car attached garage Great area

HlDDEN L;\l\~-SpacIOUS 3 bedroom 2 bath Ranch With great traffIc pattern mcJud~ family room, PROVENCAL ROAD - Outstandmg 3 bedroom 212 bath Coiomal custom bUllt In 1977 27 [t hVlng room firusbed basement, central air. 10\ ely yard With patIO and 2-car attached garage - you'll lIke the af- "'Ith fireplace Family room has fIreplace & cathedral cellll1g BrIck court}ard Central air Attach- fordable pnce' 88H300 ed garage security system Extra rear lot also available

HAXDY FARMS LOCATION' 3 bedroom English Bungalow ",dth large !IVlOgroom and dmmg room + MORAN ROAD - 3 bedrooms 1'2 baths. LIbrary Cox & Baker house 10 conveOlent local1on !\Icely updated family style kitchen Also IOciudes exIra half bath m basement and o\'erslze 2-ear garage decorated Owner has purchased another house Young budget prIced at $73,000 118.H)600 WESTCHESTER - American Farm Colomal Paneled I1brary WIth fIreplace Large FlOrida room 4 IN THE WOODS - 2 bedroom bnck Coloma I ....Ith lo\'ely enclosed porch and fmlllhed basement With ex- bedrooms & 212 baths Rec room Nice locatIon near Wll1dml1l Pomte Drive tra half bath You can't beat the pnce - $64.500' 881-6300 • A~ITA - Lovely 3 bedroom ranch near Wedgewood. Screened pordl Rec room & lav ....Ith shower In OTHER FINE OFFERINGS SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT basement l\lcely landscaped 60 ft 101 Reduced to $79,500

TROMBLEY -S1 FtI!\I~G m:.cOR In Ihls Impeccable 2-Famlly on fa\ onte POinte rental street 2 large BEDFORD near St Paul - SpaCIOUSColomal 21 ft. famIly room Family size kitchen 4 bedrooms on Units ....Ith 4 bedrooms and 3 full baths In each' 4-ear garage - all In lovely \\'tndmlll Pomte area 2nd plus sitting room & bedroom on 3rd 3 car attached garage $110,000 :\iUST BE SOLD - Priced for fast sale 881-4200 Bt.:CKI~GHA;\f - ~Ice Size 4 bedroom 21.2 bath 2 story resIdence on 75X167 lot LIbrary Rear service GROSSE POI:\'TE SHORES - SpaCIOUS3 bedroom. 2 bath Ranch Just off Lakeshore has large fanlll~ stairs 5th bedroom WIth bath on 3rd Ree room Natural woodword & leaded wmao ....s $119,000 room 'A Ith fireplace and beautiful Parquet flooring - all m MI~T CO:'\DIT10:'-1, Immediate occupan c)' $168,500 884-{)600 CLOVERLY ROAD - Custom bUilt by Jim Mast m 1979thIS French styled resIdence has a 1st floor master bedroom SUite& 2 family bedrooms on 2nd 1st floor laundry Central aIr Attached garage & beautlfully A FA \'ORITE F AR:\IS STREET and the much requested 3 bedroom. 2'2 bath Coloma I .\ffordabl) priC- landscaped lot ed for > ou at Just S83 500 881-4ZfJ.) EDGEWOOD - St Clair Shores AttractIve center hall 2 bedroom ranch FlOrida room Rec room \\ Ith bar Central air

HAMPTO:,\ ROAD - !\ear Lake Shore 4 bedroom 212 bath Colomal 2 adjacent family rooms Laundry faclhtles m spacIous kitchen Rec room Central air & lawn sprmkler 2 car attached garage

HARCOURT - near Wmdmlll Pte Dr 2 famIly With 3 beQrooms & 2 baUlS m each Unit AddltLOnall> there are 2 large bedrooms & bath on 3rd Separate furnaces & utIlities 3 car garage -1'r .. ~ HARVARD ROAD - Beautlrul DetroIt neighborhood 3 bedroom 1'2 bath Colomal Glass enclosed porch 1 .. Rec room ;\fany features ...... -- RE:>.ACD ROAD - Just ore Lake Shore Road Beaullful French Colomal Gum paneled library \\Ith ~~:) (,replace 27ft family room v.Ith bar & marble floor 3 family bedrooms 2'2 baths plus slttmg room, -,~ bedroom &. bath on 2nd floor Rec room ;o.;lcelylan~caped yard With pallO Central air, lawn spnnkler J~ THE PARK-DePaepe bUIll center entrance FAVORITE DEEPLO\ 'DS AREA and claSSIC ! burglar alarm Colomal on iO'lot has 1 large bedrooms 2 _baths elegance I.adored 10 comfortable (amll) 1I"lOg PRO\'E~CAL ROAD -- OutstandlOg English Manse on l00x550 lot SpaCIOUSpaneled foyer Paneled and COZ) den 4, liltle TLC ....llllurn th's potentlal 0\ er 4800 square feet of dehghtful accommoda- library &. step do,"n hvmg room, master bedroom & ree room all have fireplaces Apartment over charmer 1Oto )'our dream hOllse' Pnced accor tlOl1Smcludlng 4 large bedrooms, 3' 2 baths famll} dlngl)" 881-4200 room and hbrary ExclllOg details at 881-6300 attached ~arage I~ TlU: ~ OODS -Cu~lom bull! (010n13 I m qUiet excluslvr Sf>tllng on extra large site hdS 4 generot;S ~EAR EASTLA~D - 2 bedroom Condomml\lm townhouse on Williamsburg Ct Central alr Kitchen ap bedroom~ 2'" baths famll) rooP'1S'Mth fireplace and attached garage I:\l:\lACl:LATE' 881-4200 pllances Included Good locatlOn Grosse POinte School $65,000

ot'TSTA \DI\G COLO\IAL In beautiful \\ wemlll POlOtE.'area l1€ar the Jake has i large bedrooms Imaster \\ ILLO~ LA,N"E- AdjOIning new Ford CondominIum development on private lane 5 bedroom 1'2 bath 11> 21 5>' 17 4, big famll) room flnlshf'd ba~emenl central aIr and much :\lORE' 8&HJ600 \e," England Fannhouse 16x 18library With fireplace 21x20 g;..rden room With bar Attached garage Brick pallO Central aIr ChOice Farms locatIOn RO';L Y\ - Bnght and "I. nn~ '3 bedroom \\ Ith na tural flreplace and nf>arl> ne ....carpeting PrIce 10 the $;;0 s .Just r1!1:htfor ~lartf'r, 881-6.1(11 ST rLA, IR - near VIllage Shops 2 bedroom CondominIUm 2nd floor corner unIt \~Ith ba<;pment Si7 'JOO

Hr\ \lPTO\ - \ ALl E::: P A,(KED Ti\ \Cs \U)\~ In popular Woods area Thl, Bl DCsET :\1I\DED ~PECIAL ~ AVERLY J.,\ \E - Superb Colomal on dead end street Il1 the Farms 3 bedrooms 4', balh., Llbrary CJiler~4 !x-rlrfl(Jm, 1 balh~ updated kl1chen air rondlllOnC'd Flonda room and basement pia) room & heated Floflda room Many feature<; Pnced In tre 10\\ $60 ". P,f,J 4200 OPEN SUNDAY JIl1 Lakf>\lc .... - 4 bedrooms, 2'2 bath" $108 '>00

}JuliO'" Higbie (renr P(("ftpr Donald R Smlth, Mgr 83 Kercheval Avenue F'rwln ~attelmelr Rachel Baumann Roger ~lhworlh Yrllhlim B [)evlm Hmatching people Merry Stamman ConOle Gnfflth Marilyn Stamtzke Frank J Huster and houlles .Jack F; Wal"h Peter J Kauffman Julie Waterfall John Jo: Mf'ndenhall with imagination" WlOmfred ~eyhln~ GROSSE POINTE FARMS GROSSE POINTE PARK GHOSSE POINTE WOODS \{artha ~attle>, Moray Bernard Whitley Beverl)' Pack Dorothy Whitty ~2 Kercheval 884-0600 16610 Mack 881-4200 19790 Mack 881-6300 Lenon' Pasqumelh Inc. 886-3400

~ , _~__ ~--...... _- . ~. - ~~~~_~~~ ,....1~.._._ Thursday, July 5, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS


9-11PM NBC 18Centr dIiMountal'1\ THE CHANGELING SUSAN BLAKELY 3.30PM.? ABC (2 30CentiMount) GEORGE C. PRO FOOTBALL USF-Lconference TIJI LEE GRANT scon championship teams Iba FRI., JULY 6 EXECUTIONER'S ROYAL DANO TRISH VAN de VERE 4-JO.6PM CBS 30Cf'n! tMount) 9-11PM NBC (SCentra'/Mountaln) SONG MELVYN DOUGLAS n JOHN HEARD GOLF Third round I ve coverage at MELANIE MAYRON JEAN MARSH the $400 000 WeJtern Open al Butler WI LL THERE REALLY BE A MORN. SAT, JULY '4 National Club Odk 8roo~ IIl1nO'$ ING? /vI~ Blake'y tiles her hand at 8:JO.11PM CBS (710CenIIMount) SUN. JULY II the Idle Frances Farmer s chaolic llAM-3PM NBC ('OAMCent/Mt) life traced Irom her childhood In Seattle where a dictatOrial mother <1110 an Immec.!UdIIBlOer PldY d lug 01 war With the young girl s psyche nle powerlul drama recounts the tamed r_~ i actress climb 10 Ihe top her tragic personal life and ultimate survival to emerge Irom ner season In hell due 10 her own Indomitable Will to live There really Will be a mOurnlllg (ThiS Week s Pop HIstory Poser Who play ed Frances Farmer In the other 1982 theatflca/ (11m?Answer below) TOMMY LEE JONES WIMBLEDON ~ ROSANNA ARQUElTE WED., JUlV 11 ELI WALLACH 9-11PM CBS (a Central/Mountain) KARL MALDEN TENNIS Men s Singles FinalS' TONY RANDALL CHRISTINE LAHTI from RON SILVER WILLIAM WINDOM STEVEN KEATS Wimbledon ,; ... EXECUTIONER'S SONG ParI / RUE McCLANAHAN 11:3OPM-2:45AM NBC (1030 C 1M ) EUGENE ROCHE Jones plays Gary Gilmore, the Ulah JACQUELINE BROOKES TENNIS Wimbledon update OFF.SIDES Mr Randall is the guru convict who chose to be executed by JOHN MARLEY FRI JUl Y 6 of a hippie group thaI tangles with tmng squad Adapted by Norman WORD OF HONOR Hard hltllng 2.5PM NBC (1 GentraVMountalill members of a small town police de Maller from hiS Pul,lzer Prize wlnnlllg newspaper story wllh Oscar winner partment III a wild game of football TENNIS Men's Wimbledon semi s book Final nine months In lhe lite of a Malden as a small town Journalist em J BETTE MIDLER SAT, JULY 7 convicted murderer brOiled In the Issues 01 hrst Amend. 9;JO.11PM ABC (8 30 Cent IMount) 2-4PM CBS (1 CentrailMountaln) MON., JUlY 9 ment rights and freedom of the press, ALAN BATES U.S.OLYMPlCTRtALS Bo", otis live 9-11PM CBS (8Central/Mountalll) from Las Vegas Nevada GOlF Western Open linals BUDDY EBSEN 9-11PM NBC (8Gentral/Mountaln) that make naltonal headlll1es A per FREDERIC FORREST EXECUTIONER'S SONG Flna/e sonal drama of an honorable man 11:3OPM-2:45AM N8C (10 JOC 1M ) 2:30PM.? ABC (1 30 Cent /Moont) Loves A Woman' and "Fire Down Be- NANCY KULP 9-11AM ABC (BGentral/Mountaln) TENNIS Wlmtlledon Men's serm's on PRO FOO'TIlAU USFL semi finals 8-9:30PM ABC (7 Central/Mountain) low) and comes away with an Oscar DONNA DOUGLAS tape 3-5PM NBC (2 CenlraVMounlalll) CHRISTOPHER LEMMON KAREN VALENTINE nomination IMOOENE COCA BASKETIAlL Live cO'Iefage 01 the CHARLES ROCKET JAMIE LEE CURTIS SAT.JULY! WERNER KLEMPERER SUN, JULY 15 conttnutng Competition between the JOAN SWEENY LINDA PURL 9...... 2PM NBC (8AMCent IMount) RETURN OF THE BEVERLY HILL. 9-11PM NBC (8 GentraVMoontalll) U S OIy~ team and :he NBA All- BILLIES The antics 01 the famous CHARLES NAPIER CHRISTOPHER LLOYD Stars from Iowa Cltv Iowa Live Clampetls and friends In the 1980's THE OUTLAWS A flaky Inventor and RICHARD MASUR TUES JULY 10 hiS reluctant partner. unjustly senten Wimbledon With a hilarious and Improbable solu GARY GRAHAM &PM.? ABC (7 CentraVMoontalll) ced to prtson break out In order to roDlDDD lion to the country's energy CriSIS coverage BASEBAll The Malar League All find the thieves who slole their car EDWARD EDWARDS at (he Star Game from Gano won WI Osc"r ", &Jsl Irom Las Vegas Suppomng ~ss lot 1962s Tacc. was the rights of the workers who trust 3:3CH:3OPM CBS (2 30 Cent /M!) the_~~&S8estAchssln him Right I "F 1ST' ISfor Federation BROOKE SHIELDS of Inter State Truckers Stallone and BEN VEREEN AUTO RACING Secon

( lorilard USA 1984


reat taste

Satin'V tip loo's Regular or fv1ent~.

Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Heahh.

10 mg "lar': 0 8 mg fHcotlne f1' per Cigarette, FTC Report Marth 1984

, , Page Twelve.B Feature Thursday, July 5, 1984

Elegant fiJ,(%7zte Eating I, I \ Counter Points A selection of recipe!> from the B)' Pat Rousseau forth~oming lo\\-calorie, low- cholesterol - and penny-\\ ise - WIllIe ~lost Stores ... are convertmg their stocks cookbook by Thyra Grey Howard to fall, Dennison's IS still thmkmg summer. Fresh and Helena DeWitt Roth featuring. assortments of T shirts, shorts. SWimsuits are arnv- this \\ eek, a delightful DI~l'lER mg dally All summer merchandise is bemg offered at ~IE:'tiU for a HOT SUl\1~IER DAY. 25% and more off regular pnces at 17037 Kercheval • • • . " " What could be better on a s\\el- The White Sale . starts today at tering evening than a crisp, cold salad? As an accompaniment. If) the Bed, Bath & Linen Store. Save on baked carrots. fresh from your o\\n selected merchandise through out the garden, perhaps. Put something st:::-,: . 1~~~ ~~ ..::.!-'.~ .,..;1 CpeH -r:UAoI ~ \\ Itn a bit ot Dlte, like garlic-toasted days and Fridays until 9 p m \\ hole \\ heat bread fingers, in the I " • * bread basket, and top off the meal I Toda\ [s The Dd\ Juh 51hal 81. \\ ith a light. cool dessert. l! . jouleril' starls It's Sl'PER 'SL'I\IER " " IJ uT< Q I S\LE '" ith 300Q to 40ClQorc l'\ er~ Ihlng in . a 0 <1 ZUCCHINI, TUNA, CHEESE ~ 'c ••.••~ the store. ThiS mcilldl'S }e",elr~ Cor men 1 and "'omen. v.atchl'S. mOllntmgs Thl' SALAD ! I sale eDd.s Jul) 31 bul come earl) Cor the best selection. BijouterIe 6 small zucchini (112 lbs,) I has beflI clo6ed the fint Cour da}s III Jul) to get read.\ 2t}H5 'lack 2 cups npe cherry tomatoes I ,o\Hnlle. ~~n T\lesd~) s thru, Saturda) s 10 a 01.•5 p.m. 88&-2050 1 small red onion, thinly sliced • • 1 can (4 oz.) pimiento diced Fans ... of Stahl's bread and bakery goodies know 1/2 tsp. salt they are available at the Notre Dame Pharmacy. If you r 1/4 tsp. freshly ground pepper haven't tried them .. do. You'll become a regular 1% Tbsp. red wine vinegar " . " 1 Tbsp. lemon juice Cruise Special .. on Holland American ~ Defer retirees look forward • • • 4 Tbsp. safflower oil Cruise Line. . "7 Plus 7 Caribbean Cn.llse". "I'm gomg to enjoy the lake (Huron) at Port (third grade for nine years, second grade for two). 1 clove garlic, crushed Save $450per person on 1984 and 1985 back to Sanilac I'm going to visit California. I have 5 oz. low-eal Swiss cheese back 7 day cruises. Contact Travel Galerie, friends and relatives in Virginia, North Carolina During that time, she picked up a Masters 1 can (3% oz.) tuna in water, drained 886-0111. and Flonda I want to travel to places in Europe degree from the University of Michigan. She has • • • 1 mlSsed the last time I was there, to go to Japan, also studied at the University of Hawaii, the 6 seeded ripe olives, shced Cook zucchini in boiling salted The Capuchin Soup Kitchell, edmund t. :\HEE jewelr)' co, South America, wherever. ." University of Mexico and Wayne State Universi- aM tH Premier CtD~ are cosponsors. First prize ",ill be a water in a large saucepan 8 ty. She's supervised 10 student teachers, and had mil\utes, or until just tender - carat aH. a qurter cliamoacl ring donated by Edmund T. Ahee. The It's Lillian Koby (left) speaking, now that school the pleasure of seeing one of her own former dra"blg "ill be the Premier Ceater, Jul~ 20. Yoo need not be pre- don't overcook! Drain and run set to .ill. Tickets, OM dollar each. are a\ ailablt al 20139~lack is out, permanently, for her. "1 plan to do a lot of pupils, Connie Parke Waterman, become a substi. under cold water to stop further al OXford. For iBformatioG 011 great" I) s to cootribule. caU 886-1600 reading, " she continues, "and to take up a tute teacher in The Pointe. cooking. Cut zucchini in half • • • creative hobby: painting, needlework, gourmet lengthwise, then crosswise in The July Lamp sale ... at Wright's Gift and Lamp cooking ... I plan to garden at home in Grosse Mrs. Waterman was plain Connie Parke when !'-l-inch slices into a large salad Shop offers you a savings of 20% to 50% off most lamps Pointe." she was a student in Miss Koby's first class at bowl. Add cherry tomatoes which at 18650 Mack Avenue. Shop early for the best selec- Richard School. "I hadn't seen her since the fourth have been halved, the onion which has been sliced into thin rings, dic- tion. Free parking next to the building. Virginia Johnson (right> who, like Lillian, grade," Lillian says. retired this year as a teacher at Defer Elemen- ed pimiento, salt and pepper. . . " Combine vinegar, lemon juice, tary School, has much the same plans and You couldn't find more contrasting childhoods Before You Buy ... an area rug, you owe it to oil and garlic in a small jar with dreams. "I'll do some gardening, play golf, take than those of Lillian Koby and Virginia Johnson. youraelf to see the fabulous selection at Ed Malis- tight lid. Shake until "ell-blended; '1 classes at the War Memorial - during the day- Lillian was born and raised in a major metro- pour over salad. Toss gently until I zew8Ri. 21435 Mack Avenue. Included are rugs from Mainland China, plus Persians, Turkish Anadolian time!," says Virginia. "I'd like to volunteer at politan area. Virginia was born in South Dakota, ingredients are coated with dress- Cottage Hospital, paint with watercolors, read, I Kilims, handmade Russian Sumacks and domestic in Union City, and attended a one-room country ing. Garnish with thin strips of area rugs. Free parking in front. and travel with my husband." schoolhouse, "the same school my parents, niece cheese, chunks of tuna and sliced • and nephew attended," for eight years. olives. Chill until time to serve to 6. • • Both deserve to have their plans and dreams Calories per serving about 215. Warm Weather . IS perf~t Corbllbbles and the "Bub- come true. Lillian was born in Detroit, second Cholesterol about 30 mgs, ,I ble Tnampet" is perfect for fIllHc)\tni. It's oe" at the St:hool She taught in South Dakota for 11 years after she BeD. 17* Madl. Avetltlt. youngest of five children: two boys and three received her Bachelors degree from SIOUXFalls . " " BAKED CARROTS DELUXE ~ . . - . girls. Her parents had lived in Port sanilac, but College. She came to Grosse Pointe in 1964, and t Detroit was home by the time Lillian came along taught for 14 years at Maire (grades three and 5 cups sliced, peeled carrots, (about 1% lbs.) . rcc-iaii.iii."'-:'~';;;ii;;m;;;?~ ... Annual Sale. sizzles Her parents owned a candy store when she was four) prior to Defer, where her last assignment , l. _.-.-- ._n .. ~ along WIth savmgs of a child . was Skills Development/Chapter 1. 1 cup thinly peeled onion ~, 25% £0 50% off clothing for children, teens, men and 2 Tbsp. unsalted margarine 1 tsp. finely minced fresh women. Such a big selection it's worth the drive to Lillian, ra!Sed in Detroit, was graduated from Like Lillian, Virginia has a Masters degree Mack Avenue just one block south of 9 Mile parsley Northeastern High School. She worked as a from the University of Michigan - but she got 1/2 tsp. fresh-grated lemon peel medical secretary at Parke-Davis and was a hers In 1976, 20 years after Lillian earned the right 1/16 tsp. salt secretary in the Engmeering Department at to put M A after her name Like Lillian, Virginia 1/8 tsp. pepper ,I Dodge before heading west, to major in Education is a member. of an international honorary )1 Pointers earn MSU degrees 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. ground gmger ,I and Psychology at the University of California at educator's society - but Miss Koby belongs to I (optional) Michigan State University confer- Randor Circle, Gail A Pollock, of Los Angeles, Alpha Delta Kappa, Mrs. Johnson to Delta Kap- Mix carrots, onion and red degrees upon almost 5,000 Balfour Road, and Carol A Seski, of pa Gamma, she is DKG's Beta Xi Chapter 1984 students in June commencement H1gble Place She picked up her Bachelors degree in 1950, margarine in baking casserole; t "Woman of Distinction." cover. Place in preheated 350. ceremonies. Among them were 53 Others receiving B.A. degrees ill- taught for three years (second grade) in Long I oven and bake 20 to 30 minutes. or Grosse Pointe residents. elude MaNa A. Dldur, of Colomal Beach, Calif , then came home to MlCh1gan. She's BacheJor of Arts degrees l\1rs Johnson has been married for 35 years and until carrots are tender. Remove were Court, James W Heldt, of McKinley been teaching in Grosse Pointe since 1953, for 20 presented to Alexandra Boettcher, of Road, Kevm W Kohls, of Allard has three marfled children, all graduates of from oven and carefully stir in re- years (third and fourth grades) at Richard t Kem¥ood Com-t, Eileen G Carlon, of Road, Gary M Wilson, of Lakeview Grosse Pomte South High School, and two grand- maining ingredients; return to " Kensington Road, Mark A Doyal, of Avenue, honors, Lori A Lafata, of Elementary SChool, for the past 11 years at Defer chIldren oven for 5 minutes. Makes 6 Three Mile Drive, Robert C Greuier. Yorkshire Road, Susan J Summski. servings. of Fisher Road, bontard or Fresh Fruit DenniS, of Buckmgham Road, " Sauce. basis Gerard F Beuure, of Nev.castle ReservatiOns may be made by Road, Mal') G Donahue, of Blair. . . calling ~ museum tIcket office, moor Court and Nadeen M Kleren, 832-2730. dunng regular business of Amta Avenue English plays hours It is suggested that children Masters degree recipients from r younger than five are too young to Grosse POinte Include Dean J .,. jazz at DIA attend "Brunch With Bach" Clemente, of Wmthrop }Wad, Gerald GUllaflSt Ron English will lead a R Lee. of ~tcKmley Road, Michael sextet (Steve Wood. saxophone, Officers are seated G Montpetlt, of RIdgemont Road. Pointer Girls plan War Memorial benefit Robert Allison. VIbes, John Dana. and Damel J Sullivan. of Balfour bass, Danny Spencer, drums, by Macomb PSI Road ~fasters of BUSiness Ad. The Pointer Girls celebrate their lOth annhersar~ this) ear "ith a benefit luncheon and card party Ahsla Hili. percuc;slOn) In 7 and mlnLStratlOn. and Ingnd A Mor- for the Gror;se Pointe War :\lemorial's Family Participation Fund t\\O "eeks from today, Thursday, The Macomb Chapter of Profes. 9 30 P m Jazz at the InstItute per- tlmer, of Audubon Road, Master of Juh 19, at - where else? - the War ~femorial "here 'fHS. \\ ILUA \1 KABBl:SH (center), founder formanc~ at the DetrOit Institute sional SecretarIes InternatlOnal Social Work of the bridge club and chairman of the fund raising part)', and her committe-e members are pictured of Ar~ tomorrow. FrJday, July 6, has elected Ruth M Lazur. CPS, Earnmg d

,, Section C I, Sports & classifieds Thursday, July 5, 1984 t

,, .. STROH'S THUNDERFEST 50th win for GPYC E J£FFEMON DETROIT swimmers The Gro~~r: Pomte 1 dchl (Illb S....lm Tedm -,tartt'd the I'JH4 -'(d-,on the \\ a, It hd~ each o.,f'd~OntlJI m')J!' thd n eight} earl> b} \\ mn Illg E JEFFERSON \\ hen GPYC bedt Countl \ t :d!J Hold that Tiger . , . 01 Dell 011, ;7i 434 ',\ IIHlllJ~ i201 ih c\ents. It marked the dub., ,;/Jth It was the last straw ('on'I'('III1\p rlll;\1 rn .. ,'t '" I,."., 'n On my way out to lunch one recent sunny Thursday, I saw the :\ltchlgan Inter Club S\\ Imm,ng it: yet another bumper stIcker smgmg the praises of the ASSOCIatIOn COdchf'd b\ Tom It was firmly attached to the bumper of a car Teetaert, the lJPYC 11a~ guiw unde owned by a person I know who wouldn't know Chet Lemon feated for mOle than eight yeal ~ from Jack Lemmon. That was too much and I just snapped. l\'ev. GPYC Iecords \H~Ie o.,et to I spewed, I sputtered, I screamed and I hollered. And over the 8 and under free relay I P3t Klr the noise I was makmg could still be heard the sound of one BELLE ISLE chner. Peter :'Iterlz Breilll SlhOl'h. more person Jumpll1g on the bandwagon neer and Tlln He\ nclert I \\ Ith theIr tIme of I 11 ,l' Kirchner a [:.,0 The interest m the Tigers IS understandable. All the team recorded a ne\\ team re<.ord In th<. has done IS compile the best record 111 baseball, appear for 8 and under brea::.tstroke, 23 I)) and four consecutIve weeks on the natIonally televised game of Peter ;\Iel tt 8 and under bolCk. the week, set a few records and turn on the city of Detroit and stroke performance I ~()421 broke surrounding environs like never before. And that's great. hiS 9 veal' old brother Jalme's It's just that things are gettll1g a little out of hand. What record ' In 19&3 Sdnd\ Smith we've got here IS a major Tiger Overload. For example .. turned In the H'g brea3btroke Tiger hats WINDSOR record of 35 J I've seen 'em on nuns, babies, fox terners, senior citizens, Jenny Smith. Susan Toledo. beauty queens. CPA's, MD's, mayors, governors, Grand Prix BI.ach.r ... tlng for the 1984 Thunderf •• t on the Detroit River July 15. Lauren Kordas and Elizabeth Bur. drivers and just about every other Ms Mr. and Mrs. in Sick took first In the 8 and ulldt'l Michigan. Okay, they look great on Tom Selleck. But for girls' 100 meter freestyle rela) Other firsts v.ere taken b\ Ann every Tiger-capped Selleck, you've got three Don Knotts Thunderfest is coming TIpp, EriC Stemer. ChriS ~~\ I~on. wearing them. And now I see that Tiny Tim has gotten into Race fans will be "Doing It In very heavy on race day, is restric- too: the oval race course for the un- Michelle McGough and Lauren the act. I don't know about anybody else, but that sort of Detroit" at the Stroh's Thunder- ted to only one lane in each direc- lImited hydroplanes has been Kordas In the breast. Ashley gives me a cold chill .. fest, which will be held Sunday, Ju- tion. Motorists should expect de- shortened, at the request of dri- Moran and Krysten Strong In the People who know NOTHING about baseball now know ly 15, on the Detroit River. lays, particularly when leaving the vers, from three mIles to two and back and the fly. and :\hke Kir- Sponsored by Stroh's and pre- Island. EVERYTHING about the Tigers one-half mIles As a result, the chner In the back, breast and free sented by the Spirit of Detroit Asso- Waterworks Park (foot of Mar- hydroplanes Will not turn as close Take one person With little or no knowledge of sports, mix ciation, the powerboating event is quette Drive), which was previous- to the Belle Isle Bridge as in pre- Other wmners \\ ere Jeff Clark In 111 a general conversation about the Tigers and/or baseball expected to attract more than one ly a general admission bleacher vious races. the back and free. Jenn} SmIth and you've got trouble'on your hands It's like addi~g wa~er half million people to the Detroit area, will be reserved this year for and Kellv Bartsch m the back. fiv Testing and qualifying runs for to a freeze-dried Ho\\ ard ('osell - all of a sudden thiS novice rIverfront. corporate sponsors in order to and free. Peter !\Iertz and Jon the unlimited (aircraft-powered) Sleber In lhe fly. Knsten Young. starts telling YOU all about the Tigers. People who wouldn't "We expect the race to be very generate additional funds to stage and limited (auto-powered) hydro. exciting and competitive, with future races. blood In the flv and free. and Ellie know Barbaro Garbey If he came up and bit them on the planes will be held from 1 p.m. to 5 several new boats and teams en- "We want to emphasize that four RIce In the free cheek now know all about how 's real name pm. on Wednesday, July 11, and tered," said John Love, spokesman parks will continue to offer general is George, how wears a ta ttered shirt and how from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 5 CCD sWimmers", ho placed first for the Spirit of Detroit Associa- admission bleachers for the public p.m. on Thursday, July 12, and FrI- were Susan QUilter, glrls' 9-10 people at the ballpark are saymg "Looouuuu," and not tion. "Several changes had to be on Sunday, July 15," Love said. day, July 13 The course IS closed breast, Jeff McKean, bo),,' 13 It) "booooooo. " made 10 regards to traffic and "Bleachers will be available at on Saturday, then reopens for the breast. Ka thl'} n Jd.gger. girls And these are the same folks who, when told that the Tigers spectator areas this year and we Stockton Park (foot of Parkvlew), bIg race at noon Sunday 11-12back. Rabble Pett bo),,' t 1-12 would be on TV, used to check the local listings to see what hope the public will bear with us." Memorial Park (foot of Burns), back; Neal Combs. bo,',s' 13 14 Spectators and pedestrian traffic hme "Wild Kingdom" would be on. Memorial Park Annex (Just east of TIckets are avaIlable now at all back, Anthony Dt'Luca. 1)(1\,,' t t-12 will not be permitted on the Belle Where were these people back when the Tigers weren't Memorial Park) and Owens park branches of Manufacturers Nation- free .md fly, 'Auglt> Dt'Luc~l bo}" Isle Bl'idge, which i5 undergoing <£ootof Parker) " Bleacher tickets doing so well? When Instead of Rusty Kuntz they had Rusty al Bank and will be sold dunng 13.14 frel" Jlld f1\ Dan :\kKm~ht. major reconstruction. Automobile art $10 in advance. race week at the Pit Ofhce at the Staub. Instead of Dan Petl'~, they had Dan Meyer. Back boys' 13-16 lIy: John Turnbull. traffic on the bridge, nonnally Viewing the race will be different foot of Marquette when Doug Bair wasn't wmnmg games, but when Ray Bare OO}S' 8 and under tree, and OmSl} was trying not to lose When Dick Sharon was trying to fill Al Weinberg. girls' 15-16 free Kaline's shoes in l"ightfield Or when the famous Tiger infield The GPYC "'111 hav£' It::. firs! had names like Mark Wagner, Nate Colbert and Ike Farms, Sundown series sail on home meet tontght. Thul'sduj. Julj Brookens. Kukla, J. Sheoris; Great Whisper, When the Grand PrIX drIvers 5, at 5'15 pm The VISItIng ted.Ol But I guess I can understand why people are getting so ex- Farms' Thursday W. Jones. . were in Detroit last month, they Will be the Blrmmgham Athlettc took some lime out from racmg Club cited How can they help it? Everywhere you look there's a Night Race PHRF.B: Mystique, R Schappe; cars to take a shot at racing sail- reminder of the team's success On radio we're bombarded Old Bear, C. Bayer; SerendipIty, Light winds and flat "seas" were boats. The event was the DetrOIt with Tiger songs, Tiger triVia, Tiger questions and answers. G Morlan. the order of the day on June 21J..the Sailing Grand Pnx on Lake 8t Make that six On TV, its Tiger replays. reruns, pre-game interViews, post- latest race In the Farms noat Etchell: Victory, W. Thorpe, Clair. Some pt:'opJe \\ .llt .lll their game summarIes, updates and fIlm at 11. We see hats, Club's Thursday Night series Fol- 11\ c" Eagle/Martin, Zemmm; Chouelte, for Ju~t one lien!'} G Sto.lnll'y 01 bumper stickers, posters, signs, T-shirts and need I go lowing are the top three finishers' Sensation, crewed by the Alpha C Shepstone. Grosse POInte has :51:- and on? Romeo team, flOlshed first Other counling PHRF-A: Wmdwalker, Srigley, Morgan 27: The James Gang, J. fimshers (In order) ll1cluded Rig MISS the Tiger score on the news? Just wait . somebody Kordas; Little Feal, L Horvat, Belero, Fleming. Old Soma, Kvale Trouble, second, ATS team, Stanle), J LodHTlOor Country will tell you EXCited vOIces breakmg in over microphones at Defiant, R. Lech. Velero, third, Lotus, Lendmg Club golfel took hi:' act 0\ t.'r to the weddmgs, mOVIe theatres, concerts, graduatIOns, reunions PHRF-B: Sonset, Gorenflo; Edge, fourth, Brabham. Com- GO\\ <1l1le Golt Club 1Il:\1I t'l('nH.'n~ and business meetmgs Will tell the score I had to attend a Gusto, Spindler; Sacred Stif, Ca125: Caliber, Dunn; Giddy-Up, promise, fifth, Tyrell, f\ssall, on June 24 - ,llId C4lmt: ,1\\ il\ \\ Ith funeral recently and I had the uneasy feeling that if, at some Burke W. Parker; Warpath, R. Poland. sixth, Arrows. Espiritu, st'venth, hl~ ""th hole III OIl<' It (:.IIIH' 'olllhc pomt, somebody would announce' 'The Tigers lead, 3-2, in the Cn'scent: Air Force, P Fortune; Osella; Sundance, eighth. 167 vanl, :'-io 4 holt' eighth," nobody would get upset PHRF-C: Yellow Jacket, Mac- Eclipse, P Edwards; Pocahontas, McClaren, Tortue, mnth, RenauH. Naughton; Sirius, Bertelson, H Mistele. Cnsls, 10th. Toleman, Advantage, 1<'01 the ,lid III tho.", "till IOlll-It1g And all of this is With the '>eason Just half over At this Blown Away, Sherry. 11th, SpirIt, DIsruptIOn, 12th. tor tht'll III ~t holl'-III onl' ~t.lIlll'\ Wl'ltll1g. the TIgers have 85 games leflto play That's a lot of PHRF-C: Flying Dutchman, L Klassen; Bounty, D. Turner; WillIams; and Merlin. 13th, R.lm u-'f'd <1 1 1ron . room 10 which to mount a serIOus dive toward second place JAM-A: PEF, Franks; Walhn, J , Whelan, Usury, Watkins Booma, Smith. And havmg been a TIger follower 10 these many years, I All Other: MagiC, H Riley, Old Olson is fifth know that It'S prudent to put off ordermg tIckets JAM B: JOldevivre, Palmer, Salt, D Padilla, Liebestraum, D GroSSI Polnll until at least the middle of Augu~t Csendes, Jacksy; Hoyllnhum, Steiger. Pointer Lance Olson Schumacher Jib & Main: Jabberwocky, A. fimshed fIfth In the What warnes me IS that Tiger Overload IS gOll1g to end 1I11', Sperling; Cygnet, Richardson. feature race of late • NEW AND USED up causmg some ,>enou~ prohl<'ms BeSide the obvious in- model slock cars at GUN SALES The Grosse POInte Sail Club's Yankee, Knetsch. JUrIes caused by overexcitement, term mal nailbiting and MORC: Cherry PI, C Horner; Flat Rock Speed\\ay on • Gun Aepalrs latest Sundown series race was June 9 brUised backsides (from band\\ agon jumpmg), we could all June 26 Following are the top Aqua Vile, W. Margolin, Sltletto, AR-7 RIFLES end up With some \\ elrd ph~";lcal muta tlOns by Oct 1 three finIshers Martel. The event was part of IN STOCK Cal 20: La Cal, M. Wilhamson, the automobile Racll1g Tht perl.C! BOllI., • Gun U Rifle : can see It no\\ people gOlllg around With heads per. Club of Amertca's lOR: Ricochet, H Burkard; no name, R. Scavarcia 0 manently shaped lIke Tlgf'r ('ap~ Old Engh<;h D's where eyes SprInt, J Stevens, Gold Dust, Ensign: Go-Pher-It, R Schrage, "Youth AthletiCS NOW 8107° Night" at the speed. should b(' Arms fOI e\ er fIO!PIl 1I1 thp all' from performll1g Wlethorn. Seamas, J Schrage, C.F. Pickle, 21001 MACK G~W U1-5000 "The Wave .. PIIRF-A: Walloon, R Grow, H SchmIdt way It's scary And I don't thll1k I call hold out much longer If anybody \\ant<; m£', 1'111)(' <"ltllllg 10 m} car, the one With no bumper ,>tlcker I II be Ill!->ldr With a Tiger hat pulled down JULY 4th SALES over my eyes and my C'lllll f(H,llng on my "Bless you, boys," 12 Anoraks T-shirt Gerry Itllll SALE! 3 DAYSONLY reg. '125 now '55 Thurtr- <'hould grah ttH II lun 40 Polo Sweat•. ",". IlIng "hop" "nd lOin IIIf' fun on puo;h bunon '9" '\11 "'" 'lei all th~ f~dtu,_" t I ..., ) ..'0 r' l'l'" 1Iitv', ... ~ \ I ~atUlddY .July 21. fOi lIw o.,Pdll1f] plu~ the rT'iltchl""" ",n""" I annual (,1'0<;<;( 1'00nl(' 1",11 111" 100 Jr. Co~':'20 umee 01 pU'Ih t lIlIon l'l}fll •1 H('gdlta FUll [{un II .. 0., pOll <'1) I er! $491 ,.'i~ now" l'"lll - no wcI,l, 'g' In the }-drm.., HOdl (Iuh for ,Ill I }- drm<; !'f....ldpnle., ~Iedill" \\ IIIIA' ,1\\;0 dl.rj II) Ihr lop AU Jun~ rJt.J. Short. thrN' fllll<,h('r<, III ('d( h dgP (dt<' Patte Web (2J520) AillC(!OIt1S 05 YOIl1 .. ..IP '--~11 gory for 1hoo.,('( Olll)!f" tnJ.; In Ihr' l J pet' mll<> 'iKI rate' Earl, blld to ' • aeril , an ae I .", lrom n,ghl II) ng tl,'ilS illl sum ('('gl<;lratlOl1 I twfOfP .Iul\ J I, J-, Sp We Now Rent'l\-"Saltboards mill W,.h ~ 'Is nugs ~.llely Furlh('r lnforl1lalllJTl 1I1d\ 1)(' 01J I c I., }- drnl.., I'I("r Sultsl' New Stock" ' Dr Larn 1'0\,.1r ~ \H II It Ill'''' II Now Avallabte ...... MIn'S ANDACC..-otU •• ,0fI1IOIT Q- L8 ma ra tnrJ!1 rlJI1JH'r v.!Jo lid" (1)111 At( L." III ...... '...... 111•• , IlI4t ..... FAll IOCII ""'" )(.t(>(j many tllnr'" II. Ih(' Il(,troll Fref' Prp<,<; [nl< r natlOn,ll \Tar,1 SCHUMMER'S SKI SHOP 2OM7 MACK AVENlII l ft, '- "! < . ' • {! ( thon, Will r'(Jn('<,d .. , .1\11,', j -, "rw

\'!-, , lot.. ui-

i\>\. )... • r 11 ~ , ' .' ( *' • - -

6ROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 5, 1984 little leaS!!!

Park,... Farmsteams wrap up June action Leins and MaUo)' Lupo, Jacklyo and In two Inrunp. Keith Baer was equally was led by Lafabvre, Jake LewIS and Park ...... Stang PItched for the Onoles Stang tousb IUwail's Dan Wunaatt had a ter. Aarron Romine who went tw~for-three Mlite 5ex.Va.lLefl also had a homer and a single, other rifle defenstve game at second base Coo- IRcluding a double Aarron also made a Mike FalJ'mouth. Jason BenaVidez /utters were Lupo (double), Gramhn tnbutlRg Hawaii's key hits were Keith stellar calcb In the seventh Inning with and Alex Turner pttcbecl the Sox to a (two hits), and Spamch and Jacklyn Baer, Ed KlIlnard, Jason Hana""'alt, runners tn scorUli pOliltlOllS John Bed. 17-12 Win Leadutg the Sox on offense \two hIts each) Graves and Gramhn Chns Sims and Bob Knowles

0- from July 3 to 10, from noon until 8 Denise WiltShire Rick Polk and crown and a berth in this week's dlng, Andrew Lightbody, Eric ! p.m. at the main gate or by the Re- Franz Lucas. ' Grosse Pointe inter~ity tourna- Nord, and Jay Verlinden banged NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING creation Director. No applications Courtney Bynum, DeJuan ment. out two hIts apiece for the winners. INTENT TO VACATE PART OF STREET RIGHT.OF.WAY will be accepted after 8 p.rn on Ju- Weathersby and Carolyn Strother ~g Lucas w~nt the r<,>utefor Mlke Coffey registered his fIfth Notice is hereby given that a public hearing Will be held by the City ly 10. were winners in the long jump. the. w~, fanrung 10 while scat- win of the season as the Dodgers CounCil of Grosse Pointe Park on Monday, July 9,1984, at 7:00 P.M. - The seed sheets will be posted on Standmg long jumpers were Kim tenng SIX hits. He walked three and whipped the Braves, 14-6. Jay Wednesday, July 12111 the old bath- Batts and Norene Grubbs. Becky aided his own cause With two hits in the Council Chambers of the MuniCIpal Building, 15115East Jef- Henze collected two hits, scored ferson Avenue. bouse. Fee WID be $1 per child/per Aardema David VanWingerden and one RBI. three runs and drove In another for event and $3 per adult/per event. Jenmfer 'Kalmink Michael Polk' Dave Arnold, who tops the the winners. Don Berg drove in two The purpose of the public hearing is to consider a proposal to vacate For more information, contact Norene Grubbs and Rob Dann w~ Dodger hitters with a nitty .465 runs with his double and Matt a part of Nottingham street right-of-way, north of Jefferson Avenue, Kathy Roarty at 822-2812. prize winners in the softball throw average, also garnered two hits McAllister had two hIts and two . and two RBI. Ferit Nazarko drove RBI for the Braves and to construct a cul-de-sac turn.around approximately 230 feet Wertz tourney in two runs, while Mike Coffey and north of Jefferson Avenue. 3177 Three Phillies' hurlers scattered P~tiIN is July 31 Dave Salkowski registered the three hits, as they upset the ,t Dodgers' other safeties. All concerned citizens and property owners are invited to attend. Padres, 6-3 Matt Montagne got the 'PAVI LION E. Jefteraon Detroit Tiger owner Scott Fischer had two hits and decision With Jeremy WISe coming NunzJo J. OrtisJ Tom Monaghan will one RBI for the Padres. Losing Pit- on In the SIXthto get the save Wise GPN 6/28 and 7/5/84 City Clerk , #.. serve as honorary cher Al Shaheen whiffed 10 and ~ ~ chaIrman of the fifth gave up four hits and 10 passes in and Richmond McCloud doubled annual Vie Wertz Me- the first five frames. and drove m runs for the winners . • ;;.8.. ~ Chns Markus had two hIts, and morial Golf Outing, set A double by Matt Montagne with NOTICE OF THE LAST DAY FOR sean Bruce stole home. Anesl CtMnae-Amenc:In Food for Tuesday, July 31, at two out In the sixth gave the RECEIVING VOTER REGISTRATIONS BinquIlt FdtIIs - Rec8nIIy AemodIied the Hillcrest Country PbUliei a 3-2 verdict over the The Cardinals finished on top in HawaII Coc:IcfJlI Lounge • Happy HcMIr MoII.fn 3-! p m Club Dodgen. Montagne also singled the All-Amencan League, with a FOR THE PRIMARY ELECTION C/peIl!lon.Th..-1 11am 1.", '" &S11 \\ ... 21 .. ~ _'Im The chanty golf out. and scored another nID, while Dan 15... decISion over the Brewers. TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY 259.1510 259.1511 - C.rr ut SMlflC' mg was founded by for- Wood had two hits for the wmners. John Binder collected three hIts. AUGUST 7, 1984 mer Detroit slugger Vic Bnan Aardema went the distance scored two runs and drove In three Wertz In 1980to benefit for the Philhes, Yleldmg four hits more for the Cards. Mike Pote and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all quallhed electors of the Clt). of Grosse POinte Woods, City of Grosse POInte, CIty of Grosse POInte Park, CIty of the Boys and Girls and two walks, wh1le faMlng SIX. Joe Rosasco also notched three hits Grosse POinte Farms or Grosse Pomte or Lake TownshIp, who are not now Clubs of :\Ietro DetroIt He also .uSed his own cause WIth duly reg1Stered and who deliIre to vote m the Pnmary Election on Tuesday The A5tr05 dropped a 3-2 verdIct It has raISed over $450, one hit August 7, 1984, mUlt regISter With the CIty or To""nship Clerk of the ap: RAM'S HO... 000 since that time, The PtIi1lies also defeated the tQ the T~ins. Loser Ralph Mauk propnate Junsdlchon on or before Monday, July 9, 1984, WHICH IS THE •• 1' AU•• NT making it one of the Braves, 11.5, with Steve Addy g0- rehnqulShed only three hits and LAST DAY UPON WHICH REGISTRATIONS OR TRAJ'olSFER OF -...... largest one-day chanty ing all the way for the decision. Ad- two walks, while fanmng 11 Eric REGISTRATIONS MAY BE MADE 17410MACIC AT iT (LA •• golf events In Mlclugan dy also doubled, tripled and drove Napier had two hits for the Aston ThIS year's fundrals. in a run The Cardinals were to meet the For the above purposes City and Township Clerk Offices Will be open IM&YDI •• h during office hours as follows mg goal IS set at $100, Duff Berschback knocked out a T~ins. and the Astros were to take SPllCI&L8I THE on the Bre~ers after press time in 000 Sports and medIa two-run homer for the Winners, Ian CIly of Grosse POinte Woods personalitIes such as the first round of the All.Amencan Mon thru Fn 8 3Q a m to 5 00 P m .3.88 GREEN Thompson and Aardema both tripl. 20025 Mack Plaza . 343.2445 and on July 9, 8 00 a m to 5 00 P m 11 .... II 11 , .•. ..., ROOM SpMkv Anderson, ed, Thompson's blow dnving in t~o League playoffs, With the ultimate HO••MAD. Ch~rlie Gehringer, runs and Aardema's one WlOners meetmg for the league City of GrOSM!POinte Farms Mon -rues .Thurs .Fn 8 30 a m to IS NOW championship 80UP DAILY Mickey Lohch, Novo The PhUliei bowed to the Woods 90 Kerby Road - 88S-66OO 4 3Q P m Wed 8 3(} a m to 6 00 P m and WE ARE FAMOUS OPEN! &)O'\'IC, and A"ros, 1().7. The MaJOr League Inter-elty on July 9, 8 00 a m to 5 00 P m for OUR DESSERTS' many more will )Om In TIle Padres overcame a 6-0 first playoffs are slated to get underway the day's actiVities inning defiCIt to defeat the Braves, tOnight, July 5 elt) of Grosse POinte Park Mon -Tues -Thurs .Frl 8 30 a m to 15115E Jefferson. VA 2-6200 5 00 P m Wed 8 00 a m to 6 00 pm and %;'j .~ .Ii _IIIIIp.Bme., on July 9. 8 00 a m to 5 00 P m City of Grosse POInte Mon -Tues .Thurs Frl 8 30 a m 10 /.~'~ R PAIR SPECIALISTS CORRECTION Classified 17147 Maumee. 885 5800 4 30 P m Wed 8 30 a m to 6 00 P m and '~ ENGINES, OUTDRIVES, OUTBOARDS, on July 9, 8 00 a m to 5 00 P m Our annual men's MARINE TRANSMISSIONS TOWNihipof Grosse POinte shoe sale is on today I , TOYonshlp of Lake ~ton thru Fnday 8 10 a m 5 p m 795 Lakeshore. 881-6565 and on July 9, 8 00 a m lo 5 00 P m COMPLETEPUTS •• 'EITORY :;/ FOR Not yesterday. Ads CHESTER E PETERSEN Mercrulser • uMC RICHARD G SOLAK --- Clt)' Admlnlstrator-elerk Clt) Clerk Mercury Outboards III City of Grosse POinte Woods City of Grosse POinte Farms ... Volvo • Paragon ' . ALLEN T W KRESSBACH ....£ 'PDMONDS NUNZIO J ORTISI .. Stem Power City Mallltier-elty Clerk City Clen. -...... ,. Bor Warner Bring City of Groue Pointe City of GrOllM Pointe Park • RICHARD F FOX JAMES T WRIGHT - Township Clerk TownahlP Clerk MARINE Lake TownshIp GrONe Pomte TownshIp ... AI ...... ,., A •• It Results GPN 6/28/14 , 7/5/14

.. I .. Page Three.C Classified ads Thursday, July 5, 1984

1A-PERSONALS 1A PERSONAC, 1A-PERSONAL, 2D-CAges 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP WANTED GENERAL ORIENTAL RUGS "COLOR MAGIC" "BE A STAR!" I INDEX TOCLASSIFIED OFFERED I CAMP ARBUTUS-Private GENERAL Color AnalysIs girls' camp Grand Traverse WANTED Have your wedding ceremony IM:\-IEDIATE OPENING With WANTED - rough carpenter Cosmetics 1. No cancellations, changes or correcllons aher 2 J1 m Monday area June 24th - July 21st. one or many and reception Videotaped In large legal hrm 111 dO\o'mto~n hhOimum 2 years ex pen. Swatches No exceptions July 22nd - Augu~t 18th Private collector", 111 pay dn~ full color and sound DetrOIt area Dictaphone ex ence Part-lime 881.2427 Karen A He'" III CALL MEMORIES VIDEO 2. New copy only, deadline Tuesday noon Call 881 9442 Wl'lte penence, typing 65 \l. pm rea~onable price 885.6663 Mayfleld Michigan 49666 b44 7:112 758-2875 1 Legal NotIce 12D Lake and River Property good \ocabulary and grJm THE CUT UPS, INC. CongratulatIOns mar plus one ~ear ex SMALL DOG siltIng-not over 1A Personals 12E CommercIal Properly 2G-CONVALeSCENT 16822 KERCHEVAL AVE STAINED GLASS-wmdo",s SUZANNE M SUMMEHS 12 pounds, also puppies 24 18 Secrelorlol Service 12F Northern Property perJ~nce reqUlred Medical IN THE VILLAGE lamps, InlrrOrs, bevels: 1984 Dommlcan Graduilte, CARE terminology helpful \\-111 be hour care Excellent 1C Public Sale 13 Real Estate HAIR STYLISTS tempered gla~s, ne", con recipient of il Cerllflcate of reference~ 885 3039 1 D Obituaries 13A Lois for Sale PRIVATE BOOM open, Per tested Call %4 5890 ask for structlOn alld repaln Excellence il~ a top twenty Karen Workmg m the POtntes TAKE A BALLOON RIDE' 2 Entertofnment 138 Cemetery Property sonal Care Home for the References, 382 4112 Wrltel' In the Wayne State 2A Musfc Educolion 13C Land Contracts elderly, 24 hour care Pon DRIVERS "IEEDED' See life from a P~ltJOns open to those look. EXPERIENCED Manuscnpt CompetltlOll. 28 Tutonng and Educallon 130 For Sale or Lease tlac near r 75 373-2784 after Good driVing record '.Ii III blrd's eye View I IIlg for a new feehng of ac- TECIINICIA~S presented the Free Press 2C Hobby (nstrucllon 14 Real Eslate Wanted 3 30 tram Excellent money EAGLE'S NEST complIshment, WIth good (Former Bell Employees) Schola~hc Award, and coor- 2D Camps 14A lots Wanted making potenlial Apply In BALLOON RIDE5 earmngs, pleasant work Phone InstallatIOn and dwator of t\\O FashIOn 2E Athleltc Instruction 148 Vacalton or Suburban person offers Champagne Fllght~ 3-L6sT AND IJlg condItIOns, (some Repair Work Done Shows 2F Schools Property Wanted 15501 Mack Ave over Northern FOUND benefits), charges for ser- Reasonably We are very proud of )ou 2G Convalescent Care 4C Real Estate Exchange I I\"f"l~ "' ...... ,,,,,,~ T) ...... Macomb ('ountv r.OVF.RNMF.NT ,JOBS Vl""~ ~~l ,:a '::I1'Qr~a. U.,t'P' ...... , ...... , ....v ....J, LJI ..... tJ,... Losr ana founa t5 lluSlllen OppOnUnllleS rGU':-;;; uAa\.~ QuJ ,"UIU .. i DUll PdJlII~r HdllK MODley a $16,559 - $5O,553/year ;\low cut ling - color -"pe~s, 884-2828 5730925 & Uncle CALL 776-4626 4 Help Wanted General 16 Pels for Sale female dog 8 Mile between Hiring Your Area Call ()) {no roller se Is) Serv Ing THANK YOU St Jude for 4A Help Wonted Domestic 16A Horses for Sale Kelly/Gratiot area 885-1488 PRA YER TO THE 1l05-68HOOO,ext R-l616 ($20 superb chentele for you or PensIOn & I S A fdvors received K Conard 48 Services to Exchange 168 Pet Groomlllg HOLY SPIRIT LOST l\fJxed Temer multi for directory) some one you know Call FInancIal PlannIng 4C House Sitting Services 16C Pet Boardlllg Holy Spirit, you who make me color, male dog Very friend. for private intervIew PERSONAL Checkbook bal- S Situahan Wonted 16D Adopt A Pet BEAUTICIAN and barber ISA -IRA ancmg, small bUSiness or see ever} tiling and who Iy Ans ....eri; to Barney or clientele preferred Full or 885-3240 LIFE INSURANCE shows me the way to reach SA Situation Domesltc 19 Pnnllllg and EngravlIlg SkIp Reward 293.4143 or personal bookkeepmg Free 58 Employment Agency 20 General Service part tIme 77.H380 or EVENINGS - n5-1118 OTHER INVESTMENTS mltlal consultation, dehvery my Ideal You who give me 881-8270 247 71Z7 the DIVIne Gift to forgIve SC Caterlllg 20A Carpet laying Ray Gaynor 8392502 Intormatlon or appointment 6 For Rent Unfurnished 208 Refrigeration and AI( FOUND German Shepherd n7-1382 and forget the wrong that IS mix female dog tan ....Ith done to me and you who are 6A For Rent Furnished Conditioning Repair LOOKING FOR A NEW CAREER? 68 Rooms for Rent 20e Chimney and Fireplace black markmgs About 1 In all IIlstances of my !lfe Earn $15,000-$25,000 fIrst year Jom one of the most ac- BALLOONS 6C Office for Rent Repair year old Behmd A L Price, r-= With me I, In thiS short Mack/Moross 884-3696 live Real Estate offices m Macomb County Free license 6D Vocation Rentals 20D locksmiths HIGH RLYING HELIUM BALLOON BOUQUETS dialogue want to thank you class monthly Advanced sales training provided For all occasIOns for as htlle as $lO-dellvery avaIlable for everything and confirm 6E Garage for Rent 20E Insulation FOUND older Toy Poodle, ",hlte, female VICInity of 7 CALL MR WHITCHER Buy a dozen or buy a gross A GREAT way to celebrate once more that I never want 6F Share liVing Quarters 20F Washer and Dryer Repair 772.2686 88+2520 to be separated from you no 6G Store Lease 200 Glass - Mirror Service Mile/Provencal 839-4{)27 - 6H For Rent or Sole 20H Floor Sanding 882-4968 malleI' how great the mater- FOUND - Large male dog MAITRE'D 6J Halls for Rent 21 MovlIlg Ial deSires may be I want to June 27 Shaggy "Ben]1 Hotel Ponchartram IS accepting resumes for t~ positIon be With you and my loved 6K StoragB Space 21A Plano SeNlce type" Tan face and legs. 7 Wanted to Renl 21 B Sewing Maclune of maltre'd for the TOP The TOP has long enJO~ed ones III your perpetual glory black curly back Very obe. a reputatIOn of fme dmlng which mcludes table Side PEr,mOLINO'S CHIMNEY SCREEN 7A Room Wonted 21 C Electrical Service Amen dlent 885-6265 coo!ung The successful candidate Will have a SERVICE 78 Room and Board Wonted 21 D TV and RadiO Repair Thank you for your love to- knowledge of WInes. a mlnlUm ol two yea~ ~ JenCe GET READY FOR FALLII 7C Garage Wonled 21 E Storms and ScrHns LOST GRA Y and "'Me female wards me and my loved managmg a comparable dmmg room, and wdl be ac- BrIng your house 7D Sloroge Space Wanted 21 F Home Improvement cat, Fisher between Ker- ones Pray thiS prayer 3 con- complished m table SIde cookmg, as well as French up to code and S Arllcles for Sale 21G Roofing Servke cheval and Ridge, Ulcered secutive days Without askmg service Please apply by resume to Hotel Ponchar. keep unwanted SA MUlical Instrumenls 21 H Carpet Cleaning lip. needs medical care 886- your Wish, after third day tram, 2 Washington Boulevard, Detroit -18226 Atten- ammals out 88 Antiques for Sale 21.1 Pain ling, Decorating 3766 your Wish wiII be granted, no lion Personnel E 0 E FREE ESTIMATES malleI' how difficult It may se Office EqUipment 21J Wall Washing LOST Black With white chest 881-2477 886-5870 .~1JPli be Then promise to pubhsh 9 Articles Wonted 21K Window Washing Cockapoo Shaggy, name *SAVE $5 WITH THIS AD* thIS prayer as soon as your 10 Snowmobile for Sale 21L Tile Work Holly 886-2558 BANQUET MANAGER rma~= lOA Motorcycles for Sole 21M Sewer Service favor has been granted The Hotel Pontchartram has an Immediate opening foe GTT 108 Trucks for Sale 21N Asphalt Work 4-HELP WANTEb an expcnenced banquet manager The successful can- 11 Cars for Sale 210 Cement and Brick Work GENERAL dIdate wJlI have a mLnlmum of 2 years of supet'VlIGI')' MOTHER AND daughter to 11 A Cor Repair 21 P Waterproofing share nde to Northern LOOKING FOR mature re- expenence and adchtlon to haVing demonstrated suc. 118 Cars Wanted 10 Buy 21Q Plaster Work sponsible and re!lable In cess In a banquettng department serving 500 or more Umverslty, July 9th, loth. 11 C Boals and Motors 21 R Furniture Repair 11th 881-3006 dlvldual, to care for new guests sLmultaneously Our candidate Will have a 11 D Baal Repair 215 Carpenter born. 2 yea I' old, 412 year old working knowledge of French service, schedulUll and DETROIT - London 8/3 - 11 E Boal Dockage and 2lT Plumbing and Heahng III our St Clair Shores home trairung, as well as setting up of functlon rooms. You 8/17 Two seats on charter Storage 21 U Janitor Service ApprOlumately ll).20 hours must apply In resume If you WISh to be C1>fISldered. usmg Northwest $643 each 11 F Trollers and Campers 21 V Sltverplating per week Must have own Hotel Pontchartram, 2 Washington, DetrOIt. 48226 At- Call JUdl, 9-5. 882.5708 l1G Mobile Homes 21W Dressmaking and transportalion References tention Personnel E 0 E 11 H Allplanes TENNIS LESSONS on private Tailonng reqUired n2-2881 court, by experienced tennis 12 Surburban Acreage 21X Draperies MATURE BABYSITTER - 12A Surburbon Home 21Y Swimming Pools profeSSIOnal, instruction, 2-4 evenlllgs a week III my EXCITING ARTS CAMPAIGN drills or match play, to learn 128 Vacation Properly 21 Z landscaping home, 0'" n transportation IS NOW UNDER WAY or Improve your game Pri- 12C Farms for Sale 884-5321 EARN OVER $IOO/WEEK PART.TIME vate or semi private 884- DICTAPHONE transcrlp- EVENINGS (GUARANTEE VS. COl\IMISSION) 5619 1A-PERSONALS 1B-SECRET ARIAL ttomst, posllion open With + BONUSES +COMPl.ll\IENT ..\RY TICKETS CAMBRIDGE DIET look and SERVICE natIOnally kno'" n company We need bnght, arliculate. outgomg people to soft.sell feel great the safe way CUSTOM woodwork Quality Must have dlctaphone ex- sUbscnphons for the Detroit Symphony Orchestra IWholesale distributor 882- carpentry WIth a personal Complete perience, good Lamer Skills, We offer an excellent working envu"Ollment, top ply, I 8332 touch Ornamental wood- WORD PROCESSING type 60 wpm. word pro- free parking, elCce1Jent Ioc:atlon and benefits Your DO YOU know the colors thaI work, home Improvement, Reports cessmg experience a plus Interest III tlk> arts and your voice .re definite .. look best on you? For a free kitchen deslgmng Inwood or Repelltlve Letters 2-4 years offIce experience assets We tram preferred Downtown loca- color analySIS faCIal Call formlca Portfoho samples Envelopes CALL 567-1000, EXT. 3S NOW 882-2274 after 5 p m and references available Dissertations tIOn Qualtfled applicant upon request Free esti- ManUSCripts should call Mrs Miller at WESTIN HOTEL luxurloUS mates Bruno Trentacost Technical EquallOns 962-3889 between 10 30 a m - deluxe room for two any Fn- 754-6508 Tables 1 pm -=::::--- ~ day, Saturday, Sunday, I~ WORDS/NUMBERS EXPERIENCED servers $145 value $100 343.0570 TENNIS LESSONS by Renee PROCESSING CORP Knck!:>tem Call 8868415 wanted Apply In person, 831-9860 after 3 p m Itahan Grinder SECRETARY VALUABLE ASSETS Video 884.WORD tower 200, Ren Cen Full Medical Staff taped for your protectIOn TYPING/word processlIlg lime, no calls please Immediate full-time (830 il m - 5 pm) and insurance records Star- resumes, term papers, POSition available for Indl"'ldual With tmg at $99 Memories Video reports, repetitive letters CHANGING above average skills Typmg 01 65-70 - 758-2875 Reasonable Available 7 CAREERS? WPM shorthand 80-100 WPM Excel- HORSE AND Carnage rental days a week 882-5541 READY FOR lent medical terminology backgrO\lnd Puppy Slttlng Service Add a "Royal Touch" to Apply m person RESUMES, theses, term SUCCESS? your weddlllg or speCial oc- papers, reports, repetitive YOUR HOME casIOn Includes a driver Jom us at a free letters WORD PROCESS. career semillar THE •• A WORK OF ART 752-6960 ING Competitive prlcesl COTIAGE HOSPITAL ~ Framed, Pen and Ink "COUNSELING IN RENT A cook for your speCial quality "'ork 521-3300 OF It Watercolor of Your Home, occasIOn Reasonable, Ex. REAL ESTATE" Busmess or Boat By TYPING WORD processlIlg. GROSSE POINTE cellent references 881 8089 resumes. $350 a page, 35t Sat, July 21 at 10 30 a m CAROL A SINCLAIR Schweitzer School 159 I(erchftal RESUMES BY Lynn Profes- addillonal orlgmals Notary 886-8468 of Real Estate Gro ... Pointe farms. MI 482:M SIOnally composed & IBM S C S 772 2809 3555 E 14 !\llie Road Equal Opportunity Employer type written Phone for ap WILL DO your typmg and BONDED LOCKSMITH bt",n R~an & Dequmdre "QUALITY" pollliment 774-1708 light bookkeepmR Call Dar- lene after 5 00 - 8.!2-9135 Sterling Heights SCHLAGE DEADBOL T WE WAITRESS for private before 5 00 - 964 5t73 For reSE'rvatlOns & WISTRIKE REINFORCING partlCl> of all occa!:>lOns Call mformatlon KIT ~hchelle, 7576055 Call ChriS at 268.1000 $4780 2-ENTERT AINMENT FOR Schweltzl.'r Real E~tate CHELSEA LOCK CO LIGHT-HEARTED Belter Homes & Gardens GROSSE POINTE PARK CLASSIFIED ADS ENTERTAINMENT DIRECTOR for As;,umptlOn Ultrasonographer 3439144 MAGICIAN CALL 882-6900 Eastpomte Nursery School Immediate relief pOSItion a ...allable In a ROBERT COOPER and Toddler Center Must modern suburban hospital lor a 1A-pERSONALS have Bachelor degree III COLOR CODING ALL AGES OCCASIONS registered or registry eligible Ultra- 885-4210 early childhood educatIOn 2 sonographer Must be available lor for years related experience FUN A]'I;D FASHION MAGIC SHOW~- AvaIlable emergency on-cal! tor second and/or I-'or more IIIformatlOn call third shilts weekdays and weeKends fOl birthday partll.'s, ban 779 bill • Co~t $25 Includes q'Jets, your SOCial affairs Please calt or apply 1(\ person at • ProfeSSIOnal drapmg Call Jim Shannon, 885 6699 EXECUTI VI!: chef \l.anted for • :-'1ake up anal~~I'l hIgher volume, fa;,t paced THE ~. '~ The Classified • Color s\l.alches 2A-MUSIC restaurant Mu;,t have at least 7 \ end resume to Bo"( L 30 Gro Poln•• f.,ma, MI 482,. limn: or STUDIO (313) eeoo... t 2450 20941 ~IJck Gro:.~e POInte \!ey.'l, 99 Ker che\ al Gro;,'le POinte Q)GJ~[J Call ~{'ekda~ 'I open: so arranged aa to per- lli\ 1 2920 lli\ I ~l\8O F,lrInc; 411216 mit Ingresl, egren, panage. PIAi'oO teacher With degrl'e ~1EDIC,\L ~E('REl AIn The Classlfleds are open ha'l op<'ntng'l for begmnlng /o'I'iht>rBUlldlO~ ~Io o(fll't': or advanced 'otuc\(>nls Ell; p.lrt tln1l' I-:~'>entla I - good 24 hours a day for your shop- pcrlt'nced In cla~sl('al, pop, IlPlng ~klll~, knoy.ledge of ping convenience Select ragllmt', r{(\rm 3-LOST AND {'r member of ~1Ichl~al FOUND Technologist Buyers and sellers meet Operrl Theatre Orche,tra Immt'dlil!e reliel POSllIon a ...allable In a moclern sliburban hospItal for a every day In the Classlfleds, The Gro ... PoInte News CIa•• lfled.' \l.llh ~f(r~ 10 MusI< Edllca If you lose me registered or reqlstry elIgIble NlJclear where value and quality al- The a..t Ptece To Advertise! tlOO Bt'~IOfl('r'l thru advanc From ~rsonal., To Article., To cars, To ('(j 1\2,14704 or find me Meolcme TechnologlSI Mlist be a .... il- ways cost less Fmd what you able lor t'mergency on-call lor second need and sell what you don't servlc •• ' PIA \!O LE:-.'-,o\'-, qUrlhfll'd ano or third shlfls weekdays and ;\ It'arhN m \ hornf' lI82 7n2 1 weekends Please call or apply In need In the Classlfleds The Gro ... Pointe NIIWll ClaallfledlJ '>7 person at HlIYt " AliI /) 29- TOfORiNG AND They fa Helpful. Fun. Inexpen.lve, !I(_ -' EDUCATION And EMy To Placel t1 THE •• Grosse Pointe TUTORING COTIAGE HOSPITAL • OF I W'rrt Not cau CI••• lfled. Today ALL SUBJECTS And P*e An Adl j ~ (. H \1)1':." 1 T1lRlJ 12 GROSSE POINTE It News I'HOFE~SIONAL I' A( ULTY I Call 182-tOOO Betor4l Noon On Tueld4lyl 15. Kirch.., .. Don't WIIlIt Until Tueldayl WE CAN HELP OroeN Pm .. f.-m., MI Que 882-6900 (iROSSI'; POINT!'; We'll run your ad (313) 114-IlOO, •• t. 2450 U:ARNING n;NTF:R 6.1 Kercheval on the Hill FREEl! EQu.' OppotluMy Employer ~~r- ,143.0836 343-()(l.'16 882.6900

, J , \ (~ l':,Page Four-e GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thureday , July 5. 1984

~ for tne ma at 881.~ - tr.O per month mcludlng security 885-7254 tween Mack and Warren 111 27~ for brochUres 881-M02,882. RELJ -\BLE babySitter needed position of Dlre( tor or Pro ,"CARI:'\G & DOING" heat J.66-813-l or 881 3542 SO~fERSET - Upper one Detroit $375 plus security HOMESTEAD - Lake Mldu. 4593 grammmg Reporllrg to the for 10mooth !fifant on Moo. 25US55, 882.2902 IS OLIR ~OTTO CLEA=" 3 bedroom large I1V1ngroom gan 3 bedroom luxury con- TRA VERSE CITY - Charm- Executl\ e Dln:clOr the per da~:, Thursda) - rJOOfH) 30 BE -\CTlFl'L upper bedroom -\If conditIOning, and kitchen. $300 Includes BUCKINGHAM near Mack, 2 do, furnished as private 109 beachIront resort, East I Tra nsportatlOn required .. LIVE I:\S son \\ III be t:,pu'blble for heat and water Cau Conrue, bedroom lo~er, applIances. home All convemences, 2 Bay $250.$350 weekly developing Il"plerrentmg 882 7503 .. AIDES large rooms ~Iust see 881- -i664 832.5201or 88Hi746 $260 securlt)', references pools, 2 dlmng rooms on Brochures. (616) 938.1740 and evaluating educat,onal PERSO:,\ ~ee<:Ied for part • RX's " !.P:'\'s GROSSE POINTE Park.Way. 884-3559 Site, ",asher/dryer, TV, CLEARWATER Beach 440 cultural and COrnn'Ulll[\ lime \10 ork In laundn' C.all For Home Health Care EAST OtTER Dm e near stereo, clay tennIS courts, West, 2 bedroom, 2bath con. events as \\ eJl {jucatlOn The EMPLOYMENT security deposit ~o pets (616) 5&Hl00 combination of education excellent care, references 824-2635 bedroom Colooial, fam.l1Y WM J CHAMPION & CO fOR RENT 77;).-17'35 room $800 per month pius 884-5700 HILTON HEAD Villa Sum- and experJeoce that clear!) AGEN CY $235 PLUS uulttles, secunty 4 mer has arrived there' SECURE BLOCK 3car garage utlhhes and securit Y demonstrates the ~Ion 8854576 COLLEGE STlJDE:\'TS will rooms, stove, refngerator, 68-AOOMS FOA Sleeps 6 On golf coone. for rent. Located 1008 Lake- paw garages, fences. do deposit Close w lake P ark ,0fknov.ledgeandablhtleslS 50 ) ears rellable servICe Grosse Pomte Park, no pets priVIleges. Youngbloo d RENT BICYcles, pool 886-9234 pointe (Park) 882-4968 reqwred Xeeds expenenced Cooks, yard wort, odd JObs Call 824.2635 Realty 886-1000 HARSENS ISLAND cottage on after 5 p.rn Tim, ll85-8564 WORKING person "must" be iiCSHARE LMNG Please adddress letter and ~anrues, Mauls. Housekeep- HOUSE $295 per month plus BEACONSFIELD - 4fanuly shipPing channel Call ers,Ga~,Cbaufi~. WORKL"'IGL.P S wants part. utilities, Immediate oe. clean SleePing room Over 499-3466 everungs QUARTERS resume to 2 bedroom upper. Stove, 35. 7 mmutes from St Jo Butlers, Couples, Nurse tune private duty. Excellent cupancy 824-8260 for ap- refngerawr, washer an hn B references 922~ after 5 d H06Pital 885-3039 OYNE COUNTRY Com. ROOMMATE needed to share R Weber Ph D Aides, Compamons and Day pomtment dryer $265 per month all Mark pm. Call pletely furmshed, elec- 3 bedroom home With 32 Ex~uhve Director V. orlters for pnvate bomes 3919 HA\'ERHILL - 6 room after 6 p m. 882-4874. WOMAN OVER 20 House tnc, 2-tlet Chalet. Upper year old female. $175 per 18514Mack Avenue 21 YEAR old coll~e gal privileges, $35 weekly Grosse Pomte War .\femo~lal upper 3 bedrooms stove, DEVONSHIRE and Mack. 2 l1er, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, toontb plus hall utilities 343. 32 Lake Shore Drl\'e Grosse Pointe Farms avallable for babyslttmg refngerator. carpeted, 527~74, after 5 p.m kitchen, hvmg room With 0757 persistently ev~, weekends through bedroom income $275 pIus Grosse Pamte Farms RESPONSIBLE separate furnaces and utilities 881-1174 GROSSE POINTE Park fireplace Lower tier 3 bed. MI48236 end of August Llve near the utilities, garage. $300 a Room with pr1vate bath, rooms, 2 baths, kitchell, lIv. 7-WANTED Energet1c woman for bouse LOVELY two bedroom u Village 881.3909, Susan. month plus deposit ~9020 a week. 882-4469 Ing room with fireplace TO RENT CLERK/CASHIER needed. clearung Experienced pre- - Grayton. $400 per moo sharp, alert mdl\zdual ~ho ferred 2 or more days E.'t. BABYSITI'ER - Who "'ves FOUR ROOM upper Income, Tiers may be intereoonected cbildren, industrious y,'ork- lllCludes heat, appliances FOR WOMAN - Widowed - Inter. takes dIrectIOns \10 ell and cellent wages Name and Haverhill, large bedroom. 6C-OFFICE If desired Clubhouse, ee, home and yard, m your 886-6143. sWlmmmg pool, spring.fed ested in rentUIg upper flat, 3 works efficienU\ \Iolth fello\\ telephone number to. Box living room, dimng room, RENT or 4 rooms ~lth heat includ. employees, gentleman pre. B-l8, Grosse Pomte Nev.-s, 99 borne. Excellent references kitchen and bath, stove, A GOOD MOVE lakelet, Jtvate tJUlting ed. Frorlt entrance prefer. ferie. close w scbools aDd trans . mattress sets, twin $59, full Please call New kitchen, furnace, alT RESPONSIBLE, 10\'lng, non. Mrs. Hammond, whose portanOfl $600 per mon th DILLON PROPERTIEs SHANTY Creek, Bellaire, S79,Cn $99, sofa. sleepers and appliances Pet OK $4SO plus security. ~. complete $88. smoker babys1tter w care Gall ageuey served Grosse 881-4147 Michigan Contemporary ~ beds per month Available per 1pu!CE! living rooms $239, for infant m my Harper Pointe over 3O-years. Licen. TWO bedroom apartment In -house, .. bedrooms, 3'bIlh, PERSONNEL month. A\'ailable August NEWLY RENOVATED decorative lamps from Woods home .\fonday-Fn- sed Bonded 247-0283 Grosse Pointe Park W1th and sauna, beautifUlly AGENCY 15th Adult couple preferred OFFICES FOR RENT decorated. Indoor and out $14.88. 5 piece wood dinettes day, 8: 15.5 15 Excellent BORN AND raised In Grosse 1186-5160 dlnmg room, livmg room , 1.3OFFICES on Mack Ave in cond1l1ons O....n transporta. 106 Kercheval , kltchen. Available June 5th door swunnung, gnU, temus, $l59, _ pits now $375. ~ POJDte. RetIred pohceman . a Grosse Pomte Woods pr0- tion and references reo Grosse Pointe Farms COLONIAL HOUSE - 3 bed. $300. beach, flShtng and boating. w the public, dealers an in. would hke secunty wort At. fesslonal bwlding, avallabl e Stltutlonal sales welcome. .quired 343-0846 882-2928 tended room, security depOSIt 776-2949,33HI255, evenings. pohce academy and DILLON PROPERTIES IlldJVidually or as a sUite Name brands. Serta, etc WANTED-Craftsman, flii1d. State Ltceosed and Bonded FBI school Wages negotia. References Detroit 882. MICHAWAYE -7 MIles south Reasonable rent lOCludesre- 9451Buffalo, Hamtramck (l ble Excellent references 9696 881-4147 of Gaylord Golf, tennis crafted Items Second an- HOUSEKEEPER needed for -- ceplion and conferenc e block north of Holbrook, 1 nual. N.E A R Craft Show one person References 294-0701 UPPER 6 rooms, Gray/ AREA-7 MIle and Hayes E f. rooms, modern telepho ne clubhouse, pool, playground: block east of Conant), CharlevOiX, Detroit 881. 3 lakes, sallboats, paddle- September 15thmformatJon ~fust be able to dnve, good RELIABLE hlghschool ficlency apartment $165• system, utilities, J3mtora I 875-7166.Telegrapb (2 blocks Call Mary dePolo 881.9773 salary 885~. graduate seeks any odd 3708 Private entrance 14800 serVice, and secretana I boats, much more Beautiful South or 6 MlIe) , 532-4060. jobs, pamting, landscaping, LARGE FIRST floor flat - 2 Eastwood space Shared receptionist / 4 bedroom home, sleeps 12, Monday through Saturday. HOUSE DIRECTOR for a HOUSEKEEPER - 2 w 3 2 baths, fully ~ k.It- sorority on the Vll.I\ erslty of hours m the mocmng, 5 days etc Enc - 824-3596 bedrooms, garage, base- GROSSE POINTE secretary, caples, off stree t 10-8, Sunday, 12.5 14400 ment, utilitles lIlCluded Not- parking, and many othe r chen With dishw , fire- Michigan campus Mature, a week, $4 an hour, no smok. HANDYMAN - Complete re- MOVING AND STORAGE co place, TV, stereo 885-3211. Gratiot (2 blocks north of 7 capable woman to supen'LSe mg, Harper Woods.ll39-05tKl patrs - extenor and in. tingham at Mack, Detroit Reasonable Rates amemtles available Jul y Mile Rd.> 521.3500.MoDday $29S per month, plus dePOSit occupancy foOdpreparatIOn and mam. HOliSECLEANING, Grosse tenor, atbes, pamt1ng, roof. Rellable 8ervlce HARBOR SPRINGS - House Saturday 1lHJ,10909 tenance, and create a mg, etc References G 624-5576 Free Estunates for rent Weekly/monthly. =G River (corner tIC Oak. POUtte, Harper Woods area CALL SHELLY GILLETT E gracious loving atmosphere 925-9090 Lozada, 36l'r2830. BEACONSFIELD - Jeffer. 343-0481 822-4400 P~ramic view or ba man) 934-6900 Monday the AT 884-1234 (61S) 526-7110, 526-7406. y. througb Saturday, 10-7 4575 for chapter members FRANK'S Handyman Serv1ce son Lower 2 bedroom, the EXECUTIVE HOME in DixIe Hwy., Waterford 1bwn- 886-0748 after 2 00 s-sTTuXfiON • Wallpapering, pa1Dtul8 and swve, refngerawr, carpet Woods, newly decorated, 4 PRIME AREA - approx- BY DAY, week or month S32S Available lmmedlate- unately 1,000 sq it 18530 sJup (3 mUes wett of '!ele. BABYSITTER needed Avail. WANTED miscellaneous repairs. bedroom, 212 bath, forma I beautiful, modern, 4 ~ able 3 to 4 days a week, be- 773-2123. Iy References and security n Mack Ave, Grosse Pomte room, 21h bath beacb-frofIt graph) 674-4121. Monday dlmng room, new kHcbe through Sun. ,tween 2 and 4 pm Ov;n PRIVATE NURSING deposit 822-4130days 824. and apphances, FlOrid a Farms next to Seven Hills or bome on Lake Huron near saturday 10-8 day 12.5 Credit cards and transportation 343-{)959 Around the clock 5A-slTUATION 1681everung5 room, recreation room, 2 car Rome. $650 plus utilities l...exmgtoo SWlInmmg, boat- In home, hospital or nurslDg 882-1S4O checks accepted DelIvery DOMESTlC LOWER FLA T - Devonsture attached garage, central a'IT, lng, flShlllg, hghted tenms BEAUl'ICIA~ booths for rent home R....l's LPN's Aides available. 776-4126 775-7751 north of Warren 2 bed. prime location. $1,200 FISHER ROAD . Large four court, children's playhouse compaOlons', male' atten: EXPERIESCED. rellable and SW1ngset Several golf woman desires aU around rooms, garage. S300 plus month 465-1377weekdays room SUIte,pnvate lav, wm. SECRETARY for do\\nto\lon dants, lIve-IllS Screened and utlhtles Call371-4387after 5 dows on 3 sides, jan. ser courses nearby Ideal for law firm Intelllgeoce, ex. bonded 24 hour service domestIc help houseclean TROMBLEY - Wind mil COLOR T.V.'S COl:RVILLE - Attractive up- Vice, uti! Included one, two, or three famlltes cellent typmg and spel!mg Llcel15ed nurses for in. Ing. runmng errands, shop- POinte lower, 2 bedroom Comfortably sleeps 12, all FROM $125 essential Lega! experience plng and cooitlng, care for per 2 bedroom, carpet, air den, dInlog room, I!VIn g surance cases 3 SINGLE offices, one or all amel1ltles TV, washer, HUGE SELECI'ION . helpful Call :'thss Galbraith POINTE AREA NURSES elderly or handicawed per- condtlloner, h...,ngroom, for. room, fireplace, carpeted mal dlmng room, kitchen Share reception, coffee bar dryer, microwave, dish. .. ReconditIOned - at 961..£700 TV 4-3180 SOD j!,xceuent references dishwasher, stove and re- washer, garbage dls. 772-3748, ll8S- I'm ""lth nook, sunporch, fIre. fngerator, compactor, cen • Guaranteed SALES SECRETARY - Per HEALTH place, basement, garage. tral alT, garage with opener CORNER or Maumee. Sm:d posal,f1replace, etc CalI886- • Dehvered and set up : son .needed \\ Ith excellent MOTHER-Daughter c1eamng swte, pnv lav, wmdo~s 8570 INSURANCE heat mcluded Immediate 1'2 bath. screened porch We repair all makes commumcatlOns skills and team Expenenced, depend. occupancy $385 Cats okay $670plus utlbtles and secur SA:-JD KEY, Clearwater Kaleidoscope TV take charge personaht} for DaVid T Fnes .. able Excellent references 881-8932 It)' dePOSit 886-3571 V1rgJnt8 S Jeffrit!S, 882-{)899 Beach LuxuriOUSIh!urnlSh. - fast grov. mg bus mess Pro- Independent Licensed Agent JoAnn 882-9624 Showroom LocatIon grams a.allabJe PO 11 TASTEFt:LLY decorated GROSSE Pomte Woods Ex OPPOSITE Eastland, Opal ed 2 bedroom, 2 th gulf 27951Harper (North of 11 "We represent more than one MOTHER.Daughter cleanmg home 112 blocks north of Plaza, 18301 East 8 Mile front condomlmum Pool. Mile), St Clair Shores East Detrolt .wJ21 team Dependable Satur. cellent location, two bed com pan) " .\Jack 3 blocks ,",est of room lower, apphances, car Road ProfessIOnal offlce guard, and reserved Inside n4-9380 SECRETARY - t....o part days onl) Call after 6 p m parkmg 884-8914 Cadieux Immaculate COOOI' petlng. ~ 0 car garage $4 SUite Excellent locatIOn TOP$$$PAID time posItIOns In 00\\ ntu.,.n 343-9092 771-4546 90 bon, professlonally remodel. per month pius utilities No 777-4646 LEXINGTON Heights - For Color TV's, air condit!. DetroIt management con GE~~RAL CLEA:'\I~G ser. ed .o\nd absolutel} clean oners, microwaves, VC R 's suiting firm :>fusthalt' good RETIRED HAXDYMA~ pets Call 882-5192 HARPER - 8 Mile Road 2 \Lake Huron, a httle over an VIce - 2 hard-\\orlung col 1 800square feet of SpaCIOUS washers and dryers (work: typingskllJs knov. '>lordprf}- ~fmQr repairs, carpentry, JULY SPECIAL - free one SUItes, $135each Off-stree t hour from Grosse POinte) lege students Homes, apart. liVing area 3 bedrooms, parkmg Beaullful large, 3 bedroom Ing or no!) also refng. cessing, offIce procedure:, electncal plumbtng, troken ments, offices 751.3;),1,725- bath and a half family month rent One bedr oom era tors ~andofficeequJpmer.topera. ....lndo\lrs and sash cord STIEBER REAL TV cottage ~Ith fireplace and 48Zi room, natural fireplace, 2 apartments newly decant gas gnll $225;week 884- tion Send resume to replaced, ete Reasonable ed clean qwet bwlr:hngW1th i75-4900 A LARGE selectIOn - Like WE DO house cleamng Care car garage '\0 pets Call 0196 Change Human Resource References 882-6759 secunty alarm system $1~ EXECUTIVE OFFICE sUll new SchWinn bicycles, for pets plants ~ore 3 0.", ner - 2~5822, after 6 es C Development I9S9E Jetfer EXPERIE:\CED NURSES' 2.32 7612 ~f1OUS mquJrles plus secunty deposIt Leav e - utilities mcluded. park APE COD - CQzy house. 886-1968 822-4130 29oH1756. m~ r---'------son, DetrOIt .\flchJgan 48207 alCiesa\8llable ~~ onlj message at 372.7544 109 Grosse POinte area 886- keeping beach cottage DRIVER/STOCK bo) ""anted rates Fraser Agene) Slate HOt:SECLEASI~G Grosse 9140 Perfect for couple, sleep!>4, -Clip and Save- BEDFORD \\ ARRE" clean 2 LAKESHORE Village town. Why Go To Canada? for auto par'" slore full licen..s~d and bonded POInte, Hall)er Woods area house Immediate occupan. GROSSE POI:"ITE WOODS $300 per week 882-8390or 925-9OfKI bedroom plu.~den 1', 886-9542 Why Order Out of State? _ time. $.1')0 per hour Call! 293.1111 baths flmshe<':!basement, c)' $500 per month 23314 E'ERGY EF"FICIE'T 871-5900ask for Da\e '\pger El ROPEA, profeSSIOnal CHINA - SILVER 5C-CA TEAfNG Sf.ll! heat. all apphances In Edsel Ford Court. near club- GENERAL OFFICE SPACE HILIO:'\ HEAD Island/South CRYSTAL LIVE IN housekeeper - per gardener landscaper wort. c uded fenced garage S340 house Call 882-3657after fl 2083SMack - 2 100sq ft Carolina 1 and 2 bedroom We Will Better Any PrIce' sonal atlendant to proVide 109 Perrenl.llls Blannuals, RE~'T A Cook for your special per month '\0 pets A\all pm WIll DlVIde to SUit. furnIShed ocean front VJ1las Most All Brands assistance for dl~db,ed .\nnuals Roses trees. OCCUIOO Complete 'IoeT'\1Ces able Auguc;t Ic;t 77'3~34'3 GROSSE POl,TE City ~eff Adequate Parking Rent day or .....eeks Free FINE ARTS 886-9284 women S:FH} a ,I eek 'ihrulJo; tnmmmg prunnmg available Reasonable Ex. CADIErX, \fack Completely Road 3 bedroom upper, 884 -134<1 1J86.1068 literature Call owner any. Referent/" requli(>d \\ III mamtenance 534-05il ~1J~t "ef erences 881-&:l89 remode~ 3 room umt plus large rooms, mcludes one ib-VACATION lime i7l-4586 train 882 3634 HOUSE PAINTING sun porch, appliances $25Q car garage References re- LAK EFRO:-IT AGE con qwred ~1 8ENTAbS con HOUSEHOLD EXPERIE\c F.D ((.10K lor Thvrough and PrOfesSlon,1I per month plus Utlhtles venJent to Interlochen, Trav. I grill and deep fr~ers .l,ppl~ Grad St~t 37~9'722 EXCLUSIVE APARTMF:NT eNe Cltv Sleeping Rear and RE:-"i TO OW'IJ In ~dl A\ali. In person ~ ,rrp\ <, Bar ana INTE RIOR GR0SSE Pui?\ TE f'A.l{K Your own home Good areas - able for lease 886-0024 Sleeps 5 Good flc;hmg, EST ATE SALES GnU. 16541Ed"t v'arren at - T....0 bedroom upper Waj suburbs and DetrOit Small ~'4lmmmg 88S-6916 even Outer Dnve ;;fter 2 p 1"1 EXTERIOR ,ngs Conduct~ by "K" burn re-decora ted Park dO'A-nWOrking peopIe~. IC-OFFICE FOR serviCIng Wayne, CARETAKER "rlnluJ hr 886-4842 priVileges 882 3.36Ilafter 6 ferred RENT HARBOR SPRINGS oakland and pm 3 apartment'i ,(!(dlerl near \1\TtRE\\O~A:"I"'llla'islSt HA,DLOS 882 7300 bedroom 21• bath, luxur) Macomb Counties Bon Secour; HrJ'plt,,] rail IfJ tran'ipor!atlon needc; I ~ r :\DIF.! X -- I room effl to....l1ho~e at Boyne fhgh GROSSF: POI\TF: \\ood~. Kay 247-0361 Dady fro'11 9 J P-2 7ilfl ~hate\er the pu~ per (lent) stO\ E' refrigerator lands 2 golf tourses 3 ten IT S EASY TO c;paCII)US4 bedroom Col ADVERTISI\(, ~ \1 r_' 1",,51 ,;rJ'l"l c;hoppmg doctor ap- ta~ted he481 or 1l22--4-tOO Inc ~ , ly 465 3565 • C11Dand IIW this ad .. '7

L 1 Thuflday, July 5, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Five.C 8-AJrnCLES i-ARTICLES FOR SALE I-ARTiclES 8-ARTICLES I-ARtidE. t=lRttad I-DtiClEs I-ARTicLES FOR SALE FOR !ALE FOR SALE FOR SALI FOR SALE FOR 'AbE FOR SALE GARAGE SALE - July 6th, MOVING SALE - 15years IC' SOFA - chain. green/gold 15' MUSKIN pool - filter, 7th,8th ctuldren's clothing, BLUE PAINTS HARTZ GARAGE SALE - KENMORE automatic dryer cwnuIatiOl'l, larJe and lmall floral print lOla, $250, two motor, ladder, vacuum and Works great $95 885 0079 newborn to size 10,like new RESUMES HOUSEHOLD SALE FLEA MARKET Fnday,9-5 applianetw, clothinl, misee1- green swivel rockers, $25 redwood deck Needs llOer, Many household and miscel- LAMINATING 892 NOTRE DAME laneoua No pre-ules July each. 118S-3153 $1:»0of best o[fer I!&H307 DOG HOUSES Large, m- laneous items 19941 Hunt- Saturday, 9-4 ID SIZE~' GROSSE POINTE CITY 6th-8th, 9-5. 872 Pemberton, BEDROOM - blond maho- GARAGE SALE - household sulated S50 331 0986 ington, Harper Woods, 10-6 B'~xll- $100 3 houses off Mack 573 Saddle Lane, (Cook Rd 'Mormngside) GroNe Pomte Park gany, head, foot boards, Items, chlldrens clothing 14' PORTABLE color T V KENMORE automatic wash- QUICK PRINTING Friday & Saturday 10 am-4 pm chest, vanily, mirror, mght and toys 17~ Broadstone, Great ~ Lture $125 885-0079 INSTANT COPIES Clothes, X-mas trees. odds and GARAGE SALE - 1890 Nor. er, excellent condition $85 wood 44" round dining stand, box spring, mattress, July 7. 10 a m tIll 3 p m R C A 25 . color T V beaut! 881-3102 ' SCRATCH PADS - 65' Lr ThiS ISa whole house movmg ends WEDDING INVITATIONS ORIENTAL GARAGE SALE! table, lea ves, 4 chairs; $375, after 1 pm Saturday ELECTRIC RANGE, 30 In ful pIcture. $225 8850079 MISCELLANEOUS - Dish. sale featuring very mce fur- children'. clothes, toys; 881-6372 ches, whIte, excellent condl' KEYLINING niture In fme condition We Exquisite rosewood, teak, master, new Floorwaxer, PHOTOSTATS, NEGS Mother of Pearl inlaid, bikes, hobby horse, house- YARD SALE - 18557McCor- tlOn, $125 881.3102 SA-MUSICAL lounge chair, (green) I'\hr. have a mahogany dining hold items. INSTRUMENTS RUBBER STAMPS set, a matched sofa and Caromandel and black lac. mlck Saturday. Sunday - CIRCLE THIS one, huge 4 ror, large, antique Flower OPEN MONDAY THRU quer funllture Screens, cof- HUGE MULTI family garage July 7, B 9 am -4 pm famlty garage sale - FT!' pots, (ornate) pictures, chair m brown upholstery USED PIANOS SATURDAY 9-5 P M Just right for a family room, fee tables, dmmg room set, sale, 3 bikes, refrigerator, ~ousehold Items, lawn fur- day and Saturday, 9'; 986 glasses, salad plates, ruby vases, cabmets, wall pla- couch, Toro snow blower, mture. mlsc Items Westchester Furnlture, ON SALE NOW glass, large SlIver platter POINTE PRINTING a drop front maple desk, se- veral small bookcases, end ques, chairs and much, SkiS, toys, boys and girls HAMMOND ORGAN antique short wave radIO ne\er us L'pnghts Consoles Grands Friday, Saturday only 882- 15201KERCHEVAL much morel Sent directly clothing - all SIZes July 6, din Lng room set', mlsc ed, $25, books. household ABBEY PIA \0 ( 0 1624 tables, a kitchen table & at Lakepomte chaIrs etc from Hong Kong and Main- 7, 8 10-4 P m 1200 Berkshtre household goods 885.2714 good~, toys and man) other ROY -\L OAK - 541 6116 WEDDING GOWN Old fash- ThiS v.eek we also have sev- land Chma. never been used ONE YEAR old range and FURNITURE treasures 822-0114 Grosse Pomte Park 822 7100 PIANOS WANTED IOn Size 11 Tall Excellent erat antique pieces mcludmg You have never seen a refrigerator Call after 5 Couchandloveseat, $150, end- BEAVER COAT, rose/beIge TOP C-\SH PAID conditIOn garage sale qUite like an Best offer 573- ATTENTION BEAR a Victorian setee, a pme pm 884.1374or 521-7589 table and coffee table, $50, size HH2, excellent Londl 8Ol9 COLLECTORS' Oriental Garage Sale, washstand With towel rack, BASEMENT SALE - Satur- hanging lamp, $30, dmmgor hon Retail valu~ 0\ el PIANOS WANTED GARAGE SALE Everythmg SOMETHING SPECIAL several wooden chairs, a 870 Grand MaraIS (Parkl game table, (slate), \\-lth 4 $3,000 Evemngs 885-7909 GRA;-';DS. Spmets Console:. 85 KERCHEVAL Friday 1-6, Saturday 10-6 day, July 7, 11 a m -6 p.m. goes Tools Bargams blanket chest, 2 embrOider- 9770Camley, 7 MlleIHarper and Small l:pnghts has just received Carrousel ed baby dresses, 2 old stools (Please don't come earlyl chairs Oeather-captalO}, ART DECO type WlddlComb galore 9717 Kensmgton area $375. duung/bar cabinet, sofa, alpaca fur rug, 4x6 TOP PRICES P-\lD TU5-6607 ~~ars by pons a,:d le!Q' for needlepomt, old lamps BEAUTIFUL handcarved 'YArJ) SA.Lr:. ~~ nv.;;:lu ~ t1l)!:;, roll?oA~ If''WYl M~"r4~v ,..h'.llN: er~m~ f~hl&:ll 'R~ \IE !-050e l~lll.lId uu r t:d l Ul o::u III t J:..1.J and mucn more Sparush 12 piece dtrung room G E,slde refngera'i DY BEAR and FRIENDS We have a gas stove and refl'l- am -3 pm. Fnday, Satur- friday: 9-5' ASk for Debbie mond LOew) black/\\hlte tor Large capacity, almost set, large oak table With lazy daY,SundaY,July6,7,8 IVY DESIGN Woodard cups and saucers, more 886- HAMMO\D ELECTRIC magazme gerator, a Zeruth remote col- susan, B leather chairs, 2 4691 organ - older model rare new $395 885-0079 Jl84.4422 MON -SAT, 10-5 or TV, a fancy slot ma. buffets, must see to ap- BRICKS - used, clean, 500, wrought Iron table and 4 I} played ~Iust be sold chlOe, assorted garden and precia te 371.2963 $75 881-6704 chairS, needs pamtmg, CURTAINS, IIvmg room dm. 885-2714 tool bench tools, and base. CONFERENCE TABLE, Chairs need seat and back Ing room, bedroom, den, fIt ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED HOUSEHOLD SALE - satur- used for dmlng and buffet. covers, $200 881~909 Colonial home wlOdov.s 9 PIA:'iO -\,\;D bench Grinnell ment miscellaneous day, July 7, 10-5 only 1215 & Walnut finISh. formlC8 95"x STAMP AND COinappraisals months old Office desk Spmet v.aJllut 884-3152 PAYING FROM $25 There are also assorted bed Buckmgham, Grosse Pointe TO $1~ PER SQUARE FEET bath lmens, kitchen pots & 39", oval, Withstraight ends for estates, banks, private Humidifier Steam presser -S-a---A-N-T-I-a-U-e-s---- pans, dishes, old frames, Park ChIppendale dmmg ANN ARBOR (1) 663-7607 set, buffet server, 8 chairs, on pods As new 884-2015 collecllons Call John I\hscellaneous Items 881- FOR SALE kmck-knacks, Silver plate 7' wlde/9' tall inlaid wood DESIGNER CLOTHES, baby StendeJ 881.3051 _9_17_5______------servmg p,1ecees , etc, All mirror (DuCharm Man- furmture, lots more 1458 GARAGESALE-Thursdav, ROTOTILLER - 5 horse \IUERI\LS L"U\IITEO prices Will be reasonable slOn) , mahogany break- Wayburn. Saturday, July Friday, July 5. 6, llHi P m power, good conditIOn, $175 Just ~rmed You Will be pleased 7th 10-6. All kinds of garden toots, or best offer Call m.4646 Large v.alnut and burled part RAINBOW ESTATE SALES I I'll hand out numbered tlckets front. major apphances, fur- between 8-10 a m to es- niture, mlSC, household EXCElLENT CONDITION _ yard equipment, leal sweep- BLOCK GARAGE sale - 1025 ners desk elaborately Car\' Serving the Greater Grosse Pointe area I goods, garden tools Coleco air hockey, $20 Fern er, electnc trimmer, bird Somerset Grosse POinte ed on partners desk 2 cast tablish your place 10 lme at Estate and Household LiqUidations stand, antique, $50. Tobag- bath, machine, good Park. bet';"'een St Paul and broTl2edesk sets 1llgnedand Complete Service References 10 a m openmg THREE LARGE .....ood book- Call the Hotlme cases With cabinets and gan, 6', $50 Folk gUitar, clothing, furmture, books, Jefferson 11 a m to 6 p m regIstered Tlifany's 885-0826 at 885-1410for small wrought Iron bakers Yamaha, $75. 881-5183. ~namel roaster. household July 6, 7, 8 Clothmg m StudIOS, ;.Ie'>'York rack 882-&493. _ 6134 GUI'I- Items, antique silver cruet eludIng coats, Jackets, details or directIOns GARAGE SALE stand, mullitude of trea- sweaters etc Almost new Dealers of MOVING SALE - Single ford. Nothing over $5 July 5, sures. 1269 Whither No 50( to $4' Houseware, etc , Archltecturat Antlque1> SALES CONDUCTED BY bedroom set, air condi- Fane Art Furmture & ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED SUSAN HARTZ 6.7 10a.m pre-sales! tools, large safe, large tioner, bookshelves, sewmg YARD SALE - Walnut din- MOVING SALE Fnday and stainless steel commercial AccessOries AZAR'S GALLERY 886-B962 machines, aquarlWll, wash- Located at One of the large selectIOns of Oriental rugs er and dryer, mISCellaneous. ing, bedroom sets. House- Saturday, July 6-7 Sink, antIque table Pamter.! FLEA Market - Every Satur- hold items 1'1l7Grand Prix, Miscellaneous household supphes, everythmg must 2 W l'ohchlgan Ave at minimum prices day, Warren/Haverhill cor- 824-3432 T.tops, runs great. Profes- Items. 5910 Ballour 10 ~g~o _ Open 10 a m -5 p m (~Ion -Sun) 251 E MERRILL, BIRMINGHAM ner Wanted dealers. custo- s10nal photographic equip- a m .3 p m GOLF CLUBS - Ben Hogan mers For mformatlOn call BABY \ 1) 483-6980 644-7311 ment Trlwnph 3-cylinder A (3 SWl t 881-9773 FURNITURE! motorcycle Dressmaker MOVING SALE - Saturday, pex, Irons, - , pu ter ANTIQUE GARAGE sale - material. Snowblower. Leaf July 7, 9 a m.-4 p,m. 362 and bag $400 or best offer MOVING Sale - Duncan EQUIPMENT Belanger off Cbalfonte Fur. _33_1_-72_1_5 _ 19141 Cheshire, oet"" een I Phyfe dmmg room set, A'l' RESALE PRICES broom. Much More. July 7, niture, antiques, toys, misc. MOVING SALE - Antiques, Mack and Harper. east of Household Franciscan chma, etc Buggy/Stroller Combo 8-3, 304 Beaupre. Moross July 6th. 7th. plus 771-3698 or 884-0792 LARGE MOVING SALE VICtorian Chairs, drop leaf Maxi Taxi FOUR FAMILY garage sale We rettred and are moving to table, cupboard, '>'ardrobe. 13th, 14th, 97 P m 882 1585 GARAGE SALE - Saturday, Perego Stroller l\hrrors, pictures. stimed Friday and Saturday, 9-12 a condo Lots 01 household school benches, 4 piece glass, frett work, medicine Estate Sales 465 Moran. Grosse Pointe Baby-Camers 822 Hollywood Items Glassware, china, bedroom set, dinette set, Bouncing seats cabinets, Vlctonan go'>'lIS, Farms, Furmture, Baby GARAGE SALE - Friday, 4~'s baby furniture, old La:Z-Boy chair, sofa,lamps, Items, toys, Circular oak Nursery Lamps converted gas lamps child- CONDUCTID IV Swygomatlc Swmgs Saturday. Sunday. 1028 WIcker chair and tables An- chma, glassware, pictures, rens toys, child rockers, poker table, golf clubs, etc. Somerset. Clean clothlni tiques, lots of mISC. 1812 ~s. TV's, tools of all 8:30 8.m .3 pm. Carnage chlld's Victorian dresser and Gates (some vintage), books Broadstone north of Morass kinds, kitchen goods, fotdmg bed. lace spread and cloth, LILLY M. AND COMPANY TWO 20" girls bikes, $55, $45, Jenny Lmd highchair household items, miscel: west of Mack Friday, Sstur. screen and much mere Sat. clocks. beds, Chall'S. glass- 884-7251 Walkers laneous. day, 8:30-3 p m urday, Sunday July 7, 8, 9 ware, round oak tables, VIC' 562-1387 569-2929 GARAGE Sale - 3650 Somer. Booster Seats SOFAS Regularandloveseat GARAGE SALE July 6 F '. a m.~ m at S6Moross. ~tt tonan organ. plano stools, 'ng set Green Ia'd da nl ,n Clemens, (between Cass set, antiques housewares, Toddler car seats matchl . ply 0 Y 409 Moran. g.3(). Ave and Church Street> Enghsh fire fender. desks. ~ clothes, mlsc 10-4, no pre- Cribs/matching dressers $175 both call after 6 p m 4:30 Mahogany doub.le bed Sale by Lyle J Petltpren Victorian rught stands, more sales, Saturday and Sunday Chifferobes 886-4269 frame, oak veneer hbrary ------furniture and mam sman MOVING Sale - Complete Mesh playpens A HUGE estate sale, entire table, two kitchen hood fans, ANNUAL BLOCK sale - An. Items - HOUS€dHOLD household mcluding antique Foldmg highchairs house, full of antiques, fur- cast aluminum barbecue tlqUes, art. miscellaneous bedroom sets, dimng room Ortho-Kmectlcs chair mture, old dolls, household gnU, swivel rocker, antique saturday, July 7, 10 a m -4 KENNARY KAGE an table and much mlsc 22175 "lnm" clothes tree misc and a targe assort. nall tree, and much morel ~ m Grayton, bet\\een ANTIQUES Hayes. East Detroit. Sf.tur- Umbrollers ment of tools. everything No pn:=sa\es rankfort and Southamp- Open Wednesda). Thur:.d..i) €5TATE SAL€5 day 9-4 WIlliamsburg highchair must be sold. satw'day, Sun- THIS IS IT _ Be8t Garqe ton Fl'u:!ay, 12-4 p rn APPRAISALS MOVING Sale Solid. dark, Whitewood Changing table day, July 7. 8 9-5 16l17Lap- sale ever FurnIture tools YARD SALE - saturday on- saturday, 9 a m to 4 p m ANTIQUES PURCHASED 2 seated strollers pm between 7 & 8 Mile, off boat motOr, traUer, sktdoos: Iy, Julr 7 208 Alter Road, WE BUY AND SELL oak carved dmmg room set, Bassinets/skirts seats B to 10, German Im- Kelly pick-up truck, hOWiehold near Windmill POinte Dnve Cadieux at E Warren 771"1170 port, Krohler, sectional Wood playpen 10,000 BTU air conditioner, goods p.!us hundreds of can't ONE OR two decks Detroit Flea Market every Saturda) couch, tables, Vilas Cana. MOMS' TOY ATTIC $85, sofa, 2 chairs, Craft- five Without tlUSUN!S Fri- tiger playing cards Used or 882...u96 L. KATHERINE ARNOLD, ANTIQUES dlan maple smgle bed, hide- A Toy Resale Shop sman buffer, $35, brass day, Saturday, Sunday, 11 new 886-0331 16637 E Warren 882-7631 DENLEY'S a.bed, work benches, buck chandeher, $15 886-1641. a.m to 7 p m. 22B2O Engle- DOLL APPRAIS.<\LS SIX FAMILY yard sale on 1 head mounted, 14'hydrofol1 CHROME TABLE, glass top hardt, 8 .-\! Mile/Mack ANTIQUES OR ANTIQUES boa t 652-7595 Bluehill, off Har~r Satur- day, July 7 Wlth4director chairs, brown SOLID Maple harvest table COLLECfIBLES l-llrnlture. clocks. Decovs. LO\ ESTATE Sale - Furmture, Naugahyde upholstery Uni- and eight (8) chairs 17112 Harpi~ 20440Vermer Road, apart. G E COPPER, self-cleanIng que white porcelain Ameri. back) all In good condition 757-5568 between 10 and tl 9-5 ~Ion- FI1IENDLY ment D Saturday, July 7,10 oven, $150.Etegere, sofa and can Colomal chandelier. 884- $500 after 5 00 P m. 886-7098 LARGE SELECTION of re- day through Fl'lda)- Call 1iartz[iJ PROFESSIONAL a m No pre-sales. Gold- dresser, 885-0671 7023. FOR SALE, Poker table conditioned SCHWINN bi. first for Saturday hours Houset'dd SaleS SERVICE white bedroom, needlepomt MICROWAVE Oven - Qua- WHITE WICKER and cane w/cover$2S, dressfonn "A" cycles Reasonable prtces n29385 chair and ottoman, 1930's sar, like new, 5year warran- armchair, $75 881-1034.1828 $20, drawing board $20, tool Village Cyclery, m..fJ357 WE BUY ASD SELL couch, coffee table; leather SUSAN HARTZ ty, 600 watts, 1 9 cu. ft $240 Broadstone (Woods) chest $25 8ll4-O7'92 after 6 YARD SALE _ ' YOUR SPECIAL step, lamp tables, gold vel. 885-7846 SUMMIT MALL POSSESSIONS 886-8982 REFRIGERATOR G E , P m chl1dre~'s, nlee ;a~~r:t~: Former!) Ponllac Mall vet and canechaltS, lamps, PIER MIRROR, 1860's Pro- ARE MY Grosse Poin1e City ta ble lamps, pictures, automatic Ice maker, cus- THANKS FOR YOUR lovely infants clothes, toys, ANTIQUE SHOW SPECIAL CONCfRN Queen Anne chairs; Nau- vmclal bedroom set-like tom Ice dISpenser on freezer stroller; walker, etc and new, triple dresser, head. door houaehold treasures 4645 AND SALE gahyde rechner, rocker, PATRONAGE Telegraph and E'ltzaDeth Lake board and armoire; chande- Pool table, BrunsWick centen- Due to your good patronage B k ah ". F d newer console, porch chaise her-large, crystal !178-3798 Road Sunday, Ju!)' a-Sun. and chair With cushiOns, nial, 4x8, slate, automatic ~ hours have been ex- .::d ~t~~y ...... , rl ay DEHUMIDIFIER - Westmg- da}, Juh 15 \lal1 hours glass top tabtes, Kenmore ~~ r:~~OI~~~ pong top, septem~r.\~~~ny thl~ USA BUILDINGS.Agrlcu!- Free a'dlllls:'lon Free washer, Hotpomt copper house, 17 pmts removal, parkilli stove, refrigerator perfect, $40 881-3654 Dimng room set, Drexel chma tenors, 16135 Mack Ave, tural.commerclal, full rae. ~tNlktr & 18005, 31n,. cabinet, 6 Chairs (corner of Bedford and tory warranty, all steel. WE BUY AND SELL ANTIQUE QO=E-E~N~A~nn-e-d-in--NINE FAMILY super sale, 884-3152 Mack) clear span, smallest bwldmg 109 room table (4 leaves, 4 everything must go at ANTIQUES BEDROOM FURNITURE, Mahogany kneehole desks an- 30X >lOx Ie, largest 70x 135x Appraisers, Auctioneers chairs), $450, secretary, bargain prices Friday-July hque C1l1~ndale bedroom 16 30, 40, SO,60 ft ~ Idths m ANTIQUE ctock l"f'palr \\ III $2~, Queen Anne chest on 6, 7, Iuggage, antique chest, sins varIous len ..ths Call 2~ House sales Saturday-July 10-5 bo' lots set (ma any), antique .. , pIck up and dehvt'r 822 J859 chest, $250, Chippendale 17155 Strasburg and c!_.L.._.UU~ lor Y s, hours, 1-800-482. Phone ment, bike, encyclopedias, dall dmmg room set 82" seats, Governor Wmthrop COUCH, chair, bro'>'n earth .Iohn Ji2 .bl),) gla~sware !' naay.~alur level 885.4166 Ilymg room sofa, chairs, secretary, much more tone Herculon Good condl day, 9-3 1200Audubon cor. PING IRONS, 3 to the sand. ie-OFFiCE ner Kercheval wlch, excellent condition, tables and lamps Pool 882-5622 tlOn :\!ust It'll 8lH 7379 table, microwave oven plus EQUIPMENT SOLID MAPLE kitchen D-1 t"tckmg mack grip $250 miscellaneous Items m. MEN'S FUJI 10 speed $9$ HEALTH ll\SURANCE 881-0402 2 DHAWER If'i{o:ll Sll~ metal HOUSEHOLD I cfraclony table and 4 M46 Call days 259-7+44 For all age!> Premiums begm filing e-r- 1930's vmtallc round arm queen, $225 881-7285 1':-\~n.1[)1': bonk ~llff ~lrt!l'I Lovely Sheraton sofa, flO504 antiques and household Excellent CO!lc!lllon. $150 sofa \< letonan tablc, elch- 10 SPEfo.:D,~ R Grand Tour mISCellaneous Item. 1186. ~ 'Itlflt'(J IImlll'l.1l'l.illlll.l.. ... lint' French SIde cha In, ed Lry ~ta I ~hde In gas I!lmlrated, hlldren ) latt'r. Kidney shaped de<>k. 23" Shlmano ('omponets: MOVING SALEI 1_.. MAYTAGromoperatf'dcom sto\e porta hie dlsh\\.asher, like new, $150 881-8+45 [urt' .lft ph\ILI)lIfdgh\ Chmese painted secretary, wash('r double dresser and GARAGE SALE CHILDRENS GARAGE sale mefCletl ,nl~r-dnt'r l.lke -\1nf'rlt4lild I~trol[ ll\ll VIctorIan serving pIece, CONSOLE STEREO $50 Fnda)', saturday, Sunday 9-5 - 30" bo)'l SchWinn blke, new S"looS«'t Il850079 mIrror L'r('denza, pair \\ar Ot'cu!l .0\\ antt t.41f'dto Handsome dmette set After 5 pm, :m C7119 Alot of house with .Iot at fur nev. llrea. ex~l~nt rend I w,\\e! r()('k('r~, much more lllYol\ mturt' to go' It'. Antique tlon ~pe rt'l'ordf'r, 11011 AlJTOMuRIU: O~"~~R..~I 1\:0. I It mlht.H\ hI!> Oval French (.allery tabie \Marble top) 7721417 And much, much more THREE FAMILY r.hles ,.1N'trlc stove for boule .mall toys, 'l"hunday, low as $70 quartf'rly for • tOllt'~ phd'l)llph\ ...nd 1)0\ T ~1ISS E~aslpolOte mica tables, lampl cut Fnday only,.5 1161Fair PublIC Lablllly Cornprehen ....lIrth ....hilt h.."lUks f,,f ,oUe(' (hapter Sweet Adellnes GARAGE SALE linn, In "lI,'IHt'!torlh Cash Our shop is Jocaltd al 61;;!!HARVARD glaa bowls, FOItarill crystal boIme .!lIve ('01111100and Road ~r 15115 Charlevoix gllra~e ~Ille' We have the champap illallel'l df'preI 1 '\VH:-"'"""'ITE=--ref-na-f'!'--.-t«-,~-~-I-Ifon-t \ l~ lllIl 2376 palll llnd Immt'oltat' Fnday, ~lurday ~ullday I t'lllll\ III (jrOli'it Point!' Park kill hen .,1Ok 100 Collee Slon pldlM seWing mach condltlon, $12~ Snrs KF.NM(lR~ aut~rT;;;t;C-;ol~h Ilbl('~, antiques, chlldrl'n's 9AM T04P\1 Int'ti, rhlllrs, PllIll' SchWinn dehumidifIer l'x('t!llent ('0(\ fOr F.'("eJlt'nt condllwn $95 GRUB STREET l Jothe~ lot~ of ladv's JAMJo:S A MONNIG Hours Tuesday and Thursday blkt, (r)stal ~ha~hf'!' IlO dlllOll, $10, (')'c1one .atell ~-m: l>Iet -look and acces&orJeS cr, ml~eeJlaneous 20067 fet"1 great the Nfe way FRIGIDAIRE dryer, heavy Ove~~;::~nda m:ied:~: Woodland, Harper Woods Wholesale dlltnbutor 112, duty, 18 Ib Qpedt)' Like lormatlon contact 41 8.132 new '150 IIHCr1t 801INDER In-t,.

" .' Page Six-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 5, 1984 13-REAL ESTATE '-ARTICLES 11=tARI 11::CARi 12B=OACAfIOA 13-REAl ESTATE 13-REAt Es1X'E 11-CARS fOR SALE FOR SALE WANTED FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE PROPERTY FOB SALE GROSSE POINTE Woods, CLINTON Township-Schultz ANTIQUE OR COLLECTI- 1974 CORVETTE, excoellenl 1977CENTURY Wagon West 1982BUICK Century LTO AIr, AVAILABLE ImmedIately CADIEUX ROAD and Chand- newer 3 bedroom Colomal Estate condos. 1,900square COndition, 10" miles $7,400 ler Park Drive. Brick 3 BLE DOLLS SUCH AS car no rust All power, stereo, 33,000 miles, like Gorgeous home In Rock BUilt m 1980,112 baths, dIsh foot, 2 bedrooms, III baths, or bes t offer Il86 3459 bedroom, draperies and MADAME ALEXANDER, 64,000 miles Trailer hitch new $7,875 88&-6957 MountaUlS Backpacking, all \\-asher, flmshed basement, fireplace, private patiO, BARBIE, ETC $3,000 flrm carpeted, remodeled kit. GRAND PRIX 1978 - like ne" lIres, 1977 TOYOTA Cehca - GT sports, musIc Walk Loflilest attic fan, deck and garage basement, 3 car attached new, po"er, air, rustproof. 881 3007 alter 5 p m restaurants and shops Ac- chen, dishwasher, electric 2050 Hampton, $71,500 No garage, solar models 757-5568 Llftback, 5 speed, air, AM/ slove, remodeled bathroom ed $3,500 886 2059 1975 PLYMOUTH Duster FM cassette, black, heater, commodates 10 (313) brokers 882-4027 available 19 l\1!le East of SHOTGUNS and nfles v.ant- 665-8505 With Swan shower enclo- Garfield 286 2330 1980 PLYMOUTH Homon Automatic, po....ersteerlOgl clean 885.1532 after 6 p m sure, new bath tub ,md van. BY OWNER 529 Rivard, ed - Parker, Fox, Smith, Dm en by semor Citizen As brakes, runs well Rust Grosse POinte Clt) 4 bed Winchester and others WANTED - Reliant or Anes 12D-LAKE AND Ity Immediate occupancy 1756 ANITA Custom Col- good as new Automatic, air, $950 885-8422 rooms, 31l baths, ne\\ ~1ut. Pm'ate collector 4i8-5315 1981, 1982, automatic and RIVER PROPERTY Pnced low for qUick sale omal built m 1980 LIVing etc 881-5238 1981 CHRYSLER air 884-8955 Cash 777-4646 chler kitchen, $135,000 885- room. dmmg room, faml' COLLECTOR ....ould like to <;7?O, DUSTER 1974 - automatic, LlNCOLN, 1975, Town Car- ST. CLAIR TWO BEDROOM brick duplex I) room WIth fireplace, bu~' U S and foreign stamps air, power steenng/brakes NEW YORKER large breakfast room J Full po\\er. leather, AM/FM new lIres, muffler and bat. Located on prime Clarke m Harper Woods Garage, 1075 HAWTHORNE and t' S COIns 469-0906 One 0....ner 72,000 miles bedrooms, 112 baths, fm- ter) , $1,950 Call 881-mg Dnve St Clair River \\ ater. fenced yard, central air 885.3653 stereo tape, beautlful condi- GROSSE POINTE WOODS Ished basement, custom front ThiS older 2 story $29,800 839-5252or 839-5125 3 bedroom, I-bath Colomal GAS STOVES tIOn Gro;.se POlOte 0\\ ner \' A~ 1975Chevy Power steer. deck 10dds of cupboard 1983 - 98 olde; Regency home features'; large bed- Llvmg loom \\ lth fire Price reduced 109 brakes, air, solid $1,000 TWO BEDROOM condo, II:? and storage space Per- WANTED Brougham Loaded, 31,000 rooms - 1bedroom and den place, dmmg room, kit 884-5226 88!-o247 baths, aU ele('trlcal ap- fect floor plan for child $$ TOP DOLLAR PAiD $$ miles 643 0900, 286 1031 (could be 5th bedroom) 1979 BM\\' - 5281 - 4 door, 4 pliances In kltchen, pm'ate chen ""Ith eatmg area, ren Close to elementary, $11,995 1972 THUNDERBIRD, 10\\ down, 3 bedrooms up mg faml1y room, flmshed 885-0079 speed, 67 000 miles, excel. u\ basement, new carpeting, mIddle, and high schools mileage Reduced pnce room 31x18has magmflcent basement \\ Ith \\ et bar 1980 DODGE St Regll>, air, lent condltlon, $10,000 Onl~ newly decorated, mcludmg ddJustable assum- good conditIOn \\ hlte leather field stone fireplace Formal Lot 60' x 13J' Immediate 11'.% EXERCISE blC\ de double ac- PO" er stE'ennglbrakes, mag senOUl> IOqUtrieS Call drapes and ne ....shades Call able mOl tgage $82 900 \I mtenor 885-4972 dmmg, 212 baths and 28x9 possessIOn $82 500 tion Sch\\ mn Or comparable, heeb rear defroster , 882-8058after 4 p m for an appomtment 293-0056 Open Sunday 2-5, or call good condItIOn furmsh cruise Jensen R200 cas- 1979 CAMARO Automatlc, river room Lots has 86 feet ~1GB-GT 19i4, $2,100 88-l TWO FAMILY mcomeon Not- OPEN SUNDAY 2 5 88-l 0384for appOintment details Send replles Gn&e selle $3,900/best offer air, AM/FM stereo, new of mer frontage With steel 7186 after 6 p m tingham In DetrOIt 5/5 By O\\ner -B81-6870 '\'0 brokers please Pomte ~e\\s, 99 Kercheval. 886-8569 radial tire;, rust proofed, ex- seawall All city utilihes Nice high ground With beau. Must sell 822-9084 ~ Grosse Pomte Farms, MI I983RE~AULT Fuego Silver, 1964 CLASSIC Thunderbird, cellent condltlOn, orlgmal , 48236 Box G41 excellent conditIOn, 38,000 o\\ner $4,500 or best offer tlful view of river and It'S YOUR OW1'I ISLA.ND 6000 miles undt>r" arrantv , .... ,..,1 .., \-.. ... ~_ ...... , "'.1"1._ 1e812 C~AN~ORn I ANF --- i.JV"' ...... '" oJ' """,,",,&VVj.U ,. 140"", ..., ...... power, air, stereo cassette, OII~llIdl 11I1It::>, ~,\J\IIJ III III l-dll dllel ;) II III ou-.:;Q:'o WA..~TED TO rent Word pro- m-8776 3 acres of private paradise GROSSE POI:-lTE CITY , cessor and prmter for the crUise, Mlchelm tires, like 11B-CARS WANTED BEAUCHAMP Boat dockage and storage SpaCIOUS2,400 sq fl condonllnlum \\ Ith natural fireplace, OLDS, 1979, Starflre, V-6, 4- use of new, $8,495 881 5795 REALTORS bUildings Land Contract 10 ft cellmgs, hard\l,ood floors, 3 filII baths, carport speed. air stereo cassette, TO BUY DISCALCED ~t.:NS 1970 PLYMOUTH Fur) - 2 terms Don Pallnskl 791- and much more, located on peaceful shaded Side of power steering, power 329.4755 OF CARMELITE door, mmt condillon, all WANTED 3570 street brakes, rear defrost rust- VICTORIAN COTTAGE With - 862 i995 onglnal, garage stored. HOUSTON Whittier 2 bed. LAND CONTRACT AVAILABLE 2:~,000miles $4,200 839-2502 proofed, vel) clean, $2,200or JUNK CARS water rights and terrifiC WANTED ....ooden pICniC best offer 884-{)958 PAYING $40 & UP water view Completely up- room aluminum ranch SHOWN BY APPOI~TI\1ENT :table/bench set, doesn t 1974OLDS~IOBILE 88 2 door, Many extras Tiled base- 1980 CHEVROLET Malibu 6 FREE TOWING dated O\\ner offenng fan- :\1 A GER~AY REAL ESTATE ~atter If It needs pamtmg hard top, steering. ment Owner anxIOus 331.a.;08 cylinder, 2 door, PO\\ SAME DAY PICKUP tashc tel ms HARSENS PO"" er brakes, automatic, er $16,900 Make offer Gillen Freier It not be real large steermg, power brakes, ISLAND fl6-9885 evenmgs. ver) little rust. 59,000 ex- 874-1883 Realty 886-3665 1168 THREE MILE DRIVE cellent miles 882 5275 after automatic, stereo, rear de- WAi\'TED - Flea market lrost, no rust, excellent con. WATERFRONT GIFT SHOP- LOVELY F AMIL Y home - GROSSE POINTE PARK 4 p m TOP $ $ $ $ jlems for the French Fest!. dttlOn, $3,200 882-45858 a m plus two apartments great English Colonial, 3 Beautifully mamtamed claSSIC Colomal, Circular drlve .val All donatlons tax deduc- 1978OLDS Omega automatic - 6 P m Paid For Your Junk or potential for reSident owner bedrooms, 112 baths, den, 2 \\Ith mature trees on l00x240 lot Superb house for Good for transportation, $700 fireplaces, flmshed base- ~ble 886-9102or 886-1094 1979FIAT Brava stahonwagon Unwanted Car. or Investor Located on family and entertamm~ Includm~ liVing and dmm~ or best offer 839-2502 freighter channel of Lake St ment, disposal and dish- excellent condltlOn, $2,850or rooms, kitchen, pantry, breakfast room, library, BULL AUTO PARTS Clair 45 minutes from washer, 2 car garage and 10A-IiOTORCvdES 1981 DELOREAN - rare, best offer Evenings 886- sunroom, Flonda room, and center hall With Circular $- Detroit large lot 886-7630 12 FOR SAbE automatic transmissIOn, 8192 8944488 staircase FIve bedrooms, 3 bath With maId's 25,800actual nules, excellent ~979 HONDA 750K - built all FLORiDA GULFCOAST quarters condition, good mvestment FURY 1978 - automatic, air, I WANT your beat up car Bill, R G EDGAR & ASSOCIATES PRICE $195,000 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY ~ new, $1,600 1981Honda 650 power, good tires. 95,000 $15,300 882-0223 372-9884 886-6010 A view of Sarasota Bay and a NO AGENTS PLEASE 882-4385 , - custom, llke new, $1,600 miles, $700 885-4033 JUNKED or wrecked cars WATER FRONT showplace deepwater canal location ~~4 1978 PLYMOUTH Volane - 61,000 miles, air" AM/FM 1978 T-BIRD - air, stereo, ....anted Paying up $1,000 home on Lake Michigan, Witha boat dock offers an at. J982 YAMAHA 650 Hentage, radIO, tape deck, rear crUIse, rear defroster, new 368-1682 Manistique 100 feet sandy tractive Longboat Key bfe GROSSE POINTE WOODS COLONIAL • excellent condition, 5000 tlres, low mileage, excellent - 1 defogger, automatlc, crUise beach, 3 bedrooms With moderately Priced for thiS 3 bedrooms, 1 2 baths, bUill m 1971 2174 Lennon t miles, $1,5OO/best offer 886- control, power steermg, condition. $3,190 882-7154 11c-BOATS walkout basement, hvmg Island locatIOn al Just Maintenance free exterIOr, profesSIOnally landscaped, : 3459 pG\\'er seat $2,200 881~ 1979 CHEVY Monte Carlo - AND MOTORS room With fireplace, and $163,500 custom drapes throughout, 5paclOus country kitchen a974 SUZUKI- Excellent con- after 6:30 bower steenng, power cathedral ceiling $75,000 WIth built-m appliances mcJudmg microwave, family , diUon. 6,000miles $lm rum rakes, AM/FM stereo 1977BOSTON Whaler-15'3", (906) 283.3356 after 6 P m 1\\0 bedroom condominium room With Andersen bay wmdow overlookmg private 1983 FORD LTD Brougham, 55 h P Johnson, trailer, ex- directly on Crescent Beach, back yard, central air With humldlfler and electromc : 884-1578 charcoal grey, fully loaded, cassette, new tires, new LAKE HURON, Canada 120 shocks 882-2610 tras $6,200 ll86-4427 miles, 361"2acre lots, aprov- Siesta Key $134,900 or air purIfier, 2 car garage With electromc door opener, ~ HONDA - 1973 black/ 25,000 miles $7,995 or best firushed basement with bath and shower, separate laun- • orange, 65 m,p g., 12,000 24' CRESTLINE,l!m, 236h P ed smgle and condo, to set- $139,900 furnished offer 8lI6-2454, 1937 CHRYSLER Impenal dry room Price $81,900 Please call 886-0333 for Alr.Flo Black, excellent OMC, full covers, excellent tle est.ate 773-6221,774-5238 : JP.iles, sharp $475 881~ 1976FORD Country SqUire, 10 MICHAEL SAUNDERS & CO appomtment cOI\(i!tton, best offer, 773- runrung condttlOn $11,500 •,after 6 p,m passenger, fully loaded, 1 LAKE HURON north of Port Realtor 3186 544-1350between 9-5 Huron 3 bedroom house, tf11 TRIUMPH BonneV!.Ue650 owner, 60,000 miles, ex- 61 South Boulevard of 17' LARSON - fiberglass furmshed, fireplace, screen Runs good Make offer cellent condition $1,995 1983 CADILLAC Sedan Presidents, Sarasota, 33577 :~cc. runabout, 90 h P Johnson, room, beach. 1-327-6255. ";&86-2715 886-2454 deVille, good condition, (813) 388-4447 compass, convertible top, 1982 NEW Yorker - 5th Ave 18,000 miles. $13,900 or best FOR SALE or trade for offer 884-S467 after 6 p m trailer With electric hoist m- Traverse City or Flonda pr0- MINI-MANSION 6-eARS 4 door executIVe car, loaded, cluded Must see to ap- TRANS-A.\!: - 1983, red, T. perty 2,100 sq. ft custom 1435THREE MILE DR :. FOR SALE CB, 68,000 miles 9'77-otOO preciate A real bargain at tops, home on canal In St Clair LuxurIOUS 4 bedroom (one on Call between 8 a m -5 P m cassette, equalizer, $2,500 881-1310 ills PLYMOUTH Fury - power, automatic, 11,000 Shores 778-0416 the first floor) Coloma I 3 : -good condibon, snow tires, 1981 BMW 3201, 5 speed, air, baths, 2 powder rooms miles $11,000 886-2574 Inflatable boat, 4 man, heavy WALLOON Lake - Large ,.:extra tires and nms 88(j.. 84,263 miles 977-()4(l() Call duty, excellent condition Waterfront lot on Beautiful Paneled library First floor , .1691 between 8 a m -5 p m 1977 MALIBU ClaSSIC - 2 With pump and oars, $100 laundry room, 3 car garage door, power steenng, power Walloon Lake Call ~!r14OLDS Delta 88 Two door, TOYOTA Tercel 1980 - front Call 886-9154after 7: 30 p m PLUS brakes, air. $1,950or best of. (616)582-7515 46 FORDCROFT )tereo, 811", good transporta- wheel dnve, stereo, no rust, A 3 room office sUite or fer 372-6'754 1979 EBKO, 20 it 228 H P LAKE ST Clair - canal lot, tion, needs some work. excellent CondlUon, $2,900 mother-In-law apartment GROSSE POINTE SHORES Mercrwser, low nder, fully north of Metro Beach Steel 885-5128after 5 p,m 1!l1!OCHEVE'ITE 4 door, 4 loaded, low hours, $8,000, NOW ONLY $110,000 4 Bedroom Colomal Master bedroom 1st floor 3 bedrooms 'i . ~i;:t' Call after 6 p m 886- speed. $2,000. 882-1638 seawall, weekday&.~885-9272 up 31'.l baths Library, large famlly room With bar Wet 1m LeBARON wagon, AMI Call.8llHl647 or 88i-91M after OPEN SUNDAY, 3-5 WOODCREST REALTY plaster throughout, extra InsulatIOn Extra large firush- )NVERTIBLE -1973 OJds, FM, air, excellent condltlon , H179CHRYSLER New Yorker 730pm q 12E-COMMERCIAL 885-1715 ed basement with wet bar Air conditioned, sprmkllng t .)leW top $1,550 negotiable. low miles, $3,550 372-8976 Full power, excellent condl' tlon, low mileage $4,895 1979 SKI boat - 10 V8, very PROPERTY OR YOUR BROKER system NO BROKERS please -1708 Brys. 884-5898 1983SEDAN deVille - SIlver, low runmng hours, tral1er 884-0089after 6 p m EXCELLENT tradItional SUPER SHAPE ranch In 19&8 MUSTANG convertible 9,500miles, under warranty, and cover mcluded $8,000 886-0170 1978 PACER wagon 44,000 commerCial bUIlding on Woods 1007 Blairmoor :ClassIC - cherry/apple red, completely loaded, leather 885-7011 miles, radio" tape deck, "The Hill." Approx 2,500sq Court 3 bedrooms, 21'2 .Qlint condition 885-7555 in tenor $15,000 or oller 16' FIBERGLASS boat, fl , gas central air, 25x 100 884-4303 after 5 p m good condltlon $1,500 baths, air condltlonmg, 1975FORD Mustang - decent 884-5259 trailer, 40 h p, Evmrude, foot lot alarm system, new decor shape, $1,000. Call after 6 1977 CORDOBA - white, good shape 779-3144 DANAHER, BAER, $139,000 Call after 5, 882- 1980 TORONADO, 51,000 .p.m ll84-il63 under 60,000miles, AM/FM 1973 FIBERFORM, 28' twm WILSON & STROH 5529 stereo, air, power wmdows, mIles, excellent condition, SUNBIRD, 1979,power steer- 170Volvo, Flybndgerebullt 885-7000 locks, mmt condttlon, must best offer $7,000 772.8758 GROSSE POINTE Park - 4 jog, AM/FM radiO, 4 speed engmes, sleeps 5, excellent GROSSE POINTE PARK sell, $2,000or best offer Call 1978CAPRICE ClassiC -light bedrooms, screen porch -45,000 miles Rust proof. conditIOn, must sell $17,900 Investment opportunity after 5 p.m., 884-588lI, Full basement, attractive ~lOO, &&HI0!. • ~~nules, best offer 885-3488 beckons the entrepreneur, fenced yard, stamed glass If18 OIDS - CUStomcrwser 1974 CAPRICE Clasatc, runs 17 FOOT sailboat, keel and pTime locatIOn, next to wmdows, kItchen applIances -wagon, air, AM/FM stereo, good 884-0175. 1971 BUICK Electra - air, centerboard Unsmkable Sparky Herberts Restau. mcluded $42,700 $4,000 to n, loaded, 75,000 mdes, BUICK RIVIERA, 1982, load. power steennglbrakes/etc Cabm sleeps two, Trader rants, and across from new assume at 12% 822-1859 New brakes and battery Bon Secours Facility Bwld- :..«2,700 811U521 ed, turbo 6, leather mtenor-. and outboard motor Call BY OWNER Right fender damaged mg covers 3 lots, 4th lot black, 54,000 miles, $9,250 886-7107 EXTRA SPACIOUS 557-1688, evemngs 882.1688 Good transportation $450 ummproved except for pav. 33030 JEFFERSON ?; SEE 885-&33 COLUMBIA 26' race or cruise, 109 As parkmg space for 20 PARK 1m AMC Concord wagon - excellent condition $13,200 home - 24' IIvmg room A HOME ON LAKE ST CLAIR cars $120,000 rH-0(7) 1 1980 GRAND Lemans, air, fireplace, 4 bedroom, 212+ 3,200square feet 4 bedrooms, 3 2 baths, fIrst floor laun- := power steenng and brakes, 465-5069 Schweitzer Real Estate, Bet- ~ RAY stereo. new tires, brakes, baths, 3 car garage, 2 sun dry, central air condltlOmng, burglar alarm s)istem automatlc transmISSion, ex- 16 FOOT Cobia Ski boat With ter Homes and Gardens really sharp 293-2997 rooms, breakfast room up- Library, family room, formal dmmg room, kItchen With ;: CAMPiSE cE'lIent condition $2,300 traller, 90 h P Evmrude, 885-2000 886-3805 1976 BUYCK I.eSabre 2 door dated electriC furnace Rec bUlll-m appliances overlooking view of the lake 3 car $1,500 882~711 OPPOSITE Eastland Pnme garage Lot size 111x440 $258,000 Land Contract 1979 HONDA CIVIC,excellent hardtop $1,500 884-9529 room Exlras SPORTYAK dmghy 8' motor area, profeSSional office OPEN SUNDAY, 2-5 Residence 293-8279 BuslIless 756 1200 condtll 00, new radials. no MUSTANG, 1970 convertible, mount, oars, like new, $100 bulldmg ApprOXimately or by appomtment DRUMMY rust $1,900 881-2323 good conditIOn, FM stereo, 886-5833 10,000 square feet IS office 1210BEDFORD 885-7186 1984CHRYSLER Laser XE - mags 885-1958, after 6 pm SUltes Attractively design- OPEN Sl '\'IJA Y 2.~ NORTHERN Amencan 40 GROSSE POINTE Woods, Turbo, stick, air, leather, 1978PO!\'TlAC FtreblI'd Esplr- ed, well malntamed, ade- 1620 FORD CT , GROSSE POT\ TE \\ ODDS ~ OLDS ESPlTltu • 294.9500 19702 E Kmgs Ct, well ,j 6,000 mdes, $11,800 881-9099 It Automatic, steer- quate parkmg Excellent in- mamtamed on exceptIOnal • 88's, 98's AND 9am -6pm mg, power brakes, power 11G-MOBILE HOMES come No brokers please wmdow, po\\-er door locks, m-4646 court off Cook Road Insula. bITUSSES IN STOCK 1976 RED Tnumph SpIUlre, ted, economical, 1700square illr, stereo, rear defogger, CLEARWATER, Flonda Mo- ~ m.2200 stored wmters, 37,000 miles, bIle home on water front BUILDING FOR sale - 4,700 foot bnck ranch With alumi- must see 881-1089 after 5 low mIles, no rust, hke new. square feet, pnme locatIOn ~ 8 Mile & GratIOt $3,750 After 6 pm 779-4780 property Two bedroom, one num tnm, Ideal to mamtaln, pm full bath, ne\\- carpet. elec. In St Clair Shores on Mack dmmg room, updated kit- between Eight and Nme 1981 DATSU:-l, 200SX, auto- trlC baseboard heat, air con. chen, attached garage, aIr matic, fuel mjeCtlon. loaded dltlonlng, partially tur- Mile road SUitable for conditioned Open Sunday, ~~:s~~~s 16000 miles 7i9-3144 nlshed, appliances, car- Medical bUlldmg Low down 2-5 ~395 Auto Rvconditioning wlth mterest payments 1965 MUSTA:-lG Must see, port-patio For more mfor- 773-M64 LAKESHORE Village town- ~ PIck Up and Rnom flato must sell. $2,400 882-2602 matlOn call 294-7231after 6 house Immediate occupan. om cy 23314 Edsel Ford Call , WITHIN 3 HOURS H179VW Rabbit dtesel. 4 speed, 12F-NORTHERN t 2 door, AM/FM, 27,000 12B-VACATION PROPERTY 882-3657after 5 p m • ~n RUb Out Complele Cleaning of miles, German made $.1,800 FIRST OFFERI:-lG i InteTlorand E~I.nlor $3500 PROPERTY A SMALL home also 3 umt m. 882-9250 CUSTOM Chalet. at SChuss come near St John Hospital Clf~slc Cape Cod With center chimney on \ c-ry deSirable t These two ~r ••ces pre.erll oXiclatlon protect agaInst Mountain, 3 bedrooms, 2 paml cluiling wrn'e weather ancl sail ancl prowcle your ca' 1977 BONNEVILLE Broug BEA UTIFUL Bayfield on Please no realtors calls 774- cu e sac Eae;y \\alkmg to parke; transportatIOn f w,lt ..a high gloss f,~rsh ham Loaded, 10\\ mIleage, Lake Huron, Onlano At baths, sleeps 10, fUlly fur- 4434 S~hOOlsand 1-hoppmg LIVing room \\,111 bUllt'ln hook: mshed and eqUipped, laun- ~ • s.,..- CI"I. ,.,..".. exceJlent conditIOn triple tractive year-around FOR SALE by owner Three s elves three bedroom" II" bath, flnl"hed famil • (Two Year WrItten Guarantee) S5000' black $2,250 882 1405 reSidence, large fireplace, dry, huge stone fIreplace, at. room ne", gas furnace and large rjptdl h( rj 2 car gara l tached garage ....Ith expan. bedroom, Cahforma slyle ; • Prlttfttin '-M' s..Mttt 51eeplng loft, modern brick ranch call byappomt- By appomtment onh I ncler $100 (~~] 2.!'~) >1 'j~ g • (Three Year Wr;tlen Guarantee) $70 DO' BUICK SKYLARK 1980 V6,4 faCIlities Many unusual SIO'1area, rental manage. door, loaded 10\\ mlleage, ment only $52,000 772 5884 , 'Complete CleanIng of features I~I hohday home ment available 884 2133 sharp, clean 884-0296 LARGE.; bedroom Colomal m Inleflor and E'-fe'lor add,t ,cna I $'500 on la'ldl>caped Village lot TRA VERSE CITY area - 230 If 'Oil! /M'ffll~ c~, II ,1I.Mr "UIIl ,01l1'S 1976 CADILLAC Fleet ....ood close to lake 1-519565-2522 beautiful, "secluded .. roil- Grosse POinte Woods, 2'., baths family room With CIl.lOCn .,. .... meN ,f' Brougha m $2 'j()() 8&H567 or 1-519.4347769 Ing, frost free acres fireplace IIhrary, fIrst floor ttIe GroNe 1"1Mntn. 'or 0- , o.eHe ' 1975ELDORADO convertible Valuable limber, 4 small Dlle;ty rose/\\ hlte \\-elJ conAG E FOR SALE laundry, central aIr, many t705 S LA.KESHORE ROAD streams f10wmg Into Lal;e mamtalned, 96,000 mlles Leelanau, abundant ....lid extras 884-7R59 HARBOR BEACH $3 ')()() P.81-Q009, 124 pm • Off U S 25 Corner lot 9Ox60 life ma~mhcent hill top GROSSE POI"tallOn large kitchen all apphan SpaCIOUSmarble foyer, Win. Term!>, 313 937 8958 I \\agon aIr 10'" mileage ces ding stalT'\l,av 25' family nev. tlrf>" $1 100 143-()196 ('all 7i1 4170 or '>621866 TRAVERSE CITY area room, fant.a5!1c kItchen 21' master bedroom, dreSSing 11 e.tce ~ ..2 doof, l0ad- MO\ZA Hatchback ~1 000 beautifully furnished 5 ed, very nice ';( ){L'~~ Mountam chale~ 4 bedroom, 3 bath custom room 2 walk'ln cloc;ets, free '5,988 miles 1977 4 c}lJnder bus to and from nearhy park '81 Cimaro . Dark Blue, low SI '150 B.'ll 'illl bedrooms, 21, bathe;, fully rhalcl at SChuss:'>1I four furm5hcd largest, highest season resort (616) 5879241 \\-lth pool tenme;, manna miles, very snarp '5,988 1976 (OR\'EITE \flOl and lande;caped extrordmd Ire 'a2 C«Ition • 4 door, 2 tone blue, oligmal \\hltc dutomallc, lot 10 ilrea S\\ 1m golf ski Reduu-d to $69 500 445-2180 13-REAl ESTATE much, much more $159000 showroom new $4,588 aIr nc\\ tire" and more FOR SALE 7i91121 'a2 Ber1IMttI . loaded, Black EX"!.! offer 296..(I(J66 e\eOlngs 11A-CAR ",HY NOT Beauty '7,_ 1'171 MERn:DES 4~O SL RIVIERA Terrace con REPAIR dominIum 9 Mile Jefferson CO:-lSIDER 'a1 CheYette • 4 door, 2 tone, ~hlte 62000 miles Special BY OW1I.ER fealures a~ ne", SIi 900 .------Upper. new carpetmg and RENTING YOUR loaded, luggage rack '3,488 PROPERTY? 6 ('OL()MAL R(JAD 9793287 paint Land O:mtract terms (,ROSSI<: POINTE ~HOHE~ '71 PowtiIc ~ • Very nICe EASTSIDE $5i,500 R R S Inc, 776 7260 AND conditIOn '2,488 1476 A'IPE'\ ",agon 6 or 884-7276 HAVE IT MANAGED Beautiful ....hlte hn::k Southern ('olonlaJ elrgant l,;nru TRANSMISSION VIPW~ c:--IInder, dulomallc, sIan IT'S A GOOD MOVE I 109 WIth of thl' lake ""000 floors throu:~~t:l 15175 E. J£FF£ASON In aro.e Pointe PlKtI: dard optlooe; ol'1gmal owner, 16301MACK at 3 MILE THREE BEDROOM hfl<.k ground floor 4 tJt"

L ... e ... Thursday, JUly 5, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seven-e 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 16-PETS 20-GENERAl 20F-WASHER AND 21E-STORMS AND 21F-HOME 21F-HOME FOR SALE FOR SALE SERVICE DRYER REPAIR SCREEN!? IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT POMPANO BEACH Lovely efficiency apartme~t m hIgh MUST SELL" AmerICan (PIt Buill Terriers, o N G CONSTRUCTION CO FREE ESTIMATES ALUMINUM'VINYL Siding Marlette. 1963 10x50, two bed. I male buff and white, 1 Masonry repairs, chimneys, LET GEORGE DO IT BARKER rise condo on ocean Pool Kdufmtone fireplaces LI' and ranges I{'paired All I $69,900 Trebble Really ~ln'ens Il'palred AdditIOns. Frlmllv Room!> • "hutlers OOf1Ogand roo(lOg 1-305-491-8050 tlomng. electriC appliance:., best offer to good home Call censed 839-9459 makes NO SI<:HVICE vents Free estlmdtes Joe Kitchens & RecreatiOn partially furmshed mobile before 3 p m 365-5210 CHARGE If repaired FRED'S STORM ;\Ia pie.., 886 .2186 HANDYMAN With truck Area!> TODA Y'S BEST home III Clear\\'ater, Flor Guaranteed parts and SALUKI PuppIes, two fe- Clean basements, garagel>, 884-5007 JA:\1E':~ BARK1-:R TO HAVE gUller'l <.leaned, Ida Ha:. carport-pdtlO With vice Specldhlmg 10 GE BUYS males, champIOn ,Ire and etc Any haulmg, odd JObs EVE,\',\(; CALLS alummum sl(lI ng \I ashed or large utility room attached Kenmore dnd Wlllrlpool 886 'JO.J4 GROSSE POINTE d,lIne 10'01' pet or sho\\ $350 Bob 885-6227 \\ Jo:Llo\IE bushe!> removed. call RIck Lot I!>46x80 III a well estdb products HID[)LES Three bedroom single Formal edch All shots GarnlOl 775 740-1 hshed pal k on \\ 10 yard Rented for $375 a 1\1 11 ,)CHl'~rEH CO CONSTRUCTION more informatIOn old male, AKC obedience CARPET LAYING 885 1762 \\ ork C, ua ran teed DECKS - P \Tro" month Priced reduced tr\N Pupple, - Stdlrs Cdrpeted ShIfted 20H-FLOOR (.ill (;Ienn or .John 331 380'l Grosse Pomte Park, J bed Jnlum, H,nper dnd 15'2 • ('.11 pentl \ l\hle, 2 bedloom ranch, at- reglstel cd - member of Rep3lr!> of All Types SANDING 526-8842 room Colomal with den on • P,lllltlllg tached gdrdge, air condi- local and national club ALSO THOME CO NT LETO BCIl)L1'\G co 1st floor, recrealIon room, • I\hnOl Plumbing C'ARPI<:TING, VINYL KELM SI\( F: l'lll side drive, large 2 car tIOned, 792-6499 Health and temperdment • \llno! Elel!rJl.l1 \\e fin All !ll,1I1e \Ialnll'llolme gual dnteed 8850942 HARDWOOD ( l'STO\I RlILDI'l(, gdrage Priced to sell G ROSS1-: POInte Shore!>, Floor la) 109 :.andlng. refm I 10m I h,' Hoof DOlI n Ilhlde Sample:. Shown III CHAFTED IU':\IODELI:'.G $42,900 Terms Shorehdm, 2 bedroom rdnch BULL TEHHIER puppy "hlllg Expel t m stam Old ,!,. out (.fO.,..,e POInle Your Home • Kltlhcn., REC IWo\lS plu!> den or .1I d bedroom Beautiful. edrs clipped, $i25 floors a specJalty We al!>o Ht'ler<'nc{'~ r rt'{' E"lllnate TRUDEL • Hel [{OOIll~ CROWN REALTY LIVllIg room With fireplace. 521 9113 BOB refinish banJ!>ters KIT< !lE ....~ 774 7590 days, 294 5896 eves • BslOnally HE~lO[)ELI\G KITCHEN DESIGN SPECIALIST f,rp"I",,!, IVP! h'lr """I ~!C'~~~ 'IJ f '1 f(\'1 GROSSE pO!:,:n: CrTY "CUdIC I,CdgUC, ,>t.O ,,~'t't UVIlt: Ud I II. M d Jlllug d no IllI table. etc 2 car plastered COMPLETE REMODELING SERvICt: 936 UnIverslly - Charmmg 3 JERRY'S CARPET Ishmg All \lork guaranteed \LL WOHK PEHSO'\ \LL\ garage wlh automatic open- BEAUTIFUL long hair ALLE" FREI\\ALD B~E, \lB \ bedroom brick Colomal SERVICE Free estlmatel> References PEHFOH1\IED er AIr conditIOned, la\\n HllIlalayan cat needs new Newer kitchen. rec room 885-0257 "liKE ~l'HUSTEH H82 -i12i 824~3030 and roof Air large fenced sprlllklers, $129,000 886- home, no charge Owner Installation - Repair!>. all FHEE E,)TI\1 \TE,) lot City certlfled $68,900 1998, after 5 30 P m moving Call 882 8955 kmds In home sales FLOOR SANDiNG, stdlnlng LICE~"ED & INSURED Must sell Open Sunday, 2-5 -1885 KENSINGTON, 5/5 Warehouse prices Over 20 Free estimates, workman 20-GENERAL years experIence ship guaranteed, call Jim F:ASTLAND Large rooms, wlthm 200 feet SERVICE ALU\ll:'Jl'\1 HARPER WOODS 881-6841 776-3604 HICk:., 382-5323 of IransportatlOn Cu!>tom PIWDl'C'lS Spotless, 3 bedroom brick bullt, mtenor mu,t be seen RUDDER CONSTRUCTION 20B-REFRIGERATION 21-MOVING R€SID£NTIAl - COMMERCIAl. bungalow New kitchen, fur ~I(ling tlUll lOollllg ,('<1 111Ie.,,, to be appreciated TlIe roof, Summer Special AND AIR nace and wlflng Fmlshed bnck, 2 car garage LAWNMOWER RELIABLE POINTE resIdent gullel ~ ,torm dOOl" .lnd NEW CONSTRUCT ON MO['\ERNIZAr.oN & QEPA flS basement, patio with barbe CONDITIONING FROM THE ROO" TO THE DRIVEWA~ BON Secours/St John Person- With movmg van Will mov!' \1 mdo\\!> rdllmg, dluml cue Move-m With $3,000 at SUMMER REPAIR nel Grosse Pomte area One large or small quantltles Ilum !>hutters, porch enclo 884-7410 $43,500 INSURED bedroom condo All appli- TUNE-UP-$42.50 RICHlE'S apphances service sures Free courteous e~tl FREE EST MATES t lCen~ed Insurt>(j ances, carpetmg, sheers, BLADE SHARPENING center service on all major Bob 882-1968 or 822-4400 mates 'ST CLAIR SHORES shutters, low taxes, patiO, no OIL CHANGED apphances 100% guarantee GROSSE POINTE Office 'Shol\ loom Nice, 3 bedroom bnck ranch, closmg costs, own for less POINTS AND PLUGS 885-0079 MOVING AND STORAGE CO 29115 Hdrper close to lake Lots of knotty than rent $1-18 payment on Pomte residents WIll move or S C';, 774 (}Ib{) pme Very clean $44,900 FREE PICK-UP 20C-CHIMNEY AND assumable 81,% mortgage remove large or small quan SERVICING THE GROSSE POINTES Only $18,900 885-1764 - DELIVERY FIREPLACE titles of furniture, applian- DETROIT PROPERTIES .\DDlTIO\jS DECK~ GROSSE Pomte Woods By 772-0858 REPAIR ces, pIanos - or what have 2-3 and 4 bedroom brick you Call for free estimates BATHROOMS "NEEDS owner Mint conditIOn quad, homes, mce Eastside area, FENCE - NO JOB too small FIREPLACE, wood stoves 011 343-0481 or 822-4400 Opera- KITCHEI\S SINCE 4 bedrooms, large family creative fmancing Call Any type Install, repaIr flue c1eamng Caps and ted by John StelnlOger and WINDOWS PORCHES 1909" STIEBER REALTY room WIth fireplace and wet Wood Speclahsts Free screens, Installed Insured Bob Breltenbecher COl\t:\IERCIAL FENCING bar, dlnmg room, central REMODELING 775-4900 estimate 772 5009 no mess, ProfeSSiOnal RUSTIC STOCKADE air, 2 car attached garage MOVERS WORLD LICENSED & INSL'IUW 921.6282 STUDENTS needlllg funds Will Master Sweep Coachhght (V-Haul Company, loc ) CHAIN LINK - VINYL ATTRACTIVE GROSSE and much more $119,500 Chimney Sweep Company pamt, clean, or anythmg Every servICe available for 10- GUY DeBOER COlORED.GALVANIZED POINTE PARK COLONIAL 886-5871 885-3733 Excellent conditIOn center en- Call now 882-2470, 885-7692 callntra-Inter state movlllg 88.'H62-1 712 J.H6 COMMERCIAL - HAMPTON-Woods-3 bed- RESIDENTIAL trance, hving room, dmmg @D-LOCKSMI!HS Free esttmates Call East room, family room, 3 bed room ColOnial, 112 bdths, 16-PETS Jefferson MOVIng and PH PENS rooms, modern kItchen, new famIly room, 1 car garage, FOR SALE CHELSEA LOCK CO Storage SNOW FENCE floor, new carpeting gas gnll, assumable, ad- 17012 MACK - G P P 12001 E Jefferson throughout, new roof, fur Justable 9 75% mortgage Bonded locksmiths 823-5621 MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. - 10403..-EI $76.000 881 0095 after 6 pm nace With central air, If you lose me Locks - • Installed. Changed McCALLUM MOVING com- garage opener, very neat Days 881-6845 For appomt- • Repaired ment pany Modern truck and 1020 Yorkshire Appomt- or find me • ReSidential • Commerlcal equipment Estabhshed m ment only. 343-9143 SCHULTZ ESTATES-no\\< • Industrial 1918 - Fully msured Also. BY OWNER Unique three under constructiOn 343.9144 plano speclaltsts 776.7898 FERLITO bedroom Colomal, foyer, Reasonably priced 2 CONSTRUCTION CO. marble Sills, leaded glass. bedroom condos, With 20F-WASHER AND ST CLAIR two natural fireplaces, fireplace, attached garage DRYER REPAIR MOVING CO • All t}pes of cement work * AddItIons breakfast nook, bath and a and pnvate patIOs Startmg Competltlve rates Free * Dnvell>ays * Kilchens half, alarm system, all ap- at $55,000 19 Mile/East of RICHIE'S Appliance service estimates. reliable sen'lce * PallO!> * Garages pliances, two car garage. Garfield 286-2330 Center Service on all major SpeCialiZing In p18nos * BrIck & Block work * Roofmg Shawn Drummey, nicely landscaped corner lot ST CLAm Shores, Immediate apphances 100% guarantee We have a complete Ime of Paul Genter PROFESSION AL BASEMENT WATERPROOFING Chandler Park near Ca- occupancy Land Contract new and used parts 885- 331-0873 WE STOP LEAKS. GUARANTEED dieux Byappomtment 589- $8,000 down, 3 bedroom JOANNA WESTERN 0079 0100 - days $41,500 bnck ranch, garage, flr-Ish- We'll run your ad WINDOW SHADES QUALITY WORK-REASONABLE PRICES CLASSIFIED ADS ASSUMABLE FHA loan - no ed basement, 10 IVhle/I-94 FREE!! 16-PETS AI1\T, SIlL'T'l EI{~.llLI:'Iln quahfymg costs" Grosse 778-8216 FOR SALE CALL 882-6900 KAt Fl\IA:'o:N LI C ~ • Bonded • II'18W1ld 882-6900 CALL US NOW FOR A FREE ESTIMATE POinte Woods, Roslyn Road, 10% DOWN, 10% mterest If mJRM DOORSAND Wf\'OO\\ east of Mack $57,000 purchased "as IS ' Grosse 21A-PIANO balance $698 monthly pay- Pomte Park, Wayburn, 2 QUALITYN"IfS ment, askmg $65,900 3 SERVICE 885-1798 family flats 886-0657 STUD SERVICE TO bedroom brick, modern kit- COMPLETE PIANO service ORA'mp Financing Available chen, finiShed basement and FARMS near "HIli" duplex, 2 APPROVED BITCHeS Tum ng, re bUlldmg re- SALES AND SERVICE bedrooms each Appliances, second floor. 885-3782 AKC REGISTERED flOlshmg Member Plano 15011 KERCHEVAL carpeted, $89,000 293-9070 • BOARDING Techlllcians GUIld Zech EaSI 01 Aile, • '" 1M Park OUTSTANDING 791-1239 CUSTOM BUILT • GROOMING Bossner 731-7707 TU 5-6000 Closed MondOx150 LOT on 10 Mile, west 0 .4; COMPANY, room, 112 baths. marble LIttle Mack III St Clau Society INCORPORATED flreplace. finIshed basement Shores Zones R-l could be .r. rec room, fenced yard, R-2 \~ located In I~ t~ FAST 24 HOUR shade trees, updated Wayne County u:(,' ~~ l.. \, SERVICE carpeting, clean $25,000 WATERFRONT prOperly Isanon proft prvalel, ' +~J,lff ~ ...... 884-9500 5108 Chatsworth near War- 8Ox8oo. lovely \Iooded lot on funded by dOfldllon rvr,Hle society foster ng a ren/Outer Drive 372-2222 Lake St Clair In lIarrl'>on NO DESTROY poliCy has many homeless dogs and 356-8593 TO\l nslup Buy noy. to build ar d cal~ for ad(Jpt or COLVILLE III the spring and be ready to REMODELING? LOVELY 2 bedroom 1''2 bath, The Sheller IS located at 19601 Mt Eillo" near 7 Mile ELECTRIC CO. full basement condo, near enJoy before the summer IS over Land Contract term, Road DetrOit 48234 Phone 892 7822 Hours 11 00 Hange" DI)el~, Sef\IU'''. THINK PRICE. Eastland, nicely decorated. am 10500 pm built-lOS, thermal Windows, Doorbell~ plus new storms and H G Edgar & A,"ocJates ~f sr J~ t, [Hi l'S A WrEK ~ VIOLA TIONS THINK QUALITY. screens, air condItIOned, 886 /)1II0 "i DoQa1 r,ns WP'co'J P Cat rr:: FAST EMEHGENCY patio. carport, only $60,900 I\lJDUB()~ - ReSidential 101 •. f\~' d'1tJ (J°Ll f(,(j co JronC; !J' 'l. SERVICE THINK lETO BLDG. CO. near .Jelferson Lot ~l/e !Irl~)f ,I \/olur Ir[(' arr 774.9110 ;zd I Y. sui, led CHAMBERLAIN 77l.86 y.lth building plans Why wait? Call now. OPEN SUNDAY, 2-.1 1019 a\ alJrlble for a 1 !l<'droom Thank you lor hElping those • HETIRIW MA~l Jo,1t eleclrl Amta $87.500 or best offer ('olonl:ll ~chulte., Heal who can not help themselves' clan Llcelhed \'101<1 I IOn., ADDITIONS • DORMERS Must sell 3 bedroom brick Eslat<> 811\ 86 REC ROOMS • KITCHENS car garage Assumable POInte> CIty lOO'X 120', half 812% Land Contract Call block to lak{' fl&j 1729 S & ,J ELECTRI<' ROOFING AND SIDING after 7, 348 q278 Anti-Cruelty He!1ldentlal ('omnwrcl,lI deal direct With 14-REAL ESTATE , No .lob Too ~milll father & son owned COLONIAL - 2 story home on tl!l;, 2tof'> ~ 1 P1 'f It' \ k Ilc.,ldNltl:l1 • Comrnerll,t1 room, family room and "I/o Joh too ~mall more Muo;t be "een ('all ete \\1(' buy All 1',1"h 10 a m 104 pm DetrOIt (,ri,I,lrI(' propc'ril('''' 881 ')7",1 Town and Country Really ~J) Ii" H r ,qt~ ()f1lurtllt THI~KING OF 113-622-8100 pvrnmg" 111 Immediate clo"lng~ <"all 81164116 Ed ..,tland H(',dty ELECl HICAL 1ll'1I Iil ('n~t'd 6228325 Co 16121 1I.lrpl'f Ale> cod£' I 101,1tlOn~ r< 'Hh'IlII 271-; REMODELING? SIn( {' 1'146 ){(','!lnr t t • "I f (I 11 J..( Ioq j ~ ,,~ 1. r q l(... r\'... [d~' BUYING SWORDS DONT SETTLE FOR GUNS DAGGERS f ,,,r(. l "I, tJ~ (It r 11([', Hl'rr e'J h!'r, ,,,Is 210- TV AND For 28)W1tS, GUARAN 1EED SALE r ";'( .r W : I 1.\<;1,Ollr hom(' Wllh lI" If It RADIO REPAIR SECOND BEST! 774-9651 VOIUlllrf'r ~lf>lp war>led Pf>! lOud dncl car d(){'.,n t "1'11 Otters Specialists In: GROSS,.: POinte Wood., r, I)('d n'l IlIllOlnl tvltomcratt \\1' \!ill! Buy II Idb( I'> W('I(OlYI('(j r or Infol rr,311on call Mary T V In'p \Ill fo AdIIfT.-s • IISTlII rooms, 4' 2 bath.'l d large kit ('.,llm "'1111 {'\I'I\ Joh ne viry Int 1ft: chen, famtly room y.lth fire STIEBER REALTY 891-7188 ~~j(\'('r!.~t O!~-, place. hVlng room. formal ~m«' I IlH 77, 4<)(",1 • ~ SeRle. • h\~ CUS1W II'IQQI dmmg room, first floor I,HJn ( 01.01{ 1 \ II J I I :, II'.H!.II • ~ • Sfrvlc. un.I IllS 15-BUSINESS ....- 20C-CHIMNEY AND Hi'l 1.11.4 -- dry, attaehed 2 car gardg(' 20C-CHIMNEV AND • VIlle .. rour Iwnt",,"t ..... M:I •••• central air, 10 ground QPPORTUNITIES FIREPLACE FIREPLACE \\110'\\\" • ... ,"P•• sprinkler system, a large REPAIR • • "I' LKI ,I, )II.O:I(~)(lfr)l dl'll'] REpAIR (.fl! fJW h rl' ...U1l1 qll Ili!1 In [) 'l\ {l\t'lr htlV basement, near school'i ll86 21C-ELECTRICAL ~ OP( 1l1l'nt of 1))( '\1" 1'1 on nUmer(H,'l I"HTIi: I..,, tltlVIJ ..,,,I(~\16t1 ~JI} 10 ,10 nl,)fP 3613 SERVICE .. rilln.. ..._ lief of D(lrnll il22 R120 !11M' ,,"0 f>l 1 Bnck bungalow 1 h('d 16-PETS Ihf'lr , h !r1rlln , tJ np d('cornt )', 10.1.10,( '1 HI< 1\1. Fltl':!': I II g,,, hom,,". mix ('(I~TRA('T() It hathl>, dlst)wa"hpr, grlrolgl' l'd IHIPPI('~7 Y.( ('k, old $67 'ilx) 811280')7 or 0,41 18q1 fill! H2~ IIgh, ..,t ~uahty I.mH ....' ------~- Pfl('f"l, F rl'f' (....tlm.llI.'> CONDO 2 IK'kfOi "hol., \I nrm('d, nN«J RooO lf711 71\2'\ Bob hom(''i R21 0165

J. I .. , " II. -

Thursday, July 5, 1984 Page Elght-e GROSSE POINTE NEWS 216::CEMENT AND 210-CEMENT AND 21Q-PL.ASTER 21F-HOME 21Q=.AOORNG 21..f-PAINTING. 214-PAJNTING. 21K-WINDOW BRICK Y. i)RK BRICK WORK WORK IMPROVEMENT SERVICE DECORAllNG DECORATING WASHING PLASTERING Ancf Drywall RAtr MAIr'\'TENANCE MIKE.S PAINTING D WINDOW CLEANING CO A.L. STREMERSCH TeSTA CEMENT St.A TE - TILE MICHAELS Interior, exterior, v..aUpaper- Storms and screens, alumi- repairs Texturmg and stuc. • Pamtmg CEMENT CONTRACTOR Ing. mmor repairs, patctung, num and gutters cleaned CO., INC. co Inllure • Mmor Electrical pnces m the Pomtes Patl~. PLASTERING and Drywall • Mmor Plumbmg EXPERIENCE Intenor-Exterlor Sen'lce erences Call an) bIOI" Euro- 773.Q525 m -13"29 Dll\ e\\ a)~. g.ll dge tlOOI:' :-\ell Squll e:, 7570772 After 6 p In 882-7.322 pean 777-8081 Brlck"ork patios pol ches • Refimshlng Pamttng A.oK ~INDOW CLEAr'\ERS Ballemenl Walerproofmg PAUIEH PL-\.STEHI"IG and antlqwng and varnishing . LIC::11l560 11\8 • Cl~OIng A. F. WITTSTOCK Service on strorns and screens Steps dl \ II all 20 year~ experience, strlppmg and Slal/ung SPARTAN CO. Free E~tJl11.1te~ • Home Impro\'ement & Also domestIC house clean. Tuck POlntmg 1\'0 Job too small Free Complete Kitchen reflmshmg INTERIOR/EXTERIOR Mamtenance MINOR HOME Illg Free estimates Mon- :'\0 job too small 881.1016 e:>tlll1dte~ rea<;onable All • Interlor, Exterior tree Estimates - 885-3230 PAINTIl'G SPECIALIST REPAIRS thly rales 775-1690 or "Tl3 Free Esllmates \\ ork II arranteed 792 2736 • Semor Cllllen Discount \\ e Will beat \,our lowest rea- roofmg, gutters, bnck \\ ork, GIOVANNI SACCO 9839 SPECIALIZING IN CAPIZZO CONST. I:-':SURED 881-5999 chimneys, all carpentr~ DECORATING SERVICE sonable bid by 10%, 15% 21R-FURNITURE SeDlor CItizen rate G OLMIN Pamtlng wallpapermg slam. WI!'\DOW CLEA ~I~G DRIVEWAYS AND QL -\.LlTl \\ O!{K REPAIR HADLEY HOME 294-6202 Gl'TTERS mg \\dllpaper remO\al, pat SER\ ICE :\11 1\ pc:, Of Ccn,ent. Bllch PLl'MBI\G/ELECTRICAL BASEMENT BOB ~ LPHOL~1 EHY - 25% IMPROVEMENT PYRAMID ROOFING chmg, caulkmg Insured and FREE ESTIMATES Block \\or\.. l,al.H(l',IL'I' hcensed DRYWALL WATERPROOFING ed & Se: Do\\ n On '\ e\\ Ha t oft ,llredd\ 10\\ pllce, Locdl INC_ Re-roofmg, tear-hed re- Addltlons Porches esllmates Llcem.ed and In carpet cleamng, upholstery AttlCI Ree Rooms sured \\e \\ III beat ann.on The Best Paperhanger GROSSE POINTE cleamng, 2nd GeneratIOn ~1ASO~ CO"lTRACTOR REA & SON p:lIl eo ,tnpped an) t~pe of \Iummum Sldmg/Trim tractors pnce 8819173 m~n 527-8105 Free Estimate LlCE,SED I~Sl'RED l,wlng Free esllmates PAINTER'S INC. cO,\,',fRU TIO\ I\C GlJtters IDo" n Spouts BECAVSE ALL I DO IS Gutter c1eanmg. hard 'Wood Brick. Block. Stone ~7~ 8ft') 1 or 345 62')8 Pallltmg - 1I1tenor-exterlor, ALL TYPE~ OF Storm Wmdo"s/Doors ROOFS and DECKS HAl'\G P-\PER' floors paste \\ axed • Cement \\ ork EXPERT -\"ITlQl'E repairs. paper changing and panel • Waterproofmg CE'\IE:\ T \\ URK Roofmg Shmgles 'Hot Tar GUTTERS and 15 Years m the bus mess reflll1~hlng I e-gluemg By .. I ...... ('~~ ...n ...... ~ "... l' ~ _ ,., " I' _ ..... I, nl'f l='rPP ,.:w;::hm Rtp..c;; "...hPflT- • ~l"'~ PA~...... ,rH''( ~"'lr",op,,= 'l\lndprrH7 ~tl()n ...... ------..... "" ",Tl\JnC"\w "Ip",nme ('om- "",rl JJV" .,,, .. v\.,, 1" v ....,... """'....., ....u I.V" Jv ....." _. pany Storms, scree-ns. gut- J 011\ :->CllIlll ;J~1 l~ll "~G~t;~~"c1~~;~i-- Gutters cleaned and Flushed ProfessIOnal EstImate fuli~ given Licensed and • Pat;o's -o-f~D\ k7nd LI~en:>cd and In~ul ed Insured ters, alummUtn cleaned In- 0\ el .~o'\ edrs E1I.penence Fences/Repall'S of all kmds ~e" and Repair Work 497-5766 PORCHES AND ALL BRICK ~TRlPPI~G Llcenst"d and Insured Licensed and Insured 882-9'1..34 sured Free EstImates \\ ORK A SPECI;\L TY 372-7191 772-7191 HEFl:'> ISHI,G 886-0520 ADVANCE MAINTEl'\ANCE PAINTI~G, ....all \\ashmg, 882-0688 882-1800 REUPIIOLSTERI,\G 17319 East Warren PAINTING Elmer T LaBacbe 882-2064 REPAIRS MODERNIZATION COLLEGE BRICK WORK Small Jobs FOHEST \T!O~ 884-9512 Exterior tuck pomtlllg chlmpe) pOl M.T CHARGOT INTERIOR A~D exterior WiNDOW CLEANERS R.A. CODDENS Fl H'IIITl'RE RILEY & DUFFY CONST and pallltmg and paperhangmg ches \ IOlatlOns rep:nrcd InterlOr Guaranteed service. 10"" est CEMENT SERVICE BUILDING CO. Senlcmg All Your Reasonable rates, 30 ~ears pnces around For free Redsonable 886 5i65 18101 \l'\E \lILE HD PERSO,\-\LLY DESIG:--lED Roofmg Needs STRICTLi expenence Ray BarflO\l,'Sky, CONTRACTOR PROFESSIOr'\AL estimates JACK \'; ILLI.\;,\lS nb 53-11 * Kitchens - Attics Speclallng In Roof Repair 372-2392after 6 pm 824-3546 Family Busmess for 60 years * Basements - Porches LICENSED INSURED 15 Years Experience GE:"oIERAL CO-":TRACTOR 21S-CARPENTER Free Eshmates GROSSE POINTE fireman • Ne" and repair \\ ork * Bathrooms - Rec Rooms Call after 6 30 PAINTERS COI\CRETE & BRICK WORK Call Ron Hill Will do ....mdow washmg • No job too small SERVICE Outdoor deck environments 885-5189 331-1716 SERVED EUROPEAN • DRIVE\\ AYS • PORCHES 821-2984 • Drlve"ays and porches • PATIOS. STEPS. ETC Cl'STOM CRAFTED 497-5766 APPRENTICESHIP our speCialty FR-\ '"\K B \\lLLIA!\!S LI ROOFING AND repairs Alu- 885~0602 * Cabmets - Formica Intenor.Extenor Spec-.allZlng 21L-TILE • Patios censed bUIlder Speclallzmg Wood\\orkmg-trlm y,ork mmum tnm. sldmg, and * m repainng damaged plas. WORK • Chimneys In home up datmg and all * Replacements WIndows gutters Bob, Dale Isham ter, dry.wall and cracks, 21P-WATERPROOFING mmor and maJOl repaIrs 526-Q666 B&D • Waterproofmg * InterIOr - ExterIOr Doors peehng pamt, wmdow putty- CERAMIC TILE - New and • \'lOlatlOns repaired Porch enclosures, doors ad- FULLY LICENSED AND JACK WILLIAMS PAINTING Ing and caulkmg, wallpaper. remodelIng Free estunates CALL ANYTIME justed book~helves 1I1stall- INSURED EXPERT REPAIRS mg All work and matenal Licensed Very reasonable, WATERPROOFING ed paneling new counter GEI'\'ERAL HOME REPAIR GUTIERS • INTERIOR guaranteed Reasonable m-3293 (Tony) 886-5565 tops. \ amtles Code \ 10Ia Free EstImates - 882-a42 Semor Cll1zens discount and WALL REPAIR tlOn, corrected For cour- CERAMIC TILE - New and ROOFING • EXTERIOR Grosse Pomte references • PROPER l\1ETHODS OF tpou~ e\pert assistance m • Attics & Porch Enclosures remodehng Baths, kitchens TESOLIN BROS SMALL JOBS Free Estimates Call John WATER PROOFIl\G O\LY • AddltlOns and Kitchens • WALLPAPER and fovers, shower pans ImprO\ mg ~our home many anytIme, 776-9439 CEMENT CONT . BuCKLED BASEl\IE:'-lT area Please call me at • Commercial Bwldings 774-9651 repaIred Call Rick at * REMOVAL Dnve ....avs. basement and WALLS REPAIRED 8810790 JIM SUTION PROFESSIONAL gutter ser. YERKEY & SONS 521-3434 STRAIGHTENED AND garage floors. rat" ails ALTERA 1'I0NS - :-'loderDi 11m Brys Dnve vice SIdIng and trim, roof EQUAL TO THE BEST, BRACED TU 4-2942 TV 2-2436 WE SPECIALIZE - ExterIOr 21N-ASPHAL T footmgs. patios. ralsm€! zatlOn, all bUlldmg needs repairs R~sonable Reli- BUT COST LESS garages Free eslJmates * :-10 INJURY TO LA\\I\S able I do my own work pamtmg WORK rough to hmsh m aIllrades MODERNIZATION BRENT 882-6594 Zi years expenence. 44" Years In Busmess AND SHRUBS LICENSED & INSURED AL'S ASPHALT DunellSlonal BwldLng Co, KIt- R &: R PAINTING 777-0642or 777-6263 * ALL TYPES OF cO!': GUY DE BOER DU PONT PAINTS PAVING COMPANY CRETE AI\D BRICK chens, Baths, Basements, JOHN WILLIAMS STUDENT WITH 6 LICENSED Pavmg, sealcoatthg and ex. AddItions Llcenst"d, m- 885-5813 YEARS EXPERIENCE USED MIKE GEISER REPAIR cavatlon Resldenhal and 15 YEARS EXPERIEi\CE 885-4624 772-3446 4176_ EXTERIOR-INTERIOR ~sonable Call evenings * ALL ROOF LEAKS commerCial Guranteed CEMENT IN POI'\'TES ProfeSSIOnal at very 891-5896 871-1449 I quahty workmanship at K BUILDING CO. Residential &I Commercial reasonable prices Grosse CONTRACTOR * ALL WORK Gl' -\RA \ ALBERT D. THOMAS PAINTER .\lltypes of pam. TEED (WRITTE:\ FREE DC KELLY BUILDIl'G shmgles & Flat roofs Pomte references Free ~sonable rates WATERPROOFING 11\- tmg Prefer custom work ESTI!\lA 1'ES) INC. • Quality Remodelmg LIcensed-Gutters, $2 ft estimates Robbm Rod- STATE LICENSED AND stalled C E G. Roofing ProfessIOnal, reliable, and INSURED REFERENCES DRIVE\\AYS, PATIOS, ...' • Anderson Replacement dev"lg 881-7518. 885-0602 CO\ TRACTORS. I~C Windows &. Doors 757.7232 ~sonable WIth decorators 281-0626 291.3589 WALKS, STEPS touch Free estImates Ron TUCK POINTING If no ans\\ er call after l 00 \\ e circ general contractors • Additions of all types WHITEY'S C & J ASPHALT One catl tdkes Cdre of all • Custom Garages JOHN D. SIMON 775-6909 NO JOB TOO SMALL CHARLES F JEFFREY 778-1ll28-773-6986 PaVIng Inc your bulldmg-remodellng • Wall Papenng PAINTING - College seruor Commercial parkmg lots, FREE ESTIMATES 882-1800 882-3463 Roofmg, Caulkmg. • Interior Pamhng problem~. large or small mtenor/extenor Excellent repaIr, sealcoatmg and • BASEMENT Waterprooflng LICENSED Ir INSURED Weatherstrippmg, Repairs • Reasonable Pnces 881-6000 service at reasonable price stnppmg ReSidential • L;nderpln footmgs TU 2-0628 LICENSED-INSURED • Good Work 21G=ROORNG References Call Brad 885 driveways O\\ner/Super • Cracked or ca\ ed In \\ ollis • Call - no Job too small 5862 vISOr Free estlmates GRAZIO • 10 year guarantee QUALI1 Y Carpentry and For- SERVICE CASHAN ROOFING mlla \\ orl-, ne\\ or refaced, 774-0414 STEVE'S PAINTING CALL Al\'YTIME Licensed In:,ul ed CONSTRUCTION CommerCial Resldenllal B.T. HOT ROOFS Interior & Exterior 773-8087 Commerclal- ResidentIal MELIN'S Pamhng - mterlor, Pat.chJ.n& Ir plastenng • Cement dr1\'e noors patIOs Store fixtures displays also WHOLESALE, INC .. Year-round servICe MIKE GEISER counters. kitchens, vamtles, e:xtenw, pat.cbing, plasrer- W~WU\dow PENDOLlNO'S • Old garages raISed and ! 29181 CALAHAN • I 61'ingles aJ1ll..Repail''S ..,, stbcco \larmshing, win. 'Puttymg Caulkmg ASPH.AL T SEA1..COA1'tNG rene'Wed CEMENT CONT. rec rooms hang doors Ait Work Guaranteed (12 Mde - GroesbeQc area I dOW' glazmg and caulking, Good Work - Free Estimates Resldentlal driveways Free • l\;ew garage doors and repairs and finish \\ork 16 Insured 886-3245 , SpeCialiZing In Waterproofmg Custom Gutters Run To YOur wallpaper Free estimates ~sonable Pnces estimates Get r~dy for fall reframmg and OutSide Clt) \'lOlatlOlls ledrs e'\penence Free estl Length WhIle You Walt 21H-CARPET reasonable price call an~- Semor Citizens 10% Off 881-2477 886-5870 • New garages built Free E~lImatcs mdtes \'Ito Sapienza 774- 1 WHOLESALE - RETAIL CLEANING hme Melln 759-5099 Call Steve anytime Family operated since 1962 8933 REYNOLDS VINYL 881-6000 21O-CEMEHT AND LIcensed and Insured POJ~TE CAHPENTRY-Spe- • & ALUMINUM SmU,G FRA:'-lZ UPHOLSTERY COMPLETE PAINTING 365-5635 BR1CKWORK cwllles mclude rec rooms, DELIVERY AVAILABLE CLEANING AND DECORATING 774-3020 772.1771 AMERICA!\' Wolter - Proof decks additIOns, kitchens, June Special INTERIOR - EXTERIOR ~e\'en ~ear guarantee 772~124 EXTERIOR.INTERIOR JACK WILLlAI\1S 109 Couch,$20 Wallpapenng - Reasonable HAROLD Free e~llmates Licensed commerCial \\ ork, free PAINTING GENERAL CONTRACTOR e'illmates BB21255 ROOF GUTIERS Chair, $10 REFERENCES Contractor Dlggmg done b), Best references, cabmet slam CHAUVIN CONCRETE & BRICK WORK Mlrumum $30 per call RALPH ROTH lId6-8248 hand Call 372 4927 FOR 'IICA ~peclahst Kitchen CLEANED Von SChrader dry foam mg. plastermg. fast service, CEMENT CONTRACTOR • DRIVEWAYS. PORCHES COLLEGE student, expenenc- dnd bath. custom cabmets method - 24 hours service hcensed. free estllnlites, ALL TYPE OF • PATIOS. STEPS. ETC Flushed and roofs Inspected ed pa1l\ter, 7 years 10 the lleabonJble Call anytime C E G Pamtmg 757-7232 CEMENT WORK 885-0602 J.W. KLEINER Free estlmates Call Franz SChroer 526-8576 Grosse Pomte area In. Licensed 772-4176 882-4968 • Walks • Dnves • Porches D & L MASON Contractors - Basement Waterproofmg K-CARPET terlor/exterior, free GROSSE POINTE CAHPEl\ 1 ER - small and • Patl'>S • Waterproofmg brIck and block, fireplace All Work guaranteed GU'ITERS A!IoTI downspouts estimales Pat Sullivan I,ll ge Jobs 32 yedrb ex CLEANING CONTRACTORS • ?re-<:ast Steps L1CE,,',ED cl~ned and flushed 771. 885-8OlKI and repair 774-9032 penence Free estimates COMPANY CUSTOM PAlr'\'TING AND • Tuck Pomtmg 8348 • Chimney RepaIr TU 2-0717 Llcen~ed ;)21-6656 CARPET BUCHANAN & CO. WALLPAPERING CALANDRA HADLEY HOME SPECIALISTS EXPERT ANTIQUING • No Job too small GROSSE POINTERS Free Estimates CONSTRUCTION R.L. STREMERSCH 21T-PLUMBING AND IMPROVEMENT • St~m ExtractIOn SERVING THE POINTES 885-8155 779-8427 886-0899 • Garage ralsmg & frammg HEATING • Shampoo SINCE urn 22 Years Experience BASE~IENT INC. • Spot and Stam Removal FREE ESTIMATES • Cement dn\ e\\ a) s • Wall paper and removal - Llcensed- \VATERPROOFI:-\G COMPLETE • Upholste1")' Cleamng INSl:RED • Porches truck pomtlng • Pamtmg (mt and Ext l \\aib Repaired ROOFING SERVICE MIchael Satmary Jr Quality 111 material and at affordable prices • Slamlng and varnishing PORCHES, PATIOS-Ne~ or Straightened FRANK R. COMMERCIAL & "orkmanshlp RESIDE~'TIAL 882-0688 • Plaster repair II\'TERIORS rebUIlt, tuck pOlnlmg. Replaced BY DON & LYl'N replacement, caulkmg, Licensed & Insured -\11 \\ ork Guaranteed WEIR Tear-{)ff PROFESSIOSAL CARPET • future cellmgs and walls .Husband-Wlfe Team pamt sealer With HI-TEX. 8847139 Reshlngle and Upholstery cleaning at LICENSED INSlTRED JOSEPH PLU\1BI'\Cr HEATI;-.JG, Hot Tar *Wallpapenng chunney repam; and rebwlt SE\\ ER'> \ '\D DRAI"\S reasonable rates using the 886-4374 .Pamtmg Basement waterproofmg, 468-7069 CAPIZZO CONST Roll Roofing Von SChrader melt'ad Call BOILEH ~PEUALISTS Vents 'Metlculous over 33 years expenence Tom Barrese Donald McEachern, B <\SD.! E'\T Gutters WOOD REFINISHING •Insured RYAN \\ ;\TERPHOOFI\G SP[{I'\KLF~R ImPAIRS 839-5155 'Over 20 Years Experience 526-5646 RepaIrs STRIP STAIN VARNISH CONSTRUCTION DO,E HIGHT Licensed and Insured SHORES IDE Carpet Clean- Duplicate EXlstmg Fmlsh Or 527-5560 10n:AH GUAR \ \;TEl': Ing. profeSSIOnal carpet J.W. KLEINER Cement and Block \\ ork 885-7711 886-0520 Colors to Match Dn\es PatIOS - Floors LICE'\SED [\,;LRED cleamng Work guaranteed CEMEl\'T CO!\TRACTOR 181KERC HE\ AL. FARM~ Kitchen cablnets, bathroom WALLPAPER Sea ....ails Decks Full)' Insured Free Estl. CEMENT - BRICK - STONE TONY 885.0612 ~In(e 1925 vamtles rec-famlly room Garage bUilt or raised KLlth DdDle!son mates Call 775-3450, 24 REMOVAL Patios. 'Walks porches PAQUIN panehng, doors, trim and Free Estimates ProfeSSIOnal Llu''l,ed 'lastcr Plumber hours moldmgs BY JEFF steps drlve"ajs R R CODDENS Work. Licensed and Insured \11 Plumbing Hepalr,> ,ew ROOFING SPECIAL Licensed Insured Flagstone repair ESTABU,>HED l424 References Free Estimates • The First and Orlgmal Tuck pomtmg. patchmg 778-427~ 459.1694 fixture, \'1ater Heater~. • Full Time not Part Time All t~pes of ba"('lnent \\ dter DhPO'dh \'1OIdtlOn5 SPECIALISTS IN 2 ROOMS cleaned. 3rd room PRESTIGE PAI:-ITIl'G CO Asphalt patchmg and seahng Ai\D"! ~ ~IA"'O'"\RY '\ \D proofmg 7 !l'dr~ gUdrantee cle-aned FREE DA\-ID ROLEWICZ • 16 Years Expenenc~ ( Or! pc [t'r] e.,e\\ er5 and FLU ROOFS SPECIALIZING IN CHI:\f:,E'\ ImPAIR Reference'" 118U i161 Dr.lln' Eletlrl(dll\ (leaned 29&-7386 778 ;;(l25 • I.. TERIOR pamtmg. wdllpa- 109 mterlOr and exteroor FREE ESTIMATES turk poJntmg and small jOlli, WORK DAN ROEMER SHAMPOO & sleam extrac- LICENSED Llcen~cd Insured penng. carpentry and re- 77~5235 775.2927 ~LPUU()H PL \ WE IU ....(, tIOn spot & stam removal Reasonable Free E"il1mateo. PLUMBING pair Experienced reason- TU 2-0717 A\D PAI\T[\Cr ()\IPA,\ Y fre-eesllmates 1000estprices 881 -Os{) ') 882 3006 1 I( r,\"ED a ble Insu red Seaver s. PETER'S PAINTING Cement Stucco Hl'pdlr In the POintes 882-0000 THOME Con~tructlOn All ce- \1 \e.,n.H I'LL \!HEH Intenor-extenor ProfessIOnal H I!.'l ['\"il HED 773-0525 777-1329 ment work done 11;0 Job too PJd,>tenng and dn\\dIIIPpall RAI1\BOW Pamtmg Intenor palllter \\ allpapenng plas Intenor and exterior pdlnl DALE Barr Carpel Cleamng. small Guaranteed 882-583/3 772-2614 and exterior \\ ork termg wmdow puttymg and mg CrUdrdllteed \\ork In upholster. cleamng. "mdow caulkmg Free ellllmates guaranteed 20 vears ex- BRICK slone. block concrete. ~ured Call Tom fl81 (,'N1 TONY c1eamng 2nd Generation penence Mike 773-5834,Don Call 365-2452anyllme bnck patIOS chImneys fire 5Zi -8105 Fn.--e Estimates 755-9225 PAINTING - mte1"lor~tenor places DeSender 822 1201, QCALITY PJa~ler,l'g trd(k~ -flH \ld ,lei Plllmfwr Gutter \leamng hard\\ ood 'l\mdO\\ glazmg, caulkmg If no answer call e\emngs eliminated TailfJrf.rj rp '>0111,1 ".mil noon. paste waxed YOL;l\G S pairs 10 \(>dr" (,ro~~p \0 1<,iJ t[,O • rna Il \e\\ aD( PAINTI:'\G SERv ICE gutters repaIred Quallt> LOOK - 30 ~ears e),perlence 21 N-ASPHAl. T POITlI~' rl fpl enu" } rl'l rej)dlr" '1OI.lllon- Quallt~ Pamtlng .Ie 'hallpaper- preparatlOn makes the Job 2',", 1181 steam ()eamng carpet and last Paul 253 2453 WORK e~t\lnate, .hm Bldtk\\ I II lIlg Plaster & Dr~ ....a II 821 7011 If nl, an,\\ pr 2(!1 furmture By 'WIlbur, Doug Repair R~ferences, Free BOB DUBE and Glenn Carter Call 77B I~TERIOR Exterior, by U.M ()(M Estimates Insured student 5 y~rs expenence PI t \iL[,\(, ..nd HEATI\1G 16l1O SET-RIGHT Call anytime \\ Ilh profes~lOnal Jeff PL \:"> I lJl 21P- WATERPROOFING put~ more onto }Our "all~ InterIOr IExterIOr tenor "all \\,ashmg and bf>st mate • Ba'oemcill v,atl rproofmg & for less Free estimate Paperhangmg domestIc c1eamng Free nal' Jel • Brick &- Block \\ ork '>H'.1 H (Lt.\'\I,\(. 7i2272fJ Glazmg ~ r/<)(jflmshmg, e~tlmates Call Thorn (,08t 727 Y: HI .i'"I' lhll' Hdlp, r or All 40 Year<; ExperIence Qt ALln \\OHK PAI ....TI'\G and ....dllpapermg 8817210 Asphall -/ r - \llk( Potl('r Llc Free E!>lImates GOOD PHil EC, FERLITO <',1'.2 1 ),1'. quallt~ \\,ork rea!>onallle Call f:\emngs ar.dpdlthmgcr 1.I' \ \ 21J-WALL C{ ~T()~l BLILT CO'\~TRl CT!OJ\. ( () rates free ~tlO'\.a~ Bot> ( I'lir 5hores Ti1 !l687 IIoork \ DeCKARD 881-7323 or Bob l!82-{)817 WASHING (;J\H \Gf<:!o> Profp,wJnJ.] <;a11~fa('llon }\\D ADDITIO\e, \\ at<::rproofmg PLUMBING co. GROS<;~: pulNn: fIreman guaranll'ed iirc- Llcpmed. Bond(>d.l n~ur('d \Vc !>top !.edk.., • 11.1Ihro(,fIJ, HI nH){j('led ....ill do 'Wall washmg 821 F~ • \ 1(,ldtll)!I' (Ilrr(>(tl'd FR}O:!'~F:WPVIAn,"i (,l \HA\TJo,ED 2984 Esllmatell ';\11 '!\f)(' of In,I,llldtlon, , K ~fAI\;TJ-. \A '\0: Comp.tny Flf't' I:~llmath ,nr! IV l)dlr~ • r 11'1 (, ml,jl('~ \\,ilil \\'a~hmg noorcleanmg PETER BAR"E~ 885.1798 • \ II V, 'Ir\.. (,liard nl l'{Od and 'WaxlTl@Free estlmates l>,!N.,1r.H LI( 1i\c,tJH~:n 885.9296 FINANCI1\G A\" f\lLABLE 885.1798 882-0688 I ':>'fI'. V .., Bi'.-,..()4()f Thursday, July 5, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS

THE GROSSE POINTE NEWS MAY -BE PURCHASED ~ FROM THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: (Stores are hsted by streets and from Detroit on through the Grosse MAC'S 01 ... 111111A.'lrtlllnclnformallon CITY OF MICHIGAN Pointes, Harper Woods and St. Clair Shores ) SPRING CLEAN~UP PhOM: 112-6900 O)rollsr pointt Jral1lUl Acid,...: 99 K.rch .. ol, Pointe 48236 DOWNTOWN: Complete yard work, lawn NOTICE OF HEARINGS shrub and tree trimming' Office HOUri: Rell-Cen, Calumet Tobacco and Gift Shop, mam level, etc Reasonable rates, Qual: ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS near 100Tower Ity service Call Tom, il6 Mon. 8.5; Tues. 8.1~; Wed. 9-5 4429 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Zoning Board 01 A"p'p-l.s WIll ReII-Cen, 500Tobacco shop, tower 500 or 882-0195 Thurs. and Fri. 8-5 meet in the City Hall at 90 Kerby Road, GrosSe Pointe Farms. Ml 011: Dead.h, •• :- Monday, JUlr 23, 1984 JEFFERSON AVE: HOWARDS Cancellations and changes, Mon 2 pm TREE SERVICE at 8:00 p.m. to hear the appeal 0 Dr. N.B. Chari, owner ~ !be Park Pharmacy, Nottmgham and Jefferson N.w copy only, Tuesday noon premises located at 4.26 Colonial Court, from the denial of the ~ Village Wine Shop, Beaconsfield and JeCferson • tree removal Error corrections, Mon. noon De~rtment Issue a Permit for the construction of a family room • stump removal to MAUMEE: • trlmmmg Rotes: residence located at the foregoing address. Such pennit issuanee was • toppmg Cosh. or *pre-poy. 12 words _ $320 denied for reason that: Bon Secours Hospital, Cadieux and Maumee, gift shop • cablmg Each additional word ______.20 a) The residence located on the foregomg premises IS non cpnf%ma- Schettler Drugs, Fisher and Maumee • storm aamage 109 tor reaSlifJ that it projects mto the Side yard space In via - Fully m~ured, free estimates Blllmg rate for 12 words $395 tion of the prOVISIOnsof ArtICle II, Sectlon 201 50 and of Article X1.11, KERCHEVAL AVE.: 758-6949 Retail rate per Inch $500 Section 1300of the City's ZOmng Ordinance, and In accordance With Art's Party Store, Wayburn and Kercheval ARE YOU paymg too much Border adv per Inch $6.00 prOVISIOnsof Arbcle XV, Section 1502, Item 4-A of the City's Zomng Revco Drugs, "In The Village" for landscapmg? Tired of m. Ordmance, no such structure many be enlarged or structurally Notre Dame Pharmacy, Notre Dame and Kercheval expenenced, unreliable Clollified Di.ploy.Photo Advertising: altered unless a variance is granted Grosse Pomte Book Village, on Kercheval, between kids? Call us, we speclahze $6 50 per column inch, ad must be a b) The proposed addition would infringe upon the reqUired rear yard Notre Dame and Cadieux m minimum of 2 columns wide and 3 inches of 22 feet, and thereby requlflng a variance from ~e prOVISIOnsof GROSSE POINTE NEWS, 99 Kercheval • Lawn mamtenance deep. Deadline noon Monday prior to Article XIII, Section 1300 of the City's ZOmng Ordmance Perry Drugs on the HIli • Tree & Shrub Thursday publicatIon. $8.00 extra charge The Hearmg will be public, interested property owners and residents 'l'rfHI "'~t"""~ry (\n tl>(>l-!,11 • Fe-rt!1'2flhnn,& u,~ ~{'!" fvr ph~:v r,.:prod\...~tio~. 01 the l,lty are mvlt~ ~o IHh:m.i. Cottage Hospital Gift Shop, MUir and Kercheval • Soddmg & lawn repair Muliers Mkt between Beaconsfield &: Lakepomte SENIOR DISCOUNTS CORRECTIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS ResponSibility for LOW RATES!!! a claSSified odv error IS Ilm.ted to either a cancellation RICHARD G. SOLAK CHARLEVOIX: of the chorge for or 0 re-run of the portIOn In error. City Clerk & Secretary GUARDIAN YOUTHS NollflC:otlan must be given In time for COrrection '" the Zonmg Board of Appeals Lou's Party Store, Lakepomte and CharleVOIx LANDSCAPING followmg Issue We assume no responSibility for the some Licensed 776.2321 MACK AVE.: error after the first ,"sertlon. NOTICE OF ADJOURNMENT CLASSIFYING & CENSORSHIP. We reserve the right to OF PUBLIC HEARING 'Devonshire Drug, Devonshire and Mack SOD claSSify each ad under Its appropriate heading. The Pub- Yorksture Market, Yorkshire and Mack lisher reserves the right to edit or (eJect copy submitted ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Parities Party Store, St Clair and Mack REMOVAL & for publication Alger Party Store, St Clan and Mack REPLACEMENT Rand's Pharmacy, McMillan and Mack PRE.PAID - All service advertlsmg, Wa~ted to Rent, Notice IS hereby given that the Public Hearing for Mrs Maria Bauer Arbor Drugs, 7 Mlle and Mack GO WITH #1 Wonted ta Shore and Situalion Wonted must be pre-pold of 118 Muir Road, has been adjourned to Monday, July 23, 1984at 8: 00 St John Hospital, Moross near Mack, Gift Shop and The 20 YEARS p.m. Nook • EXPERIENCE Merit Woods Pharmacy. Boumemouth and Mack G.P.N.7/5/84 Harkness Pharmacy, Lochmoor and Mack POINTER FOR Hollywood Pharmacy, Hollywood and Mack LANDSCAPING CLASSIFIED ADS • Me C's Deh, Ridgemont and Mack 885-8448 CALL 882-6900 Bob's Drug Store, Roslyn and Mack EAST WARREN AVE.: REASONABLE TREE STUMP REMOVAL The WllIe Basket, Outer Drive and E. Warren Mi. C's, Grayton and E Warren SERVICE. CALL 7/Eleven, East Warren between Cadieux and Balduck DOMINIC Park 882~5204 Mr C's Deli, Morang &: Kelly TRIMMING, removal, spray- EAST DETROIT: ing, feeding and stump re- moval Free Estimates Merit Book Center, 22425Kelly near 9 Mile Road Complete tree service Call Fleming Tree service, 774- ST. CLAIR SHORES: 6460 Collie Drugs, Harper and Chalon (81,.2 Mile) LANDSCAPE Manor Pharmacy, Greater Mack and Red Maple Lane GARDENING The Book Store, on Mack, south of 9 Mile Perry Drugs, off Marter and Jefferson DesIgn, constructIOn, planting, Lake Pharmacy. E 9 Mile between Mack and Jefferson PRUNING, mamtenance, Grosse Pointe Resident. Perry Drugs, Shores Shopping Center, 13 Mile and INSURED Harper ROBERT NEVEUX 884'{)536 Shores Canteen on Jefferson, near 13 Mde New Honzon Book Shop, Little Mack and 13Mile o LANDSCAPING HARPER WOODS: COMPANY Parkcrest Party Store, Parkcrest and Harper • Sprmg Clean.Up • Cuttmg Hunter Pharmacy, Country Club and Harper • Hedge Trlmmmg Kaycee Drugs, Bournemouth and Harper • Edgmg The Tinder Box, Eastland Shopping Center, Aisle 7 Lowest PTlces Around • Free Estlmates • 777-1329 21T-PLUMBING nZ:O:L'ANoscmm::: AND HEATING "JAMES" SOD EMIL THE LAWN SERVICE PLUMBER GREEN THUMB SPECIAr.IZING IN • Sprmg Clean-Up Average Lawn $275And Up • Kitchens • Bathrooms • Weekly Lawn Cuttmg Weekly Lawn Care • Sodding • La~ room and vlOlatlom Lawn Customers Will Get 839-7033 365-7129 • 01 and new work. Free Estimates Same Good Job As James Bill, Master Plumber Tree Service & Firewood SAM F'ERRAN'f1 (Son of Emil) Customer LANDSCAPING 882-0029 Will Beat Any Lawn mamtenance, sod work, commercial, residential LEAKY TOILETS and faucets Estimate by 10% FREE ESTIMATES 881-1250 repaired, smk cleaning 791-4338 725-4598 Work limited to above only WHITE SNOW REMOVAL LANDSCAPING, Deslgmng Llcensed master plumber • Roto Tllhng and ConstructIOn Reslden. 884.2824 • Lawn Cu!tmg tlal, Commercial Tree acd Shrubs 5355 North Gratiot 21 W-DRESSMAKING • Top Soil AND TA'LOR'NG • Fertlllzmg "SEAVER'S LANDSCA~. • Edgmg ING" lawn malntenance- SEAMSTRESS - dolls, wed. • Power Rakmg clean-ups, power rakmg, dmgs, alteratIOns, family, • Decorative Stone bed preparation. fertlhzIDl! The Grosse Pointe News Classifiedsl dressmakmg, home decor • Estabhshed 1976 prumng Expenenced, rea- Experienced, references, • Licensed & Insured sonable 882-0000 creative 881-8645 • Free estimates LAWN CARE, cut, edge, trim, The Best Place To Advertise! SMALL Alterations Rush JObs 777~ satisfactIOn guaranteed, 12 a specialty Quality work WOODLAND HILLS years experience Father. Grosse Pomte Park ~ son team 886-4965 From Personals, To Articles, To Cars, To I 2206 GROUNDS MAI"''''ENANCE TIRED OF Your fit? Excellent _ s~~~g ~~~~~PING COMPLETE landscaping, alterations and sewmg - Fower rakmg lawn care, gardeTllng, hedge Services! I Before 5 p m call 886 1524 - Lawn cuttmg tnmmlng Early morning or - Ferllhzmg evemngs Call 824-6083,ask 21X-DRAPERIES - Shrubbery trimming, for John CUSTOM DRAPERIES _ IlruDlng Quality work reasonable = =~~ga~~d~~:~:tmg JOHN'S SHRUB Tnmmmg - prices Wide selectIOns of - Plantmg flowers, trees, and bed deSIgns, free The Grosse Pointe News Classifieds fabncs Discounts on rods, shrubs and all other garden estimates, reasonable shades, shutters, and bhnds work done Before 5 pm, 882~749 Hildegard, 88+2610,978-2691 Residential and I commercial Have It All! CUSTOM Draperies - by Insured and Licensed LANDSCAPE Maria Free estimates. free CALL TOM TOGGER DESIGN in~tallatlon Reasonable After 6 p m ~7 I • Landscape Print They're Helpful, Fun, Inexpensive, 977.2472 MAC'S TREE AND • Low maIntenance .l':i~ • Flower beds constructed CALL SONYA for too auahtv SHRuB TRIMMING • Shade trees planted And Easy To Place! drapery and curtall'lS - any I COMPLETE WORK • Sod removal. replaced style 15 years expeTience ReaSflilre BOB SCHOMER .. D1811no.,ls and cavity TREE SERVICE treatmf'nt .. Bush and hf IIhapmg RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Tree Stralghtenmg and * Nursery Care • TREE REMOVAL • CABLI:-.IG &: PRUNING • STUMP REMOVAL • STORM DAMAGE .. SPECI AL OYFE R .. I • TREE TOPPING • LAND ('Ll':.o\RING Now throufPI Spnnc 1984 get • TRIMMING • SNOW REMOVAL free decorative nurlCry chlpa With each wQrk • 24 HOUR EMJo:RGENCY WORK order Keeps weeds • FREE ESTIMATES conlrolled-a Me value' 2000 ALLARD Free Eatunatel 811-1521 GROSSE POINTE WOODS m-4876 n3-4369 Page Ten-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 5. 1984-. ~


DALGLEISH 1984COMPANYrAR SALE Cadillac ·PeU~t SAVE UP TO $350000 MICHIGAN'S LARGEST CADILLAC Complete selection and choice of colors AND PEUGEOT DEALER I • HORIZONS • LASERS • TURISMOS • LeBARONS • REUANTS • 5TH AVENUES • NEW YORKERS All have full faC10ryeqUipment Including air con- "Euro~ 's Orrglnol dit,oning piUS the balance of the factory 5-50 Fine Car" warranty COME IN TODAY FOR BEST SELECTION -WE'RI: OPEN UNTIL' P.M. TONIGHT NEW • USED • LEASE All cars are sJbJeet to prior sale can Your Grosse Pointe Neighbor Open t.4onday lWld Ttx.lrsday 'tll 9 00 P m LOU BOUKIS •• 875-0300 or 875-2272 6161 Woodward • Detroit 3 BLOCKS S. OF G.M. BUILDING

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