HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES—Wednesday, November 15, 2006

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HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES—Wednesday, November 15, 2006 22020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 152, Pt. 17 November 15, 2006 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES—Wednesday, November 15, 2006 The House met at 10 a.m. with insurgent and terrorist enemies. WHY THANKSGIVING DAY? Chaplain Scott Crosley, 101st Air- They worked to train Iraqi army and (Mr. POE asked and was given per- borne Division, Fort Campbell, Ken- police units, and they continued the mission to address the House for 1 tucky, offered the following prayer: work of building Iraqi civil society to minute.) Dear Lord, today we pray for produc- offer a better future to the next gen- Mr. POE. Mr. Speaker, in 1621, the tivity, for purpose and for passion. We eration of Iraqis. Pilgrims held a 3-day festival giving ask, Lord, for Your encouragement for Chaplain Crosley came to the Army thanks to the Lord for a bountiful har- those who need it, for Your direction late in life, moving his family from his vest. They celebrated with the Indians, for those who need it, and for Your dis- native California and heeding a call to who had also suffered through a pre- cernment for those who need it. tend to the spiritual and emotional viously hard winter. This feast would Your word promises that ‘‘he who needs of soldiers at war. become the birth of our national holi- stands firm to the end will be saved.’’ In this time of deployment, his ef- day of Thanksgiving. Today, I pray for the leaders in this forts helped soldiers deal with the President Franklin Delano Roosevelt room, that You, Lord, would help them stress of combat, separation from their made the fourth Thursday of November to stand firm in You. Help their de- loved ones and, above all, the loss of the official Thanksgiving day, which pendence to be upon You and their per- nine brother warriors in action. we celebrate Thursday next. For the suasion to reflect You. first 150 years, Thanksgiving was cele- Mr. Speaker, we thank Chaplain As it reads in Ephesians, chapter 3: ‘‘I brated whenever the Colonists believed Crosley and the soldiers of the 101st pray that out of His glorious riches He it was necessary to do so. President Airborne for their great service to our may strengthen you with power George Washington stated in the first great Nation. through His spirit in your inner being.’’ Thanksgiving proclamation authorized It is in His name that I pray by Congress in 1789: ‘‘It is the duty of Rakkasan and Amen. f all nations to acknowledge the provi- dence of Almighty God, to be grateful f END THE WAR IN IRAQ for His benefits and to request His pro- THE JOURNAL tection and favor. I recommend to the (Mr. KUCINICH asked and was given people of the United States a day of The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- permission to address the House for 1 public Thanksgiving and prayer to ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- minute and to revise and extend his re- show the many favors of the Almighty ceedings and announces to the House marks.) his approval thereof. and especially the opportunity for this Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, one form of government.’’ Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- week ago, the American people sent a nal stands approved. So as this Nation, Mr. Speaker, message to this Congress; that message seems to move toward a secular coun- f had to do with Iraq. Were the American try, we would do well to remember the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE people asking us to send more troops? purpose of Thanksgiving and the words No, they want the troops to come of the Good Book, which says: ‘‘Unless The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman home. Were they looking to expand the the Lord watches over the city, those from Texas (Mr. POE) come forward and war? No, they want to end the war. that guard the walls do so in vain.’’ lead the House in the Pledge of Alle- There is only one way to end this And that’s just the way it is. giance. war: cut off funds. The White House Mr. POE led the Pledge of Allegiance f doesn’t believe Congress will exercise as follows: DEMOCRATS DESIRE TO BETTER this power. That is why the President SECURE THE HOMELAND I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the is determined to stay in Iraq through United States of America, and to the Repub- the end of his term. He may have let go (Mr. MORAN of Virginia asked and lic for which it stands, one nation under God, was given permission to address the indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. of Rumsfeld, but he is not going to let go of the war. The President is trapped, House for 1 minute.) f Mr. MORAN of Virginia. Mr. Speak- trapped by lies, fabricated intelligence, er, no issue that Congress deals with is WELCOMING CHAPLAIN SCOTT pretensions to empire, desire for oil more important than our national se- CROSLEY and prophetic illusions. curity. As Democrats prepare to take (Mrs. BLACKBURN asked and was The truth shall set the President and control of the Congress this January, given permission to address the House the Congress free; the truth that it was we are ready to move forward with an for 1 minute. wrong to go into Iraq. It is wrong to agenda that I believe will better secure Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, stay there. It is time to bring our our homeland and help us finally to re- please join me in thanking Chaplain troops home. It is time to get the world store our credibility abroad. Scott Crosley of the 101st Airborne Di- community involved in a transition to Today our Nation is actually less vision (Air Assault) for delivering to- help secure the Iraqi people. The truth safe than it was before the 9/11 ter- day’s opening prayer. Chaplain Crosley is we broke Iraq, but we can’t fix it by rorist attacks. According to our most serves as the battalion chaplain for the staying. We can fix it only by admit- professional experienced intelligence First Battalion 187th Infantry Regi- ting we were wrong and paying for re- analysts, the number of terrorists at- ment, the ‘‘Leader Rakkasans.’’ construction financially but not with tacks and recruits are up worldwide. These soldiers only recently returned the lives of our brave troops. Many of our enemies are stronger. to Fort Campbell from Iraq. While they It is time to cut off the funds; time Their reach is greater. Their weapons were deployed in Iraq, I had the oppor- to end the war against Iraq; time to of mass destruction are more devel- tunity to visit them at forward-oper- bring our troops home; time for a new oped, plentiful and available. ating base Summerall. The Leader energy policy; time to reconnect with Democrats have an agenda for real Rakkasans engaged in close combat the world; time for hope, not fear. security at home and overseas. It is b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 14:44 May 19, 2017 Jkt 049102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR15NO06.DAT BR15NO06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD November 15, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 152, Pt. 17 22021 time that we require the Iraqis to take one in the Nation who works hard Hill and the White House. They want responsibility for their country, and to should be denied a livable wage. In checks and balances, but more than begin the phased redeployment of U.S. fact, over 70 percent of Latinos work at anything, they want us to work to- forces out of Iraq. At the same time, minimum wage to support their chil- gether to address the concerns they we Democrats believe that we need to dren. face every day. double the size of Special Forces to de- These are hardworking Americans, The agenda that Democrats laid out stroy Osama bin Laden and terrorists and they deserve better treatment and over the last year is an agenda that all networks like al-Qaeda, we need to re- fairness. Now the American people of us here in Washington should be able build a state-of-the-art military capa- have spoken and call for immediate ac- to support. If you want to help millions ble of projecting power wherever nec- tion to raise the minimum wage. With- of hardworking Americans who have essary. That is an agenda that will bet- in the first 100 hours of the Congress, not received a pay raise in 9 years, you ter protect our Nation and is worthy of Democrats will pass a pay increase for will join us in increasing the minimum strong bipartisan support. those workers who need it the most. It raise in January. If you want to help f is only fair. How can we as a Nation more teenagers get a college education, justify giving millionaires tens of you will join us in making it more af- THE THREAT OF IRAN thousands of dollars in tax breaks fordable by cutting interest rates in (Ms. FOXX asked and was given per- while we continue to force more than 6 half on college loans. mission to address the House for 1 million Americans to live with just This is the agenda that the American minute.) $5.15 an hour? people supported last week when they Ms.
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